path: root/SrcShared/DebugMgr.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'SrcShared/DebugMgr.cpp')
1 files changed, 2098 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcShared/DebugMgr.cpp b/SrcShared/DebugMgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b74db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcShared/DebugMgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2098 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*- */
+/* ===================================================================== *\
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Palm OS Emulator.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+\* ===================================================================== */
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#pragma mark ===== Includes
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "EmCommon.h"
+#include "DebugMgr.h"
+#include "EmCPU68K.h" // gCPU68K
+#include "EmErrCodes.h" // kError_NoError
+#include "EmException.h" // EmExceptionReset
+#include "EmHAL.h" // EmHAL
+#include "EmLowMem.h" // LowMem_SetGlobal, LowMem_GetGlobal
+#include "EmMemory.h" // CEnableFullAccess
+#include "EmPalmFunction.h" // SysTrapIndex, IsSystemTrap
+#include "EmPatchState.h" // EmPatchState::UIInitialized
+#include "EmSession.h" // EmSessionStopper, SuspendByDebugger
+#include "ErrorHandling.h" // ReportUnhandledException
+#include "Logging.h" // gErrLog
+#include "MetaMemory.h" // MetaMemory::MarkInstructionBreak
+#include "Platform.h" // Platform::SendPacket
+#include "ROMStubs.h" // FtrSet, FtrUnregister
+#include "SessionFile.h" // SessionFile
+#include "SLP.h" // SLP::EventCallback
+#include "SocketMessaging.h" // CSocket::Write
+#include "Strings.r.h" // kStr_ values
+#include "SystemPacket.h" // SystemPacket::
+#include "UAE.h" // m68k_areg, m68k_dreg, etc.
+#include "ctype.h" // isspace, isdigit, isxdigit
+#define PRINTF if (!LogHLDebugger ()) ; else LogAppendMsg
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#pragma mark ===== Types
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct NamedConditionType
+ const char* name;
+ compareFun function;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#pragma mark ===== Functions
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static uint32 PrvGetAddressRegister (int num);
+static uint32 PrvGetDataRegister (int num);
+static Bool PrvBPEquals (uint32 a, uint32 b);
+static Bool PrvBPNotEquals (uint32 a, uint32 b);
+static Bool PrvBPGreater (uint32 a, uint32 b);
+static Bool PrvBPGreaterOrEqual (uint32 a, uint32 b);
+static Bool PrvBPLess (uint32 a, uint32 b);
+static Bool PrvBPLessOrEqual (uint32 a, uint32 b);
+static const char* PrvSkipWhite (const char* p);
+static Bool PrvParseDecimal (const char **ps, int *i);
+static Bool PrvParseUnsigned (const char **ps, uint32 *u);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#pragma mark ===== Constants
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define kOpcode_ADD 0x0697 // ADD.L X, (A7)
+#define kOpcode_LINK 0x4E50
+#define kOpcode_RTE 0x4E73
+#define kOpcode_RTD 0x4E74
+#define kOpcode_RTS 0x4E75
+#define kOpcode_JMP 0x4ED0
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#pragma mark ===== Variables
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----- Saved variables -----------------------------------------------------
+DebugGlobalsType gDebuggerGlobals;
+// ----- UnSaved variables ---------------------------------------------------
+static NamedConditionType kConditions[] =
+ {"==", &PrvBPEquals},
+ {"!=", &PrvBPNotEquals},
+ {">", &PrvBPGreater},
+ {">=", &PrvBPGreaterOrEqual},
+ {"<", &PrvBPLess},
+ {"<=", &PrvBPLessOrEqual},
+emuptr gExceptionAddress;
+int gExceptionSize;
+Bool gExceptionForRead;
+// If we're listening for a debugger connection, the first three sockets
+// contain references to those listening entities. As soon as a connection
+// is made, we set gConnectedDebugSocket and NULL out the other three,
+// deleting any listening sockets that are no longer needed.
+static CSocket* gDebuggerSocket1; // TCP socket on user-defined port
+static CSocket* gDebuggerSocket2; // TCP socket on port 2000
+static CSocket* gDebuggerSocket3; // Platform-specific socket
+static CTCPSocket* gConnectedDebugSocket;
+#pragma mark -
+// ===========================================================================
+// ¥ Debug
+// ===========================================================================
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Startup
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Create all the sockets we'll need for the application
+ * and start them listening for clients. Call this once
+ * at application startup.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::Startup (void)
+ Debug::CreateListeningSockets ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Shutdown
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Delete the sockets we use. CSocket::Shutdown would do
+ * this anyway, but it's a good idea to do it here, too,
+ * so as to drop the references in our global variables.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::Shutdown (void)
+ Debug::DeleteListeningSockets ();
+ if (gConnectedDebugSocket)
+ {
+ gConnectedDebugSocket->Close ();
+ delete gConnectedDebugSocket;
+ gConnectedDebugSocket = NULL;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::ConnectedToTCPDebugger
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return whether or not we're connected to a debugger (or
+ * reasonably think so; we don't check for aborted
+ * or broken connections). This function is called during
+ * Palm OS bootup to determine if the 'gdbS' feature needs
+ * to be installed.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if we were connected to a debugger the last time
+ * we checked.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool Debug::ConnectedToTCPDebugger (void)
+ return Debug::GetTCPDebuggerSocket () != NULL;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::GetTCPDebuggerSocket
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return the socket that's connected to the debugger (if
+ * any).
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: The pointer to the CSocket object connected to an
+ * external debugger. Returns NULL if not connected to
+ * a debugger.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+CTCPSocket* Debug::GetTCPDebuggerSocket (void)
+ return gConnectedDebugSocket;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::GetDebuggerSocket
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return the socket that's connected to the debugger (if
+ * any).
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: The pointer to the CSocket object connected to an
+ * external debugger. Returns NULL if not connected to
+ * a debugger.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+CSocket* Debug::GetDebuggerSocket (void)
+ // Get the preferred (TCP) socket.
+ CSocket* s = Debug::GetTCPDebuggerSocket ();
+ // If we don't have one (we're not connected via such a socket),
+ // try the backward-compatible, platform-specific socket.
+ if (s == NULL)
+ s = gDebuggerSocket3;
+ // If we finally have a socket, return it.
+ return s;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Initialize
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard initialization function. Responsible for
+ * initializing this sub-system when a new session is
+ * created. Will be followed by at least one call to
+ * Reset or Load.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ Notes on side-stepping the ROM debugger:
+ The debugger manipulates the following low-memory globals:
+ Byte dbgWasEntered; // set true the first time debugger is entered
+ Byte dbgInDebugger; // true if in debugger
+ Byte dbgTracing; // tracing in debugger
+ Ptr dbgGlobalsP; // pointer to dbgGlobals
+ Ptr dbgSerGlobalsP; // pointer to Debugger Serial globals
+ We set dbgWasEntered and dbgInDebugger in EnterDebugger. We clear
+ dbgInDebugger in ExitDebugger. Both of these values are examined by
+ other parts of the ROM.
+ dbgTracing is set when the ROM debugger needs to single step. It needs
+ to single-step if there are breakpoints in the ROM, or if we need to
+ execute over an installed breakpoint. We have other ways to do these
+ (we can actually install breakpoints into the ROM, and our CPU loop has
+ a mechanism for fetching the opcode that is currently overwritten by
+ a breakpoint), so we never have to set dbgTracing to true.
+ dbgGlobalsP appears to be accessed only by the ROM debugger code. Since
+ we should intercept everything that would cause that code to be accessed,
+ we shouldn't have to do anything with that block.
+ dbgSerGlobalsP is initialized by DbgInit. None of the ROM debugger code
+ looks at it. Only the serial code does.
+ May want to patch the following traps:
+ ConGetS
+ ConPutS
+ sysTrapDbgSrcMessage
+ sysTrapDbgMessage
+ sysTrapDbgGetMessage
+ sysTrapDbgCommSettings
+void Debug::Initialize (void)
+ memset (&gDebuggerGlobals, 0, sizeof (gDebuggerGlobals));
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gSession->AddInstructionBreakHandlers (
+ InstallInstructionBreaks,
+ RemoveInstructionBreaks,
+ HandleInstructionBreak);
+ // Install functions that will cause the CPU loop to exit if we're
+ // connected to an external debugger.
+ EmAssert (gCPU68K);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_BusErr, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_AddressErr, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_IllegalInstr, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_DivideByZero, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Chk, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Privilege, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trace, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_ATrap, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_FTrap, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_AutoVec7, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_SoftBreak, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ // Handspring implements this one.
+// gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap1, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap2, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap3, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap4, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap5, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap6, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap7, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap9, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap10, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap11, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap13, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_Trap14, Debug::BreakIfConnected);
+ // This one's a little different. We want to exit the CPU loop
+ // on a TRAP 8, but we want to do it conditionally. If desired,
+ // HandleTrap8 will cause the CPU loop to exit (leaving the PC just
+ // after the TRAP instruction). Otherwise, it will treat the TRAP
+ // like a NOP.
+ gCPU68K->InstallHookException (kException_HardBreak, Debug::HandleTrap8);
+#if 0 // !!! TBD
+ // Install Debugger Traps into trap table
+ dispatchTableP[ SysTrapIndex (sysTrapDbgSrcMessage) ] = (Ptr)DbgMessage;
+ dispatchTableP[ SysTrapIndex (sysTrapDbgMessage) ] = (Ptr)DbgMessage;
+ dispatchTableP[ SysTrapIndex (sysTrapDbgGetMessage) ] = (Ptr)DbgGetMessage;
+ dispatchTableP[ SysTrapIndex (sysTrapDbgCommSettings) ] = (Ptr)DbgCommSettings;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Reset
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard reset function. Sets the sub-system to a
+ * default state. This occurs not only on a Reset (as
+ * from the menu item), but also when the sub-system
+ * is first initialized (Reset is called after Initialize)
+ * as well as when the system is re-loaded from an
+ * insufficient session file.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::Reset (void)
+ gDebuggerGlobals.firstEntrance = true;
+ // Set flags that we're no longer in the debugger. This is the same
+ // as the last few steps of ExitDebugger.
+ gDebuggerGlobals.excType = 0;
+ EmLowMem_SetGlobal (dbgInDebugger, false);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Save
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard save function. Saves any sub-system state to
+ * the given session file.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::Save (SessionFile& f)
+ const long kCurrentVersion = 1;
+ Chunk chunk;
+ EmStreamChunk s (chunk);
+ s << kCurrentVersion;
+ s << (bool) false; // inDebugger
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.ignoreDbgBreaks;
+ s << (bool) false; // reEntered
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.firstEntrance;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.stepSpy;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.breakingOnATrap;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverATrap;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverBP;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.checkTrapWordOnExit;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.trapWord;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.refNum;
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ s << (emuptr) gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].addr;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].installed;
+ s << (uint16) 0; // gDebuggerGlobals.bpOpcode[ii];
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.bpCondition[ii])
+ {
+ // Save only the source string; we can reconstruct
+ // the rest of the fields from that.
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.bpCondition[ii]->source;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s << "";
+ }
+ }
+ for (ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalTrapBreaks; ++ii)
+ {
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.trapBreak[ii];
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.trapParam[ii];
+ }
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.ssAddr;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.ssValue;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.excType;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.watchEnabled;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.watchAddr;
+ s << gDebuggerGlobals.watchBytes;
+ f.WriteDebugInfo (chunk);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Load
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard load function. Loads any sub-system state
+ * from the given session file.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::Load (SessionFile& f)
+ // Delete any old state.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ Debug::DeleteBreakpointCondition (ii);
+ }
+ // Load the new state.
+ Chunk chunk;
+ if (f.ReadDebugInfo (chunk))
+ {
+ long version;
+ EmStreamChunk s (chunk);
+ bool dummyBool;
+ uint16 dummyShort;
+ s >> version;
+ if (version >= 1)
+ {
+ s >> dummyBool; // inDebugger
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.ignoreDbgBreaks;
+ s >> dummyBool; // reEntered
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.firstEntrance;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.stepSpy;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.breakingOnATrap;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverATrap;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverBP;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.checkTrapWordOnExit;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.trapWord;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.refNum;
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ emuptr temp;
+ s >> temp; gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].addr = (MemPtr) temp;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].installed;
+ s >> dummyShort; // gDebuggerGlobals.bpOpcode[ii];
+ string source;
+ s >> source;
+ if (source.size () > 0)
+ {
+ BreakpointCondition* bc = NewBreakpointCondition (source.c_str ());
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bpCondition[ii] = bc;
+ }
+ }
+ for (ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalTrapBreaks; ++ii)
+ {
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.trapBreak[ii];
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.trapParam[ii];
+ }
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.ssAddr;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.ssValue;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.excType;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.watchEnabled;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.watchAddr;
+ s >> gDebuggerGlobals.watchBytes;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f.SetCanReload (false);
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::Dispose
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard dispose function. Completely release any
+ * resources acquired or allocated in Initialize and/or
+ * Load.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::Dispose (void)
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ Debug::DeleteBreakpointCondition (ii);
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::HandleNewPacket
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Completely handle a packet sent from an external
+ * debugger, setting any state and sending a reply if
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: slp - a reference to a SerialLink Protocol object that
+ * contains the packet information and the horse...uh,
+ * socket it rode in on.
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ErrCode Debug::HandleNewPacket (SLP& slp)
+ ErrCode result = kError_NoError;
+ PRINTF ("Entering Debug::HandleNewPacket.");
+ const EmProxySlkPktHeaderType& header = slp.Header ();
+ const EmProxySysPktBodyType& body = slp.Body ();
+// const EmProxySlkPktFooterType& footer = slp.Footer ();
+ EmAssert ((header.dest == slkSocketDebugger) || (header.dest == slkSocketConsole));
+ // If the packet is for the debugger socket, then we pretty much need
+ // to have the CPU stopped. If not, when the PalmDebugger user executes
+ // "g", the restored registers may not be what the machine expects.
+ //
+ // As a courtesy, we stop the CPU if we get a "state" packet. That way,
+ // the user can enter the debugger by typing "att" in the PalmDebugger and
+ // doesn't have to fuss with shortcut-.1.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, we ignore the packet.
+ if (header.dest == slkSocketDebugger)
+ {
+ EmSuspendState state = gSession->GetSuspendState ();
+ if (!state.fCounters.fSuspendByDebugger)
+ {
+ if (body.command == sysPktStateCmd)
+ {
+ // This will send the state packet as well as set our
+ // "in the debugger" state.
+ result = Debug::EnterDebugger (kException_SoftBreak, &slp);
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ PRINTF ("Packet is for the debugger, we're not in debug mode, and the packet is not a state command; leaving Debug::HandleNewPacket.");
+ // This packet is for the debugger socket, we're not in the
+ // debugger, and the packet is not a "state" command, so just
+ // ignore this request.
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ CEnableFullAccess munge; // Remove blocks on memory access.
+ // Goose the ROM, so it doesn't go to sleep while we're exchanging packets.
+ // Do this by hand; we can't call ROM functions as subroutines while in
+ // the debugger (we don't know what state the ROM is in).
+ // EvtResetAutoOffTimer ();
+ EmLowMem_SetGlobal (sysAutoOffEvtTicks, EmLowMem_GetGlobal (hwrCurTicks));
+ switch (body.command)
+ {
+ case sysPktStateCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::SendState (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktReadMemCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::ReadMem (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktWriteMemCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::WriteMem (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktSingleStepCmd:
+ // I don't think there's anything to do here. I think that
+ // single-stepping is performed by the debugger setting the
+ // trace bit in the SR and sending a sysPktContinueCmd.
+ PRINTF (" Not supported in this release.");
+ break;
+ case sysPktGetRtnNameCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::SendRoutineName (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktReadRegsCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::ReadRegs (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktWriteRegsCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::WriteRegs (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktContinueCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::Continue (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktRPCCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::RPC (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktGetBreakpointsCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::GetBreakpoints (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktSetBreakpointsCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::SetBreakpoints (slp);
+ break;
+// case sysPktRemoteUIUpdCmd:
+// // Sent TO debugger; never received FROM debugger.
+// break;
+// case sysPktRemoteEvtCmd:
+// // Sent TO debugger; never received FROM debugger.
+// break;
+ case sysPktDbgBreakToggleCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::ToggleBreak (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktFlashCmd:
+ // Not supported in this release.
+ PRINTF (" Not supported in this release.");
+ break;
+ case sysPktCommCmd:
+ // Not supported in this release.
+ PRINTF (" Not supported in this release.");
+ break;
+ case sysPktGetTrapBreaksCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::GetTrapBreaks (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktSetTrapBreaksCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::SetTrapBreaks (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktGremlinsCmd:
+ // Not supported in this release.
+ PRINTF (" Not supported in this release.");
+ break;
+ case sysPktFindCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::Find (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktGetTrapConditionsCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::GetTrapConditions (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktSetTrapConditionsCmd:
+ result = SystemPacket::SetTrapConditions (slp);
+ break;
+ case sysPktChecksumCmd:
+ // Not supported in this release.
+ PRINTF (" Not supported in this release.");
+ break;
+ case sysPktExecFlashCmd:
+ // Not supported in this release.
+ PRINTF (" Not supported in this release.");
+ break;
+ case sysPktRemoteMsgCmd:
+ // Nothing for us to do. With a serial link,
+ // these are sent to clear the input port.
+ PRINTF (" Should not be *receiving these!");
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case 0xFF:
+ {
+ // This is a special comand only for Poser
+ char fn[256];
+ strcpy (fn, (char*) &body.data[14]);
+ EmFileRefList fileList;
+ fileList.push_back (fn);
+ ::LoadPalmFileList (fileList);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Exit:
+ PRINTF ("Exiting Debug::HandleNewPacket.");
+ return result;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::BreakIfConnected
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Handle the given exception. If we're connected to a
+ * debugger, we want to let it handle it, so change the CPU
+ * state and return TRUE (to say that we handled the
+ * execption). Otherwise return false to perform default
+ * handling (which means handing it off to the emulated ROM).
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool Debug::BreakIfConnected (ExceptionNumber exceptionNumber)
+ // Dump any logged information to a file.
+ LogDump ();
+ // If we're in the middle of calling a Palm OS subroutine, we're in
+ // really bad shape. Throw an exception that will eventually hard
+ // reset the device.
+ //
+ // We can be nested for three reasons: the UI thread is making a
+ // Palm OS call, the the UI thread is handling an RPC packet, or
+ // the CPU thread is making a Palm OS call (probably as part of
+ // a trap patch). Let's examine these three cases.
+ //
+ // 1. The UI thread is making the Palm OS call.
+ //
+ // TBD
+ //
+ // 2. The UI thread is handling an RPC packet.
+ //
+ // In this case, the EmException object is thrown past the following:
+ //
+ // Function Action
+ // ------------------------- -----------------------------------
+ // Debug::BreakIfConnected Throws the exception
+ // EmCPU68K::HandleException -
+ // <<<Exception generator>>> -
+ // EmCPU68K::Execute -
+ // EmSession::CallCPU -
+ // EmSession::ExecuteSubroutine Unlock fSharedLock
+ // ATrap::DoCall Add Trap Word and rethrow
+ // SystemPacket::RPC Skips sending of response
+ // RPC::HandleNewPacket / Clear gCurrentPacket
+ // Debug::HandleNewPacket -
+ // SLP::HandleNewPacket Reset the CPU before unstopping
+ // SLP::HandleDataReceived -
+ // SLP::EventCallback -
+ // -- one of the following --
+ // CMMFSocket::HandlePacket Display error message
+ // CTCPSocket::Idle Display error message
+ // CPPCSocket::HandlePacket Record excpetion for display in UI thread.
+ //
+ // 3. The CPU thread is making the Palm OS call.
+ //
+ // In this case, the EmException object is thrown past the following:
+ //
+ // Function Action
+ // ------------------------- -----------------------------------
+ // Debug::BreakIfConnected Throws the exception
+ // EmCPU68K::HandleException -
+ // <<<Exception generator>>> -
+ // EmCPU68K::Execute -
+ // EmSession::CallCPU -
+ // EmSession::ExecuteSubroutine Unlock fSharedLock
+ // ATrap::DoCall Add Trap Word and rethrow
+ // ROMStubs function -
+ // Trap Patch function -
+ // Patches::HandlePatches -
+ // Patches::HandleSystemCall -
+ // EmPalmOS::HandleSystemCall -
+ // -- either --
+ // EmPalmOS::HandleTrap15 -
+ // EmCPU68K::HandleException -
+ // <<<Exception generator>>> -
+ // -- or --
+ // EmPalmOS::HandleJSR_Ind -
+ // cpuemu function -
+ // -- end --
+ // EmCPU68K::Execute -
+ // EmSession::CallCPU -
+ // -- one of the following --
+ // EmSession::ExecuteIncremental Display error message and Reset
+ // EmSession::Run Display error message and Reset
+ if (gSession->IsNested ())
+ {
+ EmExceptionReset e (kResetSoft);
+ e.SetException (exceptionNumber);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ // If we entered due to a breakpoint (TRAP 0), backup the PC.
+ emuptr curpc = m68k_getpc ();
+ if (exceptionNumber == kException_SoftBreak)
+ {
+ m68k_setpc (curpc - 2);
+ }
+ // Try entering the debugger. If that fails, show a dialog,
+ // giving the user Debug or Reset options.
+ uint16 opcode = EmMemGet16 (curpc & ~1); // Protect against odd PC.
+ switch (exceptionNumber)
+ {
+ case kException_BusErr:
+ Errors::ReportErrBusError (gExceptionAddress, gExceptionSize, gExceptionForRead);
+ break;
+ case kException_AddressErr:
+ Errors::ReportErrAddressError (gExceptionAddress, gExceptionSize, gExceptionForRead);
+ break;
+ case kException_IllegalInstr:
+ Errors::ReportErrIllegalInstruction (opcode);
+ break;
+ case kException_DivideByZero:
+ Errors::ReportErrDivideByZero ();
+ break;
+ case kException_Chk:
+ Errors::ReportErrCHKInstruction ();
+ break;
+ case kException_Trap:
+ Errors::ReportErrTRAPVInstruction ();
+ break;
+ case kException_Privilege:
+ Errors::ReportErrPrivilegeViolation (opcode);
+ break;
+ case kException_Trace:
+ Errors::ReportErrTrace ();
+ break;
+ case kException_ATrap:
+ Errors::ReportErrATrap (opcode);
+ break;
+ case kException_FTrap:
+ Errors::ReportErrFTrap (opcode);
+ break;
+ case kException_Trap0:
+ case kException_Trap1:
+ case kException_Trap2:
+ case kException_Trap3:
+ case kException_Trap4:
+ case kException_Trap5:
+ case kException_Trap6:
+ case kException_Trap7:
+ case kException_Trap8:
+ case kException_Trap9:
+ case kException_Trap10:
+ case kException_Trap11:
+ case kException_Trap12:
+ case kException_Trap13:
+ case kException_Trap14:
+ case kException_Trap15:
+ Errors::ReportErrTRAPx (exceptionNumber - kException_Trap0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ EmAssert (false);
+ }
+ // If we got here, the user was allowed to click "Continue" for
+ // some reason. Say we handled the exception and muddle on.
+ return true;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::HandleTrap8
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: The CPU just encountered a TRAP 8, which is what gets
+ * compiled into the developer's code when he "calls" the
+ * DbgBreak or DbgSrcBreak "function". HandleTrap8
+ * determines whether or not this TRAP 8 should be handled
+ * as an exception (in which case we'd enter the debugger)
+ * or should be skipped like a NOP. If "ignoreDbgBreaks" is
+ * true, then merely return TRUE to say that we completely
+ * handled the exception. Otherwise, change the CPU state
+ * to non-running before we return TRUE.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool Debug::HandleTrap8 (ExceptionNumber exceptionNumber)
+ // Don't break on trapbreaks if we're calling the ROM internally.
+ if (gSession->IsNested ())
+ return true;
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.ignoreDbgBreaks)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Debug::BreakIfConnected (exceptionNumber);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::HandleSystemCall
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: An A-Trap is about to be executed. This function is
+ * called to determine if we want to break on this A-Trap.
+ * If there are A-Trap breaks registered with the debugger,
+ * and if the "continueOverATrap" flag is not set (if it were set,
+ * that would mean that we'd just exited the debugger, and
+ * don't need to re-break on the A-Trap that caused us to
+ * enter the debugger), then scan the break table to see if
+ * the A-Trap we're about to execute is one we want to
+ * break on.
+ *
+ * If it is, call Debug::EnterDebugger,
+ * which will cause the CPU to break at the end of this
+ * opcode. Also return TRUE, which tells the normal A-Trap
+ * handler that we completely handled this A-Trap, and that
+ * it doesn't need to do any trap dispatcher stuff. Finally,
+ * back-up the PC so that it points to the A-Trap again so
+ * that when we resume execution we'll start at that A-Trap.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool Debug::HandleSystemCall (const SystemCallContext& context)
+ // Don't break on trapbreaks if we're calling the ROM internally.
+ if (gSession->IsNested ())
+ return false;
+ Bool doBreak = false;
+ if (!gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverATrap && gDebuggerGlobals.breakingOnATrap)
+ {
+ doBreak = Debug::MustBreakOnTrapSystemCall (context.fTrapWord, context.fExtra);
+ // If we're supposed to break here, try entering the debugger.
+ if (doBreak)
+ {
+ // Entering the debugger means trying to send a "state" packet
+ // to the external debugger. Make sure the PC we pass it is correct.
+ emuptr oldPC = m68k_getpc ();
+ m68k_setpc (context.fPC);
+ if (Debug::EnterDebugger (kException_SoftBreak, NULL) == kError_NoError)
+ {
+ // Check again on the way out to see if there's still
+ // a breakpoint at this location. If so, we need to
+ // set *another* flag to make sure we skip over the
+ // breakpoint. Otherwise, we'd just break here over
+ // and over again.
+ gDebuggerGlobals.checkTrapWordOnExit = true;
+ gDebuggerGlobals.trapWord = context.fTrapWord;
+ gDebuggerGlobals.refNum = context.fExtra;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m68k_setpc (oldPC);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the flag telling us to inhibit the ATrapBreak check.
+ gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverATrap = false;
+ return doBreak;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::EnterDebugger
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Put the emulator into "debug mode". This pretty much
+ * consists of setting up a bunch of flags, figuring out
+ * why we entered the debugger, and telling the external
+ * debugger that we've entered debug mode and what the
+ * current CPU state is.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+// Reasons for entering the debugger:
+// Single step:
+// reason == kException_Trace
+// Normal processing.
+// Step spy:
+// reason == kException_Trace
+// Normal processing.
+// User breakpoint (temporary or otherwise):
+// reason == kException_Trap0 + sysDbgBreakpointTrapNum
+// Normal processing.
+// Compiled breakpoint (DbgBreak, DbgSrcBreak):
+// reason == kException_Trap0 + sysDbgTrapNum
+// Ignore if DbgGlobalsType.ignoreDbgBreaks is true.
+// Actually, now we catch this one a little earlier. In
+// Software_ProcessException, we call an installed exception
+// handler that leads to calling Debug::HandleTrap8. That
+// function will return TRUE if ignoreDbgBreaks is true, which
+// will effectively turn the TRAP 8 into a NOP. Otherwise, it
+// returns false, which will lead to EnterDebugger being called
+// to handle the exception.
+// "A-Trap" break:
+// reason == kException_Trace
+// When looking for an A-Trap to break on, the debugger uses
+// a special trap dispatcher. Called on every TRAP F, when it
+// finds a trap to break on, it sets DbgGlobalsType.breakingOnATrap,
+// sets the tracing SR bit, and then calls the original trap
+// dispatcher.
+// Because the trap dispatcher is run in supervisor mode, the
+// tracing bit doesn't do anything until it RTE's.
+// Normal processing.
+// Exception (bus error, address error, etc):
+// reason == exception code
+// Normal processing.
+// The debugger is silently entered if reason == kException_Trace.
+// Otherwise, it displays a message saying what exception occurred.
+ErrCode Debug::EnterDebugger (ExceptionNumber reason, SLP* slp)
+ PRINTF ("Entering Debug::EnterDebugger.");
+ CEnableFullAccess munge; // Remove blocks on memory access.
+ // Save the reason for our entering the debugger.
+ gDebuggerGlobals.excType = (UInt16) (reason * 4);
+ // Turn off sound in case it was on when the debugger was entered.
+ EmHAL::TurnSoundOff ();
+ // Send a state message packet notifying the host that we've entered.
+ // If we can't send the packet (perhaps because there is no external
+ // debugger listening) return false saying that we failed to enter
+ // the debugger. When we return false, we indicate that perhaps the
+ // emulated ROM debugger should take over.
+ //
+ // Concurrency note: in the multi-threaded version of the emulator,
+ // EnterDebugger will be called from one thread (the CPU thread),
+ // while the UI thread will be listening for packets from the
+ // external debugger. When SendState sends the packet from this
+ // thread, the external debugger could receive it and send us back
+ // a message immediately. The question is, is this OK? Are there
+ // problems with the UI thread trying to debug us before the CPU
+ // thread has had a chance to stop itself? Let's see: the UI thread
+ // will receive the message, and start to handle it by telling the
+ // CPU thread to stop. That means that we should have a chance to
+ // clean up (set our flags, remove breakpoints, etc.) and stop before
+ // the UI thread tries to debug us.
+ ErrCode result = kError_NoError;
+ if (!slp)
+ {
+ CSocket* debuggerSocket = Debug::GetDebuggerSocket ();
+ if (debuggerSocket)
+ {
+ SLP newSLP (debuggerSocket);
+ result = SystemPacket::SendState (newSLP);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = 1; // !!! Need a not "connected to debugger" error!
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = SystemPacket::SendState (*slp);
+ }
+ if (result == kError_NoError)
+ {
+ // Flag to the ROM that we're in the debugger. "dbgInDebugger" gets
+ // cleared in ExitDebugger. "dbgWasDebugger" stays set to true.
+ EmLowMem_SetGlobal (dbgWasEntered, true);
+ EmLowMem_SetGlobal (dbgInDebugger, true);
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gSession->ScheduleSuspendException ();
+ PRINTF ("Entered debug mode.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINTF ("Failed to enter debug mode.");
+ }
+ PRINTF ("Exiting Debug::EnterDebugger.");
+ return result;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::ExitDebugger
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ErrCode Debug::ExitDebugger (void)
+ CEnableFullAccess munge; // Remove blocks on memory access.
+ // If we're continuing, but we're on a breakpoint, set a boolean
+ // that causes us to ignore the breakpoint when we hit it.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled == false)
+ continue;
+ emuptr addr = (emuptr) gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].addr;
+ if (!addr)
+ continue;
+ if (addr == m68k_getpc ())
+ gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverBP = true;
+ }
+ // Check to see if we (a) stopped here because of a request
+ // to break on a particular system call and (b) that we're
+ // still requested to break on this call. If so, set a flag
+ // to skip over the next break-on-system-call. Otherwise,
+ // we'd just break at this location over and over again.
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.checkTrapWordOnExit)
+ {
+ gDebuggerGlobals.checkTrapWordOnExit = false;
+ if (MustBreakOnTrapSystemCall (gDebuggerGlobals.trapWord,
+ gDebuggerGlobals.refNum))
+ {
+ // Set the flag that tells this function to not break
+ // the next time it's entered.
+ gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverATrap = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set flags that we're no longer in the debugger.
+ gDebuggerGlobals.excType = 0;
+ EmLowMem_SetGlobal (dbgInDebugger, false);
+ EmSuspendState state = gSession->GetSuspendState ();
+ state.fCounters.fSuspendByDebugger = 0;
+ gSession->SetSuspendState (state);
+ return kError_NoError;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::HandleInstructionBreak
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::HandleInstructionBreak (void)
+ // Don't break on soft breakpoints if we're calling the ROM internally.
+ if (gSession->IsNested ())
+ return;
+ // Don't break on soft breakpoints if we're exiting the debugger.
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverBP)
+ {
+ gDebuggerGlobals.continueOverBP = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ Debug::ConditionalBreak ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::InstallInstructionBreaks
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::InstallInstructionBreaks (void)
+ // Install the breakpoints.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled)
+ {
+ MetaMemory::MarkInstructionBreak ((emuptr) gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].addr);
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::RemoveInstructionBreaks
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::RemoveInstructionBreaks (void)
+ // Remove the breakpoints.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled)
+ {
+ MetaMemory::UnmarkInstructionBreak ((emuptr) gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].addr);
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::NewBreakpointCondition
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Create a new breakpoint condition by parsing the given
+ * source string. Returns NULL on parse error.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+BreakpointCondition* Debug::NewBreakpointCondition (const char* sourceString)
+ const char* source = sourceString;
+ registerFun regType;
+ int regNum;
+ Bool indirect = false;
+ uint32 indirectOffset;
+ int size = 4;
+ compareFun condition;
+ int value;
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ if (!source)
+ return NULL;
+ if (isdigit (*source))
+ {
+ indirect = true;
+ if (!PrvParseUnsigned (&source, &indirectOffset))
+ return NULL;
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ if (*source != '(')
+ return NULL;
+ ++source;
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ }
+ switch (tolower (*source++))
+ {
+ case 'd':
+ regType = PrvGetDataRegister;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ regType = PrvGetAddressRegister;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ if (!PrvParseDecimal (&source, &regNum))
+ return NULL;
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ if (indirect)
+ {
+ if (*source != ')')
+ return NULL;
+ ++source;
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ }
+ if (*source == '.')
+ {
+ ++source;
+ switch (*source)
+ {
+ case 'b': size = 1; break;
+ case 'w': size = 2; break;
+ case 'l': size = 4; break;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+ ++source;
+ source = PrvSkipWhite (source);
+ }
+ condition = NULL;
+ for (NamedConditionType* c = kConditions; c->name; ++c)
+ {
+ if (!strncmp (source, c->name, strlen (c->name)))
+ {
+ condition = c->function;
+ source += strlen (c->name);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!condition)
+ return NULL;
+ if (sscanf (source, "%i", &value) != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ BreakpointCondition* bc = new BreakpointCondition;
+ bc->regType = regType;
+ bc->regNum = regNum;
+ bc->indirect = indirect;
+ bc->indirectOffset = indirectOffset;
+ bc->size = size;
+ bc->condition = condition;
+ bc->value = value;
+ bc->source = _strdup (sourceString);
+ return bc;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::SetBreakpoint
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::SetBreakpoint (int index, emuptr addr, BreakpointCondition* c)
+ Debug::ClearBreakpoint (index);
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gSession->RemoveInstructionBreaks ();
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bp[index].enabled = true;
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bp[index].installed = false;
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bp[index].addr = (MemPtr) addr;
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bpCondition[index] = c;
+ gSession->InstallInstructionBreaks ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::ClearBreakpoint
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::ClearBreakpoint (int index)
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gSession->RemoveInstructionBreaks ();
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bp[index].enabled = false;
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bp[index].addr = NULL;
+ Debug::DeleteBreakpointCondition (index);
+ gSession->InstallInstructionBreaks ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::DeleteBreakpointCondition
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::DeleteBreakpointCondition (int index)
+ BreakpointCondition*& cond = gDebuggerGlobals.bpCondition[index];
+ if (cond)
+ {
+ if (cond->source)
+ {
+ free (cond->source);
+ }
+ delete cond;
+ cond = NULL;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::BreakpointInstalled
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return whether or not any breakpoints are installed.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: TRUE if so.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool Debug::BreakpointInstalled (void)
+ // Install the breakpoints.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::MustBreakOnTrapSystemCall
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Test the given trapWord (and optional refNum) to see
+ * if this is a combination that we expect to break on.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: trapWord - the system function dispatch number (Axxx)
+ * to test.
+ *
+ * refNum - the library reference number to test. This
+ * value is used only if trapWord is in the range for
+ * library function calls.
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if we should break on this combination.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool Debug::MustBreakOnTrapSystemCall (uint16 trapWord, uint16 refNum)
+ Bool doBreak = false;
+ uint16 trapIndex = ::SysTrapIndex (trapWord);
+ // Do different compares for system traps and library traps.
+ if (::IsSystemTrap (trapWord))
+ {
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalTrapBreaks; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (trapIndex == ::SysTrapIndex (gDebuggerGlobals.trapBreak[ii]))
+ {
+ doBreak = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalTrapBreaks; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (trapIndex == ::SysTrapIndex (gDebuggerGlobals.trapBreak[ii]) &&
+ refNum == gDebuggerGlobals.trapParam[ii])
+ {
+ doBreak = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return doBreak;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::DoCheckStepSpy
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::DoCheckStepSpy (emuptr writeAddress, int writeBytes)
+ CEnableFullAccess munge;
+ uint32 newValue = EmMemGet32 (gDebuggerGlobals.ssAddr);
+ if (newValue != gDebuggerGlobals.ssValue)
+ {
+ gSession->ScheduleDeferredError (new EmDeferredErrStepSpy (writeAddress, writeBytes,
+ gDebuggerGlobals.ssAddr, gDebuggerGlobals.ssValue, newValue));
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::DoCheckWatchpoint
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::DoCheckWatchpoint (emuptr writeAddress, int writeBytes)
+ if (writeAddress < gDebuggerGlobals.watchAddr + gDebuggerGlobals.watchBytes &&
+ writeAddress + writeBytes > gDebuggerGlobals.watchAddr)
+ {
+ gSession->ScheduleDeferredError (new EmDeferredErrWatchpoint (writeAddress, writeBytes,
+ gDebuggerGlobals.watchAddr, gDebuggerGlobals.watchBytes));
+ }
+////// breakpoint conditions
+uint32 PrvGetAddressRegister (int num)
+ return m68k_areg (regs, num);
+uint32 PrvGetDataRegister (int num)
+ return m68k_dreg (regs, num);
+Bool PrvBPEquals (uint32 a, uint32 b)
+ return a == b;
+Bool PrvBPNotEquals (uint32 a, uint32 b)
+ return a != b;
+// Comparisons are unsigned for now. Would it be more useful if they were signed?
+Bool PrvBPGreater (uint32 a, uint32 b)
+ return a > b;
+Bool PrvBPGreaterOrEqual (uint32 a, uint32 b)
+ return a >= b;
+Bool PrvBPLess (uint32 a, uint32 b)
+ return a < b;
+Bool PrvBPLessOrEqual (uint32 a, uint32 b)
+ return a <= b;
+const char* PrvSkipWhite (const char* p)
+ while (p && isspace (*p))
+ ++p;
+ return p;
+/* Parse a signed decimal integer */
+Bool PrvParseDecimal (const char **ps, int *i)
+ const char *s = *ps;
+ if (sscanf (s, "%d", i) != 1)
+ return false;
+ while (isdigit (*s))
+ ++s;
+ *ps = s;
+ return true;
+/* Parse an unsigned integer which may be either decimal or hex (e.g. "0xabc")
+ */
+Bool PrvParseUnsigned (const char **ps, uint32 *u)
+ const char *s = *ps;
+ if (sscanf (s, "%li", u) != 1)
+ return false;
+ if (s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')) /* hex */
+ {
+ s += 2;
+ while (isxdigit (*s))
+ ++s;
+ }
+ else /* decimal */
+ {
+ while (isdigit (*s))
+ ++s;
+ }
+ *ps = s;
+ return true;
+Bool BreakpointCondition::Evaluate (void)
+ uint32 r = regType (regNum);
+ if (indirect)
+ {
+ if (size == 4)
+ r = EmMemGet32 (r + indirectOffset);
+ else if (size == 2)
+ r = EmMemGet16 (r + indirectOffset);
+ else if (size == 1)
+ r = EmMemGet8 (r + indirectOffset);
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (size == 2)
+ r = (uint16) r;
+ else if (size == 1)
+ r = (uint8) r;
+ }
+ return condition (r, value);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::ConditionalBreak
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::ConditionalBreak (void)
+ MemPtr bpAddress = (MemPtr) m68k_getpc ();
+ // Loop over the breakpoints to see if we've hit one.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < dbgTotalBreakpoints; ++ii)
+ {
+ // This breakpoint is not enabled, so just skip over it.
+ if (!gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].enabled)
+ continue;
+ // This breakpoint is not for this PC, so just skip over it.
+ if (gDebuggerGlobals.bp[ii].addr != bpAddress)
+ continue;
+ // If there is a condition for this breakpoint but it evaluates
+ // to false, just skip over the breakpoint.
+ BreakpointCondition* bc = gDebuggerGlobals.bpCondition[ii];
+ if (bc && bc->Evaluate () == false)
+ continue;
+ // Clear temporary breakpoint if we hit it.
+ if (bpAddress == gDebuggerGlobals.bp[dbgTempBPIndex].addr)
+ {
+ gDebuggerGlobals.bp[dbgTempBPIndex].enabled = false;
+ }
+ // Break into the debugger. If we can't do that (for instance,
+ // if no debugger is connected), just leave.
+ Debug::EnterDebugger (kException_SoftBreak, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::CreateListeningSockets
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static void PrvFireUpSocket (CSocket*& s)
+ if (s)
+ {
+ if (s->Open () != errNone)
+ {
+ s->Delete();
+ s = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void Debug::CreateListeningSockets (void)
+ Preference<long> portPref (kPrefKeyDebuggerSocketPort);
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket1 == NULL);
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket2 == NULL);
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket3 == NULL);
+ if (*portPref != 0)
+ {
+ gDebuggerSocket1 = new CTCPSocket (&Debug::EventCallback, *portPref);
+ gDebuggerSocket2 = new CTCPSocket (&Debug::EventCallback, 2000);
+ }
+ gDebuggerSocket3 = Platform::CreateDebuggerSocket ();
+ ::PrvFireUpSocket (gDebuggerSocket1);
+ ::PrvFireUpSocket (gDebuggerSocket2);
+ ::PrvFireUpSocket (gDebuggerSocket3);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::DeleteListeningSockets
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::DeleteListeningSockets (void)
+ if (gDebuggerSocket1)
+ {
+ gDebuggerSocket1->Close ();
+ gDebuggerSocket1->Delete();
+ gDebuggerSocket1 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (gDebuggerSocket2)
+ {
+ gDebuggerSocket2->Close ();
+ gDebuggerSocket2->Delete();
+ gDebuggerSocket2 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (gDebuggerSocket3)
+ {
+ gDebuggerSocket3->Close ();
+ gDebuggerSocket3->Delete();
+ gDebuggerSocket3 = NULL;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: Debug::EventCallback
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Callback function for TCP-based debugger-related
+ * sockets. This function takes care of installing and
+ * removing the 'gdbS' Feature (for gdb support), and
+ * forwards debugger packets to the Debug sub-system.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: s - the socket that connected, disconnected, or received
+ * some data.
+ *
+ * event - a code indicating what happened.
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void Debug::EventCallback (CSocket* s, int event)
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ case CSocket::kConnected:
+ {
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket1 == s ||
+ gDebuggerSocket2 == s ||
+ gDebuggerSocket3 == s);
+ EmAssert (gConnectedDebugSocket == NULL);
+ // We've connected on one of the TCP sockets we were listening
+ // on. Delete the other listening sockets so that we don't
+ // connect with it, too. We actually delete the other
+ // Sockets so that we don't accidentally start listening with
+ // them again (our TCPSockets are pretty tenacious when it comes
+ // to auto-starting the listening process).
+ if (s == gDebuggerSocket1)
+ {
+ gConnectedDebugSocket = (CTCPSocket*) gDebuggerSocket1;
+ gDebuggerSocket1 = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (s == gDebuggerSocket2)
+ {
+ gConnectedDebugSocket = (CTCPSocket*) gDebuggerSocket2;
+ gDebuggerSocket2 = NULL;
+ }
+ else // s == gDebuggerSocket3
+ {
+ gDebuggerSocket3 = NULL;
+ }
+ Debug::DeleteListeningSockets ();
+ // If we're listening on a socket, install the 'gdbS' feature. The
+ // existance of this feature causes programs written the the prc tools
+ // to enter the debugger when they're launched.
+ if (EmPatchState::UIInitialized ())
+ {
+ EmSessionStopper stopper (gSession, kStopOnSysCall);
+ if (stopper.Stopped ())
+ {
+ ::FtrSet ('gdbS', 0, 0x12BEEF34);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSocket::kDataReceived:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSocket::kDisconnected:
+ {
+ // Let's start listening for a new debugger connection.
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket1 == NULL);
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket2 == NULL);
+ EmAssert (gDebuggerSocket3 == NULL);
+ EmAssert (gConnectedDebugSocket == s);
+ gConnectedDebugSocket = NULL;
+ s->Delete();
+ Debug::CreateListeningSockets ();
+ if (EmPatchState::UIInitialized ())
+ {
+ EmSessionStopper stopper (gSession, kStopOnSysCall);
+ if (stopper.Stopped ())
+ {
+ ::FtrUnregister ('gdbS', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SLP::EventCallback (s, event);