path: root/Scripting/Python/Poser.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'Scripting/Python/Poser.py')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Scripting/Python/Poser.py b/Scripting/Python/Poser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0febf45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripting/Python/Poser.py
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+# ======================================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+# All rights reserved.
+# ======================================================================================
+# File: Poser.py
+# Author: David Creemer
+# Created: Thu Jul 29 17:05:33 PDT 1999
+""" This module implements a connection to the PalmOS Emulator
+POSER. It provides a socket for client - poser communications, and an
+hierarchy of classes for formatting poser RPC and other SysPackets
+calls. """
+import sys
+import socket
+from struct import pack, unpack
+from string import upper,atoi
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utility functions
+def _memdump( baseaddr, len, data ):
+ """return a string that is a nicely formatted hex and ascii dump of a range of bytes"""
+ base = "Addr=0x%08X " % (baseaddr)
+ base = base + "Len=0x%04X (%d) " % (len, len)
+ for i in range(len):
+ if (i % 8) == 0:
+ base = base + "\n %08X " % (baseaddr + i)
+ base = base + " %02X" % ( ord(data[i]) )
+ return base
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ProtocolException:
+ def __init__( self, msg ):
+ self._message = msg
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Socket:
+ """defines the interface by which an application talks with a running poser"""
+ # packet header signatures
+ _HeaderSignature1 = 0xBEEF
+ _HeaderSignature2 = 0xED
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self._sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
+ self._transid = 1
+ self._src = 1
+ self._type = 0
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # public API
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def connect( self, addr="localhost", port=6414 ):
+ """connect to the running poser at the given host and port"""
+ self._sock.connect( addr, port )
+ def close( self ):
+ """terminate communication with the connected poser"""
+ self._sock.close()
+ def call( self, pkt ):
+ """call the connected poser with the given sysCall packet"""
+ # get the raw packet data
+ pkt._marshal()
+ # prepare the header
+ shdr = pack( ">HBBBBHB", Socket._HeaderSignature1, Socket._HeaderSignature2,
+ pkt._dest, self._src, self._type, len( pkt._data ), self._transid );
+ shdr = shdr + pack( ">B", self._calcHeaderChecksum( shdr ) )
+ # send the packet pieces
+ spkt = shdr + pkt._data + pack( ">H", self._calcFooterChecksum( pkt._data ) )
+ self._sock.send( spkt )
+ # read the header
+ rhdr = self._sock.recv( 10 )
+ ( h1, b1, rsrc, rdest, rtype, rlen, rtid, rhcs ) = unpack( ">HBBBBHBB", rhdr )
+ # read in the body
+ pkt._data = self._sock.recv( rlen )
+ # read in the footer
+ rftr = self._sock.recv( 2 )
+ (rbcs) = unpack( ">H", rftr )
+ # bump the transaction id
+ self._transid = self._transid + 1
+ pkt._unmarshal()
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _calcHeaderChecksum( self, bytes ):
+ """calculate the checksum for the packet header"""
+ cs = 0
+ for c in bytes:
+ cs = cs + ord( c )
+ if ( cs > 255 ):
+ cs = cs - 256
+ return cs
+ def _calcFooterChecksum( self, body ):
+ """calculate the checksum for the packet body"""
+ # TBD
+ return 0
+ def __repr__( self ):
+ return "<poser socket, tid=" + str( self._transid ) + ", sock=" + \
+ str( self._sock ) + ">"
+# Abstract base class for all SysPackets
+class SysPacket:
+ """abstract base class for all poser SysPacket messages"""
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self._data = None
+ self._command = 0x00
+ self._dest = 0
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _marshal( self ):
+ """pack the packet data into a binary stream"""
+ return pack( ">BB", self._command, 0 )
+ def _unmarshal( self ):
+ """pull the packet data from the binary stream"""
+ ( self._command, dummy ) = unpack( ">BB", self._data[0:2] )
+ self._data = self._data[2:]
+ def __repr__( self ):
+ return "cmd=0x%02X" % ( self._command )
+# Memory Reading and Writing SysPackets
+class SysPacketMem( SysPacket ):
+ """ abstract parent class of mem read/write packet classes"""
+ def __init__( self, addr, length ):
+ """instantiate generic memory sys packet"""
+ SysPacket.__init__( self )
+ self._dest = 1
+ self._memAddr = addr
+ self._memLength = length
+ self._memory = None
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # public API
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def getMemory( self ):
+ """return the memory read"""
+ return self._memory
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __repr__( self ):
+ return SysPacket.__repr__( self ) + ", " + _memdump( self._memAddr, self._memLength, self._memory )
+class SysPacketReadMem( SysPacketMem ):
+ """A poser sysPacket which reads PalmOS memory"""
+ def __init__( self, addr, length ):
+ """instantiate read memory packet"""
+ SysPacketMem.__init__( self, addr, length )
+ self._command = 0x01
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _marshal( self ):
+ """marshal the RPC information & parameters into a flat byte stream"""
+ self._data = SysPacket._marshal( self ) + pack( ">LH",
+ self._memAddr,
+ self._memLength )
+ def _unmarshal( self ):
+ """unmarshal the RPC information & parameters from the flat byte stream"""
+ SysPacket._unmarshal( self )
+ self._memory = self._data[0:self._memLength]
+class SysPacketWriteMem( SysPacketMem ):
+ """A poser sysPacket which writes PalmOS memory"""
+ def __init__( self, addr, data, length ):
+ """instantiate write memory"""
+ SysPacketMem.__init__( self, addr, length )
+ self._command = 0x02
+ self._memory = data
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _marshal( self ):
+ """marshal the RPC information & parameters into a flat byte stream"""
+ fmt = ">LH" + str(self._memLength) + "s"
+ self._data = SysPacket._marshal( self ) + pack( fmt,
+ self._memAddr,
+ self._memLength,
+ self._memory )
+# OS Trap RPC SysPackets
+class SysPacketRPC( SysPacket ):
+ """A poser sysPacket which implements a RPC call/respone PalmOS Trap call"""
+ def __init__( self, trap ):
+ """instantiate new RPC call with the trap word to be called"""
+ SysPacket.__init__( self )
+ self._dest = 1
+ self._command = 0x0A
+ self._trap = trap
+ self._params = {}
+ self._paramnames = [] # used to preserver order
+ self._a0 = 0
+ self._d0 = 0
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # public API
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __len__( self ):
+ # return # of params + A0 and D0 registers
+ return len( self._paramnames ) + 2
+ def keys( self ):
+ return self._paramnames + [ 'A0' , 'D0' ]
+ def __setitem__( self, key, param ):
+ if upper( key ) == 'A0':
+ self._a0 = param
+ elif upper( key ) == 'D0':
+ self._d0 = param
+ else:
+ self._params[ key ] = param
+ self._paramnames.insert( 0, key )
+ def __getitem__( self, key ):
+ if upper( key ) == 'A0':
+ return self._a0
+ elif upper( key ) == 'D0':
+ return self._d0
+ else:
+ return self._params[ key ]._getvalue()
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _marshal( self ):
+ """marshal the RPC information & parameters into a flat byte stream"""
+ self._data = SysPacket._marshal( self ) + pack( ">HLLH",
+ self._trap,
+ self._d0,
+ self._a0,
+ len( self._params ) )
+ for pname in self._paramnames:
+ self._data = self._data + self._params[ pname ]._data
+ def _unmarshal( self ):
+ """unmarshal the RPC information & parameters from the flat byte stream"""
+ SysPacket._unmarshal( self )
+ ( self._trap, self._d0, self._a0, pcount ) = unpack( ">HLLH", self._data[0:12] )
+ self._data = self._data[12:]
+ if pcount != len( self._paramnames ):
+ raise ProtocolException, "Unexpected number of return parameters"
+ for i in range( pcount ):
+ pname = self._paramnames[i]
+ ( dummy, size ) = unpack( ">BB", self._data[0:2] )
+ self._params[ pname ]._data = self._data[0:size+2]
+ self._data = self._data[size+2:]
+ self._params[ pname ]._unmarshal()
+ def __repr__( self ):
+ base = "<sysPacketRPC, " + SysPacket.__repr__( self )
+ base = base + ", trap=0x%04X, " % ( self._trap )
+ base = base + "a0=0x%08X, " % (self._a0)
+ base = base + "d0=0x%08X(%d), " % (self._d0, self._d0)
+ base = base + "Params("
+ for pname in self._paramnames:
+ base = base + " " + pname + "=" + str( self._params[ pname ] )
+ return base + " ) >"
+class SysPacketRPC2( SysPacketRPC ):
+ def __init__( self, trap ):
+ """instantiate a new RPC2 call with the trap word to be called"""
+ SysPacketRPC.__init__( self, trap )
+ self._dest = 14
+ self._command = 0x70
+ self._registers = {} # for A0,A1...,D0,D1...
+ self._exception = 0
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # register list. order is important: don't change it
+ _reglist = [ 'D7','D6','D5','D4','D3','D2','D1','D0','A7','A6','A5','A4','A3','A2','A1','A0' ]
+ _reglistrev = [ 'A0','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7' ]
+ def _isRegister( self, key ):
+ return upper( key ) in SysPacketRPC2._reglist
+ def _makeRegMask( self ):
+ mask = 0
+ for r in SysPacketRPC2._reglist:
+ mask = mask << 1
+ if self._registers.has_key( r ):
+ mask = mask | 1
+ return mask
+ def __setitem__( self, key, param ):
+ if self._isRegister( key ):
+ self._registers[ upper( key ) ] = param
+ else:
+ self._params[ key ] = param
+ self._paramnames.insert( 0, key )
+ def __getitem__( self, key ):
+ if upper( key ) == 'A0':
+ return self._a0
+ elif upper( key ) == 'D0':
+ return self._d0
+ elif self._isRegister( key ):
+ # this may throw an exception. That's ok.
+ return self._registers[ upper( key ) ]
+ elif upper( key ) == 'exception':
+ return self._exception
+ else:
+ return self._params[ key ]._getvalue()
+ def _marshal( self ):
+ """marshal the RPC information & parameters into a flat byte stream"""
+ self._data = SysPacket._marshal( self ) + pack( ">HLLHH",
+ self._trap,
+ self._d0,
+ self._a0,
+ self._exception,
+ self._makeRegMask() )
+ # add registers
+ for r in self._registers.keys():
+ self._data = self._data + pack( ">L", self._registers[ r ] )
+ # add parameters
+ self._data = self._data + pack( ">H", len( self._params ) )
+ for pname in self._paramnames:
+ self._data = self._data + self._params[ pname ]._data
+ def _unmarshal( self ):
+ """unmarshal the RPC information & parameters from the flat byte stream"""
+ SysPacket._unmarshal( self )
+ ( self._trap, self._d0, self._a0, self._exception, regmask ) = unpack( ">HLLHH",
+ self._data[0:14] )
+ self._data = self._data[14:]
+ # extract the registers ( if any )
+ for r in SysPacketRPC2._reglistrev:
+ # if the mask bit is set
+ if regmask & 0x0001:
+ # extract register value & trim unmarshalled data
+ ( self._registers[ r ], ) = unpack( ">L", self._data )
+ self._data = self._data[4:]
+ # go onto next bit in mask
+ regmask = regmask >> 1
+ # extract parameter count
+ ( pcount, ) = unpack( ">H", self._data[0:2] )
+ self._data = self._data[2:]
+ # extract paramters
+ if pcount != len( self._paramnames ):
+ raise ProtocolException, "Unexpected number of return parameters"
+ for i in range( pcount ):
+ pname = self._paramnames[i]
+ ( dummy, size ) = unpack( ">BB", self._data[0:2] )
+ self._params[ pname ]._data = self._data[0:size+2]
+ self._data = self._data[size+2:]
+ self._params[ pname ]._unmarshal()
+ def __repr__( self ):
+ base = "<sysPacketRPC2, " + SysPacket.__repr__( self )
+ base = base + ", trap=0x%04X, " % ( self._trap )
+ base = base + "a0=0x%08X, " % (self._a0)
+ base = base + "d0=0x%08X(%d), " % (self._d0, self._d0)
+ base = base + "exception=0x%04X, " % (self._exception)
+ base = base + "registers=" + str(self._registers)
+ base = base + "Params("
+ for pname in self._paramnames:
+ base = base + " " + pname + "=" + str( self._params[ pname ] )
+ return base + " ) >"
+class RPCParam:
+ """a parameter to a poser SysPacketRPC(2) call"""
+ def __init__( self, byref, type, value ):
+ """instantiate new RPC parameter of a given type and value"""
+ self._type = type
+ self._value = value
+ if byref:
+ self._byref = 1
+ else:
+ self._byref = 0
+ self._data = None
+ self._calcSize()
+ self._marshal()
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # implementation methods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _getvalue( self ):
+ """return the value of the param as received from the wire"""
+ self._unmarshal()
+ return self._value
+ def _calcSize( self ):
+ """calculate the size of the parameter based on its type"""
+ t = upper( self._type[ -1 ] )
+ if t == 'B':
+ self._size = 1
+ elif t == 'H':
+ self._size = 2
+ elif t == 'L':
+ self._size = 4
+ elif t == 'S':
+ # string with specified size ('32s')
+ self._size = atoi( self._type[:-1] )
+ def _marshal( self ):
+ """flatten the RPC param into a binary stream"""
+ self._data = pack( ">BB" + self._type,
+ self._byref, self._size, self._value )
+ def _unmarshal( self ):
+ """pull the RPC param data from the binary stream"""
+ ( self._byref, self._size ) = unpack( ">BB", self._data[0:2] )
+ ( self._value, ) = unpack( ">" + self._type, self._data[2:] )
+ def __repr__( self ):
+ return "<sysPacketRPC param, byref=" + str( self._byref ) + ", type=" + \
+ str( self._type ) + ", size=" + str( self._size ) + ", value=" + \
+ str( self._value ) + ">"