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committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-11-29 23:00:04 -0500
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Delete obsolete docs (#6930)
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-parent: Advanced Topics
-grand_parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: Adding Support for a New CI
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-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/advanced-topics/adding-ci-support/
-# Adding Support for a New CI
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-title: Architecture
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-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/advanced-topics/architecture/
-# Architecture
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-parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: Advanced Topics
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-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/advanced-topics/
-# Advanced topics
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-parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: Build Integration
-has_children: true
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-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/build-integration/
-# Build integration
-{: .no_toc}
-- TOC
-## Prerequisites
-ClusterFuzzLite supports statically linked
-[libFuzzer targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) on
-We re-use the [OSS-Fuzz](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz) toolchain to make
-building easier. If you are familiar with this, most of the concepts here are
-exactly the same, with one key difference. Rather than checking out the source
-code in the [`Dockerfile`](#dockerfile) using `git clone`, the `Dockerfile`
-copies in the source code directly during `docker build`.
-Before you can start setting up your new project for fuzzing, you must do the following:
-- [Integrate]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/ideal-integration/) one or more [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)
- with the project you want to fuzz. For examples, see TODO.
-- [Install Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation)
- [Why Docker?]({{ site.baseurl }}/faq/#why-do-you-use-docker)
- If you want to run `docker` without `sudo`, you can
- [create a docker group](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/#/create-a-docker-group).
- **Note:** Docker images can consume significant disk space. Run
- [docker-cleanup](https://gist.github.com/mikea/d23a839cba68778d94e0302e8a2c200f)
- periodically to garbage-collect unused images.
-- Clone the OSS-Fuzz repo: `git clone https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz.git`
-## Generating an empty build integration
-Build integrations consist of three configuration files:
-* [./clusterfuzzlite/project.yaml](#projectyaml) - provides metadata about the project.
-* [./clusterfuzzlite/Dockerfile](#dockerfile) - defines the container environment with information
-on dependencies needed to build the project and its [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target).
-* [./clusterfuzzlite/build.sh](#buildsh) - defines the build script that executes inside the Docker container and
-generates the project build.
-These must live in the `.clusterfuzzlite` directory in the root of your
-project's source code checkout.
-You can generate empty versions of these files with the following command:
-$ cd /path/to/oss-fuzz
-$ export PATH_TO_PROJECT=<path_to_your_project>
-$ python infra/helper.py generate $PATH_TO_PROJECT --external
-Once the configuration files are generated, you should modify them to fit your
-## project.yaml {#projectyaml}
-This configuration file stores project metadata. The following attributes are
-- [language](#language)
-### language
-Programming language the project is written in. Values you can specify include:
-* `c`
-* `c++`
-* [`go`]({{ site.baseurl }}//getting-started/new-project-guide/go-lang/)
-* [`rust`]({{ site.baseurl }}//getting-started/new-project-guide/rust-lang/)
-* [`python`]({{ site.baseurl }}//getting-started/new-project-guide/python-lang/)
-* [`jvm` (Java, Kotlin, Scala and other JVM-based languages)]({{ site.baseurl }}//getting-started/new-project-guide/jvm-lang/)
-## Dockerfile {#dockerfile}
-This integration file defines the Docker image for your project.
-Your [build.sh](#buildsh) script will be executed in inside the container you
-For most projects, the image is simple:
-FROM gcr.io/oss-fuzz-base/base-builder # base image with clang toolchain
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ... # install required packages to build your project
-COPY . $SRC/<project_name> # checkout all sources needed to build your project
-WORKDIR $SRC/<project_name> # current directory for the build script
-COPY ./clusterfuzzlite/build.sh fuzzer.cc $SRC/ # copy build script into src dir
-TODO: Provide examples.
-## build.sh {#buildsh}
-This file defines how to build binaries for [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) in your project.
-The script is executed within the image built from your [Dockerfile](#Dockerfile).
-In general, this script should do the following:
-- Build the project using your build system with OSS-Fuzz's compiler.
-- Provide OSS-Fuzz's compiler flags (defined as [environment variables](#Requirements)) to the build system.
-- Build your [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)
- and link your project's build with `$LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE` (libFuzzer).
-Resulting binaries should be placed in `$OUT`.
-Here's an example from Expat
-#!/bin/bash -eu
-# configure scripts usually use correct environment variables.
-make clean
-make -j$(nproc) all
-$CXX $CXXFLAGS -std=c++11 -Ilib/ \
- $SRC/parse_fuzzer.cc -o $OUT/parse_fuzzer \
- $LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE .libs/libexpat.a
-cp $SRC/*.dict $SRC/*.options $OUT/
-If your project is written in Go, check out the [Integrating a Go project]({{ site.baseurl }}//getting-started/new-project-guide/go-lang/) page.
-1. Make sure that the binary names for your [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) contain only
-alphanumeric characters, underscore(_) or dash(-). Otherwise, they won't run.
-1. Don't remove source code files. They are needed for code coverage.
-### Temporarily disabling code instrumentation during builds
-In some cases, it's not necessary to instrument every 3rd party library or tool that supports the build target. Use the following snippet to build tools or libraries without instrumentation:
-unset CFLAGS
-export AFL_NOOPT=1
-# build commands here that should not result in instrumented code.
-unset AFL_NOOPT
-TODO: Figure out if we should include this AFL code.
-### build.sh script environment
-When your build.sh script is executed, the following locations are available within the image:
-| Location| Env Variable | Description |
-|---------| ------------ | ---------- |
-| `/out/` | `$OUT` | Directory to store build artifacts (fuzz targets, dictionaries, options files, seed corpus archives). |
-| `/src/` | `$SRC` | Directory to checkout source files. |
-| `/work/`| `$WORK` | Directory to store intermediate files. |
-Although the files layout is fixed within a container, environment variables are
-provided so you can write retargetable scripts.
-In case your fuzz target uses the [FuzzedDataProvider] class, make sure it is
-included via `#include <fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h>` directive.
-[FuzzedDataProvider]: https://github.com/google/fuzzing/blob/master/docs/split-inputs.md#fuzzed-data-provider
-### build.sh requirements {#Requirements}
-Only binaries without an extension are accepted as targets. Extensions are reserved for other artifacts, like .dict.
-You *must* use the special compiler flags needed to build your project and fuzz targets.
-These flags are provided in the following environment variables:
-| Env Variable | Description
-| ------------- | --------
-| `$CC`, `$CXX`, `$CCC` | The C and C++ compiler binaries.
-| `$CFLAGS`, `$CXXFLAGS` | C and C++ compiler flags.
-| `$LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE` | C++ compiler argument to link fuzz target against the prebuilt engine library (e.g. libFuzzer).
-You *must* use `$CXX` as a linker, even if your project is written in pure C.
-Most well-crafted build scripts will automatically use these variables. If not,
-pass them manually to the build tool.
-See the [Provided Environment Variables](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/infra/base-images/base-builder/README.md#provided-environment-variables) section in
-`base-builder` image documentation for more details.
-## Fuzzer execution environment
-For more on the environment that
-your [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) run in, and the assumptions you can make, see the [fuzzer environment]({{ site.baseurl }}/further-reading/fuzzer-environment/) page.
-## Testing locally
-You can build your docker image and fuzz targets locally, so you can test them
-before running ClusterFuzzLite.
-1. Run the same helper script you used to create your directory structure, this time using it to build your docker image and [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target):
- ```bash
- $ cd /path/to/oss-fuzz
- $ python infra/helper.py build_image $PATH_TO_PROJECT --external
- $ python infra/helper.py build_fuzzers $PATH_TO_PROJECT --sanitizer <address/undefined/coverage> --external
- ```
- The built binaries appear in the `/path/to/oss-fuzz/build/out/$PROJECT_NAME`
- directory on your machine (and `$OUT` in the container). Note that
- `$PROJECT_NAME` is the name of the directory of your project (e.g. if
- `$PATH_TO_PROJECT` is `/path/to/systemd`, `$PROJECT_NAME` is systemd.
- **Note:** You *must* run your fuzz target binaries inside the base-runner docker
- container to make sure that they work properly.
-2. Find failures to fix by running the `check_build` command:
- ```bash
- $ python infra/helper.py check_build $PATH_TO_PROJECT --external
- ```
-3. If you want to test changes against a particular fuzz target, run the following command:
- ```bash
- $ python infra/helper.py run_fuzzer --external --corpus-dir=<path-to-temp-corpus-dir> $PATH_TO_PROJECT <fuzz_target>
- ```
-4. We recommend taking a look at your code coverage as a test to ensure that
-your fuzz targets get to the code you expect. This would use the corpus
-generated from the previous `run_fuzzer` step in your local corpus directory.
- ```bash
- $ python infra/helper.py build_fuzzers --sanitizer coverage $PATH_TO_PROJECT
- $ python infra/helper.py coverage $PATH_TO_PROJECT --fuzz-target=<fuzz_target> --corpus-dir=<path-to-temp-corpus-dir> --external
- ```
-You may need to run `python infra/helper.py pull_images` to use the latest
-coverage tools. Please refer to
-[code coverage]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/code-coverage/) for detailed
-information on code coverage generation.
-**Note:** Currently, ClusterFuzzLite only supports AddressSanitizer (address)
-and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (undefined) configurations.
-<b>Make sure to test each
-of the supported build configurations with the above commands (build_fuzzers -> run_fuzzer -> coverage).</b>
-If everything works locally, it should also work on ClusterFuzzLite. If you
-check in your files and experience failures, review your [dependencies]({{site.baseurl }}/further-reading/fuzzer-environment/#dependencies).
-## Debugging Problems
-If you run into problems, the [Debugging page]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/debugging/) lists ways to debug your build scripts and
-[fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target).
-## Efficient fuzzing
-To improve your fuzz target ability to find bugs faster, please read [this section](
-{{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/#efficient-fuzzing).
-TODO(metzman): We probably want a TOC for lang-specific guides (which we still need to add).
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-<!-- Hide for now by setting "published: false" -->
-published: false
-# ClusterFuzzLite
-ClusterFuzzLite is a lightweight, easy-to-use, fuzzing infrastructure that is
-based off [ClusterFuzz]. ClusterFuzzLite is designed to run on [continuous integration] (CI)
-systems, which means it is easy to set up and provides a familiar interface for
-Currently CIFuzz fully supports [GitHub Actions]. However ClusterFuzzLite is
-designed so that supporting new CI systems is trivial and core features can be
-used on any CI system without any additional effort.
-See [Overview] for a more detailed description of how ClusterFuzzLite works and
-how you can use it.
-[continous integration]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration
-[fuzzing]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzing
-[ClusterFuzz]: https://google.github.io/clusterfuzz/
-[GitHub Actions]: https://docs.github.com/en/actions
-[Overview]: {{ site.baseurl }}/clusterfuzzlite/overview/
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-parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: Overview
-nav_order: 1
-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/overview/
-# Overview
-ClusterFuzzLite makes fuzzing more valuable by:
-* Fuzzing continuously.
-* Catching bugs before they land in your codebase by fuzzing pull
- requests/commits.
-* Providing coverage reports on which code is fuzzed.
-* Managing your corpus, pruning it daily or a specified-interval.
-ClusterFuzzLite supports [libFuzzer], [AddressSanitizer], and
-ClusterFuzzLite is modular, so you can decide which features you want to use.
-Using ClusterFuzzLite entails two major steps:
-1. [Integrating with ClusterFuzzLite's build system] so ClusterFuzzLite can
- build your project's fuzzers.
-2. [Running ClusterFuzzLite].
-[libFuzzer]: https://libfuzzer.info
-[AddressSanitizer]: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html
-[UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer]: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html
-[Integrating with ClusterFuzzLite's build system]: {{ site.baseurl }}/clusterfuzzlite/build-integration/
-[Running ClusterFuzzLite]: {{ site.baseurl }}/clusterfuzzlite/running-clusterfuzzlite/
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-layout: default
-parent: Running ClusterFuzzLite
-grand_parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: Running ClusterFuzzLite in a Generic Environment
-nav_order: 2
-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/running-clusterfuzzlite/generic/
-# Running ClusterFuzzLite in a Generic Environment
-TODO: Rename run_cifuzz.py to run_clusterfuzzlite.py
-This page describes how to run clusterfuzzlite using the run_clusterfuzzlite.py
-script, a low level script that is used by CI systems to run ClusterFuzzLite.
-This guide is useful if you want to run ClusterFuzzLite outside of CI or if you
-want to run it on a CI system that isn't supported yet.
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-parent: Running ClusterFuzzLite
-grand_parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: GitHub Actions
-nav_order: 1
-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/running-clusterfuzzlite/github-actions/
-# GitHub Actions
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-parent: ClusterFuzzLite
-title: Running ClusterFuzzLite
-has_children: true
-nav_order: 3
-permalink: /clusterfuzzlite/running-clusterfuzzlite/
-# Running ClusterFuzzLite
-{: .no_toc}
-- TOC
-## Overview
-TODO: add a diagram.
-Once your project's fuzzers can be built and run by the helper script, it is
-ready to be fuzzed by ClusterFuzzLite.
-The exact method for doing this will depend on the how you are running
-ClusterFuzzLite. For guides on how to run ClusterFuzzLite in your particular
-environment (e.g. GitHub Actions) see the subguides.
-The rest of this page will explain concepts configuration options and that are
-agnostic to how ClusterFuzzLite is being run.
-## ClusterFuzzLite Tasks
-ClusterFuzzLite has the concept of tasks which instruct ClusterFuzzLite what to
-do when running.
-### Code Review Fuzzing
-TODO(metzman): Work on a generic name for CIFuzz/PR fuzzing.
-One of the core ways for ClusterFuzzLite to be used is for fuzzing code that is
-in review that was just commited.
-This use-case is important because it allows ClusterFuzzLite to find bugs before
-they are commited into your code and while they are easiest to fix.
-To use Code Review Fuzzing, set the configuration option `clusterfuzzlite-task`
-to `code-review`.
-If you are familiar with OSS-Fuzz's CIFuzz, this task is similar to CIFuzz.
-Running other ClusterFuzzLite tasks enhances ClusterFuzzLite's ability to do
-Code Review Fuzzing.
-If [Batch Fuzzing] is enabled, Code Review Fuzzing will report only newly
-introduced bugs and use the corpus developed during batch fuzzing.
-If [Code Coverage Reporting] is enabled, Code Review Fuzzing will try to only
-run the fuzzers affected by the code change.
-### Batch Fuzzing
-ClusterFuzzLite can also run in a batch fuzzing mode where all fuzzers are run
-for a long amount of time. Unlike Code Review Fuzzing, this task is not meant to
-be interactive, it is meant to be long-lasting and generally is more similar to
-fuzzing in ClusterFuzz than Code Review Fuzzing. Batch Fuzzing allows
-ClusterFuzzLite to build up a corpus for each of your fuzz targets. This corpus
-will be used in Code Coverage Reporting as well as Code Review Fuzzing.
-### Corpus Prune
-If multiple Batch Fuzzing tasks are run concurrently then we strongly recommend
-running a pruning task as well. This task is run according to some set schedule
-(once a day is probably sufficient) to prune the corpus of redundant testcases,
-which can happen if multiple Batch Fuzzing jobs are done concurrently.
-### Code Coverage Report
-The last task ClusterFuzzLite offers is Code Coverage Reports. This task will
-run your fuzzers on the corpus developed during Batch Fuzzing and will generate
-an HTML report that shows you which part of your code is covered by batch
-## Configuration Options
-Below are some configuration options that you can set when running
-We will explain how to set these in each of the subguides.
-`language`: (optional) The language your target program is written in. Defaults
-to `c++`. This should be the same as the value you set in `project.yaml`. See
-[this explanation]({{ site.baseurl }}//getting-started/new-project-guide/#language)
-for more details.
-`fuzz-time`: Determines how long ClusterFuzzLite spends fuzzing your project in
-seconds. The default is 600 seconds.
-`sanitizer`: Determines a sanitizer to build and run fuzz targets with. The
-choices are `'address'`, and `'undefined'`. The default is `'address'`.
-`task`: The task for ClusterFuzzLite to execute. `code-review`
-by default. See [ClusterFuzzLite Tasks] for more details on how to run different
-TODO(metzman): change run_fuzzers_mode to this.
-`dry-run`: Determines if ClusterFuzzLite surfaces bugs/crashes. The default
-value is `false`. When set to `true`, ClusterFuzzLite will never report a
-failure even if it finds a crash in your project. This requires the user to
-manually check the logs for detected bugs.
-TODO(metzman): We probably want a TOC on this page for subguides.