path: root/test/T050-new.sh
diff options
authorGravatar Tomi Ollila <tomi.ollila@iki.fi>2014-01-09 17:18:59 +0200
committerGravatar David Bremner <david@tethera.net>2014-01-13 14:16:46 -0400
commita755c9d6a9099366cc82ba3a4bee8e6d2b83d529 (patch)
treee17400d2996686722eb94404902f62043b764237 /test/T050-new.sh
parent84719b08f757a6079f4c3331d0c476d19b265948 (diff)
test: renamed test scripts to format T\d\d\d-name.sh
All test scripts to be executed are now named as T\d\d\d-name.sh, numers in increments of 10. This eases adding new tests and developers to see which are test scripts that are executed by test suite and in which order.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/T050-new.sh')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/T050-new.sh b/test/T050-new.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f27423da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/T050-new.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+test_description='"notmuch new" in several variations'
+. ./test-lib.sh
+test_begin_subtest "No new messages"
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail."
+test_begin_subtest "Single new message"
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Multiple new messages"
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 2 new messages to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "No new messages (non-empty DB)"
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail."
+test_begin_subtest "New directories"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/* "${MAIL_DIR}"/.notmuch
+mkdir "${MAIL_DIR}"/def
+mkdir "${MAIL_DIR}"/ghi
+generate_message [dir]=def
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Alternate inode order"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/.notmuch
+mv "${MAIL_DIR}"/ghi "${MAIL_DIR}"/abc
+rm "${MAIL_DIR}"/def/*
+generate_message [dir]=abc
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Message moved in"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/* "${MAIL_DIR}"/.notmuch
+mkdir -p "$(dirname "$tmp_msg_filename")"
+mv "$gen_msg_filename" "$tmp_msg_filename"
+notmuch new > /dev/null
+mv "$tmp_msg_filename" "$gen_msg_filename"
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Renamed message"
+notmuch new > /dev/null
+mv "$gen_msg_filename" "${gen_msg_filename}"-renamed
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail. Detected 1 file rename."
+test_begin_subtest "Deleted message"
+rm "${gen_msg_filename}"-renamed
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail. Removed 1 message."
+test_begin_subtest "Renamed directory"
+generate_message [dir]=dir
+generate_message [dir]=dir
+generate_message [dir]=dir
+notmuch new > /dev/null
+mv "${MAIL_DIR}"/dir "${MAIL_DIR}"/dir-renamed
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail. Detected 3 file renames."
+test_begin_subtest "Deleted directory"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/dir-renamed
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail. Removed 3 messages."
+test_begin_subtest "New directory (at end of list)"
+generate_message [dir]=zzz
+generate_message [dir]=zzz
+generate_message [dir]=zzz
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 3 new messages to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Deleted directory (end of list)"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/zzz
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail. Removed 3 messages."
+test_begin_subtest "New symlink to directory"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/.notmuch
+mv "${MAIL_DIR}" "${TMP_DIRECTORY}"/actual_maildir
+mkdir "${MAIL_DIR}"
+ln -s "${TMP_DIRECTORY}"/actual_maildir "${MAIL_DIR}"/symlink
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "New symlink to a file"
+external_msg_filename="${TMP_DIRECTORY}"/external/"$(basename "$gen_msg_filename")"
+mkdir -p "$(dirname "$external_msg_filename")"
+mv "$gen_msg_filename" "$external_msg_filename"
+ln -s "$external_msg_filename" "$gen_msg_filename"
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Broken symlink aborts"
+ln -s does-not-exist "${MAIL_DIR}/broken"
+output=$(NOTMUCH_NEW 2>&1)
+test_expect_equal "$output" \
+"Error reading file ${MAIL_DIR}/broken: No such file or directory
+Note: A fatal error was encountered: Something went wrong trying to read or write a file
+No new mail."
+rm "${MAIL_DIR}/broken"
+test_begin_subtest "New two-level directory"
+generate_message [dir]=two/levels
+generate_message [dir]=two/levels
+generate_message [dir]=two/levels
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 3 new messages to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Deleted two-level directory"
+rm -rf "${MAIL_DIR}"/two
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail. Removed 3 messages."
+test_begin_subtest "Support single-message mbox (deprecated)"
+cat > "${MAIL_DIR}"/mbox_file1 <<EOF
+From test_suite@notmuchmail.org Fri Jan 5 15:43:57 2001
+From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
+To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
+Subject: Test mbox message 1
+output=$(NOTMUCH_NEW 2>&1)
+test_expect_equal "$output" \
+"Warning: ${MAIL_DIR}/mbox_file1 is an mbox containing a single message,
+likely caused by misconfigured mail delivery. Support for single-message
+mboxes is deprecated and may be removed in the future.
+Added 1 new message to the database."
+# This test requires that notmuch new has been run at least once.
+test_begin_subtest "Skip and report non-mail files"
+mkdir -p "${MAIL_DIR}"/.git && touch "${MAIL_DIR}"/.git/config
+touch "${MAIL_DIR}"/ignored_file
+touch "${MAIL_DIR}"/.ignored_hidden_file
+cat > "${MAIL_DIR}"/mbox_file <<EOF
+From test_suite@notmuchmail.org Fri Jan 5 15:43:57 2001
+From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
+To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
+Subject: Test mbox message 1
+From test_suite@notmuchmail.org Fri Jan 5 15:43:57 2001
+From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
+To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
+Subject: Test mbox message 2
+Body 2.
+output=$(NOTMUCH_NEW 2>&1)
+test_expect_equal "$output" \
+"Note: Ignoring non-mail file: ${MAIL_DIR}/.git/config
+Note: Ignoring non-mail file: ${MAIL_DIR}/.ignored_hidden_file
+Note: Ignoring non-mail file: ${MAIL_DIR}/ignored_file
+Note: Ignoring non-mail file: ${MAIL_DIR}/mbox_file
+Added 1 new message to the database."
+rm "${MAIL_DIR}"/mbox_file
+test_begin_subtest "Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore"
+notmuch config set new.ignore .git ignored_file .ignored_hidden_file
+touch "${MAIL_DIR}"/.git # change .git's mtime for notmuch new to rescan.
+output=$(NOTMUCH_NEW 2>&1)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "Added 1 new message to the database."
+test_begin_subtest "Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (multiple occurrences)"
+notmuch config set new.ignore .git ignored_file .ignored_hidden_file
+notmuch new > /dev/null # ensure that files/folders will be printed in ASCII order.
+touch "${MAIL_DIR}"/.git # change .git's mtime for notmuch new to rescan.
+touch "${MAIL_DIR}" # likewise for MAIL_DIR
+mkdir -p "${MAIL_DIR}"/one/two/three/.git
+touch "${MAIL_DIR}"/{one,one/two,one/two/three}/ignored_file
+output=$(NOTMUCH_NEW --debug 2>&1 | sort)
+test_expect_equal "$output" \
+"(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/.git
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/.ignored_hidden_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/two/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/two/three/.git
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 1: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/two/three/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/.git
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/.ignored_hidden_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/two/ignored_file
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/two/three/.git
+(D) add_files_recursive, pass 2: explicitly ignoring ${MAIL_DIR}/one/two/three/ignored_file
+No new mail."
+test_begin_subtest "Don't stop for ignored broken symlinks"
+notmuch config set new.ignore .git ignored_file .ignored_hidden_file broken_link
+ln -s i_do_not_exist "${MAIL_DIR}"/broken_link
+output=$(NOTMUCH_NEW 2>&1)
+test_expect_equal "$output" "No new mail."