diff options
11 files changed, 495 insertions, 1404 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/file2string.pl b/TOOLS/file2string.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 341bb06fd6..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/file2string.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# Convert the contents of a file into a C string constant.
-# Note that the compiler will implicitly add an extra 0 byte at the end
-# of every string, so code using the string may need to remove that to get
-# the exact contents of the original file.
-# FIXME: why not a char array?
-# treat only alphanumeric and punctuations (excluding " and ?) as safe
-my $unsafe_chars = qr{[^][A-Za-z0-9!#%&'()*+,./:;<=>^_{|}~ -]};
-for my $file (@ARGV) {
- open my $fh, '<:raw', $file or next;
- print "/* Generated from $file */\n";
- while (<$fh>) {
- # replace unsafe chars with their equivalent octal escapes
- s/($unsafe_chars)/\\@{[sprintf '%03o', ord($1)]}/gos;
- print "\"$_\"\n"
- }
- close $fh;
diff --git a/TOOLS/file2string.py b/TOOLS/file2string.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6cdd1a72ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/file2string.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Convert the contents of a file into a C string constant.
+# Note that the compiler will implicitly add an extra 0 byte at the end
+# of every string, so code using the string may need to remove that to get
+# the exact contents of the original file.
+import sys
+# Indexing a byte string yields int on Python 3.x, and a str on Python 2.x
+def pord(c):
+ return ord(c) if type(c) == str else c
+def main(infile):
+ conv = ['\\' + ("%03o" % c) for c in range(256)]
+ safe_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
+ "0123456789!#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[]^_{|}~ "
+ for c in safe_chars:
+ conv[ord(c)] = c
+ for c, esc in ("\nn", "\tt", r"\\", '""'):
+ conv[ord(c)] = '\\' + esc
+ for line in infile:
+ sys.stdout.write('"' + ''.join(conv[pord(c)] for c in line) + '"\n')
+with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as infile:
+ sys.stdout.write("// Generated from %s\n\n" % sys.argv[1])
+ main(infile)
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska.pm b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e1c08c9814..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# ABSTRACT: Module collection to parse Matroska files.
-package Parse::Matroska;
-C<use>s L<Parse::Matroska::Reader>. See the documentation
-of the modules mentioned in L</"SEE ALSO"> for more information
-in how to use this module.
-It's intended for this module to contain high-level interfaces
-to the other modules in the distribution.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Parse::Matroska::Reader>, L<Parse::Matroska::Element>,
-use Parse::Matroska::Reader;
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Definitions.pm b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Definitions.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a5adcd6de..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Definitions.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# ABSTRACT: internal EBML grammar definitions
-package Parse::Matroska::Definitions;
-use Parse::Matroska::Utils qw{uniq uncamelize};
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw{Exporter};
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Parse::Matroska::Definitions qw{elem_by_hexid};
- my $ebml_id = elem_by_hexid('1a45dfa3');
- print "EBML ID $ebml_id->{elid}'s name: $ebml_id->{name}";
-Contains the definition of the EBML grammar as expected in
-Matroska files. This module is meant mostly for internal use.
-As this was extended from a script in mpv-player, some data
-generated is apparently useless for regular module users
-but is still relevant to the mpv-player script. Such data
-is annotated as being for mpv compatibility.
-=head1 NOTE
-The API of this module is not yet considered stable.
-=head1 GLOBALS
-These global variables are considered B<immutable>.
-=head2 @Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list
-A global list of known matroska elements. Useful for
-mpv's matroska script, used for generating C headers
-that parse matroska.
-=head2 %Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict
-A global hash of known matroska elements. Used internally
-by L</elem_by_hexid($id)>.
-@Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list = ();
-%Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict = ();
-Optionally-importable hash of known EBML IDs belonging
-to the EBML generic grammar.
-Optionally-importable hash of known EBML IDs belonging
-to the Matroska-specific grammar.
-our %EBML_DEFINITION = define_ebml();
-our %MATROSKA_DEFINITION = define_matroska();
-=method elem_by_hexid($id)
-Returns an EBML Element Definition corresponding to the provided
-hexadecimal string. Returns C<undef> if the element is unknown.
-sub elem_by_hexid {
- my ($elid) = @_;
- return $Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict{$elid};
-### Helper functions for document definition ###
-# used by elem when setting the 'valname' key
-use constant TYPE_MAP => {
- uint => 'uint64_t',
- str => 'char *',
- binary => 'struct bstr',
- ebml_id => 'uint32_t',
- float => 'double',
- sint => 'int64_t',
-# this will be localized to "MATROSKA" or "EBML" on the elem declarations
-our $ELEM_DEFINE_TYPE = undef;
-=method elem($name,$elid,$valtype)
-NOTE: never call this function yourself; it changes data structures
-that are considered immutable outside of this package.
-Internal API function that generates the EBML Element Definitions.
-This API function returns an array which first element is C<$elid>
-and the second is a generated hash. The generated hash is stored
-in the @global_elem_list and %global_elem_dict.
-The generated hash contains:
-=for :list
-= name
-The EBML Element's name, given through C<$name>.
-= elid
-The EBML Element's hex id, given through C<$elid>. Used for lookups by L</elem_by_hexid($id)>.
-= valtype
-The EBML Element's type, given through C<$valtype>, except when C<$valtype> is an arrayref.
-= multiple
-If C<$name> ends with a C<*>, this is set as true and strips the C<*> from L</name>. Used to
-mark elements that may be repeated.
-= subelements
-An arrayref of elements that may be children of this element, given through C<$valtype> if it
-is an arrayref. Sets L</valtype> to C<sub> if there are subelements.
-= subids
-An arrayref listing all the L</elid>s of subelements, C<uniq>ified.
-The following elements are for mpv compatibility:
-=for :list
-= definename
-Name used for generating C #defines.
-= fieldname
-Name used for generating C struct fields.
-= structname
-Name used for generating C struct names.
-= ebmltype
-A pre-#defined constant to describe the element's type.
-= valname
-Typename used when declaring a struct field referring to this element.
-sub elem {
- my %e = (name => shift, elid => shift, valtype => shift);
- # strip * from name, set 'multiple' if there was one
- $e{multiple} = scalar $e{name} =~ s/\*$//;
- $e{definename} = "${ELEM_DEFINE_TYPE}_ID_".uc($e{name});
- $e{fieldname} = uncamelize $e{name};
- $e{structname} = "ebml_$e{fieldname}";
- if (ref $e{valtype} eq 'HASH') {
- $e{subelements} = $e{valtype};
- $e{subids} = uniq map { $_->{elid} } values %{$e{subelements}};
- $e{valtype} = 'sub';
- $e{ebmltype} = 'EBML_TYPE_SUBELEMENTS';
- $e{valname} = "struct $e{structname}";
- } else {
- $e{ebmltype} = "EBML_TYPE_\U$e{valtype}";
- die "Unrecognized value type $e{valtype}" unless
- defined ($e{valname} = TYPE_MAP->{$e{valtype}});
- }
- my $e = \%e;
- push @Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list, $e;
- $Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict{$e{elid}} = $e;
- return ($e{elid}, $e);
-### EBML and Matroska document definitons ###
-=method define_ebml
-Internal function that defines the EBML generic grammar.
-Must not be called from outside the package.
-sub define_ebml {
- return (
- elem('EBML', '1a45dfa3', {
- elem('EBMLVersion', '4286', 'uint'),
- elem('EBMLReadVersion', '42f7', 'uint'),
- elem('EBMLMaxIDLength', '42f2', 'uint'),
- elem('EBMLMaxSizeLength', '42f3', 'uint'),
- elem('DocType', '4282', 'str'),
- elem('DocTypeVersion', '4287', 'uint'),
- elem('DocTypeReadVersion', '4285', 'uint'),
- }),
- elem('CRC32', 'bf', 'binary'),
- elem('Void', 'ec', 'binary'),
- );
-=method define_matroska
-Internal function that defines the Matroska-specific EBML grammar.
-Must not be called from outside the package.
-sub define_matroska {
- return (
- elem('Segment', '18538067', {
- elem('SeekHead*', '114d9b74', {
- elem('Seek*', '4dbb', {
- elem('SeekID', '53ab', 'ebml_id'),
- elem('SeekPosition', '53ac', 'uint'),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Info*', '1549a966', {
- elem('SegmentUID', '73a4', 'binary'),
- elem('PrevUID', '3cb923', 'binary'),
- elem('NextUID', '3eb923', 'binary'),
- elem('TimecodeScale', '2ad7b1', 'uint'),
- elem('DateUTC', '4461', 'sint'),
- elem('Title', '7ba9', 'str'),
- elem('MuxingApp', '4d80', 'str'),
- elem('WritingApp', '5741', 'str'),
- elem('Duration', '4489', 'float'),
- }),
- elem('Cluster*', '1f43b675', {
- elem('Timecode', 'e7', 'uint'),
- elem('BlockGroup*', 'a0', {
- elem('Block', 'a1', 'binary'),
- elem('BlockDuration', '9b', 'uint'),
- elem('ReferenceBlock*', 'fb', 'sint'),
- elem('DiscardPadding', '75A2', 'sint'),
- }),
- elem('SimpleBlock*', 'a3', 'binary'),
- }),
- elem('Tracks*', '1654ae6b', {
- elem('TrackEntry*', 'ae', {
- elem('TrackNumber', 'd7', 'uint'),
- elem('TrackUID', '73c5', 'uint'),
- elem('TrackType', '83', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagEnabled', 'b9', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagDefault', '88', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagForced', '55aa', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagLacing', '9c', 'uint'),
- elem('MinCache', '6de7', 'uint'),
- elem('MaxCache', '6df8', 'uint'),
- elem('DefaultDuration', '23e383', 'uint'),
- elem('TrackTimecodeScale', '23314f', 'float'),
- elem('MaxBlockAdditionID', '55ee', 'uint'),
- elem('Name', '536e', 'str'),
- elem('Language', '22b59c', 'str'),
- elem('CodecID', '86', 'str'),
- elem('CodecPrivate', '63a2', 'binary'),
- elem('CodecName', '258688', 'str'),
- elem('CodecDecodeAll', 'aa', 'uint'),
- elem('CodecDelay', '56AA', 'uint'),
- elem('SeekPreRoll', '56BB', 'uint'),
- elem('Video', 'e0', {
- elem('FlagInterlaced', '9a', 'uint'),
- elem('PixelWidth', 'b0', 'uint'),
- elem('PixelHeight', 'ba', 'uint'),
- elem('DisplayWidth', '54b0', 'uint'),
- elem('DisplayHeight', '54ba', 'uint'),
- elem('DisplayUnit', '54b2', 'uint'),
- elem('FrameRate', '2383e3', 'float'),
- elem('ColourSpace', '2eb524', 'binary'),
- elem('StereoMode', '53b8', 'uint'),
- elem('Colour', '55B0', {
- elem('MatrixCoefficients', '55B1', 'uint'),
- elem('BitsPerChannel', '55B2', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSubsamplingHorz', '55B3', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSubsamplingVert', '55B4', 'uint'),
- elem('CbSubsamplingHorz', '55B5', 'uint'),
- elem('CbSubsamplingVert', '55B6', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSitingHorz', '55B7', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSitingVert', '55B8', 'uint'),
- elem('Range', '55B9', 'uint'),
- elem('TransferCharacteristics', '55BA', 'uint'),
- elem('Primaries', '55BB', 'uint'),
- elem('MaxCLL', '55BC', 'uint'),
- elem('MaxFALL', '55BD', 'uint'),
- elem('MasteringMetadata', '55D0', {
- elem('PrimaryRChromaticityX', '55D1', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryRChromaticityY', '55D2', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryGChromaticityX', '55D3', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryGChromaticityY', '55D4', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryBChromaticityX', '55D5', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryBChromaticityY', '55D6', 'float'),
- elem('WhitePointChromaticityX', '55D7', 'float'),
- elem('WhitePointChromaticityY', '55D8', 'float'),
- elem('LuminanceMax', '55D9', 'float'),
- elem('LuminanceMin', '55DA', 'float'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Audio', 'e1', {
- elem('SamplingFrequency', 'b5', 'float'),
- elem('OutputSamplingFrequency', '78b5', 'float'),
- elem('Channels', '9f', 'uint'),
- elem('BitDepth', '6264', 'uint'),
- }),
- elem('ContentEncodings', '6d80', {
- elem('ContentEncoding*', '6240', {
- elem('ContentEncodingOrder', '5031', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentEncodingScope', '5032', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentEncodingType', '5033', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentCompression', '5034', {
- elem('ContentCompAlgo', '4254', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentCompSettings', '4255', 'binary'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Cues', '1c53bb6b', {
- elem('CuePoint*', 'bb', {
- elem('CueTime', 'b3', 'uint'),
- elem('CueTrackPositions*', 'b7', {
- elem('CueTrack', 'f7', 'uint'),
- elem('CueClusterPosition', 'f1', 'uint'),
- elem('CueRelativePosition','f0', 'uint'),
- elem('CueDuration', 'b2', 'uint'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Attachments', '1941a469', {
- elem('AttachedFile*', '61a7', {
- elem('FileDescription', '467e', 'str'),
- elem('FileName', '466e', 'str'),
- elem('FileMimeType', '4660', 'str'),
- elem('FileData', '465c', 'binary'),
- elem('FileUID', '46ae', 'uint'),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Chapters', '1043a770', {
- elem('EditionEntry*', '45b9', {
- elem('EditionUID', '45bc', 'uint'),
- elem('EditionFlagHidden', '45bd', 'uint'),
- elem('EditionFlagDefault', '45db', 'uint'),
- elem('EditionFlagOrdered', '45dd', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterAtom*', 'b6', {
- elem('ChapterUID', '73c4', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterTimeStart', '91', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterTimeEnd', '92', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterFlagHidden', '98', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterFlagEnabled', '4598', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterSegmentUID', '6e67', 'binary'),
- elem('ChapterSegmentEditionUID', '6ebc', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterDisplay*', '80', {
- elem('ChapString', '85', 'str'),
- elem('ChapLanguage*', '437c', 'str'),
- elem('ChapCountry*', '437e', 'str'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Tags*', '1254c367', {
- elem('Tag*', '7373', {
- elem('Targets', '63c0', {
- elem('TargetTypeValue', '68ca', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetTrackUID', '63c5', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetEditionUID', '63c9', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetChapterUID', '63c4', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetAttachmentUID', '63c6', 'uint'),
- }),
- elem('SimpleTag*', '67c8', {
- elem('TagName', '45a3', 'str'),
- elem('TagLanguage', '447a', 'str'),
- elem('TagString', '4487', 'str'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- );
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Element.pm b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Element.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index fa0830c11e..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Element.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# ABSTRACT: a mid-level representation of an EBML element
-package Parse::Matroska::Element;
-use Carp;
-use List::Util qw{first};
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Parse::Matroska::Reader;
- my $reader = Parse::Matroska::Reader->new($path);
- my $elem = $reader->read_element;
- print "ID: $elem->{elid}\n";
- print "Name: $elem->{name}\n";
- print "Length: $elem->{content_len}\n";
- print "Type: $elem->{type}\n";
- print "Child count: ", scalar(@{$elem->all_children}), "\n";
- if ($elem->{type} eq 'sub') {
- while (my $chld = $elem->next_child) {
- print "Child Name: $chld->{name}\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "Value: ", $elem->get_value, "\n";
- }
-Represents a single Matroska element as decoded by
-L<Parse::Matroska::Reader>. This is essentially a hash
-augmented with functions for delay-loading of binary
-values and children elements.
-=head1 NOTE
-The API of this module is not yet considered stable.
-=attr elid
-The EBML Element ID, suitable for passing to
-=attr name
-The EBML Element's name.
-=attr type
-The EBML Element's type. Can be C<uint>, C<sint>,
-C<float>, C<ebml_id>, C<str> or C<binary>. See L</value>
-for details.
-Equivalent to
-=attr value
-The EBML Element's value. Should be obtained through
-Is an unicode string if the L</type> is C<str>, that is,
-the string has already been decoded by L<Encode/decode>.
-Is C<undef> if the L</type> is C<binary> and the contents
-were delay-loaded and not yet read. L</get_value> will
-do the delayed load if needed.
-Is an arrayref if the L</type> is C<sub>, containing
-the children nodes that were already loaded.
-Is a hashref if the L</type> is C<ebml_id>, containing
-the referred element's information as defined in
-L<Parse::Matroska::Definitions>. Calling
-C<elem_by_hexid($elem-E<gt>{value}-E<gt>{elid})> will
-return the same object as $elem->{value}.
-=attr full_len
-The entire length of this EBML Element, including
-the header's.
-=attr size_len
-The length of the size marker. Used when calculating
-L</full_len> from L</content_len>
-=attr content_len
-The length of the contents of this EBML Element,
-which excludes the header.
-=attr reader
-A weakened reference to the associated
-=method new(%hash)
-Creates a new Element initialized with the hash
-given as argument.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {};
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->initialize(@_);
- return $self;
-=method initialize(%hash)
-Called by L</new> on initialization.
-sub initialize {
- my ($self, %args) = @_;
- for (keys %args) {
- $self->{$_} = $args{$_};
- }
- $self->{depth} = 0 unless $self->{depth};
-=method skip
-Called by the user to ignore the contents of this EBML node.
-Needed when ignoring the children of a node.
-sub skip {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $reader = $self->{reader};
- return unless $reader; # we don't have to skip if there's no reader
- my $pos = $reader->getpos;
- croak "Too late to skip, reads were already done"
- if $pos ne $self->{data_pos};
- $reader->skip($self->{content_len});
-=method get_value($keep_bin)
-Returns the value contained by this EBML element.
-If the element has children, returns an arrayref to
-the children elements that were already encountered.
-If the element's type is C<binary> and the value was
-delay-loaded, does the reading now.
-If $keep_bin is true, the delay-loaded data is kept
-as the L</value>, otherwise, further calls to
-C<get_value> will reread the data from the L</reader>.
-sub get_value {
- my ($self, $keep_bin) = @_;
- return undef if $self->{type} eq 'skip';
- return $self->{value} if $self->{value};
- my $reader = $self->{reader} or
- croak "The associated Reader has been deleted";
- # delay-loaded 'binary'
- if ($self->{type} eq 'binary') {
- croak "Cannot seek in the current Reader" unless $self->{data_pos};
- # seek to the data position...
- $reader->setpos($self->{data_pos});
- # read the data, keeping it in value if requested
- if ($keep_bin) {
- $self->{value} = $reader->readlen($self->{content_len});
- return $self->{value};
- } else {
- return $reader->readlen($self->{content_len});
- }
- }
-=method next_child($read_bin)
-Builtin iterator; reads and returns the next child element.
-Always returns undef if the type isn't C<sub>.
-Returns undef at the end of the iterator and resets itself to
-point to the first element; so calling L</next_child($read_bin)>
-after the iterator returned C<undef> will return the first child.
-The optional C<$read_bin> parameter has the children elements
-not delay-load their value if their type is C<binary>.
-If all children elements have already been read, return
-each element in-order as would be given by
-sub next_child {
- my ($self, $read_bin) = @_;
- return unless $self->{type} eq 'sub';
- if ($self->{_all_children_read}) {
- my $idx = $self->{_last_child} ||= 0;
- if ($idx == @{$self->{value}}) {
- # reset the iterator, returning undef once
- $self->{_last_child} = 0;
- return;
- }
- my $ret = $self->{value}->[$idx];
- ++$idx;
- $self->{_last_child} = $idx;
- return $ret;
- }
- my $len = defined $self->{remaining_len}
- ? $self->{remaining_len}
- : $self->{content_len};
- if ($len == 0) {
- # we've read all children; switch into $self->{value} iteration mode
- $self->{_all_children_read} = 1;
- # return undef since the iterator will reset
- return;
- }
- $self->{pos_offset} ||= 0;
- my $pos = $self->{data_pos};
- my $reader = $self->{reader} or croak "The associated reader has been deleted";
- $reader->setpos($pos);
- $reader->{fh}->seek($self->{pos_offset}, 1) if $pos;
- my $chld = $reader->read_element($read_bin);
- return undef unless defined $chld;
- $self->{pos_offset} += $chld->{full_len};
- $self->{remaining_len} = $len - $chld->{full_len};
- if ($self->{remaining_len} < 0) {
- croak "Child elements consumed $self->{remaining_len} more bytes than parent $self->{name} contained";
- }
- $chld->{depth} = $self->{depth} + 1;
- $self->{value} ||= [];
- push @{$self->{value}}, $chld;
- return $chld;
-=method all_children($recurse,$read_bin)
-Calls L</populate_children($recurse,$read_bin)> on self
-and returns an arrayref with the children nodes.
-Both C<$recurse> and C<$read_bin> are optional and default
-to false.
-sub all_children {
- my ($self, $recurse, $read_bin) = @_;
- $self->populate_children($recurse, $read_bin);
- return $self->{value};
-=method children_by_name($name)
-Searches in the already read children elements for all
-elements with the EBML name C<$name>. Returns an array
-containing all found elements. On scalar context,
-returns only the first element found.
-Croaks if the element's C<type> isn't C<sub>.
-sub children_by_name {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- return unless defined wantarray; # don't do work if work isn't wanted
- croak "Element can't have children" unless $self->{type} eq 'sub';
- my @found = grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @{$self->{value}};
- return @found if wantarray; # list
- return shift @found if defined wantarray; # scalar
-=method populate_children($recurse,$read_bin)
-Populates the internal array of children elements, that is,
-requests that the associated L<Matroska::Parser::Reader> reads
-all children elements. Returns itself.
-Returns false if the element's C<type> isn't C<sub>.
-If C<$recurse> is provided and is true, the method will call
-itself in the children elements with the same parameters it
-received; this will build a full EBML tree.
-If C<$read_bin> is provided and is true, disables delay-loading
-of the contents of C<binary>-type nodes, reading the contents
-to memory.
-If both C<$recurse> and C<$read_bin> are true, entire EBML trees
-can be loaded without requiring seeks, thus behaving correctly
-on unseekable streams. If C<$read_bin> is false, the entire EBML
-tree is still loaded, but calling L</get_value> on C<binary>-type
-nodes will produce an error on unseekable streams.
-sub populate_children {
- my ($self, $recurse, $read_bin) = @_;
- return unless $self->{type} eq 'sub';
- if (@{$self->{value}} && $recurse) {
- # only recurse
- foreach (@{$self->{value}}) {
- $_->populate_children($recurse, $read_bin);
- }
- return $self;
- }
- while (my $chld = $self->next_child($read_bin)) {
- $chld->populate_children($recurse, $read_bin) if $recurse;
- }
- return $self;
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Reader.pm b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Reader.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 614b7b12c0..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Reader.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# ABSTRACT: a low-level reader for EBML files
-package Parse::Matroska::Reader;
-use Parse::Matroska::Definitions qw{elem_by_hexid};
-use Parse::Matroska::Element;
-use Carp;
-use Scalar::Util qw{openhandle weaken};
-use IO::Handle;
-use IO::File;
-use List::Util qw{first};
-use Encode;
-use constant BIGINT_TRY => 'Pari,GMP,FastCalc';
-use Math::BigInt try => BIGINT_TRY;
-use Math::BigRat try => BIGINT_TRY;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Parse::Matroska::Reader;
- my $reader = Parse::Matroska::Reader->new($path);
- $reader->close;
- $reader->open(\$string_with_matroska_data);
- my $elem = $reader->read_element;
- print "Element ID: $elem->{elid}\n";
- print "Element name: $elem->{name}\n";
- if ($elem->{type} ne 'sub') {
- print "Element value: $elem->get_value\n";
- } else {
- while (my $child = $elem->next_child) {
- print "Child element: $child->{name}\n";
- }
- }
- $reader->close;
-Reads EBML data, which is used in Matroska files.
-This is a low-level reader which is meant to be used as a backend
-for higher level readers. TODO: write the high level readers :)
-=head1 NOTE
-The API of this module is not yet considered stable.
-=method new
-Creates a new reader.
-Calls L</open($arg)> with its arguments if provided.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {};
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->open(@_) if @_;
- return $self;
-=method open($arg)
-Creates the internal filehandle. The argument can be:
-=for :list
-* An open filehandle or L<IO::Handle> object.
-The filehandle is not C<dup()>ed, so calling L</close> in this
-object will close the given filehandle as well.
-* A scalar containing a path to a file.
-* On perl v5.14 or newer, a scalarref pointing to EBML data.
-For similar functionality in older perls, give an L<IO::String> object
-or the handle to an already C<open>ed scalarref.
-sub open {
- my ($self, $arg) = @_;
- $self->{fh} = openhandle($arg) || IO::File->new($arg, "<:raw")
- or croak "Can't open $arg: $!";
-=method close
-Closes the internal filehandle.
-sub close {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{fh}->close;
- delete $self->{fh};
-# equivalent to $self->readlen(1), possibly faster
-sub _getc {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $c = $self->{fh}->getc;
- croak "Can't do read of length 1: $!" if !defined $c && $!;
- return $c;
-=method readlen($length)
-Reads C<$length> bytes from the internal filehandle.
-sub readlen {
- my ($self, $len) = @_;
- my $data;
- my $readlen = $self->{fh}->read($data, $len);
- croak "Can't do read of length $len: $!"
- unless defined $readlen;
- return $data;
-# converts a byte string into an integer
-# we do so by converting the integer into a hex string (big-endian)
-# and then reading the hex-string into an integer
-sub _bin2int($) {
- my ($bin) = @_;
- # if the length is larger than 3
- # the resulting integer might be larger than INT_MAX
- if (length($bin) > 3) {
- return Math::BigInt->from_hex(unpack("H*", $bin));
- }
- return hex(unpack("H*", $bin));
-# creates a floating-point number with the given mantissa and exponent
-sub _ldexp {
- my ($mantissa, $exponent) = @_;
- my $r = new Math::BigRat($mantissa);
- return $r * Math::BigRat->new(2)**$exponent;
-# NOTE: the read_* functions are hard to read because they're ports
-# of even harder to read python functions.
-# TODO: make them readable
-=method read_id
-Reads an EBML ID atom in hexadecimal string format, suitable
-for passing to L<Parse::Matroska::Definitions/elem_by_hexid($id)>.
-sub read_id {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $t = $self->_getc;
- return undef unless defined $t;
- my $i = 0;
- my $mask = 1<<7;
- if (ord($t) == 0) {
- croak "Matroska Syntax error: first byte of ID was \\0"
- }
- until (ord($t) & $mask) {
- ++$i;
- $mask >>= 1;
- }
- # return hex string of the bytes we just read
- return unpack "H*", ($t . $self->readlen($i));
-=method read_size
-Reads an EBML Data Size atom, which immediately follows
-an EBML ID atom.
-This returns an array consisting of:
-=for :list
-0. The length of the Data Size atom.
-1. The value encoded in the Data Size atom, which is the length of all the data following it.
-sub read_size {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $t = $self->_getc;
- my $i = 0;
- my $mask = 1<<7;
- if (ord($t) == 0) {
- croak "Matroska Syntax error: first byte of data size was \\0"
- }
- until (ord($t) & $mask) {
- ++$i;
- $mask >>= 1;
- }
- $t = $t & chr($mask-1); # strip length bits (keep only significant bits)
- return ($i+1, _bin2int $t . $self->readlen($i));
-=method read_str($length)
-Reads a string of length C<$length> bytes from the internal filehandle.
-The string is already L<Encode/decode>d from C<UTF-8>, which is the
-standard Matroska string encoding.
- my $utf8 = find_encoding("UTF-8");
- sub read_str {
- my ($self, $length) = @_;
- return $utf8->decode($self->readlen($length));
- }
-=method read_uint($length)
-Reads an unsigned integer of length C<$length> bytes
-from the internal filehandle.
-Returns a L<Math::BigInt> object if C<$length> is greater
-than 4.
-sub read_uint {
- my ($self, $length) = @_;
- return _bin2int $self->readlen($length);
-=method read_sint($length)
-Reads a signed integer of length C<$length> bytes
-from the internal filehandle.
-Returns a L<Math::BigInt> object if C<$length> is greater
-than 4.
-sub read_sint {
- my ($self, $length) = @_;
- my $i = $self->read_uint($length);
- # Apply 2's complement to the unsigned int
- my $mask = int(2 ** ($length * 8 - 1));
- # if the most significant bit is set...
- if ($i & $mask) {
- # subtract the MSB twice
- $i -= 2 * $mask;
- }
- return $i;
-=method read_float($length)
-Reads an IEEE floating point number of length C<$length>
-bytes from the internal filehandle.
-Only lengths C<4> and C<8> are supported (C C<float> and C<double>).
- my $b1 = new Math::BigInt 1;
- sub read_float {
- my ($self, $length) = @_;
- my $i = new Math::BigInt $self->read_uint($length)->bstr;
- my $f;
- # These evil expressions reinterpret an unsigned int as IEEE binary floats
- if ($length == 4) {
- $f = _ldexp(($i & ((1<<23) - 1)) + (1<<23), ($i>>23 & ((1<<8) - 1)) - 150);
- $f = -$f if $i & ($b1<<31);
- } elsif ($length == 8) {
- $f = _ldexp(($i & (($b1<<52) - 1)) + ($b1<<52), ($i>>52 & ((1<<12) - 1)) - 1075);
- $f = -$f if $i & ($b1<<63);
- } else {
- croak "Matroska Syntax error: unsupported IEEE float byte size $length";
- }
- return $f;
- }
-=method read_ebml_id($length)
-Reads an EBML ID when it's encoded as the data inside another
-EBML element, that is, when the enclosing element's C<type> is
-This returns a hashref with the EBML element description as
-defined in L<Parse::Matroska::Definitions>.
-sub read_ebml_id {
- my ($self, $length) = @_;
- return elem_by_hexid(unpack("H*", $self->readlen($length)));
-=method skip($length)
-Skips C<$length> bytes in the internal filehandle.
-sub skip {
- my ($self, $len) = @_;
- return if $self->{fh}->can('seek') && $self->{fh}->seek($len, 1);
- $self->readlen($len);
- return;
-=method getpos
-Wrapper for L<IO::Seekable/$io-E<gt>getpos> in the internal filehandle.
-Returns undef if the internal filehandle can't C<getpos>.
-sub getpos {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return undef unless $self->{fh}->can('getpos');
- return $self->{fh}->getpos;
-=method setpos($pos)
-Wrapper for L<IO::Seekable/$io-E<gt>setpos> in the internal filehandle.
-Returns C<undef> if the internal filehandle can't C<setpos>.
-Croaks if C<setpos> does not seek to the requested position,
-that is, if calling C<getpos> does not yield the same object
-as the C<$pos> argument.
-sub setpos {
- my ($self, $pos) = @_;
- return undef unless $pos && $self->{fh}->can('setpos');
- my $ret = $self->{fh}->setpos($pos);
- croak "Cannot seek to correct position"
- unless $self->getpos eq $pos;
- return $ret;
-=method read_element($read_bin)
-Reads a full EBML element from the internal filehandle.
-Returns a L<Parse::Matroska::Element> object initialized with
-the read data. If C<read_bin> is not present or is false, will
-delay-load the contents of C<binary> type elements, that is,
-they will only be loaded when calling C<get_value> on the
-returned L<Parse::Matroska::Element> object.
-Does not read the children of the element if its type is
-C<sub>. Look into the L<Parse::Matroska::Element> interface
-for details in how to read children elements.
-Pass a true C<$read_bin> if the stream being read is not
-seekable (C<getpos> is undef) and the contents of C<binary>
-elements is desired, otherwise seeking errors or internal
-filehandle corruption might occur.
-sub read_element {
- my ($self, $read_bin) = @_;
- return undef if $self->{fh}->eof;
- my $elem_pos = $self->getpos;
- my $elid = $self->read_id;
- my $elem_def = elem_by_hexid($elid);
- my ($size_len, $content_len) = $self->read_size;
- my $full_len = length($elid)/2 + $size_len + $content_len;
- my $elem = Parse::Matroska::Element->new(
- elid => $elid,
- name => $elem_def && $elem_def->{name},
- type => $elem_def && $elem_def->{valtype},
- size_len => $size_len,
- content_len => $content_len,
- full_len => $full_len,
- reader => $self,
- elem_pos => $elem_pos,
- data_pos => $self->getpos,
- );
- weaken($elem->{reader});
- if (defined $elem_def) {
- if ($elem->{type} eq 'sub') {
- $elem->{value} = [];
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'str') {
- $elem->{value} = $self->read_str($content_len);
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'ebml_id') {
- $elem->{value} = $self->read_ebml_id($content_len);
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'uint') {
- $elem->{value} = $self->read_uint($content_len);
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'sint') {
- $elem->{value} = $self->read_sint($content_len);
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'float') {
- $elem->{value} = $self->read_float($content_len);
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'skip') {
- $self->skip($content_len);
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'binary') {
- if ($read_bin) {
- $elem->{value} = $self->readlen($content_len);
- } else {
- $self->skip($content_len);
- }
- } else {
- die "Matroska Definition error: type $elem->{valtype} unknown"
- }
- } else {
- $self->skip($content_len);
- }
- return $elem;
-=head1 CAVEATS
-Children elements have to be processed as soon as an element
-with children is found, or their children ignored with
-L<Parse::Matroska::Element/skip>. Not doing so doesn't cause
-errors but results in an invalid structure, with constant C<0>
-To work correctly in unseekable streams, either the contents
-of C<binary>-type elements has to be ignored or the C<read_bin>
-flag to C<read_element> has to be true.
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Utils.pm b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Utils.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 127d626cb1..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/Utils.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# ABSTRACT: internally-used helper functions
-package Parse::Matroska::Utils;
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw{Exporter};
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw{uniq uncamelize};
-=method uniq(@array)
-The same as L<List::MoreUtils/"uniq LIST">.
-Included to avoid depending on it since it's
-not a core module.
-sub uniq(@) {
- my %seen;
- return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
-=method uncamelize($string)
-Converts a "StringLikeTHIS" into a
-sub uncamelize($) {
- local $_ = shift;
- # lc followed by UC: lc_UC
- s/(?<=[a-z])([A-Z])/_\L$1/g;
- # UC followed by two lc: _UClclc
- s/([A-Z])(?=[a-z]{2})/_\L$1/g;
- # strip leading _ that the second regexp might add; lowercase all
- s/^_//; lc
diff --git a/TOOLS/matroska.pl b/TOOLS/matroska.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 41e4f6aa81..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/matroska.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env perl
-# Generate C definitions for parsing Matroska files.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Parse::Matroska::Definitions;
-use Parse::Matroska::Reader;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use List::Util qw{max};
-my @global_elem_list = @Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list;
-Getopt::Long::Configure(qw{auto_version auto_help});
-my %opt;
- "generate-header",
- "generate-definitions",
- "full",
- );
-if ($opt{"generate-header"}) {
- generate_c_header();
-} elsif ($opt{"generate-definitions"}) {
- generate_c_definitions();
-} else {
- for (@ARGV) {
- my $reader = Parse::Matroska::Reader->new($_ eq '-' ? \*STDIN : $_) or die $!;
- while (my $elem = $reader->read_element($_ eq '-')) {
- process_elem($elem, $_ eq '-');
- }
- }
-# Generate declarations for libmpdemux/ebml_types.h
-sub generate_c_header {
- print "/* Generated by TOOLS/matroska.pl, do not edit manually */\n\n";
- # Write a #define for the ElementID of each known element
- for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
- printf "#define %-40s 0x%s\n", $el->{definename}, $el->{elid};
- }
- print "\n";
- # Define a struct for each ElementID that has child elements
- for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
- next unless $el->{subelements};
- print "\nstruct $el->{structname} {\n";
- # Figure out the length of the longest variable name
- # Used for pretty-printing in the next step
- my $l = max(map { length $_->{valname} } values %{$el->{subelements}});
- # Output each variable, with pointers for array (multiple) elements
- for my $subel (sort { $a->{definename} cmp $b->{definename} } values %{$el->{subelements}}) {
- printf " %-${l}s %s%s;\n",
- $subel->{valname}, $subel->{multiple}?'*':' ', $subel->{fieldname};
- }
- print "\n";
- # Output a counter variable for each element
- # (presence/absence for scalars, item count for arrays)
- for my $subel (sort values %{$el->{subelements}}) {
- print " int n_$subel->{fieldname};\n"
- }
- print "};\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- # Output extern references for ebml_elem_desc structs for each of the elements
- # These are defined by generate_c_definitions
- for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
- next unless $el->{subelements};
- print "extern const struct ebml_elem_desc $el->{structname}_desc;\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- # Output the max number of sub-elements a known element might have
- printf "#define MAX_EBML_SUBELEMENTS %d\n",
- max(map { scalar keys %{$_->{subelements}} }
- grep { $_->{subelements} } @global_elem_list);
-# Generate definitions for libmpdemux/ebml_defs.c
-sub generate_c_definitions {
- print "/* Generated by TOOLS/matroska.pl, do not edit manually */\n\n";
- # ebml_defs.c uses macros declared in ebml.c
- for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
- print "\n";
- if ($el->{subelements}) {
- # set N for the next macros
- print "#define N $el->{fieldname}\n";
- # define a struct ebml_$N_desc and gets ready to define fields
- # this secretly opens two scopes; hence the }}; at the end
- print "E_S(\"$el->{name}\", ".scalar(keys %{$el->{subelements}}).")\n";
- # define a field for each subelement
- # also does lots of macro magic, but doesn't open a scope
- for my $subel (sort { $a->{definename} cmp $b->{definename} } values %{$el->{subelements}}) {
- print "F($subel->{definename}, $subel->{fieldname}, ".
- ($subel->{multiple}?'1':'0').")\n";
- }
- # close the struct
- print "}};\n";
- # unset N since we've used it
- print "#undef N\n";
- } else {
- print "E(\"$el->{name}\", $el->{fieldname}, $el->{ebmltype})\n";
- }
- }
-sub repr {
- my @ret;
- foreach (@_) {
- if (/'/) {
- s/"/\\"/g;
- push @ret, "\"$_\"";
- } else {
- push @ret, "'$_'";
- }
- }
- return @ret if wantarray;
- return pop @ret if defined wantarray;
- return;
-sub process_elem {
- my ($elem, $read_bin) = @_;
- unless ($opt{full}) {
- if ($elem->{name} eq 'Cluster' || $elem->{name} eq 'Cues') {
- $elem->skip;
- return;
- }
- }
- die unless $elem;
- if ($elem->{type} ne 'skip') {
- print "$elem->{depth} $elem->{elid} $elem->{name} size: $elem->{content_len} value: ";
- }
- if ($elem->{type} eq 'sub') {
- print "subelements:\n";
- while (my $chld = $elem->next_child($read_bin)) {
- process_elem($chld);
- }
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'binary') {
- my $t = "<skipped $elem->{content_len} bytes>";
- if ($elem->{content_len} < 20) {
- $t = unpack "H*", $elem->get_value;
- }
- print "binary $t\n";
- delete $elem->{value};
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'ebml_id') {
- print "binary $elem->{value}->{elid} (".($elem->{value}->{name}||"UNKNOWN").")\n";
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'skip') {
- # skip
- } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'str') {
- print "string ". repr($elem->get_value) . "\n";
- } else {
- print "$elem->{type} ". $elem->get_value ."\n";
- }
diff --git a/TOOLS/matroska.py b/TOOLS/matroska.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..91e65a26b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/matroska.py
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Generate C definitions for parsing Matroska files.
+Can also be used to directly parse Matroska files and display their contents.
+# This file is part of MPlayer.
+# MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# for compatibility with Python 2.x
+from __future__ import print_function
+elements_ebml = (
+ 'EBML, 1a45dfa3, sub', (
+ 'EBMLVersion, 4286, uint',
+ 'EBMLReadVersion, 42f7, uint',
+ 'EBMLMaxIDLength, 42f2, uint',
+ 'EBMLMaxSizeLength, 42f3, uint',
+ 'DocType, 4282, str',
+ 'DocTypeVersion, 4287, uint',
+ 'DocTypeReadVersion, 4285, uint',
+ ),
+ 'CRC32, bf, binary',
+ 'Void, ec, binary',
+elements_matroska = (
+ 'Segment, 18538067, sub', (
+ 'SeekHead*, 114d9b74, sub', (
+ 'Seek*, 4dbb, sub', (
+ 'SeekID, 53ab, ebml_id',
+ 'SeekPosition, 53ac, uint',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'Info*, 1549a966, sub', (
+ 'SegmentUID, 73a4, binary',
+ 'PrevUID, 3cb923, binary',
+ 'NextUID, 3eb923, binary',
+ 'TimecodeScale, 2ad7b1, uint',
+ 'DateUTC, 4461, sint',
+ 'Title, 7ba9, str',
+ 'MuxingApp, 4d80, str',
+ 'WritingApp, 5741, str',
+ 'Duration, 4489, float',
+ ),
+ 'Cluster*, 1f43b675, sub', (
+ 'Timecode, e7, uint',
+ 'BlockGroup*, a0, sub', (
+ 'Block, a1, binary',
+ 'BlockDuration, 9b, uint',
+ 'ReferenceBlock*, fb, sint',
+ 'DiscardPadding, 75A2, sint',
+ ),
+ 'SimpleBlock*, a3, binary',
+ ),
+ 'Tracks*, 1654ae6b, sub', (
+ 'TrackEntry*, ae, sub', (
+ 'TrackNumber, d7, uint',
+ 'TrackUID, 73c5, uint',
+ 'TrackType, 83, uint',
+ 'FlagEnabled, b9, uint',
+ 'FlagDefault, 88, uint',
+ 'FlagForced, 55aa, uint',
+ 'FlagLacing, 9c, uint',
+ 'MinCache, 6de7, uint',
+ 'MaxCache, 6df8, uint',
+ 'DefaultDuration, 23e383, uint',
+ 'TrackTimecodeScale, 23314f, float',
+ 'MaxBlockAdditionID, 55ee, uint',
+ 'Name, 536e, str',
+ 'Language, 22b59c, str',
+ 'CodecID, 86, str',
+ 'CodecPrivate, 63a2, binary',
+ 'CodecName, 258688, str',
+ 'CodecDecodeAll, aa, uint',
+ 'CodecDelay, 56aa, uint',
+ 'SeekPreRoll, 56bb, uint',
+ 'Video, e0, sub', (
+ 'FlagInterlaced, 9a, uint',
+ 'PixelWidth, b0, uint',
+ 'PixelHeight, ba, uint',
+ 'DisplayWidth, 54b0, uint',
+ 'DisplayHeight, 54ba, uint',
+ 'DisplayUnit, 54b2, uint',
+ 'FrameRate, 2383e3, float',
+ 'ColourSpace, 2eb524, binary',
+ 'StereoMode, 53b8, uint',
+ 'Colour, 55b0, sub', (
+ 'MatrixCoefficients, 55B1, uint',
+ 'BitsPerChannel, 55B2, uint',
+ 'ChromaSubsamplingHorz, 55B3, uint',
+ 'ChromaSubsamplingVert, 55B4, uint',
+ 'CbSubsamplingHorz, 55B5, uint',
+ 'CbSubsamplingVert, 55B6, uint',
+ 'ChromaSitingHorz, 55B7, uint',
+ 'ChromaSitingVert, 55B8, uint',
+ 'Range, 55B9, uint',
+ 'TransferCharacteristics, 55BA, uint',
+ 'Primaries, 55BB, uint',
+ 'MaxCLL, 55BC, uint',
+ 'MaxFALL, 55BD, uint',
+ 'MasteringMetadata, 55D0, sub', (
+ 'PrimaryRChromaticityX, 55D1, float',
+ 'PrimaryRChromaticityY, 55D2, float',
+ 'PrimaryGChromaticityX, 55D3, float',
+ 'PrimaryGChromaticityY, 55D4, float',
+ 'PrimaryBChromaticityX, 55D5, float',
+ 'PrimaryBChromaticityY, 55D6, float',
+ 'WhitePointChromaticityX, 55D7, float',
+ 'WhitePointChromaticityY, 55D8, float',
+ 'LuminanceMax, 55D9, float',
+ 'LuminanceMin, 55DA, float',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'Audio, e1, sub', (
+ 'SamplingFrequency, b5, float',
+ 'OutputSamplingFrequency, 78b5, float',
+ 'Channels, 9f, uint',
+ 'BitDepth, 6264, uint',
+ ),
+ 'ContentEncodings, 6d80, sub', (
+ 'ContentEncoding*, 6240, sub', (
+ 'ContentEncodingOrder, 5031, uint',
+ 'ContentEncodingScope, 5032, uint',
+ 'ContentEncodingType, 5033, uint',
+ 'ContentCompression, 5034, sub', (
+ 'ContentCompAlgo, 4254, uint',
+ 'ContentCompSettings, 4255, binary',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'Cues, 1c53bb6b, sub', (
+ 'CuePoint*, bb, sub', (
+ 'CueTime, b3, uint',
+ 'CueTrackPositions*, b7, sub', (
+ 'CueTrack, f7, uint',
+ 'CueClusterPosition, f1, uint',
+ 'CueRelativePosition, f0, uint',
+ 'CueDuration, b2, uint',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'Attachments, 1941a469, sub', (
+ 'AttachedFile*, 61a7, sub', (
+ 'FileDescription, 467e, str',
+ 'FileName, 466e, str',
+ 'FileMimeType, 4660, str',
+ 'FileData, 465c, binary',
+ 'FileUID, 46ae, uint',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'Chapters, 1043a770, sub', (
+ 'EditionEntry*, 45b9, sub', (
+ 'EditionUID, 45bc, uint',
+ 'EditionFlagHidden, 45bd, uint',
+ 'EditionFlagDefault, 45db, uint',
+ 'EditionFlagOrdered, 45dd, uint',
+ 'ChapterAtom*, b6, sub', (
+ 'ChapterUID, 73c4, uint',
+ 'ChapterTimeStart, 91, uint',
+ 'ChapterTimeEnd, 92, uint',
+ 'ChapterFlagHidden, 98, uint',
+ 'ChapterFlagEnabled, 4598, uint',
+ 'ChapterSegmentUID, 6e67, binary',
+ 'ChapterSegmentEditionUID, 6ebc, uint',
+ 'ChapterDisplay*, 80, sub', (
+ 'ChapString, 85, str',
+ 'ChapLanguage*, 437c, str',
+ 'ChapCountry*, 437e, str',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'Tags*, 1254c367, sub', (
+ 'Tag*, 7373, sub', (
+ 'Targets, 63c0, sub', (
+ 'TargetTypeValue, 68ca, uint',
+ 'TargetTrackUID, 63c5, uint',
+ 'TargetEditionUID, 63c9, uint',
+ 'TargetChapterUID, 63c4, uint',
+ 'TargetAttachmentUID, 63c6, uint',
+ ),
+ 'SimpleTag*, 67c8, sub', (
+ 'TagName, 45a3, str',
+ 'TagLanguage, 447a, str',
+ 'TagString, 4487, str'
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+import sys
+from math import ldexp
+from binascii import hexlify
+def byte2num(s):
+ return int(hexlify(s), 16)
+class EOF(Exception): pass
+def camelcase_to_words(name):
+ parts = []
+ start = 0
+ for i in range(1, len(name)):
+ if name[i].isupper() and (name[i-1].islower() or
+ name[i+1:i+2].islower()):
+ parts.append(name[start:i])
+ start = i
+ parts.append(name[start:])
+ return '_'.join(parts).lower()
+class MatroskaElement(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, elid, valtype, namespace):
+ self.name = name
+ self.definename = '{0}_ID_{1}'.format(namespace, name.upper())
+ self.fieldname = camelcase_to_words(name)
+ self.structname = 'ebml_' + self.fieldname
+ self.elid = elid
+ self.valtype = valtype
+ if valtype == 'sub':
+ self.ebmltype = 'EBML_TYPE_SUBELEMENTS'
+ self.valname = 'struct ' + self.structname
+ else:
+ self.ebmltype = 'EBML_TYPE_' + valtype.upper()
+ try:
+ self.valname = {'uint': 'uint64_t', 'str': 'char *',
+ 'binary': 'bstr', 'ebml_id': 'uint32_t',
+ 'float': 'double', 'sint': 'int64_t',
+ }[valtype]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise SyntaxError('Unrecognized value type ' + valtype)
+ self.subelements = ()
+ def add_subelements(self, subelements):
+ self.subelements = subelements
+ self.subids = set(x[0].elid for x in subelements)
+elementd = {}
+elementlist = []
+def parse_elems(l, namespace):
+ subelements = []
+ for el in l:
+ if isinstance(el, str):
+ name, hexid, eltype = [x.strip() for x in el.split(',')]
+ multiple = name.endswith('*')
+ name = name.strip('*')
+ new = MatroskaElement(name, hexid, eltype, namespace)
+ elementd[hexid] = new
+ elementlist.append(new)
+ subelements.append((new, multiple))
+ else:
+ new.add_subelements(parse_elems(el, namespace))
+ return subelements
+parse_elems(elements_ebml, 'EBML')
+parse_elems(elements_matroska, 'MATROSKA')
+def generate_C_header():
+ print('// Generated by TOOLS/matroska.py, do not edit manually')
+ print()
+ for el in elementlist:
+ print('#define {0.definename:40} 0x{0.elid}'.format(el))
+ print()
+ for el in reversed(elementlist):
+ if not el.subelements:
+ continue
+ print()
+ print('struct {0.structname} {{'.format(el))
+ l = max(len(subel.valname) for subel, multiple in el.subelements)+1
+ for subel, multiple in el.subelements:
+ print(' {e.valname:{l}} {star}{e.fieldname};'.format(
+ e=subel, l=l, star=' *'[multiple]))
+ print()
+ for subel, multiple in el.subelements:
+ print(' int n_{0.fieldname};'.format(subel))
+ print('};')
+ for el in elementlist:
+ if not el.subelements:
+ continue
+ print('extern const struct ebml_elem_desc {0.structname}_desc;'.format(
+ el))
+ print()
+ print('#define MAX_EBML_SUBELEMENTS', max(len(el.subelements)
+ for el in elementlist))
+def generate_C_definitions():
+ print('// Generated by TOOLS/matroska.py, do not edit manually')
+ print()
+ for el in reversed(elementlist):
+ print()
+ if el.subelements:
+ print('#define N', el.fieldname)
+ print('E_S("{0}", {1})'.format(el.name, len(el.subelements)))
+ for subel, multiple in el.subelements:
+ print('F({0.definename}, {0.fieldname}, {1})'.format(
+ subel, int(multiple)))
+ print('}};')
+ print('#undef N')
+ else:
+ print('E("{0.name}", {0.fieldname}, {0.ebmltype})'.format(el))
+def read(s, length):
+ t = s.read(length)
+ if len(t) != length:
+ raise EOF
+ return t
+def read_id(s):
+ t = read(s, 1)
+ i = 0
+ mask = 128
+ if ord(t) == 0:
+ raise SyntaxError
+ while not ord(t) & mask:
+ i += 1
+ mask >>= 1
+ t += read(s, i)
+ return t
+def read_vint(s):
+ t = read(s, 1)
+ i = 0
+ mask = 128
+ if ord(t) == 0:
+ raise SyntaxError
+ while not ord(t) & mask:
+ i += 1
+ mask >>= 1
+ t = bytes((ord(t) & (mask - 1),))
+ t += read(s, i)
+ return i+1, byte2num(t)
+def read_str(s, length):
+ return read(s, length)
+def read_uint(s, length):
+ t = read(s, length)
+ return byte2num(t)
+def read_sint(s, length):
+ i = read_uint(s, length)
+ mask = 1 << (length * 8 - 1)
+ if i & mask:
+ i -= 2 * mask
+ return i
+def read_float(s, length):
+ t = read(s, length)
+ i = byte2num(t)
+ if length == 4:
+ f = ldexp((i & 0x7fffff) + (1 << 23), (i >> 23 & 0xff) - 150)
+ if i & (1 << 31):
+ f = -f
+ elif length == 8:
+ f = ldexp((i & ((1 << 52) - 1)) + (1 << 52), (i >> 52 & 0x7ff) - 1075)
+ if i & (1 << 63):
+ f = -f
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError
+ return f
+def parse_one(s, depth, parent, maxlen):
+ elid = hexlify(read_id(s)).decode('ascii')
+ elem = elementd.get(elid)
+ if parent is not None and elid not in parent.subids and elid not in ('ec', 'bf'):
+ print('Unexpected:', elid)
+ if 1:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ size, length = read_vint(s)
+ this_length = len(elid) / 2 + size + length
+ if elem is not None:
+ if elem.valtype != 'skip':
+ print(depth, elid, elem.name, 'size:', length, 'value:', end=' ')
+ if elem.valtype == 'sub':
+ print('subelements:')
+ while length > 0:
+ length -= parse_one(s, depth + 1, elem, length)
+ if length < 0:
+ raise SyntaxError
+ elif elem.valtype == 'str':
+ print('string', repr(read_str(s, length).decode('utf8', 'replace')))
+ elif elem.valtype in ('binary', 'ebml_id'):
+ t = read_str(s, length)
+ dec = ''
+ if elem.valtype == 'ebml_id':
+ idelem = elementd.get(hexlify(t).decode('ascii'))
+ if idelem is None:
+ dec = '(UNKNOWN)'
+ else:
+ dec = '({0.name})'.format(idelem)
+ if len(t) < 20:
+ t = hexlify(t).decode('ascii')
+ else:
+ t = '<skipped {0} bytes>'.format(len(t))
+ print('binary', t, dec)
+ elif elem.valtype == 'uint':
+ print('uint', read_uint(s, length))
+ elif elem.valtype == 'sint':
+ print('sint', read_sint(s, length))
+ elif elem.valtype == 'float':
+ print('float', read_float(s, length))
+ elif elem.valtype == 'skip':
+ read(s, length)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ else:
+ print(depth, 'Unknown element:', elid, 'size:', length)
+ read(s, length)
+ return this_length
+def parse_toplevel(s):
+ parse_one(s, 0, None, 1 << 63)
+if sys.argv[1] == '--generate-header':
+ generate_C_header()
+elif sys.argv[1] == '--generate-definitions':
+ generate_C_definitions()
+ s = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
+ while 1:
+ start = s.tell()
+ try:
+ parse_toplevel(s)
+ except EOF:
+ if s.tell() != start:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
+ break
diff --git a/waftools/generators/sources.py b/waftools/generators/sources.py
index 6f1521036a..b6af693e65 100644
--- a/waftools/generators/sources.py
+++ b/waftools/generators/sources.py
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ from waflib.Build import BuildContext
import os
def __file2string_cmd__(ctx):
- return '"${{BIN_PERL}}" "{0}/TOOLS/file2string.pl" "${{SRC}}" > "${{TGT}}"' \
+ return '"${{BIN_PYTHON}}" "{0}/TOOLS/file2string.py" "${{SRC}}" > "${{TGT}}"' \
def __matroska_cmd__(ctx, argument):
- return '"${{BIN_PERL}}" "{0}/TOOLS/matroska.pl" "{1}" "${{SRC}}" > "${{TGT}}"' \
+ return '"${{BIN_PYTHON}}" "{0}/TOOLS/matroska.py" "{1}" "${{SRC}}" > "${{TGT}}"' \
.format(ctx.srcnode.abspath(), argument)
def __zshcomp_cmd__(ctx, argument):
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index f47f965265..94db7e296f 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ build_options = [
}, {
'name': '--zsh-comp',
'desc': 'zsh completion',
+ 'func': check_ctx_vars('BIN_PERL'),
'func': check_true,
'default': 'disable',
}, {
@@ -995,11 +996,12 @@ def configure(ctx):
ctx.find_program(cc, var='CC')
ctx.find_program(pkg_config, var='PKG_CONFIG')
ctx.find_program(ar, var='AR')
- ctx.find_program('perl', var='BIN_PERL')
+ ctx.find_program('python', var='BIN_PYTHON')
ctx.find_program('rst2html', var='RST2HTML', mandatory=False)
ctx.find_program('rst2man', var='RST2MAN', mandatory=False)
ctx.find_program('rst2pdf', var='RST2PDF', mandatory=False)
ctx.find_program(windres, var='WINDRES', mandatory=False)
+ ctx.find_program('perl', var='BIN_PERL', mandatory=False)