path: root/waftools/dependencies.py
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authorGravatar wm4 <wm4@nowhere>2017-09-18 22:35:37 +0200
committerGravatar wm4 <wm4@nowhere>2017-09-18 22:35:37 +0200
commitacb28e922bec72e5901810d53d7746d9978185f1 (patch)
tree6442e0d0055622a7153e1fd3b619f8581b3f80af /waftools/dependencies.py
parentf4c80d44021dd917aee64f58b0e2a79f20610057 (diff)
build: use unified dependency expressions instead of weird fields
Instead of "deps", "deps_neg", and "deps_any" fields, just have a single "deps" field, which changes from an array to a string. The string is now an expression, which can contain the operators &&, ||, !, and allows grouping with ( ). It's probably overkill. If it gets a maintenance burden, we can switch to specifiying the dep expressions as ASTs (or maybe eval()-able Python expressions), and we could simplify the code that determines the reason why a dependency is not fulfilled. The latter involves a complicated conversion of the expression AST to DNF. The parser is actually pretty simple, and pretty much follows: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting_yard_algorithm
Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/dependencies.py')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/dependencies.py b/waftools/dependencies.py
index 994e1d10b2..3cef6a3562 100644
--- a/waftools/dependencies.py
+++ b/waftools/dependencies.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from waflib.Errors import ConfigurationError, WafError
from waflib.Configure import conf
from waflib.Build import BuildContext
from waflib.Logs import pprint
+import deps_parser
import inflector
class DependencyError(Exception):
@@ -16,11 +17,9 @@ class Dependency(object):
self.attributes = self.__parse_attributes__(dependency)
- for dep_key in ['deps', 'deps_any', 'deps_neg']:
- if dep_key in self.attributes:
- deps = self.attributes[dep_key]
- self.ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(*deps)
+ if 'deps' in self.attributes:
+ self.ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(self.attributes['deps'])
def __parse_attributes__(self, dependency):
if 'os_specific_checks' in dependency:
@@ -36,9 +35,7 @@ class Dependency(object):
- self.check_any_dependencies()
- self.check_negative_dependencies()
except DependencyError:
# No check was run, since the prerequisites of the dependency are
# not satisfied. Make sure the define is 'undefined' so that we
@@ -67,27 +64,12 @@ class Dependency(object):
self.attributes['fmsg'] = "You manually enabled the feature '{0}', but \
the autodetection check failed.".format(self.identifier)
- def check_any_dependencies(self):
- if 'deps_any' in self.attributes:
- deps = set(self.attributes['deps_any'])
- if len(deps & self.satisfied_deps) == 0:
- self.skip("not found any of {0}".format(", ".join(deps)))
- raise DependencyError
def check_dependencies(self):
if 'deps' in self.attributes:
- deps = set(self.attributes['deps'])
- if not deps <= self.satisfied_deps:
- missing_deps = deps - self.satisfied_deps
- self.skip("{0} not found".format(", ".join(missing_deps)))
- raise DependencyError
- def check_negative_dependencies(self):
- if 'deps_neg' in self.attributes:
- deps = set(self.attributes['deps_neg'])
- conflicting_deps = deps & self.satisfied_deps
- if len(conflicting_deps) > 0:
- self.skip("{0} found".format(", ".join(conflicting_deps)), 'CYAN')
+ ok, why = deps_parser.check_dependency_expr(self.attributes['deps'],
+ self.satisfied_deps)
+ if not ok:
+ self.skip(why)
raise DependencyError
def check_autodetect_func(self):
@@ -145,13 +127,19 @@ def configure(ctx):
-def ensure_dependency_is_known(ctx, *depnames):
- deps = set([d for d in depnames if not d.startswith('os-')])
- if not deps <= ctx.known_deps:
- raise ConfigurationError(
- "error in dependencies definition: some dependencies in"
- " {0} are unknown.".format(deps))
+def ensure_dependency_is_known(ctx, depnames):
+ def check(ast):
+ if isinstance(ast, deps_parser.AstSym):
+ if (not ast.name.startswith('os-')) and ast.name not in ctx.known_deps:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "error in dependencies definition: dependency {0} in"
+ " {1} is unknown.".format(ast.name, depnames))
+ elif isinstance(ast, deps_parser.AstOp):
+ for sub in ast.sub:
+ check(sub)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ check(deps_parser.parse_expr(depnames))
def mark_satisfied(ctx, dependency_identifier):
@@ -174,7 +162,9 @@ def parse_dependencies(ctx, dependencies):
def dependency_satisfied(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- return dependency_identifier in ctx.satisfied_deps
+ ok, _ = deps_parser.check_dependency_expr(dependency_identifier,
+ ctx.satisfied_deps)
+ return ok
def store_dependencies_lists(ctx):
@@ -194,13 +184,7 @@ def filtered_sources(ctx, sources):
return source
def __check_filter__(dependency):
- if dependency.find('!') == 0:
- dependency = dependency.lstrip('!')
- ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(dependency)
- return dependency not in ctx.satisfied_deps
- else:
- ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(dependency)
- return dependency in ctx.satisfied_deps
+ return dependency_satisfied(ctx, dependency)
def __unpack_and_check_filter__(source):