path: root/waftools/checks/generic.py
diff options
authorGravatar Stefano Pigozzi <stefano.pigozzi@gmail.com>2013-07-16 13:28:28 +0200
committerGravatar Stefano Pigozzi <stefano.pigozzi@gmail.com>2013-11-21 21:22:36 +0100
commit7e2edad8efea55e8df1faa695d1389ef4e326d7c (patch)
treef9662620b8ecaf50f6c67804dd0d99d00d85fe5b /waftools/checks/generic.py
parent0cb9227a73f03a6ecdf71e837c7c33c823b194b4 (diff)
switch the build system to waf
This commit adds a new build system based on waf. configure and Makefile are deprecated effective immediately and someday in the future they will be removed (they are still available by running ./old-configure). You can find how the choice for waf came to be in `DOCS/waf-buildsystem.rst`. TL;DR: we couldn't get the same level of abstraction and customization with other build systems we tried (CMake and autotools). For guidance on how to build the software now, take a look at README.md and the cross compilation guide. CREDITS: This is a squash of ~250 commits. Some of them are not by me, so here is the deserved attribution: - @wm4 contributed some Windows fixes, renamed configure to old-configure and contributed to the bootstrap script. Also, GNU/Linux testing. - @lachs0r contributed some Windows fixes and the bootstrap script. - @Nikoli contributed a lot of testing and discovered many bugs. - @CrimsonVoid contributed changes to the bootstrap script.
Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/checks/generic.py')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/checks/generic.py b/waftools/checks/generic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46813aed01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waftools/checks/generic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import os
+from inflectors import DependencyInflector
+__all__ = [
+ "check_pkg_config", "check_cc", "check_statement", "check_libs",
+ "check_headers", "compose_checks", "check_true", "any_version",
+ "load_fragment", "check_stub", "check_ctx_vars"]
+any_version = None
+def even(n):
+ return n % 2 == 0
+def __define_options__(dependency_identifier):
+ return DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_dict()
+def __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, *args):
+ options_accu = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).storage_dict()
+ options_accu['mandatory'] = False
+ [options_accu.update(arg) for arg in args if arg]
+ return options_accu
+def check_libs(libs, function):
+ libs = [None] + libs
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ for lib in libs:
+ kwargs = lib and {'lib': lib} or {}
+ if function(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kwargs):
+ return True
+ return False
+ return fn
+def check_statement(header, statement, **kw_ext):
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
+ fragment = """
+ #include <{0}>
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {{ {1}; return 0; }} """.format(header, statement)
+ opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier,
+ {'fragment':fragment},
+ __define_options__(dependency_identifier),
+ kw_ext, kw)
+ return ctx.check_cc(**opts)
+ return fn
+def check_cc(**kw_ext):
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
+ options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier,
+ __define_options__(dependency_identifier),
+ kw_ext, kw)
+ return ctx.check_cc(**options)
+ return fn
+def check_pkg_config(*args, **kw_ext):
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
+ argsl = list(args)
+ packages = [el for (i, el) in enumerate(args) if even(i)]
+ sargs = [i for i in args if i] # remove None
+ pkgc_args = ["--libs", "--cflags"]
+ if ctx.dependency_satisfied('static-build'):
+ pkgc_args += ["--static"]
+ defaults = {
+ 'path': ctx.env.PKG_CONFIG,
+ 'package': " ".join(packages),
+ 'args': sargs + pkgc_args }
+ opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults, kw_ext, kw)
+ if ctx.check_cfg(**opts):
+ return True
+ else:
+ defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
+ ctx.undefine(defkey)
+ return False
+ return fn
+def check_headers(*headers):
+ def undef_others(ctx, headers, found):
+ not_found_hs = set(headers) - set([found])
+ for not_found_h in not_found_hs:
+ defkey = DependencyInflector(not_found_h).define_key()
+ ctx.undefine(defkey)
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ for header in headers:
+ defaults = {'header_name': header, 'features': 'c cprogram'}
+ options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults)
+ if ctx.check(**options):
+ undef_others(ctx, headers, header)
+ defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
+ ctx.define(defkey, 1)
+ return True
+ undef_others(ctx, headers, None)
+ return False
+ return fn
+def check_true(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
+ ctx.define(defkey, 1)
+ return True
+def check_ctx_vars(*variables):
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ missing = []
+ for variable in variables:
+ if variable not in ctx.env:
+ missing.append(variable)
+ if any(missing):
+ ctx.add_optional_message(dependency_identifier,
+ 'missing {0}'.format(', '.join(missing)))
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ return fn
+def check_stub(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
+ ctx.undefine(defkey)
+ return False
+def compose_checks(*checks):
+ def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ return all([check(ctx, dependency_identifier) for check in checks])
+ return fn
+def load_fragment(fragment):
+ file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'fragments',
+ fragment)
+ fp = open(file_path,"r")
+ fragment_code = fp.read()
+ fp.close()
+ return fragment_code