path: root/help
diff options
authorGravatar Uoti Urpala <uau@glyph.nonexistent.invalid>2008-12-14 17:28:16 +0200
committerGravatar Uoti Urpala <uau@glyph.nonexistent.invalid>2008-12-14 17:28:16 +0200
commita3ab9e8e4649601281f78949e56b92755ae1142a (patch)
treee31ee1ff4bafbfcf75c16259d9a64d18fea3bd51 /help
parentf01f7f6259badb2725be49af914d8db52e025cf6 (diff)
parentbac1f05b4da4339b487e4e6ab972819142b3f13e (diff)
Merge svn changes up to r28149
Diffstat (limited to 'help')
12 files changed, 20 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/help/help_mp-cs.h b/help/help_mp-cs.h
index dc1c4e7f26..1e168dd417 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-cs.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-cs.h
@@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] Neplatný formát výstupu %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] Verze vašeho mga_vid ovladače není kompatibilní s touto verzí MPlayeru!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Nemohu otevřít: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Vstupní rozlišení minimálně v jednom rozměru větší než 1023x1023. Přeškálujte prosím softwarově, nebo použijte -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Vstupní rozlišení minimálně v jednom rozměru větší než 1023x1023. Přeškálujte prosím softwarově, nebo použijte -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c
diff --git a/help/help_mp-de.h b/help/help_mp-de.h
index 5d37b13415..8cb6ac4805 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-de.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-de.h
@@ -1724,8 +1724,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] ungültiges Ausgabeformat %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] Die Treiberversion von mga_vid ist mit dieser MPlayer-Version nicht kompatibel!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Konnte %s nicht öffnen\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Auflösung der Quelle ist in mindestens einer Dimension größer als 1023x1023.\n[MGA] Bitte skaliere in Software oder verwende -lavdopts lowres=1.\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] Unterschiedliche Versionen des mga_vid-Treibers des Kernels (%u) und MPlayer (%u).\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Auflösung der Quelle ist in mindestens einer Dimension größer als 1023x1023.\n[MGA] Bitte skaliere in Software oder verwende -lavdopts lowres=1.\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] Unterschiedliche Versionen des mga_vid-Treibers des Kernels (%u) und MPlayer (%u).\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c
diff --git a/help/help_mp-en.h b/help/help_mp-en.h
index f291818920..246731ad2c 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-en.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-en.h
@@ -955,8 +955,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] invalid output format %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] Your mga_vid driver version is incompatible with this MPlayer version!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Couldn't open: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Source resolution exceeds 1023x1023 in at least one dimension.\n[MGA] Rescale in software or use -lavdopts lowres=1.\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] mismatch between kernel (%u) and MPlayer (%u) mga_vid driver versions\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Source resolution exceeds 1023x1023 in at least one dimension.\n[MGA] Rescale in software or use -lavdopts lowres=1.\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] mismatch between kernel (%u) and MPlayer (%u) mga_vid driver versions\n"
// vo_null.c
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_NULL_UnknownSubdevice "[VO_NULL] Unknown subdevice: %s.\n"
diff --git a/help/help_mp-es.h b/help/help_mp-es.h
index 076c17f5c3..76a5321a69 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-es.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-es.h
@@ -961,8 +961,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] Formáto de salida inválido %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] La versión de tu driver mga_vid no es compatible con esta versión de MPlayer!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] No pude abrir: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] La resolución de la fuente es en por lo menos una dimensión mas grande que 1023x1023. Por favor escale en software o use -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] Las versiones del controlador mga_vid del kernel (%u) y MPlayer (%u) no coinciden\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] La resolución de la fuente es en por lo menos una dimensión mas grande que 1023x1023. Por favor escale en software o use -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] Las versiones del controlador mga_vid del kernel (%u) y MPlayer (%u) no coinciden\n"
// vo_null.c
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_NULL_UnknownSubdevice "[VO_NULL] Sub-dispositivo desconocido: %s.\n"
diff --git a/help/help_mp-fr.h b/help/help_mp-fr.h
index a83950b8ca..339674d352 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-fr.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-fr.h
@@ -1695,8 +1695,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] Format de sortie invalide %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] La version de votre pilote mga_vid est incompatible avec cette version de MPlayer !\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Impossible d'ouvrir : %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] La resolution à sa source est au moins dans une dimension plus large que 1023x1023. Veuillez remettre à l'échelle dans le logiciel ou utiliser -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] La version du driver mga_vid (%u) ne correspond pas à celle utilisée lors de la compilation de MPlayer (%u)\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] La resolution à sa source est au moins dans une dimension plus large que 1023x1023. Veuillez remettre à l'échelle dans le logiciel ou utiliser -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] La version du driver mga_vid (%u) ne correspond pas à celle utilisée lors de la compilation de MPlayer (%u)\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c
diff --git a/help/help_mp-hu.h b/help/help_mp-hu.h
index 5fb458e785..6b33d9e93c 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-hu.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-hu.h
@@ -954,8 +954,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] Hibás kimeneti formátum %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] Az mga_vid vezérlőd verziója nem kompatibilis ezzel az MPlayer verzióval!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Nem nyitható meg: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] A forrás felbontása legalább egy dimenzióban nagyobb, mint 1023x1023. Méretezd át szoftveresen vagy használd a -lavdopts lowres=1-t\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] különbség a kernel (%u) és az MPlayer (%u) mga_vid verziói között\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] A forrás felbontása legalább egy dimenzióban nagyobb, mint 1023x1023. Méretezd át szoftveresen vagy használd a -lavdopts lowres=1-t\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] különbség a kernel (%u) és az MPlayer (%u) mga_vid verziói között\n"
// vo_null.c
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_NULL_UnknownSubdevice "[VO_NULL] Ismeretlen aleszköz: %s.\n"
diff --git a/help/help_mp-it.h b/help/help_mp-it.h
index 55bf3c071f..5e7459d2bf 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-it.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-it.h
@@ -1676,8 +1676,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] formato di uscita %0X invalido\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] La versione del tuo driver mga_vid è incompatibile con questo MPlayer!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Impossibile aprire: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] La risoluzione del sorgente ha almeno una delle due dimensioni maggiore di 1023x1023. Per favore ridimensiona via software o usa -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] incongruenza tra le versioni del driver mga_vid del kernel (%u) e di MPlayer (%u)\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] La risoluzione del sorgente ha almeno una delle due dimensioni maggiore di 1023x1023. Per favore ridimensiona via software o usa -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] incongruenza tra le versioni del driver mga_vid del kernel (%u) e di MPlayer (%u)\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_VESA_ThisBranchIsNoLongerSupported "[VESA_LVO] Questo branch non è più supportato.\n[VESA_LVO] Per favore usa al suo posto -vo vesa:vidix.\n"
diff --git a/help/help_mp-pl.h b/help/help_mp-pl.h
index 7bd652881e..7d09950edb 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-pl.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-pl.h
@@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] niepoprawny format wyjściowy %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] Wersja Twojego sterownika mga_vid jest niekompatybilna z tą wersją MPlayera!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Nie mogłem otworzyć: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Żródłowa rozdzielczość jest co najmniej o wymiar większa niż 1023x1023. Proszę przeskaluj programowo lub użyj -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Żródłowa rozdzielczość jest co najmniej o wymiar większa niż 1023x1023. Proszę przeskaluj programowo lub użyj -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c
diff --git a/help/help_mp-ru.h b/help/help_mp-ru.h
index 7297944824..268f53f3eb 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-ru.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-ru.h
@@ -950,8 +950,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] неверный выходной формат %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] Версия вашего драйвера mga_vid несовместима с этой версией MPlayer!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Не могу открыть: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Разрешение источника, по крайней мере в одном измерении, больше чем\n1023x1023. Перемасштабируйте программно или используйте -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] несоответствие версий драйвера mga_vid ядра (%u) и MPlayer (%u)\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] Разрешение источника, по крайней мере в одном измерении, больше чем\n1023x1023. Перемасштабируйте программно или используйте -lavdopts lowres=1\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] несоответствие версий драйвера mga_vid ядра (%u) и MPlayer (%u)\n"
// libvo/vo_null.c
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_NULL_UnknownSubdevice "[VO_NULL] Неизвестное подустройство: %s.\n"
diff --git a/help/help_mp-tr.h b/help/help_mp-tr.h
index 22488319fd..8e8d105a87 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-tr.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-tr.h
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] Geçersiz çıkış biçimi %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] mga_video sürücünüzün sürümü bu MPlayer sürümüyle bağdaşmıyor!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] Açılamadı: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] kaynak çözünürlüğün en azιndan bir boyutu 1023x1023'ten daha büyükütür. Yazılımla düzteliniz ya da -lavdopts lowres=1 kulanınız\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] kaynak çözünürlüğün en azιndan bir boyutu 1023x1023'ten daha büyükütür. Yazılımla düzteliniz ya da -lavdopts lowres=1 kulanınız\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c
diff --git a/help/help_mp-zh_CN.h b/help/help_mp-zh_CN.h
index f7305fef7a..9bca228cb0 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-zh_CN.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-zh_CN.h
@@ -948,8 +948,8 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] 无效的输出格式 %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] 你的 mga_vid 驱动版本与 MPlayer 的版本不兼容!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] 打不开: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] 原分辨率至少有一维超过了 1023x1023。用软件或用 -lavdopts lowres=1 重新缩放\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] 内核(%u)与 MPlayer(%u)mga_vid 驱动版本号不符。\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] 原分辨率至少有一维超过了 1023x1023。用软件或用 -lavdopts lowres=1 重新缩放\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_mgavidVersionMismatch "[MGA] 内核(%u)与 MPlayer(%u)mga_vid 驱动版本号不符。\n"
// vo_null.c
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_NULL_UnknownSubdevice "[VO_NULL] 未知子设备: %s。\n"
diff --git a/help/help_mp-zh_TW.h b/help/help_mp-zh_TW.h
index d89c1701b9..0d8770eaac 100644
--- a/help/help_mp-zh_TW.h
+++ b/help/help_mp-zh_TW.h
@@ -1669,7 +1669,7 @@ static char help_text[]=
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_InvalidOutputFormat "[MGA] 無效的輸出格式 %0X\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_IncompatibleDriverVersion "[MGA] 你的 mga_vid 驅動版本與 MPlayer 的版本不兼容!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_CouldntOpen "[MGA] 打不開: %s\n"
-#define MGSTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] 原分辨率至少有一維大于 1023x1023。請用軟件或用 -lavdopts lowres=1 重新縮放\n"
+#define MSGTR_LIBVO_MGA_ResolutionTooHigh "[MGA] 原分辨率至少有一維大于 1023x1023。請用軟件或用 -lavdopts lowres=1 重新縮放\n"
// libvo/vesa_lvo.c