path: root/DOCS/man/en
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authorGravatar wm4 <wm4@nowhere>2014-02-11 01:05:05 +0100
committerGravatar wm4 <wm4@nowhere>2014-02-11 01:05:05 +0100
commit0ed6644dedb2ccf513e43e42bb29f2bfe7b4b5f3 (patch)
tree8d3e8084416b54256f65711a3cfa288932cb4ac6 /DOCS/man/en
parent212d4e6061463e44e9333d7d0b99f10733bee22e (diff)
manpage: document some Lua scripting functions
Diffstat (limited to 'DOCS/man/en')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst b/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
index 524245ffe2..194483f9bb 100644
--- a/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
+++ b/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
@@ -13,6 +13,164 @@ file information, and so on.
writing scripts, rely only on the features and functions documented here.
Everything else is subject to change.
-.. admonition:: Warning
+Mode of operation
+Your script will be loaded by the player at program start if you pass it to
+the ``--lua`` option. Each script runs in its own thread. Your script is
+first run "as is", and once that is done, the event loop is entered. This
+event loop will dispatch events received by mpv and call your own event
+handlers which you have registered with ``mp.register_event``, or timers
+added with ``mp.add_timeout`` or similar. When the player quits, all scripts
+will be asked to terminate. This happens via a ``shutdown`` event, which by
+default will make the event loop return. If your script got into an endless
+loop, mpv will probably behave fine during playback, but it won't terminate
+when quitting because it's waiting on your script.
+Internally, the C code will call the Lua function ``mp_event_loop`` after
+loading a Lua script. This function is normally defined by the default prelude
+loaded before your script (see ``player/lua/defaults.lua`` in the mpv sources).
+mp functions
+The ``mp`` module is preloaded, although it can be loaded manually with
+``require 'mp'``. It provides the core client API.
+ Run the command the given command. This is similar to the commands used in
+ input.conf. See `List of Input Commands`_.
+ Returns true on success, or ``nil, error`` on error.
+ Return the value of the given property as string. These are the same
+ properties as used in input.conf. See `Properties`_ for a list of
+ properties. The returned string is formatted similar to ``${=name}``
+ (see `Property Expansion`_).
+ Returns the string on success, or ``nil, error`` on error.
+ Similar to ``mp.get_property``, but return the property value formatted for
+ OSD. This is the same string as printed with ``${name}`` when used in
+ input.conf.
+ Returns the string on success, or ``"", error`` on error.
+ Unlike ``get_property()``, assigning the return value to a variable will
+ always result in a string.
+``mp.set_property(name, value)``
+ Set the given property to the given value. See ``mp.get_property`` and
+ `Properties`_ for more information about properties.
+ Returns true on success, or ``nil, error`` on error.
+ Return the current mpv internal time in seconds as a number. This is
+ basically the system time, with an arbitrary offset.
+``mp.register_event(name, fn)``
+ Call a specific function when an event happens. The event name is a string,
+ and the function is a Lua function value.
+ Returns true if such an event exists, false otherwise.
+ ====================== =====================================================
+ Name Comment
+ ====================== =====================================================
+ ``shutdown``
+ ``log-message`` for ``mp.enable_messages`` (undocumented)
+ ``get-property-reply`` (undocumented)
+ ``set-property-reply`` (undocumented)
+ ``command-reply`` (undocumented)
+ ``start-file`` happens right before a new file is loaded
+ ``end-file`` happens after a file was unloaded
+ ``playback-start`` happens atfer a file was loaded and begins playback
+ ``tracks-changed`` list of tracks was updated
+ ``track-switched`` a video/audio/sub track was switched
+ ``idle`` idle mode is entered (no file is loaded, ``--idle``)
+ ``pause`` player was paused
+ ``unpause`` player was unpaused
+ ``tick`` called after a video frame was displayed
+ ====================== =====================================================
+ Example:
+ ```
+ function my_fn()
+ print("start of playback!")
+ end
+ mp.register_event("playback-start", my_fn)
+ ```
+``mp.add_timeout(seconds, fn)``
+ Call the given function fn when the given number of seconds has elapsed.
+ Note that the number of seconds can be fractional. As of now, the timer
+ precision may be as worse as 50 ms, though. (This will be improved in the
+ future.)
+ This is a one-shot timer: it will be removed when it's fired.
+ Returns a timer handle. See ``mp.cancel_timer``.
+``mp.add_periodic_timer(seconds, fn)``
+ Call the given function periodically. This is like ``mp.add_timeout``, but
+ the timer is re-added after the function fn is run.
+ Returns a timer handle. See ``mp.cancel_timer``.
+ Terminate the given timer. t is the value returned by ``mp.add_timeout``
+ or ``mp.add_periodic_timer``.
+ Return a setting from the ``--lua-opts`` option. It's up to the user and
+ the script how this mechanism is used. Currently, all scripts can access
+ this equally, so you should be careful about collisions.
+ Return the name of the current script.
+ Suspend the mpv main loop. There is a long-winded explanation of this in
+ the C API function ``mpv_suspend()``. In short, this prevents the player
+ from displaying the next video frame, so that you don't get blocked when
+ trying to access the player.
+ This is automatically called by the event handler.
+ Undo one ``mp.suspend()`` call. ``mp.suspend()`` increments an internal
+ counter, and ``mp.resume()`` decrements it. When 0 is reached, the player
+ is actually resumed.
+ This resets the internal suspend counter and resumes the player. (It's
+ like calling ``mp.resume()`` until the player is actually resumed.)
+ You might want to call this if you're about to do something that takes a
+ long time, but doesn't really need access to the player (like a network
+ operation). Note that you still can access the player at any time.
+mp.msg functions
+This module allows outputting messages to the terminal, and can be loaded
+with ``require 'mp.msg'``.
+``msg.log(level, ...)``
+ The level parameter is the message priority. It's a string and one of
+ ``fatal``, ``error``, ``warn``, ``info``, ``v``, ``debug``. The user's
+ settings will determine which of these messages will be visible. Normally,
+ all messages are visible, except ``v`` and ``debug``.
+ The parameters after that are all converted to strings. Spaces are inserted
+ to separate multiple parameters.
+ You don't need to add newlines.
- Nothing is finished and documented yet.
+``msg.fatal(...)``, ``msg.error(...)``, ``msg.warn(...)``, ``msg.info(...)``, ``msg.verbose(...)``, ``msg.debug(...)``
+ All of these are shortcuts and equivalent to the corresponding
+ ``msg.log(level, ...)`` call.