diff options
authorGravatar wm4 <wm4@nowhere>2014-02-12 21:56:43 +0100
committerGravatar wm4 <wm4@nowhere>2014-02-12 22:00:22 +0100
commit914f281bcb3034003cfb71e369aab5ea067ad0dc (patch)
parent69769860c2e1d94ed2dd877961fa95d346820a32 (diff)
manpage: reformat property list
Use a list instead of a table. This makes it easier to provide extended information about a property, and doesn't require you to fiddle with rhe RST ASCII-art tables. Also, extend some property descriptions.
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/man/en/input.rst b/DOCS/man/en/input.rst
index a5de6df18d..56f3a5ba2a 100644
--- a/DOCS/man/en/input.rst
+++ b/DOCS/man/en/input.rst
@@ -506,120 +506,351 @@ information. They can be manipulated with the ``set``/``add``/``cycle``
commands, and retrieved with ``show_text``, or anything else that uses property
expansion. (See `Property Expansion`_.)
-The ``W`` column indicates whether the property is generally writable. If an
-option is referenced, the property should take/return exactly the same values
-as the option.
-=============================== = ==================================================
-Name W Comment
-=============================== = ==================================================
-``osd-level`` x see ``--osd-level``
-``osd-scale`` x osd font size multiplicator, see ``--osd-scale``
-``loop`` x see ``--loop``
-``speed`` x see ``--speed``
-``filename`` currently played file (path stripped)
-``path`` currently played file (full path)
-``media-title`` filename, title tag, or libquvi ``QUVIPROP_PAGETITLE``
+The property name is annotated with RW to indicate whether the property is
+generally writable.
+If an option is referenced, the property will normally take/return exactly the
+same values as the option. In these cases, properties are merely a way to change
+an option at runtime.
+``osd-level`` (RW)
+ See ``--osd-level``.
+``osd-scale`` (RW)
+ OSD font size multiplicator, see ``--osd-scale``.
+``loop`` (RW)
+ See ``--loop``.
+``speed`` (RW)
+ See ``--speed``.
+ Currently played file, with path stripped. If this is an URL, try to undo
+ percent encoding as well. (The result is not necessarily correct, but
+ looks better for display purposes. Use the ``path`` property to get an
+ unmodified filename.)
+ Full path of the currently played file.
+ If libquvi is used and libquvi returns a page title for the currently
+ played URL, return the page title.
+ Otherwise, if the currently played file has a ``title`` tag, use that.
+ Otherwise, return the ``filename`` property.
-``stream-path`` filename (full path) of stream layer filename
-``stream-pos`` x byte position in source stream
-``stream-start`` start byte offset in source stream
-``stream-end`` end position in bytes in source stream
-``stream-length`` length in bytes (``${stream-end} - ${stream-start}``)
-``stream-time-pos`` x time position in source stream (also see ``time-pos``)
-``length`` length of the current file in seconds
-``avsync`` last A/V synchronization difference
-``percent-pos`` x position in current file (0-100)
-``ratio-pos`` x position in current file (0.0-1.0)
-``time-pos`` x position in current file in seconds
-``time-remaining`` estimated remaining length of the file in seconds
-``playtime-remaining`` ``time-remaining`` scaled by the the current ``speed``
-``chapter`` x current chapter number
-``edition`` x current MKV edition number
-``titles`` number of DVD titles
-``chapters`` number of chapters
-``editions`` number of MKV editions
-``angle`` x current DVD angle
-``metadata`` metadata key/value pairs
-``metadata/<key>`` value of metadata entry ``<key>``
-``chapter-metadata`` metadata of current chapter (works similar)
-``pause`` x pause status (bool)
-``cache`` network cache fill state (0-100)
-``pts-association-mode`` x see ``--pts-association-mode``
-``hr-seek`` x see ``--hr-seek``
-``volume`` x current volume (0-100)
-``mute`` x current mute status (bool)
-``audio-delay`` x see ``--audio-delay``
-``audio-format`` audio format (string)
-``audio-codec`` audio codec selected for decoding
-``audio-bitrate`` audio bitrate
-``samplerate`` audio samplerate
-``channels`` number of audio channels
-``aid`` x current audio track (similar to ``--aid``)
-``audio`` x alias for ``aid``
-``balance`` x audio channel balance
-``fullscreen`` x see ``--fullscreen``
-``deinterlace`` x similar to ``--deinterlace``
-``colormatrix`` x see ``--colormatrix``
-``colormatrix-input-range`` x see ``--colormatrix-input-range``
-``colormatrix-output-range`` x see ``--colormatrix-output-range``
-``ontop`` x see ``--ontop``
-``border`` x see ``--border``
-``framedrop`` x see ``--framedrop``
-``gamma`` x see ``--gamma``
-``brightness`` x see ``--brightness``
-``contrast`` x see ``--contrast``
-``saturation`` x see ``--saturation``
-``hue`` x see ``--hue``
-``panscan`` x see ``--panscan``
-``video-format`` video format (string)
-``video-codec`` video codec selected for decoding
-``video-bitrate`` video bitrate
-``width`` video width (container or decoded size)
-``height`` video height
-``fps`` container FPS (may contain bogus values)
-``dwidth`` video width (after filters and aspect scaling)
-``dheight`` video height
-``window-scale`` x window size multiplier (1 means video size)
-``aspect`` x video aspect
-``osd-width`` last known OSD width (can be 0)
-``osd-height`` last known OSD height (can be 0)
-``osd-par`` last known OSD display pixel aspect (can be 0)
-``vid`` x current video track (similar to ``--vid``)
-``video`` x alias for ``vid``
-``video-align-x`` x see ``--video-align-x``
-``video-align-y`` x see ``--video-align-y``
-``video-pan-x`` x see ``--video-pan-x``
-``video-pan-y`` x see ``--video-pan-y``
-``video-zoom`` x see ``--video-zoom``
-``video-unscaled`` x see ``--video-unscaled``
-``program`` x switch TS program (write-only)
-``sid`` x current subtitle track (similar to ``--sid``)
-``secondary-sid`` x secondary subtitle track (``--secondary-sid``)
-``sub`` x alias for ``sid``
-``sub-delay`` x see ``--sub-delay``
-``sub-pos`` x see ``--sub-pos``
-``sub-visibility`` x see ``--sub-visibility``
-``sub-forced-only`` x see ``--sub-forced-only``
-``sub-scale`` x subtitle font size multiplicator
-``ass-use-margins`` x see ``--ass-use-margins``
-``ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat`` x see ``--ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat``
-``ass-style-override`` x see ``--ass-style-override``
-``stream-capture`` x a filename, see ``--capture``
-``tv-brightness`` x
-``tv-contrast`` x
-``tv-saturation`` x
-``tv-hue`` x
-``playlist-pos`` current position on playlist
-``playlist-count`` number of total playlist entries
-``playlist`` playlist, current entry marked
-``track-list`` list of audio/video/sub tracks, current entry marked
-``chapter-list`` list of chapters, current entry marked
-``quvi-format`` x see ``--quvi-format``
-``af`` x see ``--af``
-``vf`` x see ``--vf``
-``options/name`` read-only access to value of option ``--name``
-=============================== = ==================================================
+ Name of the current demuxer. (This is useless.)
+ Filename (full path) of the stream layer filename. (This is probably
+ useless. It looks like this can be different from ``filename`` only when
+ using e.g. ordered chapters.)
+``stream-pos`` (RW)
+ Raw byte position in source stream.
+ Raw start byte offset in source stream (rarely different from 0).
+ Raw end position in bytes in source stream.
+ Length in bytes of the source stream (``${stream-end} - ${stream-start}``).
+``stream-time-pos`` (RW)
+ Time position in source stream. This only works for DVD and Bluray. This
+ is probably never different from ``time-pos``, because ``time-pos`` is
+ forced to this value anyway.
+ Length of the current file in seconds. If the length is unknown, the
+ property is unavailable. Note that the file duration is not always exactly
+ known, so this is an estimate.
+ Last A/V synchronization difference. Unavailable if audio or video is
+ disabled.
+``percent-pos`` (RW)
+ Position in current file (0-100). The advantage over using this instead of
+ calculating it out of other properties is that it properly falls back to
+ estimating the playback position from the byte position, if the file
+ duration is not known.
+``ratio-pos`` (RW)
+ Position in current file (0.0-1.0). higher precision that ``percent-pos``.
+``time-pos`` (RW)
+ Position in current file in seconds.
+ Remaining length of the file in seconds. Note that the file duration is not
+ always exactly known, so this is an estimate.
+ ``time-remaining`` scaled by the the current ``speed``.
+``chapter`` (RW)
+ Current chapter number. The number of the first chapter is 0.
+``edition`` (RW)
+ Current MKV edition number. Setting this property to a different value will
+ restart playback. The number of the first edition is 0.
+ Number of DVD titles.
+ Number of chapters.
+ Number of MKV editions.
+``angle`` (RW)
+ Current DVD angle.
+ Metadata key/value pairs. The raw property value will return a list of
+ key and value strings separated by ``,``. (If a key or value contains ``,``,
+ you're screwed.)
+ Value of metadata entry ``<key>``.
+ Metadata of current chapter. Works similar to ``metadata`` property. This
+ also allows referring to a key directly.
+``pause`` (RW)
+ Pause status. This is usually ``yes`` or ``no``. See ``--pause``.
+ Network cache fill state (0-100).
+``pts-association-mode`` (RW)
+ See ``--pts-association-mode``.
+``hr-seek`` (RW)
+ See ``--hr-seek``.
+``volume`` (RW)
+ Current volume (0-100).
+``mute`` (RW)
+ Current mute status (``yes``/``no``).
+``audio-delay`` (RW)
+ See ``--audio-delay``.
+ Audio format as string.
+ Audio codec selected for decoding.
+ Audio bitrate. This is probably a very bad guess in most cases.
+ Audio samplerate.
+ Number of audio channels. The OSD value of this property is actually the
+ channel layout, while the raw value returns the number of channels only.
+``aid`` (RW)
+ Current audio track (similar to ``--aid``).
+``audio`` (RW)
+ Alias for ``aid``.
+``balance`` (RW)
+ Audio channel balance. (The implementation of this feature is rather odd.
+ It doesn't change the volumes of each channel, but instead sets up a pan
+ matrix to mix the the left and right channels.)
+``fullscreen`` (RW)
+ See ``--fullscreen``.
+``deinterlace`` (RW)
+ See ``--deinterlace``.
+``colormatrix`` (RW)
+ See ``--colormatrix``.
+``colormatrix-input-range`` (RW)
+ See ``--colormatrix-input-range``.
+``colormatrix-output-range`` (RW)
+ See ``--colormatrix-output-range``.
+``ontop`` (RW)
+ See ``--ontop``.
+``border`` (RW)
+ See ``--border``.
+``framedrop`` (RW)
+ See ``--framedrop``.
+``gamma`` (RW)
+ See ``--gamma``.
+``brightness`` (RW)
+ See ``--brightness``.
+``contrast`` (RW)
+ See ``--contrast``.
+``saturation`` (RW)
+ See ``--saturation``.
+``hue`` (RW)
+ See ``--hue``.
+``panscan`` (RW)
+ See ``--panscan``.
+ Video format as string.
+ Video codec selected for decoding.
+ Video bitrate (a bad guess).
+``width``, ``height``
+ Video size. This uses the size of the video as decoded, or if no video
+ frame has been decoded yet, the (possibly incorrect) container indicated
+ size.
+ Container FPS. This can easily contain bogus values. For videos that use
+ modern container formats or video codecs, this will often be incorrect.
+``dwidth``, ``dheight``
+ Video display size. This is the video size after filters and aspect scaling
+ have been applied. The actual video window size can still be different
+ from this.
+``window-scale`` (RW)
+ Window size multiplier. Setting this will resize the video window to the
+ values contained in ``dwidth`` and ``dheight`` multiplied with the value
+ set with this property. Setting ``1`` will resize to original video size
+ (or to be exactly, the size the video filters output). ``2`` will set the
+ double size, ``0.5`` halves the size.
+``aspect`` (RW)
+ Video aspect, see ``--aspect``.
+``osd-width``, ``osd-height``
+ Last known OSD width (can be 0). This is needed if you want to use the
+ ``overlay_add`` command. It gives you the actual OSD size, which can be
+ different from the window size in some cases.
+ Last known OSD display pixel aspect (can be 0).
+``vid`` (RW)
+ Current video track (similar to ``--vid``).
+``video`` (RW)
+ Alias for ``vid``.
+``video-align-x``, ``video-align-y`` (RW)
+ See ``--video-align-x`` and ``--video-align-y``.
+``video-pan-x``, ``video-pan-y`` (RW)
+ See ``--video-pan-x`` and ``--video-pan-y``.
+``video-zoom`` (RW)
+ See ``--video-zoom``.
+``video-unscaled`` (W)
+ See ``--video-unscaled``.
+``program`` (W)
+ Switch TS program (write-only).
+``sid`` (RW)
+ Current subtitle track (similar to ``--sid``).
+``secondary-sid`` (RW)
+ Secondary subtitle track (see ``--secondary-sid``).
+``sub`` (RW)
+ Alias for ``sid``.
+``sub-delay`` (RW)
+ See ``--sub-delay``.
+``sub-pos`` (RW)
+ See ``--sub-pos``.
+``sub-visibility`` (RW)
+ See ``--sub-visibility``.
+``sub-forced-only`` (RW)
+ See ``--sub-forced-only``.
+``sub-scale`` (RW)
+ Subtitle font size multiplicator.
+``ass-use-margins`` (RW)
+ See ``--ass-use-margins``.
+``ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat`` (RW)
+ See ``--ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat``.
+``ass-style-override`` (RW)
+ See ``--ass-style-override``.
+``stream-capture`` (RW)
+ A filename, see ``--capture``. Setting this will start capture using the
+ given filename. Setting it to an empty string will stop it.
+``tv-brightness``, ``tv-contrast``, ``tv-saturation``, ``tv-hue`` (RW)
+ TV stuff.
+``playlist-pos`` (RW)
+ Current position on playlist. The first entry is on position 0. Writing
+ to the property will restart playback at the written entry.
+ Number of total playlist entries.
+ Playlist, current entry marked. Currently, the raw property value is
+ useless.
+ List of audio/video/sub tracks, current entry marked. Currently, the raw
+ property value is useless.
+ List of chapters, current entry marked. Currently, the raw property value
+ is useless.
+``quvi-format`` (RW)
+ See ``--quvi-format``. Cycling this property (``cycle``) will attempt to
+ cycle through known format, although currently this feature doesn't work
+ well at all.
+``af`` (RW)
+ See ``--af`` and the ``af`` command.
+``vf`` (RW)
+ See ``--vf`` and the ``vf`` command.
+``options/<name>`` (RW)
+ Read-only access to value of option ``--<name>``. If the player is in idle
+ mode, the option can be changed by writing to this property.
Property Expansion