path: root/src/terminalframebuffer.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/terminalframebuffer.cc')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/terminalframebuffer.cc b/src/terminalframebuffer.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cc6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/terminalframebuffer.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "terminalframebuffer.h"
+using namespace Terminal;
+void Cell::reset( int background_color )
+ contents.clear();
+ fallback = false;
+ width = 1;
+ renditions = Renditions( background_color );
+DrawState::DrawState( int s_width, int s_height )
+ : width( s_width ), height( s_height ),
+ cursor_col( 0 ), cursor_row( 0 ),
+ combining_char_col( 0 ), combining_char_row( 0 ), tabs( s_width ),
+ scrolling_region_top_row( 0 ), scrolling_region_bottom_row( height - 1 ),
+ renditions( 0 ), save(),
+ next_print_will_wrap( false ), origin_mode( false ), auto_wrap_mode( true ),
+ insert_mode( false ), cursor_visible( true ), reverse_video( false ),
+ application_mode_cursor_keys( false )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
+ tabs[ i ] = ( (i % 8) == 0 );
+ }
+Framebuffer::Framebuffer( int s_width, int s_height )
+ : rows( s_height, Row( s_width, 0 ) ), window_title(), bell_count( 0 ), ds( s_width, s_height )
+ assert( s_height > 0 );
+ assert( s_width > 0 );
+void Framebuffer::scroll( int N )
+ if ( N >= 0 ) {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
+ delete_line( ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row() );
+ ds.move_row( -1, true );
+ }
+ } else {
+ N = -N;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
+ rows.insert( rows.begin() + ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row(), newrow() );
+ rows.erase( rows.begin() + ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row() + 1 );
+ ds.move_row( 1, true );
+ }
+ }
+void DrawState::new_grapheme( void )
+ combining_char_col = cursor_col;
+ combining_char_row = cursor_row;
+void DrawState::snap_cursor_to_border( void )
+ if ( cursor_row < limit_top() ) cursor_row = limit_top();
+ if ( cursor_row > limit_bottom() ) cursor_row = limit_bottom();
+ if ( cursor_col < 0 ) cursor_col = 0;
+ if ( cursor_col >= width ) cursor_col = width - 1;
+void DrawState::move_row( int N, bool relative )
+ if ( relative ) {
+ cursor_row += N;
+ } else {
+ cursor_row = N + limit_top();
+ }
+ snap_cursor_to_border();
+ new_grapheme();
+ next_print_will_wrap = false;
+void DrawState::move_col( int N, bool relative, bool implicit )
+ if ( implicit ) {
+ new_grapheme();
+ }
+ if ( relative ) {
+ cursor_col += N;
+ } else {
+ cursor_col = N;
+ }
+ if ( implicit && (cursor_col >= width) ) {
+ next_print_will_wrap = true;
+ }
+ snap_cursor_to_border();
+ if ( !implicit ) {
+ new_grapheme();
+ next_print_will_wrap = false;
+ }
+void Framebuffer::move_rows_autoscroll( int rows )
+ /* don't scroll if outside the scrolling region */
+ if ( (ds.get_cursor_row() < ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row())
+ || (ds.get_cursor_row() > ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row()) ) {
+ ds.move_row( rows, true );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ds.get_cursor_row() + rows > ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row() ) {
+ scroll( ds.get_cursor_row() + rows - ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row() );
+ } else if ( ds.get_cursor_row() + rows < ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row() ) {
+ scroll( ds.get_cursor_row() + rows - ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row() );
+ }
+ ds.move_row( rows, true );
+Cell *Framebuffer::get_combining_cell( void )
+ if ( (ds.get_combining_char_col() < 0)
+ || (ds.get_combining_char_row() < 0)
+ || (ds.get_combining_char_col() >= ds.get_width())
+ || (ds.get_combining_char_row() >= ds.get_height()) ) {
+ return NULL;
+ } /* can happen if a resize came in between */
+ return &rows[ ds.get_combining_char_row() ].cells[ ds.get_combining_char_col() ];
+void DrawState::set_tab( void )
+ tabs[ cursor_col ] = true;
+void DrawState::clear_tab( int col )
+ tabs[ col ] = false;
+int DrawState::get_next_tab( void )
+ for ( int i = cursor_col + 1; i < width; i++ ) {
+ if ( tabs[ i ] ) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void DrawState::set_scrolling_region( int top, int bottom )
+ if ( height < 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ scrolling_region_top_row = top;
+ scrolling_region_bottom_row = bottom;
+ if ( scrolling_region_top_row < 0 ) scrolling_region_top_row = 0;
+ if ( scrolling_region_bottom_row >= height ) scrolling_region_bottom_row = height - 1;
+ if ( scrolling_region_bottom_row < scrolling_region_top_row )
+ scrolling_region_bottom_row = scrolling_region_top_row;
+ /* real rule requires TWO-line scrolling region */
+ if ( origin_mode ) {
+ snap_cursor_to_border();
+ new_grapheme();
+ }
+int DrawState::limit_top( void )
+ return origin_mode ? scrolling_region_top_row : 0;
+int DrawState::limit_bottom( void )
+ return origin_mode ? scrolling_region_bottom_row : height - 1;
+std::vector<int> DrawState::get_tabs( void )
+ std::vector<int> ret;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ) {
+ if ( tabs[ i ] ) {
+ ret.push_back( i );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+void Framebuffer::apply_renditions_to_current_cell( void )
+ get_mutable_cell()->renditions = ds.get_renditions();
+ : cursor_col( 0 ), cursor_row( 0 ),
+ renditions( 0 ),
+ auto_wrap_mode( true ),
+ origin_mode( false )
+void DrawState::save_cursor( void )
+ save.cursor_col = cursor_col;
+ save.cursor_row = cursor_row;
+ save.renditions = renditions;
+ save.auto_wrap_mode = auto_wrap_mode;
+ save.origin_mode = origin_mode;
+void DrawState::restore_cursor( void )
+ cursor_col = save.cursor_col;
+ cursor_row = save.cursor_row;
+ renditions = save.renditions;
+ auto_wrap_mode = save.auto_wrap_mode;
+ origin_mode = save.origin_mode;
+ snap_cursor_to_border(); /* we could have resized in between */
+ new_grapheme();
+void Framebuffer::insert_line( int before_row )
+ if ( (before_row < ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row())
+ || (before_row > ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row() + 1) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ rows.insert( rows.begin() + before_row, newrow() );
+ rows.erase( rows.begin() + ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row() + 1 );
+void Framebuffer::delete_line( int row )
+ if ( (row < ds.get_scrolling_region_top_row())
+ || (row > ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row()) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int insertbefore = ds.get_scrolling_region_bottom_row() + 1;
+ if ( insertbefore == ds.get_height() ) {
+ rows.push_back( newrow() );
+ } else {
+ rows.insert( rows.begin() + insertbefore, newrow() );
+ }
+ rows.erase( rows.begin() + row );
+void Row::insert_cell( int col, int background_color )
+ cells.insert( cells.begin() + col, Cell( background_color ) );
+ cells.pop_back();
+void Row::delete_cell( int col, int background_color )
+ cells.push_back( Cell( background_color ) );
+ cells.erase( cells.begin() + col );
+void Framebuffer::insert_cell( int row, int col )
+ rows[ row ].insert_cell( col, ds.get_background_rendition() );
+void Framebuffer::delete_cell( int row, int col )
+ rows[ row ].delete_cell( col, ds.get_background_rendition() );
+void Framebuffer::reset( void )
+ int width = ds.get_width(), height = ds.get_height();
+ ds = DrawState( width, height );
+ rows = std::deque<Row>( height, newrow() );
+ window_title.clear();
+ /* do not reset bell_count */
+void Framebuffer::soft_reset( void )
+ ds.insert_mode = false;
+ ds.origin_mode = false;
+ ds.cursor_visible = true; /* per xterm and gnome-terminal */
+ ds.application_mode_cursor_keys = false;
+ ds.set_scrolling_region( 0, ds.get_height() - 1 );
+ ds.add_rendition( 0 );
+ ds.clear_saved_cursor();
+void Framebuffer::resize( int s_width, int s_height )
+ assert( s_width > 0 );
+ assert( s_height > 0 );
+ rows.resize( s_height, newrow() );
+ for ( std::deque<Row>::iterator i = rows.begin();
+ i != rows.end();
+ i++ ) {
+ (*i).cells.resize( s_width, Cell( ds.get_background_rendition() ) );
+ }
+ ds.resize( s_width, s_height );
+void DrawState::resize( int s_width, int s_height )
+ if ( (width != s_width)
+ || (height != s_height) ) {
+ /* reset entire scrolling region on any resize */
+ /* xterm and rxvt-unicode do this. gnome-terminal only
+ resets scrolling region if it has to become smaller in resize */
+ scrolling_region_top_row = 0;
+ scrolling_region_bottom_row = s_height - 1;
+ }
+ width = s_width;
+ height = s_height;
+ snap_cursor_to_border();
+ tabs.resize( width );
+ /* saved cursor will be snapped to border on restore */
+ /* invalidate combining char cell if necessary */
+ if ( (combining_char_col >= width)
+ || (combining_char_row >= height) ) {
+ combining_char_col = combining_char_row = -1;
+ }
+Renditions::Renditions( int s_background )
+ : bold( false ), underlined( false ), blink( false ),
+ inverse( false ), invisible( false ), foreground_color( 0 ),
+ background_color( s_background )
+void Renditions::set_rendition( int num )
+ if ( num == 0 ) {
+ bold = underlined = blink = inverse = invisible = false;
+ foreground_color = background_color = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( (30 <= num) && (num <= 39) ) { /* foreground color */
+ foreground_color = num;
+ return;
+ } else if ( (40 <= num) && (num <= 49) ) { /* background color */
+ background_color = num;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch ( num ) {
+ case 1: case 22: bold = (num == 1); break;
+ case 4: case 24: underlined = (num == 4); break;
+ case 5: case 25: blink = (num == 5); break;
+ case 7: case 27: inverse = (num == 7); break;
+ case 8: case 28: invisible = (num == 8); break;
+ }
+std::string Renditions::sgr( void ) const
+ std::string ret;
+ ret.append( "\033[0" );
+ if ( bold ) ret.append( ";1" );
+ if ( underlined ) ret.append( ";4" );
+ if ( blink ) ret.append( ";5" );
+ if ( inverse ) ret.append( ";7" );
+ if ( invisible ) ret.append( ";8" );
+ if ( foreground_color ) {
+ char col[ 8 ];
+ snprintf( col, 8, ";%d", foreground_color );
+ ret.append( col );
+ }
+ if ( background_color ) {
+ char col[ 8 ];
+ snprintf( col, 8, ";%d", background_color );
+ ret.append( col );
+ }
+ ret.append( "m" );
+ return ret;
+void Row::reset( int background_color )
+ for ( std::vector<Cell>::iterator i = cells.begin();
+ i != cells.end();
+ i++ ) {
+ i->reset( background_color );
+ }
+void Framebuffer::prefix_window_title( const std::deque<wchar_t> &s )
+ for ( auto i = s.rbegin(); i != s.rend(); i++ ) {
+ window_title.push_front( *i );
+ }
+wchar_t Cell::debug_contents( void ) const
+ if ( contents.empty() ) {
+ return '_';
+ } else {
+ return contents.front();
+ }