path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/mosh b/scripts/mosh
index 4364e8a..f1da350 100755
--- a/scripts/mosh
+++ b/scripts/mosh
@@ -33,30 +33,52 @@ qq{Usage: $0 [options] [user@]host
--server=PATH mosh server on remote machine (default: "mosh-server")\n};
GetOptions( 'client=s' => \$client,
- 'server=s' => \$server ) or die $usage;
+ 'server=s' => \$server,
+ 'fake-proxy!' => \my $fake_proxy ) or die $usage;
-if ( scalar @ARGV != 1 ) {
- die $usage;
+if ( defined $fake_proxy ) {
+ use Errno qw(EINTR);
+ use IO::Socket::INET;
+ use threads;
-my $userhost = $ARGV[ 0 ];
+ my ( $host, $port ) = @ARGV;
-my ( $user, $host );
+ # Resolve hostname
+ my $packed_ip = gethostbyname $host;
+ if ( not defined $packed_ip ) {
+ die "$0: Could not resolve hostname $host\n";
+ }
+ my $ip = inet_ntoa $packed_ip;
+ print STDERR "MOSH IP $ip\n";
+ # Act like netcat
+ my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $ip,
+ PeerPort => $port,
+ Proto => "tcp" )
+ or die "$0: connect to host $ip port $port: $!\n";
+ sub cat {
+ my ( $from, $to ) = @_;
+ while ( my $n = $from->sysread( my $buf, 4096 ) ) {
+ next if ( $n == -1 && $! == EINTR );
+ $n >= 0 or die "$0: read: $!\n";
+ $to->write( $buf ) or die "$0: write: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
-# Get username
-if ( $userhost =~ m'(.*?@)(.*)' ) {
- ( $user, $host ) = ( $1, $2 );
-} else {
- $user = "";
- $host = $userhost;
+ my $thr = threads->create(sub { cat $sock, \*STDOUT; $sock->shutdown( 0 ); })
+ or die "$0: create thread: $!\n";
+ cat \*STDIN, $sock; $sock->shutdown( 1 );
+ $thr->join;
+ exit;
-# Resolve hostname
-my $packed_ip = gethostbyname $host;
-if ( not defined $packed_ip ) {
- die "$0: Could not resolve hostname $host\n";
+if ( scalar @ARGV != 1 ) {
+ die $usage;
-my $ip = inet_ntoa $packed_ip;
+my $userhost = $ARGV[ 0 ];
# Run SSH and read password
my $pty = new IO::Pty;
@@ -72,14 +94,17 @@ if ( $pid == 0 ) { # child
open STDERR, ">&", $pty_slave->fileno() or die;
close $pty_slave;
- exec {'ssh'} ('ssh', '-t', $user . $ip, $server, $ip);
+ my $s = q{sh -c 'exec "$@" "`set -- $SSH_CONNECTION; echo $3`"' -- } . $server;
+ exec 'ssh', '-o', "ProxyCommand=$0 --fake-proxy -- %h %p", '-t', $userhost, '--', $s;
die "Cannot exec ssh: $!\n";
} else { # server
- my ( $port, $key );
+ my ( $ip, $port, $key );
LINE: while ( <$pty> ) {
- if ( m{^MOSH CONNECT} ) {
+ if ( m{^MOSH IP } ) {
+ ( $ip ) = m{^MOSH IP (\S+)\s*$} or die "Bad MOSH IP string: $_\n";
+ } elsif ( m{^MOSH CONNECT } ) {
if ( ( $port, $key ) = m{^MOSH CONNECT (\d+?) ([A-Za-z0-9/+]{22})\s*$} ) {
last LINE;
} else {
@@ -91,7 +116,7 @@ if ( $pid == 0 ) { # child
waitpid $pid, 0;
- if ( not defined $port ) {
+ if ( not defined $ip or not defined $port ) {
die "$0: Did not find mosh server startup message.\n";