diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ea641c..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# This does Travis CI builds on Linux and OS X, and on a tag build,
-# also produces an OS X package.
- - linux
- - osx
- - apt
-language: cpp
-# Use the Ubuntu 14.04 build environment for Linux.
-sudo: required
-dist: trusty
-# Travis' default is broken, select current latest.
-osx_image: xcode11.4
-# Linux dependencies
- apt:
- packages:
- # For build.
- - protobuf-compiler
- - libprotobuf-dev
- - libutempter-dev
- # Test suite needs these.
- - tmux
- - perl
- homebrew:
- packages:
- # For build.
- - protobuf
- # Test suite.
- - tmux
- # Get full repo for `git describe`
- - git fetch --tags --unshallow
- # OS X dependencies. The package_deps step takes 15 minutes or so
- # and is fairly quiet, so wrap it in travis_wait to keep it from
- # being killed.
- - |
- if test osx = "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}"; then
- macosx/brew-deps.sh install &&
- if test -n "${TRAVIS_TAG}"; then
- travis_wait 60 macosx/brew-deps.sh package_deps
- else
- : macosx/brew-deps.sh deps
- fi
- fi
-# Use before_script to report the build configuration.
- # Describe this system.
- - id
- - env
- - git describe --long
- - |
- if test osx = "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" && test -n "${TRAVIS_TAG}"; then
- rm -rf macosx/build-report "macosx/${TRAVIS_TAG}-osx-build-report.tbz" &&
- mkdir macosx/build-report &&
- cd macosx/build-report &&
- ../brew-deps.sh describe &&
- ../osx-xcode.sh describe &&
- tar -cjf "../${TRAVIS_TAG}-osx-build-report.tbz" . &&
- cd -
- fi
-# 'make distcheck', and OS X package build on tag builds.
- - |
- if test osx = "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}"; then
- sysctl hw.ncpu
- fi
- - ./autogen.sh
- - ./configure --enable-compile-warnings=error --enable-examples
- - make distcheck VERBOSE=1 V=1
- # Build OS X package for tags.
- - |
- if test osx = "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" && test -n "${TRAVIS_TAG}"; then
- cd macosx &&
- env ZERO_AR_DATE=1 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.12 ./build.sh &&
- shasum -a 256 "${TRAVIS_TAG}.pkg" "${TRAVIS_TAG}-osx-build-report.tbz" &&
- cd -
- fi
-# Deploy the OS X package and its build report to a GitHub release.
- provider: releases
- api_key:
- secure: noQsHb/ycLHcyS7VwgpPfsH1KNaKd1YyjGwAobxIPTbeyP6fPk8hHiTW3rvgOyXTh4bs0SuZ5iMBsTYPJ1sgDSsICLZvIoZeD7F9tdkvlJCKKKNq4y+vJVS6kHOajD9nLV+pcexIB74QazBDnXscKNsrulk5rcD3rj75P1QKYXs=
- # Save build artifacts.
- skip_cleanup: true
- # Using a shell variable in deploy.file is undocumented but seems to work.
- file:
- - macosx/${TRAVIS_TAG}.pkg
- - macosx/${TRAVIS_TAG}-osx-build-report.tbz
- on:
- repo: mobile-shell/mosh
- tags: true
- condition: ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} = osx
- irc:
- channels:
- - "chat.freenode.net#mosh"
- skip_join: true