path: root/vendor/github.com/tdewolff/parse/js/hash.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/tdewolff/parse/js/hash.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/tdewolff/parse/js/hash.go b/vendor/github.com/tdewolff/parse/js/hash.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de86b2..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/tdewolff/parse/js/hash.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-package js
-// generated by hasher -file hash.go -type Hash; DO NOT EDIT, except for adding more constants to the list and rerun go generate
-// uses github.com/tdewolff/hasher
-//go:generate hasher -type=Hash -file=hash.go
-// Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings
-type Hash uint32
-// Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings
-const (
- Break Hash = 0x5 // break
- Case Hash = 0x3404 // case
- Catch Hash = 0xba05 // catch
- Class Hash = 0x505 // class
- Const Hash = 0x2c05 // const
- Continue Hash = 0x3e08 // continue
- Debugger Hash = 0x8408 // debugger
- Default Hash = 0xab07 // default
- Delete Hash = 0xcd06 // delete
- Do Hash = 0x4c02 // do
- Else Hash = 0x3704 // else
- Enum Hash = 0x3a04 // enum
- Export Hash = 0x1806 // export
- Extends Hash = 0x4507 // extends
- False Hash = 0x5a05 // false
- Finally Hash = 0x7a07 // finally
- For Hash = 0xc403 // for
- Function Hash = 0x4e08 // function
- If Hash = 0x5902 // if
- Implements Hash = 0x5f0a // implements
- Import Hash = 0x6906 // import
- In Hash = 0x4202 // in
- Instanceof Hash = 0x710a // instanceof
- Interface Hash = 0x8c09 // interface
- Let Hash = 0xcf03 // let
- New Hash = 0x1203 // new
- Null Hash = 0x5504 // null
- Package Hash = 0x9507 // package
- Private Hash = 0x9c07 // private
- Protected Hash = 0xa309 // protected
- Public Hash = 0xb506 // public
- Return Hash = 0xd06 // return
- Static Hash = 0x2f06 // static
- Super Hash = 0x905 // super
- Switch Hash = 0x2606 // switch
- This Hash = 0x2304 // this
- Throw Hash = 0x1d05 // throw
- True Hash = 0xb104 // true
- Try Hash = 0x6e03 // try
- Typeof Hash = 0xbf06 // typeof
- Var Hash = 0xc703 // var
- Void Hash = 0xca04 // void
- While Hash = 0x1405 // while
- With Hash = 0x2104 // with
- Yield Hash = 0x8005 // yield
-// String returns the hash' name.
-func (i Hash) String() string {
- start := uint32(i >> 8)
- n := uint32(i & 0xff)
- if start+n > uint32(len(_Hash_text)) {
- return ""
- }
- return _Hash_text[start : start+n]
-// ToHash returns the hash whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no
-// such hash. It is case sensitive.
-func ToHash(s []byte) Hash {
- if len(s) == 0 || len(s) > _Hash_maxLen {
- return 0
- }
- h := uint32(_Hash_hash0)
- for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
- h ^= uint32(s[i])
- h *= 16777619
- }
- if i := _Hash_table[h&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) {
- t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff]
- for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
- if t[i] != s[i] {
- goto NEXT
- }
- }
- return i
- }
- if i := _Hash_table[(h>>16)&uint32(len(_Hash_table)-1)]; int(i&0xff) == len(s) {
- t := _Hash_text[i>>8 : i>>8+i&0xff]
- for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
- if t[i] != s[i] {
- return 0
- }
- }
- return i
- }
- return 0
-const _Hash_hash0 = 0x9acb0442
-const _Hash_maxLen = 10
-const _Hash_text = "breakclassupereturnewhilexporthrowithiswitchconstaticaselsen" +
- "umcontinuextendsdofunctionullifalseimplementsimportryinstanc" +
- "eofinallyieldebuggerinterfacepackageprivateprotectedefaultru" +
- "epublicatchtypeoforvarvoidelete"
-var _Hash_table = [1 << 6]Hash{
- 0x0: 0x2f06, // static
- 0x1: 0x9c07, // private
- 0x3: 0xb104, // true
- 0x6: 0x5a05, // false
- 0x7: 0x4c02, // do
- 0x9: 0x2c05, // const
- 0xa: 0x2606, // switch
- 0xb: 0x6e03, // try
- 0xc: 0x1203, // new
- 0xd: 0x4202, // in
- 0xf: 0x8005, // yield
- 0x10: 0x5f0a, // implements
- 0x11: 0xc403, // for
- 0x12: 0x505, // class
- 0x13: 0x3a04, // enum
- 0x16: 0xc703, // var
- 0x17: 0x5902, // if
- 0x19: 0xcf03, // let
- 0x1a: 0x9507, // package
- 0x1b: 0xca04, // void
- 0x1c: 0xcd06, // delete
- 0x1f: 0x5504, // null
- 0x20: 0x1806, // export
- 0x21: 0xd06, // return
- 0x23: 0x4507, // extends
- 0x25: 0x2304, // this
- 0x26: 0x905, // super
- 0x27: 0x1405, // while
- 0x29: 0x5, // break
- 0x2b: 0x3e08, // continue
- 0x2e: 0x3404, // case
- 0x2f: 0xab07, // default
- 0x31: 0x8408, // debugger
- 0x32: 0x1d05, // throw
- 0x33: 0xbf06, // typeof
- 0x34: 0x2104, // with
- 0x35: 0xba05, // catch
- 0x36: 0x4e08, // function
- 0x37: 0x710a, // instanceof
- 0x38: 0xa309, // protected
- 0x39: 0x8c09, // interface
- 0x3b: 0xb506, // public
- 0x3c: 0x3704, // else
- 0x3d: 0x7a07, // finally
- 0x3f: 0x6906, // import