path: root/locale/translations/en_US.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'locale/translations/en_US.json')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/locale/translations/en_US.json b/locale/translations/en_US.json
index 0ec7b26..38f0683 100644
--- a/locale/translations/en_US.json
+++ b/locale/translations/en_US.json
@@ -1,10 +1,264 @@
- "plural.feed.error_count": [
+ "confirm.question": "Are you sure?",
+ "confirm.yes": "yes",
+ "confirm.no": "no",
+ "confirm.loading": "In progress...",
+ "action.subscribe": "Subscribe",
+ "action.save": "Save",
+ "action.or": "or",
+ "action.cancel": "cancel",
+ "action.remove": "Remove",
+ "action.remove_feed": "Remove this feed",
+ "action.update": "Update",
+ "action.edit": "Edit",
+ "action.download": "Download",
+ "action.import": "Import",
+ "action.login": "Login",
+ "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcut: %s",
+ "tooltip.logged_user": "Logged as %s",
+ "menu.unread": "Unread",
+ "menu.starred": "Starred",
+ "menu.history": "History",
+ "menu.feeds": "Feeds",
+ "menu.categories": "Categories",
+ "menu.settings": "Settings",
+ "menu.logout": "Logout",
+ "menu.preferences": "Preferences",
+ "menu.integrations": "Integrations",
+ "menu.sessions": "Sessions",
+ "menu.users": "Users",
+ "menu.about": "About",
+ "menu.export": "Export",
+ "menu.import": "Import",
+ "menu.create_category": "Create a category",
+ "menu.mark_page_as_read": "Mark this page as read",
+ "menu.mark_all_as_read": "Mark all as read",
+ "menu.refresh_feed": "Refresh",
+ "menu.refresh_all_feeds": "Refresh all feeds in background",
+ "menu.edit_feed": "Edit",
+ "menu.add_feed": "Add subscription",
+ "menu.add_user": "Add user",
+ "menu.flush_history": "Flush history",
+ "search.label": "Search",
+ "search.placeholder": "Search...",
+ "pagination.next": "Next",
+ "pagination.previous": "Previous",
+ "entry.status.unread": "Unread",
+ "entry.status.read": "Read",
+ "entry.status.title": "Change entry status",
+ "entry.bookmark.toggle.on": "Star",
+ "entry.bookmark.toggle.off": "Unstar",
+ "entry.state.saving": "Saving...",
+ "entry.state.loading": "Loading...",
+ "entry.save.label": "Save",
+ "entry.save.title": "Save this article",
+ "entry.save.completed": "Done!",
+ "entry.scraper.label": "Fetch original content",
+ "entry.scraper.title": "Fetch original content",
+ "entry.scraper.completed": "Done!",
+ "entry.original.label": "Original",
+ "entry.comments.label": "Comments",
+ "entry.comments.title": "View Comments",
+ "page.unread.title": "Unread",
+ "page.starred.title": "Starred",
+ "page.categories.title": "Categories",
+ "page.categories.feed_count": [
+ "There is %d feed.",
+ "There are %d feeds."
+ ],
+ "page.new_category.title": "New Category",
+ "page.new_user.title": "New User",
+ "page.edit_category.title": "Edit Category: %s",
+ "page.edit_user.title": "Edit User: %s",
+ "page.feeds.title": "Feeds",
+ "page.feeds.last_check": "Last check:",
+ "page.feeds.error_count": [
"%d error",
"%d errors"
- "plural.categories.feed_count": [
- "There is %d feed.",
- "There are %d feeds."
+ "page.history.title": "History",
+ "page.import.title": "Import",
+ "page.search.title": "Search Results",
+ "page.about.title": "About",
+ "page.about.credits": "Credits",
+ "page.about.version": "Version:",
+ "page.about.build_date": "Build Date:",
+ "page.about.author": "Author:",
+ "page.about.license": "License:",
+ "page.add_feed.title": "New Subscription",
+ "page.add_feed.no_category": "There is no category. You must have at least one category.",
+ "page.add_feed.label.url": "URL",
+ "page.add_feed.submit": "Find a subscription",
+ "page.add_feed.legend.advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
+ "page.add_feed.choose_feed": "Choose a Subscription",
+ "page.edit_feed.title": "Edit Feed: %s",
+ "page.edit_feed.last_check": "Last check:",
+ "page.edit_feed.last_modified_header": "LastModified header:",
+ "page.edit_feed.etag_header": "ETag header:",
+ "page.edit_feed.no_header": "None",
+ "page.edit_feed.last_parsing_error": "Last Parsing Error",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.title": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.sections": "Sections Navigation",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.items": "Items Navigation",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.pages": "Pages Navigation",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.actions": "Actions",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_unread": "Go to unread",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_starred": "Go to bookmarks",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_history": "Go to history",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_feeds": "Go to feeds",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_categories": "Go to categories",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_settings": "Go to settings",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.show_keyboard_shortcuts": "Show keyboard shortcuts",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_previous_item": "Go to previous item",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_next_item": "Go to next item",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_previous_page": "Go to previous page",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_next_page": "Go to next page",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_item": "Open selected item",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_original": "Open original link",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_read_status": "Toggle read/unread",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.mark_page_as_read": "Mark current page as read",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.download_content": "Download original content",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_bookmark_status": "Toggle bookmark",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.save_article": "Save article",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_search": "Set focus on search form",
+ "page.keyboard_shortcuts.close_modal": "Close modal dialog",
+ "page.users.title": "Users",
+ "page.users.never_logged": "Never",
+ "page.users.admin.yes": "Yes",
+ "page.users.admin.no": "No",
+ "page.users.actions": "Actions",
+ "page.users.last_login": "Last Login",
+ "page.users.is_admin": "Administrator",
+ "page.settings.title": "Settings",
+ "page.settings.link_google_account": "Link my Google account",
+ "page.settings.unlink_google_account": "Unlink my Google account",
+ "page.login.title": "Sign In",
+ "page.login.google_signin": "Sign in with Google",
+ "page.integrations.title": "Integrations",
+ "page.integration.miniflux_api": "Miniflux API",
+ "page.integration.miniflux_api_endpoint": "API Endpoint",
+ "page.integration.miniflux_api_username": "Username",
+ "page.integration.miniflux_api_password": "Password",
+ "page.integration.miniflux_api_password_value": "Your account password",
+ "page.integration.bookmarklet": "Bookmarklet",
+ "page.integration.bookmarklet.name": "Add to Miniflux",
+ "page.integration.bookmarklet.instructions": "Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks.",
+ "page.integration.bookmarklet.help": "This special link allows you to subscribe to a website directly by using a bookmark in your web browser.",
+ "page.sessions.title": "Sessions",
+ "page.sessions.table.date": "Date",
+ "page.sessions.table.ip": "IP Address",
+ "page.sessions.table.user_agent": "User Agent",
+ "page.sessions.table.actions": "Actions",
+ "page.sessions.table.current_session": "Current Session",
+ "alert.no_bookmark": "There is no bookmark at the moment.",
+ "alert.no_category": "There is no category.",
+ "alert.no_category_entry": "There is no article in this category.",
+ "alert.no_feed_entry": "There is no article for this feed.",
+ "alert.no_feed": "You don't have any subscription.",
+ "alert.no_history": "There is no history at the moment.",
+ "alert.feed_error": "There is a problem with this feed",
+ "alert.no_search_result": "There is no result for this search.",
+ "alert.no_unread_entry": "There is no unread article.",
+ "alert.no_user": "You are the only user.",
+ "alert.account_unlinked": "Your external account is now dissociated!",
+ "alert.account_linked": "Your external account is now linked!",
+ "alert.pocket_linked": "Your Pocket account is now linked!",
+ "alert.prefs_saved": "Preferences saved!",
+ "error.unlink_account_without_password": "You must define a password otherwise you won't be able to login again.",
+ "error.duplicate_linked_account": "There is already someone associated with this provider!",
+ "error.duplicate_fever_username": "There is already someone else with the same Fever username!",
+ "error.pocket_request_token": "Unable to fetch request token from Pocket!",
+ "error.pocket_access_token": "Unable to fetch access token from Pocket!",
+ "error.category_already_exists": "This category already exists.",
+ "error.unable_to_create_category": "Unable to create this category.",
+ "error.unable_to_update_category": "Unable to update this category.",
+ "error.user_already_exists": "This user already exists.",
+ "error.unable_to_create_user": "Unable to create this user.",
+ "error.unable_to_update_user": "Unable to update this user.",
+ "error.unable_to_update_feed": "Unable to update this feed.",
+ "error.subscription_not_found": "Unable to find any subscription.",
+ "error.empty_file": "This file is empty.",
+ "error.bad_credentials": "Invalid username or password.",
+ "error.fields_mandatory": "All fields are mandatory.",
+ "error.title_required": "The title is mandatory.",
+ "error.different_passwords": "Passwords are not the same.",
+ "error.password_min_length": "You must use at least 6 characters.",
+ "error.settings_mandatory_fields": "The username, theme, language and timezone fields are mandatory.",
+ "error.feed_mandatory_fields": "The URL and the category are mandatory.",
+ "error.user_mandatory_fields": "The username is mandatory.",
+ "form.feed.label.title": "Title",
+ "form.feed.label.site_url": "Site URL",
+ "form.feed.label.feed_url": "Feed URL",
+ "form.feed.label.category": "Category",
+ "form.feed.label.crawler": "Fetch original content",
+ "form.feed.label.feed_username": "Feed Username",
+ "form.feed.label.feed_password": "Feed Password",
+ "form.feed.label.user_agent": "Override Default User Agent",
+ "form.feed.label.scraper_rules": "Scraper Rules",
+ "form.feed.label.rewrite_rules": "Rewrite Rules",
+ "form.category.label.title": "Title",
+ "form.user.label.username": "Login",
+ "form.user.label.password": "Password",
+ "form.user.label.confirmation": "Password Confirmation",
+ "form.user.label.admin": "Administrator",
+ "form.prefs.label.language": "Language",
+ "form.prefs.label.timezone": "Timezone",
+ "form.prefs.label.theme": "Theme",
+ "form.prefs.label.entry_sorting": "Entry Sorting",
+ "form.prefs.select.older_first": "Older entries first",
+ "form.prefs.select.recent_first": "Recent entries first",
+ "form.import.label.file": "OPML file",
+ "form.integration.fever_activate": "Activate Fever API",
+ "form.integration.fever_username": "Fever Username",
+ "form.integration.fever_password": "Fever Password",
+ "form.integration.fever_endpoint": "Fever API endpoint:",
+ "form.integration.pinboard_activate": "Save articles to Pinboard",
+ "form.integration.pinboard_token": "Pinboard API Token",
+ "form.integration.pinboard_tags": "Pinboard Tags",
+ "form.integration.pinboard_bookmark": "Mark bookmark as unread",
+ "form.integration.instapaper_activate": "Save articles to Instapaper",
+ "form.integration.instapaper_username": "Instapaper Username",
+ "form.integration.instapaper_password": "Instapaper Password",
+ "form.integration.pocket_activate": "Save articles to Pocket",
+ "form.integration.pocket_consumer_key": "Pocket Consumer Key",
+ "form.integration.pocket_access_token": "Pocket Access Token",
+ "form.integration.pocket_connect_link": "Connect your Pocket account",
+ "form.integration.wallabag_activate": "Save articles to Wallabag",
+ "form.integration.wallabag_endpoint": "Wallabag API Endpoint",
+ "form.integration.wallabag_client_id": "Wallabag Client ID",
+ "form.integration.wallabag_client_secret": "Wallabag Client Secret",
+ "form.integration.wallabag_username": "Wallabag Username",
+ "form.integration.wallabag_password": "Wallabag Password",
+ "form.integration.nunux_keeper_activate": "Save articles to Nunux Keeper",
+ "form.integration.nunux_keeper_endpoint": "Nunux Keeper API Endpoint",
+ "form.integration.nunux_keeper_api_key": "Nunux Keeper API key",
+ "form.submit.loading": "Loading...",
+ "form.submit.saving": "Saving...",
+ "time_elapsed.not_yet": "not yet",
+ "time_elapsed.yesterday": "yesterday",
+ "time_elapsed.now": "just now",
+ "time_elapsed.minutes": [
+ "%d minute ago",
+ "%d minutes ago"
+ ],
+ "time_elapsed.hours": [
+ "%d hour ago",
+ "%d hours ago"
+ ],
+ "time_elapsed.days": [
+ "%d day ago",
+ "%d days ago"
+ ],
+ "time_elapsed.weeks": [
+ "%d week ago",
+ "%d weeks ago"
+ ],
+ "time_elapsed.months": [
+ "%d month ago",
+ "%d months ago"
+ ],
+ "time_elapsed.years": [
+ "%d year ago",
+ "%d years ago"
} \ No newline at end of file