path: root/storage
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authorGravatar Frédéric Guillot <fred@miniflux.net>2019-11-17 19:44:12 -0800
committerGravatar Frédéric Guillot <fred@miniflux.net>2019-11-17 20:10:44 -0800
commitfad9ad2be4fc800f8710e2a498cc8f536af8827c (patch)
tree8bc4f134b63f100442850bd9eb443f03fffcf7e6 /storage
parent15fe9c20df7eaab4c1e10461f1a9965eeaf85f0f (diff)
Display list of feeds per category
Diffstat (limited to 'storage')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/storage/feed.go b/storage/feed.go
index f6ad021..6db3488 100644
--- a/storage/feed.go
+++ b/storage/feed.go
@@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ func (s *Storage) Feeds(userID int64) (model.Feeds, error) {
// FeedsWithCounters returns all feeds of the given user with counters of read and unread entries.
func (s *Storage) FeedsWithCounters(userID int64) (model.Feeds, error) {
- feeds := make(model.Feeds, 0)
query := `
@@ -166,7 +165,43 @@ func (s *Storage) FeedsWithCounters(userID int64) (model.Feeds, error) {
ORDER BY f.parsing_error_count DESC, unread_count DESC, lower(f.title) ASC
- rows, err := s.db.Query(query, userID)
+ return s.fetchFeedsWithCounters(query, userID)
+// FeedsByCategoryWithCounters returns all feeds of the given user/category with counters of read and unread entries.
+func (s *Storage) FeedsByCategoryWithCounters(userID, categoryID int64) (model.Feeds, error) {
+ query := `
+ f.id,
+ f.feed_url,
+ f.site_url,
+ f.title,
+ f.etag_header,
+ f.last_modified_header,
+ f.user_id,
+ f.checked_at at time zone u.timezone,
+ f.parsing_error_count, f.parsing_error_msg,
+ f.scraper_rules, f.rewrite_rules, f.crawler, f.user_agent,
+ f.username, f.password, f.disabled,
+ f.category_id, c.title as category_title,
+ fi.icon_id,
+ u.timezone,
+ (SELECT count(*) FROM entries WHERE entries.feed_id=f.id AND status='unread') as unread_count,
+ (SELECT count(*) FROM entries WHERE entries.feed_id=f.id AND status='read') as read_count
+ FROM feeds f
+ LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.id=f.category_id
+ LEFT JOIN feed_icons fi ON fi.feed_id=f.id
+ LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id=f.user_id
+ f.user_id=$1 AND f.category_id=$2
+ ORDER BY f.parsing_error_count DESC, unread_count DESC, lower(f.title) ASC
+ `
+ return s.fetchFeedsWithCounters(query, userID, categoryID)
+func (s *Storage) fetchFeedsWithCounters(query string, args ...interface{}) (model.Feeds, error) {
+ feeds := make(model.Feeds, 0)
+ rows, err := s.db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`store: unable to fetch feeds: %v`, err)
@@ -176,7 +211,7 @@ func (s *Storage) FeedsWithCounters(userID int64) (model.Feeds, error) {
var feed model.Feed
var iconID interface{}
var tz string
- feed.Category = &model.Category{UserID: userID}
+ feed.Category = &model.Category{}
err := rows.Scan(
@@ -213,6 +248,7 @@ func (s *Storage) FeedsWithCounters(userID int64) (model.Feeds, error) {
feed.CheckedAt = timezone.Convert(tz, feed.CheckedAt)
+ feed.Category.UserID = feed.UserID
feeds = append(feeds, &feed)