path: root/System/Posix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'System/Posix')
3 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/System/Posix/Directory.hsc b/System/Posix/Directory.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a2ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/System/Posix/Directory.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : System.Posix.Files
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
+-- Stability : provisional
+-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
+-- POSIX directory support
+module System.Posix.Directory (
+ -- * Creating and removing directories
+ createDirectory, removeDirectory,
+ -- * Reading directories
+ DirStream,
+ openDirStream,
+ readDirStream,
+ rewindDirStream,
+ closeDirStream,
+ DirStreamOffset,
+ tellDirStream,
+ seekDirStream,
+ -- * The working dirctory
+ getWorkingDirectory,
+ changeWorkingDirectory,
+ changeWorkingDirectoryFd,
+ ) where
+import System.Posix.Types
+import GHC.Posix
+import System.Directory hiding (createDirectory)
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+createDirectory :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
+createDirectory name mode =
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createDirectory" (c_mkdir s mode)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "mkdir"
+ c_mkdir :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
+newtype DirStream = DirStream (Ptr CDir)
+openDirStream :: FilePath -> IO DirStream
+openDirStream name =
+ withCString name $ \s -> do
+ dirp <- throwErrnoIfNull "openDirStream" $ c_opendir s
+ return (DirStream dirp)
+readDirStream :: DirStream -> IO FilePath
+readDirStream (DirStream dirp) =
+ alloca $ \ptr_dEnt -> loop ptr_dEnt
+ where
+ loop ptr_dEnt = do
+ resetErrno
+ r <- readdir dirp ptr_dEnt
+ if (r == 0)
+ then do dEnt <- peek ptr_dEnt
+ if (dEnt == nullPtr)
+ then return []
+ else do
+ entry <- (d_name dEnt >>= peekCString)
+ freeDirEnt dEnt
+ return entry
+ else do errno <- getErrno
+ if (errno == eINTR) then loop ptr_dEnt else do
+ let (Errno eo) = errno
+ if (eo == end_of_dir)
+ then return []
+ else throwErrno "readDirStream"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_readdir"
+ readdir :: Ptr CDir -> Ptr (Ptr CDirent) -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_free_dirent"
+ freeDirEnt :: Ptr CDirent -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_end_of_dir"
+ end_of_dir :: CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_d_name"
+ d_name :: Ptr CDirent -> IO CString
+rewindDirStream :: DirStream -> IO ()
+rewindDirStream (DirStream dirp) = c_rewinddir dirp
+closeDirStream :: DirStream -> IO ()
+closeDirStream (DirStream dirp) = do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "closeDirStream" (c_closedir dirp)
+newtype DirStreamOffset = DirStreamOffset CLong
+seekDirStream :: DirStream -> DirStreamOffset -> IO ()
+seekDirStream (DirStream dirp) (DirStreamOffset off) =
+ c_seekdir dirp off
+foreign import ccall unsafe "seekdir"
+ c_seekdir :: Ptr CDir -> CLong -> IO ()
+tellDirStream :: DirStream -> IO DirStreamOffset
+tellDirStream (DirStream dirp) = do
+ off <- c_telldir dirp
+ return (DirStreamOffset off)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "telldir"
+ c_telldir :: Ptr CDir -> IO CLong
+ Renamings of functionality provided via Directory interface,
+ kept around for b.wards compatibility and for having more POSIXy
+ names
+getWorkingDirectory :: IO FilePath
+getWorkingDirectory = getCurrentDirectory
+changeWorkingDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
+changeWorkingDirectory name = setCurrentDirectory name
+changeWorkingDirectoryFd :: Fd -> IO ()
+changeWorkingDirectoryFd (Fd fd) =
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "changeWorkingDirectoryFd" (c_fchdir fd)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "fchdir"
+ c_fchdir :: CInt -> IO CInt
diff --git a/System/Posix/Files.hsc b/System/Posix/Files.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dc5555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/System/Posix/Files.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : System.Posix.Files
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
+-- Stability : provisional
+-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
+-- POSIX file support
+module System.Posix.Files (
+ -- * File modes
+ FileMode,
+ unionFileModes, intersectFileModes,
+ nullFileMode,
+ ownerReadMode, ownerWriteMode, ownerExecuteMode, ownerModes,
+ groupReadMode, groupWriteMode, groupExecuteMode, groupModes,
+ otherReadMode, otherWriteMode, otherExecuteMode, otherModes,
+ setUserIDMode, setGroupIDMode,
+ stdFileMode, accessModes,
+ -- ** Setting file modes
+ setFileMode, setFdMode, setFileCreationMask,
+ -- ** Checking file existence and permissions
+ fileAccess, fileExist,
+ -- * File status
+ FileStatus,
+ -- ** Obtaining file status
+ getFileStatus, getFdStatus, getSymbolicLinkStatus,
+ -- ** Querying file status
+ deviceID, fileID, fileMode, linkCount, fileOwner, fileGroup,
+ specialDeviceID, fileSize, accessTime, modificationTime,
+ statusChangeTime,
+ isBlockDevice, isCharacterDevice, isNamedPipe, isRegularFile,
+ isDirectory, isSymbolicLink, isSocket,
+ -- * Creation
+ createNamedPipe,
+ createDevice,
+ -- * Hard links
+ createLink, removeLink,
+ -- * Renaming files
+ rename,
+ -- * Changing file ownership
+ setOwnerAndGroup, setFdOwnerAndGroup, setSymbolicLinkOwnerAndGroup,
+ -- * Changing file timestamps
+ setFileTimes, touchFile,
+ -- * Standard file descriptors
+ stdInput, stdOutput, stdError,
+ -- * Opening and closing files
+ OpenMode(..),
+ OpenFileFlags(..), defaultFileFlags,
+ openFd, createFile,
+ closeFd,
+ -- run-time limit & POSIX feature testing
+ PathVar(..),
+ getPathVar,
+ getFileVar
+ ) where
+import System.Posix.Types
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Data.Bits
+import GHC.Posix
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- POSIX file modes
+-- The abstract type 'FileMode', constants and operators for
+-- manipulating the file modes defined by POSIX.
+nullFileMode :: FileMode
+nullFileMode = 0
+ownerReadMode :: FileMode
+ownerReadMode = (#const S_IRUSR)
+ownerWriteMode :: FileMode
+ownerWriteMode = (#const S_IWUSR)
+ownerExecuteMode :: FileMode
+ownerExecuteMode = (#const S_IXUSR)
+groupReadMode :: FileMode
+groupReadMode = (#const S_IRGRP)
+groupWriteMode :: FileMode
+groupWriteMode = (#const S_IWGRP)
+groupExecuteMode :: FileMode
+groupExecuteMode = (#const S_IXGRP)
+otherReadMode :: FileMode
+otherReadMode = (#const S_IROTH)
+otherWriteMode :: FileMode
+otherWriteMode = (#const S_IWOTH)
+otherExecuteMode :: FileMode
+otherExecuteMode = (#const S_IXOTH)
+setUserIDMode :: FileMode
+setUserIDMode = (#const S_ISUID)
+setGroupIDMode :: FileMode
+setGroupIDMode = (#const S_ISGID)
+stdFileMode :: FileMode
+stdFileMode = ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode .|.
+ groupReadMode .|. groupWriteMode .|.
+ otherReadMode .|. otherWriteMode
+ownerModes :: FileMode
+ownerModes = (#const S_IRWXU)
+groupModes :: FileMode
+groupModes = (#const S_IRWXG)
+otherModes :: FileMode
+otherModes = (#const S_IRWXO)
+accessModes :: FileMode
+accessModes = ownerModes .|. groupModes .|. otherModes
+unionFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
+unionFileModes m1 m2 = m1 .|. m2
+intersectFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
+intersectFileModes m1 m2 = m1 .&. m2
+-- Not exported:
+fileTypeModes :: FileMode
+fileTypeModes = (#const S_IFMT)
+blockSpecialMode :: FileMode
+blockSpecialMode = (#const S_IFBLK)
+characterSpecialMode :: FileMode
+characterSpecialMode = (#const S_IFCHR)
+namedPipeMode :: FileMode
+namedPipeMode = (#const S_IFIFO)
+regularFileMode :: FileMode
+regularFileMode = (#const S_IFREG)
+directoryMode :: FileMode
+directoryMode = (#const S_IFDIR)
+symbolicLinkMode :: FileMode
+symbolicLinkMode = (#const S_IFLNK)
+socketMode :: FileMode
+socketMode = (#const S_IFSOCK)
+setFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
+setFileMode name m =
+ withCString name $ \s -> do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFileMode" (c_chmod s m)
+setFdMode :: Fd -> FileMode -> IO ()
+setFdMode fd m =
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFdMode" (c_fchmod fd m)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "fchmod"
+ c_fchmod :: Fd -> CMode -> IO CInt
+setFileCreationMask :: FileMode -> IO FileMode
+setFileCreationMask mask = c_umask mask
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- access()
+fileAccess :: FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool
+fileAccess name read write exec = access name flags
+ where
+ flags = read_f .|. write_f .|. exec_f
+ read_f = if read then (#const R_OK) else 0
+ write_f = if write then (#const W_OK) else 0
+ exec_f = if exec then (#const X_OK) else 0
+fileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+fileExist name = access name (#const F_OK)
+access :: FilePath -> CMode -> IO Bool
+access name flags =
+ withCString name $ \s -> do
+ r <- c_access s flags
+ if (r == 0)
+ then return True
+ else do err <- getErrno
+ if (err == eACCES)
+ then return False
+ else throwErrno "fileAccess"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- stat() support
+newtype FileStatus = FileStatus (ForeignPtr CStat)
+deviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
+fileID :: FileStatus -> FileID
+fileMode :: FileStatus -> FileMode
+linkCount :: FileStatus -> LinkCount
+fileOwner :: FileStatus -> UserID
+fileGroup :: FileStatus -> GroupID
+specialDeviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
+fileSize :: FileStatus -> FileOffset
+accessTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
+modificationTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
+statusChangeTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
+deviceID (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_dev)
+fileID (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_ino)
+fileMode (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_mode)
+linkCount (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_nlink)
+fileOwner (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_uid)
+fileGroup (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_gid)
+specialDeviceID (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_rdev)
+fileSize (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_size)
+accessTime (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_atime)
+modificationTime (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_mtime)
+statusChangeTime (FileStatus stat) =
+ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr stat $ (#peek struct stat, st_ctime)
+isBlockDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isCharacterDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isNamedPipe :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isRegularFile :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isDirectory :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isSymbolicLink :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isSocket :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isBlockDevice stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == blockSpecialMode
+isCharacterDevice stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == characterSpecialMode
+isNamedPipe stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == namedPipeMode
+isRegularFile stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == regularFileMode
+isDirectory stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == directoryMode
+isSymbolicLink stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == symbolicLinkMode
+isSocket stat =
+ (fileMode stat `intersectFileModes` fileTypeModes) == socketMode
+getFileStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
+getFileStatus path = do
+ fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct stat))
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
+ withCString path $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getFileStatus" (c_stat s p)
+ return (FileStatus fp)
+getFdStatus :: Fd -> IO FileStatus
+getFdStatus (Fd fd) = do
+ fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct stat))
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getFdStatus" (c_fstat fd p)
+ return (FileStatus fp)
+getSymbolicLinkStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
+getSymbolicLinkStatus path = do
+ fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct stat))
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
+ withCString path $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getSymbolicLinkStatus" (c_lstat s p)
+ return (FileStatus fp)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "lstat"
+ c_lstat :: CString -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
+createNamedPipe :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
+createNamedPipe name mode = do
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createNamedPipe" (c_mkfifo s mode)
+createDevice :: FilePath -> FileMode -> DeviceID -> IO ()
+createDevice path mode dev =
+ withCString path $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createDevice" (c_mknod s mode dev)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "mknod"
+ c_mknod :: CString -> CMode -> CDev -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Hard links
+createLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+createLink name1 name2 =
+ withCString name1 $ \s1 ->
+ withCString name2 $ \s2 ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createLink" (c_link s1 s2)
+removeLink :: FilePath -> IO ()
+removeLink name =
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "removeLink" (c_unlink s)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Renaming files
+rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+rename name1 name2 =
+ withCString name1 $ \s1 ->
+ withCString name2 $ \s2 ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "rename" (c_rename s1 s2)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- chmod()
+setOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
+setOwnerAndGroup name uid gid = do
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setOwnerAndGroup" (c_chown s uid gid)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "chown"
+ c_chown :: CString -> CUid -> CGid -> IO CInt
+setFdOwnerAndGroup :: Fd -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
+setFdOwnerAndGroup (Fd fd) uid gid =
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFdOwnerAndGroup" (c_fchown fd uid gid)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "fchown"
+ c_fchown :: CInt -> CUid -> CGid -> IO CInt
+setSymbolicLinkOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
+setSymbolicLinkOwnerAndGroup name uid gid = do
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setSymbolicLinkOwnerAndGroup" (c_lchown s uid gid)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "lchown"
+ c_lchown :: CString -> CUid -> CGid -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- utime()
+setFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> IO ()
+setFileTimes name atime mtime = do
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct utimbuf)) $ \p -> do
+ (#poke struct utimbuf, actime) p atime
+ (#poke struct utimbuf, modtime) p mtime
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFileTimes" (c_utime s p)
+touchFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
+touchFile name = do
+ withCString name $ \s ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "touchFile" (c_utime s nullPtr)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- opening files
+stdInput, stdOutput, stdError :: Fd
+stdInput = Fd (#const STDIN_FILENO)
+stdOutput = Fd (#const STDOUT_FILENO)
+stdError = Fd (#const STDERR_FILENO)
+data OpenMode = ReadOnly | WriteOnly | ReadWrite
+data OpenFileFlags =
+ OpenFileFlags {
+ append :: Bool,
+ exclusive :: Bool,
+ noctty :: Bool,
+ nonBlock :: Bool,
+ trunc :: Bool
+ }
+defaultFileFlags :: OpenFileFlags
+defaultFileFlags =
+ OpenFileFlags {
+ append = False,
+ exclusive = False,
+ noctty = False,
+ nonBlock = False,
+ trunc = False
+ }
+openFd :: FilePath
+ -> OpenMode
+ -> Maybe FileMode -- Just x => O_CREAT, Nothing => must exist
+ -> OpenFileFlags
+ -> IO Fd
+openFd name how maybe_mode (OpenFileFlags append exclusive noctty
+ nonBlock truncate) = do
+ withCString name $ \s -> do
+ fd <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "openFd" (c_open s all_flags mode_w)
+ return (Fd fd)
+ where
+ all_flags = creat .|. flags .|. open_mode
+ flags =
+ (if append then (#const O_APPEND) else 0) .|.
+ (if exclusive then (#const O_EXCL) else 0) .|.
+ (if noctty then (#const O_NOCTTY) else 0) .|.
+ (if nonBlock then (#const O_NONBLOCK) else 0) .|.
+ (if truncate then (#const O_TRUNC) else 0)
+ (creat, mode_w) = case maybe_mode of
+ Nothing -> (0,0)
+ Just x -> ((#const O_CREAT), x)
+ open_mode = case how of
+ ReadOnly -> (#const O_RDONLY)
+ WriteOnly -> (#const O_WRONLY)
+ ReadWrite -> (#const O_RDWR)
+createFile :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO Fd
+createFile name mode
+ = openFd name WriteOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags{ trunc=True }
+closeFd :: Fd -> IO ()
+closeFd (Fd fd) = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "closeFd" (c_close fd)
diff --git a/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc b/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7fae7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : System.Posix.Unistd
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
+-- Stability : provisional
+-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
+-- POSIX miscellaneous stuff, mostly from unistd.h
+module System.Posix.Unistd (
+ -- * User environment
+ -- * Querying user environment
+ getRealUserID,
+ getRealGroupID,
+ getEffectiveUserID,
+ getEffectiveGroupID,
+#if !defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS)
+ getGroups,
+ getLoginName,
+ -- * Modifying the user environment
+ setUserID,
+ setGroupID,
+ -- * Process environment
+ -- ** Querying the process environment
+ getProcessID,
+ getParentProcessID,
+ getProcessGroupID,
+ -- ** Process groups
+ createProcessGroup,
+ joinProcessGroup,
+ setProcessGroupID,
+ -- ** Sessions
+ createSession,
+ -- ** Process times
+ ProcessTimes(elapsedTime, systemTime, userTime,
+ childSystemTime, childUserTime),
+ getProcessTimes,
+ -- * System environment
+ SystemID(..),
+ getSystemID,
+ {-
+ ToDo from unistd.h:
+ confstr
+ dup, dup2, exec*, exit, fork, fpathconf, fsync, ftruncate,
+ gethostid, gethostname, getlogin, getopt, isatty, lockf,
+ lseek, nice, pathconf, pipe, pread, pwrite, read, readlink,
+ sleep, symlink, sysconf, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, truncate,
+ ttyname(_r), ualarm, usleep, vfork, write
+ SysVar(..),
+ getSysVar,
+ -- should be in System.Posix.Files?
+ queryTerminal,
+ getTerminalName,
+#if !defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS)
+ getControllingTerminalName,
+ -- should be in System.Posix.Time?
+ epochTime,
+ -- should be in System.Posix.Pwd?
+ getEffectiveUserName,
+ ) where
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+import System.Posix.Types
+import GHC.Posix
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- user environemnt
+getRealUserID :: IO UserID
+getRealUserID = c_getuid
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getuid"
+ c_getuid :: IO CUid
+getRealGroupID :: IO GroupID
+getRealGroupID = c_getgid
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getgid"
+ c_getgid :: IO CGid
+getEffectiveUserID :: IO UserID
+getEffectiveUserID = c_geteuid
+foreign import ccall unsafe "geteuid"
+ c_geteuid :: IO CUid
+getEffectiveGroupID :: IO GroupID
+getEffectiveGroupID = c_getegid
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getegid"
+ c_getegid :: IO CGid
+-- getgroups() is not supported in beta18 of
+-- cygwin32
+#if !defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS)
+getGroups :: IO [GroupID]
+getGroups = do
+ ngroups <- c_getgroups 0 nullPtr
+ allocaArray (fromIntegral ngroups) $ \arr -> do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getGroups" (c_getgroups ngroups arr)
+ groups <- peekArray (fromIntegral ngroups) arr
+ return groups
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getgroups"
+ c_getgroups :: CInt -> Ptr CGid -> IO CInt
+-- ToDo: use getlogin_r
+getLoginName :: IO String
+getLoginName = do
+ str <- throwErrnoIfNull "getLoginName" c_getlogin
+ peekCString str
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getlogin"
+ c_getlogin :: IO CString
+setUserID :: UserID -> IO ()
+setUserID uid = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setUserID" (c_setuid uid)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "setuid"
+ c_setuid :: CUid -> IO CInt
+setGroupID :: GroupID -> IO ()
+setGroupID gid = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setGroupID" (c_setgid gid)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "setgid"
+ c_setgid :: CGid -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Process environment
+getProcessID :: IO ProcessID
+getProcessID = c_getpid
+getParentProcessID :: IO ProcessID
+getParentProcessID = c_getppid
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getppid"
+ c_getppid :: IO CPid
+getProcessGroupID :: IO ProcessGroupID
+getProcessGroupID = c_getpgrp
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getpgrp"
+ c_getpgrp :: IO CPid
+createProcessGroup :: ProcessID -> IO ProcessGroupID
+createProcessGroup pid = do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createProcessGroup" (c_setpgid pid 0)
+ return pid
+joinProcessGroup :: ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
+joinProcessGroup pgid =
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "joinProcessGroup" (c_setpgid 0 pgid)
+setProcessGroupID :: ProcessID -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
+setProcessGroupID pid pgid =
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setProcessGroupID" (c_setpgid pid pgid)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "setpgid"
+ c_setpgid :: CPid -> CPid -> IO CInt
+createSession :: IO ProcessGroupID
+createSession = throwErrnoIfMinus1 "createSession" c_setsid
+foreign import ccall unsafe "setsid"
+ c_setsid :: IO CPid
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Process times
+-- All times in clock ticks (see getClockTick)
+data ProcessTimes
+ = ProcessTimes { elapsedTime :: ClockTick
+ , userTime :: ClockTick
+ , systemTime :: ClockTick
+ , childUserTime :: ClockTick
+ , childSystemTime :: ClockTick
+ }
+getProcessTimes :: IO ProcessTimes
+getProcessTimes = do
+ allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tms)) $ \p_tms -> do
+ elapsed <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getProcessTimes" (c_times p_tms)
+ ut <- (#peek struct tms, tms_utime) p_tms
+ st <- (#peek struct tms, tms_stime) p_tms
+ cut <- (#peek struct tms, tms_cutime) p_tms
+ cst <- (#peek struct tms, tms_cstime) p_tms
+ return (ProcessTimes{ elapsedTime = elapsed,
+ userTime = ut,
+ systemTime = st,
+ childUserTime = cut,
+ childSystemTime = cst
+ })
+foreign import ccall unsafe "times"
+ c_times :: Ptr CTms -> IO CClock
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- System environment (uname())
+data SystemID =
+ SystemID { systemName :: String
+ , nodeName :: String
+ , release :: String
+ , version :: String
+ , machine :: String
+ }
+getSystemID :: IO SystemID
+getSystemID = do
+ allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct utsname)) $ \p_sid -> do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getSystemID" (c_uname p_sid)
+ sysN <- peekCString ((#ptr struct utsname, sysname) p_sid)
+ node <- peekCString ((#ptr struct utsname, nodename) p_sid)
+ rel <- peekCString ((#ptr struct utsname, release) p_sid)
+ ver <- peekCString ((#ptr struct utsname, version) p_sid)
+ mach <- peekCString ((#ptr struct utsname, machine) p_sid)
+ return (SystemID { systemName = sysN,
+ nodeName = node,
+ release = rel,
+ version = ver,
+ machine = mach
+ })
+data SysVar = ArgumentLimit
+ | ChildLimit
+ | ClockTick
+ | GroupLimit
+ | OpenFileLimit
+ | PosixVersion
+ | HasSavedIDs
+ | HasJobControl
+getSysVar :: SysVar -> IO Limit
+getSysVar v =
+ case v of
+ ArgumentLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_ARG_MAX''
+ ChildLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_CHILD_MAX''
+ ClockTick -> sysconf ``_SC_CLK_TCK''
+ GroupLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_NGROUPS_MAX''
+ OpenFileLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_OPEN_MAX''
+ PosixVersion -> sysconf ``_SC_VERSION''
+ HasSavedIDs -> sysconf ``_SC_SAVED_IDS''
+ HasJobControl -> sysconf ``_SC_JOB_CONTROL''
+-- where
+sysconf :: Int -> IO Limit
+sysconf n = do
+ rc <- _ccall_ sysconf n
+ if rc /= (-1::Int)
+ then return rc
+ else ioException (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing
+ "getSysVar"
+ "no such system limit or option"
+ Nothing)