path: root/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc
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Diffstat (limited to 'System/Posix/Unistd.hsc')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc b/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc
index a7fae7e..bdcbc34 100644
--- a/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc
+++ b/System/Posix/Unistd.hsc
@@ -29,52 +29,45 @@ module System.Posix.Unistd (
- -- * Process environment
- -- ** Querying the process environment
- getProcessID,
- getParentProcessID,
- getProcessGroupID,
- -- ** Process groups
- createProcessGroup,
- joinProcessGroup,
- setProcessGroupID,
- -- ** Sessions
- createSession,
- -- ** Process times
- ProcessTimes(elapsedTime, systemTime, userTime,
- childSystemTime, childUserTime),
- getProcessTimes,
-- * System environment
+ SysVar(..),
+ getSysVar,
+ -- * Sleeping
+ sleep, usleep,
ToDo from unistd.h:
- confstr
- dup, dup2, exec*, exit, fork, fpathconf, fsync, ftruncate,
- gethostid, gethostname, getlogin, getopt, isatty, lockf,
- lseek, nice, pathconf, pipe, pread, pwrite, read, readlink,
- sleep, symlink, sysconf, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, truncate,
- ttyname(_r), ualarm, usleep, vfork, write
+ confstr,
+ lots of sysconf variables
- SysVar(..),
- getSysVar,
+ -- use Network.BSD
+ gethostid, gethostname
-- should be in System.Posix.Files?
+ pathconf, fpathconf,
#if !defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS)
+ -- System.Posix.Signals
+ ualarm,
+ -- System.Posix.Terminal
+ isatty, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, ttyname(_r),
+ -- System.Posix.IO
+ read, write,
-- should be in System.Posix.Time?
- -- should be in System.Posix.Pwd?
+ -- should be in System.Posix.User?
) where
@@ -85,7 +78,6 @@ import System.Posix.Types
import GHC.Posix
#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -152,77 +144,6 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "setgid"
c_setgid :: CGid -> IO CInt
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Process environment
-getProcessID :: IO ProcessID
-getProcessID = c_getpid
-getParentProcessID :: IO ProcessID
-getParentProcessID = c_getppid
-foreign import ccall unsafe "getppid"
- c_getppid :: IO CPid
-getProcessGroupID :: IO ProcessGroupID
-getProcessGroupID = c_getpgrp
-foreign import ccall unsafe "getpgrp"
- c_getpgrp :: IO CPid
-createProcessGroup :: ProcessID -> IO ProcessGroupID
-createProcessGroup pid = do
- throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createProcessGroup" (c_setpgid pid 0)
- return pid
-joinProcessGroup :: ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
-joinProcessGroup pgid =
- throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "joinProcessGroup" (c_setpgid 0 pgid)
-setProcessGroupID :: ProcessID -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
-setProcessGroupID pid pgid =
- throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setProcessGroupID" (c_setpgid pid pgid)
-foreign import ccall unsafe "setpgid"
- c_setpgid :: CPid -> CPid -> IO CInt
-createSession :: IO ProcessGroupID
-createSession = throwErrnoIfMinus1 "createSession" c_setsid
-foreign import ccall unsafe "setsid"
- c_setsid :: IO CPid
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Process times
--- All times in clock ticks (see getClockTick)
-data ProcessTimes
- = ProcessTimes { elapsedTime :: ClockTick
- , userTime :: ClockTick
- , systemTime :: ClockTick
- , childUserTime :: ClockTick
- , childSystemTime :: ClockTick
- }
-getProcessTimes :: IO ProcessTimes
-getProcessTimes = do
- allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tms)) $ \p_tms -> do
- elapsed <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getProcessTimes" (c_times p_tms)
- ut <- (#peek struct tms, tms_utime) p_tms
- st <- (#peek struct tms, tms_stime) p_tms
- cut <- (#peek struct tms, tms_cutime) p_tms
- cst <- (#peek struct tms, tms_cstime) p_tms
- return (ProcessTimes{ elapsedTime = elapsed,
- userTime = ut,
- systemTime = st,
- childUserTime = cut,
- childSystemTime = cst
- })
-foreign import ccall unsafe "times"
- c_times :: Ptr CTms -> IO CClock
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- System environment (uname())
data SystemID =
@@ -249,7 +170,26 @@ getSystemID = do
machine = mach
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- sleeping
+sleep :: Int -> IO Int
+sleep 0 = return 0
+sleep secs = do r <- c_sleep (fromIntegral secs); return (fromIntegral r)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "sleep"
+ c_sleep :: CUInt -> IO CUInt
+usleep :: Int -> IO ()
+usleep 0 = return ()
+usleep usecs = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "usleep" (c_usleep (fromIntegral usecs))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "usleep"
+ c_usleep :: CUInt -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- System variables
data SysVar = ArgumentLimit
| ChildLimit
| ClockTick
@@ -258,27 +198,24 @@ data SysVar = ArgumentLimit
| PosixVersion
| HasSavedIDs
| HasJobControl
+ -- ToDo: lots more
-getSysVar :: SysVar -> IO Limit
+getSysVar :: SysVar -> IO Integer
getSysVar v =
case v of
- ArgumentLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_ARG_MAX''
- ChildLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_CHILD_MAX''
- ClockTick -> sysconf ``_SC_CLK_TCK''
- GroupLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_NGROUPS_MAX''
- OpenFileLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_OPEN_MAX''
- PosixVersion -> sysconf ``_SC_VERSION''
- HasSavedIDs -> sysconf ``_SC_SAVED_IDS''
- HasJobControl -> sysconf ``_SC_JOB_CONTROL''
--- where
-sysconf :: Int -> IO Limit
-sysconf n = do
- rc <- _ccall_ sysconf n
- if rc /= (-1::Int)
- then return rc
- else ioException (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing
- "getSysVar"
- "no such system limit or option"
- Nothing)
+ ArgumentLimit -> sysconf (#const _SC_ARG_MAX)
+ ChildLimit -> sysconf (#const _SC_CHILD_MAX)
+ ClockTick -> sysconf (#const _SC_CLK_TCK)
+ GroupLimit -> sysconf (#const _SC_NGROUPS_MAX)
+ OpenFileLimit -> sysconf (#const _SC_OPEN_MAX)
+ PosixVersion -> sysconf (#const _SC_VERSION)
+ HasSavedIDs -> sysconf (#const _SC_SAVED_IDS)
+ HasJobControl -> sysconf (#const _SC_JOB_CONTROL)
+sysconf :: CInt -> IO Integer
+sysconf n = do
+ r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getSysVar" (c_sysconf n)
+ return (fromIntegral r)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "sysconf"
+ c_sysconf :: CInt -> IO CLong