path: root/System/Posix/IO.hsc
diff options
authorGravatar simonmar <unknown>2002-09-12 16:38:22 +0000
committerGravatar simonmar <unknown>2002-09-12 16:38:22 +0000
commitfb789a7a51ba183c2600711a5f771720930aa1da (patch)
tree506bf212d27b9069fe29eef7160fc87ba1b82d20 /System/Posix/IO.hsc
parent7f4767d8c35cee56b8fcb5f949bd4aa30deea061 (diff)
[project @ 2002-09-12 16:38:21 by simonmar]
More POSIX bits... we're getting there.
Diffstat (limited to 'System/Posix/IO.hsc')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/System/Posix/IO.hsc b/System/Posix/IO.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f324841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/System/Posix/IO.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : System.Posix.IO
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
+-- Stability : provisional
+-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
+-- POSIX IO support
+module System.Posix.IO (
+ -- * Input \/ Output
+ -- ** Standard file descriptors
+ stdInput, stdOutput, stdError,
+ -- ** Opening and closing files
+ OpenMode(..),
+ OpenFileFlags(..), defaultFileFlags,
+ openFd, createFile,
+ closeFd,
+ -- ** Reading/writing data
+ fdRead, fdWrite,
+ -- ** Seeking
+ fdSeek,
+ -- ** File options
+ FdOption(..),
+ queryFdOption,
+ setFdOption,
+ -- ** Locking
+ FileLock,
+ LockRequest(..),
+ getLock, setLock,
+ waitToSetLock,
+ -- ** Pipes
+ createPipe,
+ -- ** Duplicating file descriptors
+ dup, dupTo,
+ -- ** Converting file descriptors to/from Handles
+ handleToFd, fdToHandle,
+ ) where
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error
+import System.Posix.Types
+import Control.Exception ( throw )
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+import Data.Bits
+import GHC.IOBase
+import GHC.Handle hiding (fdToHandle, openFd)
+import qualified GHC.Handle
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Pipes
+createPipe :: IO (Fd, Fd)
+createPipe =
+ allocaArray 2 $ \p_fd -> do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "createPipe" (c_pipe p_fd)
+ rfd <- peekElemOff p_fd 0
+ wfd <- peekElemOff p_fd 1
+ return (rfd, wfd)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "pipe"
+ c_pipe :: Ptr Fd -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Duplicating file descriptors
+dup :: Fd -> IO Fd
+dup fd = do r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "dup" (c_dup fd); return (Fd r)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "dup"
+ c_dup :: Fd -> IO CInt
+dupTo :: Fd -> Fd -> IO Fd
+dupTo fd1 fd2 = throwErrnoIfMinus1 "dupTp" (c_dup2 fd1 fd2)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "dup2"
+ c_dup2 :: Fd -> Fd -> IO Fd
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Opening and closing files
+stdInput, stdOutput, stdError :: Fd
+stdInput = Fd (#const STDIN_FILENO)
+stdOutput = Fd (#const STDOUT_FILENO)
+stdError = Fd (#const STDERR_FILENO)
+data OpenMode = ReadOnly | WriteOnly | ReadWrite
+data OpenFileFlags =
+ OpenFileFlags {
+ append :: Bool,
+ exclusive :: Bool,
+ noctty :: Bool,
+ nonBlock :: Bool,
+ trunc :: Bool
+ }
+defaultFileFlags :: OpenFileFlags
+defaultFileFlags =
+ OpenFileFlags {
+ append = False,
+ exclusive = False,
+ noctty = False,
+ nonBlock = False,
+ trunc = False
+ }
+openFd :: FilePath
+ -> OpenMode
+ -> Maybe FileMode -- Just x => O_CREAT, Nothing => must exist
+ -> OpenFileFlags
+ -> IO Fd
+openFd name how maybe_mode (OpenFileFlags append exclusive noctty
+ nonBlock truncate) = do
+ withCString name $ \s -> do
+ fd <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "openFd" (c_open s all_flags mode_w)
+ return (Fd fd)
+ where
+ all_flags = creat .|. flags .|. open_mode
+ flags =
+ (if append then (#const O_APPEND) else 0) .|.
+ (if exclusive then (#const O_EXCL) else 0) .|.
+ (if noctty then (#const O_NOCTTY) else 0) .|.
+ (if nonBlock then (#const O_NONBLOCK) else 0) .|.
+ (if truncate then (#const O_TRUNC) else 0)
+ (creat, mode_w) = case maybe_mode of
+ Nothing -> (0,0)
+ Just x -> ((#const O_CREAT), x)
+ open_mode = case how of
+ ReadOnly -> (#const O_RDONLY)
+ WriteOnly -> (#const O_WRONLY)
+ ReadWrite -> (#const O_RDWR)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "open"
+ c_open :: CString -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
+createFile :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO Fd
+createFile name mode
+ = openFd name WriteOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags{ trunc=True }
+closeFd :: Fd -> IO ()
+closeFd (Fd fd) = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "closeFd" (c_close fd)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "close"
+ c_close :: CInt -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Converting file descriptors to/from Handles
+handleToFd :: Handle -> IO Fd
+handleToFd h = withHandle "handleToFd" h $ \ h_ -> do
+ -- converting a Handle into an Fd effectively means
+ -- letting go of the Handle; it is put into a closed
+ -- state as a result.
+ let fd = haFD h_
+ flushWriteBufferOnly h_
+ unlockFile (fromIntegral fd)
+ -- setting the Handle's fd to (-1) as well as its 'type'
+ -- to closed, is enough to disable the finalizer that
+ -- eventually is run on the Handle.
+ return (h_{haFD= (-1),haType=ClosedHandle}, Fd (fromIntegral fd))
+fdToHandle :: Fd -> IO Handle
+fdToHandle fd = GHC.Handle.fdToHandle (fromIntegral fd)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Fd options
+data FdOption = AppendOnWrite
+ | CloseOnExec
+ | NonBlockingRead
+ | SynchronousWrites
+queryFdOption :: Fd -> FdOption -> IO Bool
+queryFdOption fd opt = do
+ r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "queryFdOption" (c_fcntl_read fd flag)
+ return ((r .&. opt_val) /= 0)
+ where
+ flag = case opt of
+ CloseOnExec -> (#const F_GETFD)
+ other -> (#const F_GETFL)
+ opt_val = case opt of
+ CloseOnExec -> (#const FD_CLOEXEC)
+ AppendOnWrite -> (#const O_APPEND)
+ NonBlockingRead -> (#const O_NONBLOCK)
+ SynchronousWrites -> (#const O_SYNC)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "fcntl"
+ c_fcntl_read :: Fd -> CInt -> IO CInt
+setFdOption :: Fd -> FdOption -> Bool -> IO ()
+setFdOption fd opt val = do
+ r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "setFdOption" (c_fcntl_read fd flag)
+ let r' | val = r .|. opt_val
+ | otherwise = r .&. (complement opt_val)
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFdOption" (c_fcntl_write fd flag r')
+ where
+ flag = case opt of
+ CloseOnExec -> (#const F_GETFD)
+ other -> (#const F_GETFL)
+ opt_val = case opt of
+ CloseOnExec -> (#const FD_CLOEXEC)
+ AppendOnWrite -> (#const O_APPEND)
+ NonBlockingRead -> (#const O_NONBLOCK)
+ SynchronousWrites -> (#const O_SYNC)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "fcntl"
+ c_fcntl_write :: Fd -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Seeking
+mode2Int :: SeekMode -> CInt
+mode2Int AbsoluteSeek = (#const SEEK_SET)
+mode2Int RelativeSeek = (#const SEEK_CUR)
+mode2Int SeekFromEnd = (#const SEEK_END)
+fdSeek :: Fd -> SeekMode -> FileOffset -> IO FileOffset
+fdSeek fd mode off =
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1 "fdSeek" (c_lseek fd off (mode2Int mode))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "lseek"
+ c_lseek :: Fd -> COff -> CInt -> IO COff
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Locking
+data LockRequest = ReadLock
+ | WriteLock
+ | Unlock
+type FileLock = (LockRequest, SeekMode, FileOffset, FileOffset)
+type CFLock = ()
+getLock :: Fd -> FileLock -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, FileLock))
+getLock fd lock =
+ allocaLock lock $ \p_flock -> do
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getLock" (c_fcntl_flock fd (#const F_GETLK) p_flock)
+ result <- bytes2ProcessIDAndLock p_flock
+ return (maybeResult result)
+ where
+ maybeResult (_, (Unlock, _, _, _)) = Nothing
+ maybeResult x = Just x
+foreign import ccall unsafe "fcntl"
+ c_fcntl_flock :: Fd -> CInt -> Ptr CFLock -> IO CInt
+allocaLock :: FileLock -> (Ptr CFLock -> IO a) -> IO a
+allocaLock (lockreq, mode, start, len) io =
+ allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct flock)) $ \p -> do
+ (#poke struct flock, l_type) p (lockReqToInt lockreq :: CShort)
+ (#poke struct flock, l_whence) p (fromIntegral (mode2Int mode) :: CShort)
+ (#poke struct flock, l_start) p start
+ (#poke struct flock, l_len) p len
+ io p
+lockReqToInt :: LockRequest -> CShort
+lockReqToInt ReadLock = (#const F_RDLCK)
+lockReqToInt WriteLock = (#const F_WRLCK)
+lockReqToInt Unlock = (#const F_UNLCK)
+bytes2ProcessIDAndLock :: Ptr CFLock -> IO (ProcessID, FileLock)
+bytes2ProcessIDAndLock p = do
+ req <- (#peek struct flock, l_type) p
+ mode <- (#peek struct flock, l_whence) p
+ start <- (#peek struct flock, l_start) p
+ len <- (#peek struct flock, l_len) p
+ pid <- (#peek struct flock, l_pid) p
+ return (pid, (int2req req, int2mode mode, start, len))
+ where
+ int2req :: CShort -> LockRequest
+ int2req (#const F_RDLCK) = ReadLock
+ int2req (#const F_WRLCK) = WriteLock
+ int2req (#const F_UNLCK) = Unlock
+ int2req _ = throw (mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "int2req"
+ Nothing Nothing)
+ int2mode :: CShort -> SeekMode
+ int2mode (#const SEEK_SET) = AbsoluteSeek
+ int2mode (#const SEEK_CUR) = RelativeSeek
+ int2mode (#const SEEK_END) = SeekFromEnd
+ int2mode _ = throw (mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "int2mode"
+ Nothing Nothing)
+setLock :: Fd -> FileLock -> IO ()
+setLock fd lock = do
+ allocaLock lock $ \p_flock ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setLock" (c_fcntl_flock fd (#const F_SETLK) p_flock)
+waitToSetLock :: Fd -> FileLock -> IO ()
+waitToSetLock fd lock = do
+ allocaLock lock $ \p_flock ->
+ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "waitToSetLock"
+ (c_fcntl_flock fd (#const F_SETLKW) p_flock)