path: root/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc b/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
index 00bbd8a8a0..1b7a8d26b2 100644
--- a/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
@@ -32,8 +32,11 @@
#include <cassert>
+#include <forward_list>
#include <functional>
+#include <list>
#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
@@ -55,38 +58,55 @@
namespace grpc {
namespace testing {
+typedef std::list<grpc_time> deadline_list;
class ClientRpcContext {
- ClientRpcContext() {}
+ explicit ClientRpcContext(int ch) : channel_id_(ch) {}
virtual ~ClientRpcContext() {}
// next state, return false if done. Collect stats when appropriate
virtual bool RunNextState(bool, Histogram* hist) = 0;
- virtual void StartNewClone() = 0;
+ virtual ClientRpcContext* StartNewClone() = 0;
static void* tag(ClientRpcContext* c) { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(c); }
static ClientRpcContext* detag(void* t) {
return reinterpret_cast<ClientRpcContext*>(t);
+ deadline_list::iterator deadline_posn() const { return deadline_posn_; }
+ void set_deadline_posn(const deadline_list::iterator& it) {
+ deadline_posn_ = it;
+ }
+ virtual void Start(CompletionQueue* cq) = 0;
+ int channel_id() const { return channel_id_; }
+ protected:
+ int channel_id_;
+ private:
+ deadline_list::iterator deadline_posn_;
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType>
class ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl : public ClientRpcContext {
- TestService::Stub* stub, const RequestType& req,
+ int channel_id, TestService::Stub* stub, const RequestType& req,
- TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, const RequestType&)>
- start_req,
+ TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, const RequestType&,
+ CompletionQueue*)> start_req,
std::function<void(grpc::Status, ResponseType*)> on_done)
- : context_(),
+ : ClientRpcContext(channel_id),
+ context_(),
- start_req_(start_req),
- start_(Timer::Now()),
- response_reader_(start_req(stub_, &context_, req_)) {
+ start_req_(start_req) {}
+ void Start(CompletionQueue* cq) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ start_ = Timer::Now();
+ response_reader_ = start_req_(stub_, &context_, req_, cq);
response_reader_->Finish(&response_, &status_, ClientRpcContext::tag(this));
~ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl() GRPC_OVERRIDE {}
@@ -98,8 +118,9 @@ class ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl : public ClientRpcContext {
return ret;
- void StartNewClone() GRPC_OVERRIDE {
- new ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl(stub_, req_, start_req_, callback_);
+ ClientRpcContext* StartNewClone() GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ return new ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl(channel_id_, stub_, req_, start_req_,
+ callback_);
@@ -109,7 +130,7 @@ class ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl : public ClientRpcContext {
bool DoCallBack(bool) {
callback_(status_, &response_);
- return false;
+ return true; // we're done, this'll be ignored
grpc::ClientContext context_;
TestService::Stub* stub_;
@@ -118,29 +139,54 @@ class ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl : public ClientRpcContext {
bool (ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl::*next_state_)(bool);
std::function<void(grpc::Status, ResponseType*)> callback_;
- TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, const RequestType&)> start_req_;
+ TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, const RequestType&,
+ CompletionQueue*)> start_req_;
grpc::Status status_;
double start_;
+typedef std::forward_list<ClientRpcContext*> context_list;
class AsyncClient : public Client {
- explicit AsyncClient(const ClientConfig& config,
- std::function<void(CompletionQueue*, TestService::Stub*,
- const SimpleRequest&)> setup_ctx)
- : Client(config) {
+ explicit AsyncClient(
+ const ClientConfig& config,
+ std::function<ClientRpcContext*(int, TestService::Stub*,
+ const SimpleRequest&)> setup_ctx)
+ : Client(config),
+ channel_lock_(config.client_channels()),
+ contexts_(config.client_channels()),
+ max_outstanding_per_channel_(config.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel()),
+ channel_count_(config.client_channels()),
+ pref_channel_inc_(config.async_client_threads()) {
+ SetupLoadTest(config, config.async_client_threads());
for (int i = 0; i < config.async_client_threads(); i++) {
cli_cqs_.emplace_back(new CompletionQueue);
+ if (!closed_loop_) {
+ rpc_deadlines_.emplace_back();
+ next_channel_.push_back(i % channel_count_);
+ issue_allowed_.push_back(true);
+ grpc_time next_issue;
+ NextIssueTime(i, &next_issue);
+ next_issue_.push_back(next_issue);
+ }
int t = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < config.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel(); i++) {
- for (auto channel = channels_.begin(); channel != channels_.end();
- channel++) {
+ for (int ch = 0; ch < channel_count_; ch++) {
auto* cq = cli_cqs_[t].get();
t = (t + 1) % cli_cqs_.size();
- setup_ctx(cq, channel->get_stub(), request_);
+ auto ctx = setup_ctx(ch, channels_[ch].get_stub(), request_);
+ if (closed_loop_) {
+ ctx->Start(cq);
+ } else {
+ contexts_[ch].push_front(ctx);
+ }
@@ -159,30 +205,126 @@ class AsyncClient : public Client {
size_t thread_idx) GRPC_OVERRIDE GRPC_FINAL {
void* got_tag;
bool ok;
- switch (cli_cqs_[thread_idx]->AsyncNext(
- &got_tag, &ok,
- std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(1))) {
+ grpc_time deadline, short_deadline;
+ if (closed_loop_) {
+ deadline = grpc_time_source::now() + std::chrono::seconds(1);
+ short_deadline = deadline;
+ } else {
+ if (rpc_deadlines_[thread_idx].empty()) {
+ deadline = grpc_time_source::now() + std::chrono::seconds(1);
+ } else {
+ deadline = *(rpc_deadlines_[thread_idx].begin());
+ }
+ short_deadline =
+ issue_allowed_[thread_idx] ? next_issue_[thread_idx] : deadline;
+ }
+ bool got_event;
+ switch (cli_cqs_[thread_idx]->AsyncNext(&got_tag, &ok, short_deadline)) {
case CompletionQueue::SHUTDOWN:
return false;
case CompletionQueue::TIMEOUT:
- return true;
+ got_event = false;
+ break;
case CompletionQueue::GOT_EVENT:
+ got_event = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ GPR_ASSERT(false);
- ClientRpcContext* ctx = ClientRpcContext::detag(got_tag);
- if (ctx->RunNextState(ok, histogram) == false) {
- // call the callback and then delete it
- ctx->RunNextState(ok, histogram);
- ctx->StartNewClone();
- delete ctx;
+ if ((closed_loop_ || !rpc_deadlines_[thread_idx].empty()) &&
+ grpc_time_source::now() > deadline) {
+ // we have missed some 1-second deadline, which is worth noting
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Missed an RPC deadline");
+ // Don't give up, as there might be some truly heavy tails
+ }
+ if (got_event) {
+ ClientRpcContext* ctx = ClientRpcContext::detag(got_tag);
+ if (ctx->RunNextState(ok, histogram) == false) {
+ // call the callback and then clone the ctx
+ ctx->RunNextState(ok, histogram);
+ ClientRpcContext* clone_ctx = ctx->StartNewClone();
+ if (closed_loop_) {
+ clone_ctx->Start(cli_cqs_[thread_idx].get());
+ } else {
+ // Remove the entry from the rpc deadlines list
+ rpc_deadlines_[thread_idx].erase(ctx->deadline_posn());
+ // Put the clone_ctx in the list of idle contexts for this channel
+ // Under lock
+ int ch = clone_ctx->channel_id();
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(channel_lock_[ch]);
+ contexts_[ch].push_front(clone_ctx);
+ }
+ // delete the old version
+ delete ctx;
+ }
+ if (!closed_loop_)
+ issue_allowed_[thread_idx] =
+ true; // may be ok now even if it hadn't been
+ }
+ if (!closed_loop_ && issue_allowed_[thread_idx] &&
+ grpc_time_source::now() >= next_issue_[thread_idx]) {
+ // Attempt to issue
+ bool issued = false;
+ for (int num_attempts = 0, channel_attempt = next_channel_[thread_idx];
+ num_attempts < channel_count_ && !issued; num_attempts++) {
+ bool can_issue = false;
+ ClientRpcContext* ctx = nullptr;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(channel_lock_[channel_attempt]);
+ if (!contexts_[channel_attempt].empty()) {
+ // Get an idle context from the front of the list
+ ctx = *(contexts_[channel_attempt].begin());
+ contexts_[channel_attempt].pop_front();
+ can_issue = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (can_issue) {
+ // do the work to issue
+ rpc_deadlines_[thread_idx].emplace_back(grpc_time_source::now() +
+ std::chrono::seconds(1));
+ auto it = rpc_deadlines_[thread_idx].end();
+ --it;
+ ctx->set_deadline_posn(it);
+ ctx->Start(cli_cqs_[thread_idx].get());
+ issued = true;
+ // If we did issue, then next time, try our thread's next
+ // preferred channel
+ next_channel_[thread_idx] += pref_channel_inc_;
+ if (next_channel_[thread_idx] >= channel_count_)
+ next_channel_[thread_idx] = (thread_idx % channel_count_);
+ } else {
+ // Do a modular increment of channel attempt if we couldn't issue
+ channel_attempt = (channel_attempt + 1) % channel_count_;
+ }
+ }
+ if (issued) {
+ // We issued one; see when we can issue the next
+ grpc_time next_issue;
+ NextIssueTime(thread_idx, &next_issue);
+ next_issue_[thread_idx] = next_issue;
+ } else {
+ issue_allowed_[thread_idx] = false;
+ }
return true;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CompletionQueue>> cli_cqs_;
+ std::vector<deadline_list> rpc_deadlines_; // per thread deadlines
+ std::vector<int> next_channel_; // per thread round-robin channel ctr
+ std::vector<bool> issue_allowed_; // may this thread attempt to issue
+ std::vector<grpc_time> next_issue_; // when should it issue?
+ std::vector<std::mutex> channel_lock_;
+ std::vector<context_list> contexts_; // per-channel list of idle contexts
+ int max_outstanding_per_channel_;
+ int channel_count_;
+ int pref_channel_inc_;
class AsyncUnaryClient GRPC_FINAL : public AsyncClient {
@@ -194,15 +336,15 @@ class AsyncUnaryClient GRPC_FINAL : public AsyncClient {
~AsyncUnaryClient() GRPC_OVERRIDE { EndThreads(); }
- static void SetupCtx(CompletionQueue* cq, TestService::Stub* stub,
- const SimpleRequest& req) {
+ static ClientRpcContext* SetupCtx(int channel_id, TestService::Stub* stub,
+ const SimpleRequest& req) {
auto check_done = [](grpc::Status s, SimpleResponse* response) {};
- auto start_req = [cq](TestService::Stub* stub, grpc::ClientContext* ctx,
- const SimpleRequest& request) {
+ auto start_req = [](TestService::Stub* stub, grpc::ClientContext* ctx,
+ const SimpleRequest& request, CompletionQueue* cq) {
return stub->AsyncUnaryCall(ctx, request, cq);
- new ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl<SimpleRequest, SimpleResponse>(
- stub, req, start_req, check_done);
+ return new ClientRpcContextUnaryImpl<SimpleRequest, SimpleResponse>(
+ channel_id, stub, req, start_req, check_done);
@@ -210,26 +352,30 @@ template <class RequestType, class ResponseType>
class ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl : public ClientRpcContext {
- TestService::Stub* stub, const RequestType& req,
- std::function<std::unique_ptr<
- grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<RequestType, ResponseType>>(
- TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, void*)> start_req,
+ int channel_id, TestService::Stub* stub, const RequestType& req,
+ std::function<std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<
+ RequestType, ResponseType>>(TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*,
+ CompletionQueue*, void*)> start_req,
std::function<void(grpc::Status, ResponseType*)> on_done)
- : context_(),
+ : ClientRpcContext(channel_id),
+ context_(),
- start_(Timer::Now()),
- stream_(start_req_(stub_, &context_, ClientRpcContext::tag(this))) {}
+ start_(Timer::Now()) {}
~ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl() GRPC_OVERRIDE {}
bool RunNextState(bool ok, Histogram* hist) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
return (this->*next_state_)(ok, hist);
- void StartNewClone() GRPC_OVERRIDE {
- new ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl(stub_, req_, start_req_, callback_);
+ ClientRpcContext* StartNewClone() GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ return new ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl(channel_id_, stub_, req_,
+ start_req_, callback_);
+ }
+ void Start(CompletionQueue* cq) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ stream_ = start_req_(stub_, &context_, cq, ClientRpcContext::tag(this));
@@ -263,7 +409,8 @@ class ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl : public ClientRpcContext {
std::function<void(grpc::Status, ResponseType*)> callback_;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<RequestType, ResponseType>>(
- TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, void*)> start_req_;
+ TestService::Stub*, grpc::ClientContext*, CompletionQueue*, void*)>
+ start_req_;
grpc::Status status_;
double start_;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<RequestType, ResponseType>>
@@ -274,22 +421,25 @@ class AsyncStreamingClient GRPC_FINAL : public AsyncClient {
explicit AsyncStreamingClient(const ClientConfig& config)
: AsyncClient(config, SetupCtx) {
+ // async streaming currently only supported closed loop
+ GPR_ASSERT(config.load_type() == CLOSED_LOOP);
~AsyncStreamingClient() GRPC_OVERRIDE { EndThreads(); }
- static void SetupCtx(CompletionQueue* cq, TestService::Stub* stub,
- const SimpleRequest& req) {
+ static ClientRpcContext* SetupCtx(int channel_id, TestService::Stub* stub,
+ const SimpleRequest& req) {
auto check_done = [](grpc::Status s, SimpleResponse* response) {};
- auto start_req = [cq](TestService::Stub* stub, grpc::ClientContext* ctx,
- void* tag) {
+ auto start_req = [](TestService::Stub* stub, grpc::ClientContext* ctx,
+ CompletionQueue* cq, void* tag) {
auto stream = stub->AsyncStreamingCall(ctx, cq, tag);
return stream;
- new ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl<SimpleRequest, SimpleResponse>(
- stub, req, start_req, check_done);
+ return new ClientRpcContextStreamingImpl<SimpleRequest, SimpleResponse>(
+ channel_id, stub, req, start_req, check_done);