path: root/src/ruby/pb/test/client.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ruby/pb/test/client.rb')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/ruby/pb/test/client.rb b/src/ruby/pb/test/client.rb
index f101f9d89e..9c4ee9c6f2 100755
--- a/src/ruby/pb/test/client.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/pb/test/client.rb
@@ -158,14 +158,26 @@ def create_stub(opts)
GRPC.logger.info("... connecting securely to #{address}")
- Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(address, creds, **stub_opts)
+ if opts.test_case == "unimplemented_service"
+ Grpc::Testing::UnimplementedService::Stub.new(address, creds, **stub_opts)
+ else
+ Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(address, creds, **stub_opts)
+ end
GRPC.logger.info("... connecting insecurely to #{address}")
- Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(
- address,
- :this_channel_is_insecure,
- channel_args: compression_channel_args
- )
+ if opts.test_case == "unimplemented_service"
+ Grpc::Testing::UnimplementedService::Stub.new(
+ address,
+ :this_channel_is_insecure,
+ channel_args: compression_channel_args
+ )
+ else
+ Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(
+ address,
+ :this_channel_is_insecure,
+ channel_args: compression_channel_args
+ )
+ end
@@ -502,6 +514,153 @@ class NamedTests
+ def unimplemented_method
+ begin
+ resp = @stub.unimplemented_call(Empty.new)
+ rescue GRPC::Unimplemented => e
+ return
+ rescue Exception => e
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
+ end
+ fail AssertionError, "GRPC::Unimplemented should have been raised. Was not."
+ end
+ def unimplemented_service
+ begin
+ resp = @stub.unimplemented_call(Empty.new)
+ rescue GRPC::Unimplemented => e
+ return
+ rescue Exception => e
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
+ end
+ fail AssertionError, "GRPC::Unimplemented should have been raised. Was not."
+ end
+ def status_code_and_message
+ # Function wide constants.
+ message = "test status method"
+ code = GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNKNOWN
+ # Testing with UnaryCall.
+ payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(1))
+ echo_status = EchoStatus.new(code: code, message: message)
+ req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_size: 1,
+ payload: payload,
+ response_status: echo_status)
+ seen_correct_exception = false
+ begin
+ resp = @stub.unary_call(req)
+ rescue GRPC::Unknown => e
+ if e.details != message
+ fail AssertionError,
+ "Expected message #{message}. Received: #{e.details}"
+ end
+ seen_correct_exception = true
+ rescue Exception => e
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
+ end
+ if not seen_correct_exception
+ fail AssertionError, "Did not see expected status from UnaryCall"
+ end
+ # testing with FullDuplex
+ req_cls, p_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters
+ duplex_req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(1)),
+ response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: 1)],
+ response_status: echo_status)
+ seen_correct_exception = false
+ begin
+ resp = @stub.full_duplex_call([duplex_req])
+ resp.each { |r| }
+ rescue GRPC::Unknown => e
+ if e.details != message
+ fail AssertionError,
+ "Expected message #{message}. Received: #{e.details}"
+ end
+ seen_correct_exception = true
+ rescue Exception => e
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected BadStatus. Received: #{e.inspect}"
+ end
+ if not seen_correct_exception
+ fail AssertionError, "Did not see expected status from FullDuplexCall"
+ end
+ end
+ def custom_metadata
+ # Function wide constants
+ req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159
+ initial_metadata_key = "x-grpc-test-echo-initial"
+ initial_metadata_value = "test_initial_metadata_value"
+ trailing_metadata_key = "x-grpc-test-echo-trailing-bin"
+ trailing_metadata_value = "\x0a\x0b\x0a\x0b\x0a\x0b"
+ metadata = {
+ initial_metadata_key => initial_metadata_value,
+ trailing_metadata_key => trailing_metadata_value
+ }
+ # Testing with UnaryCall
+ payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))
+ req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_size: wanted_response_size,
+ payload: payload)
+ op = @stub.unary_call(req, metadata: metadata, return_op: true)
+ op.execute
+ if not op.metadata.has_key?(initial_metadata_key)
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected initial metadata. None received"
+ elsif op.metadata[initial_metadata_key] != metadata[initial_metadata_key]
+ fail AssertionError,
+ "Expected initial metadata: #{metadata[initial_metadata_key]}. "\
+ "Received: #{op.metadata[initial_metadata_key]}"
+ end
+ if not op.trailing_metadata.has_key?(trailing_metadata_key)
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected trailing metadata. None received"
+ elsif op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key] !=
+ metadata[trailing_metadata_key]
+ fail AssertionError,
+ "Expected trailing metadata: #{metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}. "\
+ "Received: #{op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}"
+ end
+ # Testing with FullDuplex
+ req_cls, p_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters
+ duplex_req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(req_size)),
+ response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: wanted_response_size)])
+ duplex_op = @stub.full_duplex_call([duplex_req], metadata: metadata,
+ return_op: true)
+ resp = duplex_op.execute
+ resp.each { |r| } # ensures that the server sends trailing data
+ duplex_op.wait
+ if not duplex_op.metadata.has_key?(initial_metadata_key)
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected initial metadata. None received"
+ elsif duplex_op.metadata[initial_metadata_key] !=
+ metadata[initial_metadata_key]
+ fail AssertionError,
+ "Expected initial metadata: #{metadata[initial_metadata_key]}. "\
+ "Received: #{duplex_op.metadata[initial_metadata_key]}"
+ end
+ if not duplex_op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key]
+ fail AssertionError, "Expected trailing metadata. None received"
+ elsif duplex_op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key] !=
+ metadata[trailing_metadata_key]
+ fail AssertionError,
+ "Expected trailing metadata: #{metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}. "\
+ "Received: #{duplex_op.trailing_metadata[trailing_metadata_key]}"
+ end
+ end
def all
all_methods = NamedTests.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_s)
all_methods.each do |m|