path: root/src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/fork/methods.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/fork/methods.py')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/fork/methods.py b/src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/fork/methods.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..889ef13cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/fork/methods.py
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+# Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Implementations of fork support test methods."""
+import enum
+import json
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import threading
+import time
+import grpc
+from six.moves import queue
+from src.proto.grpc.testing import empty_pb2
+from src.proto.grpc.testing import messages_pb2
+from src.proto.grpc.testing import test_pb2_grpc
+_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _channel(args):
+ target = '{}:{}'.format(args.server_host, args.server_port)
+ if args.use_tls:
+ channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials()
+ channel = grpc.secure_channel(target, channel_credentials)
+ else:
+ channel = grpc.insecure_channel(target)
+ return channel
+def _validate_payload_type_and_length(response, expected_type, expected_length):
+ if response.payload.type is not expected_type:
+ raise ValueError('expected payload type %s, got %s' %
+ (expected_type, type(response.payload.type)))
+ elif len(response.payload.body) != expected_length:
+ raise ValueError('expected payload body size %d, got %d' %
+ (expected_length, len(response.payload.body)))
+def _async_unary(stub):
+ size = 314159
+ request = messages_pb2.SimpleRequest(
+ response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_size=size,
+ payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * 271828))
+ response_future = stub.UnaryCall.future(request)
+ response = response_future.result()
+ _validate_payload_type_and_length(response, messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, size)
+def _blocking_unary(stub):
+ size = 314159
+ request = messages_pb2.SimpleRequest(
+ response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_size=size,
+ payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * 271828))
+ response = stub.UnaryCall(request)
+ _validate_payload_type_and_length(response, messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, size)
+class _Pipe(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._condition = threading.Condition()
+ self._values = []
+ self._open = True
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __next__(self):
+ return self.next()
+ def next(self):
+ with self._condition:
+ while not self._values and self._open:
+ self._condition.wait()
+ if self._values:
+ return self._values.pop(0)
+ else:
+ raise StopIteration()
+ def add(self, value):
+ with self._condition:
+ self._values.append(value)
+ self._condition.notify()
+ def close(self):
+ with self._condition:
+ self._open = False
+ self._condition.notify()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ self.close()
+class _ChildProcess(object):
+ def __init__(self, task, args=None):
+ if args is None:
+ args = ()
+ self._exceptions = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ def record_exceptions():
+ try:
+ task(*args)
+ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ self._exceptions.put(e)
+ self._process = multiprocessing.Process(target=record_exceptions)
+ def start(self):
+ self._process.start()
+ def finish(self):
+ self._process.join()
+ if self._process.exitcode != 0:
+ raise ValueError('Child process failed with exitcode %d' %
+ self._process.exitcode)
+ try:
+ exception = self._exceptions.get(block=False)
+ raise ValueError('Child process failed: %s' % exception)
+ except queue.Empty:
+ pass
+def _async_unary_same_channel(channel):
+ def child_target():
+ try:
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Child should not be able to re-use channel after fork')
+ except ValueError as expected_value_error:
+ pass
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target)
+ child_process.start()
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ child_process.finish()
+def _async_unary_new_channel(channel, args):
+ def child_target():
+ child_channel = _channel(args)
+ child_stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(child_channel)
+ _async_unary(child_stub)
+ child_channel.close()
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target)
+ child_process.start()
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ child_process.finish()
+def _blocking_unary_same_channel(channel):
+ def child_target():
+ try:
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Child should not be able to re-use channel after fork')
+ except ValueError as expected_value_error:
+ pass
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target)
+ child_process.start()
+ child_process.finish()
+def _blocking_unary_new_channel(channel, args):
+ def child_target():
+ child_channel = _channel(args)
+ child_stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(child_channel)
+ _blocking_unary(child_stub)
+ child_channel.close()
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target)
+ child_process.start()
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ child_process.finish()
+# Verify that the fork channel registry can handle already closed channels
+def _close_channel_before_fork(channel, args):
+ def child_target():
+ new_channel.close()
+ child_channel = _channel(args)
+ child_stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(child_channel)
+ _blocking_unary(child_stub)
+ child_channel.close()
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ channel.close()
+ new_channel = _channel(args)
+ new_stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(new_channel)
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target)
+ child_process.start()
+ _blocking_unary(new_stub)
+ child_process.finish()
+def _connectivity_watch(channel, args):
+ def child_target():
+ def child_connectivity_callback(state):
+ child_states.append(state)
+ child_states = []
+ child_channel = _channel(args)
+ child_stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(child_channel)
+ child_channel.subscribe(child_connectivity_callback)
+ _async_unary(child_stub)
+ if len(child_states
+ ) < 2 or child_states[-1] != grpc.ChannelConnectivity.READY:
+ raise ValueError('Channel did not move to READY')
+ if len(parent_states) > 1:
+ raise ValueError('Received connectivity updates on parent callback')
+ child_channel.unsubscribe(child_connectivity_callback)
+ child_channel.close()
+ def parent_connectivity_callback(state):
+ parent_states.append(state)
+ parent_states = []
+ channel.subscribe(parent_connectivity_callback)
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target)
+ child_process.start()
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ if len(parent_states
+ ) < 2 or parent_states[-1] != grpc.ChannelConnectivity.READY:
+ raise ValueError('Channel did not move to READY')
+ channel.unsubscribe(parent_connectivity_callback)
+ child_process.finish()
+ # Need to unsubscribe or _channel.py in _poll_connectivity triggers a
+ # "Cannot invoke RPC on closed channel!" error.
+ # TODO(ericgribkoff) Fix issue with channel.close() and connectivity polling
+ channel.unsubscribe(parent_connectivity_callback)
+def _ping_pong_with_child_processes_after_first_response(
+ channel, args, child_target, run_after_close=True):
+ request_response_sizes = (
+ 31415,
+ 9,
+ 2653,
+ 58979,
+ )
+ request_payload_sizes = (
+ 27182,
+ 8,
+ 1828,
+ 45904,
+ )
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ pipe = _Pipe()
+ parent_bidi_call = stub.FullDuplexCall(pipe)
+ child_processes = []
+ first_message_received = False
+ for response_size, payload_size in zip(request_response_sizes,
+ request_payload_sizes):
+ request = messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest(
+ response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_parameters=(
+ messages_pb2.ResponseParameters(size=response_size),),
+ payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * payload_size))
+ pipe.add(request)
+ if first_message_received:
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target,
+ (parent_bidi_call, channel, args))
+ child_process.start()
+ child_processes.append(child_process)
+ response = next(parent_bidi_call)
+ first_message_received = True
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target,
+ (parent_bidi_call, channel, args))
+ child_process.start()
+ child_processes.append(child_process)
+ _validate_payload_type_and_length(response, messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_size)
+ pipe.close()
+ if run_after_close:
+ child_process = _ChildProcess(child_target,
+ (parent_bidi_call, channel, args))
+ child_process.start()
+ child_processes.append(child_process)
+ for child_process in child_processes:
+ child_process.finish()
+def _in_progress_bidi_continue_call(channel):
+ def child_target(parent_bidi_call, parent_channel, args):
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(parent_channel)
+ try:
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Child should not be able to re-use channel after fork')
+ except ValueError as expected_value_error:
+ pass
+ inherited_code = parent_bidi_call.code()
+ inherited_details = parent_bidi_call.details()
+ if inherited_code != grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Expected inherited code CANCELLED, got %s' % inherited_code)
+ if inherited_details != 'Channel closed due to fork':
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Expected inherited details Channel closed due to fork, got %s'
+ % inherited_details)
+ # Don't run child_target after closing the parent call, as the call may have
+ # received a status from the server before fork occurs.
+ _ping_pong_with_child_processes_after_first_response(
+ channel, None, child_target, run_after_close=False)
+def _in_progress_bidi_same_channel_async_call(channel):
+ def child_target(parent_bidi_call, parent_channel, args):
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(parent_channel)
+ try:
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Child should not be able to re-use channel after fork')
+ except ValueError as expected_value_error:
+ pass
+ _ping_pong_with_child_processes_after_first_response(
+ channel, None, child_target)
+def _in_progress_bidi_same_channel_blocking_call(channel):
+ def child_target(parent_bidi_call, parent_channel, args):
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(parent_channel)
+ try:
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Child should not be able to re-use channel after fork')
+ except ValueError as expected_value_error:
+ pass
+ _ping_pong_with_child_processes_after_first_response(
+ channel, None, child_target)
+def _in_progress_bidi_new_channel_async_call(channel, args):
+ def child_target(parent_bidi_call, parent_channel, args):
+ channel = _channel(args)
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _async_unary(stub)
+ _ping_pong_with_child_processes_after_first_response(
+ channel, args, child_target)
+def _in_progress_bidi_new_channel_blocking_call(channel, args):
+ def child_target(parent_bidi_call, parent_channel, args):
+ channel = _channel(args)
+ stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestServiceStub(channel)
+ _blocking_unary(stub)
+ _ping_pong_with_child_processes_after_first_response(
+ channel, args, child_target)
+class TestCase(enum.Enum):
+ CONNECTIVITY_WATCH = 'connectivity_watch'
+ CLOSE_CHANNEL_BEFORE_FORK = 'close_channel_before_fork'
+ ASYNC_UNARY_SAME_CHANNEL = 'async_unary_same_channel'
+ ASYNC_UNARY_NEW_CHANNEL = 'async_unary_new_channel'
+ BLOCKING_UNARY_SAME_CHANNEL = 'blocking_unary_same_channel'
+ BLOCKING_UNARY_NEW_CHANNEL = 'blocking_unary_new_channel'
+ IN_PROGRESS_BIDI_CONTINUE_CALL = 'in_progress_bidi_continue_call'
+ IN_PROGRESS_BIDI_SAME_CHANNEL_ASYNC_CALL = 'in_progress_bidi_same_channel_async_call'
+ IN_PROGRESS_BIDI_SAME_CHANNEL_BLOCKING_CALL = 'in_progress_bidi_same_channel_blocking_call'
+ IN_PROGRESS_BIDI_NEW_CHANNEL_ASYNC_CALL = 'in_progress_bidi_new_channel_async_call'
+ IN_PROGRESS_BIDI_NEW_CHANNEL_BLOCKING_CALL = 'in_progress_bidi_new_channel_blocking_call'
+ def run_test(self, args):
+ _LOGGER.info("Running %s", self)
+ channel = _channel(args)
+ if self is TestCase.ASYNC_UNARY_SAME_CHANNEL:
+ _async_unary_same_channel(channel)
+ elif self is TestCase.ASYNC_UNARY_NEW_CHANNEL:
+ _async_unary_new_channel(channel, args)
+ elif self is TestCase.BLOCKING_UNARY_SAME_CHANNEL:
+ _blocking_unary_same_channel(channel)
+ elif self is TestCase.BLOCKING_UNARY_NEW_CHANNEL:
+ _blocking_unary_new_channel(channel, args)
+ elif self is TestCase.CLOSE_CHANNEL_BEFORE_FORK:
+ _close_channel_before_fork(channel, args)
+ elif self is TestCase.CONNECTIVITY_WATCH:
+ _connectivity_watch(channel, args)
+ _in_progress_bidi_continue_call(channel)
+ _in_progress_bidi_same_channel_async_call(channel)
+ _in_progress_bidi_same_channel_blocking_call(channel)
+ _in_progress_bidi_new_channel_async_call(channel, args)
+ _in_progress_bidi_new_channel_blocking_call(channel, args)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Test case "%s" not implemented!' % self.name)
+ channel.close()