path: root/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/channel.pyx.pxi
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/channel.pyx.pxi')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/channel.pyx.pxi b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/channel.pyx.pxi
index a3966497bc..72e74e84ae 100644
--- a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/channel.pyx.pxi
+++ b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_cython/_cygrpc/channel.pyx.pxi
@@ -14,82 +14,439 @@
cimport cpython
+import threading
+ 'Internal gRPC call error %d. ' +
+ 'Please report to https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues')
+cdef str _call_error_metadata(metadata):
+ return 'metadata was invalid: %s' % metadata
+cdef str _call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error):
+cdef str _call_error(c_call_error, metadata):
+ return _call_error_metadata(metadata)
+ else:
+ return _call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+cdef _check_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error):
+ if c_call_error != GRPC_CALL_OK:
+ else:
+ return None
+cdef _check_and_raise_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error):
+ error = _check_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+ if error is not None:
+ raise ValueError(error)
+cdef _check_call_error(c_call_error, metadata):
+ return _call_error_metadata(metadata)
+ else:
+ return _check_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+cdef void _raise_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error) except *:
+ raise ValueError(_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error))
+cdef void _raise_call_error(c_call_error, metadata) except *:
+ raise ValueError(_call_error(c_call_error, metadata))
+cdef _destroy_c_completion_queue(grpc_completion_queue *c_completion_queue):
+ grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(c_completion_queue)
+ grpc_completion_queue_destroy(c_completion_queue)
+cdef class _CallState:
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.due = set()
+cdef class _ChannelState:
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.condition = threading.Condition()
+ self.open = True
+ self.integrated_call_states = {}
+ self.segregated_call_states = set()
+ self.connectivity_due = set()
+cdef tuple _operate(grpc_call *c_call, object operations, object user_tag):
+ cdef grpc_call_error c_call_error
+ cdef _BatchOperationTag tag = _BatchOperationTag(user_tag, operations, None)
+ tag.prepare()
+ cpython.Py_INCREF(tag)
+ with nogil:
+ c_call_error = grpc_call_start_batch(
+ c_call, tag.c_ops, tag.c_nops, <cpython.PyObject *>tag, NULL)
+ return c_call_error, tag
+cdef object _operate_from_integrated_call(
+ _ChannelState channel_state, _CallState call_state, object operations,
+ object user_tag):
+ cdef grpc_call_error c_call_error
+ cdef _BatchOperationTag tag
+ with channel_state.condition:
+ if call_state.due:
+ c_call_error, tag = _operate(call_state.c_call, operations, user_tag)
+ if c_call_error == GRPC_CALL_OK:
+ call_state.due.add(tag)
+ channel_state.integrated_call_states[tag] = call_state
+ return True
+ else:
+ _raise_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+ else:
+ return False
+cdef object _operate_from_segregated_call(
+ _ChannelState channel_state, _CallState call_state, object operations,
+ object user_tag):
+ cdef grpc_call_error c_call_error
+ cdef _BatchOperationTag tag
+ with channel_state.condition:
+ if call_state.due:
+ c_call_error, tag = _operate(call_state.c_call, operations, user_tag)
+ if c_call_error == GRPC_CALL_OK:
+ call_state.due.add(tag)
+ return True
+ else:
+ _raise_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+ else:
+ return False
+cdef _cancel(
+ _ChannelState channel_state, _CallState call_state, grpc_status_code code,
+ str details):
+ cdef grpc_call_error c_call_error
+ with channel_state.condition:
+ if call_state.due:
+ c_call_error = grpc_call_cancel_with_status(
+ call_state.c_call, code, _encode(details), NULL)
+ _check_and_raise_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+cdef BatchOperationEvent _next_call_event(
+ _ChannelState channel_state, grpc_completion_queue *c_completion_queue,
+ on_success):
+ tag, event = _latent_event(c_completion_queue, None)
+ with channel_state.condition:
+ on_success(tag)
+ channel_state.condition.notify_all()
+ return event
+# TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/14569): This could be a lot simpler.
+cdef void _call(
+ _ChannelState channel_state, _CallState call_state,
+ grpc_completion_queue *c_completion_queue, on_success, int flags, method,
+ host, object deadline, CallCredentials credentials,
+ object operationses_and_user_tags, object metadata) except *:
+ """Invokes an RPC.
+ Args:
+ channel_state: A _ChannelState with its "open" attribute set to True. RPCs
+ may not be invoked on a closed channel.
+ call_state: An empty _CallState to be altered (specifically assigned a
+ c_call and having its due set populated) if the RPC invocation is
+ successful.
+ c_completion_queue: A grpc_completion_queue to be used for the call's
+ operations.
+ on_success: A behavior to be called if attempting to start operations for
+ the call succeeds. If called the behavior will be called while holding the
+ channel_state condition and passed the tags associated with operations
+ that were successfully started for the call.
+ flags: Flags to be passed to gRPC Core as part of call creation.
+ method: The fully-qualified name of the RPC method being invoked.
+ host: A "host" string to be passed to gRPC Core as part of call creation.
+ deadline: A float for the deadline of the RPC, or None if the RPC is to have
+ no deadline.
+ credentials: A _CallCredentials for the RPC or None.
+ operationses_and_user_tags: A sequence of length-two sequences the first
+ element of which is a sequence of Operations and the second element of
+ which is an object to be used as a tag. A SendInitialMetadataOperation
+ must be present in the first element of this value.
+ metadata: The metadata for this call.
+ """
+ cdef grpc_slice method_slice
+ cdef grpc_slice host_slice
+ cdef grpc_slice *host_slice_ptr
+ cdef grpc_call_credentials *c_call_credentials
+ cdef grpc_call_error c_call_error
+ cdef tuple error_and_wrapper_tag
+ cdef _BatchOperationTag wrapper_tag
+ with channel_state.condition:
+ if channel_state.open:
+ method_slice = _slice_from_bytes(method)
+ if host is None:
+ host_slice_ptr = NULL
+ else:
+ host_slice = _slice_from_bytes(host)
+ host_slice_ptr = &host_slice
+ call_state.c_call = grpc_channel_create_call(
+ channel_state.c_channel, NULL, flags,
+ c_completion_queue, method_slice, host_slice_ptr,
+ _timespec_from_time(deadline), NULL)
+ grpc_slice_unref(method_slice)
+ if host_slice_ptr:
+ grpc_slice_unref(host_slice)
+ if credentials is not None:
+ c_call_credentials = credentials.c()
+ c_call_error = grpc_call_set_credentials(
+ call_state.c_call, c_call_credentials)
+ grpc_call_credentials_release(c_call_credentials)
+ if c_call_error != GRPC_CALL_OK:
+ grpc_call_unref(call_state.c_call)
+ call_state.c_call = NULL
+ _raise_call_error_no_metadata(c_call_error)
+ started_tags = set()
+ for operations, user_tag in operationses_and_user_tags:
+ c_call_error, tag = _operate(call_state.c_call, operations, user_tag)
+ if c_call_error == GRPC_CALL_OK:
+ started_tags.add(tag)
+ else:
+ grpc_call_cancel(call_state.c_call, NULL)
+ grpc_call_unref(call_state.c_call)
+ call_state.c_call = NULL
+ _raise_call_error(c_call_error, metadata)
+ else:
+ call_state.due.update(started_tags)
+ on_success(started_tags)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot invoke RPC on closed channel!')
+cdef void _process_integrated_call_tag(
+ _ChannelState state, _BatchOperationTag tag) except *:
+ cdef _CallState call_state = state.integrated_call_states.pop(tag)
+ call_state.due.remove(tag)
+ if not call_state.due:
+ grpc_call_unref(call_state.c_call)
+ call_state.c_call = NULL
+cdef class IntegratedCall:
+ def __cinit__(self, _ChannelState channel_state, _CallState call_state):
+ self._channel_state = channel_state
+ self._call_state = call_state
+ def operate(self, operations, tag):
+ return _operate_from_integrated_call(
+ self._channel_state, self._call_state, operations, tag)
+ def cancel(self, code, details):
+ _cancel(self._channel_state, self._call_state, code, details)
+cdef IntegratedCall _integrated_call(
+ _ChannelState state, int flags, method, host, object deadline,
+ object metadata, CallCredentials credentials, operationses_and_user_tags):
+ call_state = _CallState()
+ def on_success(started_tags):
+ for started_tag in started_tags:
+ state.integrated_call_states[started_tag] = call_state
+ _call(
+ state, call_state, state.c_call_completion_queue, on_success, flags,
+ method, host, deadline, credentials, operationses_and_user_tags, metadata)
+ return IntegratedCall(state, call_state)
+cdef object _process_segregated_call_tag(
+ _ChannelState state, _CallState call_state,
+ grpc_completion_queue *c_completion_queue, _BatchOperationTag tag):
+ call_state.due.remove(tag)
+ if not call_state.due:
+ grpc_call_unref(call_state.c_call)
+ call_state.c_call = NULL
+ state.segregated_call_states.remove(call_state)
+ _destroy_c_completion_queue(c_completion_queue)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+cdef class SegregatedCall:
+ def __cinit__(self, _ChannelState channel_state, _CallState call_state):
+ self._channel_state = channel_state
+ self._call_state = call_state
+ def operate(self, operations, tag):
+ return _operate_from_segregated_call(
+ self._channel_state, self._call_state, operations, tag)
+ def cancel(self, code, details):
+ _cancel(self._channel_state, self._call_state, code, details)
+ def next_event(self):
+ def on_success(tag):
+ _process_segregated_call_tag(
+ self._channel_state, self._call_state, self._c_completion_queue, tag)
+ return _next_call_event(
+ self._channel_state, self._c_completion_queue, on_success)
+cdef SegregatedCall _segregated_call(
+ _ChannelState state, int flags, method, host, object deadline,
+ object metadata, CallCredentials credentials, operationses_and_user_tags):
+ cdef _CallState call_state = _CallState()
+ cdef grpc_completion_queue *c_completion_queue = (
+ grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(NULL))
+ cdef SegregatedCall segregated_call
+ def on_success(started_tags):
+ state.segregated_call_states.add(call_state)
+ try:
+ _call(
+ state, call_state, c_completion_queue, on_success, flags, method, host,
+ deadline, credentials, operationses_and_user_tags, metadata)
+ except:
+ _destroy_c_completion_queue(c_completion_queue)
+ raise
+ segregated_call = SegregatedCall(state, call_state)
+ segregated_call._c_completion_queue = c_completion_queue
+ return segregated_call
+cdef object _watch_connectivity_state(
+ _ChannelState state, grpc_connectivity_state last_observed_state,
+ object deadline):
+ cdef _ConnectivityTag tag = _ConnectivityTag(object())
+ with state.condition:
+ if state.open:
+ cpython.Py_INCREF(tag)
+ grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
+ state.c_channel, last_observed_state, _timespec_from_time(deadline),
+ state.c_connectivity_completion_queue, <cpython.PyObject *>tag)
+ state.connectivity_due.add(tag)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot invoke RPC on closed channel!')
+ completed_tag, event = _latent_event(
+ state.c_connectivity_completion_queue, None)
+ with state.condition:
+ state.connectivity_due.remove(completed_tag)
+ state.condition.notify_all()
+ return event
+cdef _close(_ChannelState state, grpc_status_code code, object details):
+ cdef _CallState call_state
+ encoded_details = _encode(details)
+ with state.condition:
+ if state.open:
+ state.open = False
+ for call_state in set(state.integrated_call_states.values()):
+ grpc_call_cancel_with_status(
+ call_state.c_call, code, encoded_details, NULL)
+ for call_state in state.segregated_call_states:
+ grpc_call_cancel_with_status(
+ call_state.c_call, code, encoded_details, NULL)
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/3064): Cancel connectivity
+ # watching.
+ while state.integrated_call_states:
+ state.condition.wait()
+ while state.segregated_call_states:
+ state.condition.wait()
+ while state.connectivity_due:
+ state.condition.wait()
+ _destroy_c_completion_queue(state.c_call_completion_queue)
+ _destroy_c_completion_queue(state.c_connectivity_completion_queue)
+ grpc_channel_destroy(state.c_channel)
+ state.c_channel = NULL
+ grpc_shutdown()
+ state.condition.notify_all()
+ else:
+ # Another call to close already completed in the past or is currently
+ # being executed in another thread.
+ while state.c_channel != NULL:
+ state.condition.wait()
cdef class Channel:
- def __cinit__(self, bytes target, object arguments,
- ChannelCredentials channel_credentials=None):
+ def __cinit__(
+ self, bytes target, object arguments,
+ ChannelCredentials channel_credentials):
+ self._state = _ChannelState()
self._vtable.copy = &_copy_pointer
self._vtable.destroy = &_destroy_pointer
self._vtable.cmp = &_compare_pointer
cdef _ArgumentsProcessor arguments_processor = _ArgumentsProcessor(
cdef grpc_channel_args *c_arguments = arguments_processor.c(&self._vtable)
- self.references = []
- c_target = target
if channel_credentials is None:
- self.c_channel = grpc_insecure_channel_create(c_target, c_arguments, NULL)
+ self._state.c_channel = grpc_insecure_channel_create(
+ <char *>target, c_arguments, NULL)
c_channel_credentials = channel_credentials.c()
- self.c_channel = grpc_secure_channel_create(
- c_channel_credentials, c_target, c_arguments, NULL)
+ self._state.c_channel = grpc_secure_channel_create(
+ c_channel_credentials, <char *>target, c_arguments, NULL)
- arguments_processor.un_c()
- self.references.append(target)
- self.references.append(arguments)
- def create_call(self, Call parent, int flags,
- CompletionQueue queue not None,
- method, host, object deadline):
- if queue.is_shutting_down:
- raise ValueError("queue must not be shutting down or shutdown")
- cdef grpc_slice method_slice = _slice_from_bytes(method)
- cdef grpc_slice host_slice
- cdef grpc_slice *host_slice_ptr = NULL
- if host is not None:
- host_slice = _slice_from_bytes(host)
- host_slice_ptr = &host_slice
- cdef Call operation_call = Call()
- operation_call.references = [self, queue]
- cdef grpc_call *parent_call = NULL
- if parent is not None:
- parent_call = parent.c_call
- operation_call.c_call = grpc_channel_create_call(
- self.c_channel, parent_call, flags,
- queue.c_completion_queue, method_slice, host_slice_ptr,
- _timespec_from_time(deadline), NULL)
- grpc_slice_unref(method_slice)
- if host_slice_ptr:
- grpc_slice_unref(host_slice)
- return operation_call
+ self._state.c_call_completion_queue = (
+ grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(NULL))
+ self._state.c_connectivity_completion_queue = (
+ grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(NULL))
+ def target(self):
+ cdef char *c_target
+ with self._state.condition:
+ c_target = grpc_channel_get_target(self._state.c_channel)
+ target = <bytes>c_target
+ gpr_free(c_target)
+ return target
+ def integrated_call(
+ self, int flags, method, host, object deadline, object metadata,
+ CallCredentials credentials, operationses_and_tags):
+ return _integrated_call(
+ self._state, flags, method, host, deadline, metadata, credentials,
+ operationses_and_tags)
+ def next_call_event(self):
+ def on_success(tag):
+ _process_integrated_call_tag(self._state, tag)
+ return _next_call_event(
+ self._state, self._state.c_call_completion_queue, on_success)
+ def segregated_call(
+ self, int flags, method, host, object deadline, object metadata,
+ CallCredentials credentials, operationses_and_tags):
+ return _segregated_call(
+ self._state, flags, method, host, deadline, metadata, credentials,
+ operationses_and_tags)
def check_connectivity_state(self, bint try_to_connect):
- cdef grpc_connectivity_state result
- with nogil:
- result = grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(self.c_channel,
- try_to_connect)
- return result
+ with self._state.condition:
+ return grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(
+ self._state.c_channel, try_to_connect)
def watch_connectivity_state(
- self, grpc_connectivity_state last_observed_state,
- object deadline, CompletionQueue queue not None, tag):
- cdef _ConnectivityTag connectivity_tag = _ConnectivityTag(tag)
- cpython.Py_INCREF(connectivity_tag)
- grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
- self.c_channel, last_observed_state, _timespec_from_time(deadline),
- queue.c_completion_queue, <cpython.PyObject *>connectivity_tag)
+ self, grpc_connectivity_state last_observed_state, object deadline):
+ return _watch_connectivity_state(self._state, last_observed_state, deadline)
- def target(self):
- cdef char *target = NULL
- with nogil:
- target = grpc_channel_get_target(self.c_channel)
- result = <bytes>target
- with nogil:
- gpr_free(target)
- return result
- def __dealloc__(self):
- if self.c_channel != NULL:
- grpc_channel_destroy(self.c_channel)
- grpc_shutdown()
+ def close(self, code, details):
+ _close(self._state, code, details)