path: root/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools.Tests/Grpc.Tools.Tests.csproj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/csharp/Grpc.Tools.Tests/Grpc.Tools.Tests.csproj')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools.Tests/Grpc.Tools.Tests.csproj b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools.Tests/Grpc.Tools.Tests.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2d4874eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools.Tests/Grpc.Tools.Tests.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
+ <Import Project="..\Grpc.Core\Version.csproj.include" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <TargetFrameworks>net45;netcoreapp1.0</TargetFrameworks>
+ <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Import Project="..\Grpc.Core\SourceLink.csproj.include" />
+ <!-- This is copied verbatim from Grpc.Core/Common.csproj.include. Other settings
+ in that file conflict with the intent of this build, as it cannot be signed,
+ and may not compile Grpc.Core/Version.cs, as that file references constants
+ in Grpc.Core.dll.
+ TODO(kkm): Refactor imports. -->
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' and '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Core' ">
+ <!-- Use Mono reference assemblies in SDK build: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/335 -->
+ <FrameworkPathOverride Condition="Exists('/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api')">/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api</FrameworkPathOverride>
+ <FrameworkPathOverride Condition="Exists('/usr/local/lib/mono/4.5-api')">/usr/local/lib/mono/4.5-api</FrameworkPathOverride>
+ <FrameworkPathOverride Condition="Exists('/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5-api')">/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5-api</FrameworkPathOverride>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ProjectReference Include="..\Grpc.Tools\Grpc.Tools.csproj" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.8.3" />
+ <PackageReference Include="NUnit; NUnitLite" Version="3.10.1" />
+ <PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation" Version="4.3.0" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' != 'net45' ">
+ <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);NETCORE</DefineConstants>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net45' ">
+ <Reference Include="Microsoft.Build.Framework; Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' != 'net45' ">
+ <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Build.Framework; Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core" Version="15.6.*" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Groups below is a hack to allow the test to run under Mono Framework build.
+ ========================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Mono unfortunately comes with broken Microsoft.Build.* assemblies installed in
+ the GAC, but fortunately searches for runtime assemblies in a different order
+ than Windows CLR host: the GAC assemblies have the lowest search priority, (see
+ https://www.mono-project.com/docs/advanced/assemblies-and-the-gac/), not the
+ highest as is in Windows (documented at
+ https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/deployment/how-the-runtime-locates-assemblies).
+ To run the tests under Mono, we need correct assemblies in the same directory as
+ the test executable. Correct versions are in the MSBuild directory under Mono. -->
+ <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net45' and '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' ">
+ <None Include="$(_MSBuildAssemblyPath)/Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll;
+ $(_MSBuildAssemblyPath)/Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll;
+ $(_MSBuildAssemblyPath)/Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll"
+ CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" Visible="false" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net45' and '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' ">
+ <!-- The None items are included into assembly candidate resolution by default, and
+ we do not want that, as they are not valid as reference assemblies (the version of
+ Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0 is a pure facade for Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core,
+ and does not define any types at all). Exclude them from assembly resolution. See
+ https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/blob/50639058f/documentation/wiki/ResolveAssemblyReference.md -->
+ <AssemblySearchPaths>{HintPathFromItem};{TargetFrameworkDirectory};{RawFileName}</AssemblySearchPaths>
+ <!-- Mono knows better where its MSBuild is. -->
+ <_MSBuildAssemblyPath Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' != 'Core' "
+ >$(MSBuildToolsPath)</_MSBuildAssemblyPath>
+ <!-- Under dotnet, make the best guess we can. -->
+ <_MSBuildAssemblyPath Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Core' "
+ >$(FrameworkPathOverride)/../msbuild/$(MSBuildToolsVersion)/bin</_MSBuildAssemblyPath>
+ </PropertyGroup>