path: root/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_tables.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_tables.txt')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_tables.txt b/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_tables.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08842a0267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_tables.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Static table, from the spec:
+ +-------+-----------------------------+---------------+
+ | Index | Header Name | Header Value |
+ +-------+-----------------------------+---------------+
+ | 1 | :authority | |
+ | 2 | :method | GET |
+ | 3 | :method | POST |
+ | 4 | :path | / |
+ | 5 | :path | /index.html |
+ | 6 | :scheme | http |
+ | 7 | :scheme | https |
+ | 8 | :status | 200 |
+ | 9 | :status | 204 |
+ | 10 | :status | 206 |
+ | 11 | :status | 304 |
+ | 12 | :status | 400 |
+ | 13 | :status | 404 |
+ | 14 | :status | 500 |
+ | 15 | accept-charset | |
+ | 16 | accept-encoding | gzip, deflate |
+ | 17 | accept-language | |
+ | 18 | accept-ranges | |
+ | 19 | accept | |
+ | 20 | access-control-allow-origin | |
+ | 21 | age | |
+ | 22 | allow | |
+ | 23 | authorization | |
+ | 24 | cache-control | |
+ | 25 | content-disposition | |
+ | 26 | content-encoding | |
+ | 27 | content-language | |
+ | 28 | content-length | |
+ | 29 | content-location | |
+ | 30 | content-range | |
+ | 31 | content-type | |
+ | 32 | cookie | |
+ | 33 | date | |
+ | 34 | etag | |
+ | 35 | expect | |
+ | 36 | expires | |
+ | 37 | from | |
+ | 38 | host | |
+ | 39 | if-match | |
+ | 40 | if-modified-since | |
+ | 41 | if-none-match | |
+ | 42 | if-range | |
+ | 43 | if-unmodified-since | |
+ | 44 | last-modified | |
+ | 45 | link | |
+ | 46 | location | |
+ | 47 | max-forwards | |
+ | 48 | proxy-authenticate | |
+ | 49 | proxy-authorization | |
+ | 50 | range | |
+ | 51 | referer | |
+ | 52 | refresh | |
+ | 53 | retry-after | |
+ | 54 | server | |
+ | 55 | set-cookie | |
+ | 56 | strict-transport-security | |
+ | 57 | transfer-encoding | |
+ | 58 | user-agent | |
+ | 59 | vary | |
+ | 60 | via | |
+ | 61 | www-authenticate | |
+ +-------+-----------------------------+---------------+