path: root/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h
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diff --git a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h
index 83477d0489..107549550b 100644
--- a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h
+++ b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 gRPC authors.
+ * Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -16,368 +16,13 @@
-/// A completion queue implements a concurrent producer-consumer queue, with
-/// two main API-exposed methods: \a Next and \a AsyncNext. These
-/// methods are the essential component of the gRPC C++ asynchronous API.
-/// There is also a \a Shutdown method to indicate that a given completion queue
-/// will no longer have regular events. This must be called before the
-/// completion queue is destroyed.
-/// All completion queue APIs are thread-safe and may be used concurrently with
-/// any other completion queue API invocation; it is acceptable to have
-/// multiple threads calling \a Next or \a AsyncNext on the same or different
-/// completion queues, or to call these methods concurrently with a \a Shutdown
-/// elsewhere.
-/// \remark{All other API calls on completion queue should be completed before
-/// a completion queue destructor is called.}
+// DEPRECATED: The headers in include/grpc++ are deprecated. Please include the
+// headers in include/grpcpp instead. This header exists only for backwards
+// compatibility.
-#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/completion_queue_tag.h>
-#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/core_codegen_interface.h>
-#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/grpc_library.h>
-#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/status.h>
-#include <grpc++/impl/codegen/time.h>
-#include <grpc/impl/codegen/atm.h>
-struct grpc_completion_queue;
-namespace grpc {
-template <class R>
-class ClientReader;
-template <class W>
-class ClientWriter;
-template <class W, class R>
-class ClientReaderWriter;
-template <class R>
-class ServerReader;
-template <class W>
-class ServerWriter;
-namespace internal {
-template <class W, class R>
-class ServerReaderWriterBody;
-} // namespace internal
-class Channel;
-class ChannelInterface;
-class ClientContext;
-class CompletionQueue;
-class Server;
-class ServerBuilder;
-class ServerContext;
-class ServerInterface;
-namespace internal {
-class CompletionQueueTag;
-class RpcMethod;
-template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
-class RpcMethodHandler;
-template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
-class ClientStreamingHandler;
-template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
-class ServerStreamingHandler;
-template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
-class BidiStreamingHandler;
-class UnknownMethodHandler;
-template <class Streamer, bool WriteNeeded>
-class TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler;
-template <class InputMessage, class OutputMessage>
-class BlockingUnaryCallImpl;
-} // namespace internal
-extern CoreCodegenInterface* g_core_codegen_interface;
-/// A thin wrapper around \ref grpc_completion_queue (see \ref
-/// src/core/lib/surface/completion_queue.h).
-/// See \ref doc/cpp/perf_notes.md for notes on best practices for high
-/// performance servers.
-class CompletionQueue : private GrpcLibraryCodegen {
- public:
- /// Default constructor. Implicitly creates a \a grpc_completion_queue
- /// instance.
- CompletionQueue()
- : CompletionQueue(grpc_completion_queue_attributes{
- /// Wrap \a take, taking ownership of the instance.
- ///
- /// \param take The completion queue instance to wrap. Ownership is taken.
- explicit CompletionQueue(grpc_completion_queue* take);
- /// Destructor. Destroys the owned wrapped completion queue / instance.
- ~CompletionQueue() {
- g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq_);
- }
- /// Tri-state return for AsyncNext: SHUTDOWN, GOT_EVENT, TIMEOUT.
- enum NextStatus {
- SHUTDOWN, ///< The completion queue has been shutdown and fully-drained
- GOT_EVENT, ///< Got a new event; \a tag will be filled in with its
- ///< associated value; \a ok indicating its success.
- TIMEOUT ///< deadline was reached.
- };
- /// Read from the queue, blocking until an event is available or the queue is
- /// shutting down.
- ///
- /// \param tag[out] Updated to point to the read event's tag.
- /// \param ok[out] true if read a successful event, false otherwise.
- ///
- /// Note that each tag sent to the completion queue (through RPC operations
- /// or alarms) will be delivered out of the completion queue by a call to
- /// Next (or a related method), regardless of whether the operation succeeded
- /// or not. Success here means that this operation completed in the normal
- /// valid manner.
- ///
- /// Server-side RPC request: \a ok indicates that the RPC has indeed
- /// been started. If it is false, the server has been Shutdown
- /// before this particular call got matched to an incoming RPC.
- ///
- /// Client-side StartCall/RPC invocation: \a ok indicates that the RPC is
- /// going to go to the wire. If it is false, it not going to the wire. This
- /// would happen if the channel is either permanently broken or
- /// transiently broken but with the fail-fast option. (Note that async unary
- /// RPCs don't post a CQ tag at this point, nor do client-streaming
- /// or bidi-streaming RPCs that have the initial metadata corked option set.)
- ///
- /// Client-side Write, Client-side WritesDone, Server-side Write,
- /// Server-side Finish, Server-side SendInitialMetadata (which is
- /// typically included in Write or Finish when not done explicitly):
- /// \a ok means that the data/metadata/status/etc is going to go to the
- /// wire. If it is false, it not going to the wire because the call
- /// is already dead (i.e., canceled, deadline expired, other side
- /// dropped the channel, etc).
- ///
- /// Client-side Read, Server-side Read, Client-side
- /// RecvInitialMetadata (which is typically included in Read if not
- /// done explicitly): \a ok indicates whether there is a valid message
- /// that got read. If not, you know that there are certainly no more
- /// messages that can ever be read from this stream. For the client-side
- /// operations, this only happens because the call is dead. For the
- /// server-sider operation, though, this could happen because the client
- /// has done a WritesDone already.
- ///
- /// Client-side Finish: \a ok should always be true
- ///
- /// Server-side AsyncNotifyWhenDone: \a ok should always be true
- ///
- /// Alarm: \a ok is true if it expired, false if it was canceled
- ///
- /// \return true if got an event, false if the queue is fully drained and
- /// shut down.
- bool Next(void** tag, bool* ok) {
- return (AsyncNextInternal(tag, ok,
- g_core_codegen_interface->gpr_inf_future(
- }
- /// Read from the queue, blocking up to \a deadline (or the queue's shutdown).
- /// Both \a tag and \a ok are updated upon success (if an event is available
- /// within the \a deadline). A \a tag points to an arbitrary location usually
- /// employed to uniquely identify an event.
- ///
- /// \param tag[out] Upon sucess, updated to point to the event's tag.
- /// \param ok[out] Upon sucess, true if a successful event, false otherwise
- /// See documentation for CompletionQueue::Next for explanation of ok
- /// \param deadline[in] How long to block in wait for an event.
- ///
- /// \return The type of event read.
- template <typename T>
- NextStatus AsyncNext(void** tag, bool* ok, const T& deadline) {
- TimePoint<T> deadline_tp(deadline);
- return AsyncNextInternal(tag, ok, deadline_tp.raw_time());
- }
- /// First executes \a F, then reads from the queue, blocking up to
- /// \a deadline (or the queue's shutdown).
- /// Both \a tag and \a ok are updated upon success (if an event is available
- /// within the \a deadline). A \a tag points to an arbitrary location usually
- /// employed to uniquely identify an event.
- ///
- /// \param F[in] Function to execute before calling AsyncNext on this queue.
- /// \param tag[out] Upon sucess, updated to point to the event's tag.
- /// \param ok[out] Upon sucess, true if read a regular event, false otherwise.
- /// \param deadline[in] How long to block in wait for an event.
- ///
- /// \return The type of event read.
- template <typename T, typename F>
- NextStatus DoThenAsyncNext(F&& f, void** tag, bool* ok, const T& deadline) {
- CompletionQueueTLSCache cache = CompletionQueueTLSCache(this);
- f();
- if (cache.Flush(tag, ok)) {
- return GOT_EVENT;
- } else {
- return AsyncNext(tag, ok, deadline);
- }
- }
- /// Request the shutdown of the queue.
- ///
- /// \warning This method must be called at some point if this completion queue
- /// is accessed with Next or AsyncNext. \a Next will not return false
- /// until this method has been called and all pending tags have been drained.
- /// (Likewise for \a AsyncNext returning \a NextStatus::SHUTDOWN .)
- /// Only once either one of these methods does that (that is, once the queue
- /// has been \em drained) can an instance of this class be destroyed.
- /// Also note that applications must ensure that no work is enqueued on this
- /// completion queue after this method is called.
- void Shutdown();
- /// Returns a \em raw pointer to the underlying \a grpc_completion_queue
- /// instance.
- ///
- /// \warning Remember that the returned instance is owned. No transfer of
- /// owership is performed.
- grpc_completion_queue* cq() { return cq_; }
- protected:
- /// Private constructor of CompletionQueue only visible to friend classes
- CompletionQueue(const grpc_completion_queue_attributes& attributes) {
- cq_ = g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_completion_queue_create(
- g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_completion_queue_factory_lookup(
- &attributes),
- &attributes, NULL);
- InitialAvalanching(); // reserve this for the future shutdown
- }
- private:
- // Friend synchronous wrappers so that they can access Pluck(), which is
- // a semi-private API geared towards the synchronous implementation.
- template <class R>
- friend class ::grpc::ClientReader;
- template <class W>
- friend class ::grpc::ClientWriter;
- template <class W, class R>
- friend class ::grpc::ClientReaderWriter;
- template <class R>
- friend class ::grpc::ServerReader;
- template <class W>
- friend class ::grpc::ServerWriter;
- template <class W, class R>
- friend class ::grpc::internal::ServerReaderWriterBody;
- template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
- friend class ::grpc::internal::RpcMethodHandler;
- template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
- friend class ::grpc::internal::ClientStreamingHandler;
- template <class ServiceType, class RequestType, class ResponseType>
- friend class ::grpc::internal::ServerStreamingHandler;
- template <class Streamer, bool WriteNeeded>
- friend class ::grpc::internal::TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler;
- friend class ::grpc::internal::UnknownMethodHandler;
- friend class ::grpc::Server;
- friend class ::grpc::ServerContext;
- friend class ::grpc::ServerInterface;
- template <class InputMessage, class OutputMessage>
- friend class ::grpc::internal::BlockingUnaryCallImpl;
- /// Creates a Thread Local cache to store the first event
- /// On this completion queue queued from this thread. Once
- /// initialized, it must be flushed on the same thread.
- class CompletionQueueTLSCache {
- public:
- CompletionQueueTLSCache(CompletionQueue* cq);
- ~CompletionQueueTLSCache();
- bool Flush(void** tag, bool* ok);
- private:
- CompletionQueue* cq_;
- bool flushed_;
- };
- NextStatus AsyncNextInternal(void** tag, bool* ok, gpr_timespec deadline);
- /// Wraps \a grpc_completion_queue_pluck.
- /// \warning Must not be mixed with calls to \a Next.
- bool Pluck(internal::CompletionQueueTag* tag) {
- auto deadline =
- g_core_codegen_interface->gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME);
- auto ev = g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_completion_queue_pluck(
- cq_, tag, deadline, nullptr);
- bool ok = ev.success != 0;
- void* ignored = tag;
- GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(tag->FinalizeResult(&ignored, &ok));
- GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(ignored == tag);
- // Ignore mutations by FinalizeResult: Pluck returns the C API status
- return ev.success != 0;
- }
- /// Performs a single polling pluck on \a tag.
- /// \warning Must not be mixed with calls to \a Next.
- ///
- /// TODO: sreek - This calls tag->FinalizeResult() even if the cq_ is already
- /// shutdown. This is most likely a bug and if it is a bug, then change this
- /// implementation to simple call the other TryPluck function with a zero
- /// timeout. i.e:
- /// TryPluck(tag, gpr_time_0(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME))
- void TryPluck(internal::CompletionQueueTag* tag) {
- auto deadline = g_core_codegen_interface->gpr_time_0(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME);
- auto ev = g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_completion_queue_pluck(
- cq_, tag, deadline, nullptr);
- if (ev.type == GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) return;
- bool ok = ev.success != 0;
- void* ignored = tag;
- // the tag must be swallowed if using TryPluck
- GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(!tag->FinalizeResult(&ignored, &ok));
- }
- /// Performs a single polling pluck on \a tag. Calls tag->FinalizeResult if
- /// the pluck() was successful and returned the tag.
- ///
- /// This exects tag->FinalizeResult (if called) to return 'false' i.e expects
- /// that the tag is internal not something that is returned to the user.
- void TryPluck(internal::CompletionQueueTag* tag, gpr_timespec deadline) {
- auto ev = g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_completion_queue_pluck(
- cq_, tag, deadline, nullptr);
- if (ev.type == GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT || ev.type == GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN) {
- return;
- }
- bool ok = ev.success != 0;
- void* ignored = tag;
- GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(!tag->FinalizeResult(&ignored, &ok));
- }
- /// Manage state of avalanching operations : completion queue tags that
- /// trigger other completion queue operations. The underlying core completion
- /// queue should not really shutdown until all avalanching operations have
- /// been finalized. Note that we maintain the requirement that an avalanche
- /// registration must take place before CQ shutdown (which must be maintained
- /// elsehwere)
- void InitialAvalanching() {
- gpr_atm_rel_store(&avalanches_in_flight_, static_cast<gpr_atm>(1));
- }
- void RegisterAvalanching() {
- gpr_atm_no_barrier_fetch_add(&avalanches_in_flight_,
- static_cast<gpr_atm>(1));
- }
- void CompleteAvalanching();
- grpc_completion_queue* cq_; // owned
- gpr_atm avalanches_in_flight_;
-/// A specific type of completion queue used by the processing of notifications
-/// by servers. Instantiated by \a ServerBuilder.
-class ServerCompletionQueue : public CompletionQueue {
- public:
- bool IsFrequentlyPolled() { return polling_type_ != GRPC_CQ_NON_LISTENING; }
- private:
- grpc_cq_polling_type polling_type_;
- friend class ServerBuilder;
- /// \param is_frequently_polled Informs the GRPC library about whether the
- /// server completion queue would be actively polled (by calling Next() or
- /// AsyncNext()). By default all server completion queues are assumed to be
- /// frequently polled.
- ServerCompletionQueue(grpc_cq_polling_type polling_type)
- : CompletionQueue(grpc_completion_queue_attributes{
- polling_type_(polling_type) {}
-} // namespace grpc
+#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h>