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+# gRPC C++ Load Balancing Tutorial
+### Prerequisite
+Make sure you have run the [hello world example](../helloworld) or understood the basics of gRPC. We will not dive into the details that have been discussed in the hello world example.
+### Get the tutorial source code
+The example code for this and our other examples lives in the `examples` directory. Clone this repository to your local machine by running the following command:
+$ git clone -b $(curl -L https://grpc.io/release) https://github.com/grpc/grpc
+Change your current directory to examples/cpp/load_balancing
+$ cd examples/cpp/load_balancing/
+### Generating gRPC code
+To generate the client and server side interfaces:
+$ make helloworld.grpc.pb.cc helloworld.pb.cc
+Which internally invokes the proto-compiler as:
+$ protoc -I ../../protos/ --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=grpc_cpp_plugin ../../protos/helloworld.proto
+$ protoc -I ../../protos/ --cpp_out=. ../../protos/helloworld.proto
+### Writing a client and a server
+The client and the server can be based on the hello world example.
+Additionally, we can configure the load balancing policy. (To see what load balancing policies are available, check out [this folder](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy).)
+In the client, set the load balancing policy of the channel via the channel arg (to, for example, Round Robin).
+ ChannelArguments args;
+ // Set the load balancing policy for the channel.
+ args.SetLoadBalancingPolicyName("round_robin");
+ GreeterClient greeter(grpc::CreateCustomChannel(
+ "localhost:50051", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials(), args));
+For a working example, refer to [greeter_client.cc](greeter_client.cc) and [greeter_server.cc](greeter_server.cc).
+Build and run the client and the server with the following commands.
+(Note that the case in this example is trivial because there is only one server resolved from the name.) \ No newline at end of file