diff options
160 files changed, 6703 insertions, 4447 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format index 38804f78c4..651e1296ba 100644 --- a/.clang-format +++ b/.clang-format @@ -2,27 +2,22 @@ Language: Cpp # BasedOnStyle: Google AccessModifierOffset: -1 -AlignAfterOpenBracket: true +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true -AlignOperands: true AlignTrailingComments: true AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All -AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: false AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true -BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false BinPackParameters: true -BinPackArguments: true ColumnLimit: 80 ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true -ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 DerivePointerAlignment: true ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false IndentCaseLabels: true @@ -31,7 +26,6 @@ IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType: false MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false NamespaceIndentation: None -ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1 @@ -49,11 +43,9 @@ TabWidth: 8 UseTab: Never BreakBeforeBraces: Attach SpacesInParentheses: false -SpacesInSquareBrackets: false SpacesInAngles: false SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false -SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false SpacesInContainerLiterals: true SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index bf57027c94..3efc25aafb 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,11 +1,19 @@ +# C/C++ build outputs bins -coverage -deps -*.gcno gens libs objs + +# gcov coverage data +coverage +*.gcno + +# profiler output +*.prof + +# python compiled objects *.pyc # cache for run_tests.py .run_tests_cache + @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ CPPFLAGS_gcov = -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage LDFLAGS_gcov = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage DEFINES_gcov = NDEBUG + # General settings. # You may want to change these depending on your system. @@ -96,6 +97,12 @@ ifndef VALID_CONFIG_$(CONFIG) $(error Invalid CONFIG value '$(CONFIG)') endif + +# The HOST compiler settings are used to compile the protoc plugins. +# In most cases, you won't have to change anything, but if you are +# cross-compiling, you can override these variables from GNU make's +# command line: make CC=cross-gcc HOST_CC=gcc + HOST_CC = $(CC) HOST_CXX = $(CXX) HOST_LD = $(LD) @@ -172,6 +179,13 @@ endif OPENSSL_ALPN_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/openssl-alpn.c -lssl -lcrypto -ldl $(LDFLAGS) ZLIB_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/zlib.c -lz $(LDFLAGS) +PERFTOOLS_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/perftools.c -lprofiler $(LDFLAGS) + +HAS_SYSTEM_PERFTOOLS = $(shell $(PERFTOOLS_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false) +ifeq ($(HAS_SYSTEM_PERFTOOLS),true) +DEFINES += GRPC_HAVE_PERFTOOLS +LIBS += profiler +endif ifndef REQUIRE_CUSTOM_LIBRARIES_$(CONFIG) HAS_SYSTEM_OPENSSL_ALPN = $(shell $(OPENSSL_ALPN_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false) @@ -280,89 +294,90 @@ openssl_dep_message: stop: @false +alarm_heap_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test +alarm_list_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test +alarm_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test +alpn_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test +bin_encoder_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test +census_hash_table_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test +census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test +census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test +census_statistics_performance_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test +census_statistics_quick_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test +census_statistics_small_log_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test +census_stats_store_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test +census_stub_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test +census_trace_store_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test +census_window_stats_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test +chttp2_status_conversion_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test +chttp2_stream_encoder_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test +chttp2_stream_map_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test +chttp2_transport_end2end_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test +dualstack_socket_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test +echo_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client +echo_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server +echo_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test +fd_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test +fling_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client +fling_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server +fling_stream_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test +fling_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test gen_hpack_tables: bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables -cpp_plugin: bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin -ruby_plugin: bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin -grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test gpr_cancellable_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test -gpr_log_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test -gpr_useful_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test gpr_cmdline_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test gpr_histogram_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test gpr_host_port_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test +gpr_log_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test gpr_slice_buffer_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test gpr_slice_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test gpr_string_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test gpr_sync_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test gpr_thd_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test gpr_time_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test -murmur_hash_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test +gpr_useful_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test +grpc_base64_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test +grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test +grpc_channel_stack_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test +grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark +grpc_completion_queue_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test +grpc_credentials_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test +grpc_fetch_oauth2: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2 +grpc_json_token_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test grpc_stream_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test -alpn_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test -time_averaged_stats_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test -chttp2_stream_encoder_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test -hpack_table_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test -chttp2_stream_map_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test hpack_parser_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test -transport_metadata_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test -chttp2_status_conversion_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test -chttp2_transport_end2end_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test -tcp_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test -dualstack_socket_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test +hpack_table_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test +httpcli_format_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test +httpcli_parser_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test +httpcli_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test +lame_client_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test +low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark +message_compress_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test +metadata_buffer_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test +murmur_hash_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test no_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test +poll_kick_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_test resolve_address_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test +secure_endpoint_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test sockaddr_utils_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test -tcp_server_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test tcp_client_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test -grpc_channel_stack_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test -metadata_buffer_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test -grpc_completion_queue_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test -grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark -census_trace_store_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test -census_stats_store_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test -census_window_stats_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test -census_statistics_quick_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test -census_statistics_small_log_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test -census_statistics_performance_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test -census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test -census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test -census_stub_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test -census_hash_table_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test -fling_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server -fling_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client -fling_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test -echo_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server -echo_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client -echo_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test -low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark -message_compress_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test -bin_encoder_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test -secure_endpoint_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test -httpcli_format_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test -httpcli_parser_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test -httpcli_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test -grpc_credentials_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test -grpc_fetch_oauth2: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2 -grpc_base64_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test -grpc_json_token_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test +tcp_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test +tcp_server_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test +time_averaged_stats_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test +time_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test timeout_encoding_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test -fd_posix_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test -fling_stream_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test -lame_client_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test -thread_pool_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test -status_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test -sync_client_async_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test -qps_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client -qps_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server -interop_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server -interop_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client -end2end_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test +transport_metadata_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test channel_arguments_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test +cpp_plugin: bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin credentials_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test -alarm_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test -alarm_list_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test -alarm_heap_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test -time_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test +end2end_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test +interop_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client +interop_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server +qps_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client +qps_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server +ruby_plugin: bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin +status_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test +sync_client_async_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test +thread_pool_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test @@ -372,6 +387,7 @@ chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_secu chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test +chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test @@ -393,6 +409,7 @@ chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cen chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test +chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test @@ -414,6 +431,7 @@ chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_si chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test +chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test @@ -435,6 +453,7 @@ chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: bins/$(CONFI chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test +chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test @@ -456,6 +475,7 @@ chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test +chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test @@ -477,6 +497,7 @@ chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG) chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test +chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test @@ -524,33 +545,73 @@ shared_cxx: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) privatelibs: privatelibs_c privatelibs_cxx -privatelibs_c: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a +privatelibs_c: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a 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bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test -buildtests_cxx: privatelibs_cxx bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test +buildtests_cxx: privatelibs_cxx bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test test: test_c test_cxx test_c: buildtests_c - $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test || ( echo test grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_heap_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test || ( echo test alarm_heap_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_list_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test || ( echo test alarm_list_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test || ( echo test alarm_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing alpn_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test || ( echo test alpn_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing bin_encoder_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test || ( echo test bin_encoder_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_hash_table_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test || ( echo test census_hash_table_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test || ( echo test census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_multiple_writers_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test || ( echo test census_statistics_multiple_writers_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_performance_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test || ( echo test census_statistics_performance_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_quick_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test || ( echo test census_statistics_quick_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_small_log_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test || ( echo test census_statistics_small_log_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_stub_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test || ( echo test census_stub_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_window_stats_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test || ( echo test census_window_stats_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_status_conversion_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test || ( echo test chttp2_status_conversion_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_stream_encoder_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test || ( echo test chttp2_stream_encoder_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_stream_map_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test || ( echo test chttp2_stream_map_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_transport_end2end_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test || ( echo test chttp2_transport_end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing dualstack_socket_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test || ( echo test dualstack_socket_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing echo_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test || ( echo test echo_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing fd_posix_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test || ( echo test fd_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing fling_stream_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test || ( echo test fling_stream_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing fling_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test || ( echo test fling_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_cancellable_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test || ( echo test gpr_cancellable_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_log_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test || ( echo test gpr_log_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_useful_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test || ( echo test gpr_useful_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_cmdline_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test || ( echo test gpr_cmdline_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_histogram_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test || ( echo test gpr_histogram_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_host_port_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test || ( echo test gpr_host_port_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_log_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test || ( echo test gpr_log_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_slice_buffer_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test || ( echo test gpr_slice_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_slice_test" @@ -563,102 +624,64 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test || ( echo test gpr_thd_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_time_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test || ( echo test gpr_time_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing murmur_hash_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test || ( echo test murmur_hash_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_stream_op_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test || ( echo test grpc_stream_op_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing alpn_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test || ( echo test alpn_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing time_averaged_stats_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test || ( echo test time_averaged_stats_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_stream_encoder_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test || ( echo test chttp2_stream_encoder_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing hpack_table_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test || ( echo test hpack_table_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_stream_map_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test || ( echo test chttp2_stream_map_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing hpack_parser_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test || ( echo test hpack_parser_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing transport_metadata_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test || ( echo test transport_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_status_conversion_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test || ( echo test chttp2_status_conversion_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_transport_end2end_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test || ( echo test chttp2_transport_end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_posix_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing dualstack_socket_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test || ( echo test dualstack_socket_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing no_server_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test || ( echo test no_server_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing resolve_address_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test || ( echo test resolve_address_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing sockaddr_utils_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test || ( echo test sockaddr_utils_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_server_posix_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_server_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_client_posix_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_client_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing gpr_useful_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test || ( echo test gpr_useful_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_base64_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test || ( echo test grpc_base64_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test || ( echo test grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_channel_stack_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test || ( echo test grpc_channel_stack_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing metadata_buffer_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test || ( echo test metadata_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_completion_queue_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test || ( echo test grpc_completion_queue_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_window_stats_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test || ( echo test census_window_stats_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_quick_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test || ( echo test census_statistics_quick_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_small_log_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test || ( echo test census_statistics_small_log_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_performance_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test || ( echo test census_statistics_performance_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_multiple_writers_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test || ( echo test census_statistics_multiple_writers_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test || ( echo test census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_stub_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test || ( echo test census_stub_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing census_hash_table_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test || ( echo test census_hash_table_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing fling_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test || ( echo test fling_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing echo_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test || ( echo test echo_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing message_compress_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test || ( echo test message_compress_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing bin_encoder_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test || ( echo test bin_encoder_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing secure_endpoint_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test || ( echo test secure_endpoint_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_credentials_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test || ( echo test grpc_credentials_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_json_token_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test || ( echo test grpc_json_token_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_stream_op_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test || ( echo test grpc_stream_op_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing hpack_parser_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test || ( echo test hpack_parser_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing hpack_table_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test || ( echo test hpack_table_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing httpcli_format_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test || ( echo test httpcli_format_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing httpcli_parser_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test || ( echo test httpcli_parser_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing httpcli_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test || ( echo test httpcli_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_credentials_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test || ( echo test grpc_credentials_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_base64_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test || ( echo test grpc_base64_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpc_json_token_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test || ( echo test grpc_json_token_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing timeout_encoding_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test || ( echo test timeout_encoding_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing fd_posix_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test || ( echo test fd_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing fling_stream_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test || ( echo test fling_stream_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing lame_client_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test || ( echo test lame_client_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test || ( echo test alarm_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_list_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test || ( echo test alarm_list_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing alarm_heap_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test || ( echo test alarm_heap_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing message_compress_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test || ( echo test message_compress_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing metadata_buffer_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test || ( echo test metadata_buffer_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing murmur_hash_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test || ( echo test murmur_hash_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing no_server_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test || ( echo test no_server_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing poll_kick_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_test || ( echo test poll_kick_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing resolve_address_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test || ( echo test resolve_address_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing secure_endpoint_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test || ( echo test secure_endpoint_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing sockaddr_utils_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test || ( echo test sockaddr_utils_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_client_posix_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_client_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_posix_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing tcp_server_posix_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test || ( echo test tcp_server_posix_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing time_averaged_stats_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test || ( echo test time_averaged_stats_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing time_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test || ( echo test time_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing timeout_encoding_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test || ( echo test timeout_encoding_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing transport_metadata_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test || ( echo test transport_metadata_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test" @@ -677,6 +700,8 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test" @@ -719,6 +744,8 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test" @@ -761,6 +788,8 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test" @@ -803,6 +832,8 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test" @@ -845,6 +876,8 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test" @@ -887,6 +920,8 @@ test_c: buildtests_c $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test || ( echo test chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test" @@ -914,22 +949,22 @@ test_c: buildtests_c test_cxx: buildtests_cxx - $(E) "[RUN] Testing thread_pool_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test || ( echo test thread_pool_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing status_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test || ( echo test status_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing sync_client_async_server_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test || ( echo test sync_client_async_server_test failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing qps_client" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client || ( echo test qps_client failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing qps_server" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server || ( echo test qps_server failed ; exit 1 ) - $(E) "[RUN] Testing end2end_test" - $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test || ( echo test end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing channel_arguments_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test || ( echo test channel_arguments_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing credentials_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test || ( echo test credentials_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing end2end_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test || ( echo test end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing qps_client" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client || ( echo test qps_client failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing qps_server" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server || ( echo test qps_server failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing status_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test || ( echo test status_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing sync_client_async_server_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test || ( echo test sync_client_async_server_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing thread_pool_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test || ( echo test thread_pool_test failed ; exit 1 ) tools: privatelibs bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2 @@ -944,6 +979,11 @@ strip-static: strip-static_c strip-static_cxx strip-shared: strip-shared_c strip-shared_cxx + +# TODO(nnoble): the strip target is stripping in-place, instead +# of copying files in a temporary folder. +# This prevents proper debugging after running make install. + strip-static_c: static_c $(E) "[STRIP] Stripping libgpr.a" $(Q) $(STRIP) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a @@ -1128,14 +1168,14 @@ LIBGPR_SRC = \ src/core/support/cpu_posix.c \ src/core/support/histogram.c \ src/core/support/host_port.c \ - src/core/support/log_android.c \ src/core/support/log.c \ + src/core/support/log_android.c \ src/core/support/log_linux.c \ src/core/support/log_posix.c \ src/core/support/log_win32.c \ src/core/support/murmur_hash.c \ - src/core/support/slice_buffer.c \ src/core/support/slice.c \ + src/core/support/slice_buffer.c \ src/core/support/string.c \ src/core/support/string_posix.c \ src/core/support/string_win32.c \ @@ -1150,9 +1190,9 @@ LIBGPR_SRC = \ PUBLIC_HEADERS_C += \ include/grpc/support/alloc.h \ + include/grpc/support/atm.h \ include/grpc/support/atm_gcc_atomic.h \ include/grpc/support/atm_gcc_sync.h \ - include/grpc/support/atm.h \ include/grpc/support/atm_win32.h \ include/grpc/support/cancellable_platform.h \ include/grpc/support/cmdline.h \ @@ -1160,11 +1200,11 @@ PUBLIC_HEADERS_C += \ include/grpc/support/host_port.h \ include/grpc/support/log.h \ include/grpc/support/port_platform.h \ - include/grpc/support/slice_buffer.h \ include/grpc/support/slice.h \ + include/grpc/support/slice_buffer.h \ include/grpc/support/string.h \ - include/grpc/support/sync_generic.h \ include/grpc/support/sync.h \ + include/grpc/support/sync_generic.h \ include/grpc/support/sync_posix.h \ include/grpc/support/sync_win32.h \ include/grpc/support/thd.h \ @@ -1213,14 +1253,14 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/cpu_linux.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/cpu_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/histogram.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/host_port.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/log_android.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/log.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/log_android.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/log_linux.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/log_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/log_win32.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/murmur_hash.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/slice_buffer.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/slice.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/slice_buffer.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/string.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/string_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/string_win32.o: @@ -1234,6 +1274,45 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/time_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/support/time_win32.o: +LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_SRC = \ + test/core/util/test_config.c \ + + +LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error + + +else + +ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),) +test/core/util/test_config.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +endif + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) + $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) + + + + + +endif + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/test_config.o: + + LIBGRPC_SRC = \ src/core/security/auth.c \ src/core/security/base64.c \ @@ -1274,6 +1353,7 @@ LIBGRPC_SRC = \ src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c \ src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.c \ + src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/resolve_address_posix.c \ @@ -1339,6 +1419,8 @@ LIBGRPC_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a: openssl_dep_error ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32) @@ -1389,6 +1471,7 @@ src/core/iomgr/endpoint_pair_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/core/iomgr/resolve_address_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) @@ -1523,6 +1606,7 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/endpoint_pair_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/iomgr.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/resolve_address_posix.o: @@ -1578,6 +1662,78 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/transport/transport.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/third_party/cJSON/cJSON.o: +LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_SRC = \ + test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c \ + test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c \ + test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c \ + test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c \ + test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c \ + test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c \ + test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.c \ + test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.c \ + test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c \ + test/core/util/parse_hexstring.c \ + test/core/util/port_posix.c \ + test/core/util/slice_splitter.c \ + + +LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error + + +else + +ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),) +test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/util/parse_hexstring.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/util/port_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/core/util/slice_splitter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +endif + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) + $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) + + + + + +endif + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/grpc_profiler.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/parse_hexstring.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/port_posix.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/slice_splitter.o: + + LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_SRC = \ src/core/channel/call_op_string.c \ src/core/channel/census_filter.c \ @@ -1605,6 +1761,7 @@ LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_SRC = \ src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c \ src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.c \ + src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c \ src/core/iomgr/resolve_address_posix.c \ @@ -1722,6 +1879,7 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/endpoint_pair_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/iomgr.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/iomgr_posix.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/iomgr/resolve_address_posix.o: @@ -1777,113 +1935,6 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/transport/transport.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/third_party/cJSON/cJSON.o: -LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_SRC = \ - test/core/util/test_config.c \ - - -LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_SRC)))) - -ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) - -libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error - - -else - -ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),) -test/core/util/test_config.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -endif - -libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) - $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" - $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) - - - - - -endif - -ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep) -endif -endif - -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/test_config.o: - - -LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_SRC = \ - test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c \ - test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c \ - test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c \ - test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c \ - test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c \ - test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c \ - test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.c \ - test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.c \ - test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c \ - test/core/util/port_posix.c \ - test/core/util/parse_hexstring.c \ - test/core/util/slice_splitter.c \ - - -LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_SRC)))) - -ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) - -libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error - - -else - -ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),) -test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/util/port_posix.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/util/parse_hexstring.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/core/util/slice_splitter.c: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -endif - -libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) - $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" - $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) - - - - - -endif - -ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS:.o=.dep) -endif -endif - -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/census_log_tests.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/transport_end2end_tests.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/grpc_profiler.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/port_posix.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/parse_hexstring.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/util/slice_splitter.o: - - LIBGRPC++_SRC = \ src/cpp/client/channel.cc \ src/cpp/client/channel_arguments.cc \ @@ -1891,24 +1942,24 @@ LIBGRPC++_SRC = \ src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc \ src/cpp/client/credentials.cc \ src/cpp/client/internal_stub.cc \ - src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc \ src/cpp/common/rpc_method.cc \ + src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc \ src/cpp/server/async_server.cc \ src/cpp/server/async_server_context.cc \ src/cpp/server/completion_queue.cc \ + src/cpp/server/server.cc \ src/cpp/server/server_builder.cc \ src/cpp/server/server_context_impl.cc \ - src/cpp/server/server.cc \ - src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc \ src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc \ + src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc \ src/cpp/server/thread_pool.cc \ src/cpp/stream/stream_context.cc \ src/cpp/util/status.cc \ src/cpp/util/time.cc \ PUBLIC_HEADERS_CXX += \ - include/grpc++/async_server_context.h \ include/grpc++/async_server.h \ + include/grpc++/async_server_context.h \ include/grpc++/channel_arguments.h \ include/grpc++/channel_interface.h \ include/grpc++/client_context.h \ @@ -1919,18 +1970,20 @@ PUBLIC_HEADERS_CXX += \ include/grpc++/impl/internal_stub.h \ include/grpc++/impl/rpc_method.h \ include/grpc++/impl/rpc_service_method.h \ + include/grpc++/server.h \ include/grpc++/server_builder.h \ include/grpc++/server_context.h \ include/grpc++/server_credentials.h \ - include/grpc++/server.h \ include/grpc++/status.h \ - include/grpc++/stream_context_interface.h \ include/grpc++/stream.h \ + include/grpc++/stream_context_interface.h \ LIBGRPC++_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC++_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a: openssl_dep_error ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32) @@ -1948,16 +2001,16 @@ src/cpp/client/client_context.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/client/credentials.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/client/internal_stub.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/common/rpc_method.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/async_server.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/async_server_context.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/completion_queue.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +src/cpp/server/server.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/server_builder.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/server_context_impl.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -src/cpp/server/server.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/server/thread_pool.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/stream/stream_context.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) src/cpp/util/status.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) @@ -2003,16 +2056,16 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/client/client_context.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/client/create_channel.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/client/credentials.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/client/internal_stub.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/common/rpc_method.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/async_server.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/async_server_context.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/completion_queue.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server_builder.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server_context_impl.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.o: objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/util/status.o: @@ -2020,28 +2073,30 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/src/cpp/util/time.o: LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_SRC = \ - gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc \ gens/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc \ gens/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc \ - test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc \ + gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc \ test/cpp/end2end/async_test_server.cc \ + test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc \ LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a: openssl_dep_error else ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),) -test/cpp/util/messages.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) test/cpp/util/echo.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) -test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/cpp/util/messages.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) test/cpp/end2end/async_test_server.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) @@ -2064,8 +2119,8 @@ endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.o: gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/async_test_server.o: gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/async_test_server.o: gens/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.o: gens/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SRC = \ @@ -2076,6 +2131,8 @@ LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(ad ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2113,6 +2170,8 @@ LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuf ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2150,6 +2209,8 @@ LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2187,6 +2248,8 @@ LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_OBJS = $(addprefix ob ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2224,6 +2287,8 @@ LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(adds ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2261,6 +2326,8 @@ LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_OBJS = $(addprefix objs ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2488,6 +2555,28 @@ endif objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/tests/early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.o: +LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_SRC = \ + test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown.c \ + + +LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_SRC)))) + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS) + $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS) + + + + + +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif + +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown.o: + + LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_SRC = \ test/core/end2end/tests/invoke_large_request.c \ @@ -2763,6 +2852,8 @@ LIBEND2END_CERTS_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a: openssl_dep_error @@ -2802,2171 +2893,2348 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.o: # All of the test targets, and protoc plugins -GEN_HPACK_TABLES_SRC = \ - src/core/transport/chttp2/gen_hpack_tables.c \ +ALARM_HEAP_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.c \ -GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_SRC)))) +ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables: $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test: $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/transport/chttp2/gen_hpack_tables.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gen_hpack_tables: $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_alarm_heap_test: $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CPP_PLUGIN_SRC = \ - src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc \ - src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc \ +ALARM_LIST_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c \ -CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CPP_PLUGIN_SRC)))) +ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_SRC)))) -bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin: $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS) - $(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@" +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test: $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(HOST_LDXX) $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS) $(HOST_LDLIBSXX) $(HOST_LDLIBS) $(HOST_LDLIBS_PROTOC) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/cpp_plugin.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/cpp_generator.o: +endif -deps_cpp_plugin: $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +deps_alarm_list_test: $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif endif -RUBY_PLUGIN_SRC = \ - src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc \ - src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc \ +ALARM_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.c \ -RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(RUBY_PLUGIN_SRC)))) +ALARM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_TEST_SRC)))) -bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin: $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS) - $(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@" +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test: $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(HOST_LDXX) $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS) $(HOST_LDLIBSXX) $(HOST_LDLIBS) $(HOST_LDLIBS_PROTOC) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/ruby_plugin.o: -objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/ruby_generator.o: +endif -deps_ruby_plugin: $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + +deps_alarm_test: $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif endif -GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader_test.c \ +ALPN_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/alpn_test.c \ -GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_SRC)))) +ALPN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALPN_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test: $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/alpn_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_alpn_test: $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/cancellable_test.c \ +BIN_ENCODER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder_test.c \ -GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_SRC)))) +BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test: $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test: $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/cancellable_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_cancellable_test: $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_bin_encoder_test: $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_LOG_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/log_test.c \ +CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c \ -GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_LOG_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test: $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test: $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/log_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_log_test: $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_hash_table_test: $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_USEFUL_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/useful_test.c \ +CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test.c \ -GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test: $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/useful_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_useful_test: $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/cmdline_test.c \ +CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_test.c \ -GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test: $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/cmdline_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_cmdline_test: $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/histogram_test.c \ +CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/performance_test.c \ -GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test: $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/histogram_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/performance_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_histogram_test: $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_statistics_performance_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/host_port_test.c \ +CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/quick_test.c \ -GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test: $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/host_port_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/quick_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_host_port_test: $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_statistics_quick_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/slice_buffer_test.c \ +CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/small_log_test.c \ -GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/slice_buffer_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/small_log_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_statistics_small_log_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_SLICE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/slice_test.c \ +CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/rpc_stats_test.c \ -GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test: $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test: $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/slice_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/rpc_stats_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_slice_test: $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_stats_store_test: $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_STRING_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/string_test.c \ +CENSUS_STUB_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/census_stub_test.c \ -GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_STRING_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test: $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test: $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/string_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/census_stub_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_string_test: $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_stub_test: $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_SYNC_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/sync_test.c \ +CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/trace_test.c \ -GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test: $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test: $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/sync_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/trace_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_sync_test: $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_trace_store_test: $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_THD_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/thd_test.c \ +CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/statistics/window_stats_test.c \ -GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_THD_TEST_SRC)))) +CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test: $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test: $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/thd_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/window_stats_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_thd_test: $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_census_window_stats_test: $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GPR_TIME_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/time_test.c \ +CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion_test.c \ -GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_TIME_TEST_SRC)))) +CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test: $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/time_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_gpr_time_test: $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -MURMUR_HASH_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/murmur_hash_test.c \ +CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder_test.c \ -MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_SRC)))) +CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test: $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/murmur_hash_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_murmur_hash_test: $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/stream_op_test.c \ +CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c \ -GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_SRC)))) +CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test: $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/stream_op_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_stream_op_test: $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_chttp2_stream_map_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -ALPN_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/alpn_test.c \ +CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2_transport_end2end_test.c \ -ALPN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALPN_TEST_SRC)))) +CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test: $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/alpn_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2_transport_end2end_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_alpn_test: $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ALPN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.c \ +DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/end2end/dualstack_socket_test.c \ -TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_SRC)))) +DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test: $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test: $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/dualstack_socket_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_time_averaged_stats_test: $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_dualstack_socket_test: $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder_test.c \ +ECHO_CLIENT_SRC = \ + test/core/echo/client.c \ -CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_SRC)))) +ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_CLIENT_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client: $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_encoder_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/client.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_chttp2_stream_encoder_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_echo_client: $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CHTTP2_STREAM_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -HPACK_TABLE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c \ +ECHO_SERVER_SRC = \ + test/core/echo/server.c \ -HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_SRC)))) +ECHO_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_SERVER_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test: $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server: $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_hpack_table_test: $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_echo_server: $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c \ +ECHO_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/echo/echo_test.c \ -CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_SRC)))) +ECHO_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test: $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/echo_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_chttp2_stream_map_test: $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_echo_test: $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CHTTP2_STREAM_MAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -HPACK_PARSER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser_test.c \ +FD_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c \ -HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_SRC)))) +FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FD_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test: $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test: $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_hpack_parser_test: $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_fd_posix_test: $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/metadata_test.c \ +FLING_CLIENT_SRC = \ + test/core/fling/client.c \ -TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_SRC)))) +FLING_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_CLIENT_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test: $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client: $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/metadata_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/client.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_transport_metadata_test: $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_fling_client: $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion_test.c \ +FLING_SERVER_SRC = \ + test/core/fling/server.c \ -CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_SRC)))) +FLING_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_SERVER_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server: $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/status_conversion_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_chttp2_status_conversion_test: $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_fling_server: $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CHTTP2_STATUS_CONVERSION_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2_transport_end2end_test.c \ +FLING_STREAM_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.c \ -CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_SRC)))) +FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test: $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2_transport_end2end_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_chttp2_transport_end2end_test: $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_fling_stream_test: $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TCP_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.c \ +FLING_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/fling/fling_test.c \ -TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) +FLING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test: $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test: $(FLING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/fling_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_tcp_posix_test: $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_fling_test: $(FLING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(FLING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/end2end/dualstack_socket_test.c \ +GEN_HPACK_TABLES_SRC = \ + src/core/transport/chttp2/gen_hpack_tables.c \ -DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_SRC)))) +GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test: $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables: $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gen_hpack_tables endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/dualstack_socket_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/core/transport/chttp2/gen_hpack_tables.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a -deps_dualstack_socket_test: $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gen_hpack_tables: $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(DUALSTACK_SOCKET_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GEN_HPACK_TABLES_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -NO_SERVER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/end2end/no_server_test.c \ +GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/cancellable_test.c \ -NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(NO_SERVER_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test: $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test: $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/no_server_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/cancellable_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_no_server_test: $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_cancellable_test: $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_CANCELLABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c \ +GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/cmdline_test.c \ -RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test: $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test: $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/cmdline_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_resolve_address_test: $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_cmdline_test: $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_CMDLINE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c \ +GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/histogram_test.c \ -SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test: $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test: $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/histogram_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_sockaddr_utils_test: $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_histogram_test: $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_HISTOGRAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.c \ +GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/host_port_test.c \ -TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test: $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test: $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/host_port_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_tcp_server_posix_test: $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_host_port_test: $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_HOST_PORT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c \ +GPR_LOG_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/log_test.c \ -TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_LOG_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test: $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test: $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/log_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_tcp_client_posix_test: $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_log_test: $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c \ +GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/slice_buffer_test.c \ -GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test: $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/slice_buffer_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_channel_stack_test: $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_slice_buffer_test: $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_SLICE_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c \ +GPR_SLICE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/slice_test.c \ -METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test: $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test: $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/slice_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_metadata_buffer_test: $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_slice_test: $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_SLICE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c \ +GPR_STRING_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/string_test.c \ -GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_STRING_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test: $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/string_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_completion_queue_test: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_string_test: $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_STRING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_SRC = \ - test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c \ +GPR_SYNC_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/sync_test.c \ -GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_SRC)))) +GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test: $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/sync_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_sync_test: $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_SYNC_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/trace_test.c \ +GPR_THD_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/thd_test.c \ -CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_THD_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test: $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test: $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_trace_store_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/trace_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/thd_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_trace_store_test: $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_thd_test: $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_TRACE_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_THD_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/rpc_stats_test.c \ +GPR_TIME_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/time_test.c \ -CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_TIME_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test: $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test: $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stats_store_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/rpc_stats_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/time_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_stats_store_test: $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_time_test: $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STATS_STORE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/window_stats_test.c \ +GPR_USEFUL_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/useful_test.c \ -CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_SRC)))) +GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test: $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test: $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/window_stats_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/useful_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_window_stats_test: $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_gpr_useful_test: $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_WINDOW_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GPR_USEFUL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/quick_test.c \ +GRPC_BASE64_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/security/base64_test.c \ -CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test: $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/quick_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/base64_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_statistics_quick_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_base64_test: $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_QUICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/small_log_test.c \ +GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader_test.c \ -CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/small_log_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/byte_buffer_reader_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_statistics_small_log_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test: $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_SMALL_LOG_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_BYTE_BUFFER_READER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/performance_test.c \ +GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c \ -CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test: $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/performance_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_statistics_performance_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_channel_stack_test: $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_test.c \ +GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_SRC = \ + test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c \ -CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_benchmark endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_statistics_multiple_writers_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_completion_queue_benchmark: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test.c \ +GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c \ -CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test: $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_completion_queue_test: $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STATISTICS_MULTIPLE_WRITERS_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_COMPLETION_QUEUE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_STUB_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/census_stub_test.c \ +GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/security/credentials_test.c \ -CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test: $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test: $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/census_stub_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/credentials_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_stub_test: $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_credentials_test: $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_STUB_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c \ +GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_SRC = \ + test/core/security/fetch_oauth2.c \ -CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_SRC)))) +GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test: $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2 endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/fetch_oauth2.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_census_hash_table_test: $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CENSUS_HASH_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -FLING_SERVER_SRC = \ - test/core/fling/server.c \ +GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/security/json_token_test.c \ -FLING_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_SERVER_SRC)))) +GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server: $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test: $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/json_token_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_fling_server: $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_json_token_test: $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(FLING_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -FLING_CLIENT_SRC = \ - test/core/fling/client.c \ +GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/stream_op_test.c \ -FLING_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_CLIENT_SRC)))) +GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client: $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test: $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/client.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/stream_op_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_fling_client: $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_grpc_stream_op_test: $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(FLING_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(GRPC_STREAM_OP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -FLING_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/fling/fling_test.c \ +HPACK_PARSER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser_test.c \ -FLING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_TEST_SRC)))) +HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test: $(FLING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test: $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/fling_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_parser_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_fling_test: $(FLING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_hpack_parser_test: $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(FLING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(HPACK_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -ECHO_SERVER_SRC = \ - test/core/echo/server.c \ +HPACK_TABLE_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c \ -ECHO_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_SERVER_SRC)))) +HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server: $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test: $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_echo_server: $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_hpack_table_test: $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ECHO_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(HPACK_TABLE_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -ECHO_CLIENT_SRC = \ - test/core/echo/client.c \ +HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/httpcli/format_request_test.c \ -ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_CLIENT_SRC)))) +HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client: $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test: $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/client.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/format_request_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_echo_client: $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_httpcli_format_request_test: $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ECHO_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -ECHO_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/echo/echo_test.c \ +HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/httpcli/parser_test.c \ -ECHO_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ECHO_TEST_SRC)))) +HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test: $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test: $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/echo/echo_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/parser_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_echo_test: $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_httpcli_parser_test: $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ECHO_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_SRC = \ - test/core/network_benchmarks/low_level_ping_pong.c \ +HTTPCLI_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/httpcli/httpcli_test.c \ -LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_SRC)))) +HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test: $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/network_benchmarks/low_level_ping_pong.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/httpcli_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_httpcli_test: $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/compression/message_compress_test.c \ +LAME_CLIENT_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/surface/lame_client_test.c \ -MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_SRC)))) +LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test: $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test: $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/compression/message_compress_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/lame_client_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_message_compress_test: $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_lame_client_test: $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -BIN_ENCODER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder_test.c \ +LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_SRC = \ + test/core/network_benchmarks/low_level_ping_pong.c \ -BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_SRC)))) +LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test: $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/low_level_ping_pong_benchmark endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/bin_encoder_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/network_benchmarks/low_level_ping_pong.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_bin_encoder_test: $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_low_level_ping_pong_benchmark: $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(BIN_ENCODER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(LOW_LEVEL_PING_PONG_BENCHMARK_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/security/secure_endpoint_test.c \ +MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/compression/message_compress_test.c \ -SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_SRC)))) +MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test: $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test: $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/secure_endpoint_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/compression/message_compress_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_secure_endpoint_test: $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_message_compress_test: $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(MESSAGE_COMPRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/httpcli/format_request_test.c \ +METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c \ -HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) +METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test: $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test: $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/format_request_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_httpcli_format_request_test: $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_metadata_buffer_test: $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(HTTPCLI_FORMAT_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(METADATA_BUFFER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/httpcli/parser_test.c \ +MURMUR_HASH_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/murmur_hash_test.c \ -HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_SRC)))) +MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test: $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test: $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/parser_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/murmur_hash_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_httpcli_parser_test: $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_murmur_hash_test: $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(HTTPCLI_PARSER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(MURMUR_HASH_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -HTTPCLI_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/httpcli/httpcli_test.c \ +NO_SERVER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/end2end/no_server_test.c \ -HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(HTTPCLI_TEST_SRC)))) +NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(NO_SERVER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test: $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test: $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/httpcli/httpcli_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/end2end/no_server_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_httpcli_test: $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_no_server_test: $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(HTTPCLI_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(NO_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/security/credentials_test.c \ +POLL_KICK_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c \ -GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC)))) +POLL_KICK_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(POLL_KICK_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test: $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_test: $(POLL_KICK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(POLL_KICK_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/credentials_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_credentials_test: $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_poll_kick_test: $(POLL_KICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(POLL_KICK_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_SRC = \ - test/core/security/fetch_oauth2.c \ +RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c \ -GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_SRC)))) +RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test: $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_fetch_oauth2 + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/fetch_oauth2.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_fetch_oauth2: $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_resolve_address_test: $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_FETCH_OAUTH2_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_BASE64_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/security/base64_test.c \ +SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/security/secure_endpoint_test.c \ -GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_SRC)))) +SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test: $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test: $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/base64_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/secure_endpoint_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_base64_test: $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_secure_endpoint_test: $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_BASE64_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(SECURE_ENDPOINT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/security/json_token_test.c \ +SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c \ -GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_SRC)))) +SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test: $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test: $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/security/json_token_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_grpc_json_token_test: $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_sockaddr_utils_test: $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(GRPC_JSON_TOKEN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(SOCKADDR_UTILS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.c \ +TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c \ -TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_SRC)))) +TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test: $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test: $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_timeout_encoding_test: $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_tcp_client_posix_test: $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TCP_CLIENT_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -FD_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c \ +TCP_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.c \ -FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FD_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) +TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test: $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test: $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_fd_posix_test: $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_tcp_posix_test: $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(FD_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TCP_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -FLING_STREAM_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.c \ +TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.c \ -FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_SRC)))) +TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test: $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test: $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_fling_stream_test: $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_tcp_server_posix_test: $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(FLING_STREAM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TCP_SERVER_POSIX_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -LAME_CLIENT_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/surface/lame_client_test.c \ +TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.c \ -LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_SRC)))) +TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test: $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test: $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/surface/lame_client_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_lame_client_test: $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_time_averaged_stats_test: $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(LAME_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TIME_AVERAGED_STATS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -THREAD_POOL_TEST_SRC = \ - test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.cc \ +TIME_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/support/time_test.c \ -THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_SRC)))) +TIME_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIME_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test: $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test: $(TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/time_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_thread_pool_test: $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_time_test: $(TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -STATUS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/cpp/util/status_test.cc \ +TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.c \ -STATUS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(STATUS_TEST_SRC)))) +TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test: $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test: $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/status_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_status_test: $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_timeout_encoding_test: $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TIMEOUT_ENCODING_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_SRC = \ - test/cpp/end2end/sync_client_async_server_test.cc \ +TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_SRC = \ + test/core/transport/metadata_test.c \ -SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_SRC)))) +TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test: $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test: $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/sync_client_async_server_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/transport/metadata_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_sync_client_async_server_test: $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_transport_metadata_test: $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(TRANSPORT_METADATA_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -QPS_CLIENT_SRC = \ - gens/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.pb.cc \ - test/cpp/qps/client.cc \ +CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.cc \ -QPS_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(QPS_CLIENT_SRC)))) +CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client: $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test: $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_qps_client: $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_channel_arguments_test: $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -QPS_SERVER_SRC = \ - gens/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.pb.cc \ - test/cpp/qps/server.cc \ +CPP_PLUGIN_SRC = \ + src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc \ + src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc \ -QPS_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(QPS_SERVER_SRC)))) +CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CPP_PLUGIN_SRC)))) + +bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin: $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS) + $(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(HOST_LDXX) $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS) $(HOST_LDLIBSXX) $(HOST_LDLIBS) $(HOST_LDLIBS_PROTOC) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin + +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/cpp_generator.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/cpp_plugin.o: + +deps_cpp_plugin: $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CPP_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif + + +CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc \ + +CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server: $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test: $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_qps_server: $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_credentials_test: $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -INTEROP_SERVER_SRC = \ - gens/test/cpp/interop/empty.pb.cc \ - gens/test/cpp/interop/messages.pb.cc \ - gens/test/cpp/interop/test.pb.cc \ - test/cpp/interop/server.cc \ +END2END_TEST_SRC = \ + test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.cc \ -INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(INTEROP_SERVER_SRC)))) +END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(END2END_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server: $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test: $(END2END_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/empty.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/messages.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_interop_server: $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_end2end_test: $(END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif @@ -4981,6 +5249,8 @@ INTEROP_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5006,205 +5276,219 @@ endif endif -END2END_TEST_SRC = \ - test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.cc \ +INTEROP_SERVER_SRC = \ + gens/test/cpp/interop/empty.pb.cc \ + gens/test/cpp/interop/messages.pb.cc \ + gens/test/cpp/interop/test.pb.cc \ + test/cpp/interop/server.cc \ -END2END_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(END2END_TEST_SRC)))) +INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(INTEROP_SERVER_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test: $(END2END_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server: $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(END2END_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/empty.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/messages.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/interop/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_end2end_test: $(END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_interop_server: $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(END2END_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(INTEROP_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.cc \ +QPS_CLIENT_SRC = \ + gens/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.pb.cc \ + test/cpp/qps/client.cc \ -CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_SRC)))) +QPS_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(QPS_CLIENT_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test: $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client: $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/client.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_channel_arguments_test: $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_qps_client: $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CHANNEL_ARGUMENTS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(QPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC = \ - test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc \ +QPS_SERVER_SRC = \ + gens/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.pb.cc \ + test/cpp/qps/server.cc \ -CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_SRC)))) +QPS_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(QPS_SERVER_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test: $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server: $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/qps/server.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_credentials_test: $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_qps_server: $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(CREDENTIALS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(QPS_SERVER_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -ALARM_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.c \ - -ALARM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_TEST_SRC)))) - -ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) - -bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test: openssl_dep_error +RUBY_PLUGIN_SRC = \ + src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc \ + src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc \ -else +RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(RUBY_PLUGIN_SRC)))) -bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test: $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a - $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" +bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin: $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS) + $(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test - -endif + $(Q) $(HOST_LDXX) $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS) $(HOST_LDLIBSXX) $(HOST_LDLIBS) $(HOST_LDLIBS_PROTOC) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/ruby_generator.o: +objs/$(CONFIG)/src/compiler/ruby_plugin.o: -deps_alarm_test: $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_ruby_plugin: $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) -ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ALARM_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) -endif +-include $(RUBY_PLUGIN_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif -ALARM_LIST_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c \ +STATUS_TEST_SRC = \ + test/cpp/util/status_test.cc \ -ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_SRC)))) +STATUS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(STATUS_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test: $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test: $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/status_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_alarm_list_test: $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_status_test: $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ALARM_LIST_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(STATUS_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -ALARM_HEAP_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.c \ +SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_SRC = \ + test/cpp/end2end/sync_client_async_server_test.cc \ -ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_SRC)))) +SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test: $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test: $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/sync_client_async_server_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_alarm_heap_test: $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_sync_client_async_server_test: $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(ALARM_HEAP_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(SYNC_CLIENT_ASYNC_SERVER_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif -TIME_TEST_SRC = \ - test/core/support/time_test.c \ +THREAD_POOL_TEST_SRC = \ + test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.cc \ -TIME_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIME_TEST_SRC)))) +THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) -bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test: openssl_dep_error +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test: openssl_dep_error else -bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test: $(TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test: $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIME_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test endif -objs/$(CONFIG)/test/core/support/time_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a -deps_time_test: $(TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +deps_thread_pool_test: $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) --include $(TIME_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +-include $(THREAD_POOL_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) endif endif @@ -5215,6 +5499,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5242,6 +5528,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS = $(addpref ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5269,6 +5557,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5296,6 +5586,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5323,6 +5615,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5350,6 +5644,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5377,6 +5673,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5404,6 +5702,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS = $ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5431,6 +5731,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5452,12 +5754,43 @@ endif endif +CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC = \ + +CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test + +endif + + +deps_chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5485,6 +5818,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFI ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5512,6 +5847,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5539,6 +5876,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5566,6 +5905,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5593,6 +5934,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(ad ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5620,6 +5963,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5647,6 +5992,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OB ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5674,6 +6021,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFI ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5701,6 +6050,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(a ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5728,6 +6079,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(ad ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5755,6 +6108,8 @@ CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5782,6 +6137,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5809,6 +6166,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix o ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5836,6 +6195,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5863,6 +6224,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5890,6 +6253,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(a ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5917,6 +6282,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5944,6 +6311,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5971,6 +6340,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS = $(add ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -5998,6 +6369,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix obj ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6019,12 +6392,43 @@ endif endif +CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC = \ + +CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test + +endif + + +deps_chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6052,6 +6456,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6079,6 +6485,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6106,6 +6514,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6133,6 +6543,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6160,6 +6572,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(addpre ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6187,6 +6601,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CO ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6214,6 +6630,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6241,6 +6659,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6268,6 +6688,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsu ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6295,6 +6717,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuf ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6322,6 +6746,8 @@ CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix obj ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6349,6 +6775,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(C ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6376,6 +6804,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS = $( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6403,6 +6833,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(C ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6430,6 +6862,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6457,6 +6891,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CO ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6484,6 +6920,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6511,6 +6949,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(C ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6538,6 +6978,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_O ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6565,6 +7007,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS = $(ad ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6586,12 +7030,43 @@ endif endif +CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC = \ + +CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test + +endif + + +deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6619,6 +7094,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6646,6 +7123,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(add ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6673,6 +7152,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(C ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6700,6 +7181,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TE ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6727,6 +7210,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6754,6 +7239,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefi ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6781,6 +7268,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6808,6 +7297,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6835,6 +7326,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6862,6 +7355,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6889,6 +7384,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS = $(ad ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6916,6 +7413,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS = $(addpre ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6943,6 +7442,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TE ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6970,6 +7471,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addpre ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -6997,6 +7500,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addpr ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7024,6 +7529,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS = $(addpref ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7051,6 +7558,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addp ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7078,6 +7587,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addpre ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7105,6 +7616,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7132,6 +7645,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7153,12 +7668,43 @@ endif endif +CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC = \ + +CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test + +endif + + +deps_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7186,6 +7732,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS = $(add ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7213,6 +7761,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CON ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7240,6 +7790,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS = $(addpre ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7267,6 +7819,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AN ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7294,6 +7848,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLO ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7321,6 +7877,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7348,6 +7906,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7375,6 +7935,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(add ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7402,6 +7964,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix o ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7429,6 +7993,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix ob ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7456,6 +8022,8 @@ CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7483,6 +8051,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7510,6 +8080,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7537,6 +8109,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7564,6 +8138,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7591,6 +8167,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7618,6 +8196,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7645,6 +8225,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7672,6 +8254,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_TEST_OBJS = $(a ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7699,6 +8283,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix o ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7720,12 +8306,43 @@ endif endif +CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC = \ + +CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test + +endif + + +deps_chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7753,6 +8370,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7780,6 +8399,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7807,6 +8428,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7834,6 +8457,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7861,6 +8486,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(addp ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7888,6 +8515,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$( ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7915,6 +8544,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7942,6 +8573,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7969,6 +8602,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(add ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -7996,6 +8631,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(adds ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8023,6 +8660,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix o ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8050,6 +8689,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefi ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8077,6 +8718,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_TEST ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8104,6 +8747,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefi ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8131,6 +8776,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_TEST_OBJS = $(addpref ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8158,6 +8805,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8185,6 +8834,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addpre ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8212,6 +8863,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefi ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8239,6 +8892,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CA ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8266,6 +8921,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_TEST_O ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8287,12 +8944,43 @@ endif endif +CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC = \ + +CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test + +endif + + +deps_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test: $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC = \ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_TEST_SRC)))) ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8320,6 +9008,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_TEST_OBJS = $(addpr ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8347,6 +9037,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_NO_OP_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFI ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8374,6 +9066,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_PING_PONG_STREAMING_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefi ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8401,6 +9095,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_ ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8428,6 +9124,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8455,6 +9153,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_TEST_OBJS = ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8482,6 +9182,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AN ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8509,6 +9211,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addpr ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8536,6 +9240,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix obj ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test: openssl_dep_error else @@ -8563,6 +9269,8 @@ CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_THREAD_STRESS_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + 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"grpc_test_util", @@ -1233,10 +1299,11 @@ ] }, { - "name": "timeout_encoding_test", + "name": "tcp_client_posix_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.c" + "test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", @@ -1246,10 +1313,11 @@ ] }, { - "name": "fd_posix_test", + "name": "tcp_posix_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c" + "test/core/iomgr/tcp_posix_test.c" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", @@ -1259,10 +1327,11 @@ ] }, { - "name": "fling_stream_test", + "name": "tcp_server_posix_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/core/fling/fling_stream_test.c" + "test/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix_test.c" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", @@ -1272,10 +1341,11 @@ ] }, { - "name": "lame_client_test", + "name": "time_averaged_stats_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/core/surface/lame_client_test.c" + "test/core/iomgr/time_averaged_stats_test.c" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", @@ -1285,95 +1355,94 @@ ] }, { - "name": "thread_pool_test", + "name": "time_test", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.cc" + "test/core/support/time_test.c" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", - "grpc++", "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "status_test", + "name": "timeout_encoding_test", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/cpp/util/status_test.cc" + "test/core/transport/chttp2/timeout_encoding_test.c" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", - "grpc++", "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "sync_client_async_server_test", + "name": "transport_metadata_test", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c", "src": [ - "test/cpp/end2end/sync_client_async_server_test.cc" + "test/core/transport/metadata_test.c" ], "deps": [ - "grpc++_test_util", "grpc_test_util", - "grpc++", "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "qps_client", + "name": "channel_arguments_test", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/cpp/qps/qpstest.proto", - "test/cpp/qps/client.cc" + "test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.cc" ], "deps": [ - "grpc++_test_util", - "grpc_test_util", "grpc++", "grpc", - "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "qps_server", + "name": "cpp_plugin", + "build": "protoc", + "language": "c++", + "headers": [ + "src/compiler/cpp_generator.h", + "src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h" + ], + "src": [ + "src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc", + "src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc" + ], + "deps": [], + "secure": false + }, + { + "name": "credentials_test", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/cpp/qps/qpstest.proto", - "test/cpp/qps/server.cc" + "test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc" ], "deps": [ - "grpc++_test_util", - "grpc_test_util", "grpc++", "grpc", - "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "interop_server", + "name": "end2end_test", "build": "test", - "run": false, - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/cpp/interop/empty.proto", - "test/cpp/interop/messages.proto", - "test/cpp/interop/test.proto", - "test/cpp/interop/server.cc" + "test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.cc" ], "deps": [ "grpc++_test_util", @@ -1387,8 +1456,7 @@ { "name": "interop_client", "build": "test", - "run": false, - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ "test/cpp/interop/empty.proto", "test/cpp/interop/messages.proto", @@ -1402,14 +1470,18 @@ "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" - ] + ], + "run": false }, { - "name": "end2end_test", + "name": "interop_server", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/cpp/end2end/end2end_test.cc" + "test/cpp/interop/empty.proto", + "test/cpp/interop/messages.proto", + "test/cpp/interop/test.proto", + "test/cpp/interop/server.cc" ], "deps": [ "grpc++_test_util", @@ -1418,81 +1490,101 @@ "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" - ] + ], + "run": false }, { - "name": "channel_arguments_test", + "name": "qps_client", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/cpp/client/channel_arguments_test.cc" + "test/cpp/qps/qpstest.proto", + "test/cpp/qps/client.cc" ], "deps": [ + "grpc++_test_util", + "grpc_test_util", "grpc++", "grpc", + "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "credentials_test", + "name": "qps_server", "build": "test", - "c++": true, + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc" + "test/cpp/qps/qpstest.proto", + "test/cpp/qps/server.cc" ], "deps": [ + "grpc++_test_util", + "grpc_test_util", "grpc++", "grpc", + "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "alarm_test", - "build": "test", + "name": "ruby_plugin", + "build": "protoc", + "language": "c++", + "headers": [ + "src/compiler/cpp_generator.h", + "src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers-inl.h", + "src/compiler/cpp_generator_map-inl.h", + "src/compiler/cpp_generator_string-inl.h" + ], "src": [ - "test/core/iomgr/alarm_test.c" + "src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc", + "src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc" ], - "deps": [ - "grpc_test_util", - "grpc", - "gpr_test_util", - "gpr" - ] + "deps": [], + "secure": false }, { - "name": "alarm_list_test", + "name": "status_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c" + "test/cpp/util/status_test.cc" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", + "grpc++", "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "alarm_heap_test", + "name": "sync_client_async_server_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/core/iomgr/alarm_heap_test.c" + "test/cpp/end2end/sync_client_async_server_test.cc" ], "deps": [ + "grpc++_test_util", "grpc_test_util", + "grpc++", "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" ] }, { - "name": "time_test", + "name": "thread_pool_test", "build": "test", + "language": "c++", "src": [ - "test/core/support/time_test.c" + "test/cpp/server/thread_pool_test.cc" ], "deps": [ "grpc_test_util", + "grpc++", "grpc", "gpr_test_util", "gpr" diff --git a/include/grpc/grpc.h b/include/grpc/grpc.h index 40a3d2acb5..3c5b0de195 100644 --- a/include/grpc/grpc.h +++ b/include/grpc/grpc.h @@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ typedef enum grpc_completion_type { GRPC_FINISHED, /* An RPC has finished. The event contains status. On the server this will be OK or Cancelled. */ GRPC_SERVER_RPC_NEW, /* A new RPC has arrived at the server */ + GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN, /* The server has finished shutting down */ GRPC_COMPLETION_DO_NOT_USE /* must be last, forces users to include a default: case */ } grpc_completion_type; @@ -439,6 +440,10 @@ void grpc_server_start(grpc_server *server); Existing calls will be allowed to complete. */ void grpc_server_shutdown(grpc_server *server); +/* As per grpc_server_shutdown, but send a GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN event when + there are no more calls being serviced. */ +void grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(grpc_server *server, void *tag); + /* Destroy a server. Forcefully cancels all existing calls. */ void grpc_server_destroy(grpc_server *server); diff --git a/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc b/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc index 29bd3560f3..8724f97e8b 100644 --- a/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc +++ b/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc @@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ namespace grpc_cpp_generator { namespace { -bool NoStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method) { +bool NoStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method) { return !method->client_streaming() && !method->server_streaming(); } -bool ClientOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method) { +bool ClientOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method) { return method->client_streaming() && !method->server_streaming(); } -bool ServerOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method) { +bool ServerOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method) { return !method->client_streaming() && method->server_streaming(); } -bool BidiStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method) { +bool BidiStreaming(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method) { return method->client_streaming() && method->server_streaming(); } -bool HasClientOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { +bool HasClientOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < file->service(i)->method_count(); j++) { if (ClientOnlyStreaming(file->service(i)->method(j))) { @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ bool HasClientOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { return false; } -bool HasServerOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { +bool HasServerOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < file->service(i)->method_count(); j++) { if (ServerOnlyStreaming(file->service(i)->method(j))) { @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ bool HasServerOnlyStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { return false; } -bool HasBidiStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { +bool HasBidiStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < file->service(i)->method_count(); j++) { if (BidiStreaming(file->service(i)->method(j))) { @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bool HasBidiStreaming(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { } } // namespace -std::string GetHeaderIncludes(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { +std::string GetHeaderIncludes(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { std::string temp = "#include \"grpc++/impl/internal_stub.h\"\n" "#include \"grpc++/status.h\"\n" @@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ std::string GetSourceIncludes() { "#include \"grpc++/stream.h\"\n"; } -void PrintHeaderClientMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, - const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method, - std::map<std::string, std::string>* vars) { +void PrintHeaderClientMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer *printer, + const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method, + std::map<std::string, std::string> *vars) { (*vars)["Method"] = method->name(); (*vars)["Request"] = grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method->input_type(), true); @@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ void PrintHeaderClientMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, } } -void PrintHeaderServerMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, - const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method, - std::map<std::string, std::string>* vars) { +void PrintHeaderServerMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer *printer, + const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method, + std::map<std::string, std::string> *vars) { (*vars)["Method"] = method->name(); (*vars)["Request"] = grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method->input_type(), true); @@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ void PrintHeaderServerMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, } } -void PrintHeaderService(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, - const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* service, - std::map<std::string, std::string>* vars) { +void PrintHeaderService(google::protobuf::io::Printer *printer, + const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor *service, + std::map<std::string, std::string> *vars) { (*vars)["Service"] = service->name(); printer->Print(*vars, @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ void PrintHeaderService(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, printer->Print("};\n"); } -std::string GetHeaderServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { +std::string GetHeaderServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { std::string output; google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream output_stream(&output); google::protobuf::io::Printer printer(&output_stream, '$'); @@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ std::string GetHeaderServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { return output; } -void PrintSourceClientMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, - const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method, - std::map<std::string, std::string>* vars) { +void PrintSourceClientMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer *printer, + const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method, + std::map<std::string, std::string> *vars) { (*vars)["Method"] = method->name(); (*vars)["Request"] = grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method->input_type(), true); @@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ void PrintSourceClientMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, } } -void PrintSourceServerMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, - const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method, - std::map<std::string, std::string>* vars) { +void PrintSourceServerMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer *printer, + const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method, + std::map<std::string, std::string> *vars) { (*vars)["Method"] = method->name(); (*vars)["Request"] = grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method->input_type(), true); @@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ void PrintSourceServerMethod(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, } } -void PrintSourceService(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, - const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* service, - std::map<std::string, std::string>* vars) { +void PrintSourceService(google::protobuf::io::Printer *printer, + const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor *service, + std::map<std::string, std::string> *vars) { (*vars)["Service"] = service->name(); printer->Print( *vars, @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ void PrintSourceService(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, "}\n"); printer->Print("service_ = new ::grpc::RpcService();\n"); for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) { - const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method = service->method(i); + const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method = service->method(i); (*vars)["Method"] = method->name(); (*vars)["Request"] = grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method->input_type(), true); @@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ void PrintSourceService(google::protobuf::io::Printer* printer, printer->Print("}\n\n"); } -std::string GetSourceServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { +std::string GetSourceServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { std::string output; google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream output_stream(&output); google::protobuf::io::Printer printer(&output_stream, '$'); diff --git a/src/compiler/cpp_generator.h b/src/compiler/cpp_generator.h index 1a74211b71..fe84d08b4c 100644 --- a/src/compiler/cpp_generator.h +++ b/src/compiler/cpp_generator.h @@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ class FileDescriptor; namespace grpc_cpp_generator { // Return the includes needed for generated header file. -std::string GetHeaderIncludes(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); +std::string GetHeaderIncludes(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file); // Return the includes needed for generated source file. std::string GetSourceIncludes(); // Return the services for generated header file. -std::string GetHeaderServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); +std::string GetHeaderServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file); // Return the services for generated source file. -std::string GetSourceServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); +std::string GetSourceServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file); } // namespace grpc_cpp_generator diff --git a/src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h b/src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h index 1ad3cb2db3..54c343866f 100644 --- a/src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h +++ b/src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace grpc_cpp_generator { -inline bool StripSuffix(std::string* filename, const std::string& suffix) { +inline bool StripSuffix(std::string *filename, const std::string &suffix) { if (filename->length() >= suffix.length()) { size_t suffix_pos = filename->length() - suffix.length(); if (filename->compare(suffix_pos, std::string::npos, suffix) == 0) { @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ inline std::string StripProto(std::string filename) { return filename; } -inline std::string StringReplace(std::string str, const std::string& from, - const std::string& to) { +inline std::string StringReplace(std::string str, const std::string &from, + const std::string &to) { size_t pos = 0; for (;;) { @@ -76,22 +76,22 @@ inline std::string StringReplace(std::string str, const std::string& from, return str; } -inline std::string DotsToColons(const std::string& name) { +inline std::string DotsToColons(const std::string &name) { return StringReplace(name, ".", "::"); } -inline std::string DotsToUnderscores(const std::string& name) { +inline std::string DotsToUnderscores(const std::string &name) { return StringReplace(name, ".", "_"); } -inline std::string ClassName(const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor, +inline std::string ClassName(const google::protobuf::Descriptor *descriptor, bool qualified) { // Find "outer", the descriptor of the top-level message in which // "descriptor" is embedded. - const google::protobuf::Descriptor* outer = descriptor; + const google::protobuf::Descriptor *outer = descriptor; while (outer->containing_type() != NULL) outer = outer->containing_type(); - const std::string& outer_name = outer->full_name(); + const std::string &outer_name = outer->full_name(); std::string inner_name = descriptor->full_name().substr(outer_name.size()); if (qualified) { diff --git a/src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc b/src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc index e43278529d..a7fdb1f093 100644 --- a/src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc +++ b/src/compiler/cpp_plugin.cc @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ class CppGrpcGenerator : public google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator { CppGrpcGenerator() {} virtual ~CppGrpcGenerator() {} - virtual bool Generate(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file, - const std::string& parameter, - google::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext* context, - std::string* error) const { + virtual bool Generate(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file, + const std::string ¶meter, + google::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext *context, + std::string *error) const { if (file->options().cc_generic_services()) { *error = "cpp grpc proto compiler plugin does not work with generic " @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ class CppGrpcGenerator : public google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator { private: // Insert the given code into the given file at the given insertion point. - void Insert(google::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext* context, - const std::string& filename, const std::string& insertion_point, - const std::string& code) const { + void Insert(google::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext *context, + const std::string &filename, const std::string &insertion_point, + const std::string &code) const { std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output( context->OpenForInsert(filename, insertion_point)); google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream coded_out(output.get()); @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class CppGrpcGenerator : public google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator { } }; -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CppGrpcGenerator generator; return google::protobuf::compiler::PluginMain(argc, argv, &generator); } diff --git a/src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc b/src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc index 393f8f3b59..16632325dc 100644 --- a/src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc +++ b/src/compiler/ruby_generator.cc @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ namespace grpc_ruby_generator { namespace { // Prints out the method using the ruby gRPC DSL. -void PrintMethod(const MethodDescriptor* method, const std::string& package, - Printer* out) { +void PrintMethod(const MethodDescriptor *method, const std::string &package, + Printer *out) { std::string input_type = RubyTypeOf(method->input_type()->name(), package); if (method->client_streaming()) { input_type = "stream(" + input_type + ")"; @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ void PrintMethod(const MethodDescriptor* method, const std::string& package, } // Prints out the service using the ruby gRPC DSL. -void PrintService(const ServiceDescriptor* service, const std::string& package, - Printer* out) { +void PrintService(const ServiceDescriptor *service, const std::string &package, + Printer *out) { if (service->method_count() == 0) { return; } @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void PrintService(const ServiceDescriptor* service, const std::string& package, } // namespace -std::string GetServices(const FileDescriptor* file) { +std::string GetServices(const FileDescriptor *file) { std::string output; StringOutputStream output_stream(&output); Printer out(&output_stream, '$'); diff --git a/src/compiler/ruby_generator.h b/src/compiler/ruby_generator.h index 0306536d08..89d7a0b92a 100644 --- a/src/compiler/ruby_generator.h +++ b/src/compiler/ruby_generator.h @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class FileDescriptor; namespace grpc_ruby_generator { -std::string GetServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); +std::string GetServices(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file); } // namespace grpc_ruby_generator diff --git a/src/compiler/ruby_generator_helpers-inl.h b/src/compiler/ruby_generator_helpers-inl.h index 7b973ed9eb..0034f5ef56 100644 --- a/src/compiler/ruby_generator_helpers-inl.h +++ b/src/compiler/ruby_generator_helpers-inl.h @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ namespace grpc_ruby_generator { -inline bool ServicesFilename(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file, - std::string* file_name_or_error) { +inline bool ServicesFilename(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file, + std::string *file_name_or_error) { // Get output file name. static const unsigned proto_suffix_length = 6; // length of ".proto" if (file->name().size() > proto_suffix_length && @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ inline bool ServicesFilename(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file, } inline std::string MessagesRequireName( - const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file) { + const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) { return Replace(file->name(), ".proto", ""); } diff --git a/src/compiler/ruby_generator_map-inl.h b/src/compiler/ruby_generator_map-inl.h index a49650a2f7..fea9c2e2fa 100644 --- a/src/compiler/ruby_generator_map-inl.h +++ b/src/compiler/ruby_generator_map-inl.h @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace grpc_ruby_generator { // Converts an initializer list of the form { key0, value0, key1, value1, ... } // into a map of key* to value*. Is merely a readability helper for later code. inline std::map<std::string, std::string> ListToDict( - const initializer_list<std::string>& values) { + const initializer_list<std::string> &values) { if (values.size() % 2 != 0) { // MOE: insert std::cerr << "Not every 'key' has a value in `values`." // << std::endl; diff --git a/src/compiler/ruby_generator_string-inl.h b/src/compiler/ruby_generator_string-inl.h index a253f78d49..d24a61b9f5 100644 --- a/src/compiler/ruby_generator_string-inl.h +++ b/src/compiler/ruby_generator_string-inl.h @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ using std::transform; namespace grpc_ruby_generator { // Split splits a string using char into elems. -inline std::vector<std::string>& Split(const std::string& s, char delim, - std::vector<std::string>* elems) { +inline std::vector<std::string> &Split(const std::string &s, char delim, + std::vector<std::string> *elems) { std::stringstream ss(s); std::string item; while (getline(ss, item, delim)) { @@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ inline std::vector<std::string>& Split(const std::string& s, char delim, } // Split splits a string using char, returning the result in a vector. -inline std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& s, char delim) { +inline std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string &s, char delim) { std::vector<std::string> elems; Split(s, delim, &elems); return elems; } // Replace replaces from with to in s. -inline std::string Replace(std::string s, const std::string& from, - const std::string& to) { +inline std::string Replace(std::string s, const std::string &from, + const std::string &to) { size_t start_pos = s.find(from); if (start_pos == std::string::npos) { return s; @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ inline std::string Replace(std::string s, const std::string& from, } // ReplaceAll replaces all instances of search with replace in s. -inline std::string ReplaceAll(std::string s, const std::string& search, - const std::string& replace) { +inline std::string ReplaceAll(std::string s, const std::string &search, + const std::string &replace) { size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = s.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) { s.replace(pos, search.length(), replace); @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ inline std::string ReplaceAll(std::string s, const std::string& search, } // ReplacePrefix replaces from with to in s if search is a prefix of s. -inline bool ReplacePrefix(std::string* s, const std::string& from, - const std::string& to) { +inline bool ReplacePrefix(std::string *s, const std::string &from, + const std::string &to) { size_t start_pos = s->find(from); if (start_pos == std::string::npos || start_pos != 0) { return false; @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ inline std::string CapitalizeFirst(std::string s) { } // RubyTypeOf updates a proto type to the required ruby equivalent. -inline std::string RubyTypeOf(const std::string& a_type, - const std::string& package) { +inline std::string RubyTypeOf(const std::string &a_type, + const std::string &package) { std::string res(a_type); ReplacePrefix(&res, package, ""); // remove the leading package if present ReplacePrefix(&res, ".", ""); // remove the leading . (no package) diff --git a/src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc b/src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc index 86c0e11e1c..9397452f55 100644 --- a/src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc +++ b/src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ class RubyGrpcGenerator : public google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator { RubyGrpcGenerator() {} ~RubyGrpcGenerator() override {} - bool Generate(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file, - const std::string& parameter, - google::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext* context, - std::string* error) const override { + bool Generate(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file, + const std::string ¶meter, + google::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext *context, + std::string *error) const override { std::string code = grpc_ruby_generator::GetServices(file); if (code.size() == 0) { return true; // don't generate a file if there are no services @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class RubyGrpcGenerator : public google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator { } }; -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RubyGrpcGenerator generator; return google::protobuf::compiler::PluginMain(argc, argv, &generator); } diff --git a/src/core/channel/census_filter.c b/src/core/channel/census_filter.c index 2799bded8a..ed60f0a5f6 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/census_filter.c +++ b/src/core/channel/census_filter.c @@ -178,19 +178,19 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element* elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_client_census_filter = { - client_call_op, channel_op, + client_call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), client_init_call_elem, client_destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), client_init_call_elem, client_destroy_call_elem, - sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, + sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, "census-client"}; const grpc_channel_filter grpc_server_census_filter = { - server_call_op, channel_op, + server_call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), server_init_call_elem, server_destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), server_init_call_elem, server_destroy_call_elem, - sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, + sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, "census-server"}; diff --git a/src/core/channel/channel_stack.c b/src/core/channel/channel_stack.c index 14fc800778..5ee412bf7d 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/channel_stack.c +++ b/src/core/channel/channel_stack.c @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ /* Given a size, round up to the next multiple of sizeof(void*) */ #define ROUND_UP_TO_ALIGNMENT_SIZE(x) \ - (((x) + GPR_MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(GPR_MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1)) + (((x)+GPR_MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(GPR_MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1)) size_t grpc_channel_stack_size(const grpc_channel_filter **filters, size_t filter_count) { @@ -190,13 +190,14 @@ void grpc_channel_next_op(grpc_channel_element *elem, grpc_channel_op *op) { grpc_channel_stack *grpc_channel_stack_from_top_element( grpc_channel_element *elem) { - return (grpc_channel_stack *)((char *)(elem)-ROUND_UP_TO_ALIGNMENT_SIZE( - sizeof(grpc_channel_stack))); + return (grpc_channel_stack *)((char *)(elem) - + ROUND_UP_TO_ALIGNMENT_SIZE( + sizeof(grpc_channel_stack))); } grpc_call_stack *grpc_call_stack_from_top_element(grpc_call_element *elem) { - return (grpc_call_stack *)((char *)(elem)-ROUND_UP_TO_ALIGNMENT_SIZE( - sizeof(grpc_call_stack))); + return (grpc_call_stack *)((char *)(elem) - ROUND_UP_TO_ALIGNMENT_SIZE( + sizeof(grpc_call_stack))); } static void do_nothing(void *user_data, grpc_op_error error) {} diff --git a/src/core/channel/child_channel.c b/src/core/channel/child_channel.c index 3778f4fb88..f400e9b670 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/child_channel.c +++ b/src/core/channel/child_channel.c @@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ static void lb_destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_child_channel_top_filter = { - lb_call_op, lb_channel_op, + lb_call_op, lb_channel_op, - sizeof(lb_call_data), lb_init_call_elem, lb_destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(lb_call_data), lb_init_call_elem, lb_destroy_call_elem, sizeof(lb_channel_data), lb_init_channel_elem, lb_destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/channel/child_channel.h b/src/core/channel/child_channel.h index 3ba4c1b8a9..ece0ff99a9 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/child_channel.h +++ b/src/core/channel/child_channel.h @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ /* helper for filters that need to host child channel stacks... handles lifetime and upwards propagation cleanly */ -const grpc_channel_filter grpc_child_channel_top_filter; +extern const grpc_channel_filter grpc_child_channel_top_filter; typedef grpc_channel_stack grpc_child_channel; typedef grpc_call_stack grpc_child_call; diff --git a/src/core/channel/client_channel.c b/src/core/channel/client_channel.c index 46283835a0..fa75561c78 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/client_channel.c +++ b/src/core/channel/client_channel.c @@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_client_channel_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/channel/connected_channel.c b/src/core/channel/connected_channel.c index 30de10905c..e01cb81a89 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/connected_channel.c +++ b/src/core/channel/connected_channel.c @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef struct { /* We perform a small hack to locate transport data alongside the connected channel data in call allocations, to allow everything to be pulled in minimal cache line requests */ -#define TRANSPORT_STREAM_FROM_CALL_DATA(calld) ((grpc_stream *)((calld) + 1)) +#define TRANSPORT_STREAM_FROM_CALL_DATA(calld) ((grpc_stream *)((calld)+1)) #define CALL_DATA_FROM_TRANSPORT_STREAM(transport_stream) \ (((call_data *)(transport_stream)) - 1) @@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_connected_channel_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c b/src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c index ab9d3aff16..b139b72795 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c +++ b/src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_http_client_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/channel/http_filter.c b/src/core/channel/http_filter.c index 6cfe34695c..846f7b9713 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/http_filter.c +++ b/src/core/channel/http_filter.c @@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_http_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c b/src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c index 44eab43f09..19b9606b43 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c +++ b/src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c @@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_http_server_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c b/src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c index d4de4ba576..75fd90b707 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c +++ b/src/core/channel/metadata_buffer.c @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct grpc_metadata_buffer_impl { size_t elem_cap; }; -#define ELEMS(buffer) ((qelem *)((buffer) + 1)) +#define ELEMS(buffer) ((qelem *)((buffer)+1)) void grpc_metadata_buffer_init(grpc_metadata_buffer *buffer) { /* start buffer as NULL, indicating no elements */ diff --git a/src/core/channel/noop_filter.c b/src/core/channel/noop_filter.c index 6f854a2b87..b6b3f661f7 100644 --- a/src/core/channel/noop_filter.c +++ b/src/core/channel/noop_filter.c @@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_no_op_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f088818b9a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#ifndef __GRPC_INTERNAL_IOMGR_POLLSET_KICK_H_ +#define __GRPC_INTERNAL_IOMGR_POLLSET_KICK_H_ + +#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h> + +/* This is an abstraction around the typical pipe mechanism for waking up a + thread sitting in a poll() style call. */ + +#ifdef GPR_POSIX_SOCKET +#include "src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.h" +#else +#error "No pollset kick support on platform" +#endif + +void grpc_pollset_kick_global_init(void); +void grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy(void); + +void grpc_pollset_kick_init(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state); +void grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state); + +/* Must be called before entering poll(). If return value is -1, this consumed + an existing kick. Otherwise the return value is an FD to add to the poll set. + */ +int grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state); + +/* Consume an existing kick. Must be called after poll returns that the fd was + readable, and before calling kick_post_poll. */ +void grpc_pollset_kick_consume(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state); + +/* Must be called after pre_poll, and after consume if applicable */ +void grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state); + +void grpc_pollset_kick_kick(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state); + +#endif /* __GRPC_INTERNAL_IOMGR_POLLSET_KICK_H_ */ diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d16e49e459 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include "src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.h" + +#include <errno.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <unistd.h> + +#include "src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.h" +#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> +#include <grpc/support/log.h> + +/* This implementation is based on a freelist of pipes. */ + +typedef struct grpc_kick_pipe_info { + int pipe_read_fd; + int pipe_write_fd; + struct grpc_kick_pipe_info *next; +} grpc_kick_pipe_info; + +static grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_freelist = NULL; +static gpr_mu pipe_freelist_mu; + +static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe() { + grpc_kick_pipe_info *info; + gpr_mu_lock(&pipe_freelist_mu); + if (pipe_freelist != NULL) { + info = pipe_freelist; + pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next; + } else { + int pipefd[2]; + /* TODO(klempner): Make this nonfatal */ + GPR_ASSERT(0 == pipe(pipefd)); + GPR_ASSERT(grpc_set_socket_nonblocking(pipefd[0], 1)); + GPR_ASSERT(grpc_set_socket_nonblocking(pipefd[1], 1)); + info = gpr_malloc(sizeof(*info)); + info->pipe_read_fd = pipefd[0]; + info->pipe_write_fd = pipefd[1]; + info->next = NULL; + } + gpr_mu_unlock(&pipe_freelist_mu); + return info; +} + +static void free_pipe(grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_info) { + /* TODO(klempner): Start closing pipes if the free list gets too large */ + gpr_mu_lock(&pipe_freelist_mu); + pipe_info->next = pipe_freelist; + pipe_freelist = pipe_info; + gpr_mu_unlock(&pipe_freelist_mu); +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_global_init() { + pipe_freelist = NULL; + gpr_mu_init(&pipe_freelist_mu); +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy() { + while (pipe_freelist != NULL) { + grpc_kick_pipe_info *current = pipe_freelist; + pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next; + close(current->pipe_read_fd); + close(current->pipe_write_fd); + gpr_free(current); + } + gpr_mu_destroy(&pipe_freelist_mu); +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_init(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state) { + gpr_mu_init(&kick_state->mu); + kick_state->kicked = 0; + kick_state->pipe_info = NULL; +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state) { + gpr_mu_destroy(&kick_state->mu); + GPR_ASSERT(kick_state->pipe_info == NULL); +} + +int grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state) { + gpr_mu_lock(&kick_state->mu); + if (kick_state->kicked) { + kick_state->kicked = 0; + gpr_mu_unlock(&kick_state->mu); + return -1; + } + kick_state->pipe_info = allocate_pipe(); + gpr_mu_unlock(&kick_state->mu); + return kick_state->pipe_info->pipe_read_fd; +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_consume(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state) { + char buf[128]; + int r; + + for (;;) { + r = read(kick_state->pipe_info->pipe_read_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); + if (r > 0) continue; + if (r == 0) return; + switch (errno) { + case EAGAIN: + return; + case EINTR: + continue; + default: + gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "error reading pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); + return; + } + } +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state) { + gpr_mu_lock(&kick_state->mu); + free_pipe(kick_state->pipe_info); + kick_state->pipe_info = NULL; + gpr_mu_unlock(&kick_state->mu); +} + +void grpc_pollset_kick_kick(grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state) { + gpr_mu_lock(&kick_state->mu); + if (kick_state->pipe_info != NULL) { + char c = 0; + while (write(kick_state->pipe_info->pipe_write_fd, &c, 1) != 1 && + errno == EINTR) + ; + } else { + kick_state->kicked = 1; + } + gpr_mu_unlock(&kick_state->mu); +} diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.h b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bae3b5923a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.h @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#ifndef __GRPC_INTERNAL_IOMGR_POLLSET_KICK_POSIX_H_ +#define __GRPC_INTERNAL_IOMGR_POLLSET_KICK_POSIX_H_ + +#include <grpc/support/sync.h> + +struct grpc_kick_pipe_info; + +typedef struct grpc_pollset_kick_state { + gpr_mu mu; + int kicked; + struct grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_info; +} grpc_pollset_kick_state; + +#endif /* __GRPC_INTERNAL_IOMGR_POLLSET_KICK_POSIX_H_ */ diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c index e482da94f7..7c9a9491cb 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c @@ -131,7 +131,11 @@ static int multipoll_with_poll_pollset_maybe_work( } nf = 0; np = 1; - h->pfds[0].fd = grpc_kick_read_fd(pollset); + h->pfds[0].fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&pollset->kick_state); + if (h->pfds[0].fd < 0) { + /* Already kicked */ + return 1; + } h->pfds[0].events = POLLIN; h->pfds[0].revents = POLLOUT; for (i = 0; i < h->fd_count; i++) { @@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ static int multipoll_with_poll_pollset_maybe_work( /* do nothing */ } else { if (h->pfds[0].revents & POLLIN) { - grpc_kick_drain(pollset); + grpc_pollset_kick_consume(&pollset->kick_state); } for (i = 1; i < np; i++) { if (h->pfds[i].revents & POLLIN) { @@ -184,6 +188,7 @@ static int multipoll_with_poll_pollset_maybe_work( } } } + grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(&pollset->kick_state); end_polling(pollset); gpr_mu_lock(&pollset->mu); diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c index 6f1b3ced7d..2555322532 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c @@ -48,18 +48,6 @@ #include <grpc/support/thd.h> #include <grpc/support/useful.h> -/* kick pipes: we keep a sharded set of pipes to allow breaking from poll. - Ideally this would be 1:1 with pollsets, but we'd like to avoid associating - full kernel objects with each pollset to keep them lightweight, so instead - keep a sharded set and allow associating a pollset with one of the shards. - - TODO(ctiller): move this out from this file, and allow an eventfd - implementation on linux */ - -#define LOG2_KICK_SHARDS 6 -#define KICK_SHARDS (1 << LOG2_KICK_SHARDS) - -static int g_kick_pipes[KICK_SHARDS][2]; static grpc_pollset g_backup_pollset; static int g_shutdown_backup_poller; static gpr_event g_backup_poller_done; @@ -82,65 +70,22 @@ static void backup_poller(void *p) { gpr_event_set(&g_backup_poller_done, (void *)1); } -static size_t kick_shard(const grpc_pollset *info) { - size_t x = (size_t)info; - return ((x >> 4) ^ (x >> 9) ^ (x >> 14)) & (KICK_SHARDS - 1); -} - -int grpc_kick_read_fd(grpc_pollset *p) { - return g_kick_pipes[kick_shard(p)][0]; -} - -static int grpc_kick_write_fd(grpc_pollset *p) { - return g_kick_pipes[kick_shard(p)][1]; -} - -void grpc_pollset_force_kick(grpc_pollset *p) { - char c = 0; - while (write(grpc_kick_write_fd(p), &c, 1) != 1 && errno == EINTR) - ; -} - void grpc_pollset_kick(grpc_pollset *p) { if (!p->counter) return; - grpc_pollset_force_kick(p); + grpc_pollset_kick_kick(&p->kick_state); } -void grpc_kick_drain(grpc_pollset *p) { - int fd = grpc_kick_read_fd(p); - char buf[128]; - int r; - - for (;;) { - r = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); - if (r > 0) continue; - if (r == 0) return; - switch (errno) { - case EAGAIN: - return; - case EINTR: - continue; - default: - gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "error reading pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); - return; - } - } -} +void grpc_pollset_force_kick(grpc_pollset *p) { grpc_pollset_kick(p); } /* global state management */ grpc_pollset *grpc_backup_pollset(void) { return &g_backup_pollset; } void grpc_pollset_global_init(void) { - int i; gpr_thd_id id; - /* initialize the kick shards */ - for (i = 0; i < KICK_SHARDS; i++) { - GPR_ASSERT(0 == pipe(g_kick_pipes[i])); - GPR_ASSERT(grpc_set_socket_nonblocking(g_kick_pipes[i][0], 1)); - GPR_ASSERT(grpc_set_socket_nonblocking(g_kick_pipes[i][1], 1)); - } + /* Initialize kick fd state */ + grpc_pollset_kick_global_init(); /* initialize the backup pollset */ grpc_pollset_init(&g_backup_pollset); @@ -152,8 +97,6 @@ void grpc_pollset_global_init(void) { } void grpc_pollset_global_shutdown(void) { - int i; - /* terminate the backup poller thread */ gpr_mu_lock(&g_backup_pollset.mu); g_shutdown_backup_poller = 1; @@ -163,11 +106,8 @@ void grpc_pollset_global_shutdown(void) { /* destroy the backup pollset */ grpc_pollset_destroy(&g_backup_pollset); - /* destroy the kick shards */ - for (i = 0; i < KICK_SHARDS; i++) { - close(g_kick_pipes[i][0]); - close(g_kick_pipes[i][1]); - } + /* destroy the kick pipes */ + grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy(); } /* main interface */ @@ -178,6 +118,7 @@ static void become_unary_pollset(grpc_pollset *pollset, grpc_fd *fd); void grpc_pollset_init(grpc_pollset *pollset) { gpr_mu_init(&pollset->mu); gpr_cv_init(&pollset->cv); + grpc_pollset_kick_init(&pollset->kick_state); become_empty_pollset(pollset); } @@ -213,6 +154,7 @@ int grpc_pollset_work(grpc_pollset *pollset, gpr_timespec deadline) { void grpc_pollset_destroy(grpc_pollset *pollset) { pollset->vtable->destroy(pollset); + grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&pollset->kick_state); gpr_mu_destroy(&pollset->mu); gpr_cv_destroy(&pollset->cv); } @@ -290,7 +232,11 @@ static int unary_poll_pollset_maybe_work(grpc_pollset *pollset, return 1; } } - pfd[0].fd = grpc_kick_read_fd(pollset); + pfd[0].fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&pollset->kick_state); + if (pfd[0].fd < 0) { + /* Already kicked */ + return 1; + } pfd[0].events = POLLIN; pfd[0].revents = 0; pfd[1].fd = fd->fd; @@ -308,7 +254,7 @@ static int unary_poll_pollset_maybe_work(grpc_pollset *pollset, /* do nothing */ } else { if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN) { - grpc_kick_drain(pollset); + grpc_pollset_kick_consume(&pollset->kick_state); } if (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN) { grpc_fd_become_readable(fd, allow_synchronous_callback); @@ -318,6 +264,8 @@ static int unary_poll_pollset_maybe_work(grpc_pollset *pollset, } } + grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(&pollset->kick_state); + gpr_mu_lock(&pollset->mu); grpc_fd_end_poll(fd, pollset); pollset->counter = 0; diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.h b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.h index 32a8f533ae..f62433707e 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.h +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.h @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ #include <grpc/support/sync.h> +#include "src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h" + typedef struct grpc_pollset_vtable grpc_pollset_vtable; /* forward declare only in this file to avoid leaking impl details via @@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ typedef struct grpc_pollset { const grpc_pollset_vtable *vtable; gpr_mu mu; gpr_cv cv; + grpc_pollset_kick_state kick_state; int counter; union { int fd; diff --git a/src/core/security/auth.c b/src/core/security/auth.c index e36bf2382f..f743b25838 100644 --- a/src/core/security/auth.c +++ b/src/core/security/auth.c @@ -157,5 +157,6 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_client_auth_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, - sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, "auth"}; + call_op, channel_op, sizeof(call_data), + init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), + init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, "auth"}; diff --git a/src/core/security/security_context.c b/src/core/security/security_context.c index 421b81fd36..3a70f44a0a 100644 --- a/src/core/security/security_context.c +++ b/src/core/security/security_context.c @@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ grpc_security_status grpc_ssl_server_security_context_create( (const unsigned char **)&config->pem_private_key, &config->pem_private_key_size, (const unsigned char **)&config->pem_cert_chain, - &config->pem_cert_chain_size, 1, - config->pem_root_certs, config->pem_root_certs_size, - GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, alpn_protocol_strings, - alpn_protocol_string_lengths, num_alpn_protocols, &c->handshaker_factory); + &config->pem_cert_chain_size, 1, config->pem_root_certs, + config->pem_root_certs_size, GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, + alpn_protocol_strings, alpn_protocol_string_lengths, num_alpn_protocols, + &c->handshaker_factory); if (result != TSI_OK) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Handshaker factory creation failed with %s.", tsi_result_to_string(result)); diff --git a/src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c b/src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c index 2db3054a0d..39094b5f65 100644 --- a/src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c +++ b/src/core/statistics/census_rpc_stats.c @@ -85,8 +85,9 @@ static void delete_key(void* key) { gpr_free(key); } static const census_ht_option ht_opt = { CENSUS_HT_POINTER /* key type */, 1999 /* n_of_buckets */, - simple_hash /* hash function */, cmp_str_keys /* key comparator */, - delete_stats /* data deleter */, delete_key /* key deleter */}; + simple_hash /* hash function */, cmp_str_keys /* key comparator */, + delete_stats /* data deleter */, delete_key /* key deleter */ +}; static void init_rpc_stats(void* stats) { memset(stats, 0, sizeof(census_rpc_stats)); diff --git a/src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c b/src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c index 8c7cf11642..1e61602071 100644 --- a/src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c +++ b/src/core/statistics/census_tracing.c @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ static void delete_trace_obj(void* obj) { trace_obj_destroy((trace_obj*)obj); } static const census_ht_option ht_opt = { CENSUS_HT_UINT64 /* key type*/, 571 /* n_of_buckets */, NULL /* hash */, NULL /* compare_keys */, delete_trace_obj /* delete data */, - NULL /* delete key */}; + NULL /* delete key */ +}; static gpr_once g_init_mutex_once = GPR_ONCE_INIT; static gpr_mu g_mu; /* Guards following two static variables. */ diff --git a/src/core/support/murmur_hash.c b/src/core/support/murmur_hash.c index 5d30263e52..08b1eb80d8 100644 --- a/src/core/support/murmur_hash.c +++ b/src/core/support/murmur_hash.c @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ handle aligned reads, do the conversion here */ #define GETBLOCK32(p, i) (p)[(i)] -gpr_uint32 gpr_murmur_hash3(const void* key, size_t len, gpr_uint32 seed) { - const gpr_uint8* data = (const gpr_uint8*)key; +gpr_uint32 gpr_murmur_hash3(const void *key, size_t len, gpr_uint32 seed) { + const gpr_uint8 *data = (const gpr_uint8 *)key; const int nblocks = len / 4; int i; @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ gpr_uint32 gpr_murmur_hash3(const void* key, size_t len, gpr_uint32 seed) { const gpr_uint32 c1 = 0xcc9e2d51; const gpr_uint32 c2 = 0x1b873593; - const gpr_uint32* blocks = (const uint32_t*)(data + nblocks * 4); - const uint8_t* tail = (const uint8_t*)(data + nblocks * 4); + const gpr_uint32 *blocks = (const uint32_t *)(data + nblocks * 4); + const uint8_t *tail = (const uint8_t *)(data + nblocks * 4); /* body */ for (i = -nblocks; i; i++) { diff --git a/src/core/surface/call.c b/src/core/surface/call.c index 26bfa02ad1..46502fb6b1 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/call.c +++ b/src/core/surface/call.c @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ struct grpc_call { gpr_refcount internal_refcount; }; -#define CALL_STACK_FROM_CALL(call) ((grpc_call_stack *)((call) + 1)) +#define CALL_STACK_FROM_CALL(call) ((grpc_call_stack *)((call)+1)) #define CALL_FROM_CALL_STACK(call_stack) (((grpc_call *)(call_stack)) - 1) #define CALL_ELEM_FROM_CALL(call, idx) \ grpc_call_stack_element(CALL_STACK_FROM_CALL(call), idx) @@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ static gpr_uint32 decode_status(grpc_mdelem *md) { gpr_uint32 status; void *user_data = grpc_mdelem_get_user_data(md, destroy_status); if (user_data) { - status = ((gpr_uint32)(gpr_intptr)user_data) - STATUS_OFFSET; + status = ((gpr_uint32)(gpr_intptr) user_data) - STATUS_OFFSET; } else { if (!gpr_parse_bytes_to_uint32(grpc_mdstr_as_c_string(md->value), GPR_SLICE_LENGTH(md->value->slice), diff --git a/src/core/surface/channel.c b/src/core/surface/channel.c index a1bcea58dd..8ef13675fe 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/channel.c +++ b/src/core/surface/channel.c @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct grpc_channel { grpc_mdstr *authority_string; }; -#define CHANNEL_STACK_FROM_CHANNEL(c) ((grpc_channel_stack *)((c) + 1)) +#define CHANNEL_STACK_FROM_CHANNEL(c) ((grpc_channel_stack *)((c)+1)) grpc_channel *grpc_channel_create_from_filters( const grpc_channel_filter **filters, size_t num_filters, diff --git a/src/core/surface/client.c b/src/core/surface/client.c index 524b0718a9..74c79bdf9b 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/client.c +++ b/src/core/surface/client.c @@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ static void init_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem, static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) {} const grpc_channel_filter grpc_client_surface_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/surface/completion_queue.c b/src/core/surface/completion_queue.c index 0f09933fc0..652f23e888 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/completion_queue.c +++ b/src/core/surface/completion_queue.c @@ -155,6 +155,13 @@ static void end_op_locked(grpc_completion_queue *cc, } } +void grpc_cq_end_server_shutdown(grpc_completion_queue *cc, void *tag) { + gpr_mu_lock(GRPC_POLLSET_MU(&cc->pollset)); + add_locked(cc, GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN, tag, NULL, NULL, NULL); + end_op_locked(cc, GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN); + gpr_mu_unlock(GRPC_POLLSET_MU(&cc->pollset)); +} + void grpc_cq_end_read(grpc_completion_queue *cc, void *tag, grpc_call *call, grpc_event_finish_func on_finish, void *user_data, grpc_byte_buffer *read) { diff --git a/src/core/surface/completion_queue.h b/src/core/surface/completion_queue.h index 5e45749396..85984075f7 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/completion_queue.h +++ b/src/core/surface/completion_queue.h @@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ void grpc_cq_end_new_rpc(grpc_completion_queue *cc, void *tag, grpc_call *call, gpr_timespec deadline, size_t metadata_count, grpc_metadata *metadata_elements); +void grpc_cq_end_server_shutdown(grpc_completion_queue *cc, void *tag); + /* disable polling for some tests */ void grpc_completion_queue_dont_poll_test_only(grpc_completion_queue *cc); diff --git a/src/core/surface/event_string.c b/src/core/surface/event_string.c index 8bd8049520..8ae2af7472 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/event_string.c +++ b/src/core/surface/event_string.c @@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ char *grpc_event_string(grpc_event *ev) { if (ev == NULL) return gpr_strdup("null"); switch (ev->type) { + case GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN: + p += sprintf(p, "SERVER_SHUTDOWN"); + break; case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: p += sprintf(p, "QUEUE_SHUTDOWN"); break; diff --git a/src/core/surface/lame_client.c b/src/core/surface/lame_client.c index 5fa3e42362..a5244dbe61 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/lame_client.c +++ b/src/core/surface/lame_client.c @@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } static const grpc_channel_filter lame_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, diff --git a/src/core/surface/server.c b/src/core/surface/server.c index 167bfe97d1..cbdd3bfa30 100644 --- a/src/core/surface/server.c +++ b/src/core/surface/server.c @@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ struct grpc_server { size_t tag_cap; gpr_uint8 shutdown; + gpr_uint8 have_shutdown_tag; + void *shutdown_tag; call_data *lists[CALL_LIST_COUNT]; channel_data root_channel_data; @@ -375,6 +377,10 @@ static void destroy_call_elem(grpc_call_element *elem) { for (i = 0; i < CALL_LIST_COUNT; i++) { call_list_remove(chand->server, elem->call_data, i); } + if (chand->server->shutdown && chand->server->have_shutdown_tag && + chand->server->lists[ALL_CALLS] == NULL) { + grpc_cq_end_server_shutdown(chand->server->cq, chand->server->shutdown_tag); + } gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->server->mu); server_unref(chand->server); @@ -405,9 +411,9 @@ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { } static const grpc_channel_filter server_surface_filter = { - call_op, channel_op, + call_op, channel_op, - sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, + sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, @@ -513,7 +519,8 @@ grpc_transport_setup_result grpc_server_setup_transport( grpc_channel_get_channel_stack(channel), transport); } -void grpc_server_shutdown(grpc_server *server) { +void shutdown_internal(grpc_server *server, gpr_uint8 have_shutdown_tag, + void *shutdown_tag) { listener *l; void **tags; size_t ntags; @@ -551,6 +558,14 @@ void grpc_server_shutdown(grpc_server *server) { server->ntags = 0; server->shutdown = 1; + server->have_shutdown_tag = have_shutdown_tag; + server->shutdown_tag = shutdown_tag; + if (have_shutdown_tag) { + grpc_cq_begin_op(server->cq, NULL, GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN); + if (server->lists[ALL_CALLS] == NULL) { + grpc_cq_end_server_shutdown(server->cq, shutdown_tag); + } + } gpr_mu_unlock(&server->mu); for (i = 0; i < nchannels; i++) { @@ -583,6 +598,14 @@ void grpc_server_shutdown(grpc_server *server) { } } +void grpc_server_shutdown(grpc_server *server) { + shutdown_internal(server, 0, NULL); +} + +void grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(grpc_server *server, void *tag) { + shutdown_internal(server, 1, tag); +} + void grpc_server_destroy(grpc_server *server) { channel_data *c; gpr_mu_lock(&server->mu); diff --git a/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c b/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c index ae8bfa8009..8f2ebecfeb 100644 --- a/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c +++ b/src/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table.c @@ -43,68 +43,68 @@ static struct { const char *key; const char *value; } static_table[] = { - /* 0: */ {NULL, NULL}, - /* 1: */ {":authority", ""}, - /* 2: */ {":method", "GET"}, - /* 3: */ {":method", "POST"}, - /* 4: */ {":path", "/"}, - /* 5: */ {":path", "/index.html"}, - /* 6: */ {":scheme", "http"}, - /* 7: */ {":scheme", "https"}, - /* 8: */ {":status", "200"}, - /* 9: */ {":status", "204"}, - /* 10: */ {":status", "206"}, - /* 11: */ {":status", "304"}, - /* 12: */ {":status", "400"}, - /* 13: */ {":status", "404"}, - /* 14: */ {":status", "500"}, - /* 15: */ {"accept-charset", ""}, - /* 16: */ {"accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate"}, - /* 17: */ {"accept-language", ""}, - /* 18: */ {"accept-ranges", ""}, - /* 19: */ {"accept", ""}, - /* 20: */ {"access-control-allow-origin", ""}, - /* 21: */ {"age", ""}, - /* 22: */ {"allow", ""}, - /* 23: */ {"authorization", ""}, - /* 24: */ {"cache-control", ""}, - /* 25: */ {"content-disposition", ""}, - /* 26: */ {"content-encoding", ""}, - /* 27: */ {"content-language", ""}, - /* 28: */ {"content-length", ""}, - /* 29: */ {"content-location", ""}, - /* 30: */ {"content-range", ""}, - /* 31: */ {"content-type", ""}, - /* 32: */ {"cookie", ""}, - /* 33: */ {"date", ""}, - /* 34: */ {"etag", ""}, - /* 35: */ {"expect", ""}, - /* 36: */ {"expires", ""}, - /* 37: */ {"from", ""}, - /* 38: */ {"host", ""}, - /* 39: */ {"if-match", ""}, - /* 40: */ {"if-modified-since", ""}, - /* 41: */ {"if-none-match", ""}, - /* 42: */ {"if-range", ""}, - /* 43: */ {"if-unmodified-since", ""}, - /* 44: */ {"last-modified", ""}, - /* 45: */ {"link", ""}, - /* 46: */ {"location", ""}, - /* 47: */ {"max-forwards", ""}, - /* 48: */ {"proxy-authenticate", ""}, - /* 49: */ {"proxy-authorization", ""}, - /* 50: */ {"range", ""}, - /* 51: */ {"referer", ""}, - /* 52: */ {"refresh", ""}, - /* 53: */ {"retry-after", ""}, - /* 54: */ {"server", ""}, - /* 55: */ {"set-cookie", ""}, - /* 56: */ {"strict-transport-security", ""}, - /* 57: */ {"transfer-encoding", ""}, - /* 58: */ {"user-agent", ""}, - /* 59: */ {"vary", ""}, - /* 60: */ {"via", ""}, - /* 61: */ {"www-authenticate", ""}, + /* 0: */ {NULL, NULL}, + /* 1: */ {":authority", ""}, + /* 2: */ {":method", "GET"}, + /* 3: */ {":method", "POST"}, + /* 4: */ {":path", "/"}, + /* 5: */ {":path", "/index.html"}, + /* 6: */ {":scheme", "http"}, + /* 7: */ {":scheme", "https"}, + /* 8: */ {":status", "200"}, + /* 9: */ {":status", "204"}, + /* 10: */ {":status", "206"}, + /* 11: */ {":status", "304"}, + /* 12: */ {":status", "400"}, + /* 13: */ {":status", "404"}, + /* 14: */ {":status", "500"}, + /* 15: */ {"accept-charset", ""}, + /* 16: */ {"accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate"}, + /* 17: */ {"accept-language", ""}, + /* 18: */ {"accept-ranges", ""}, + /* 19: */ {"accept", ""}, + /* 20: */ {"access-control-allow-origin", ""}, + /* 21: */ {"age", ""}, + /* 22: */ {"allow", ""}, + /* 23: */ {"authorization", ""}, + /* 24: */ {"cache-control", ""}, + /* 25: */ {"content-disposition", ""}, + /* 26: */ {"content-encoding", ""}, + /* 27: */ {"content-language", ""}, + /* 28: */ {"content-length", ""}, + /* 29: */ {"content-location", ""}, + /* 30: */ {"content-range", ""}, + /* 31: */ {"content-type", ""}, + /* 32: */ {"cookie", ""}, + /* 33: */ {"date", ""}, + /* 34: */ {"etag", ""}, + /* 35: */ {"expect", ""}, + /* 36: */ {"expires", ""}, + /* 37: */ {"from", ""}, + /* 38: */ {"host", ""}, + /* 39: */ {"if-match", ""}, + /* 40: */ {"if-modified-since", ""}, + /* 41: */ {"if-none-match", ""}, + /* 42: */ {"if-range", ""}, + /* 43: */ {"if-unmodified-since", ""}, + /* 44: */ {"last-modified", ""}, + /* 45: */ {"link", ""}, + /* 46: */ {"location", ""}, + /* 47: */ {"max-forwards", ""}, + /* 48: */ {"proxy-authenticate", ""}, + /* 49: */ {"proxy-authorization", ""}, + /* 50: */ {"range", ""}, + /* 51: */ {"referer", ""}, + /* 52: */ {"refresh", ""}, + /* 53: */ {"retry-after", ""}, + /* 54: */ {"server", ""}, + /* 55: */ {"set-cookie", ""}, + /* 56: */ {"strict-transport-security", ""}, + /* 57: */ {"transfer-encoding", ""}, + /* 58: */ {"user-agent", ""}, + /* 59: */ {"vary", ""}, + /* 60: */ {"via", ""}, + /* 61: */ {"www-authenticate", ""}, }; void grpc_chttp2_hptbl_init(grpc_chttp2_hptbl *tbl, grpc_mdctx *mdctx) { diff --git a/src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.h b/src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.h index 940df00a99..55f92af3d6 100644 --- a/src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.h +++ b/src/core/transport/chttp2/varint.h @@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ void grpc_chttp2_hpack_write_varint_tail(gpr_uint32 tail_value, : grpc_chttp2_hpack_varint_length( \ (n)-GRPC_CHTTP2_MAX_IN_PREFIX(prefix_bits))) -#define GRPC_CHTTP2_WRITE_VARINT(n, prefix_bits, prefix_or, target, length) \ - do { \ - gpr_uint8* tgt = target; \ - if ((length) == 1) { \ - (tgt)[0] = (prefix_or) | (n); \ - } else { \ - (tgt)[0] = (prefix_or) | GRPC_CHTTP2_MAX_IN_PREFIX(prefix_bits); \ - grpc_chttp2_hpack_write_varint_tail( \ - (n)-GRPC_CHTTP2_MAX_IN_PREFIX(prefix_bits), (tgt) + 1, (length)-1); \ - } \ +#define GRPC_CHTTP2_WRITE_VARINT(n, prefix_bits, prefix_or, target, length) \ + do { \ + gpr_uint8* tgt = target; \ + if ((length) == 1) { \ + (tgt)[0] = (prefix_or) | (n); \ + } else { \ + (tgt)[0] = (prefix_or) | GRPC_CHTTP2_MAX_IN_PREFIX(prefix_bits); \ + grpc_chttp2_hpack_write_varint_tail( \ + (n)-GRPC_CHTTP2_MAX_IN_PREFIX(prefix_bits), (tgt)+1, (length)-1); \ + } \ } while (0) #endif /* __GRPC_INTERNAL_TRANSPORT_CHTTP2_VARINT_H__ */ diff --git a/src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c b/src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c index 1b90d4715b..e61afb71ae 100644 --- a/src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c +++ b/src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ static int init_stream(grpc_transport *gt, grpc_stream *gs, lock(t); s->id = 0; } else { - s->id = (gpr_uint32)(gpr_uintptr)server_data; + s->id = (gpr_uint32)(gpr_uintptr) server_data; t->incoming_stream = s; grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&t->stream_map, s->id, s); } @@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ static int init_header_frame_parser(transport *t, int is_continuation) { t->incoming_stream = NULL; /* if stream is accepted, we set incoming_stream in init_stream */ t->cb->accept_stream(t->cb_user_data, &t->base, - (void *)(gpr_uintptr)t->incoming_stream_id); + (void *)(gpr_uintptr) t->incoming_stream_id); s = t->incoming_stream; if (!s) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "stream not accepted"); @@ -1503,8 +1503,9 @@ static int process_read(transport *t, gpr_slice slice) { "Connect string mismatch: expected '%c' (%d) got '%c' (%d) " "at byte %d", CLIENT_CONNECT_STRING[t->deframe_state], - (int)(gpr_uint8)CLIENT_CONNECT_STRING[t->deframe_state], *cur, - (int)*cur, t->deframe_state); + (int)(gpr_uint8) CLIENT_CONNECT_STRING[t->deframe_state], + *cur, (int)*cur, t->deframe_state); + drop_connection(t); return 0; } ++cur; @@ -1737,9 +1738,9 @@ static void add_to_pollset(grpc_transport *gt, grpc_pollset *pollset) { */ static const grpc_transport_vtable vtable = { - sizeof(stream), init_stream, send_batch, set_allow_window_updates, - add_to_pollset, destroy_stream, abort_stream, goaway, close_transport, - send_ping, destroy_transport}; + sizeof(stream), init_stream, send_batch, set_allow_window_updates, + add_to_pollset, destroy_stream, abort_stream, goaway, + close_transport, send_ping, destroy_transport}; void grpc_create_chttp2_transport(grpc_transport_setup_callback setup, void *arg, diff --git a/src/core/tsi/fake_transport_security.c b/src/core/tsi/fake_transport_security.c index 446329215f..756b2173ec 100644 --- a/src/core/tsi/fake_transport_security.c +++ b/src/core/tsi/fake_transport_security.c @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ static void store32_little_endian(gpr_uint32 value, unsigned char* buf) { buf[3] = (unsigned char)(value >> 24) & 0xFF; buf[2] = (unsigned char)(value >> 16) & 0xFF; buf[1] = (unsigned char)(value >> 8) & 0xFF; - buf[0] = (unsigned char)(value)&0xFF; + buf[0] = (unsigned char)(value) & 0xFF; } static void tsi_fake_frame_reset(tsi_fake_frame* frame, int needs_draining) { @@ -230,10 +230,11 @@ static void tsi_fake_frame_destruct(tsi_fake_frame* frame) { /* --- tsi_frame_protector methods implementation. ---*/ -static tsi_result fake_protector_protect( - tsi_frame_protector* self, const unsigned char* unprotected_bytes, - size_t* unprotected_bytes_size, unsigned char* protected_output_frames, - size_t* protected_output_frames_size) { +static tsi_result fake_protector_protect(tsi_frame_protector* self, + const unsigned char* unprotected_bytes, + size_t* unprotected_bytes_size, + unsigned char* protected_output_frames, + size_t* protected_output_frames_size) { tsi_result result = TSI_OK; tsi_fake_frame_protector* impl = (tsi_fake_frame_protector*)self; unsigned char frame_header[TSI_FAKE_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE]; @@ -480,8 +481,10 @@ static void fake_handshaker_destroy(tsi_handshaker* self) { static const tsi_handshaker_vtable handshaker_vtable = { fake_handshaker_get_bytes_to_send_to_peer, - fake_handshaker_process_bytes_from_peer, fake_handshaker_get_result, - fake_handshaker_extract_peer, fake_handshaker_create_frame_protector, + fake_handshaker_process_bytes_from_peer, + fake_handshaker_get_result, + fake_handshaker_extract_peer, + fake_handshaker_create_frame_protector, fake_handshaker_destroy, }; diff --git a/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.c b/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.c index 02af080a31..1159254a8c 100644 --- a/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.c +++ b/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.c @@ -573,10 +573,11 @@ static tsi_result build_alpn_protocol_name_list( /* --- tsi_frame_protector methods implementation. ---*/ -static tsi_result ssl_protector_protect( - tsi_frame_protector* self, const unsigned char* unprotected_bytes, - size_t* unprotected_bytes_size, unsigned char* protected_output_frames, - size_t* protected_output_frames_size) { +static tsi_result ssl_protector_protect(tsi_frame_protector* self, + const unsigned char* unprotected_bytes, + size_t* unprotected_bytes_size, + unsigned char* protected_output_frames, + size_t* protected_output_frames_size) { tsi_ssl_frame_protector* impl = (tsi_ssl_frame_protector*)self; int read_from_ssl; size_t available; @@ -707,8 +708,9 @@ static const tsi_frame_protector_vtable frame_protector_vtable = { /* --- tsi_handshaker methods implementation. ---*/ -static tsi_result ssl_handshaker_get_bytes_to_send_to_peer( - tsi_handshaker* self, unsigned char* bytes, size_t* bytes_size) { +static tsi_result ssl_handshaker_get_bytes_to_send_to_peer(tsi_handshaker* self, + unsigned char* bytes, + size_t* bytes_size) { tsi_ssl_handshaker* impl = (tsi_ssl_handshaker*)self; int bytes_read_from_ssl = 0; if (bytes == NULL || bytes_size == NULL || *bytes_size == 0 || @@ -871,8 +873,10 @@ static void ssl_handshaker_destroy(tsi_handshaker* self) { static const tsi_handshaker_vtable handshaker_vtable = { ssl_handshaker_get_bytes_to_send_to_peer, - ssl_handshaker_process_bytes_from_peer, ssl_handshaker_get_result, - ssl_handshaker_extract_peer, ssl_handshaker_create_frame_protector, + ssl_handshaker_process_bytes_from_peer, + ssl_handshaker_get_result, + ssl_handshaker_extract_peer, + ssl_handshaker_create_frame_protector, ssl_handshaker_destroy, }; @@ -1157,8 +1161,7 @@ tsi_result tsi_create_ssl_client_handshaker_factory( tsi_result tsi_create_ssl_server_handshaker_factory( const unsigned char** pem_private_keys, - const size_t* pem_private_keys_sizes, - const unsigned char** pem_cert_chains, + const size_t* pem_private_keys_sizes, const unsigned char** pem_cert_chains, const size_t* pem_cert_chains_sizes, size_t key_cert_pair_count, const unsigned char* pem_client_root_certs, size_t pem_client_root_certs_size, const char* cipher_list, diff --git a/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.h b/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.h index 9c839b9d3a..3a33deacac 100644 --- a/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.h +++ b/src/core/tsi/ssl_transport_security.h @@ -132,8 +132,7 @@ tsi_result tsi_create_ssl_client_handshaker_factory( where a parameter is invalid. */ tsi_result tsi_create_ssl_server_handshaker_factory( const unsigned char** pem_private_keys, - const size_t* pem_private_keys_sizes, - const unsigned char** pem_cert_chains, + const size_t* pem_private_keys_sizes, const unsigned char** pem_cert_chains, const size_t* pem_cert_chains_sizes, size_t key_cert_pair_count, const unsigned char* pem_client_root_certs, size_t pem_client_root_certs_size, const char* cipher_suites, diff --git a/src/cpp/client/channel.cc b/src/cpp/client/channel.cc index ddda8c22d6..a8919a10d9 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/channel.cc +++ b/src/cpp/client/channel.cc @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace grpc { -Channel::Channel(const grpc::string& target, const ChannelArguments& args) +Channel::Channel(const grpc::string &target, const ChannelArguments &args) : target_(target) { grpc_channel_args channel_args; args.SetChannelArgs(&channel_args); @@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ Channel::Channel(const grpc::string& target, const ChannelArguments& args) target_.c_str(), channel_args.num_args > 0 ? &channel_args : nullptr); } -Channel::Channel(const grpc::string& target, - const std::unique_ptr<Credentials>& creds, - const ChannelArguments& args) +Channel::Channel(const grpc::string &target, + const std::unique_ptr<Credentials> &creds, + const ChannelArguments &args) : target_(args.GetSslTargetNameOverride().empty() ? target : args.GetSslTargetNameOverride()) { grpc_channel_args channel_args; args.SetChannelArgs(&channel_args); - grpc_credentials* c_creds = creds ? creds->GetRawCreds() : nullptr; + grpc_credentials *c_creds = creds ? creds->GetRawCreds() : nullptr; c_channel_ = grpc_secure_channel_create( c_creds, target.c_str(), channel_args.num_args > 0 ? &channel_args : nullptr); @@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ Channel::~Channel() { grpc_channel_destroy(c_channel_); } namespace { // Pluck the finished event and set to status when it is not nullptr. -void GetFinalStatus(grpc_completion_queue* cq, void* finished_tag, - Status* status) { - grpc_event* ev = +void GetFinalStatus(grpc_completion_queue *cq, void *finished_tag, + Status *status) { + grpc_event *ev = grpc_completion_queue_pluck(cq, finished_tag, gpr_inf_future); if (status) { StatusCode error_code = static_cast<StatusCode>(ev->data.finished.status); @@ -94,23 +94,23 @@ void GetFinalStatus(grpc_completion_queue* cq, void* finished_tag, } // namespace // TODO(yangg) more error handling -Status Channel::StartBlockingRpc(const RpcMethod& method, - ClientContext* context, - const google::protobuf::Message& request, - google::protobuf::Message* result) { +Status Channel::StartBlockingRpc(const RpcMethod &method, + ClientContext *context, + const google::protobuf::Message &request, + google::protobuf::Message *result) { Status status; - grpc_call* call = grpc_channel_create_call( + grpc_call *call = grpc_channel_create_call( c_channel_, method.name(), target_.c_str(), context->RawDeadline()); context->set_call(call); - grpc_event* ev; - void* finished_tag = reinterpret_cast<char*>(call); - void* invoke_tag = reinterpret_cast<char*>(call) + 1; - void* metadata_read_tag = reinterpret_cast<char*>(call) + 2; - void* write_tag = reinterpret_cast<char*>(call) + 3; - void* halfclose_tag = reinterpret_cast<char*>(call) + 4; - void* read_tag = reinterpret_cast<char*>(call) + 5; + grpc_event *ev; + void *finished_tag = reinterpret_cast<char *>(call); + void *invoke_tag = reinterpret_cast<char *>(call) + 1; + void *metadata_read_tag = reinterpret_cast<char *>(call) + 2; + void *write_tag = reinterpret_cast<char *>(call) + 3; + void *halfclose_tag = reinterpret_cast<char *>(call) + 4; + void *read_tag = reinterpret_cast<char *>(call) + 5; - grpc_completion_queue* cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(); + grpc_completion_queue *cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(); context->set_cq(cq); // add_metadata from context // @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Status Channel::StartBlockingRpc(const RpcMethod& method, return status; } // write request - grpc_byte_buffer* write_buffer = nullptr; + grpc_byte_buffer *write_buffer = nullptr; success = SerializeProto(request, &write_buffer); if (!success) { grpc_call_cancel(call); @@ -172,14 +172,14 @@ Status Channel::StartBlockingRpc(const RpcMethod& method, return status; } -StreamContextInterface* Channel::CreateStream( - const RpcMethod& method, ClientContext* context, - const google::protobuf::Message* request, - google::protobuf::Message* result) { - grpc_call* call = grpc_channel_create_call( +StreamContextInterface *Channel::CreateStream( + const RpcMethod &method, ClientContext *context, + const google::protobuf::Message *request, + google::protobuf::Message *result) { + grpc_call *call = grpc_channel_create_call( c_channel_, method.name(), target_.c_str(), context->RawDeadline()); context->set_call(call); - grpc_completion_queue* cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(); + grpc_completion_queue *cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(); context->set_cq(cq); return new StreamContext(method, context, request, result); } diff --git a/src/cpp/client/channel.h b/src/cpp/client/channel.h index 8de1180ac2..67d18bf4c8 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/channel.h +++ b/src/cpp/client/channel.h @@ -48,24 +48,24 @@ class StreamContextInterface; class Channel : public ChannelInterface { public: - Channel(const grpc::string& target, const ChannelArguments& args); - Channel(const grpc::string& target, const std::unique_ptr<Credentials>& creds, - const ChannelArguments& args); + Channel(const grpc::string &target, const ChannelArguments &args); + Channel(const grpc::string &target, const std::unique_ptr<Credentials> &creds, + const ChannelArguments &args); ~Channel() override; - Status StartBlockingRpc(const RpcMethod& method, ClientContext* context, - const google::protobuf::Message& request, - google::protobuf::Message* result) override; + Status StartBlockingRpc(const RpcMethod &method, ClientContext *context, + const google::protobuf::Message &request, + google::protobuf::Message *result) override; - StreamContextInterface* CreateStream( - const RpcMethod& method, ClientContext* context, - const google::protobuf::Message* request, - google::protobuf::Message* result) override; + StreamContextInterface *CreateStream( + const RpcMethod &method, ClientContext *context, + const google::protobuf::Message *request, + google::protobuf::Message *result) override; private: const grpc::string target_; - grpc_channel* c_channel_; // owned + grpc_channel *c_channel_; // owned }; } // namespace grpc diff --git a/src/cpp/client/channel_arguments.cc b/src/cpp/client/channel_arguments.cc index eba9c1e76a..70713f015f 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/channel_arguments.cc +++ b/src/cpp/client/channel_arguments.cc @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace grpc { -void ChannelArguments::SetSslTargetNameOverride(const grpc::string& name) { +void ChannelArguments::SetSslTargetNameOverride(const grpc::string &name) { SetString(GRPC_SSL_TARGET_NAME_OVERRIDE_ARG, name); } @@ -50,32 +50,32 @@ grpc::string ChannelArguments::GetSslTargetNameOverride() const { return ""; } -void ChannelArguments::SetInt(const grpc::string& key, int value) { +void ChannelArguments::SetInt(const grpc::string &key, int value) { grpc_arg arg; arg.type = GRPC_ARG_INTEGER; strings_.push_back(key); - arg.key = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); + arg.key = const_cast<char *>(strings_.back().c_str()); arg.value.integer = value; args_.push_back(arg); } -void ChannelArguments::SetString(const grpc::string& key, - const grpc::string& value) { +void ChannelArguments::SetString(const grpc::string &key, + const grpc::string &value) { grpc_arg arg; arg.type = GRPC_ARG_STRING; strings_.push_back(key); - arg.key = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); + arg.key = const_cast<char *>(strings_.back().c_str()); strings_.push_back(value); - arg.value.string = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); + arg.value.string = const_cast<char *>(strings_.back().c_str()); args_.push_back(arg); } -void ChannelArguments::SetChannelArgs(grpc_channel_args* channel_args) const { +void ChannelArguments::SetChannelArgs(grpc_channel_args *channel_args) const { channel_args->num_args = args_.size(); if (channel_args->num_args > 0) { - channel_args->args = const_cast<grpc_arg*>(&args_[0]); + channel_args->args = const_cast<grpc_arg *>(&args_[0]); } } diff --git a/src/cpp/client/client_context.cc b/src/cpp/client/client_context.cc index 505b7d89b4..7bda2d07c3 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/client_context.cc +++ b/src/cpp/client/client_context.cc @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ ClientContext::~ClientContext() { if (cq_) { grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(cq_); // Drain cq_. - grpc_event* ev; + grpc_event *ev; grpc_completion_type t; do { ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq_, gpr_inf_future); @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ ClientContext::~ClientContext() { } void ClientContext::set_absolute_deadline( - const system_clock::time_point& deadline) { + const system_clock::time_point &deadline) { Timepoint2Timespec(deadline, &absolute_deadline_); } @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ system_clock::time_point ClientContext::absolute_deadline() { return Timespec2Timepoint(absolute_deadline_); } -void ClientContext::AddMetadata(const grpc::string& meta_key, - const grpc::string& meta_value) { +void ClientContext::AddMetadata(const grpc::string &meta_key, + const grpc::string &meta_value) { return; } diff --git a/src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc b/src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc index 1a88d7f2f1..9cc5cff214 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc +++ b/src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc @@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ namespace grpc { class ChannelArguments; -std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface> CreateChannel(const grpc::string& target, - const ChannelArguments& args) { +std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface> CreateChannel(const grpc::string &target, + const ChannelArguments &args) { return std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface>(new Channel(target, args)); } std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface> CreateChannel( - const grpc::string& target, const std::unique_ptr<Credentials>& creds, - const ChannelArguments& args) { + const grpc::string &target, const std::unique_ptr<Credentials> &creds, + const ChannelArguments &args) { return std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface>(new Channel(target, creds, args)); } } // namespace grpc diff --git a/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc b/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc index d81cf9f4d0..0955fa28ae 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc +++ b/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc @@ -40,37 +40,37 @@ namespace grpc { -Credentials::Credentials(grpc_credentials* c_creds) : creds_(c_creds) {} +Credentials::Credentials(grpc_credentials *c_creds) : creds_(c_creds) {} Credentials::~Credentials() { grpc_credentials_release(creds_); } -grpc_credentials* Credentials::GetRawCreds() { return creds_; } +grpc_credentials *Credentials::GetRawCreds() { return creds_; } std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::DefaultCredentials() { - grpc_credentials* c_creds = grpc_default_credentials_create(); + grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_default_credentials_create(); std::unique_ptr<Credentials> cpp_creds(new Credentials(c_creds)); return cpp_creds; } // Builds SSL Credentials given SSL specific options std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::SslCredentials( - const SslCredentialsOptions& options) { - const unsigned char* pem_root_certs = + const SslCredentialsOptions &options) { + const unsigned char *pem_root_certs = options.pem_root_certs.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( options.pem_root_certs.c_str()); if (pem_root_certs == nullptr) { return std::unique_ptr<Credentials>(); } - const unsigned char* pem_private_key = + const unsigned char *pem_private_key = options.pem_private_key.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( options.pem_private_key.c_str()); - const unsigned char* pem_cert_chain = + const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain = options.pem_cert_chain.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( options.pem_cert_chain.c_str()); - grpc_credentials* c_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( + grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( pem_root_certs, options.pem_root_certs.size(), pem_private_key, options.pem_private_key.size(), pem_cert_chain, options.pem_cert_chain.size()); @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::SslCredentials( // Builds credentials for use when running in GCE std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::ComputeEngineCredentials() { - grpc_credentials* c_creds = grpc_compute_engine_credentials_create(); + grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_compute_engine_credentials_create(); std::unique_ptr<Credentials> cpp_creds( c_creds == nullptr ? nullptr : new Credentials(c_creds)); return cpp_creds; @@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::ComputeEngineCredentials() { // Builds service account credentials. std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::ServiceAccountCredentials( - const grpc::string& json_key, const grpc::string& scope, + const grpc::string &json_key, const grpc::string &scope, std::chrono::seconds token_lifetime) { gpr_timespec lifetime = gpr_time_from_seconds( token_lifetime.count() > 0 ? token_lifetime.count() : 0); - grpc_credentials* c_creds = grpc_service_account_credentials_create( + grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_service_account_credentials_create( json_key.c_str(), scope.c_str(), lifetime); std::unique_ptr<Credentials> cpp_creds( c_creds == nullptr ? nullptr : new Credentials(c_creds)); @@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::ServiceAccountCredentials( // Builds IAM credentials. std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::IAMCredentials( - const grpc::string& authorization_token, - const grpc::string& authority_selector) { - grpc_credentials* c_creds = grpc_iam_credentials_create( + const grpc::string &authorization_token, + const grpc::string &authority_selector) { + grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_iam_credentials_create( authorization_token.c_str(), authority_selector.c_str()); std::unique_ptr<Credentials> cpp_creds( c_creds == nullptr ? nullptr : new Credentials(c_creds)); @@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::IAMCredentials( // Combines two credentials objects into a composite credentials. std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::ComposeCredentials( - const std::unique_ptr<Credentials>& creds1, - const std::unique_ptr<Credentials>& creds2) { + const std::unique_ptr<Credentials> &creds1, + const std::unique_ptr<Credentials> &creds2) { // Note that we are not saving unique_ptrs to the two credentials // passed in here. This is OK because the underlying C objects (i.e., // creds1 and creds2) into grpc_composite_credentials_create will see their // refcounts incremented. - grpc_credentials* c_creds = grpc_composite_credentials_create( + grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_composite_credentials_create( creds1->GetRawCreds(), creds2->GetRawCreds()); std::unique_ptr<Credentials> cpp_creds( c_creds == nullptr ? nullptr : new Credentials(c_creds)); diff --git a/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc b/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc index 3b94dc3c07..85f859b9eb 100644 --- a/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc +++ b/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.cc @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ namespace grpc { -bool SerializeProto(const google::protobuf::Message& msg, - grpc_byte_buffer** bp) { +bool SerializeProto(const google::protobuf::Message &msg, + grpc_byte_buffer **bp) { grpc::string msg_str; bool success = msg.SerializeToString(&msg_str); if (success) { @@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ bool SerializeProto(const google::protobuf::Message& msg, return success; } -bool DeserializeProto(grpc_byte_buffer* buffer, - google::protobuf::Message* msg) { +bool DeserializeProto(grpc_byte_buffer *buffer, + google::protobuf::Message *msg) { grpc::string msg_string; - grpc_byte_buffer_reader* reader = grpc_byte_buffer_reader_create(buffer); + grpc_byte_buffer_reader *reader = grpc_byte_buffer_reader_create(buffer); gpr_slice slice; while (grpc_byte_buffer_reader_next(reader, &slice)) { - const char* data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( + const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char *>( slice.refcount ? slice.data.refcounted.bytes : slice.data.inlined.bytes); msg_string.append(data, slice.refcount ? slice.data.refcounted.length diff --git a/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.h b/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.h index ea472f9c51..a611a227fa 100644 --- a/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.h +++ b/src/cpp/proto/proto_utils.h @@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ namespace grpc { // Serialize the msg into a buffer created inside the function. The caller // should destroy the returned buffer when done with it. If serialization fails, // false is returned and buffer is left unchanged. -bool SerializeProto(const google::protobuf::Message& msg, - grpc_byte_buffer** buffer); +bool SerializeProto(const google::protobuf::Message &msg, + grpc_byte_buffer **buffer); // The caller keeps ownership of buffer and msg. -bool DeserializeProto(grpc_byte_buffer* buffer, google::protobuf::Message* msg); +bool DeserializeProto(grpc_byte_buffer *buffer, google::protobuf::Message *msg); } // namespace grpc diff --git a/src/cpp/server/async_server.cc b/src/cpp/server/async_server.cc index aae2c82050..d576201b11 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/async_server.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/async_server.cc @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace grpc { -AsyncServer::AsyncServer(CompletionQueue* cc) +AsyncServer::AsyncServer(CompletionQueue *cc) : started_(false), shutdown_(false) { server_ = grpc_server_create(cc->cq(), nullptr); } @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ AsyncServer::~AsyncServer() { grpc_server_destroy(server_); } -void AsyncServer::AddPort(const grpc::string& addr) { +void AsyncServer::AddPort(const grpc::string &addr) { GPR_ASSERT(!started_); int success = grpc_server_add_http2_port(server_, addr.c_str()); GPR_ASSERT(success); diff --git a/src/cpp/server/async_server_context.cc b/src/cpp/server/async_server_context.cc index 298936dec9..92958111c0 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/async_server_context.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/async_server_context.cc @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace grpc { AsyncServerContext::AsyncServerContext( - grpc_call* call, const grpc::string& method, const grpc::string& host, + grpc_call *call, const grpc::string &method, const grpc::string &host, system_clock::time_point absolute_deadline) : method_(method), host_(host), @@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ AsyncServerContext::AsyncServerContext( AsyncServerContext::~AsyncServerContext() { grpc_call_destroy(call_); } -void AsyncServerContext::Accept(grpc_completion_queue* cq) { +void AsyncServerContext::Accept(grpc_completion_queue *cq) { GPR_ASSERT(grpc_call_server_accept(call_, cq, this) == GRPC_CALL_OK); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_call_server_end_initial_metadata(call_, 0) == GRPC_CALL_OK); } -bool AsyncServerContext::StartRead(google::protobuf::Message* request) { +bool AsyncServerContext::StartRead(google::protobuf::Message *request) { GPR_ASSERT(request); request_ = request; grpc_call_error err = grpc_call_start_read(call_, this); return err == GRPC_CALL_OK; } -bool AsyncServerContext::StartWrite(const google::protobuf::Message& response, +bool AsyncServerContext::StartWrite(const google::protobuf::Message &response, int flags) { - grpc_byte_buffer* buffer = nullptr; + grpc_byte_buffer *buffer = nullptr; if (!SerializeProto(response, &buffer)) { return false; } @@ -75,16 +75,16 @@ bool AsyncServerContext::StartWrite(const google::protobuf::Message& response, return err == GRPC_CALL_OK; } -bool AsyncServerContext::StartWriteStatus(const Status& status) { +bool AsyncServerContext::StartWriteStatus(const Status &status) { grpc_call_error err = grpc_call_start_write_status( call_, static_cast<grpc_status_code>(status.code()), status.details().empty() ? nullptr - : const_cast<char*>(status.details().c_str()), + : const_cast<char *>(status.details().c_str()), this); return err == GRPC_CALL_OK; } -bool AsyncServerContext::ParseRead(grpc_byte_buffer* read_buffer) { +bool AsyncServerContext::ParseRead(grpc_byte_buffer *read_buffer) { GPR_ASSERT(request_); bool success = DeserializeProto(read_buffer, request_); request_ = nullptr; diff --git a/src/cpp/server/completion_queue.cc b/src/cpp/server/completion_queue.cc index 56d165c9a6..102a81bf0e 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/completion_queue.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/completion_queue.cc @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ CompletionQueue::~CompletionQueue() { grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq_); } void CompletionQueue::Shutdown() { grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(cq_); } -CompletionQueue::CompletionType CompletionQueue::Next(void** tag) { - grpc_event* ev; +CompletionQueue::CompletionType CompletionQueue::Next(void **tag) { + grpc_event *ev; CompletionType return_type; bool success; @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ CompletionQueue::CompletionType CompletionQueue::Next(void** tag) { case GRPC_READ: *tag = ev->tag; if (ev->data.read) { - success = - static_cast<AsyncServerContext*>(ev->tag)->ParseRead(ev->data.read); + success = static_cast<AsyncServerContext *>(ev->tag) + ->ParseRead(ev->data.read); return_type = success ? SERVER_READ_OK : SERVER_READ_ERROR; } else { return_type = SERVER_READ_ERROR; diff --git a/src/cpp/server/server.cc b/src/cpp/server/server.cc index d85748eea4..193688e743 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/server.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/server.cc @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace grpc { // TODO(rocking): consider a better default value like num of cores. static const int kNumThreads = 4; -Server::Server(ThreadPoolInterface* thread_pool, ServerCredentials* creds) +Server::Server(ThreadPoolInterface *thread_pool, ServerCredentials *creds) : started_(false), shutdown_(false), num_running_cb_(0), @@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ Server::~Server() { } } -void Server::RegisterService(RpcService* service) { +void Server::RegisterService(RpcService *service) { for (int i = 0; i < service->GetMethodCount(); ++i) { - RpcServiceMethod* method = service->GetMethod(i); + RpcServiceMethod *method = service->GetMethod(i); method_map_.insert(std::make_pair(method->name(), method)); } } -void Server::AddPort(const grpc::string& addr) { +void Server::AddPort(const grpc::string &addr) { GPR_ASSERT(!started_); int success; if (secure_) { @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void Server::Shutdown() { // Shutdown the completion queue. cq_.Shutdown(); - void* tag = nullptr; + void *tag = nullptr; CompletionQueue::CompletionType t = cq_.Next(&tag); GPR_ASSERT(t == CompletionQueue::QUEUE_CLOSED); } @@ -147,18 +147,18 @@ void Server::ScheduleCallback() { void Server::RunRpc() { // Wait for one more incoming rpc. - void* tag = nullptr; + void *tag = nullptr; AllowOneRpc(); CompletionQueue::CompletionType t = cq_.Next(&tag); GPR_ASSERT(t == CompletionQueue::SERVER_RPC_NEW); - AsyncServerContext* server_context = static_cast<AsyncServerContext*>(tag); + AsyncServerContext *server_context = static_cast<AsyncServerContext *>(tag); // server_context could be nullptr during server shutdown. if (server_context != nullptr) { // Schedule a new callback to handle more rpcs. ScheduleCallback(); - RpcServiceMethod* method = nullptr; + RpcServiceMethod *method = nullptr; auto iter = method_map_.find(server_context->method()); if (iter != method_map_.end()) { method = iter->second; diff --git a/src/cpp/server/server_builder.cc b/src/cpp/server/server_builder.cc index d74d8cb65f..add22cc3d8 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/server_builder.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/server_builder.cc @@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ namespace grpc { ServerBuilder::ServerBuilder() : thread_pool_(nullptr) {} -void ServerBuilder::RegisterService(RpcService* service) { +void ServerBuilder::RegisterService(RpcService *service) { services_.push_back(service); } -void ServerBuilder::AddPort(const grpc::string& addr) { +void ServerBuilder::AddPort(const grpc::string &addr) { ports_.push_back(addr); } void ServerBuilder::SetCredentials( - const std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials>& creds) { + const std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> &creds) { GPR_ASSERT(!creds_); creds_ = creds; } -void ServerBuilder::SetThreadPool(ThreadPoolInterface* thread_pool) { +void ServerBuilder::SetThreadPool(ThreadPoolInterface *thread_pool) { thread_pool_ = thread_pool; } std::unique_ptr<Server> ServerBuilder::BuildAndStart() { std::unique_ptr<Server> server(new Server(thread_pool_, creds_.get())); - for (auto* service : services_) { + for (auto *service : services_) { server->RegisterService(service); } - for (auto& port : ports_) { + for (auto &port : ports_) { server->AddPort(port); } server->Start(); diff --git a/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc b/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc index 5d899b1cd9..b82a2d821a 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc @@ -37,31 +37,31 @@ namespace grpc { -ServerCredentials::ServerCredentials(grpc_server_credentials* c_creds) +ServerCredentials::ServerCredentials(grpc_server_credentials *c_creds) : creds_(c_creds) {} ServerCredentials::~ServerCredentials() { grpc_server_credentials_release(creds_); } -grpc_server_credentials* ServerCredentials::GetRawCreds() { return creds_; } +grpc_server_credentials *ServerCredentials::GetRawCreds() { return creds_; } std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> ServerCredentialsFactory::SslCredentials( - const SslServerCredentialsOptions& options) { - const unsigned char* pem_root_certs = + const SslServerCredentialsOptions &options) { + const unsigned char *pem_root_certs = options.pem_root_certs.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( options.pem_root_certs.c_str()); - const unsigned char* pem_private_key = + const unsigned char *pem_private_key = options.pem_private_key.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( options.pem_private_key.c_str()); - const unsigned char* pem_cert_chain = + const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain = options.pem_cert_chain.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( options.pem_cert_chain.c_str()); - grpc_server_credentials* c_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( + grpc_server_credentials *c_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( pem_root_certs, options.pem_root_certs.size(), pem_private_key, options.pem_private_key.size(), pem_cert_chain, options.pem_cert_chain.size()); diff --git a/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc b/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc index 42f8b755b6..061ac1c2f3 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.cc @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ namespace grpc { -ServerRpcHandler::ServerRpcHandler(AsyncServerContext* async_server_context, - RpcServiceMethod* method) +ServerRpcHandler::ServerRpcHandler(AsyncServerContext *async_server_context, + RpcServiceMethod *method) : async_server_context_(async_server_context), method_(method) {} void ServerRpcHandler::StartRpc() { @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void ServerRpcHandler::StartRpc() { GPR_ASSERT(type == CompletionQueue::SERVER_READ_OK); // Run the application's rpc handler - MethodHandler* handler = method_->handler(); + MethodHandler *handler = method_->handler(); Status status = handler->RunHandler(MethodHandler::HandlerParameter( &user_context, request.get(), response.get())); @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void ServerRpcHandler::StartRpc() { cq_.cq(), request.get(), response.get()); // Run the application's rpc handler - MethodHandler* handler = method_->handler(); + MethodHandler *handler = method_->handler(); Status status = handler->RunHandler(MethodHandler::HandlerParameter( &user_context, request.get(), response.get(), &stream_context)); if (status.IsOk() && @@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ void ServerRpcHandler::StartRpc() { } CompletionQueue::CompletionType ServerRpcHandler::WaitForNextEvent() { - void* tag = nullptr; + void *tag = nullptr; CompletionQueue::CompletionType type = cq_.Next(&tag); if (type != CompletionQueue::QUEUE_CLOSED && type != CompletionQueue::RPC_END) { - GPR_ASSERT(static_cast<AsyncServerContext*>(tag) == + GPR_ASSERT(static_cast<AsyncServerContext *>(tag) == async_server_context_.get()); } return type; } -void ServerRpcHandler::FinishRpc(const Status& status) { +void ServerRpcHandler::FinishRpc(const Status &status) { async_server_context_->StartWriteStatus(status); CompletionQueue::CompletionType type; diff --git a/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.h b/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.h index 249576d504..a43e07dc5f 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.h +++ b/src/cpp/server/server_rpc_handler.h @@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ class RpcServiceMethod; class ServerRpcHandler { public: // Takes ownership of async_server_context. - ServerRpcHandler(AsyncServerContext* async_server_context, - RpcServiceMethod* method); + ServerRpcHandler(AsyncServerContext *async_server_context, + RpcServiceMethod *method); void StartRpc(); private: CompletionQueue::CompletionType WaitForNextEvent(); - void FinishRpc(const Status& status); + void FinishRpc(const Status &status); std::unique_ptr<AsyncServerContext> async_server_context_; - RpcServiceMethod* method_; + RpcServiceMethod *method_; CompletionQueue cq_; }; diff --git a/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.cc b/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.cc index ce364c4795..a46d4c64d2 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.cc @@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() { shutdown_ = true; cv_.notify_all(); } - for (auto& t : threads_) { + for (auto &t : threads_) { t.join(); } } -void ThreadPool::ScheduleCallback(const std::function<void()>& callback) { +void ThreadPool::ScheduleCallback(const std::function<void()> &callback) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mu_); callbacks_.push(callback); cv_.notify_all(); diff --git a/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.h b/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.h index 6fc71d6695..c53f7a7517 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.h +++ b/src/cpp/server/thread_pool.h @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class ThreadPool : public ThreadPoolInterface { explicit ThreadPool(int num_threads); ~ThreadPool(); - void ScheduleCallback(const std::function<void()>& callback) final; + void ScheduleCallback(const std::function<void()> &callback) final; private: std::mutex mu_; diff --git a/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.cc b/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.cc index 5ccf8c9682..e64010be64 100644 --- a/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.cc +++ b/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.cc @@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ namespace grpc { // Client only ctor -StreamContext::StreamContext(const RpcMethod& method, ClientContext* context, - const google::protobuf::Message* request, - google::protobuf::Message* result) +StreamContext::StreamContext(const RpcMethod &method, ClientContext *context, + const google::protobuf::Message *request, + google::protobuf::Message *result) : is_client_(true), method_(&method), call_(context->call()), cq_(context->cq()), - request_(const_cast<google::protobuf::Message*>(request)), + request_(const_cast<google::protobuf::Message *>(request)), result_(result), peer_halfclosed_(false), self_halfclosed_(false) { @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ StreamContext::StreamContext(const RpcMethod& method, ClientContext* context, } // Server only ctor -StreamContext::StreamContext(const RpcMethod& method, grpc_call* call, - grpc_completion_queue* cq, - google::protobuf::Message* request, - google::protobuf::Message* result) +StreamContext::StreamContext(const RpcMethod &method, grpc_call *call, + grpc_completion_queue *cq, + google::protobuf::Message *request, + google::protobuf::Message *result) : is_client_(false), method_(&method), call_(call), @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void StreamContext::Start(bool buffered) { client_metadata_read_tag(), finished_tag(), flag); GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == error); - grpc_event* invoke_ev = + grpc_event *invoke_ev = grpc_completion_queue_pluck(cq(), invoke_tag(), gpr_inf_future); if (invoke_ev->data.invoke_accepted != GRPC_OP_OK) { peer_halfclosed_ = true; @@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ void StreamContext::Start(bool buffered) { } } -bool StreamContext::Read(google::protobuf::Message* msg) { +bool StreamContext::Read(google::protobuf::Message *msg) { // TODO(yangg) check peer_halfclosed_ here for possible early return. grpc_call_error err = grpc_call_start_read(call(), read_tag()); GPR_ASSERT(err == GRPC_CALL_OK); - grpc_event* read_ev = + grpc_event *read_ev = grpc_completion_queue_pluck(cq(), read_tag(), gpr_inf_future); GPR_ASSERT(read_ev->type == GRPC_READ); bool ret = true; @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ bool StreamContext::Read(google::protobuf::Message* msg) { return ret; } -bool StreamContext::Write(const google::protobuf::Message* msg, bool is_last) { +bool StreamContext::Write(const google::protobuf::Message *msg, bool is_last) { // TODO(yangg) check self_halfclosed_ for possible early return. bool ret = true; - grpc_event* ev = nullptr; + grpc_event *ev = nullptr; if (msg) { - grpc_byte_buffer* out_buf = nullptr; + grpc_byte_buffer *out_buf = nullptr; if (!SerializeProto(*msg, &out_buf)) { grpc_call_cancel_with_status(call(), GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Failed to serialize outgoing proto"); @@ -163,16 +163,16 @@ bool StreamContext::Write(const google::protobuf::Message* msg, bool is_last) { return ret; } -const Status& StreamContext::Wait() { +const Status &StreamContext::Wait() { // TODO(yangg) properly support metadata - grpc_event* metadata_ev = grpc_completion_queue_pluck( + grpc_event *metadata_ev = grpc_completion_queue_pluck( cq(), client_metadata_read_tag(), gpr_inf_future); grpc_event_finish(metadata_ev); // TODO(yangg) protect states by a mutex, including other places. if (!self_halfclosed_ || !peer_halfclosed_) { Cancel(); } - grpc_event* finish_ev = + grpc_event *finish_ev = grpc_completion_queue_pluck(cq(), finished_tag(), gpr_inf_future); GPR_ASSERT(finish_ev->type == GRPC_FINISHED); final_status_ = Status( diff --git a/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.h b/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.h index 4781f27a77..8697d86e83 100644 --- a/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.h +++ b/src/cpp/stream/stream_context.h @@ -50,43 +50,45 @@ class RpcMethod; class StreamContext final : public StreamContextInterface { public: - StreamContext(const RpcMethod& method, ClientContext* context, - const google::protobuf::Message* request, - google::protobuf::Message* result); - StreamContext(const RpcMethod& method, grpc_call* call, - grpc_completion_queue* cq, google::protobuf::Message* request, - google::protobuf::Message* result); + StreamContext(const RpcMethod &method, ClientContext *context, + const google::protobuf::Message *request, + google::protobuf::Message *result); + StreamContext(const RpcMethod &method, grpc_call *call, + grpc_completion_queue *cq, google::protobuf::Message *request, + google::protobuf::Message *result); ~StreamContext(); // Start the stream, if there is a final write following immediately, set // buffered so that the messages can be sent in batch. void Start(bool buffered) override; - bool Read(google::protobuf::Message* msg) override; - bool Write(const google::protobuf::Message* msg, bool is_last) override; - const Status& Wait() override; + bool Read(google::protobuf::Message *msg) override; + bool Write(const google::protobuf::Message *msg, bool is_last) override; + const Status &Wait() override; void Cancel() override; - google::protobuf::Message* request() override { return request_; } - google::protobuf::Message* response() override { return result_; } + google::protobuf::Message *request() override { return request_; } + google::protobuf::Message *response() override { return result_; } private: // Unique tags for plucking events from the c layer. this pointer is casted // to char* to create single byte step between tags. It implicitly relies on // that StreamContext is large enough to contain all the pointers. - void* finished_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this); } - void* read_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + 1; } - void* write_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + 2; } - void* halfclose_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + 3; } - void* invoke_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + 4; } - void* client_metadata_read_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + 5; } - grpc_call* call() { return call_; } - grpc_completion_queue* cq() { return cq_; } + void *finished_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this); } + void *read_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + 1; } + void *write_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + 2; } + void *halfclose_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + 3; } + void *invoke_tag() { return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + 4; } + void *client_metadata_read_tag() { + return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + 5; + } + grpc_call *call() { return call_; } + grpc_completion_queue *cq() { return cq_; } bool is_client_; - const RpcMethod* method_; // not owned - grpc_call* call_; // not owned - grpc_completion_queue* cq_; // not owned - google::protobuf::Message* request_; // first request, not owned - google::protobuf::Message* result_; // last response, not owned + const RpcMethod *method_; // not owned + grpc_call *call_; // not owned + grpc_completion_queue *cq_; // not owned + google::protobuf::Message *request_; // first request, not owned + google::protobuf::Message *result_; // last response, not owned bool peer_halfclosed_; bool self_halfclosed_; diff --git a/src/cpp/util/status.cc b/src/cpp/util/status.cc index e7ca41b752..1ca12d0ae9 100644 --- a/src/cpp/util/status.cc +++ b/src/cpp/util/status.cc @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace grpc { -const Status& Status::OK = Status(); -const Status& Status::Cancelled = Status(StatusCode::CANCELLED); +const Status &Status::OK = Status(); +const Status &Status::Cancelled = Status(StatusCode::CANCELLED); } // namespace grpc diff --git a/src/cpp/util/time.cc b/src/cpp/util/time.cc index e58dde82a3..7ce7a371f5 100644 --- a/src/cpp/util/time.cc +++ b/src/cpp/util/time.cc @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ using std::chrono::system_clock; namespace grpc { // TODO(yangg) prevent potential overflow. -void Timepoint2Timespec(const system_clock::time_point& from, - gpr_timespec* to) { +void Timepoint2Timespec(const system_clock::time_point &from, + gpr_timespec *to) { system_clock::duration deadline = from.time_since_epoch(); seconds secs = duration_cast<seconds>(deadline); nanoseconds nsecs = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(deadline - secs); diff --git a/src/cpp/util/time.h b/src/cpp/util/time.h index 338c4f5119..908395c92b 100644 --- a/src/cpp/util/time.h +++ b/src/cpp/util/time.h @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ namespace grpc { // from and to should be absolute time. -void Timepoint2Timespec(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& from, - gpr_timespec* to); +void Timepoint2Timespec(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &from, + gpr_timespec *to); std::chrono::system_clock::time_point Timespec2Timepoint(gpr_timespec t); diff --git a/src/php/.gitignore b/src/php/.gitignore index 00fbd965dc..0bb5f8e956 100755..100644 --- a/src/php/.gitignore +++ b/src/php/.gitignore @@ -15,4 +15,7 @@ run-tests.php install-sh libtool missing -mkinstalldirs
\ No newline at end of file +mkinstalldirs + +ext/grpc/ltmain.sh + diff --git a/src/php/bin/run_tests.sh b/src/php/bin/run_tests.sh index cf4cc78a52..28282c3e37 100755 --- a/src/php/bin/run_tests.sh +++ b/src/php/bin/run_tests.sh @@ -1,5 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/sh # Loads the local shared library, and runs all of the test cases in tests/ # against it +set -e cd $(dirname $0) -php -d extension_dir=../ext/grpc/modules/ -d extension=grpc.so \ - /usr/local/bin/phpunit -v --debug --strict ../tests/unit_tests +default_extension_dir=`php -i | grep extension_dir | sed 's/.*=> //g'` + +# sym-link in system supplied extensions +for f in $default_extension_dir/*.so +do + ln -s $f ../ext/grpc/modules/$(basename $f) &> /dev/null || true +done + +php \ + -d extension_dir=../ext/grpc/modules/ \ + -d extension=grpc.so \ + `which phpunit` -v --debug --strict ../tests/unit_tests diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/call.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/call.c index c01af34e95..410efbce68 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/call.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/call.c @@ -423,16 +423,15 @@ PHP_METHOD(Call, start_read) { static zend_function_entry call_methods[] = { PHP_ME(Call, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR) - PHP_ME(Call, server_accept, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Call, server_end_initial_metadata, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Call, add_metadata, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME( - Call, cancel, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Call, start_invoke, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME( - Call, start_read, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Call, start_write, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME( - Call, start_write_status, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Call, writes_done, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(Call, server_accept, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, server_end_initial_metadata, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, add_metadata, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, cancel, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, start_invoke, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, start_read, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, start_write, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, start_write_status, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Call, writes_done, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_call(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/channel.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/channel.c index f0e4153b22..2ab229f5e6 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/channel.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/channel.c @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ PHP_METHOD(Channel, close) { static zend_function_entry channel_methods[] = { PHP_ME(Channel, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR) - PHP_ME(Channel, close, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(Channel, close, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_channel(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/completion_queue.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/completion_queue.c index 9785eab8cc..3a93bfcff7 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/completion_queue.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/completion_queue.c @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ zend_object_value create_wrapped_grpc_completion_queue( */ PHP_METHOD(CompletionQueue, __construct) { wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *queue = - (wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *)zend_object_store_get_object( - getThis() TSRMLS_CC); + (wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() + TSRMLS_CC); queue->wrapped = grpc_completion_queue_create(); } @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ PHP_METHOD(CompletionQueue, next) { return; } wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *completion_queue = - (wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *)zend_object_store_get_object( - getThis() TSRMLS_CC); + (wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() + TSRMLS_CC); wrapped_grpc_timeval *wrapped_timeout = (wrapped_grpc_timeval *)zend_object_store_get_object(timeout TSRMLS_CC); grpc_event *event = grpc_completion_queue_next(completion_queue->wrapped, @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ PHP_METHOD(CompletionQueue, pluck) { "pluck needs a long and a Timeval", 1 TSRMLS_CC); } wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *completion_queue = - (wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *)zend_object_store_get_object( - getThis() TSRMLS_CC); + (wrapped_grpc_completion_queue *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() + TSRMLS_CC); wrapped_grpc_timeval *wrapped_timeout = (wrapped_grpc_timeval *)zend_object_store_get_object(timeout TSRMLS_CC); grpc_event *event = grpc_completion_queue_pluck( @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ PHP_METHOD(CompletionQueue, pluck) { static zend_function_entry completion_queue_methods[] = { PHP_ME(CompletionQueue, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR) - PHP_ME(CompletionQueue, next, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(CompletionQueue, pluck, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(CompletionQueue, next, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(CompletionQueue, pluck, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_completion_queue(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/config.m4 b/src/php/ext/grpc/config.m4 index d7d13f413e..27c67781e7 100755 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/config.m4 +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/config.m4 @@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ if test "$PHP_GRPC" != "no"; then PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(rt,,GRPC_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(rt) - PHP_ADD_LIBPATH($GRPC_DIR/lib) + GRPC_LIBDIR=$GRPC_DIR/${GRPC_LIB_SUBDIR-lib} + + PHP_ADD_LIBPATH($GRPC_LIBDIR) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gpr,gpr_now, [ @@ -48,18 +50,9 @@ if test "$PHP_GRPC" != "no"; then ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([wrong gpr lib version or lib not found]) ],[ - -L$GRPC_DIR/lib + -L$GRPC_LIBDIR ]) - PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(event,,GRPC_SHARED_LIBADD) - PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(event) - - PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(event_pthreads,,GRPC_SHARED_LIBADD) - PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(event_pthreads) - - PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(event_core,,GRPC_SHARED_LIBADD) - PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(event_core) - PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(grpc,grpc_channel_destroy, [ PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(grpc,,GRPC_SHARED_LIBADD) @@ -68,7 +61,7 @@ if test "$PHP_GRPC" != "no"; then ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([wrong grpc lib version or lib not found]) ],[ - -L$GRPC_DIR/lib + -L$GRPC_LIBDIR ]) PHP_SUBST(GRPC_SHARED_LIBADD) diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c index f486272531..2a83d1cbc1 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c @@ -151,13 +151,12 @@ PHP_METHOD(Credentials, createFake) { static zend_function_entry credentials_methods[] = { PHP_ME(Credentials, createDefault, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Credentials, createSsl, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Credentials, createComposite, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Credentials, createGce, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Credentials, createFake, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(Credentials, createSsl, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Credentials, createComposite, NULL, + ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Credentials, createGce, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Credentials, createFake, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_credentials(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/php_grpc.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/php_grpc.c index c1042293aa..e8b4643a58 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/php_grpc.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/php_grpc.c @@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ zend_module_entry grpc_module_entry = { #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901 STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, #endif - "grpc", grpc_functions, PHP_MINIT(grpc), PHP_MSHUTDOWN(grpc), NULL, NULL, + "grpc", grpc_functions, PHP_MINIT(grpc), + PHP_MSHUTDOWN(grpc), NULL, NULL, PHP_MINFO(grpc), #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901 PHP_GRPC_VERSION, diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/server.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/server.c index f484375712..38777f3d54 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/server.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/server.c @@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ PHP_METHOD(Server, start) { static zend_function_entry server_methods[] = { PHP_ME(Server, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR) - PHP_ME(Server, request_call, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Server, add_http2_port, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Server, add_secure_http2_port, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Server, start, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(Server, request_call, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Server, add_http2_port, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Server, add_secure_http2_port, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Server, start, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_server(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c index 5b9ab3390d..1f8e58aa4d 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c @@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ PHP_METHOD(ServerCredentials, createFake) { static zend_function_entry server_credentials_methods[] = { PHP_ME(ServerCredentials, createSsl, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(ServerCredentials, createFake, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(ServerCredentials, createFake, NULL, + ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_server_credentials(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/timeval.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/timeval.c index a5508115e4..cbbbf37915 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/timeval.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/timeval.c @@ -217,20 +217,16 @@ PHP_METHOD(Timeval, sleep_until) { } static zend_function_entry timeval_methods[] = { - PHP_ME(Timeval, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR) PHP_ME( - Timeval, add, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(Timeval, compare, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, inf_future, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, inf_past, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, now, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, similar, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, sleep_until, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, subtract, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) - PHP_ME(Timeval, zero, NULL, - ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) - PHP_FE_END}; + PHP_ME(Timeval, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR) + PHP_ME(Timeval, add, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, compare, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, inf_future, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, inf_past, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, now, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, similar, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, sleep_until, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, subtract, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) + PHP_ME(Timeval, zero, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) PHP_FE_END}; void grpc_init_timeval(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; diff --git a/src/ruby/.rubocop.yml b/src/ruby/.rubocop.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47e382afa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ruby/.rubocop.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This is the configuration used to check the rubocop source code. + +inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml + +AllCops: + Exclude: + - 'bin/apis/**/*' + - 'bin/interop/test/**/*' + - 'bin/math.rb' + - 'bin/math_services.rb' diff --git a/src/ruby/.rubocop_todo.yml b/src/ruby/.rubocop_todo.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5bb55e5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ruby/.rubocop_todo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# This configuration was generated by `rubocop --auto-gen-config` +# on 2015-01-16 02:30:04 -0800 using RuboCop version 0.28.0. +# The point is for the user to remove these configuration records +# one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. +# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new +# versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. + +# Offense count: 3 +# Lint/UselessAssignment: +# Enabled: false + +# Offense count: 33 +Metrics/AbcSize: + Max: 39 + +# Offense count: 3 +# Configuration parameters: CountComments. +Metrics/ClassLength: + Max: 231 + +# Offense count: 2 +Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: + Max: 8 + +# Offense count: 36 +# Configuration parameters: CountComments. +Metrics/MethodLength: + Max: 37 + +# Offense count: 8 +# Configuration parameters: CountKeywordArgs. +Metrics/ParameterLists: + Max: 8 + +# Offense count: 2 +Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: + Max: 10 + +# Offense count: 7 +# Configuration parameters: AllowedVariables. +Style/GlobalVars: + Enabled: false + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, MinBodyLength, SupportedStyles. +Style/Next: + Enabled: false + +# Offense count: 2 +# Configuration parameters: Methods. +Style/SingleLineBlockParams: + Enabled: false diff --git a/src/ruby/Rakefile b/src/ruby/Rakefile index 0a0fbcecca..6ba9a97c89 100755 --- a/src/ruby/Rakefile +++ b/src/ruby/Rakefile @@ -1,46 +1,44 @@ # -*- ruby -*- require 'rake/extensiontask' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' +require 'rubocop/rake_task' +desc 'Run Rubocop to check for style violations' +RuboCop::RakeTask.new Rake::ExtensionTask.new 'grpc' do |ext| ext.lib_dir = File.join('lib', 'grpc') end SPEC_SUITES = [ - { :id => :wrapper, :title => 'wrapper layer', :files => %w(spec/*.rb) }, - { :id => :idiomatic, :title => 'idiomatic layer', :dir => %w(spec/generic), - :tag => '~bidi' }, - { :id => :bidi, :title => 'bidi tests', :dir => %w(spec/generic), - :tag => 'bidi' } + { id: :wrapper, title: 'wrapper layer', files: %w(spec/*.rb) }, + { id: :idiomatic, title: 'idiomatic layer', dir: %w(spec/generic), + tag: '~bidi' }, + { id: :bidi, title: 'bidi tests', dir: %w(spec/generic), + tag: 'bidi' } ] -desc "Run all RSpec tests" +desc 'Run all RSpec tests' namespace :spec do namespace :suite do SPEC_SUITES.each do |suite| desc "Run all specs in #{suite[:title]} spec suite" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(suite[:id]) do |t| spec_files = [] - if suite[:files] - suite[:files].each { |f| spec_files += Dir[f] } - end + suite[:files].each { |f| spec_files += Dir[f] } if suite[:files] if suite[:dirs] suite[:dirs].each { |f| spec_files += Dir["#{f}/**/*_spec.rb"] } end t.pattern = spec_files - - if suite[:tag] - t.rspec_opts = "--tag #{suite[:tag]}" - end + t.rspec_opts = "--tag #{suite[:tag]}" if suite[:tag] end end end end -task :default => "spec:suite:idiomatic" # this should be spec:suite:bidi -task "spec:suite:wrapper" => :compile -task "spec:suite:idiomatic" => "spec:suite:wrapper" -task "spec:suite:bidi" => "spec:suite:idiomatic" +task default: 'spec:suite:idiomatic' # this should be spec:suite:bidi +task 'spec:suite:wrapper' => :compile +task 'spec:suite:idiomatic' => 'spec:suite:wrapper' +task 'spec:suite:bidi' => 'spec:suite:idiomatic' diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb index 718b0fdb83..0ce10d9e30 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ end # creates a Credentials from the test certificates. def test_creds certs = load_test_certs - creds = GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0]) + GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0]) end # creates a test stub that accesses host:port securely. @@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ def create_stub(host, port) address = "#{host}:#{port}" stub_opts = { :creds => test_creds, - GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com', + GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com' } logger.info("... connecting securely to #{address}") - stub = Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(address, **stub_opts) + Grpc::Testing::TestService::Stub.new(address, **stub_opts) end # produces a string of null chars (\0) of length l. def nulls(l) - raise 'requires #{l} to be +ve' if l < 0 + fail 'requires #{l} to be +ve' if l < 0 [].pack('x' * l).force_encoding('utf-8') end @@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ class PingPongPlayer def each_item return enum_for(:each_item) unless block_given? - req_cls, p_cls= StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters # short + req_cls, p_cls = StreamingOutputCallRequest, ResponseParameters # short count = 0 @msg_sizes.each do |m| req_size, resp_size = m - req = req_cls.new(:payload => Payload.new(:body => nulls(req_size)), - :response_type => COMPRESSABLE, - :response_parameters => [p_cls.new(:size => resp_size)]) + req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(req_size)), + response_type: COMPRESSABLE, + response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: resp_size)]) yield req resp = @queue.pop assert_equal(PayloadType.lookup(COMPRESSABLE), resp.payload.type, @@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ class NamedTests # ruby server # FAILED def large_unary - req_size, wanted_response_size = 271828, 314159 - payload = Payload.new(:type => COMPRESSABLE, :body => nulls(req_size)) - req = SimpleRequest.new(:response_type => COMPRESSABLE, - :response_size => wanted_response_size, - :payload => payload) + req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159 + payload = Payload.new(type: COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size)) + req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: COMPRESSABLE, + response_size: wanted_response_size, + payload: payload) resp = @stub.unary_call(req) assert_equal(wanted_response_size, resp.payload.body.length, 'large_unary: payload had the wrong length') @@ -166,27 +166,27 @@ class NamedTests # ruby server # FAILED def client_streaming - msg_sizes = [27182, 8, 1828, 45904] - wanted_aggregate_size = 74922 + msg_sizes = [27_182, 8, 1828, 45_904] + wanted_aggregate_size = 74_922 reqs = msg_sizes.map do |x| - req = Payload.new(:body => nulls(x)) - StreamingInputCallRequest.new(:payload => req) + req = Payload.new(body: nulls(x)) + StreamingInputCallRequest.new(payload: req) end resp = @stub.streaming_input_call(reqs) assert_equal(wanted_aggregate_size, resp.aggregated_payload_size, 'client_streaming: aggregate payload size is incorrect') p 'OK: client_streaming' - end + end # TESTING: # PASSED # ruby server # FAILED def server_streaming - msg_sizes = [31415, 9, 2653, 58979] - response_spec = msg_sizes.map { |s| ResponseParameters.new(:size => s) } - req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(:response_type => COMPRESSABLE, - :response_parameters => response_spec) + msg_sizes = [31_415, 9, 2653, 58_979] + response_spec = msg_sizes.map { |s| ResponseParameters.new(size: s) } + req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(response_type: COMPRESSABLE, + response_parameters: response_spec) resps = @stub.streaming_output_call(req) resps.each_with_index do |r, i| assert i < msg_sizes.length, 'too many responses' @@ -203,13 +203,12 @@ class NamedTests # ruby server # FAILED def ping_pong - msg_sizes = [[27182, 31415], [8, 9], [1828, 2653], [45904, 58979]] + msg_sizes = [[27_182, 31_415], [8, 9], [1828, 2653], [45_904, 58_979]] ppp = PingPongPlayer.new(msg_sizes) resps = @stub.full_duplex_call(ppp.each_item) resps.each { |r| ppp.queue.push(r) } p 'OK: ping_pong' end - end # validates the the command line options, returning them as a Hash. @@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ def parse_options options = { 'server_host' => nil, 'server_port' => nil, - 'test_case' => nil, + 'test_case' => nil } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: --server_host <server_host> --server_port server_port' @@ -228,17 +227,17 @@ def parse_options options['server_port'] = v end # instance_methods(false) gives only the methods defined in that class - test_cases = NamedTests.instance_methods(false).map { |t| t.to_s } + test_cases = NamedTests.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_s) test_case_list = test_cases.join(',') - opts.on("--test_case CODE", test_cases, {}, "select a test_case", + opts.on('--test_case CODE', test_cases, {}, 'select a test_case', " (#{test_case_list})") do |v| options['test_case'] = v end end.parse! - ['server_host', 'server_port', 'test_case'].each do |arg| + %w(server_host, server_port, test_case).each do |arg| if options[arg].nil? - raise OptionParser::MissingArgument.new("please specify --#{arg}") + fail(OptionParser::MissingArgument, "please specify --#{arg}") end end options diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb index 63071f3ec2..9273dcdf91 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb @@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ end # creates a ServerCredentials from the test certificates. def test_server_creds certs = load_test_certs - server_creds = GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) + GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) end # produces a string of null chars (\0) of length l. def nulls(l) - raise 'requires #{l} to be +ve' if l < 0 + fail 'requires #{l} to be +ve' if l < 0 [].pack('x' * l).force_encoding('utf-8') end @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class EnumeratorQueue loop do r = @q.pop break if r.equal?(@sentinel) - raise r if r.is_a?Exception + fail r if r.is_a? Exception yield r end end @@ -98,27 +98,27 @@ class TestTarget < Grpc::Testing::TestService::Service include Grpc::Testing include Grpc::Testing::PayloadType - def empty_call(empty, call) + def empty_call(_empty, _call) Empty.new end - def unary_call(simple_req, call) + def unary_call(simple_req, _call) req_size = simple_req.response_size - SimpleResponse.new(:payload => Payload.new(:type => COMPRESSABLE, - :body => nulls(req_size))) + SimpleResponse.new(payload: Payload.new(type: COMPRESSABLE, + body: nulls(req_size))) end def streaming_input_call(call) sizes = call.each_remote_read.map { |x| x.payload.body.length } - sum = sizes.inject { |sum,x| sum + x } - StreamingInputCallResponse.new(:aggregated_payload_size => sum) + sum = sizes.inject { |s, x| s + x } + StreamingInputCallResponse.new(aggregated_payload_size: sum) end - def streaming_output_call(req, call) + def streaming_output_call(req, _call) cls = StreamingOutputCallResponse req.response_parameters.map do |p| - cls.new(:payload => Payload.new(:type => req.response_type, - :body => nulls(p.size))) + cls.new(payload: Payload.new(type: req.response_type, + body: nulls(p.size))) end end @@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ class TestTarget < Grpc::Testing::TestService::Service # reqs is a lazy Enumerator of the requests sent by the client. q = EnumeratorQueue.new(self) cls = StreamingOutputCallResponse - t = Thread.new do + Thread.new do begin reqs.each do |req| logger.info("read #{req.inspect}") resp_size = req.response_parameters[0].size - resp = cls.new(:payload => Payload.new(:type => req.response_type, - :body => nulls(resp_size))) + resp = cls.new(payload: Payload.new(type: req.response_type, + body: nulls(resp_size))) q.push(resp) end logger.info('finished reads') @@ -149,13 +149,12 @@ class TestTarget < Grpc::Testing::TestService::Service # currently used in any tests full_duplex_call(reqs) end - end # validates the the command line options, returning them as a Hash. def parse_options options = { - 'port' => nil, + 'port' => nil } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: --port port' @@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ def parse_options end.parse! if options['port'].nil? - raise OptionParser::MissingArgument.new("please specify --port") + fail(OptionParser::MissingArgument, 'please specify --port') end options end diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/math_client.rb b/src/ruby/bin/math_client.rb index 4df333d085..195406c8b3 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/math_client.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/math_client.rb @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - # Sample app that accesses a Calc service running on a Ruby gRPC server and # helps validate RpcServer as a gRPC server using proto2 serialization. # @@ -49,9 +48,9 @@ include GRPC::Core::TimeConsts def do_div(stub) logger.info('request_response') logger.info('----------------') - req = Math::DivArgs.new(:dividend => 7, :divisor => 3) + req = Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 3) logger.info("div(7/3): req=#{req.inspect}") - resp = stub.div(req, deadline=INFINITE_FUTURE) + resp = stub.div(req, INFINITE_FUTURE) logger.info("Answer: #{resp.inspect}") logger.info('----------------') end @@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ def do_sum(stub) # to make client streaming requests, pass an enumerable of the inputs logger.info('client_streamer') logger.info('---------------') - reqs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map { |x| Math::Num.new(:num => x) } + reqs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map { |x| Math::Num.new(num: x) } logger.info("sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5): reqs=#{reqs.inspect}") resp = stub.sum(reqs) # reqs.is_a?(Enumerable) logger.info("Answer: #{resp.inspect}") @@ -70,9 +69,9 @@ end def do_fib(stub) logger.info('server_streamer') logger.info('----------------') - req = Math::FibArgs.new(:limit => 11) + req = Math::FibArgs.new(limit: 11) logger.info("fib(11): req=#{req.inspect}") - resp = stub.fib(req, deadline=INFINITE_FUTURE) + resp = stub.fib(req, INFINITE_FUTURE) resp.each do |r| logger.info("Answer: #{r.inspect}") end @@ -83,11 +82,11 @@ def do_div_many(stub) logger.info('bidi_streamer') logger.info('-------------') reqs = [] - reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(:dividend => 7, :divisor => 3) - reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(:dividend => 5, :divisor => 2) - reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(:dividend => 7, :divisor => 2) + reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 3) + reqs << Math::Di5AvArgs.new(dividend: 5, divisor: 2) + reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 2) logger.info("div(7/3), div(5/2), div(7/2): reqs=#{reqs.inspect}") - resp = stub.div_many(reqs, deadline=10) + resp = stub.div_many(reqs, 10) resp.each do |r| logger.info("Answer: #{r.inspect}") end @@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ end def test_creds certs = load_test_certs - creds = GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0]) + GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0]) end def main @@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ def main options['host'] = v end opts.on('-s', '--secure', 'access using test creds') do |v| - options['secure'] = true + options['secure'] = v end end.parse! @@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ def main if options['secure'] stub_opts = { :creds => test_creds, - GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com', + GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com' } p stub_opts p options['host'] diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/math_server.rb b/src/ruby/bin/math_server.rb index 0e47f71e66..55ee1d3314 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/math_server.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/math_server.rb @@ -46,9 +46,8 @@ require 'optparse' # Holds state for a fibonacci series class Fibber - def initialize(limit) - raise "bad limit: got #{limit}, want limit > 0" if limit < 1 + fail "bad limit: got #{limit}, want limit > 0" if limit < 1 @limit = limit end @@ -57,14 +56,14 @@ class Fibber idx, current, previous = 0, 1, 1 until idx == @limit if idx == 0 || idx == 1 - yield Math::Num.new(:num => 1) + yield Math::Num.new(num: 1) idx += 1 next end tmp = current current = previous + current previous = tmp - yield Math::Num.new(:num => current) + yield Math::Num.new(num: current) idx += 1 end end @@ -85,43 +84,41 @@ class EnumeratorQueue loop do r = @q.pop break if r.equal?(@sentinel) - raise r if r.is_a?Exception + fail r if r.is_a? Exception yield r end end - end # The Math::Math:: module occurs because the service has the same name as its # package. That practice should be avoided by defining real services. class Calculator < Math::Math::Service - - def div(div_args, call) + def div(div_args, _call) if div_args.divisor == 0 # To send non-OK status handlers raise a StatusError with the code and # and detail they want sent as a Status. - raise GRPC::StatusError.new(GRPC::Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, - 'divisor cannot be 0') + fail GRPC::StatusError.new(GRPC::Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, + 'divisor cannot be 0') end - Math::DivReply.new(:quotient => div_args.dividend/div_args.divisor, - :remainder => div_args.dividend % div_args.divisor) + Math::DivReply.new(quotient: div_args.dividend / div_args.divisor, + remainder: div_args.dividend % div_args.divisor) end def sum(call) # the requests are accesible as the Enumerator call#each_request - nums = call.each_remote_read.collect { |x| x.num } - sum = nums.inject { |sum,x| sum + x } - Math::Num.new(:num => sum) + nums = call.each_remote_read.collect(&:num) + sum = nums.inject { |s, x| s + x } + Math::Num.new(num: sum) end - def fib(fib_args, call) + def fib(fib_args, _call) if fib_args.limit < 1 - raise StatusError.new(Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'limit must be >= 0') + fail StatusError.new(Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'limit must be >= 0') end # return an Enumerator of Nums - Fibber.new(fib_args.limit).generator() + Fibber.new(fib_args.limit).generator # just return the generator, GRPC::GenericServer sends each actual response end @@ -132,10 +129,10 @@ class Calculator < Math::Math::Service begin requests.each do |req| logger.info("read #{req.inspect}") - resp = Math::DivReply.new(:quotient => req.dividend/req.divisor, - :remainder => req.dividend % req.divisor) + resp = Math::DivReply.new(quotient: req.dividend / req.divisor, + remainder: req.dividend % req.divisor) q.push(resp) - Thread::pass # let the internal Bidi threads run + Thread.pass # let the internal Bidi threads run end logger.info('finished reads') q.push(self) @@ -147,7 +144,6 @@ class Calculator < Math::Math::Service t.priority = -2 # hint that the div_many thread should not be favoured q.each_item end - end def load_test_certs @@ -159,7 +155,7 @@ end def test_server_creds certs = load_test_certs - server_creds = GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) + GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) end def main @@ -173,7 +169,7 @@ def main options['host'] = v end opts.on('-s', '--secure', 'access using test creds') do |v| - options['secure'] = true + options['secure'] = v end end.parse! diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/noproto_client.rb b/src/ruby/bin/noproto_client.rb index 34bdf545ee..74bdfbb93a 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/noproto_client.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/noproto_client.rb @@ -40,16 +40,18 @@ $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) require 'grpc' require 'optparse' +# a simple non-protobuf message class. class NoProtoMsg - def self.marshal(o) + def self.marshal(_o) '' end - def self.unmarshal(o) + def self.unmarshal(_o) NoProtoMsg.new end end +# service the uses the non-protobuf message class. class NoProtoService include GRPC::GenericService rpc :AnRPC, NoProtoMsg, NoProtoMsg @@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ end def test_creds certs = load_test_certs - creds = GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0]) + GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0]) end def main @@ -80,14 +82,14 @@ def main options['host'] = v end opts.on('-s', '--secure', 'access using test creds') do |v| - options['secure'] = true + options['secure'] = v end end.parse! if options['secure'] stub_opts = { :creds => test_creds, - GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com', + GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com' } p stub_opts p options['host'] diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/noproto_server.rb b/src/ruby/bin/noproto_server.rb index 1bdc192f02..e34075c1f0 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/noproto_server.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/noproto_server.rb @@ -40,26 +40,29 @@ $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) require 'grpc' require 'optparse' +# a simple non-protobuf message class. class NoProtoMsg - def self.marshal(o) + def self.marshal(_o) '' end - def self.unmarshal(o) + def self.unmarshal(_o) NoProtoMsg.new end end +# service the uses the non-protobuf message class. class NoProtoService include GRPC::GenericService rpc :AnRPC, NoProtoMsg, NoProtoMsg end +# an implementation of the non-protobuf service. class NoProto < NoProtoService - def initialize(default_var='ignored') + def initialize(_default_var = 'ignored') end - def an_rpc(req, call) + def an_rpc(req, _call) logger.info('echo service received a request') req end @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ end def test_server_creds certs = load_test_certs - server_creds = GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) + GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) end def main @@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ def main options['host'] = v end opts.on('-s', '--secure', 'access using test creds') do |v| - options['secure'] = true + options['secure'] = v end end.parse! @@ -106,5 +109,4 @@ def main s.run end - main diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb index a828b47294..e948504e9e 100644 --- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb +++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb @@ -33,29 +33,29 @@ LIBDIR = RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] INCLUDEDIR = RbConfig::CONFIG['includedir'] HEADER_DIRS = [ - # Search /opt/local (Mac source install) - '/opt/local/include', + # Search /opt/local (Mac source install) + '/opt/local/include', - # Search /usr/local (Source install) - '/usr/local/include', + # Search /usr/local (Source install) + '/usr/local/include', - # Check the ruby install locations - INCLUDEDIR, + # Check the ruby install locations + INCLUDEDIR ] LIB_DIRS = [ - # Search /opt/local (Mac source install) - '/opt/local/lib', + # Search /opt/local (Mac source install) + '/opt/local/lib', - # Search /usr/local (Source install) - '/usr/local/lib', + # Search /usr/local (Source install) + '/usr/local/lib', - # Check the ruby install locations - LIBDIR, + # Check the ruby install locations + LIBDIR ] def crash(msg) - print(" extconf failure: %s\n" % msg) + print(" extconf failure: #{msg}\n") exit 1 end diff --git a/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec b/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec index 53fdd29a79..8d7f44f30e 100755 --- a/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec +++ b/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec @@ -1,31 +1,34 @@ # encoding: utf-8 -$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) +$LOAD_PATH.push File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) require 'grpc/version' Gem::Specification.new do |s| - s.name = "grpc" + s.name = 'grpc' s.version = Google::RPC::VERSION - s.authors = ["One Platform Team"] - s.email = "stubby-team@google.com" - s.homepage = "http://go/grpc" + s.authors = ['One Platform Team'] + s.email = 'stubby-team@google.com' + s.homepage = 'http://go/grpc' s.summary = 'Google RPC system in Ruby' s.description = 'Send RPCs from Ruby' s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- spec/*`.split("\n") - s.executables = `git ls-files -- examples/*.rb`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) } - s.require_paths = ['lib' ] + s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*.rb`.split("\n").map do |f| + File.basename(f) + end + s.require_paths = ['lib'] s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.add_dependency 'xray' s.add_dependency 'logging', '~> 1.8' s.add_dependency 'google-protobuf', '~> 3.0.0alpha.1.1' - s.add_dependency 'minitest', '~> 5.4' # not a dev dependency, used by the interop tests + s.add_dependency 'minitest', '~> 5.4' # reqd for interop tests - s.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.7" - s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 10.0" + s.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.7' + s.add_development_dependency 'rake', '~> 10.0' s.add_development_dependency 'rake-compiler', '~> 0' - s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', "~> 3.0" + s.add_development_dependency 'rubocop', '~> 0.28.0' + s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 3.0' - s.extensions = %w[ext/grpc/extconf.rb] + s.extensions = %w(ext/grpc/extconf.rb) end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/beefcake.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/beefcake.rb index e8d7f0c2cd..fd3ebbf4b8 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/beefcake.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/beefcake.rb @@ -29,25 +29,21 @@ require 'beefcake' -# Re-open the beefcake message module to add a static encode -# -# This is a temporary measure while beefcake is used as the default proto -# library for developing grpc ruby. Once that changes to the official proto -# library this can be removed. It's necessary to allow the update the service -# module to assume a static encode method. -# -# TODO(temiola): remove me, once official code generation is available in protoc module Beefcake + # Re-open the beefcake message module to add a static encode + # + # This is a temporary measure while beefcake is used as the default proto + # library for developing grpc ruby. Once that changes to the official proto + # library this can be removed. It's necessary to allow the update the service + # module to assume a static encode method. + # TODO(temiola): remove this. module Message - # additional mixin module that adds static encode method when include module StaticEncode - # encodes o with its instance#encode method def encode(o) o.encode end - end # extend self.included in Beefcake::Message to include StaticEncode @@ -57,6 +53,5 @@ module Beefcake o.extend Decode o.send(:include, Encode) end - end end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/event.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/event.rb index 29486763d5..9a333589c2 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/event.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/event.rb @@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ module Google module RPC module Core - class Event # Add an inspect method to C-defined Event class. + # Event is a class defined in the c extension + # + # Here, we add an inspect method. + class Event def inspect - '<%s: type:%s, tag:%s result:%s>' % [self.class, type, tag, result] + "<#{self.class}: type:#{type}, tag:#{tag} result:#{result}>" end end end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/time_consts.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/time_consts.rb index 52e4c3f9b9..6876dcb02e 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/time_consts.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/time_consts.rb @@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ require 'grpc' module Google module RPC module Core - - module TimeConsts # re-opens a module in the C extension. - + # TimeConsts is a module from the C extension. + # + # Here it's re-opened to add a utility func. + module TimeConsts # Converts a time delta to an absolute deadline. # # Assumes timeish is a relative time, and converts its to an absolute, @@ -48,24 +49,23 @@ module Google # @param timeish [Number|TimeSpec] # @return timeish [Number|TimeSpec] def from_relative_time(timeish) - if timeish.is_a?TimeSpec + if timeish.is_a? TimeSpec timeish elsif timeish.nil? TimeConsts::ZERO - elsif !timeish.is_a?Numeric - raise TypeError('Cannot make an absolute deadline from %s', - timeish.inspect) + elsif !timeish.is_a? Numeric + fail(TypeError, + "Cannot make an absolute deadline from #{timeish.inspect}") elsif timeish < 0 TimeConsts::INFINITE_FUTURE elsif timeish == 0 TimeConsts::ZERO - else !timeish.nil? + else Time.now + timeish end end module_function :from_relative_time - end end end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/errors.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/errors.rb index d14e69c65a..70a92bfed7 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/errors.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/errors.rb @@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ require 'grpc' module Google - + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. module RPC - # OutOfTime is an exception class that indicates that an RPC exceeded its # deadline. OutOfTime = Class.new(StandardError) @@ -42,12 +41,11 @@ module Google # error should be returned to the other end of a GRPC connection; when # caught it means that this end received a status error. class BadStatus < StandardError - attr_reader :code, :details # @param code [Numeric] the status code # @param details [String] the details of the exception - def initialize(code, details='unknown cause') + def initialize(code, details = 'unknown cause') super("#{code}:#{details}") @code = code @details = details @@ -60,9 +58,6 @@ module Google def to_status Status.new(code, details) end - end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb index 288ea083e6..bd684a8d07 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb @@ -31,519 +31,516 @@ require 'forwardable' require 'grpc/generic/bidi_call' def assert_event_type(ev, want) - raise OutOfTime if ev.nil? + fail OutOfTime if ev.nil? got = ev.type - raise 'Unexpected rpc event: got %s, want %s' % [got, want] unless got == want + fail "Unexpected rpc event: got #{got}, want #{want}" unless got == want end -module Google::RPC - - # The ActiveCall class provides simple methods for sending marshallable - # data to a call - class ActiveCall - include Core::CompletionType - include Core::StatusCodes - include Core::TimeConsts - attr_reader(:deadline) - - # client_start_invoke begins a client invocation. - # - # Flow Control note: this blocks until flow control accepts that client - # request can go ahead. - # - # deadline is the absolute deadline for the call. - # - # == Keyword Arguments == - # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server - # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent - # - # @param call [Call] a call on which to start and invocation - # @param q [CompletionQueue] used to wait for INVOKE_ACCEPTED - # @param deadline [Fixnum,TimeSpec] the deadline for INVOKE_ACCEPTED - def self.client_start_invoke(call, q, deadline, **kw) - raise ArgumentError.new('not a call') unless call.is_a?Core::Call - if !q.is_a?Core::CompletionQueue - raise ArgumentError.new('not a CompletionQueue') - end - call.add_metadata(kw) if kw.length > 0 - invoke_accepted, client_metadata_read = Object.new, Object.new - finished_tag = Object.new - call.start_invoke(q, invoke_accepted, client_metadata_read, finished_tag) +module Google + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. + module RPC + # The ActiveCall class provides simple methods for sending marshallable + # data to a call + class ActiveCall + include Core::CompletionType + include Core::StatusCodes + include Core::TimeConsts + attr_reader(:deadline) + + # client_start_invoke begins a client invocation. + # + # Flow Control note: this blocks until flow control accepts that client + # request can go ahead. + # + # deadline is the absolute deadline for the call. + # + # == Keyword Arguments == + # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server + # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent + # + # @param call [Call] a call on which to start and invocation + # @param q [CompletionQueue] used to wait for INVOKE_ACCEPTED + # @param deadline [Fixnum,TimeSpec] the deadline for INVOKE_ACCEPTED + def self.client_start_invoke(call, q, _deadline, **kw) + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a call') unless call.is_a? Core::Call + unless q.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a CompletionQueue') + end + call.add_metadata(kw) if kw.length > 0 + invoke_accepted, client_metadata_read = Object.new, Object.new + finished_tag = Object.new + call.start_invoke(q, invoke_accepted, client_metadata_read, + finished_tag) + + # wait for the invocation to be accepted + ev = q.pluck(invoke_accepted, INFINITE_FUTURE) + fail OutOfTime if ev.nil? + ev.close - # wait for the invocation to be accepted - ev = q.pluck(invoke_accepted, INFINITE_FUTURE) - raise OutOfTime if ev.nil? - ev.close + [finished_tag, client_metadata_read] + end - [finished_tag, client_metadata_read] - end + # Creates an ActiveCall. + # + # ActiveCall should only be created after a call is accepted. That means + # different things on a client and a server. On the client, the call is + # accepted after call.start_invoke followed by receipt of the + # corresponding INVOKE_ACCEPTED. on the server, this is after + # call.accept. + # + # #initialize cannot determine if the call is accepted or not; so if a + # call that's not accepted is used here, the error won't be visible until + # the ActiveCall methods are called. + # + # deadline is the absolute deadline for the call. + # + # @param call [Call] the call used by the ActiveCall + # @param q [CompletionQueue] the completion queue used to accept + # the call + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshal requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [Fixnum] the deadline for the call to complete + # @param finished_tag [Object] the object used as the call's finish tag, + # if the call has begun + # @param read_metadata_tag [Object] the object used as the call's finish + # tag, if the call has begun + # @param started [true|false] indicates if the call has begun + def initialize(call, q, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, finished_tag: nil, + read_metadata_tag: nil, started: true) + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a call') unless call.is_a? Core::Call + unless q.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a CompletionQueue') + end + @call = call + @cq = q + @deadline = deadline + @finished_tag = finished_tag + @read_metadata_tag = read_metadata_tag + @marshal = marshal + @started = started + @unmarshal = unmarshal + end - # Creates an ActiveCall. - # - # ActiveCall should only be created after a call is accepted. That means - # different things on a client and a server. On the client, the call is - # accepted after call.start_invoke followed by receipt of the - # corresponding INVOKE_ACCEPTED. on the server, this is after - # call.accept. - # - # #initialize cannot determine if the call is accepted or not; so if a - # call that's not accepted is used here, the error won't be visible until - # the ActiveCall methods are called. - # - # deadline is the absolute deadline for the call. - # - # @param call [Call] the call used by the ActiveCall - # @param q [CompletionQueue] the completion queue used to accept - # the call - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshal requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [Fixnum] the deadline for the call to complete - # @param finished_tag [Object] the object used as the call's finish tag, - # if the call has begun - # @param read_metadata_tag [Object] the object used as the call's finish - # tag, if the call has begun - # @param started [true|false] (default true) indicates if the call has begun - def initialize(call, q, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, finished_tag: nil, - read_metadata_tag: nil, started: true) - raise ArgumentError.new('not a call') unless call.is_a?Core::Call - if !q.is_a?Core::CompletionQueue - raise ArgumentError.new('not a CompletionQueue') + # Obtains the status of the call. + # + # this value is nil until the call completes + # @return this call's status + def status + @call.status end - @call = call - @cq = q - @deadline = deadline - @finished_tag = finished_tag - @read_metadata_tag = read_metadata_tag - @marshal = marshal - @started = started - @unmarshal = unmarshal - end - # Obtains the status of the call. - # - # this value is nil until the call completes - # @return this call's status - def status - @call.status - end + # Obtains the metadata of the call. + # + # At the start of the call this will be nil. During the call this gets + # some values as soon as the other end of the connection acknowledges the + # request. + # + # @return this calls's metadata + def metadata + @call.metadata + end - # Obtains the metadata of the call. - # - # At the start of the call this will be nil. During the call this gets - # some values as soon as the other end of the connection acknowledges the - # request. - # - # @return this calls's metadata - def metadata - @call.metadata - end + # Cancels the call. + # + # Cancels the call. The call does not return any result, but once this it + # has been called, the call should eventually terminate. Due to potential + # races between the execution of the cancel and the in-flight request, the + # result of the call after calling #cancel is indeterminate: + # + # - the call may terminate with a BadStatus exception, with code=CANCELLED + # - the call may terminate with OK Status, and return a response + # - the call may terminate with a different BadStatus exception if that + # was happening + def cancel + @call.cancel + end - # Cancels the call. - # - # Cancels the call. The call does not return any result, but once this it - # has been called, the call should eventually terminate. Due to potential - # races between the execution of the cancel and the in-flight request, the - # result of the call after calling #cancel is indeterminate: - # - # - the call may terminate with a BadStatus exception, with code=CANCELLED - # - the call may terminate with OK Status, and return a response - # - the call may terminate with a different BadStatus exception if that was - # happening - def cancel - @call.cancel - end + # indicates if the call is shutdown + def shutdown + @shutdown ||= false + end - # indicates if the call is shutdown - def shutdown - @shutdown ||= false - end + # indicates if the call is cancelled. + def cancelled + @cancelled ||= false + end - # indicates if the call is cancelled. - def cancelled - @cancelled ||= false - end + # multi_req_view provides a restricted view of this ActiveCall for use + # in a server client-streaming handler. + def multi_req_view + MultiReqView.new(self) + end - # multi_req_view provides a restricted view of this ActiveCall for use - # in a server client-streaming handler. - def multi_req_view - MultiReqView.new(self) - end + # single_req_view provides a restricted view of this ActiveCall for use in + # a server request-response handler. + def single_req_view + SingleReqView.new(self) + end - # single_req_view provides a restricted view of this ActiveCall for use in - # a server request-response handler. - def single_req_view - SingleReqView.new(self) - end + # operation provides a restricted view of this ActiveCall for use as + # a Operation. + def operation + Operation.new(self) + end - # operation provides a restricted view of this ActiveCall for use as - # a Operation. - def operation - Operation.new(self) - end + # writes_done indicates that all writes are completed. + # + # It blocks until the remote endpoint acknowledges by sending a FINISHED + # event, unless assert_finished is set to false. Any calls to + # #remote_send after this call will fail. + # + # @param assert_finished [true, false] when true(default), waits for + # FINISHED. + def writes_done(assert_finished = true) + @call.writes_done(self) + ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, FINISH_ACCEPTED) + logger.debug("Writes done: waiting for finish? #{assert_finished}") + ensure + ev.close + end - # writes_done indicates that all writes are completed. - # - # It blocks until the remote endpoint acknowledges by sending a FINISHED - # event, unless assert_finished is set to false. Any calls to - # #remote_send after this call will fail. - # - # @param assert_finished [true, false] when true(default), waits for - # FINISHED. - def writes_done(assert_finished=true) - @call.writes_done(self) - ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, FINISH_ACCEPTED) - logger.debug("Writes done: waiting for finish? #{assert_finished}") - ensure + return unless assert_finished + ev = @cq.pluck(@finished_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) + fail 'unexpected nil event' if ev.nil? ev.close + @call.status end - if assert_finished + # finished waits until the call is completed. + # + # It blocks until the remote endpoint acknowledges by sending a FINISHED + # event. + def finished ev = @cq.pluck(@finished_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - raise "unexpected event: #{ev.inspect}" if ev.nil? - ev.close - return @call.status + begin + fail "unexpected event: #{ev.inspect}" unless ev.type == FINISHED + if @call.metadata.nil? + @call.metadata = ev.result.metadata + else + @call.metadata.merge!(ev.result.metadata) + end + + if ev.result.code != Core::StatusCodes::OK + fail BadStatus.new(ev.result.code, ev.result.details) + end + res = ev.result + ensure + ev.close + end + res end - end - # finished waits until the call is completed. - # - # It blocks until the remote endpoint acknowledges by sending a FINISHED - # event. - def finished - ev = @cq.pluck(@finished_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - raise "unexpected event: #{ev.inspect}" unless ev.type == FINISHED - if @call.metadata.nil? - @call.metadata = ev.result.metadata + # remote_send sends a request to the remote endpoint. + # + # It blocks until the remote endpoint acknowledges by sending a + # WRITE_ACCEPTED. req can be marshalled already. + # + # @param req [Object, String] the object to send or it's marshal form. + # @param marshalled [false, true] indicates if the object is already + # marshalled. + def remote_send(req, marshalled = false) + assert_queue_is_ready + logger.debug("sending #{req.inspect}, marshalled? #{marshalled}") + if marshalled + payload = req else - @call.metadata.merge!(ev.result.metadata) + payload = @marshal.call(req) end - - if ev.result.code != Core::StatusCodes::OK - raise BadStatus.new(ev.result.code, ev.result.details) + @call.start_write(Core::ByteBuffer.new(payload), self) + + # call queue#pluck, and wait for WRITE_ACCEPTED, so as not to return + # until the flow control allows another send on this call. + ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, WRITE_ACCEPTED) + ensure + ev.close end - res = ev.result - ensure - ev.close end - res - end - # remote_send sends a request to the remote endpoint. - # - # It blocks until the remote endpoint acknowledges by sending a - # WRITE_ACCEPTED. req can be marshalled already. - # - # @param req [Object, String] the object to send or it's marshal form. - # @param marshalled [false, true] indicates if the object is already - # marshalled. - def remote_send(req, marshalled=false) - assert_queue_is_ready - logger.debug("sending payload #{req.inspect}, marshalled? #{marshalled}") - if marshalled - payload = req - else - payload = @marshal.call(req) - end - @call.start_write(Core::ByteBuffer.new(payload), self) - - # call queue#pluck, and wait for WRITE_ACCEPTED, so as not to return - # until the flow control allows another send on this call. - ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, WRITE_ACCEPTED) - ensure - ev.close + # send_status sends a status to the remote endpoint + # + # @param code [int] the status code to send + # @param details [String] details + # @param assert_finished [true, false] when true(default), waits for + # FINISHED. + def send_status(code = OK, details = '', assert_finished = false) + assert_queue_is_ready + @call.start_write_status(code, details, self) + ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, FINISH_ACCEPTED) + ensure + ev.close + end + logger.debug("Status sent: #{code}:'#{details}'") + return finished if assert_finished + nil end - end - # send_status sends a status to the remote endpoint - # - # @param code [int] the status code to send - # @param details [String] details - # @param assert_finished [true, false] when true(default), waits for - # FINISHED. - def send_status(code=OK, details='', assert_finished=false) - assert_queue_is_ready - @call.start_write_status(code, details, self) - ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, FINISH_ACCEPTED) - ensure - ev.close - end - logger.debug("Status sent: #{code}:'#{details}'") - if assert_finished - return finished - end - nil - end - - # remote_read reads a response from the remote endpoint. - # - # It blocks until the remote endpoint sends a READ or FINISHED event. On - # a READ, it returns the response after unmarshalling it. On - # FINISHED, it returns nil if the status is OK, otherwise raising BadStatus - def remote_read - if @call.metadata.nil? && !@read_metadata_tag.nil? - ev = @cq.pluck(@read_metadata_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - assert_event_type(ev, CLIENT_METADATA_READ) - @call.metadata = ev.result - @read_metadata_tag = nil - end + # remote_read reads a response from the remote endpoint. + # + # It blocks until the remote endpoint sends a READ or FINISHED event. On + # a READ, it returns the response after unmarshalling it. On + # FINISHED, it returns nil if the status is OK, otherwise raising + # BadStatus + def remote_read + if @call.metadata.nil? && !@read_metadata_tag.nil? + ev = @cq.pluck(@read_metadata_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) + assert_event_type(ev, CLIENT_METADATA_READ) + @call.metadata = ev.result + @read_metadata_tag = nil + end - @call.start_read(self) - ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, READ) - logger.debug("received req: #{ev.result.inspect}") - if !ev.result.nil? - logger.debug("received req.to_s: #{ev.result.to_s}") - res = @unmarshal.call(ev.result.to_s) - logger.debug("received_req (unmarshalled): #{res.inspect}") - return res + @call.start_read(self) + ev = @cq.pluck(self, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, READ) + logger.debug("received req: #{ev.result.inspect}") + unless ev.result.nil? + logger.debug("received req.to_s: #{ev.result}") + res = @unmarshal.call(ev.result.to_s) + logger.debug("received_req (unmarshalled): #{res.inspect}") + return res + end + ensure + ev.close end - ensure - ev.close + logger.debug('found nil; the final response has been sent') + nil end - logger.debug('found nil; the final response has been sent') - nil - end - # each_remote_read passes each response to the given block or returns an - # enumerator the responses if no block is given. - # - # == Enumerator == - # - # * #next blocks until the remote endpoint sends a READ or FINISHED - # * for each read, enumerator#next yields the response - # * on status - # * if it's is OK, enumerator#next raises StopException - # * if is not OK, enumerator#next raises RuntimeException - # - # == Block == - # - # * if provided it is executed for each response - # * the call blocks until no more responses are provided - # - # @return [Enumerator] if no block was given - def each_remote_read - return enum_for(:each_remote_read) if !block_given? - loop do - resp = remote_read() - break if resp.is_a?Struct::Status # is an OK status, bad statii raise - break if resp.nil? # the last response was received - yield resp + # each_remote_read passes each response to the given block or returns an + # enumerator the responses if no block is given. + # + # == Enumerator == + # + # * #next blocks until the remote endpoint sends a READ or FINISHED + # * for each read, enumerator#next yields the response + # * on status + # * if it's is OK, enumerator#next raises StopException + # * if is not OK, enumerator#next raises RuntimeException + # + # == Block == + # + # * if provided it is executed for each response + # * the call blocks until no more responses are provided + # + # @return [Enumerator] if no block was given + def each_remote_read + return enum_for(:each_remote_read) unless block_given? + loop do + resp = remote_read + break if resp.is_a? Struct::Status # is an OK status + break if resp.nil? # the last response was received + yield resp + end end - end - # each_remote_read_then_finish passes each response to the given block or - # returns an enumerator of the responses if no block is given. - # - # It is like each_remote_read, but it blocks on finishing on detecting - # the final message. - # - # == Enumerator == - # - # * #next blocks until the remote endpoint sends a READ or FINISHED - # * for each read, enumerator#next yields the response - # * on status - # * if it's is OK, enumerator#next raises StopException - # * if is not OK, enumerator#next raises RuntimeException - # - # == Block == - # - # * if provided it is executed for each response - # * the call blocks until no more responses are provided - # - # @return [Enumerator] if no block was given - def each_remote_read_then_finish - return enum_for(:each_remote_read_then_finish) if !block_given? - loop do - resp = remote_read - break if resp.is_a?Struct::Status # is an OK status, bad statii raise - if resp.nil? # the last response was received, but not finished yet - finished - break + # each_remote_read_then_finish passes each response to the given block or + # returns an enumerator of the responses if no block is given. + # + # It is like each_remote_read, but it blocks on finishing on detecting + # the final message. + # + # == Enumerator == + # + # * #next blocks until the remote endpoint sends a READ or FINISHED + # * for each read, enumerator#next yields the response + # * on status + # * if it's is OK, enumerator#next raises StopException + # * if is not OK, enumerator#next raises RuntimeException + # + # == Block == + # + # * if provided it is executed for each response + # * the call blocks until no more responses are provided + # + # @return [Enumerator] if no block was given + def each_remote_read_then_finish + return enum_for(:each_remote_read_then_finish) unless block_given? + loop do + resp = remote_read + break if resp.is_a? Struct::Status # is an OK status + if resp.nil? # the last response was received, but not finished yet + finished + break + end + yield resp end - yield resp end - end - # request_response sends a request to a GRPC server, and returns the - # response. - # - # == Keyword Arguments == - # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server - # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent - # - # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server - # @return [Object] the response received from the server - def request_response(req, **kw) - start_call(**kw) unless @started - remote_send(req) - writes_done(false) - response = remote_read - if !response.is_a?(Struct::Status) # finish if status not yet received - finished + # request_response sends a request to a GRPC server, and returns the + # response. + # + # == Keyword Arguments == + # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server + # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent + # + # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server + # @return [Object] the response received from the server + def request_response(req, **kw) + start_call(**kw) unless @started + remote_send(req) + writes_done(false) + response = remote_read + finished unless response.is_a? Struct::Status + response end - response - end - # client_streamer sends a stream of requests to a GRPC server, and - # returns a single response. - # - # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's - # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an - # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable - # that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. - # - # == Keyword Arguments == - # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server - # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent - # - # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send - # @return [Object] the response received from the server - def client_streamer(requests, **kw) - start_call(**kw) unless @started - requests.each { |r| remote_send(r) } - writes_done(false) - response = remote_read - if !response.is_a?(Struct::Status) # finish if status not yet received - finished + # client_streamer sends a stream of requests to a GRPC server, and + # returns a single response. + # + # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's + # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an + # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable + # that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. + # + # == Keyword Arguments == + # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server + # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent + # + # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send + # @return [Object] the response received from the server + def client_streamer(requests, **kw) + start_call(**kw) unless @started + requests.each { |r| remote_send(r) } + writes_done(false) + response = remote_read + finished unless response.is_a? Struct::Status + response end - response - end - # server_streamer sends one request to the GRPC server, which yields a - # stream of responses. - # - # responses provides an enumerator over the streamed responses, i.e. it - # follows Ruby's #each iteration protocol. The enumerator blocks while - # waiting for each response, stops when the server signals that no - # further responses will be supplied. If the implicit block is provided, - # it is executed with each response as the argument and no result is - # returned. - # - # == Keyword Arguments == - # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server - # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent - # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server. - # - # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server - # @return [Enumerator|nil] a response Enumerator - def server_streamer(req, **kw) - start_call(**kw) unless @started - remote_send(req) - writes_done(false) - replies = enum_for(:each_remote_read_then_finish) - return replies if !block_given? - replies.each { |r| yield r } - end + # server_streamer sends one request to the GRPC server, which yields a + # stream of responses. + # + # responses provides an enumerator over the streamed responses, i.e. it + # follows Ruby's #each iteration protocol. The enumerator blocks while + # waiting for each response, stops when the server signals that no + # further responses will be supplied. If the implicit block is provided, + # it is executed with each response as the argument and no result is + # returned. + # + # == Keyword Arguments == + # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server + # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent + # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server. + # + # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server + # @return [Enumerator|nil] a response Enumerator + def server_streamer(req, **kw) + start_call(**kw) unless @started + remote_send(req) + writes_done(false) + replies = enum_for(:each_remote_read_then_finish) + return replies unless block_given? + replies.each { |r| yield r } + end - # bidi_streamer sends a stream of requests to the GRPC server, and yields - # a stream of responses. - # - # This method takes an Enumerable of requests, and returns and enumerable - # of responses. - # - # == requests == - # - # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's #each - # enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an array of - # marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable that - # allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. - # - # == responses == - # - # This is an enumerator of responses. I.e, its #next method blocks - # waiting for the next response. Also, if at any point the block needs - # to consume all the remaining responses, this can be done using #each or - # #collect. Calling #each or #collect should only be done if - # the_call#writes_done has been called, otherwise the block will loop - # forever. - # - # == Keyword Arguments == - # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server - # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent - # - # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send - # @return [Enumerator, nil] a response Enumerator - def bidi_streamer(requests, **kw, &blk) - start_call(**kw) unless @started - bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal, @deadline, - @finished_tag) - bd.run_on_client(requests, &blk) - end + # bidi_streamer sends a stream of requests to the GRPC server, and yields + # a stream of responses. + # + # This method takes an Enumerable of requests, and returns and enumerable + # of responses. + # + # == requests == + # + # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's + # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an + # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an + # Enumerable that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable + # objects. + # + # == responses == + # + # This is an enumerator of responses. I.e, its #next method blocks + # waiting for the next response. Also, if at any point the block needs + # to consume all the remaining responses, this can be done using #each or + # #collect. Calling #each or #collect should only be done if + # the_call#writes_done has been called, otherwise the block will loop + # forever. + # + # == Keyword Arguments == + # any keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the server + # if a keyword value is a list, multiple metadata for it's key are sent + # + # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send + # @return [Enumerator, nil] a response Enumerator + def bidi_streamer(requests, **kw, &blk) + start_call(**kw) unless @started + bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal, @deadline, + @finished_tag) + bd.run_on_client(requests, &blk) + end - # run_server_bidi orchestrates a BiDi stream processing on a server. - # - # N.B. gen_each_reply is a func(Enumerable<Requests>) - # - # It takes an enumerable of requests as an arg, in case there is a - # relationship between the stream of requests and the stream of replies. - # - # This does not mean that must necessarily be one. E.g, the replies - # produced by gen_each_reply could ignore the received_msgs - # - # @param gen_each_reply [Proc] generates the BiDi stream replies - def run_server_bidi(gen_each_reply) - bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal, @deadline, - @finished_tag) - bd.run_on_server(gen_each_reply) - end + # run_server_bidi orchestrates a BiDi stream processing on a server. + # + # N.B. gen_each_reply is a func(Enumerable<Requests>) + # + # It takes an enumerable of requests as an arg, in case there is a + # relationship between the stream of requests and the stream of replies. + # + # This does not mean that must necessarily be one. E.g, the replies + # produced by gen_each_reply could ignore the received_msgs + # + # @param gen_each_reply [Proc] generates the BiDi stream replies + def run_server_bidi(gen_each_reply) + bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal, @deadline, + @finished_tag) + bd.run_on_server(gen_each_reply) + end - private + private - def start_call(**kw) - tags = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(@call, @cq, @deadline, **kw) - @finished_tag, @read_metadata_tag = tags - @started = true - end + def start_call(**kw) + tags = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(@call, @cq, @deadline, **kw) + @finished_tag, @read_metadata_tag = tags + @started = true + end - def self.view_class(*visible_methods) - Class.new do - extend ::Forwardable - def_delegators :@wrapped, *visible_methods + def self.view_class(*visible_methods) + Class.new do + extend ::Forwardable + def_delegators :@wrapped, *visible_methods - # @param wrapped [ActiveCall] the call whose methods are shielded - def initialize(wrapped) - @wrapped = wrapped + # @param wrapped [ActiveCall] the call whose methods are shielded + def initialize(wrapped) + @wrapped = wrapped + end end end - end - # SingleReqView limits access to an ActiveCall's methods for use in server - # handlers that receive just one request. - SingleReqView = view_class(:cancelled, :deadline) - - # MultiReqView limits access to an ActiveCall's methods for use in - # server client_streamer handlers. - MultiReqView = view_class(:cancelled, :deadline, :each_queued_msg, - :each_remote_read) - - # Operation limits access to an ActiveCall's methods for use as - # a Operation on the client. - Operation = view_class(:cancel, :cancelled, :deadline, :execute, :metadata, - :status) - - # confirms that no events are enqueued, and that the queue is not - # shutdown. - def assert_queue_is_ready - ev = nil - begin - ev = @cq.pluck(self, ZERO) - raise "unexpected event #{ev.inspect}" unless ev.nil? - rescue OutOfTime - # expected, nothing should be on the queue and the deadline was ZERO, - # except things using another tag - ensure - ev.close unless ev.nil? + # SingleReqView limits access to an ActiveCall's methods for use in server + # handlers that receive just one request. + SingleReqView = view_class(:cancelled, :deadline) + + # MultiReqView limits access to an ActiveCall's methods for use in + # server client_streamer handlers. + MultiReqView = view_class(:cancelled, :deadline, :each_queued_msg, + :each_remote_read) + + # Operation limits access to an ActiveCall's methods for use as + # a Operation on the client. + Operation = view_class(:cancel, :cancelled, :deadline, :execute, + :metadata, :status) + + # confirms that no events are enqueued, and that the queue is not + # shutdown. + def assert_queue_is_ready + ev = nil + begin + ev = @cq.pluck(self, ZERO) + fail "unexpected event #{ev.inspect}" unless ev.nil? + rescue OutOfTime + logging.debug('timed out waiting for next event') + # expected, nothing should be on the queue and the deadline was ZERO, + # except things using another tag + ensure + ev.close unless ev.nil? + end end end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb index 066ec851ac..14ef6c531f 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb @@ -31,194 +31,195 @@ require 'forwardable' require 'grpc/grpc' def assert_event_type(ev, want) - raise OutOfTime if ev.nil? + fail OutOfTime if ev.nil? got = ev.type - raise 'Unexpected rpc event: got %s, want %s' % [got, want] unless got == want + fail("Unexpected rpc event: got #{got}, want #{want}") unless got == want end -module Google::RPC - - # The BiDiCall class orchestrates exection of a BiDi stream on a client or - # server. - class BidiCall - include Core::CompletionType - include Core::StatusCodes - include Core::TimeConsts - - # Creates a BidiCall. - # - # BidiCall should only be created after a call is accepted. That means - # different things on a client and a server. On the client, the call is - # accepted after call.start_invoke followed by receipt of the corresponding - # INVOKE_ACCEPTED. On the server, this is after call.accept. - # - # #initialize cannot determine if the call is accepted or not; so if a - # call that's not accepted is used here, the error won't be visible until - # the BidiCall#run is called. - # - # deadline is the absolute deadline for the call. - # - # @param call [Call] the call used by the ActiveCall - # @param q [CompletionQueue] the completion queue used to accept - # the call - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshal requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [Fixnum] the deadline for the call to complete - # @param finished_tag [Object] the object used as the call's finish tag, - def initialize(call, q, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, finished_tag) - raise ArgumentError.new('not a call') unless call.is_a?Core::Call - if !q.is_a?Core::CompletionQueue - raise ArgumentError.new('not a CompletionQueue') +module Google + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. + module RPC + # The BiDiCall class orchestrates exection of a BiDi stream on a client or + # server. + class BidiCall + include Core::CompletionType + include Core::StatusCodes + include Core::TimeConsts + + # Creates a BidiCall. + # + # BidiCall should only be created after a call is accepted. That means + # different things on a client and a server. On the client, the call is + # accepted after call.start_invoke followed by receipt of the + # corresponding INVOKE_ACCEPTED. On the server, this is after + # call.accept. + # + # #initialize cannot determine if the call is accepted or not; so if a + # call that's not accepted is used here, the error won't be visible until + # the BidiCall#run is called. + # + # deadline is the absolute deadline for the call. + # + # @param call [Call] the call used by the ActiveCall + # @param q [CompletionQueue] the completion queue used to accept + # the call + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshal requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [Fixnum] the deadline for the call to complete + # @param finished_tag [Object] the object used as the call's finish tag, + def initialize(call, q, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, finished_tag) + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a call') unless call.is_a? Core::Call + unless q.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a CompletionQueue') + end + @call = call + @cq = q + @deadline = deadline + @finished_tag = finished_tag + @marshal = marshal + @readq = Queue.new + @unmarshal = unmarshal end - @call = call - @cq = q - @deadline = deadline - @finished_tag = finished_tag - @marshal = marshal - @readq = Queue.new - @unmarshal = unmarshal - end - # Begins orchestration of the Bidi stream for a client sending requests. - # - # The method either returns an Enumerator of the responses, or accepts a - # block that can be invoked with each response. - # - # @param requests the Enumerable of requests to send - # @return an Enumerator of requests to yield - def run_on_client(requests, &blk) - enq_th = start_write_loop(requests) - loop_th = start_read_loop - replies = each_queued_msg - return replies if blk.nil? - replies.each { |r| blk.call(r) } - enq_th.join - loop_th.join - end - - # Begins orchestration of the Bidi stream for a server generating replies. - # - # N.B. gen_each_reply is a func(Enumerable<Requests>) - # - # It takes an enumerable of requests as an arg, in case there is a - # relationship between the stream of requests and the stream of replies. - # - # This does not mean that must necessarily be one. E.g, the replies - # produced by gen_each_reply could ignore the received_msgs - # - # @param gen_each_reply [Proc] generates the BiDi stream replies. - def run_on_server(gen_each_reply) - replys = gen_each_reply.call(each_queued_msg) - enq_th = start_write_loop(replys, is_client:false) - loop_th = start_read_loop() - loop_th.join - enq_th.join - end - - private + # Begins orchestration of the Bidi stream for a client sending requests. + # + # The method either returns an Enumerator of the responses, or accepts a + # block that can be invoked with each response. + # + # @param requests the Enumerable of requests to send + # @return an Enumerator of requests to yield + def run_on_client(requests, &blk) + enq_th = start_write_loop(requests) + loop_th = start_read_loop + replies = each_queued_msg + return replies if blk.nil? + replies.each { |r| blk.call(r) } + enq_th.join + loop_th.join + end - END_OF_READS = :end_of_reads - END_OF_WRITES = :end_of_writes + # Begins orchestration of the Bidi stream for a server generating replies. + # + # N.B. gen_each_reply is a func(Enumerable<Requests>) + # + # It takes an enumerable of requests as an arg, in case there is a + # relationship between the stream of requests and the stream of replies. + # + # This does not mean that must necessarily be one. E.g, the replies + # produced by gen_each_reply could ignore the received_msgs + # + # @param gen_each_reply [Proc] generates the BiDi stream replies. + def run_on_server(gen_each_reply) + replys = gen_each_reply.call(each_queued_msg) + enq_th = start_write_loop(replys, is_client: false) + loop_th = start_read_loop + loop_th.join + enq_th.join + end - # each_queued_msg yields each message on this instances readq - # - # - messages are added to the readq by #read_loop - # - iteration ends when the instance itself is added - def each_queued_msg - return enum_for(:each_queued_msg) if !block_given? - count = 0 - loop do - logger.debug("each_queued_msg: msg##{count}") - count += 1 - req = @readq.pop - throw req if req.is_a?StandardError - break if req.equal?(END_OF_READS) - yield req + private + + END_OF_READS = :end_of_reads + END_OF_WRITES = :end_of_writes + + # each_queued_msg yields each message on this instances readq + # + # - messages are added to the readq by #read_loop + # - iteration ends when the instance itself is added + def each_queued_msg + return enum_for(:each_queued_msg) unless block_given? + count = 0 + loop do + logger.debug("each_queued_msg: msg##{count}") + count += 1 + req = @readq.pop + throw req if req.is_a? StandardError + break if req.equal?(END_OF_READS) + yield req + end end - end - # during bidi-streaming, read the requests to send from a separate thread - # read so that read_loop does not block waiting for requests to read. - def start_write_loop(requests, is_client: true) - Thread.new do # TODO(temiola) run on a thread pool - write_tag = Object.new - begin - count = 0 - requests.each do |req| - count += 1 - payload = @marshal.call(req) - @call.start_write(Core::ByteBuffer.new(payload), write_tag) - ev = @cq.pluck(write_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, WRITE_ACCEPTED) - ensure - ev.close - end - end - if is_client - @call.writes_done(write_tag) - ev = @cq.pluck(write_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, FINISH_ACCEPTED) - ensure - ev.close + # during bidi-streaming, read the requests to send from a separate thread + # read so that read_loop does not block waiting for requests to read. + def start_write_loop(requests, is_client: true) + Thread.new do # TODO(temiola) run on a thread pool + write_tag = Object.new + begin + count = 0 + requests.each do |req| + count += 1 + payload = @marshal.call(req) + @call.start_write(Core::ByteBuffer.new(payload), write_tag) + ev = @cq.pluck(write_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, WRITE_ACCEPTED) + ensure + ev.close + end end - logger.debug("bidi-client: sent #{count} reqs, waiting to finish") - ev = @cq.pluck(@finished_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, FINISHED) - ensure - ev.close + if is_client + @call.writes_done(write_tag) + ev = @cq.pluck(write_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, FINISH_ACCEPTED) + ensure + ev.close + end + logger.debug("bidi-client: sent #{count} reqs, waiting to finish") + ev = @cq.pluck(@finished_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, FINISHED) + ensure + ev.close + end + logger.debug('bidi-client: finished received') end - logger.debug('bidi-client: finished received') + rescue StandardError => e + logger.warn('bidi: write_loop failed') + logger.warn(e) end - rescue StandardError => e - logger.warn('bidi: write_loop failed') - logger.warn(e) end end - end - - # starts the read loop - def start_read_loop() - t = Thread.new do - begin - read_tag = Object.new - count = 0 - # queue the initial read before beginning the loop - loop do - logger.debug("waiting for read #{count}") - count += 1 - @call.start_read(read_tag) - ev = @cq.pluck(read_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - begin - assert_event_type(ev, READ) - - # handle the next event. - if ev.result.nil? - @readq.push(END_OF_READS) - logger.debug('done reading!') - break + # starts the read loop + def start_read_loop + Thread.new do + begin + read_tag = Object.new + count = 0 + + # queue the initial read before beginning the loop + loop do + logger.debug("waiting for read #{count}") + count += 1 + @call.start_read(read_tag) + ev = @cq.pluck(read_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) + begin + assert_event_type(ev, READ) + + # handle the next event. + if ev.result.nil? + @readq.push(END_OF_READS) + logger.debug('done reading!') + break + end + + # push the latest read onto the queue and continue reading + logger.debug("received req: #{ev.result}") + res = @unmarshal.call(ev.result.to_s) + @readq.push(res) + ensure + ev.close end - - # push the latest read onto the queue and continue reading - logger.debug("received req.to_s: #{ev.result.to_s}") - res = @unmarshal.call(ev.result.to_s) - @readq.push(res) - ensure - ev.close end - end - rescue StandardError => e - logger.warn('bidi: read_loop failed') - logger.warn(e) - @readq.push(e) # let each_queued_msg terminate with this error + rescue StandardError => e + logger.warn('bidi: read_loop failed') + logger.warn(e) + @readq.push(e) # let each_queued_msg terminate with this error + end end end end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb index 62628cb1f0..7e13de19ca 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb @@ -30,377 +30,381 @@ require 'grpc/generic/active_call' require 'xray/thread_dump_signal_handler' -module Google::RPC +module Google + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. + module RPC + # ClientStub represents an endpoint used to send requests to GRPC servers. + class ClientStub + include Core::StatusCodes - # ClientStub represents an endpoint used to send requests to GRPC servers. - class ClientStub - include Core::StatusCodes + # Default deadline is 5 seconds. + DEFAULT_DEADLINE = 5 - # Default deadline is 5 seconds. - DEFAULT_DEADLINE = 5 - - # Creates a new ClientStub. - # - # Minimally, a stub is created with the just the host of the gRPC service - # it wishes to access, e.g., - # - # my_stub = ClientStub.new(example.host.com:50505) - # - # Any arbitrary keyword arguments are treated as channel arguments used to - # configure the RPC connection to the host. - # - # There are some specific keyword args that are not used to configure the - # channel: - # - # - :channel_override - # when present, this must be a pre-created GRPC::Channel. If it's present - # the host and arbitrary keyword arg areignored, and the RPC connection uses - # this channel. - # - # - :deadline - # when present, this is the default deadline used for calls - # - # - :update_metadata - # when present, this a func that takes a hash and returns a hash - # it can be used to update metadata, i.e, remove, change or update - # amend metadata values. - # - # @param host [String] the host the stub connects to - # @param q [Core::CompletionQueue] used to wait for events - # @param channel_override [Core::Channel] a pre-created channel - # @param deadline [Number] the default deadline to use in requests - # @param creds [Core::Credentials] secures and/or authenticates the channel - # @param update_metadata a func that updates metadata as described above - # @param kw [KeywordArgs]the channel arguments - def initialize(host, q, - channel_override:nil, - deadline: DEFAULT_DEADLINE, - creds: nil, - update_metadata: nil, - **kw) - if !q.is_a?Core::CompletionQueue - raise ArgumentError.new('not a CompletionQueue') - end - @queue = q + # Creates a new ClientStub. + # + # Minimally, a stub is created with the just the host of the gRPC service + # it wishes to access, e.g., + # + # my_stub = ClientStub.new(example.host.com:50505) + # + # Any arbitrary keyword arguments are treated as channel arguments used to + # configure the RPC connection to the host. + # + # There are some specific keyword args that are not used to configure the + # channel: + # + # - :channel_override + # when present, this must be a pre-created GRPC::Channel. If it's + # present the host and arbitrary keyword arg areignored, and the RPC + # connection uses this channel. + # + # - :deadline + # when present, this is the default deadline used for calls + # + # - :update_metadata + # when present, this a func that takes a hash and returns a hash + # it can be used to update metadata, i.e, remove, change or update + # amend metadata values. + # + # @param host [String] the host the stub connects to + # @param q [Core::CompletionQueue] used to wait for events + # @param channel_override [Core::Channel] a pre-created channel + # @param deadline [Number] the default deadline to use in requests + # @param creds [Core::Credentials] the channel + # @param update_metadata a func that updates metadata as described above + # @param kw [KeywordArgs]the channel arguments + def initialize(host, q, + channel_override:nil, + deadline: DEFAULT_DEADLINE, + creds: nil, + update_metadata: nil, + **kw) + unless q.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a CompletionQueue') + end + @queue = q - # set the channel instance - if !channel_override.nil? - ch = channel_override - raise ArgumentError.new('not a Channel') unless ch.is_a?(Core::Channel) - elsif creds.nil? - ch = Core::Channel.new(host, kw) - elsif !creds.is_a?(Core::Credentials) - raise ArgumentError.new('not a Credentials') - else - ch = Core::Channel.new(host, kw, creds) - end - @ch = ch + # set the channel instance + if !channel_override.nil? + ch = channel_override + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a Channel') unless ch.is_a? Core::Channel + else + if creds.nil? + ch = Core::Channel.new(host, kw) + elsif !creds.is_a?(Core::Credentials) + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a Credentials') + else + ch = Core::Channel.new(host, kw, creds) + end + end + @ch = ch - @update_metadata = nil - if !update_metadata.nil? - if !update_metadata.is_a?(Proc) - raise ArgumentError.new('update_metadata is not a Proc') + @update_metadata = nil + unless update_metadata.nil? + unless update_metadata.is_a? Proc + fail(ArgumentError, 'update_metadata is not a Proc') + end + @update_metadata = update_metadata end - @update_metadata = update_metadata + + @host = host + @deadline = deadline end + # request_response sends a request to a GRPC server, and returns the + # response. + # + # == Flow Control == + # This is a blocking call. + # + # * it does not return until a response is received. + # + # * the requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to + # be sent. + # + # == Errors == + # An RuntimeError is raised if + # + # * the server responds with a non-OK status + # + # * the deadline is exceeded + # + # == Return Value == + # + # If return_op is false, the call returns the response + # + # If return_op is true, the call returns an Operation, calling execute + # on the Operation returns the response. + # + # == Keyword Args == + # + # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the + # server. + # + # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server + # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds + # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true + # @return [Object] the response received from the server + def request_response(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline = nil, + return_op: false, **kw) + c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) + md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) + return c.request_response(req, **md) unless return_op - @host = host - @deadline = deadline - end + # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute as a + # new method for this instance that invokes #request_response. + op = c.operation + op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do + c.request_response(req, **md) + end + op + end - # request_response sends a request to a GRPC server, and returns the - # response. - # - # == Flow Control == - # This is a blocking call. - # - # * it does not return until a response is received. - # - # * the requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to - # be sent. - # - # == Errors == - # An RuntimeError is raised if - # - # * the server responds with a non-OK status - # - # * the deadline is exceeded - # - # == Return Value == - # - # If return_op is false, the call returns the response - # - # If return_op is true, the call returns an Operation, calling execute - # on the Operation returns the response. - # - # == Keyword Args == - # - # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the - # server. - # - # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server - # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds - # @param return_op [true|false] (default false) return an Operation if true - # @return [Object] the response received from the server - def request_response(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline=nil, - return_op:false, **kw) - c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) - md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) - return c.request_response(req, **md) unless return_op + # client_streamer sends a stream of requests to a GRPC server, and + # returns a single response. + # + # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's + # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an + # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable + # that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. + # + # == Flow Control == + # This is a blocking call. + # + # * it does not return until a response is received. + # + # * each requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to + # be sent. + # + # == Errors == + # An RuntimeError is raised if + # + # * the server responds with a non-OK status + # + # * the deadline is exceeded + # + # == Return Value == + # + # If return_op is false, the call consumes the requests and returns + # the response. + # + # If return_op is true, the call returns the response. + # + # == Keyword Args == + # + # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the + # server. + # + # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server + # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [Numeric] the max completion time in seconds + # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true + # @return [Object|Operation] the response received from the server + def client_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, deadline = nil, + return_op: false, **kw) + c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) + md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) + return c.client_streamer(requests, **md) unless return_op - # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute as a - # new method for this instance that invokes #request_response. - op = c.operation - op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do - c.request_response(req, **md) + # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute as a + # new method for this instance that invokes #client_streamer. + op = c.operation + op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do + c.client_streamer(requests, **md) + end + op end - op - end - # client_streamer sends a stream of requests to a GRPC server, and - # returns a single response. - # - # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's - # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an - # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable - # that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. - # - # == Flow Control == - # This is a blocking call. - # - # * it does not return until a response is received. - # - # * each requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to - # be sent. - # - # == Errors == - # An RuntimeError is raised if - # - # * the server responds with a non-OK status - # - # * the deadline is exceeded - # - # == Return Value == - # - # If return_op is false, the call consumes the requests and returns - # the response. - # - # If return_op is true, the call returns the response. - # - # == Keyword Args == - # - # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the - # server. - # - # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server - # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [Numeric] the max completion time in seconds - # @param return_op [true|false] (default false) return an Operation if true - # @return [Object|Operation] the response received from the server - def client_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, deadline=nil, - return_op:false, **kw) - c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) - md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) - return c.client_streamer(requests, **md) unless return_op + # server_streamer sends one request to the GRPC server, which yields a + # stream of responses. + # + # responses provides an enumerator over the streamed responses, i.e. it + # follows Ruby's #each iteration protocol. The enumerator blocks while + # waiting for each response, stops when the server signals that no + # further responses will be supplied. If the implicit block is provided, + # it is executed with each response as the argument and no result is + # returned. + # + # == Flow Control == + # This is a blocking call. + # + # * the request is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to + # be sent. + # + # * the request will not complete until the server sends the final + # response followed by a status message. + # + # == Errors == + # An RuntimeError is raised if + # + # * the server responds with a non-OK status when any response is + # * retrieved + # + # * the deadline is exceeded + # + # == Return Value == + # + # if the return_op is false, the return value is an Enumerator of the + # results, unless a block is provided, in which case the block is + # executed with each response. + # + # if return_op is true, the function returns an Operation whose #execute + # method runs server streamer call. Again, Operation#execute either + # calls the given block with each response or returns an Enumerator of the + # responses. + # + # == Keyword Args == + # + # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the + # server. + # + # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server + # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [Numeric] the max completion time in seconds + # @param return_op [true|false]return an Operation if true + # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response + # @return [Enumerator|Operation|nil] as discussed above + def server_streamer(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline = nil, + return_op: false, **kw, &blk) + c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) + md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) + return c.server_streamer(req, **md, &blk) unless return_op - # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute as a - # new method for this instance that invokes #client_streamer. - op = c.operation - op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do - c.client_streamer(requests, **md) + # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute + # as a new method for this instance that invokes #server_streamer + op = c.operation + op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do + c.server_streamer(req, **md, &blk) + end + op end - op - end - # server_streamer sends one request to the GRPC server, which yields a - # stream of responses. - # - # responses provides an enumerator over the streamed responses, i.e. it - # follows Ruby's #each iteration protocol. The enumerator blocks while - # waiting for each response, stops when the server signals that no - # further responses will be supplied. If the implicit block is provided, - # it is executed with each response as the argument and no result is - # returned. - # - # == Flow Control == - # This is a blocking call. - # - # * the request is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to - # be sent. - # - # * the request will not complete until the server sends the final response - # followed by a status message. - # - # == Errors == - # An RuntimeError is raised if - # - # * the server responds with a non-OK status when any response is - # * retrieved - # - # * the deadline is exceeded - # - # == Return Value == - # - # if the return_op is false, the return value is an Enumerator of the - # results, unless a block is provided, in which case the block is - # executed with each response. - # - # if return_op is true, the function returns an Operation whose #execute - # method runs server streamer call. Again, Operation#execute either - # calls the given block with each response or returns an Enumerator of the - # responses. - # - # == Keyword Args == - # - # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the - # server. - # - # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server - # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [Numeric] the max completion time in seconds - # @param return_op [true|false] (default false) return an Operation if true - # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response - # @return [Enumerator|Operation|nil] as discussed above - def server_streamer(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline=nil, - return_op:false, **kw, &blk) - c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) - md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) - return c.server_streamer(req, **md, &blk) unless return_op + # bidi_streamer sends a stream of requests to the GRPC server, and yields + # a stream of responses. + # + # This method takes an Enumerable of requests, and returns and enumerable + # of responses. + # + # == requests == + # + # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's + # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an + # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an + # Enumerable that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable + # objects. + # + # == responses == + # + # This is an enumerator of responses. I.e, its #next method blocks + # waiting for the next response. Also, if at any point the block needs + # to consume all the remaining responses, this can be done using #each or + # #collect. Calling #each or #collect should only be done if + # the_call#writes_done has been called, otherwise the block will loop + # forever. + # + # == Flow Control == + # This is a blocking call. + # + # * the call completes when the next call to provided block returns + # * [False] + # + # * the execution block parameters are two objects for sending and + # receiving responses, each of which blocks waiting for flow control. + # E.g, calles to bidi_call#remote_send will wait until flow control + # allows another write before returning; and obviously calls to + # responses#next block until the next response is available. + # + # == Termination == + # + # As well as sending and receiving messages, the block passed to the + # function is also responsible for: + # + # * calling bidi_call#writes_done to indicate no further reqs will be + # sent. + # + # * returning false if once the bidi stream is functionally completed. + # + # Note that response#next will indicate that there are no further + # responses by throwing StopIteration, but can only happen either + # if bidi_call#writes_done is called. + # + # To terminate the RPC correctly the block: + # + # * must call bidi#writes_done and then + # + # * either return false as soon as there is no need for other responses + # + # * loop on responses#next until no further responses are available + # + # == Errors == + # An RuntimeError is raised if + # + # * the server responds with a non-OK status when any response is + # * retrieved + # + # * the deadline is exceeded + # + # + # == Keyword Args == + # + # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the + # server. + # + # == Return Value == + # + # if the return_op is false, the return value is an Enumerator of the + # results, unless a block is provided, in which case the block is + # executed with each response. + # + # if return_op is true, the function returns an Operation whose #execute + # method runs the Bidi call. Again, Operation#execute either calls a + # given block with each response or returns an Enumerator of the + # responses. + # + # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server + # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds + # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response + # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true + # @return [Enumerator|nil|Operation] as discussed above + def bidi_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, deadline = nil, + return_op: false, **kw, &blk) + c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) + md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) + return c.bidi_streamer(requests, **md, &blk) unless return_op - # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute - # as a new method for this instance that invokes #server_streamer - op = c.operation - op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do - c.server_streamer(req, **md, &blk) + # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute + # as a new method for this instance that invokes #bidi_streamer + op = c.operation + op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do + c.bidi_streamer(requests, **md, &blk) + end + op end - op - end - # bidi_streamer sends a stream of requests to the GRPC server, and yields - # a stream of responses. - # - # This method takes an Enumerable of requests, and returns and enumerable - # of responses. - # - # == requests == - # - # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's #each - # enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an array of - # marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable that - # allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. - # - # == responses == - # - # This is an enumerator of responses. I.e, its #next method blocks - # waiting for the next response. Also, if at any point the block needs - # to consume all the remaining responses, this can be done using #each or - # #collect. Calling #each or #collect should only be done if - # the_call#writes_done has been called, otherwise the block will loop - # forever. - # - # == Flow Control == - # This is a blocking call. - # - # * the call completes when the next call to provided block returns - # * [False] - # - # * the execution block parameters are two objects for sending and - # receiving responses, each of which blocks waiting for flow control. - # E.g, calles to bidi_call#remote_send will wait until flow control - # allows another write before returning; and obviously calls to - # responses#next block until the next response is available. - # - # == Termination == - # - # As well as sending and receiving messages, the block passed to the - # function is also responsible for: - # - # * calling bidi_call#writes_done to indicate no further reqs will be - # sent. - # - # * returning false if once the bidi stream is functionally completed. - # - # Note that response#next will indicate that there are no further - # responses by throwing StopIteration, but can only happen either - # if bidi_call#writes_done is called. - # - # To terminate the RPC correctly the block: - # - # * must call bidi#writes_done and then - # - # * either return false as soon as there is no need for other responses - # - # * loop on responses#next until no further responses are available - # - # == Errors == - # An RuntimeError is raised if - # - # * the server responds with a non-OK status when any response is - # * retrieved - # - # * the deadline is exceeded - # - # - # == Keyword Args == - # - # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the - # server. - # - # == Return Value == - # - # if the return_op is false, the return value is an Enumerator of the - # results, unless a block is provided, in which case the block is - # executed with each response. - # - # if return_op is true, the function returns an Operation whose #execute - # method runs the Bidi call. Again, Operation#execute either calls a - # given block with each response or returns an Enumerator of the responses. - # - # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server - # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds - # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response - # @param return_op [true|false] (default false) return an Operation if true - # @return [Enumerator|nil|Operation] as discussed above - def bidi_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, deadline=nil, - return_op:false, **kw, &blk) - c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline || @deadline) - md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw.clone) - return c.bidi_streamer(requests, **md, &blk) unless return_op + private - # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute - # as a new method for this instance that invokes #bidi_streamer - op = c.operation - op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do - c.bidi_streamer(requests, **md, &blk) + # Creates a new active stub + # + # @param ch [GRPC::Channel] the channel used to create the stub. + # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests + # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses + # @param deadline [TimeConst] + def new_active_call(ch, marshal, unmarshal, deadline = nil) + absolute_deadline = Core::TimeConsts.from_relative_time(deadline) + call = @ch.create_call(ch, @host, absolute_deadline) + ActiveCall.new(call, @queue, marshal, unmarshal, absolute_deadline, + started: false) end - op end - - private - # Creates a new active stub - # - # @param ch [GRPC::Channel] the channel used to create the stub. - # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests - # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses - # @param deadline [TimeConst] - def new_active_call(ch, marshal, unmarshal, deadline=nil) - absolute_deadline = Core::TimeConsts.from_relative_time(deadline) - call = @ch.create_call(ch, @host, absolute_deadline) - ActiveCall.new(call, @queue, marshal, unmarshal, absolute_deadline, - started:false) - end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_desc.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_desc.rb index a915708f92..e1aa33e318 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_desc.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_desc.rb @@ -29,54 +29,51 @@ require 'grpc/grpc' -module Google::RPC - - # RpcDesc is a Descriptor of an RPC method. - class RpcDesc < Struct.new(:name, :input, :output, :marshal_method, - :unmarshal_method) - include Core::StatusCodes - - # Used to wrap a message class to indicate that it needs to be streamed. - class Stream - attr_accessor :type - - def initialize(type) - @type = type +module Google + module RPC + # RpcDesc is a Descriptor of an RPC method. + class RpcDesc < Struct.new(:name, :input, :output, :marshal_method, + :unmarshal_method) + include Core::StatusCodes + + # Used to wrap a message class to indicate that it needs to be streamed. + class Stream + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(type) + @type = type + end end - end - # @return [Proc] { |instance| marshalled(instance) } - def marshal_proc - Proc.new { |o| o.class.method(marshal_method).call(o).to_s } - end + # @return [Proc] { |instance| marshalled(instance) } + def marshal_proc + proc { |o| o.class.method(marshal_method).call(o).to_s } + end - # @param [:input, :output] target determines whether to produce the an - # unmarshal Proc for the rpc input parameter or - # its output parameter - # - # @return [Proc] An unmarshal proc { |marshalled(instance)| instance } - def unmarshal_proc(target) - raise ArgumentError if not [:input, :output].include?(target) - unmarshal_class = method(target).call - if unmarshal_class.is_a?Stream - unmarshal_class = unmarshal_class.type + # @param [:input, :output] target determines whether to produce the an + # unmarshal Proc for the rpc input parameter or + # its output parameter + # + # @return [Proc] An unmarshal proc { |marshalled(instance)| instance } + def unmarshal_proc(target) + fail ArgumentError unless [:input, :output].include?(target) + unmarshal_class = method(target).call + unmarshal_class = unmarshal_class.type if unmarshal_class.is_a? Stream + proc { |o| unmarshal_class.method(unmarshal_method).call(o) } end - Proc.new { |o| unmarshal_class.method(unmarshal_method).call(o) } - end - def run_server_method(active_call, mth) - # While a server method is running, it might be cancelled, its deadline - # might be reached, the handler could throw an unknown error, or a - # well-behaved handler could throw a StatusError. - begin - if is_request_response? + def run_server_method(active_call, mth) + # While a server method is running, it might be cancelled, its deadline + # might be reached, the handler could throw an unknown error, or a + # well-behaved handler could throw a StatusError. + if request_response? req = active_call.remote_read resp = mth.call(req, active_call.single_req_view) active_call.remote_send(resp) - elsif is_client_streamer? + elsif client_streamer? resp = mth.call(active_call.multi_req_view) active_call.remote_send(resp) - elsif is_server_streamer? + elsif server_streamer? req = active_call.remote_read replys = mth.call(req, active_call.single_req_view) replys.each { |r| active_call.remote_send(r) } @@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ module Google::RPC rescue BadStatus => e # this is raised by handlers that want GRPC to send an application # error code and detail message. - logger.debug("app error: #{active_call}, status:#{e.code}:#{e.details}") + logger.debug("app err: #{active_call}, status:#{e.code}:#{e.details}") send_status(active_call, e.code, e.details) rescue Core::CallError => e # This is raised by GRPC internals but should rarely, if ever happen. @@ -110,50 +107,46 @@ module Google::RPC logger.warn(e) send_status(active_call, UNKNOWN, 'no reason given') end - end - def assert_arity_matches(mth) - if (is_request_response? || is_server_streamer?) - if mth.arity != 2 - raise arity_error(mth, 2, "should be #{mth.name}(req, call)") - end - else - if mth.arity != 1 - raise arity_error(mth, 1, "should be #{mth.name}(call)") + def assert_arity_matches(mth) + if request_response? || server_streamer? + if mth.arity != 2 + fail arity_error(mth, 2, "should be #{mth.name}(req, call)") + end + else + if mth.arity != 1 + fail arity_error(mth, 1, "should be #{mth.name}(call)") + end end end - end - def is_request_response? - !input.is_a?(Stream) && !output.is_a?(Stream) - end + def request_response? + !input.is_a?(Stream) && !output.is_a?(Stream) + end - def is_client_streamer? - input.is_a?(Stream) && !output.is_a?(Stream) - end + def client_streamer? + input.is_a?(Stream) && !output.is_a?(Stream) + end - def is_server_streamer? - !input.is_a?(Stream) && output.is_a?(Stream) - end + def server_streamer? + !input.is_a?(Stream) && output.is_a?(Stream) + end - def is_bidi_streamer? - input.is_a?(Stream) && output.is_a?(Stream) - end + def bidi_streamer? + input.is_a?(Stream) && output.is_a?(Stream) + end - def arity_error(mth, want, msg) - "##{mth.name}: bad arg count; got:#{mth.arity}, want:#{want}, #{msg}" - end + def arity_error(mth, want, msg) + "##{mth.name}: bad arg count; got:#{mth.arity}, want:#{want}, #{msg}" + end - def send_status(active_client, code, details) - begin + def send_status(active_client, code, details) details = 'Not sure why' if details.nil? active_client.send_status(code, details) rescue StandardError => e - logger.warn('Could not send status %d:%s' % [code, details]) + logger.warn("Could not send status #{code}:#{details}") logger.warn(e) end end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb index 81db68804e..5ea3cc94d6 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb @@ -33,382 +33,378 @@ require 'grpc/generic/service' require 'thread' require 'xray/thread_dump_signal_handler' -module Google::RPC - - # RpcServer hosts a number of services and makes them available on the - # network. - class RpcServer - include Core::CompletionType - include Core::TimeConsts - extend ::Forwardable - - def_delegators :@server, :add_http2_port - - # Default thread pool size is 3 - DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 3 - - # Default max_waiting_requests size is 20 - DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_REQUESTS = 20 - - # Creates a new RpcServer. - # - # The RPC server is configured using keyword arguments. - # - # There are some specific keyword args used to configure the RpcServer - # instance, however other arbitrary are allowed and when present are used - # to configure the listeninng connection set up by the RpcServer. - # - # * server_override: which if passed must be a [GRPC::Core::Server]. When - # present. - # - # * poll_period: when present, the server polls for new events with this - # period - # - # * pool_size: the size of the thread pool the server uses to run its - # threads - # - # * completion_queue_override: when supplied, this will be used as the - # completion_queue that the server uses to receive network events, - # otherwise its creates a new instance itself - # - # * creds: [GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials] - # the credentials used to secure the server - # - # * max_waiting_requests: the maximum number of requests that are not - # being handled to allow. When this limit is exceeded, the server responds - # with not available to new requests - def initialize(pool_size:DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE, - max_waiting_requests:DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_REQUESTS, - poll_period:INFINITE_FUTURE, - completion_queue_override:nil, - creds:nil, - server_override:nil, - **kw) - if !completion_queue_override.nil? - cq = completion_queue_override - if !cq.is_a?(Core::CompletionQueue) - raise ArgumentError.new('not a CompletionQueue') +module Google + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. + module RPC + # RpcServer hosts a number of services and makes them available on the + # network. + class RpcServer + include Core::CompletionType + include Core::TimeConsts + extend ::Forwardable + + def_delegators :@server, :add_http2_port + + # Default thread pool size is 3 + DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 3 + + # Default max_waiting_requests size is 20 + DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_REQUESTS = 20 + + # Creates a new RpcServer. + # + # The RPC server is configured using keyword arguments. + # + # There are some specific keyword args used to configure the RpcServer + # instance, however other arbitrary are allowed and when present are used + # to configure the listeninng connection set up by the RpcServer. + # + # * server_override: which if passed must be a [GRPC::Core::Server]. When + # present. + # + # * poll_period: when present, the server polls for new events with this + # period + # + # * pool_size: the size of the thread pool the server uses to run its + # threads + # + # * completion_queue_override: when supplied, this will be used as the + # completion_queue that the server uses to receive network events, + # otherwise its creates a new instance itself + # + # * creds: [GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials] + # the credentials used to secure the server + # + # * max_waiting_requests: the maximum number of requests that are not + # being handled to allow. When this limit is exceeded, the server responds + # with not available to new requests + def initialize(pool_size:DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE, + max_waiting_requests:DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_REQUESTS, + poll_period:INFINITE_FUTURE, + completion_queue_override:nil, + creds:nil, + server_override:nil, + **kw) + if completion_queue_override.nil? + cq = Core::CompletionQueue.new + else + cq = completion_queue_override + unless cq.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a CompletionQueue') + end end - else - cq = Core::CompletionQueue.new - end - @cq = cq - - if !server_override.nil? - srv = server_override - raise ArgumentError.new('not a Server') unless srv.is_a?(Core::Server) - elsif creds.nil? - srv = Core::Server.new(@cq, kw) - elsif !creds.is_a?(Core::ServerCredentials) - raise ArgumentError.new('not a ServerCredentials') - else - srv = Core::Server.new(@cq, kw, creds) + @cq = cq + + if server_override.nil? + if creds.nil? + srv = Core::Server.new(@cq, kw) + elsif !creds.is_a? Core::ServerCredentials + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a ServerCredentials') + else + srv = Core::Server.new(@cq, kw, creds) + end + else + srv = server_override + fail(ArgumentError, 'not a Server') unless srv.is_a? Core::Server + end + @server = srv + + @pool_size = pool_size + @max_waiting_requests = max_waiting_requests + @poll_period = poll_period + @run_mutex = Mutex.new + @run_cond = ConditionVariable.new + @pool = Pool.new(@pool_size) end - @server = srv - - @pool_size = pool_size - @max_waiting_requests = max_waiting_requests - @poll_period = poll_period - @run_mutex = Mutex.new - @run_cond = ConditionVariable.new - @pool = Pool.new(@pool_size) - end - # stops a running server - # - # the call has no impact if the server is already stopped, otherwise - # server's current call loop is it's last. - def stop - if @running + # stops a running server + # + # the call has no impact if the server is already stopped, otherwise + # server's current call loop is it's last. + def stop + return unless @running @stopped = true @pool.stop end - end - # determines if the server is currently running - def running? - @running ||= false - end + # determines if the server is currently running + def running? + @running ||= false + end - # Is called from other threads to wait for #run to start up the server. - # - # If run has not been called, this returns immediately. - # - # @param timeout [Numeric] number of seconds to wait - # @result [true, false] true if the server is running, false otherwise - def wait_till_running(timeout=0.1) - end_time, sleep_period = Time.now + timeout, (1.0 * timeout)/100 - while Time.now < end_time - if !running? - @run_mutex.synchronize { @run_cond.wait(@run_mutex) } + # Is called from other threads to wait for #run to start up the server. + # + # If run has not been called, this returns immediately. + # + # @param timeout [Numeric] number of seconds to wait + # @result [true, false] true if the server is running, false otherwise + def wait_till_running(timeout = 0.1) + end_time, sleep_period = Time.now + timeout, (1.0 * timeout) / 100 + while Time.now < end_time + @run_mutex.synchronize { @run_cond.wait(@run_mutex) } unless running? + sleep(sleep_period) end - sleep(sleep_period) + running? end - return running? - end - - # determines if the server is currently stopped - def stopped? - @stopped ||= false - end - - # handle registration of classes - # - # service is either a class that includes GRPC::GenericService and whose - # #new function can be called without argument or any instance of such a - # class. - # - # E.g, after - # - # class Divider - # include GRPC::GenericService - # rpc :div DivArgs, DivReply # single request, single response - # def initialize(optional_arg='default option') # no args - # ... - # end - # - # srv = GRPC::RpcServer.new(...) - # - # # Either of these works - # - # srv.handle(Divider) - # - # # or - # - # srv.handle(Divider.new('replace optional arg')) - # - # It raises RuntimeError: - # - if service is not valid service class or object - # - if it is a valid service, but the handler methods are already registered - # - if the server is already running - # - # @param service [Object|Class] a service class or object as described - # above - def handle(service) - raise 'cannot add services if the server is running' if running? - raise 'cannot add services if the server is stopped' if stopped? - cls = service.is_a?(Class) ? service : service.class - assert_valid_service_class(cls) - add_rpc_descs_for(service) - end - # runs the server - # - # - if no rpc_descs are registered, this exits immediately, otherwise it - # continues running permanently and does not return until program exit. - # - # - #running? returns true after this is called, until #stop cause the - # the server to stop. - def run - if rpc_descs.size == 0 - logger.warn('did not run as no services were present') - return + # determines if the server is currently stopped + def stopped? + @stopped ||= false end - @run_mutex.synchronize do - @running = true - @run_cond.signal + + # handle registration of classes + # + # service is either a class that includes GRPC::GenericService and whose + # #new function can be called without argument or any instance of such a + # class. + # + # E.g, after + # + # class Divider + # include GRPC::GenericService + # rpc :div DivArgs, DivReply # single request, single response + # def initialize(optional_arg='default option') # no args + # ... + # end + # + # srv = GRPC::RpcServer.new(...) + # + # # Either of these works + # + # srv.handle(Divider) + # + # # or + # + # srv.handle(Divider.new('replace optional arg')) + # + # It raises RuntimeError: + # - if service is not valid service class or object + # - its handler methods are already registered + # - if the server is already running + # + # @param service [Object|Class] a service class or object as described + # above + def handle(service) + fail 'cannot add services if the server is running' if running? + fail 'cannot add services if the server is stopped' if stopped? + cls = service.is_a?(Class) ? service : service.class + assert_valid_service_class(cls) + add_rpc_descs_for(service) end - @pool.start - @server.start - server_tag = Object.new - while !stopped? - @server.request_call(server_tag) - ev = @cq.pluck(server_tag, @poll_period) - next if ev.nil? - if ev.type != SERVER_RPC_NEW - logger.warn("bad evt: got:#{ev.type}, want:#{SERVER_RPC_NEW}") - ev.close - next + + # runs the server + # + # - if no rpc_descs are registered, this exits immediately, otherwise it + # continues running permanently and does not return until program exit. + # + # - #running? returns true after this is called, until #stop cause the + # the server to stop. + def run + if rpc_descs.size == 0 + logger.warn('did not run as no services were present') + return end - c = new_active_server_call(ev.call, ev.result) - if !c.nil? - mth = ev.result.method.to_sym - ev.close - @pool.schedule(c) do |call| - rpc_descs[mth].run_server_method(call, rpc_handlers[mth]) + @run_mutex.synchronize do + @running = true + @run_cond.signal + end + @pool.start + @server.start + server_tag = Object.new + until stopped? + @server.request_call(server_tag) + ev = @cq.pluck(server_tag, @poll_period) + next if ev.nil? + if ev.type != SERVER_RPC_NEW + logger.warn("bad evt: got:#{ev.type}, want:#{SERVER_RPC_NEW}") + ev.close + next + end + c = new_active_server_call(ev.call, ev.result) + unless c.nil? + mth = ev.result.method.to_sym + ev.close + @pool.schedule(c) do |call| + rpc_descs[mth].run_server_method(call, rpc_handlers[mth]) + end end end - end - @running = false - end - - def new_active_server_call(call, new_server_rpc) - # TODO(temiola): perhaps reuse the main server completion queue here, but - # for now, create a new completion queue per call, pending best practice - # usage advice from the c core. - - # Accept the call. This is necessary even if a status is to be sent back - # immediately - finished_tag = Object.new - call_queue = Core::CompletionQueue.new - call.metadata = new_server_rpc.metadata # store the metadata on the call - call.server_accept(call_queue, finished_tag) - call.server_end_initial_metadata() - - # Send UNAVAILABLE if there are too many unprocessed jobs - jobs_count, max = @pool.jobs_waiting, @max_waiting_requests - logger.info("waiting: #{jobs_count}, max: #{max}") - if @pool.jobs_waiting > @max_waiting_requests - logger.warn("NOT AVAILABLE: too many jobs_waiting: #{new_server_rpc}") - noop = Proc.new { |x| x } - c = ActiveCall.new(call, call_queue, noop, noop, - new_server_rpc.deadline, finished_tag: finished_tag) - c.send_status(StatusCodes::UNAVAILABLE, '') - return nil + @running = false end - # Send NOT_FOUND if the method does not exist - mth = new_server_rpc.method.to_sym - if !rpc_descs.has_key?(mth) - logger.warn("NOT_FOUND: #{new_server_rpc}") - noop = Proc.new { |x| x } - c = ActiveCall.new(call, call_queue, noop, noop, - new_server_rpc.deadline, finished_tag: finished_tag) - c.send_status(StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND, '') - return nil - end + def new_active_server_call(call, new_server_rpc) + # TODO(temiola): perhaps reuse the main server completion queue here, + # but for now, create a new completion queue per call, pending best + # practice usage advice from the c core. + + # Accept the call. This is necessary even if a status is to be sent + # back immediately + finished_tag = Object.new + call_queue = Core::CompletionQueue.new + call.metadata = new_server_rpc.metadata # store the metadata + call.server_accept(call_queue, finished_tag) + call.server_end_initial_metadata + + # Send UNAVAILABLE if there are too many unprocessed jobs + jobs_count, max = @pool.jobs_waiting, @max_waiting_requests + logger.info("waiting: #{jobs_count}, max: #{max}") + if @pool.jobs_waiting > @max_waiting_requests + logger.warn("NOT AVAILABLE: too many jobs_waiting: #{new_server_rpc}") + noop = proc { |x| x } + c = ActiveCall.new(call, call_queue, noop, noop, + new_server_rpc.deadline, + finished_tag: finished_tag) + c.send_status(StatusCodes::UNAVAILABLE, '') + return nil + end - # Create the ActiveCall - rpc_desc = rpc_descs[mth] - logger.info("deadline is #{new_server_rpc.deadline}; (now=#{Time.now})") - ActiveCall.new(call, call_queue, - rpc_desc.marshal_proc, rpc_desc.unmarshal_proc(:input), - new_server_rpc.deadline, finished_tag: finished_tag) - end + # Send NOT_FOUND if the method does not exist + mth = new_server_rpc.method.to_sym + unless rpc_descs.key?(mth) + logger.warn("NOT_FOUND: #{new_server_rpc}") + noop = proc { |x| x } + c = ActiveCall.new(call, call_queue, noop, noop, + new_server_rpc.deadline, + finished_tag: finished_tag) + c.send_status(StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND, '') + return nil + end - # Pool is a simple thread pool for running server requests. - class Pool - - def initialize(size) - raise 'pool size must be positive' unless size > 0 - @jobs = Queue.new - @size = size - @stopped = false - @stop_mutex = Mutex.new - @stop_cond = ConditionVariable.new - @workers = [] + # Create the ActiveCall + rpc_desc = rpc_descs[mth] + logger.info("deadline is #{new_server_rpc.deadline}; (now=#{Time.now})") + ActiveCall.new(call, call_queue, + rpc_desc.marshal_proc, rpc_desc.unmarshal_proc(:input), + new_server_rpc.deadline, finished_tag: finished_tag) end - # Returns the number of jobs waiting - def jobs_waiting - @jobs.size - end + # Pool is a simple thread pool for running server requests. + class Pool + def initialize(size) + fail 'pool size must be positive' unless size > 0 + @jobs = Queue.new + @size = size + @stopped = false + @stop_mutex = Mutex.new + @stop_cond = ConditionVariable.new + @workers = [] + end - # Runs the given block on the queue with the provided args. - # - # @param args the args passed blk when it is called - # @param blk the block to call - def schedule(*args, &blk) - raise 'already stopped' if @stopped - return if blk.nil? - logger.info('schedule another job') - @jobs << [blk, args] - end + # Returns the number of jobs waiting + def jobs_waiting + @jobs.size + end + + # Runs the given block on the queue with the provided args. + # + # @param args the args passed blk when it is called + # @param blk the block to call + def schedule(*args, &blk) + fail 'already stopped' if @stopped + return if blk.nil? + logger.info('schedule another job') + @jobs << [blk, args] + end - # Starts running the jobs in the thread pool. - def start - raise 'already stopped' if @stopped - until @workers.size == @size.to_i - next_thread = Thread.new do - catch(:exit) do # allows { throw :exit } to kill a thread - loop do - begin - blk, args = @jobs.pop - blk.call(*args) - rescue StandardError => e - logger.warn('Error in worker thread') - logger.warn(e) + # Starts running the jobs in the thread pool. + def start + fail 'already stopped' if @stopped + until @workers.size == @size.to_i + next_thread = Thread.new do + catch(:exit) do # allows { throw :exit } to kill a thread + loop do + begin + blk, args = @jobs.pop + blk.call(*args) + rescue StandardError => e + logger.warn('Error in worker thread') + logger.warn(e) + end end end - end - # removes the threads from workers, and signal when all the threads - # are complete. - @stop_mutex.synchronize do - @workers.delete(Thread.current) - if @workers.size == 0 - @stop_cond.signal + # removes the threads from workers, and signal when all the + # threads are complete. + @stop_mutex.synchronize do + @workers.delete(Thread.current) + @stop_cond.signal if @workers.size == 0 end end + @workers << next_thread end - @workers << next_thread end - end - # Stops the jobs in the pool - def stop - logger.info('stopping, will wait for all the workers to exit') - @workers.size.times { schedule { throw :exit } } - @stopped = true + # Stops the jobs in the pool + def stop + logger.info('stopping, will wait for all the workers to exit') + @workers.size.times { schedule { throw :exit } } + @stopped = true - # TODO(temiola): allow configuration of the keepalive period - keep_alive = 5 - @stop_mutex.synchronize do - if @workers.size > 0 - @stop_cond.wait(@stop_mutex, keep_alive) + # TODO(temiola): allow configuration of the keepalive period + keep_alive = 5 + @stop_mutex.synchronize do + @stop_cond.wait(@stop_mutex, keep_alive) if @workers.size > 0 end - end - # Forcibly shutdown any threads that are still alive. - if @workers.size > 0 - logger.warn("forcibly terminating #{@workers.size} worker(s)") - @workers.each do |t| - next unless t.alive? - begin - t.exit - rescue StandardError => e - logger.warn('error while terminating a worker') - logger.warn(e) + # Forcibly shutdown any threads that are still alive. + if @workers.size > 0 + logger.warn("forcibly terminating #{@workers.size} worker(s)") + @workers.each do |t| + next unless t.alive? + begin + t.exit + rescue StandardError => e + logger.warn('error while terminating a worker') + logger.warn(e) + end end end - end - logger.info('stopped, all workers are shutdown') + logger.info('stopped, all workers are shutdown') + end end - end + protected - protected - - def rpc_descs - @rpc_descs ||= {} - end + def rpc_descs + @rpc_descs ||= {} + end - def rpc_handlers - @rpc_handlers ||= {} - end + def rpc_handlers + @rpc_handlers ||= {} + end - private + private - def assert_valid_service_class(cls) - if !cls.include?(GenericService) - raise "#{cls} should 'include GenericService'" - end - if cls.rpc_descs.size == 0 - raise "#{cls} should specify some rpc descriptions" + def assert_valid_service_class(cls) + unless cls.include?(GenericService) + fail "#{cls} should 'include GenericService'" + end + if cls.rpc_descs.size == 0 + fail "#{cls} should specify some rpc descriptions" + end + cls.assert_rpc_descs_have_methods end - cls.assert_rpc_descs_have_methods - end - def add_rpc_descs_for(service) - cls = service.is_a?(Class) ? service : service.class - specs = rpc_descs - handlers = rpc_handlers - cls.rpc_descs.each_pair do |name,spec| - route = "/#{cls.service_name}/#{name}".to_sym - if specs.has_key?(route) - raise "Cannot add rpc #{route} from #{spec}, already registered" - else - specs[route] = spec - if service.is_a?(Class) - handlers[route] = cls.new.method(name.to_s.underscore.to_sym) + def add_rpc_descs_for(service) + cls = service.is_a?(Class) ? service : service.class + specs = rpc_descs + handlers = rpc_handlers + cls.rpc_descs.each_pair do |name, spec| + route = "/#{cls.service_name}/#{name}".to_sym + if specs.key? route + fail "Cannot add rpc #{route} from #{spec}, already registered" else - handlers[route] = service.method(name.to_s.underscore.to_sym) + specs[route] = spec + if service.is_a?(Class) + handlers[route] = cls.new.method(name.to_s.underscore.to_sym) + else + handlers[route] = service.method(name.to_s.underscore.to_sym) + end + logger.info("handling #{route} with #{handlers[route]}") end - logger.info("handling #{route} with #{handlers[route]}") end end end end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb index f3fe638fce..ff37617ccf 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ require 'grpc/generic/rpc_desc' # Extend String to add a method underscore class String - # creates a new string that is the underscore separate version of this one. # # E.g, @@ -40,210 +39,199 @@ class String # AMethod -> a_method # AnRpc -> an_rpc def underscore - word = self.dup + word = dup word.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') word.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') word.tr!('-', '_') word.downcase! word end - end -module Google::RPC - - # Provides behaviour used to implement schema-derived service classes. - # - # Is intended to be used to support both client and server IDL-schema-derived - # servers. - module GenericService - - # Used to indicate that a name has already been specified - class DuplicateRpcName < StandardError - def initialize(name) - super("rpc (#{name}) is already defined") - end - end - - # Provides a simple DSL to describe RPC services. - # - # E.g, a Maths service that uses the serializable messages DivArgs, - # DivReply and Num might define its endpoint uses the following way: - # - # rpc :div DivArgs, DivReply # single request, single response - # rpc :sum stream(Num), Num # streamed input, single response - # rpc :fib FibArgs, stream(Num) # single request, streamed response - # rpc :div_many stream(DivArgs), stream(DivReply) - # # streamed req and resp +module Google + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. + module RPC + # Provides behaviour used to implement schema-derived service classes. # - # Each 'rpc' adds an RpcDesc to classes including this module, and - # #assert_rpc_descs_have_methods is used to ensure the including class - # provides methods with signatures that support all the descriptors. - module Dsl - - # This configures the method names that the serializable message - # implementation uses to marshal and unmarshal messages. - # - # - unmarshal_class method must be a class method on the serializable - # message type that takes a string (byte stream) and produces and object - # - # - marshal_class_method is called on a serializable message instance - # and produces a serialized string. - # - # The Dsl verifies that the types in the descriptor have both the - # unmarshal and marshal methods. - attr_writer(:marshal_class_method, :unmarshal_class_method) - - # This allows configuration of the service name. - attr_accessor(:service_name) + # Is intended to be used to support both client and server + # IDL-schema-derived servers. + module GenericService + # Used to indicate that a name has already been specified + class DuplicateRpcName < StandardError + def initialize(name) + super("rpc (#{name}) is already defined") + end + end - # Adds an RPC spec. + # Provides a simple DSL to describe RPC services. # - # Takes the RPC name and the classes representing the types to be - # serialized, and adds them to the including classes rpc_desc hash. + # E.g, a Maths service that uses the serializable messages DivArgs, + # DivReply and Num might define its endpoint uses the following way: # - # input and output should both have the methods #marshal and #unmarshal - # that are responsible for writing and reading an object instance from a - # byte buffer respectively. + # rpc :div DivArgs, DivReply # single request, single response + # rpc :sum stream(Num), Num # streamed input, single response + # rpc :fib FibArgs, stream(Num) # single request, streamed response + # rpc :div_many stream(DivArgs), stream(DivReply) + # # streamed req and resp # - # @param name [String] the name of the rpc - # @param input [Object] the input parameter's class - # @param output [Object] the output parameter's class - def rpc(name, input, output) - raise DuplicateRpcName, name if rpc_descs.has_key?(name) - assert_can_marshal(input) - assert_can_marshal(output) - rpc_descs[name] = RpcDesc.new(name, input, output, - marshal_class_method, - unmarshal_class_method) - end - - def inherited(subclass) - # Each subclass should have a distinct class variable with its own - # rpc_descs - subclass.rpc_descs.merge!(rpc_descs) - subclass.service_name = service_name - end - - # the name of the instance method used to marshal events to a byte stream. - def marshal_class_method - @marshal_class_method ||= :marshal - end + # Each 'rpc' adds an RpcDesc to classes including this module, and + # #assert_rpc_descs_have_methods is used to ensure the including class + # provides methods with signatures that support all the descriptors. + module Dsl + # This configures the method names that the serializable message + # implementation uses to marshal and unmarshal messages. + # + # - unmarshal_class method must be a class method on the serializable + # message type that takes a string (byte stream) and produces and object + # + # - marshal_class_method is called on a serializable message instance + # and produces a serialized string. + # + # The Dsl verifies that the types in the descriptor have both the + # unmarshal and marshal methods. + attr_writer(:marshal_class_method, :unmarshal_class_method) + + # This allows configuration of the service name. + attr_accessor(:service_name) + + # Adds an RPC spec. + # + # Takes the RPC name and the classes representing the types to be + # serialized, and adds them to the including classes rpc_desc hash. + # + # input and output should both have the methods #marshal and #unmarshal + # that are responsible for writing and reading an object instance from a + # byte buffer respectively. + # + # @param name [String] the name of the rpc + # @param input [Object] the input parameter's class + # @param output [Object] the output parameter's class + def rpc(name, input, output) + fail(DuplicateRpcName, name) if rpc_descs.key? name + assert_can_marshal(input) + assert_can_marshal(output) + rpc_descs[name] = RpcDesc.new(name, input, output, + marshal_class_method, + unmarshal_class_method) + end - # the name of the class method used to unmarshal from a byte stream. - def unmarshal_class_method - @unmarshal_class_method ||= :unmarshal - end + def inherited(subclass) + # Each subclass should have a distinct class variable with its own + # rpc_descs + subclass.rpc_descs.merge!(rpc_descs) + subclass.service_name = service_name + end - def assert_can_marshal(cls) - if cls.is_a?RpcDesc::Stream - cls = cls.type + # the name of the instance method used to marshal events to a byte + # stream. + def marshal_class_method + @marshal_class_method ||= :marshal end - mth = unmarshal_class_method - if !cls.methods.include?(mth) - raise ArgumentError, "#{cls} needs #{cls}.#{mth}" + # the name of the class method used to unmarshal from a byte stream. + def unmarshal_class_method + @unmarshal_class_method ||= :unmarshal end - mth = marshal_class_method - if !cls.methods.include?(mth) - raise ArgumentError, "#{cls} needs #{cls}.#{mth}" + def assert_can_marshal(cls) + cls = cls.type if cls.is_a? RpcDesc::Stream + mth = unmarshal_class_method + unless cls.methods.include? mth + fail(ArgumentError, "#{cls} needs #{cls}.#{mth}") + end + mth = marshal_class_method + return if cls.methods.include? mth + fail(ArgumentError, "#{cls} needs #{cls}.#{mth}") end - end - # @param cls [Class] the class of a serializable type - # @return cls wrapped in a RpcDesc::Stream - def stream(cls) - assert_can_marshal(cls) - RpcDesc::Stream.new(cls) - end + # @param cls [Class] the class of a serializable type + # @return cls wrapped in a RpcDesc::Stream + def stream(cls) + assert_can_marshal(cls) + RpcDesc::Stream.new(cls) + end - # the RpcDescs defined for this GenericService, keyed by name. - def rpc_descs - @rpc_descs ||= {} - end + # the RpcDescs defined for this GenericService, keyed by name. + def rpc_descs + @rpc_descs ||= {} + end - # Creates a rpc client class with methods for accessing the methods - # currently in rpc_descs. - def rpc_stub_class - descs = rpc_descs - route_prefix = service_name - Class.new(ClientStub) do - - # @param host [String] the host the stub connects to - # @param kw [KeywordArgs] the channel arguments, plus any optional - # args for configuring the client's channel - def initialize(host, **kw) - super(host, Core::CompletionQueue.new, **kw) - end + # Creates a rpc client class with methods for accessing the methods + # currently in rpc_descs. + def rpc_stub_class + descs = rpc_descs + route_prefix = service_name + Class.new(ClientStub) do + # @param host [String] the host the stub connects to + # @param kw [KeywordArgs] the channel arguments, plus any optional + # args for configuring the client's channel + def initialize(host, **kw) + super(host, Core::CompletionQueue.new, **kw) + end - # Used define_method to add a method for each rpc_desc. Each method - # calls the base class method for the given descriptor. - descs.each_pair do |name,desc| - mth_name = name.to_s.underscore.to_sym - marshal = desc.marshal_proc - unmarshal = desc.unmarshal_proc(:output) - route = "/#{route_prefix}/#{name}" - if desc.is_request_response? - define_method(mth_name) do |req,deadline=nil| - logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") - request_response(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline) - end - elsif desc.is_client_streamer? - define_method(mth_name) do |reqs,deadline=nil| - logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") - client_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, deadline) - end - elsif desc.is_server_streamer? - define_method(mth_name) do |req,deadline=nil,&blk| - logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") - server_streamer(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, &blk) - end - else # is a bidi_stream - define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, deadline=nil,&blk| - logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") - bidi_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, &blk) + # Used define_method to add a method for each rpc_desc. Each method + # calls the base class method for the given descriptor. + descs.each_pair do |name, desc| + mth_name = name.to_s.underscore.to_sym + marshal = desc.marshal_proc + unmarshal = desc.unmarshal_proc(:output) + route = "/#{route_prefix}/#{name}" + if desc.request_response? + define_method(mth_name) do |req, deadline = nil| + logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") + request_response(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline) + end + elsif desc.client_streamer? + define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, deadline = nil| + logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") + client_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, deadline) + end + elsif desc.server_streamer? + define_method(mth_name) do |req, deadline = nil, &blk| + logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") + server_streamer(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, + &blk) + end + else # is a bidi_stream + define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, deadline = nil, &blk| + logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}") + bidi_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, &blk) + end end end end - end - end - - # Asserts that the appropriate methods are defined for each added rpc - # spec. Is intended to aid verifying that server classes are correctly - # implemented. - def assert_rpc_descs_have_methods - rpc_descs.each_pair do |m,spec| - mth_name = m.to_s.underscore.to_sym - if !self.instance_methods.include?(mth_name) - raise "#{self} does not provide instance method '#{mth_name}'" + # Asserts that the appropriate methods are defined for each added rpc + # spec. Is intended to aid verifying that server classes are correctly + # implemented. + def assert_rpc_descs_have_methods + rpc_descs.each_pair do |m, spec| + mth_name = m.to_s.underscore.to_sym + unless instance_methods.include?(mth_name) + fail "#{self} does not provide instance method '#{mth_name}'" + end + spec.assert_arity_matches(instance_method(mth_name)) end - spec.assert_arity_matches(self.instance_method(mth_name)) end end - end - - def self.included(o) - o.extend(Dsl) - - # Update to the use the service name including module. Proivde a default - # that can be nil e,g. when modules are declared dynamically. - return unless o.service_name.nil? - if o.name.nil? - o.service_name = 'GenericService' - else - modules = o.name.split('::') - if modules.length > 2 - o.service_name = modules[modules.length - 2] + def self.included(o) + o.extend(Dsl) + # Update to the use the service name including module. Proivde a default + # that can be nil e,g. when modules are declared dynamically. + return unless o.service_name.nil? + if o.name.nil? + o.service_name = 'GenericService' else - o.service_name = modules.first + modules = o.name.split('::') + if modules.length > 2 + o.service_name = modules[modules.length - 2] + else + o.service_name = modules.first + end end end end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/version.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/version.rb index 0a84f4c3a7..dd526e583a 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/version.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/version.rb @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module Google + # Google::RPC contains the General RPC module. module RPC VERSION = '0.0.1' end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/alloc_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/alloc_spec.rb index 305405e9bd..6dd59ab9fc 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/alloc_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/alloc_spec.rb @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ require 'grpc' describe 'Wrapped classes where .new cannot create an instance' do - describe GRPC::Core::Event do it 'should fail .new fail with a runtime error' do expect { GRPC::Core::Event.new }.to raise_error(TypeError) @@ -42,5 +41,4 @@ describe 'Wrapped classes where .new cannot create an instance' do expect { GRPC::Core::Event.new }.to raise_error(TypeError) end end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/byte_buffer_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/byte_buffer_spec.rb index b89d7f3640..3a65f45c7e 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/byte_buffer_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/byte_buffer_spec.rb @@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ require 'grpc' describe GRPC::Core::ByteBuffer do - describe '#new' do - it 'is constructed from a string' do expect { GRPC::Core::ByteBuffer.new('#new') }.not_to raise_error end @@ -50,7 +48,6 @@ describe GRPC::Core::ByteBuffer do expect { GRPC::Core::ByteBuffer.new(x) }.to raise_error TypeError end end - end describe '#to_s' do @@ -67,5 +64,4 @@ describe GRPC::Core::ByteBuffer do expect(a_copy.dup.to_s).to eq('#dup') end end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/call_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/call_spec.rb index 8e8e3d3ae2..b8ecd64f39 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/call_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/call_spec.rb @@ -33,30 +33,29 @@ require 'port_picker' include GRPC::Core::StatusCodes describe GRPC::Core::RpcErrors do - before(:each) do @known_types = { - :OK => 0, - :ERROR => 1, - :NOT_ON_SERVER => 2, - :NOT_ON_CLIENT => 3, - :ALREADY_ACCEPTED => 4, - :ALREADY_INVOKED => 5, - :NOT_INVOKED => 6, - :ALREADY_FINISHED => 7, - :TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS => 8, - :INVALID_FLAGS => 9, - :ErrorMessages => { - 0=>'ok', - 1=>'unknown error', - 2=>'not available on a server', - 3=>'not available on a client', - 4=>'call is already accepted', - 5=>'call is already invoked', - 6=>'call is not yet invoked', - 7=>'call is already finished', - 8=>'outstanding read or write present', - 9=>'a bad flag was given', + OK: 0, + ERROR: 1, + NOT_ON_SERVER: 2, + NOT_ON_CLIENT: 3, + ALREADY_ACCEPTED: 4, + ALREADY_INVOKED: 5, + NOT_INVOKED: 6, + ALREADY_FINISHED: 7, + TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS: 8, + INVALID_FLAGS: 9, + ErrorMessages: { + 0 => 'ok', + 1 => 'unknown error', + 2 => 'not available on a server', + 3 => 'not available on a client', + 4 => 'call is already accepted', + 5 => 'call is already invoked', + 6 => 'call is not yet invoked', + 7 => 'call is already finished', + 8 => 'outstanding read or write present', + 9 => 'a bad flag was given' } } end @@ -66,11 +65,9 @@ describe GRPC::Core::RpcErrors do syms_and_codes = m.constants.collect { |c| [c, m.const_get(c)] } expect(Hash[syms_and_codes]).to eq(@known_types) end - end describe GRPC::Core::Call do - before(:each) do @tag = Object.new @client_queue = GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new @@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Call do describe '#start_read' do it 'should fail if called immediately' do - blk = Proc.new { make_test_call.start_read(@tag) } + blk = proc { make_test_call.start_read(@tag) } expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::Core::CallError end end @@ -96,21 +93,21 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Call do describe '#start_write' do it 'should fail if called immediately' do bytes = GRPC::Core::ByteBuffer.new('test string') - blk = Proc.new { make_test_call.start_write(bytes, @tag) } + blk = proc { make_test_call.start_write(bytes, @tag) } expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::Core::CallError end end describe '#start_write_status' do it 'should fail if called immediately' do - blk = Proc.new { make_test_call.start_write_status(153, 'x', @tag) } + blk = proc { make_test_call.start_write_status(153, 'x', @tag) } expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::Core::CallError end end describe '#writes_done' do it 'should fail if called immediately' do - blk = Proc.new { make_test_call.writes_done(Object.new) } + blk = proc { make_test_call.writes_done(Object.new) } expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::Core::CallError end end @@ -119,7 +116,8 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Call do it 'adds metadata to a call without fail' do call = make_test_call n = 37 - metadata = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ["key%d" % i, "value%d" %i] } ] + one_md = proc { |x| [sprintf('key%d', x), sprintf('value%d', x)] } + metadata = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| one_md.call i }] expect { call.add_metadata(metadata) }.to_not raise_error end end @@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Call do describe '#metadata' do it 'can save the metadata hash and read it back' do call = make_test_call - md = {'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2'} + md = { 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2' } expect { call.metadata = md }.not_to raise_error expect(call.metadata).to be(md) end @@ -191,7 +189,6 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Call do end end - def make_test_call @ch.create_call('dummy_method', 'dummy_host', deadline) end @@ -199,5 +196,4 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Call do def deadline Time.now + 2 # in 2 seconds; arbitrary end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/channel_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/channel_spec.rb index d2686127bb..820dbd39e9 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/channel_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/channel_spec.rb @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ def load_test_certs end describe GRPC::Core::Channel do - - def create_test_cert GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(load_test_certs[0]) end @@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do end shared_examples '#new' do - it 'take a host name without channel args' do expect { GRPC::Core::Channel.new('dummy_host', nil) }.not_to raise_error end @@ -61,14 +58,14 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do end it 'does not take a hash with bad values as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:symbol => Object.new) + blk = construct_with_args(symbol: Object.new) expect(&blk).to raise_error TypeError blk = construct_with_args('1' => Hash.new) expect(&blk).to raise_error TypeError end it 'can take a hash with a symbol key as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => 1) + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: 1) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end @@ -78,32 +75,30 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do end it 'can take a hash with a string value as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => '1') + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: '1') expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can take a hash with a symbol value as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => :another_symbol) + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: :another_symbol) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can take a hash with a numeric value as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => 1) + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: 1) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can take a hash with many args as channel args' do - args = Hash[127.times.collect { |x| [x.to_s, x] } ] + args = Hash[127.times.collect { |x| [x.to_s, x] }] blk = construct_with_args(args) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - end describe '#new for secure channels' do - def construct_with_args(a) - Proc.new { GRPC::Core::Channel.new('dummy_host', a, create_test_cert) } + proc { GRPC::Core::Channel.new('dummy_host', a, create_test_cert) } end it_behaves_like '#new' @@ -113,7 +108,7 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do it_behaves_like '#new' def construct_with_args(a) - Proc.new { GRPC::Core::Channel.new('dummy_host', a) } + proc { GRPC::Core::Channel.new('dummy_host', a) } end end @@ -125,7 +120,7 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do deadline = Time.now + 5 - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do ch.create_call('dummy_method', 'dummy_host', deadline) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -138,12 +133,11 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do ch.close deadline = Time.now + 5 - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do ch.create_call('dummy_method', 'dummy_host', deadline) end expect(&blk).to raise_error(RuntimeError) end - end describe '#destroy' do @@ -151,7 +145,7 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do port = find_unused_tcp_port host = "localhost:#{port}" ch = GRPC::Core::Channel.new(host, nil) - blk = Proc.new { ch.destroy } + blk = proc { ch.destroy } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end @@ -159,18 +153,16 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do port = find_unused_tcp_port host = "localhost:#{port}" ch = GRPC::Core::Channel.new(host, nil) - blk = Proc.new { ch.destroy } + blk = proc { ch.destroy } blk.call expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end end describe '::SSL_TARGET' do - it 'is a symbol' do expect(GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET).to be_a(Symbol) end - end describe '#close' do @@ -178,7 +170,7 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do port = find_unused_tcp_port host = "localhost:#{port}" ch = GRPC::Core::Channel.new(host, nil) - blk = Proc.new { ch.close } + blk = proc { ch.close } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end @@ -186,10 +178,9 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Channel do port = find_unused_tcp_port host = "localhost:#{port}" ch = GRPC::Core::Channel.new(host, nil) - blk = Proc.new { ch.close } + blk = proc { ch.close } blk.call expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb index 5e68f524d6..1bcbc66446 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ def load_test_certs end shared_context 'setup: tags' do - before(:example) do @server_finished_tag = Object.new @client_finished_tag = Object.new @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ shared_context 'setup: tags' do expect(ev).not_to be_nil expect(ev.type).to be(SERVER_RPC_NEW) ev.call.server_accept(@server_queue, @server_finished_tag) - ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata() + ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata ev.call.start_read(@server_tag) ev = @server_queue.pluck(@server_tag, TimeConsts::INFINITE_FUTURE) expect(ev.type).to be(READ) @@ -79,10 +78,10 @@ shared_context 'setup: tags' do ev = @server_queue.pluck(@server_tag, TimeConsts::INFINITE_FUTURE) expect(ev).not_to be_nil expect(ev.type).to be(WRITE_ACCEPTED) - return ev.call + ev.call end - def client_sends(call, sent='a message') + def client_sends(call, sent = 'a message') req = ByteBuffer.new(sent) call.start_invoke(@client_queue, @tag, @tag, @client_finished_tag) ev = @client_queue.pluck(@tag, TimeConsts::INFINITE_FUTURE) @@ -92,17 +91,15 @@ shared_context 'setup: tags' do ev = @client_queue.pluck(@tag, TimeConsts::INFINITE_FUTURE) expect(ev).not_to be_nil expect(ev.type).to be(WRITE_ACCEPTED) - return sent + sent end def new_client_call @ch.create_call('/method', 'localhost', deadline) end - end shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do - include_context 'setup: tags' it 'servers receive requests from clients and start responding' do @@ -126,7 +123,7 @@ shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do # the server response server_call.start_write(reply, @server_tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@server_queue, WRITE_ACCEPTED, @server_tag) + expect_next_event_on(@server_queue, WRITE_ACCEPTED, @server_tag) end it 'responses written by servers are received by the client' do @@ -135,15 +132,14 @@ shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do server_receives_and_responds_with('server_response') call.start_read(@tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) + expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, READ, @tag) expect(ev.result.to_s).to eq('server_response') end it 'servers can ignore a client write and send a status' do - reply = ByteBuffer.new('the server payload') call = new_client_call - msg = client_sends(call) + client_sends(call) # check the server rpc new was received @server.request_call(@server_tag) @@ -153,20 +149,20 @@ shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do # accept the call - need to do this to sent status. server_call = ev.call server_call.server_accept(@server_queue, @server_finished_tag) - server_call.server_end_initial_metadata() + server_call.server_end_initial_metadata server_call.start_write_status(StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND, 'not found', @server_tag) # client gets an empty response for the read, preceeded by some metadata. call.start_read(@tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) + expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, READ, @tag) expect(ev.tag).to be(@tag) expect(ev.result.to_s).to eq('') # finally, after client sends writes_done, they get the finished. call.writes_done(@tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, FINISH_ACCEPTED, @tag) + expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, FINISH_ACCEPTED, @tag) ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, FINISHED, @client_finished_tag) expect(ev.result.code).to eq(StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND) end @@ -175,12 +171,12 @@ shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do call = new_client_call client_sends(call) server_call = server_receives_and_responds_with('server_response') - server_call.start_write_status(10101, 'status code is 10101', @server_tag) + server_call.start_write_status(10_101, 'status code is 10101', @server_tag) # first the client says writes are done call.start_read(@tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, READ, @tag) + expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) + expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, READ, @tag) call.writes_done(@tag) # but nothing happens until the server sends a status @@ -192,24 +188,23 @@ shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, FINISH_ACCEPTED, @tag) ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, FINISHED, @client_finished_tag) expect(ev.result.details).to eq('status code is 10101') - expect(ev.result.code).to eq(10101) + expect(ev.result.code).to eq(10_101) end - end - shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do - include_context 'setup: tags' describe 'from client => server' do - before(:example) do n = 7 # arbitrary number of metadata - diff_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ['k%d' % i, 'v%d' % i] }] - null_vals = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ['k%d' % i, 'v\0%d' % i] }] - same_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ['k%d' % i, ['v%d' % i] * n] }] - symbol_key = {:a_key => 'a val'} + diff_keys_fn = proc { |i| [sprintf('k%d', i), sprintf('v%d', i)] } + diff_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| diff_keys_fn.call x }] + null_vals_fn = proc { |i| [sprintf('k%d', i), sprintf('v\0%d', i)] } + null_vals = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| null_vals_fn.call x }] + same_keys_fn = proc { |i| [sprintf('k%d', i), [sprintf('v%d', i)] * n] } + same_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| same_keys_fn.call x }] + symbol_key = { a_key: 'a val' } @valid_metadata = [diff_keys, same_keys, null_vals, symbol_key] @bad_keys = [] @bad_keys << { Object.new => 'a value' } @@ -239,28 +234,29 @@ shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do # Client begins a call OK call.start_invoke(@client_queue, @tag, @tag, @client_finished_tag) - ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, INVOKE_ACCEPTED, @tag) + expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, INVOKE_ACCEPTED, @tag) # ... server has all metadata available even though the client did not # send a write @server.request_call(@server_tag) ev = expect_next_event_on(@server_queue, SERVER_RPC_NEW, @server_tag) - replace_symbols = Hash[md.each_pair.collect { |x,y| [x.to_s, y] }] + replace_symbols = Hash[md.each_pair.collect { |x, y| [x.to_s, y] }] result = ev.result.metadata expect(result.merge(replace_symbols)).to eq(result) end end - end describe 'from server => client' do - before(:example) do n = 7 # arbitrary number of metadata - diff_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ['k%d' % i, 'v%d' % i] }] - null_vals = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ['k%d' % i, 'v\0%d' % i] }] - same_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |i| ['k%d' % i, ['v%d' % i] * n] }] - symbol_key = {:a_key => 'a val'} + diff_keys_fn = proc { |i| [sprintf('k%d', i), sprintf('v%d', i)] } + diff_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| diff_keys_fn.call x }] + null_vals_fn = proc { |i| [sprintf('k%d', i), sprintf('v\0%d', i)] } + null_vals = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| null_vals_fn.call x }] + same_keys_fn = proc { |i| [sprintf('k%d', i), [sprintf('v%d', i)] * n] } + same_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| same_keys_fn.call x }] + symbol_key = { a_key: 'a val' } @valid_metadata = [diff_keys, same_keys, null_vals, symbol_key] @bad_keys = [] @bad_keys << { Object.new => 'a value' } @@ -290,7 +286,7 @@ shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do # ... server accepts the call without adding metadata server_call.server_accept(@server_queue, @server_finished_tag) - server_call.server_end_initial_metadata() + server_call.server_end_initial_metadata # ... these server sends some data, allowing the metadata read server_call.start_write(ByteBuffer.new('reply with metadata'), @@ -300,7 +296,7 @@ shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do # there is the HTTP status metadata, though there should not be any # TODO(temiola): update this with the bug number to be resolved ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) - expect(ev.result).to eq({':status' => '200'}) + expect(ev.result).to eq(':status' => '200') end it 'sends all the pairs and status:200 when keys and values are valid' do @@ -316,24 +312,19 @@ shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do # ... server adds metadata and accepts the call server_call.add_metadata(md) server_call.server_accept(@server_queue, @server_finished_tag) - server_call.server_end_initial_metadata() + server_call.server_end_initial_metadata # Now the client can read the metadata ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) - replace_symbols = Hash[md.each_pair.collect { |x,y| [x.to_s, y] }] + replace_symbols = Hash[md.each_pair.collect { |x, y| [x.to_s, y] }] replace_symbols[':status'] = '200' expect(ev.result).to eq(replace_symbols) end - end - end - end - describe 'the http client/server' do - before(:example) do port = find_unused_tcp_port host = "localhost:#{port}" @@ -354,11 +345,9 @@ describe 'the http client/server' do it_behaves_like 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do end - end describe 'the secure http client/server' do - before(:example) do certs = load_test_certs port = find_unused_tcp_port @@ -369,7 +358,7 @@ describe 'the secure http client/server' do @server = GRPC::Core::Server.new(@server_queue, nil, server_creds) @server.add_http2_port(host, true) @server.start - args = {Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com'} + args = { Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com' } @ch = Channel.new(host, args, GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0], nil, nil)) end @@ -383,5 +372,4 @@ describe 'the secure http client/server' do it_behaves_like 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/completion_queue_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/completion_queue_spec.rb index 50f74b5826..022a066e8e 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/completion_queue_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/completion_queue_spec.rb @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ require 'grpc' describe GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue do - describe '#new' do it 'is constructed successufully' do expect { GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new }.not_to raise_error @@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ describe GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue do expect { ch.next(a_time) }.not_to raise_error end end - end describe '#pluck' do @@ -74,8 +72,5 @@ describe GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue do expect { ch.pluck(tag, a_time) }.not_to raise_error end end - end - - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/credentials_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/credentials_spec.rb index 4d932db937..47b42aed29 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/credentials_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/credentials_spec.rb @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ require 'grpc' - def load_test_certs test_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'testdata') files = ['ca.pem', 'server1.pem', 'server1.key'] @@ -39,9 +38,7 @@ end Credentials = GRPC::Core::Credentials describe Credentials do - describe '#new' do - it 'can be constructed with fake inputs' do expect { Credentials.new('root_certs', 'key', 'cert') }.not_to raise_error end @@ -58,30 +55,23 @@ describe Credentials do it 'cannot be constructed with a nil server roots' do _, client_key, client_chain = load_test_certs - blk = Proc.new { Credentials.new(nil, client_key, client_chain) } + blk = proc { Credentials.new(nil, client_key, client_chain) } expect(&blk).to raise_error end - end describe '#compose' do - it 'can be completed OK' do certs = load_test_certs cred1 = Credentials.new(*certs) cred2 = Credentials.new(*certs) expect { cred1.compose(cred2) }.to_not raise_error end - end describe 'Credentials#default' do - it 'is not implemented yet' do - expect { Credentials.default() }.to raise_error RuntimeError + expect { Credentials.default }.to raise_error RuntimeError end - end - - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/event_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/event_spec.rb index a61b926dea..5dec07e1ed 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/event_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/event_spec.rb @@ -30,25 +30,23 @@ require 'grpc' describe GRPC::Core::CompletionType do - before(:each) do @known_types = { - :QUEUE_SHUTDOWN => 0, - :READ => 1, - :INVOKE_ACCEPTED => 2, - :WRITE_ACCEPTED => 3, - :FINISH_ACCEPTED => 4, - :CLIENT_METADATA_READ => 5, - :FINISHED => 6, - :SERVER_RPC_NEW => 7, - :RESERVED => 8 + QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: 0, + READ: 1, + INVOKE_ACCEPTED: 2, + WRITE_ACCEPTED: 3, + FINISH_ACCEPTED: 4, + CLIENT_METADATA_READ: 5, + FINISHED: 6, + SERVER_RPC_NEW: 7, + RESERVED: 8 } end it 'should have all the known types' do mod = GRPC::Core::CompletionType - blk = Proc.new { Hash[mod.constants.collect { |c| [c, mod.const_get(c)] }] } + blk = proc { Hash[mod.constants.collect { |c| [c, mod.const_get(c)] }] } expect(blk.call).to eq(@known_types) end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb index bb73eef47c..898022f185 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do CompletionType = GRPC::Core::CompletionType before(:each) do - @pass_through = Proc.new { |x| x } + @pass_through = proc { |x| x } @server_tag = Object.new - @server_done_tag, meta_tag = Object.new + @server_done_tag = Object.new @tag = Object.new @client_queue = GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do describe '#multi_req_view' do it 'exposes a fixed subset of the ActiveCall methods' do - want = ['cancelled', 'deadline', 'each_remote_read', 'shutdown'] + want = %w(cancelled, deadline, each_remote_read, shutdown) v = @client_call.multi_req_view want.each do |w| expect(v.methods.include?(w)) @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do describe '#single_req_view' do it 'exposes a fixed subset of the ActiveCall methods' do - want = ['cancelled', 'deadline', 'shutdown'] + want = %w(cancelled, deadline, shutdown) v = @client_call.single_req_view want.each do |w| expect(v.methods.include?(w)) @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do # Accept the call, and verify that the server reads the response ok. ev.call.server_accept(@client_queue, @server_tag) - ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata() + ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata server_call = ActiveCall.new(ev.call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @pass_through, deadline) expect(server_call.remote_read).to eq(msg) @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do call = make_test_call done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline) - marshal = Proc.new { |x| 'marshalled:' + x } + marshal = proc { |x| 'marshalled:' + x } client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, marshal, @pass_through, deadline, finished_tag: done_tag, @@ -132,33 +132,29 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do @server.request_call(@server_tag) ev = @server_queue.next(deadline) ev.call.server_accept(@client_queue, @server_tag) - ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata() + ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata server_call = ActiveCall.new(ev.call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @pass_through, deadline) expect(server_call.remote_read).to eq('marshalled:' + msg) end - end describe '#client_start_invoke' do - it 'sends keywords as metadata to the server when the are present' do - call, pass_through = make_test_call, Proc.new { |x| x } - done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, - deadline, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + call = make_test_call + ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') @server.request_call(@server_tag) ev = @server_queue.next(deadline) expect(ev).to_not be_nil expect(ev.result.metadata['k1']).to eq('v1') expect(ev.result.metadata['k2']).to eq('v2') end - end describe '#remote_read' do it 'reads the response sent by a server' do - call, pass_through = make_test_call, Proc.new { |x| x } + call = make_test_call done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline) client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @@ -173,7 +169,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do end it 'saves metadata { status=200 } when the server adds no metadata' do - call, pass_through = make_test_call, Proc.new { |x| x } + call = make_test_call done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline) client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @@ -186,11 +182,11 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do server_call.remote_send('ignore me') expect(client_call.metadata).to be_nil client_call.remote_read - expect(client_call.metadata).to eq({':status' => '200'}) + expect(client_call.metadata).to eq(':status' => '200') end it 'saves metadata add by the server' do - call, pass_through = make_test_call, Proc.new { |x| x } + call = make_test_call done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline) client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @@ -203,13 +199,12 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do server_call.remote_send('ignore me') expect(client_call.metadata).to be_nil client_call.remote_read - expect(client_call.metadata).to eq({':status' => '200', 'k1' => 'v1', - 'k2' => 'v2'}) + expected = { ':status' => '200', 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2' } + expect(client_call.metadata).to eq(expected) end - it 'get a nil msg before a status when an OK status is sent' do - call, pass_through = make_test_call, Proc.new { |x| x } + call = make_test_call done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline) client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @@ -227,12 +222,11 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do expect(res).to be_nil end - it 'unmarshals the response using the unmarshal func' do call = make_test_call done_tag, meta_tag = ActiveCall.client_start_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline) - unmarshal = Proc.new { |x| 'unmarshalled:' + x } + unmarshal = proc { |x| 'unmarshalled:' + x } client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through, unmarshal, deadline, finished_tag: done_tag, @@ -245,7 +239,6 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do server_call.remote_send('server_response') expect(client_call.remote_read).to eq('unmarshalled:server_response') end - end describe '#each_remote_read' do @@ -298,7 +291,6 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do server_call.send_status(OK, 'OK') expect { e.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end - end describe '#writes_done' do @@ -357,7 +349,6 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do expect { client_call.writes_done(true) }.to_not raise_error expect { server_call.finished }.to_not raise_error end - end def expect_server_to_receive(sent_text, **kw) @@ -371,7 +362,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do ev = @server_queue.next(deadline) ev.call.add_metadata(kw) ev.call.server_accept(@client_queue, @server_done_tag) - ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata() + ev.call.server_end_initial_metadata ActiveCall.new(ev.call, @client_queue, @pass_through, @pass_through, deadline, finished_tag: @server_done_tag) @@ -384,5 +375,4 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do def deadline Time.now + 0.25 # in 0.25 seconds; arbitrary end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb index 2db8718d1a..8ebe48bc4c 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ require 'grpc' require 'xray/thread_dump_signal_handler' require_relative '../port_picker' -NOOP = Proc.new { |x| x } +NOOP = proc { |x| x } def wakey_thread(&blk) awake_mutex, awake_cond = Mutex.new, ConditionVariable.new @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ include GRPC::Core::StatusCodes include GRPC::Core::TimeConsts describe 'ClientStub' do - before(:each) do Thread.abort_on_exception = true @server = nil @@ -67,11 +66,10 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do end describe '#new' do - it 'can be created from a host and args' do host = new_test_host - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg'} - blk = Proc.new do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg' } + blk = proc do GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, **opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error @@ -79,8 +77,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'can be created with a default deadline' do host = new_test_host - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :deadline => 5} - blk = Proc.new do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', deadline: 5 } + blk = proc do GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, **opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error @@ -88,8 +86,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'can be created with an channel override' do host = new_test_host - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :channel_override => @ch} - blk = Proc.new do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', channel_override: @ch } + blk = proc do GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, **opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error @@ -97,8 +95,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'cannot be created with a bad channel override' do host = new_test_host - blk = Proc.new do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :channel_override => Object.new} + blk = proc do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', channel_override: Object.new } GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, **opts) end expect(&blk).to raise_error @@ -106,8 +104,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'cannot be created with bad credentials' do host = new_test_host - blk = Proc.new do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :creds => Object.new} + blk = proc do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', creds: Object.new } GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, **opts) end expect(&blk).to raise_error @@ -116,17 +114,16 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'can be created with test test credentials' do certs = load_test_certs host = new_test_host - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do opts = { GRPC::Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.com', - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :creds => GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0], nil, nil) + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + creds: GRPC::Core::Credentials.new(certs[0], nil, nil) } GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, **opts) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - end describe '#request_response' do @@ -135,7 +132,6 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do end shared_examples 'request response' do - it 'should send a request to/receive a reply from a server' do host = new_test_host th = run_request_response(host, @sent_msg, @resp, @pass) @@ -146,8 +142,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'should send metadata to the server ok' do host = new_test_host - th = run_request_response(host, @sent_msg, @resp, @pass, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + th = run_request_response(host, @sent_msg, @resp, @pass, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) expect(get_response(stub)).to eq(@resp) th.join @@ -157,7 +153,10 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do host = new_test_host th = run_request_response(host, @sent_msg, @resp, @pass, k1: 'updated-v1', k2: 'v2') - update_md = Proc.new { |md| md[:k1] = 'updated-v1'; md } + update_md = proc do |md| + md[:k1] = 'updated-v1' + md + end stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, update_metadata: update_md) expect(get_response(stub)).to eq(@resp) th.join @@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do alt_host = new_test_host th = run_request_response(alt_host, @sent_msg, @resp, @pass) ch = GRPC::Core::Channel.new(alt_host, nil) - stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new('ignored-host', @cq, channel_override:ch) + stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new('ignored-host', @cq, channel_override: ch) expect(get_response(stub)).to eq(@resp) th.join end @@ -176,45 +175,37 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do host = new_test_host th = run_request_response(host, @sent_msg, @resp, @fail) stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) - blk = Proc.new { get_response(stub) } + blk = proc { get_response(stub) } expect(&blk).to raise_error(GRPC::BadStatus) th.join end - end describe 'without a call operation' do - def get_response(stub) - stub.request_response(@method, @sent_msg, NOOP, NOOP, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + stub.request_response(@method, @sent_msg, NOOP, NOOP, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') end it_behaves_like 'request response' - end describe 'via a call operation' do - def get_response(stub) op = stub.request_response(@method, @sent_msg, NOOP, NOOP, - return_op:true, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') + return_op: true, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') expect(op).to be_a(GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation) - op.execute() + op.execute end it_behaves_like 'request response' - end - end describe '#client_streamer' do - shared_examples 'client streaming' do - before(:each) do - @sent_msgs = Array.new(3) { |i| 'msg_' + (i+1).to_s } + @sent_msgs = Array.new(3) { |i| 'msg_' + (i + 1).to_s } @resp = 'a_reply' end @@ -228,19 +219,21 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'should send metadata to the server ok' do host = new_test_host - th = run_client_streamer(host, @sent_msgs, @resp, @pass, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + th = run_client_streamer(host, @sent_msgs, @resp, @pass, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) expect(get_response(stub)).to eq(@resp) th.join end - it 'should update the sent metadata with a provided metadata updater' do host = new_test_host th = run_client_streamer(host, @sent_msgs, @resp, @pass, k1: 'updated-v1', k2: 'v2') - update_md = Proc.new { |md| md[:k1] = 'updated-v1'; md } + update_md = proc do |md| + md[:k1] = 'updated-v1' + md + end stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, update_metadata: update_md) expect(get_response(stub)).to eq(@resp) th.join @@ -250,46 +243,38 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do host = new_test_host th = run_client_streamer(host, @sent_msgs, @resp, @fail) stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) - blk = Proc.new { get_response(stub) } + blk = proc { get_response(stub) } expect(&blk).to raise_error(GRPC::BadStatus) th.join end - end describe 'without a call operation' do - def get_response(stub) - stub.client_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, NOOP, NOOP, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + stub.client_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, NOOP, NOOP, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') end it_behaves_like 'client streaming' - end describe 'via a call operation' do - def get_response(stub) op = stub.client_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, NOOP, NOOP, - return_op:true, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') + return_op: true, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') expect(op).to be_a(GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation) - resp = op.execute() + op.execute end it_behaves_like 'client streaming' - end - end describe '#server_streamer' do - shared_examples 'server streaming' do - before(:each) do @sent_msg = 'a_msg' - @replys = Array.new(3) { |i| 'reply_' + (i+1).to_s } + @replys = Array.new(3) { |i| 'reply_' + (i + 1).to_s } end it 'should send a request to/receive replies from a server' do @@ -311,8 +296,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do it 'should send metadata to the server ok' do host = new_test_host - th = run_server_streamer(host, @sent_msg, @replys, @fail, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + th = run_server_streamer(host, @sent_msg, @replys, @fail, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) e = get_responses(stub) expect { e.collect { |r| r } }.to raise_error(GRPC::BadStatus) @@ -323,55 +308,50 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do host = new_test_host th = run_server_streamer(host, @sent_msg, @replys, @pass, k1: 'updated-v1', k2: 'v2') - update_md = Proc.new { |md| md[:k1] = 'updated-v1'; md } + update_md = proc do |md| + md[:k1] = 'updated-v1' + md + end stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq, update_metadata: update_md) e = get_responses(stub) expect(e.collect { |r| r }).to eq(@replys) th.join end - end describe 'without a call operation' do - def get_responses(stub) - e = stub.server_streamer(@method, @sent_msg, NOOP, NOOP, k1: 'v1', - k2: 'v2') + e = stub.server_streamer(@method, @sent_msg, NOOP, NOOP, + k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') expect(e).to be_a(Enumerator) e end it_behaves_like 'server streaming' - end describe 'via a call operation' do - def get_responses(stub) op = stub.server_streamer(@method, @sent_msg, NOOP, NOOP, - return_op:true, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') + return_op: true, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') expect(op).to be_a(GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation) - e = op.execute() + e = op.execute expect(e).to be_a(Enumerator) e end it_behaves_like 'server streaming' - end - end describe '#bidi_streamer' do - shared_examples 'bidi streaming' do - before(:each) do - @sent_msgs = Array.new(3) { |i| 'msg_' + (i+1).to_s } - @replys = Array.new(3) { |i| 'reply_' + (i+1).to_s } + @sent_msgs = Array.new(3) { |i| 'msg_' + (i + 1).to_s } + @replys = Array.new(3) { |i| 'reply_' + (i + 1).to_s } end - it 'supports sending all the requests first', :bidi => true do + it 'supports sending all the requests first', bidi: true do host = new_test_host th = run_bidi_streamer_handle_inputs_first(host, @sent_msgs, @replys, @pass) @@ -381,7 +361,7 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do th.join end - it 'supports client-initiated ping pong', :bidi => true do + it 'supports client-initiated ping pong', bidi: true do host = new_test_host th = run_bidi_streamer_echo_ping_pong(host, @sent_msgs, @pass, true) stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) @@ -396,7 +376,7 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do # servers don't know if all the client metadata has been sent until # they receive a message from the client. Without receiving all the # metadata, the server does not accept the call, so this test hangs. - xit 'supports a server-initiated ping pong', :bidi => true do + xit 'supports a server-initiated ping pong', bidi: true do host = new_test_host th = run_bidi_streamer_echo_ping_pong(host, @sent_msgs, @pass, false) stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(host, @cq) @@ -404,11 +384,9 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do expect(e.collect { |r| r }).to eq(@sent_msgs) th.join end - end describe 'without a call operation' do - def get_responses(stub) e = stub.bidi_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, NOOP, NOOP) expect(e).to be_a(Enumerator) @@ -416,13 +394,12 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do end it_behaves_like 'bidi streaming' - end describe 'via a call operation' do - def get_responses(stub) - op = stub.bidi_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, NOOP, NOOP, return_op:true) + op = stub.bidi_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, NOOP, NOOP, + return_op: true) expect(op).to be_a(GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation) e = op.execute expect(e).to be_a(Enumerator) @@ -430,9 +407,7 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do end it_behaves_like 'bidi streaming' - end - end def run_server_streamer(hostname, expected_input, replys, status, **kw) @@ -514,14 +489,13 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do def expect_server_to_be_invoked(hostname, awake_mutex, awake_cond) server_queue = start_test_server(hostname, awake_mutex, awake_cond) - test_deadline = Time.now + 10 # fail tests after 10 seconds ev = server_queue.pluck(@server_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE) - raise OutOfTime if ev.nil? + fail OutOfTime if ev.nil? server_call = ev.call server_call.metadata = ev.result.metadata finished_tag = Object.new server_call.server_accept(server_queue, finished_tag) - server_call.server_end_initial_metadata() + server_call.server_end_initial_metadata GRPC::ActiveCall.new(server_call, server_queue, NOOP, NOOP, INFINITE_FUTURE, finished_tag: finished_tag) end @@ -530,5 +504,4 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do port = find_unused_tcp_port "localhost:#{port}" end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_desc_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_desc_spec.rb index efef7e4686..ac0b5c51f4 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_desc_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_desc_spec.rb @@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ require 'grpc' require 'grpc/generic/rpc_desc' - describe GRPC::RpcDesc do - RpcDesc = GRPC::RpcDesc Stream = RpcDesc::Stream OK = GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OK @@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do end describe '#run_server_method' do - describe 'for request responses' do before(:each) do @call = double('active_call') @@ -78,7 +75,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'absorbs EventError with no further action' do expect(@call).to receive(:remote_read).once.and_raise(EventError) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @request_response.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_reqresp)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'absorbs CallError with no further action' do expect(@call).to receive(:remote_read).once.and_raise(CallError) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @request_response.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_reqresp)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -100,7 +97,6 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do expect(@call).to receive(:finished).once @request_response.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_reqresp)) end - end describe 'for client streamers' do @@ -122,7 +118,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'absorbs EventError with no further action' do expect(@call).to receive(:remote_send).once.and_raise(EventError) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @client_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_clstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -130,20 +126,18 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'absorbs CallError with no further action' do expect(@call).to receive(:remote_send).once.and_raise(CallError) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @client_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_clstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'sends a response and closes the stream if there no errors' do - req = Object.new expect(@call).to receive(:remote_send).once.with(@ok_response) expect(@call).to receive(:send_status).once.with(OK, 'OK') expect(@call).to receive(:finished).once @client_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_clstream)) end - end describe 'for server streaming' do @@ -167,7 +161,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'absorbs EventError with no further action' do expect(@call).to receive(:remote_read).once.and_raise(EventError) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @server_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_svstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -175,7 +169,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'absorbs CallError with no further action' do expect(@call).to receive(:remote_read).once.and_raise(CallError) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @server_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_svstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -189,7 +183,6 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do expect(@call).to receive(:finished).once @server_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_svstream)) end - end describe 'for bidi streamers' do @@ -215,30 +208,27 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do end it 'closes the stream if there no errors' do - req = Object.new expect(@call).to receive(:run_server_bidi) expect(@call).to receive(:send_status).once.with(OK, 'OK') expect(@call).to receive(:finished).once @bidi_streamer.run_server_method(@call, method(:fake_bidistream)) end - end - end describe '#assert_arity_matches' do def no_arg end - def fake_clstream(arg) + def fake_clstream(_arg) end - def fake_svstream(arg1, arg2) + def fake_svstream(_arg1, _arg2) end it 'raises when a request_response does not have 2 args' do [:fake_clstream, :no_arg].each do |mth| - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @request_response.assert_arity_matches(method(mth)) end expect(&blk).to raise_error @@ -246,7 +236,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do end it 'passes when a request_response has 2 args' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @request_response.assert_arity_matches(method(:fake_svstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -254,7 +244,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'raises when a server_streamer does not have 2 args' do [:fake_clstream, :no_arg].each do |mth| - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @server_streamer.assert_arity_matches(method(mth)) end expect(&blk).to raise_error @@ -262,7 +252,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do end it 'passes when a server_streamer has 2 args' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @server_streamer.assert_arity_matches(method(:fake_svstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -270,7 +260,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do it 'raises when a client streamer does not have 1 arg' do [:fake_svstream, :no_arg].each do |mth| - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @client_streamer.assert_arity_matches(method(mth)) end expect(&blk).to raise_error @@ -278,16 +268,15 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do end it 'passes when a client_streamer has 1 arg' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @client_streamer.assert_arity_matches(method(:fake_clstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - it 'raises when a bidi streamer does not have 1 arg' do [:fake_svstream, :no_arg].each do |mth| - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @bidi_streamer.assert_arity_matches(method(mth)) end expect(&blk).to raise_error @@ -295,88 +284,78 @@ describe GRPC::RpcDesc do end it 'passes when a bidi streamer has 1 arg' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do @bidi_streamer.assert_arity_matches(method(:fake_clstream)) end expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - end - describe '#is_request_response?' do - + describe '#request_response?' do it 'is true only input and output are both not Streams' do - expect(@request_response.is_request_response?).to be(true) - expect(@client_streamer.is_request_response?).to be(false) - expect(@bidi_streamer.is_request_response?).to be(false) - expect(@server_streamer.is_request_response?).to be(false) + expect(@request_response.request_response?).to be(true) + expect(@client_streamer.request_response?).to be(false) + expect(@bidi_streamer.request_response?).to be(false) + expect(@server_streamer.request_response?).to be(false) end - end - describe '#is_client_streamer?' do - + describe '#client_streamer?' do it 'is true only when input is a Stream and output is not a Stream' do - expect(@client_streamer.is_client_streamer?).to be(true) - expect(@request_response.is_client_streamer?).to be(false) - expect(@server_streamer.is_client_streamer?).to be(false) - expect(@bidi_streamer.is_client_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@client_streamer.client_streamer?).to be(true) + expect(@request_response.client_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@server_streamer.client_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@bidi_streamer.client_streamer?).to be(false) end - end - describe '#is_server_streamer?' do - + describe '#server_streamer?' do it 'is true only when output is a Stream and input is not a Stream' do - expect(@server_streamer.is_server_streamer?).to be(true) - expect(@client_streamer.is_server_streamer?).to be(false) - expect(@request_response.is_server_streamer?).to be(false) - expect(@bidi_streamer.is_server_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@server_streamer.server_streamer?).to be(true) + expect(@client_streamer.server_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@request_response.server_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@bidi_streamer.server_streamer?).to be(false) end - end - describe '#is_bidi_streamer?' do - + describe '#bidi_streamer?' do it 'is true only when output is a Stream and input is a Stream' do - expect(@bidi_streamer.is_bidi_streamer?).to be(true) - expect(@server_streamer.is_bidi_streamer?).to be(false) - expect(@client_streamer.is_bidi_streamer?).to be(false) - expect(@request_response.is_bidi_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@bidi_streamer.bidi_streamer?).to be(true) + expect(@server_streamer.bidi_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@client_streamer.bidi_streamer?).to be(false) + expect(@request_response.bidi_streamer?).to be(false) end - end - def fake_reqresp(req, call) + def fake_reqresp(_req, _call) @ok_response end - def fake_clstream(call) + def fake_clstream(_call) @ok_response end - def fake_svstream(req, call) + def fake_svstream(_req, _call) [@ok_response, @ok_response] end def fake_bidistream(an_array) - return an_array + an_array end - def bad_status(req, call) - raise GRPC::BadStatus.new(@bs_code, 'NOK') + def bad_status(_req, _call) + fail GRPC::BadStatus.new(@bs_code, 'NOK') end - def other_error(req, call) - raise ArgumentError.new('other error') + def other_error(_req, _call) + fail(ArgumentError, 'other error') end - def bad_status_alt(call) - raise GRPC::BadStatus.new(@bs_code, 'NOK') + def bad_status_alt(_call) + fail GRPC::BadStatus.new(@bs_code, 'NOK') end - def other_error_alt(call) - raise ArgumentError.new('other error') + def other_error_alt(_call) + fail(ArgumentError, 'other error') end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_pool_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_pool_spec.rb index 83979ec164..27fabd9c31 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_pool_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_pool_spec.rb @@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ require 'xray/thread_dump_signal_handler' Pool = GRPC::RpcServer::Pool describe Pool do - describe '#new' do - it 'raises if a non-positive size is used' do expect { Pool.new(0) }.to raise_error expect { Pool.new(-1) }.to raise_error @@ -45,11 +43,9 @@ describe Pool do it 'is constructed OK with a positive size' do expect { Pool.new(1) }.not_to raise_error end - end describe '#jobs_waiting' do - it 'at start, it is zero' do p = Pool.new(1) expect(p.jobs_waiting).to be(0) @@ -57,74 +53,67 @@ describe Pool do it 'it increases, with each scheduled job if the pool is not running' do p = Pool.new(1) - job = Proc.new { } + job = proc {} expect(p.jobs_waiting).to be(0) 5.times do |i| p.schedule(&job) expect(p.jobs_waiting).to be(i + 1) end - end it 'it decreases as jobs are run' do p = Pool.new(1) - job = Proc.new { } + job = proc {} expect(p.jobs_waiting).to be(0) - 3.times do |i| + 3.times do p.schedule(&job) end p.start sleep 2 expect(p.jobs_waiting).to be(0) end - end describe '#schedule' do - it 'throws if the pool is already stopped' do p = Pool.new(1) - p.stop() - job = Proc.new { } + p.stop + job = proc {} expect { p.schedule(&job) }.to raise_error end it 'adds jobs that get run by the pool' do p = Pool.new(1) - p.start() + p.start o, q = Object.new, Queue.new - job = Proc.new { q.push(o) } + job = proc { q.push(o) } p.schedule(&job) expect(q.pop).to be(o) p.stop end - end describe '#stop' do - it 'works when there are no scheduled tasks' do p = Pool.new(1) - expect { p.stop() }.not_to raise_error + expect { p.stop }.not_to raise_error end it 'stops jobs when there are long running jobs' do p = Pool.new(1) - p.start() + p.start o, q = Object.new, Queue.new - job = Proc.new do + job = proc do sleep(5) # long running q.push(o) end p.schedule(&job) sleep(1) # should ensure the long job gets scheduled - expect { p.stop() }.not_to raise_error + expect { p.stop }.not_to raise_error end - end describe '#start' do - it 'runs pre-scheduled jobs' do p = Pool.new(2) o, q = Object.new, Queue.new @@ -146,7 +135,5 @@ describe Pool do end p.stop end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb index 5997fdb363..cd4888a3b4 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb @@ -37,33 +37,37 @@ def load_test_certs files.map { |f| File.open(File.join(test_root, f)).read } end +# A test message class EchoMsg - def self.marshal(o) + def self.marshal(_o) '' end - def self.unmarshal(o) + def self.unmarshal(_o) EchoMsg.new end end +# A test service with no methods. class EmptyService include GRPC::GenericService end +# A test service without an implementation. class NoRpcImplementation include GRPC::GenericService rpc :an_rpc, EchoMsg, EchoMsg end +# A test service with an implementation. class EchoService include GRPC::GenericService rpc :an_rpc, EchoMsg, EchoMsg - def initialize(default_var='ignored') + def initialize(_default_var = 'ignored') end - def an_rpc(req, call) + def an_rpc(req, _call) logger.info('echo service received a request') req end @@ -71,14 +75,15 @@ end EchoStub = EchoService.rpc_stub_class +# A slow test service. class SlowService include GRPC::GenericService rpc :an_rpc, EchoMsg, EchoMsg - def initialize(default_var='ignored') + def initialize(_default_var = 'ignored') end - def an_rpc(req, call) + def an_rpc(req, _call) delay = 0.25 logger.info("starting a slow #{delay} rpc") sleep delay @@ -89,7 +94,6 @@ end SlowStub = SlowService.rpc_stub_class describe GRPC::RpcServer do - RpcServer = GRPC::RpcServer StatusCodes = GRPC::Core::StatusCodes @@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do @method = 'an_rpc_method' @pass = 0 @fail = 1 - @noop = Proc.new { |x| x } + @noop = proc { |x| x } @server_queue = GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new port = find_unused_tcp_port @@ -112,18 +116,17 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do end describe '#new' do - it 'can be created with just some args' do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg'} - blk = Proc.new do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg' } + blk = proc do RpcServer.new(**opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error end it 'can be created with a default deadline' do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :deadline => 5} - blk = Proc.new do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', deadline: 5 } + blk = proc do RpcServer.new(**opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error @@ -131,20 +134,20 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do it 'can be created with a completion queue override' do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :completion_queue_override => @server_queue + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + completion_queue_override: @server_queue } - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do RpcServer.new(**opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error end it 'cannot be created with a bad completion queue override' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :completion_queue_override => Object.new + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + completion_queue_override: Object.new } RpcServer.new(**opts) end @@ -152,10 +155,10 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do end it 'cannot be created with invalid ServerCredentials' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :creds => Object.new + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + creds: Object.new } RpcServer.new(**opts) end @@ -165,10 +168,10 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do it 'can be created with the creds as valid ServerCedentials' do certs = load_test_certs server_creds = GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(nil, certs[1], certs[2]) - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :creds => server_creds + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + creds: server_creds } RpcServer.new(**opts) end @@ -176,30 +179,28 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do end it 'can be created with a server override' do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :server_override => @server} - blk = Proc.new do + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', server_override: @server } + blk = proc do RpcServer.new(**opts) end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error end it 'cannot be created with a bad server override' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :server_override => Object.new + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + server_override: Object.new } RpcServer.new(**opts) end expect(&blk).to raise_error end - end describe '#stopped?' do - before(:each) do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :poll_period => 1} + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', poll_period: 1 } @srv = RpcServer.new(**opts) end @@ -229,33 +230,31 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do expect(@srv.stopped?).to be(true) t.join end - end describe '#running?' do - it 'starts out false' do - opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :server_override => @server} + opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', server_override: @server } r = RpcServer.new(**opts) expect(r.running?).to be(false) end it 'is false after run is called with no services registered' do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :poll_period => 1, - :server_override => @server + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + poll_period: 1, + server_override: @server } r = RpcServer.new(**opts) - r.run() + r.run expect(r.running?).to be(false) end it 'is true after run is called with a registered service' do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :poll_period => 1, - :server_override => @server + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + poll_period: 1, + server_override: @server } r = RpcServer.new(**opts) r.handle(EchoService) @@ -265,13 +264,11 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do r.stop t.join end - end describe '#handle' do - before(:each) do - @opts = {:a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', :poll_period => 1} + @opts = { a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', poll_period: 1 } @srv = RpcServer.new(**@opts) end @@ -309,33 +306,30 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do @srv.handle(EchoService) expect { r.handle(EchoService) }.to raise_error end - end describe '#run' do - before(:each) do @client_opts = { - :channel_override => @ch + channel_override: @ch } @marshal = EchoService.rpc_descs[:an_rpc].marshal_proc @unmarshal = EchoService.rpc_descs[:an_rpc].unmarshal_proc(:output) server_opts = { - :server_override => @server, - :completion_queue_override => @server_queue, - :poll_period => 1 + server_override: @server, + completion_queue_override: @server_queue, + poll_period: 1 } @srv = RpcServer.new(**server_opts) end describe 'when running' do - it 'should return NOT_FOUND status for requests on unknown methods' do @srv.handle(EchoService) t = Thread.new { @srv.run } @srv.wait_till_running req = EchoMsg.new - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do cq = GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(@host, cq, **@client_opts) stub.request_response('/unknown', req, @marshal, @unmarshal) @@ -352,20 +346,19 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do req = EchoMsg.new n = 5 # arbitrary stub = EchoStub.new(@host, **@client_opts) - n.times { |x| expect(stub.an_rpc(req)).to be_a(EchoMsg) } + n.times { expect(stub.an_rpc(req)).to be_a(EchoMsg) } @srv.stop t.join end it 'should obtain responses for multiple parallel requests' do @srv.handle(EchoService) - t = Thread.new { @srv.run } + Thread.new { @srv.run } @srv.wait_till_running req, q = EchoMsg.new, Queue.new n = 5 # arbitrary threads = [] - n.times do |x| - cq = GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new + n.times do threads << Thread.new do stub = EchoStub.new(@host, **@client_opts) q << stub.an_rpc(req) @@ -373,44 +366,40 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do end n.times { expect(q.pop).to be_a(EchoMsg) } @srv.stop - threads.each { |t| t.join } + threads.each(&:join) end it 'should return UNAVAILABLE status if there too many jobs' do opts = { - :a_channel_arg => 'an_arg', - :server_override => @server, - :completion_queue_override => @server_queue, - :pool_size => 1, - :poll_period => 1, - :max_waiting_requests => 0 + a_channel_arg: 'an_arg', + server_override: @server, + completion_queue_override: @server_queue, + pool_size: 1, + poll_period: 1, + max_waiting_requests: 0 } alt_srv = RpcServer.new(**opts) alt_srv.handle(SlowService) - t = Thread.new { alt_srv.run } + Thread.new { alt_srv.run } alt_srv.wait_till_running req = EchoMsg.new n = 5 # arbitrary, use as many to ensure the server pool is exceeded threads = [] - _1_failed_as_unavailable = false - n.times do |x| + one_failed_as_unavailable = false + n.times do threads << Thread.new do - cq = GRPC::Core::CompletionQueue.new stub = SlowStub.new(@host, **@client_opts) begin stub.an_rpc(req) rescue GRPC::BadStatus => e - _1_failed_as_unavailable = e.code == StatusCodes::UNAVAILABLE + one_failed_as_unavailable = e.code == StatusCodes::UNAVAILABLE end end end - threads.each { |t| t.join } + threads.each(&:join) alt_srv.stop - expect(_1_failed_as_unavailable).to be(true) + expect(one_failed_as_unavailable).to be(true) end - end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/service_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/service_spec.rb index a8e0c6f52f..29f2412631 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/service_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/service_spec.rb @@ -31,23 +31,24 @@ require 'grpc' require 'grpc/generic/rpc_desc' require 'grpc/generic/service' - +# A test message that encodes/decodes using marshal/marshal. class GoodMsg - def self.marshal(o) + def self.marshal(_o) '' end - def self.unmarshal(o) + def self.unmarshal(_o) GoodMsg.new end end +# A test message that encodes/decodes using encode/decode. class EncodeDecodeMsg - def self.encode(o) + def self.encode(_o) '' end - def self.decode(o) + def self.decode(_o) GoodMsg.new end end @@ -55,7 +56,6 @@ end GenericService = GRPC::GenericService Dsl = GenericService::Dsl - describe 'String#underscore' do it 'should convert CamelCase to underscore separated' do expect('AnRPC'.underscore).to eq('an_rpc') @@ -66,20 +66,14 @@ describe 'String#underscore' do end describe Dsl do - it 'can be included in new classes' do - blk = Proc.new do - c = Class.new { include Dsl } - end + blk = proc { Class.new { include Dsl } } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - end describe GenericService do - describe 'including it' do - it 'adds a class method, rpc' do c = Class.new do include GenericService @@ -144,9 +138,8 @@ describe GenericService do end describe '#include' do - it 'raises if #rpc is missing an arg' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc, GoodMsg @@ -154,7 +147,7 @@ describe GenericService do end expect(&blk).to raise_error ArgumentError - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc @@ -164,9 +157,8 @@ describe GenericService do end describe 'when #rpc args are incorrect' do - it 'raises if an arg does not have the marshal or unmarshal methods' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc, GoodMsg, Object @@ -176,13 +168,14 @@ describe GenericService do end it 'raises if a type arg only has the marshal method' do + # a bad message type with only a marshal method class OnlyMarshal def marshal(o) o end end - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc, OnlyMarshal, GoodMsg @@ -192,12 +185,13 @@ describe GenericService do end it 'raises if a type arg only has the unmarshal method' do + # a bad message type with only an unmarshal method class OnlyUnmarshal def self.ummarshal(o) o end end - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc, GoodMsg, OnlyUnmarshal @@ -208,7 +202,7 @@ describe GenericService do end it 'is ok for services that expect the default {un,}marshal methods' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc, GoodMsg, GoodMsg @@ -218,7 +212,7 @@ describe GenericService do end it 'is ok for services that override the default {un,}marshal methods' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do Class.new do include GenericService self.marshal_class_method = :encode @@ -228,11 +222,9 @@ describe GenericService do end expect(&blk).not_to raise_error end - end describe '#rpc_stub_class' do - it 'generates a client class that defines any of the rpc methods' do s = Class.new do include GenericService @@ -249,7 +241,6 @@ describe GenericService do end describe 'the generated instances' do - it 'can be instanciated with just a hostname' do s = Class.new do include GenericService @@ -277,13 +268,10 @@ describe GenericService do expect(o.methods).to include(:a_client_streamer) expect(o.methods).to include(:a_bidi_streamer) end - end - end describe '#assert_rpc_descs_have_methods' do - it 'fails if there is no instance method for an rpc descriptor' do c1 = Class.new do include GenericService @@ -310,16 +298,16 @@ describe GenericService do rpc :AClientStreamer, stream(GoodMsg), GoodMsg rpc :ABidiStreamer, stream(GoodMsg), stream(GoodMsg) - def an_rpc(req, call) + def an_rpc(_req, _call) end - def a_server_streamer(req, call) + def a_server_streamer(_req, _call) end - def a_client_streamer(call) + def a_client_streamer(_call) end - def a_bidi_streamer(call) + def a_bidi_streamer(_call) end end expect { c.assert_rpc_descs_have_methods }.to_not raise_error @@ -330,7 +318,7 @@ describe GenericService do include GenericService rpc :AnRpc, GoodMsg, GoodMsg - def an_rpc(req, call) + def an_rpc(_req, _call) end end c = Class.new(base) @@ -344,13 +332,11 @@ describe GenericService do rpc :AnRpc, GoodMsg, GoodMsg end c = Class.new(base) do - def an_rpc(req, call) + def an_rpc(_req, _call) end end expect { c.assert_rpc_descs_have_methods }.to_not raise_error expect(c.include?(GenericService)).to be(true) end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/metadata_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/metadata_spec.rb index d5dc8b2338..9cdce6b40d 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/metadata_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/metadata_spec.rb @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ require 'grpc' describe GRPC::Core::Metadata do - describe '#new' do it 'should create instances' do expect { GRPC::Core::Metadata.new('a key', 'a value') }.to_not raise_error @@ -62,5 +61,4 @@ describe GRPC::Core::Metadata do expect(md.dup.value).to eq('a value') end end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/port_picker.rb b/src/ruby/spec/port_picker.rb index 1b52113e10..98ffbacc1b 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/port_picker.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/port_picker.rb @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ require 'socket' # @param [Fixnum] the minimum port number to accept # @param [Fixnum] the maximum port number to accept # @return [Fixnum ]a free tcp port -def find_unused_tcp_port(min=32768, max=60000) +def find_unused_tcp_port(min = 32_768, max = 60_000) # Allow the system to assign a port, by specifying 0. # Loop until a port is assigned in the required range loop do @@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ def find_unused_tcp_port(min=32768, max=60000) socket.bind(Addrinfo.tcp('', 0)) p = socket.local_address.ip_port socket.close - return p if p > min and p < 60000 + return p if p > min && p < max end end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/server_credentials_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/server_credentials_spec.rb index bcc2cae4dd..faa713d562 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/server_credentials_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/server_credentials_spec.rb @@ -35,13 +35,10 @@ def load_test_certs files.map { |f| File.open(File.join(test_root, f)).read } end - describe GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials do - Creds = GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials describe '#new' do - it 'can be constructed from a fake CA PEM, server PEM and a server key' do expect { Creds.new('a', 'b', 'c') }.not_to raise_error end @@ -53,22 +50,20 @@ describe GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials do it 'cannot be constructed without a server cert chain' do root_cert, server_key, _ = load_test_certs - blk = Proc.new { Creds.new(root_cert, server_key, nil) } + blk = proc { Creds.new(root_cert, server_key, nil) } expect(&blk).to raise_error end it 'cannot be constructed without a server key' do - root_cert, server_key, _ = load_test_certs - blk = Proc.new { Creds.new(root_cert, _, cert_chain) } + root_cert, _, _ = load_test_certs + blk = proc { Creds.new(root_cert, nil, cert_chain) } expect(&blk).to raise_error end it 'can be constructed without a root_cret' do _, server_key, cert_chain = load_test_certs - blk = Proc.new { Creds.new(_, server_key, cert_chain) } + blk = proc { Creds.new(nil, server_key, cert_chain) } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/server_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/server_spec.rb index 28f520a2f6..6e5bb523de 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/server_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/server_spec.rb @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ end Server = GRPC::Core::Server describe Server do - def create_test_cert GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(*load_test_certs) end @@ -49,11 +48,8 @@ describe Server do end describe '#start' do - it 'runs without failing' do - blk = Proc.new do - s = Server.new(@cq, nil).start - end + blk = proc { Server.new(@cq, nil).start } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end @@ -62,20 +58,19 @@ describe Server do s.close expect { s.start }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end - end describe '#destroy' do it 'destroys a server ok' do s = start_a_server - blk = Proc.new { s.destroy } + blk = proc { s.destroy } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can be called more than once without error' do s = start_a_server begin - blk = Proc.new { s.destroy } + blk = proc { s.destroy } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error blk.call expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -89,7 +84,7 @@ describe Server do it 'closes a server ok' do s = start_a_server begin - blk = Proc.new { s.close } + blk = proc { s.close } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error ensure s.close @@ -98,7 +93,7 @@ describe Server do it 'can be called more than once without error' do s = start_a_server - blk = Proc.new { s.close } + blk = proc { s.close } expect(&blk).to_not raise_error blk.call expect(&blk).to_not raise_error @@ -106,11 +101,9 @@ describe Server do end describe '#add_http_port' do - describe 'for insecure servers' do - it 'runs without failing' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do s = Server.new(@cq, nil) s.add_http2_port('localhost:0') s.close @@ -123,13 +116,11 @@ describe Server do s.close expect { s.add_http2_port('localhost:0') }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end - end describe 'for secure servers' do - it 'runs without failing' do - blk = Proc.new do + blk = proc do s = Server.new(@cq, nil) s.add_http2_port('localhost:0', true) s.close @@ -140,16 +131,13 @@ describe Server do it 'fails if the server is closed' do s = Server.new(@cq, nil) s.close - blk = Proc.new { s.add_http2_port('localhost:0', true) } + blk = proc { s.add_http2_port('localhost:0', true) } expect(&blk).to raise_error(RuntimeError) end - end - end shared_examples '#new' do - it 'takes a completion queue with nil channel args' do expect { Server.new(@cq, nil, create_test_cert) }.to_not raise_error end @@ -162,14 +150,14 @@ describe Server do end it 'does not take a hash with bad values as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:symbol => Object.new) + blk = construct_with_args(symbol: Object.new) expect(&blk).to raise_error TypeError blk = construct_with_args('1' => Hash.new) expect(&blk).to raise_error TypeError end it 'can take a hash with a symbol key as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => 1) + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: 1) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end @@ -179,46 +167,41 @@ describe Server do end it 'can take a hash with a string value as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => '1') + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: '1') expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can take a hash with a symbol value as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => :another_symbol) + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: :another_symbol) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can take a hash with a numeric value as channel args' do - blk = construct_with_args(:a_symbol => 1) + blk = construct_with_args(a_symbol: 1) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end it 'can take a hash with many args as channel args' do - args = Hash[127.times.collect { |x| [x.to_s, x] } ] + args = Hash[127.times.collect { |x| [x.to_s, x] }] blk = construct_with_args(args) expect(&blk).to_not raise_error end - end describe '#new with an insecure channel' do - def construct_with_args(a) - Proc.new { Server.new(@cq, a) } + proc { Server.new(@cq, a) } end it_behaves_like '#new' - end describe '#new with a secure channel' do - def construct_with_args(a) - Proc.new { Server.new(@cq, a, create_test_cert) } + proc { Server.new(@cq, a, create_test_cert) } end it_behaves_like '#new' - end def start_a_server @@ -229,5 +212,4 @@ describe Server do s.start s end - end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/time_consts_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/time_consts_spec.rb index 27755075a9..b01027ce26 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/time_consts_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/time_consts_spec.rb @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ require 'grpc' TimeConsts = GRPC::Core::TimeConsts describe TimeConsts do - before(:each) do @known_consts = [:ZERO, :INFINITE_FUTURE, :INFINITE_PAST].sort end @@ -49,11 +48,9 @@ describe TimeConsts do end end end - end describe '#from_relative_time' do - it 'cannot handle arbitrary objects' do expect { TimeConsts.from_relative_time(Object.new) }.to raise_error end @@ -89,5 +86,4 @@ describe '#from_relative_time' do expect(abs.to_f).to be_within(epsilon).of(want.to_f) end end - end diff --git a/templates/Makefile.template b/templates/Makefile.template index 9a49935e49..11b9438a68 100644 --- a/templates/Makefile.template +++ b/templates/Makefile.template @@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ CPPFLAGS_gcov = -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage LDFLAGS_gcov = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage DEFINES_gcov = NDEBUG + # General settings. # You may want to change these depending on your system. @@ -113,6 +114,12 @@ ifndef VALID_CONFIG_$(CONFIG) $(error Invalid CONFIG value '$(CONFIG)') endif + +# The HOST compiler settings are used to compile the protoc plugins. +# In most cases, you won't have to change anything, but if you are +# cross-compiling, you can override these variables from GNU make's +# command line: make CC=cross-gcc HOST_CC=gcc + HOST_CC = $(CC) HOST_CXX = $(CXX) HOST_LD = $(LD) @@ -189,6 +196,13 @@ endif OPENSSL_ALPN_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/openssl-alpn.c -lssl -lcrypto -ldl $(LDFLAGS) ZLIB_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/zlib.c -lz $(LDFLAGS) +PERFTOOLS_CHECK_CMD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o /dev/null test/build/perftools.c -lprofiler $(LDFLAGS) + +HAS_SYSTEM_PERFTOOLS = $(shell $(PERFTOOLS_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false) +ifeq ($(HAS_SYSTEM_PERFTOOLS),true) +DEFINES += GRPC_HAVE_PERFTOOLS +LIBS += profiler +endif ifndef REQUIRE_CUSTOM_LIBRARIES_$(CONFIG) HAS_SYSTEM_OPENSSL_ALPN = $(shell $(OPENSSL_ALPN_CHECK_CMD) 2> /dev/null && echo true || echo false) @@ -337,7 +351,7 @@ static: static_c static_cxx static_c: \ % for lib in libs: -% if lib.build == 'all' and not lib.get('c++', False): +% if lib.build == 'all' and lib.language == 'c': libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a\ % endif % endfor @@ -345,7 +359,7 @@ static_c: \ static_cxx: \ % for lib in libs: -% if lib.build == 'all' and lib.get('c++', False): +% if lib.build == 'all' and lib.language == 'c++': libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a\ % endif % endfor @@ -355,7 +369,7 @@ shared: shared_c shared_cxx shared_c: \ % for lib in libs: -% if lib.build == 'all' and not lib.get('c++', False): +% if lib.build == 'all' and lib.language == 'c': libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.$(SHARED_EXT)\ % endif % endfor @@ -363,7 +377,7 @@ shared_c: \ shared_cxx: \ % for lib in libs: -% if lib.build == 'all' and lib.get('c++', False): +% if lib.build == 'all' and lib.language == 'c++': libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.$(SHARED_EXT)\ % endif % endfor @@ -373,7 +387,7 @@ privatelibs: privatelibs_c privatelibs_cxx privatelibs_c: \ % for lib in libs: -% if lib.build == 'private' and not lib.get('c++', False): +% if lib.build == 'private' and lib.language == 'c': libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a\ % endif % endfor @@ -381,7 +395,7 @@ privatelibs_c: \ privatelibs_cxx: \ % for lib in libs: -% if lib.build == 'private' and lib.get('c++', False): +% if lib.build == 'private' and lib.language == 'c++': libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a\ % endif % endfor @@ -391,7 +405,7 @@ buildtests: buildtests_c buildtests_cxx buildtests_c: privatelibs_c\ % for tgt in targets: -% if tgt.build == 'test' and not tgt.get('c++', False): +% if tgt.build == 'test' and not tgt.language == 'c++': bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name}\ % endif % endfor @@ -399,7 +413,7 @@ buildtests_c: privatelibs_c\ buildtests_cxx: privatelibs_cxx\ % for tgt in targets: -% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.get('c++', False): +% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.language == 'c++': bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name}\ % endif % endfor @@ -409,7 +423,7 @@ test: test_c test_cxx test_c: buildtests_c % for tgt in targets: -% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.get('run', True) and not tgt.get('c++', False): +% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.get('run', True) and not tgt.language == 'c++': $(E) "[RUN] Testing ${tgt.name}" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name} || ( echo test ${tgt.name} failed ; exit 1 ) % endif @@ -418,7 +432,7 @@ test_c: buildtests_c test_cxx: buildtests_cxx % for tgt in targets: -% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.get('run', True) and tgt.get('c++', False): +% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.get('run', True) and tgt.language == 'c++': $(E) "[RUN] Testing ${tgt.name}" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name} || ( echo test ${tgt.name} failed ; exit 1 ) % endif @@ -449,9 +463,14 @@ strip-static: strip-static_c strip-static_cxx strip-shared: strip-shared_c strip-shared_cxx + +# TODO(nnoble): the strip target is stripping in-place, instead +# of copying files in a temporary folder. +# This prevents proper debugging after running make install. + strip-static_c: static_c % for lib in libs: -% if not lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c": % if lib.build == "all": $(E) "[STRIP] Stripping lib${lib.name}.a" $(Q) $(STRIP) libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a @@ -461,7 +480,7 @@ strip-static_c: static_c strip-static_cxx: static_cxx % for lib in libs: -% if lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c++": % if lib.build == "all": $(E) "[STRIP] Stripping lib${lib.name}.a" $(Q) $(STRIP) libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a @@ -471,7 +490,7 @@ strip-static_cxx: static_cxx strip-shared_c: shared_c % for lib in libs: -% if not lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c": % if lib.build == "all": $(E) "[STRIP] Stripping lib${lib.name}.so" $(Q) $(STRIP) libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.$(SHARED_EXT) @@ -481,7 +500,7 @@ strip-shared_c: shared_c strip-shared_cxx: shared_cxx % for lib in libs: -% if lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c++": % if lib.build == "all": $(E) "[STRIP] Stripping lib${lib.name}.so" $(Q) $(STRIP) libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.$(SHARED_EXT) @@ -538,7 +557,7 @@ install-static: install-static_c install-static_cxx install-static_c: static_c strip-static_c % for lib in libs: -% if not lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c": % if lib.build == "all": $(E) "[INSTALL] Installing lib${lib.name}.a" $(Q) $(INSTALL) libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.a @@ -548,7 +567,7 @@ install-static_c: static_c strip-static_c install-static_cxx: static_cxx strip-static_cxx % for lib in libs: -% if lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c++": % if lib.build == "all": $(E) "[INSTALL] Installing lib${lib.name}.a" $(Q) $(INSTALL) libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.a @@ -558,7 +577,7 @@ install-static_cxx: static_cxx strip-static_cxx install-shared_c: shared_c strip-shared_c % for lib in libs: -% if not lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c": % if lib.build == "all": ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32) $(E) "[INSTALL] Installing ${lib.name}.$(SHARED_EXT)" @@ -582,7 +601,7 @@ endif install-shared_cxx: shared_cxx strip-shared_cxx % for lib in libs: -% if lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c++": % if lib.build == "all": ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32) $(E) "[INSTALL] Installing ${lib.name}.$(SHARED_EXT)" @@ -630,7 +649,7 @@ LIB${lib.name.upper()}_SRC = \\ % endfor % if "public_headers" in lib: -% if lib.get("c++", False): +% if lib.language == "c++": PUBLIC_HEADERS_CXX += \\ % else: @@ -645,9 +664,12 @@ PUBLIC_HEADERS_C += \\ LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_SRC)))) +## If the library requires OpenSSL with ALPN, let's add some restrictions. % if lib.get('secure', True): ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a: openssl_dep_error % if lib.build == "all": @@ -667,6 +689,7 @@ ${src}: $(OPENSSL_DEP) endif libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) +## The else here corresponds to the if secure earlier. % else: libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) % endif @@ -686,7 +709,7 @@ libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) % endif <% - if lib.get('c++', False): + if lib.language == 'c++': ld = '$(LDXX)' else: ld = '$(LD)' @@ -731,6 +754,8 @@ endif endif % endif +## If the lib was secure, we have to close the Makefile's if that tested +## the presence of an ALPN-capable OpenSSL. % if lib.get('secure', True): endif @@ -772,17 +797,29 @@ ${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basena % if tgt.get('secure', True): ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name}: openssl_dep_error else % endif +## +## We're not trying to add a dependency on building zlib and openssl here, +## as it's already done in the libraries. We're assuming that the build +## trickles down, and that a secure target requires a secure version of +## a library. +## +## That simplifies the codegen a bit, but prevents a fully defined Makefile. +## I can live with that. +## bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name}: $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS)\ % for dep in tgt.deps: libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${dep}.a\ % endfor -% if tgt.get("c++", False): +% if tgt.language == "c++": +## C++ targets specificies. % if tgt.build == 'protoc': $(E) "[HOSTLD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` @@ -796,6 +833,7 @@ bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name}: $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS)\ $(GTEST_LIB)\ % endif % else: +## C-only targets specificities. $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS)\ @@ -803,7 +841,7 @@ bins/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name}: $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS)\ % for dep in tgt.deps: libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${dep}.a\ % endfor -% if tgt.get("c++", False): +% if tgt.language == "c++": % if tgt.build == 'protoc': $(HOST_LDLIBSXX)\ % else: diff --git a/templates/tools/run_tests/tests.json.template b/templates/tools/run_tests/tests.json.template new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04a5137f39 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/tools/run_tests/tests.json.template @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +<%! +import json +%> + +${json.dumps([{"name": tgt.name, "language": tgt.language} + for tgt in targets + if tgt.build == "test" and tgt.name[-5:] == "_test"], + sort_keys=True, indent=2)} + diff --git a/templates/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.sln.template b/templates/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.sln.template index fa32f1c52e..fe85d03cec 100644 --- a/templates/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.sln.template +++ b/templates/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.sln.template @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ projects.extend(targets) projects = [project for project in projects if project.get('vs_project_guid', None)] ## Exclude C++ projects for now -projects = [project for project in projects if not project.get('c++', False)] +projects = [project for project in projects if not project.language == 'c++'] for p in projects: p.deps = p.get('deps',[]) diff --git a/test/build/perftools.c b/test/build/perftools.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03548b4c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/build/perftools.c @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#include <gperftools/profiler.h> + +int main() { + ProfilerStart("/dev/null"); + ProfilerStop(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c b/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c index fb52fe3270..d0ea79c34e 100644 --- a/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c +++ b/test/core/channel/channel_stack_test.c @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ static void channel_func(grpc_channel_element *elem, static void test_create_channel_stack(void) { const grpc_channel_filter filter = { - call_func, channel_func, + call_func, channel_func, - sizeof(int), call_init_func, call_destroy_func, + sizeof(int), call_init_func, call_destroy_func, sizeof(int), channel_init_func, channel_destroy_func, }; diff --git a/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c b/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c index 5604e25705..aa2399272f 100644 --- a/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c +++ b/test/core/channel/metadata_buffer_test.c @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static void expect_call_op(grpc_call_element *elem, GPR_ASSERT(op->dir == GRPC_CALL_DOWN); GPR_ASSERT(op->flags == *n); GPR_ASSERT(op->done_cb == do_nothing); - GPR_ASSERT(op->user_data == (void *)(gpr_uintptr)*n); + GPR_ASSERT(op->user_data == (void *)(gpr_uintptr) * n); GPR_ASSERT(0 == gpr_slice_cmp(op->data.metadata->key->slice, key)); GPR_ASSERT(0 == gpr_slice_cmp(op->data.metadata->value->slice, value)); @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ static void test_case(size_t key_prefix_len, size_t value_prefix_len, op.flags = i; op.data.metadata = grpc_mdelem_from_slices(mdctx, key, value); op.done_cb = do_nothing; - op.user_data = (void *)(gpr_uintptr)i; + op.user_data = (void *)(gpr_uintptr) i; grpc_metadata_buffer_queue(&buffer, &op); } diff --git a/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c b/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c index e5b7304743..9fa513126f 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.c @@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ static void verify_matches(expectation *e, grpc_event *ev) { GPR_ASSERT(ev->data.read == NULL); } break; + case GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN: + break; case GRPC_COMPLETION_DO_NOT_USE: gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "not implemented"); abort(); @@ -295,6 +297,8 @@ static size_t expectation_to_string(char *out, expectation *e) { len = sprintf(out, "GRPC_READ data=%s", str); gpr_free(str); return len; + case GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN: + return sprintf(out, "GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN"); case GRPC_COMPLETION_DO_NOT_USE: case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "not implemented"); @@ -487,3 +491,7 @@ void cq_expect_finished(cq_verifier *v, void *tag, ...) { finished_internal(v, tag, GRPC_STATUS__DO_NOT_USE, NULL, args); va_end(args); } + +void cq_expect_server_shutdown(cq_verifier *v, void *tag) { + add(v, GRPC_SERVER_SHUTDOWN, tag); +} diff --git a/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h b/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h index 034aefdd5c..a1966c14c5 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h +++ b/test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h @@ -70,5 +70,6 @@ void cq_expect_finished_with_status(cq_verifier *v, void *tag, grpc_status_code status_code, const char *details, ...); void cq_expect_finished(cq_verifier *v, void *tag, ...); +void cq_expect_server_shutdown(cq_verifier *v, void *tag); #endif /* __GRPC_TEST_END2END_CQ_VERIFIER_H__ */ diff --git a/test/core/end2end/gen_build_json.py b/test/core/end2end/gen_build_json.py index 8aedc8eafc..2c4368fe76 100755 --- a/test/core/end2end/gen_build_json.py +++ b/test/core/end2end/gen_build_json.py @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ END2END_TESTS = [ 'disappearing_server', 'early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls', 'early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags', + 'graceful_server_shutdown', 'invoke_large_request', 'max_concurrent_streams', 'no_op', @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ def main(): { 'name': 'end2end_fixture_%s' % f, 'build': 'private', + 'language': 'c', 'secure': True, 'src': ['test/core/end2end/fixtures/%s.c' % f] } @@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ def main(): { 'name': 'end2end_test_%s' % t, 'build': 'private', + 'language': 'c', 'secure': False, 'src': ['test/core/end2end/tests/%s.c' % t], 'headers': ['test/core/end2end/tests/cancel_test_helpers.h'] @@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ def main(): { 'name': 'end2end_certs', 'build': 'private', + 'language': 'c', 'src': [ "test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c", "test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c", @@ -74,6 +78,7 @@ def main(): { 'name': '%s_%s_test' % (f, t), 'build': 'test', + 'language': 'c', 'src': [], 'deps': [ 'end2end_fixture_%s' % f, diff --git a/test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown.c b/test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84ad4af119 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/tests/graceful_server_shutdown.c @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include "test/core/end2end/end2end_tests.h" + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <unistd.h> + +#include <grpc/byte_buffer.h> +#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> +#include <grpc/support/log.h> +#include <grpc/support/time.h> +#include <grpc/support/useful.h> +#include "test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h" + +enum { TIMEOUT = 200000 }; + +static void *tag(gpr_intptr t) { return (void *)t; } + +static grpc_end2end_test_fixture begin_test(grpc_end2end_test_config config, + const char *test_name, + grpc_channel_args *client_args, + grpc_channel_args *server_args) { + grpc_end2end_test_fixture f; + gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "%s/%s", test_name, config.name); + f = config.create_fixture(client_args, server_args); + config.init_client(&f, client_args); + config.init_server(&f, server_args); + return f; +} + +static gpr_timespec n_seconds_time(int n) { + return gpr_time_add(gpr_now(), gpr_time_from_micros(GPR_US_PER_SEC * n)); +} + +static gpr_timespec five_seconds_time(void) { return n_seconds_time(5); } + +static void drain_cq(grpc_completion_queue *cq) { + grpc_event *ev; + grpc_completion_type type; + do { + ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, five_seconds_time()); + GPR_ASSERT(ev); + type = ev->type; + grpc_event_finish(ev); + } while (type != GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN); +} + +static void shutdown_server(grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f) { + if (!f->server) return; + grpc_server_destroy(f->server); + f->server = NULL; +} + +static void shutdown_client(grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f) { + if (!f->client) return; + grpc_channel_destroy(f->client); + f->client = NULL; +} + +static void end_test(grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f) { + shutdown_server(f); + shutdown_client(f); + + grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(f->server_cq); + drain_cq(f->server_cq); + grpc_completion_queue_destroy(f->server_cq); + grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(f->client_cq); + drain_cq(f->client_cq); + grpc_completion_queue_destroy(f->client_cq); +} + +static void test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls( + grpc_end2end_test_config config) { + grpc_end2end_test_fixture f = begin_test(config, __FUNCTION__, NULL, NULL); + grpc_call *c; + grpc_call *s; + gpr_timespec deadline = five_seconds_time(); + cq_verifier *v_client = cq_verifier_create(f.client_cq); + cq_verifier *v_server = cq_verifier_create(f.server_cq); + + c = grpc_channel_create_call(f.client, "/foo", "test.google.com", deadline); + GPR_ASSERT(c); + + GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == + grpc_call_start_invoke(c, f.client_cq, tag(1), tag(2), tag(3), 0)); + cq_expect_invoke_accepted(v_client, tag(1), GRPC_OP_OK); + cq_verify(v_client); + + GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_writes_done(c, tag(4))); + cq_expect_finish_accepted(v_client, tag(4), GRPC_OP_OK); + cq_verify(v_client); + + GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_server_request_call(f.server, tag(100))); + cq_expect_server_rpc_new(v_server, &s, tag(100), "/foo", "test.google.com", + deadline, NULL); + cq_verify(v_server); + + GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_server_accept(s, f.server_cq, tag(102))); + GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_server_end_initial_metadata(s, 0)); + cq_expect_client_metadata_read(v_client, tag(2), NULL); + cq_verify(v_client); + + /* shutdown the server */ + grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(f.server, tag(0xdead)); + cq_verify_empty(v_server); + + grpc_call_start_write_status(s, GRPC_STATUS_OK, NULL, tag(103)); + grpc_call_destroy(s); + cq_expect_finish_accepted(v_server, tag(103), GRPC_OP_OK); + cq_expect_finished(v_server, tag(102), NULL); + cq_expect_server_shutdown(v_server, tag(0xdead)); + cq_verify(v_server); + + cq_expect_finished_with_status(v_client, tag(3), GRPC_STATUS_OK, NULL, NULL); + cq_verify(v_client); + + grpc_call_destroy(c); + + cq_verifier_destroy(v_client); + cq_verifier_destroy(v_server); + + end_test(&f); + config.tear_down_data(&f); +} + +void grpc_end2end_tests(grpc_end2end_test_config config) { + test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls(config); +} diff --git a/test/core/end2end/tests/max_concurrent_streams.c b/test/core/end2end/tests/max_concurrent_streams.c index e88f418cb0..1db32b1de9 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/tests/max_concurrent_streams.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/tests/max_concurrent_streams.c @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static void test_max_concurrent_streams(grpc_end2end_test_config config) { GPR_ASSERT(ev->data.invoke_accepted == GRPC_OP_OK); /* The /alpha or /beta calls started above could be invoked (but NOT both); * check this here */ - live_call = (int)(gpr_intptr)ev->tag; + live_call = (int)(gpr_intptr) ev->tag; live_call_obj = live_call == 300 ? c1 : c2; grpc_event_finish(ev); diff --git a/test/core/end2end/tests/thread_stress.c b/test/core/end2end/tests/thread_stress.c index 5410258201..2de0497a7a 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/tests/thread_stress.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/tests/thread_stress.c @@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ static void run_test(grpc_end2end_test_config config, int requests_in_flight) { /* kick off threads */ for (i = 0; i < CLIENT_THREADS; i++) { gpr_event_init(&g_client_done[i]); - gpr_thd_new(&thd_id, client_thread, (void *)(gpr_intptr)i, NULL); + gpr_thd_new(&thd_id, client_thread, (void *)(gpr_intptr) i, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < SERVER_THREADS; i++) { gpr_event_init(&g_server_done[i]); - gpr_thd_new(&thd_id, server_thread, (void *)(gpr_intptr)i, NULL); + gpr_thd_new(&thd_id, server_thread, (void *)(gpr_intptr) i, NULL); } /* start requests */ diff --git a/test/core/fling/server.c b/test/core/fling/server.c index 705ab3aca2..d68fbe7c3c 100644 --- a/test/core/fling/server.c +++ b/test/core/fling/server.c @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ */ #include <grpc/grpc.h> +#include <grpc/grpc_security.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include <grpc/support/time.h> #include "test/core/util/port.h" +#include "test/core/end2end/data/ssl_test_data.h" static grpc_completion_queue *cq; static grpc_server *server; @@ -98,8 +100,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "creating server on: %s", addr); cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(); - server = grpc_server_create(cq, NULL); - GPR_ASSERT(grpc_server_add_http2_port(server, addr)); + if (secure) { + grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( + NULL, 0, test_server1_key, test_server1_key_size, test_server1_cert, + test_server1_cert_size); + server = grpc_secure_server_create(ssl_creds, cq, NULL); + GPR_ASSERT(grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(server, addr)); + grpc_server_credentials_release(ssl_creds); + } else { + server = grpc_server_create(cq, NULL); + GPR_ASSERT(grpc_server_add_http2_port(server, addr)); + } grpc_server_start(server); gpr_free(addr_buf); diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c index a250951231..ce9b7f4c66 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/alarm_list_test.c @@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ static void add_test(void) { /* 10 ms alarms. will expire in the current epoch */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[i], gpr_time_add(start, gpr_time_from_millis(10)), - cb, (void *)(gpr_intptr)i, start); + cb, (void *)(gpr_intptr) i, start); } /* 1010 ms alarms. will expire in the next epoch */ for (i = 10; i < 20; i++) { grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[i], gpr_time_add(start, gpr_time_from_millis(1010)), - cb, (void *)(gpr_intptr)i, start); + cb, (void *)(gpr_intptr) i, start); } /* collect alarms. Only the first batch should be ready. */ @@ -115,15 +115,15 @@ void destruction_test(void) { memset(cb_called, 0, sizeof(cb_called)); grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[0], gpr_time_from_millis(100), cb, - (void *)(gpr_intptr)0, gpr_time_0); + (void *)(gpr_intptr) 0, gpr_time_0); grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[1], gpr_time_from_millis(3), cb, - (void *)(gpr_intptr)1, gpr_time_0); + (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1, gpr_time_0); grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[2], gpr_time_from_millis(100), cb, - (void *)(gpr_intptr)2, gpr_time_0); + (void *)(gpr_intptr) 2, gpr_time_0); grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[3], gpr_time_from_millis(3), cb, - (void *)(gpr_intptr)3, gpr_time_0); + (void *)(gpr_intptr) 3, gpr_time_0); grpc_alarm_init(&alarms[4], gpr_time_from_millis(1), cb, - (void *)(gpr_intptr)4, gpr_time_0); + (void *)(gpr_intptr) 4, gpr_time_0); GPR_ASSERT(1 == grpc_alarm_check(NULL, gpr_time_from_millis(2), NULL)); GPR_ASSERT(1 == cb_called[4][1]); grpc_alarm_cancel(&alarms[0]); diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c b/test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c index 125cde4678..dc5747bf57 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/endpoint_tests.c @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ static void shutdown_during_write_test_read_handler( if (error != GRPC_ENDPOINT_CB_OK) { grpc_endpoint_destroy(st->ep); - gpr_event_set(&st->ev, (void *)(gpr_intptr)error); + gpr_event_set(&st->ev, (void *)(gpr_intptr) error); } else { grpc_endpoint_notify_on_read( st->ep, shutdown_during_write_test_read_handler, user_data); @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ static void shutdown_during_write_test_write_handler( gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "shutdown_during_write_test_write_handler completed unexpectedly"); } - gpr_event_set(&st->ev, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&st->ev, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); } static void shutdown_during_write_test(grpc_endpoint_test_config config, diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f0d0f38b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include "src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h" + +#include <grpc/support/log.h> +#include "test/core/util/test_config.h" + +static void test_allocation() { + grpc_pollset_kick_state state; + grpc_pollset_kick_init(&state); + grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); +} + +static void test_non_kick() { + grpc_pollset_kick_state state; + int fd; + + grpc_pollset_kick_init(&state); + fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&state); + GPR_ASSERT(fd >= 0); + + grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(&state); + grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); +} + +static void test_basic_kick() { + /* Kicked during poll */ + grpc_pollset_kick_state state; + int fd; + grpc_pollset_kick_init(&state); + + fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&state); + GPR_ASSERT(fd >= 0); + + grpc_pollset_kick_kick(&state); + + /* Now hypothetically we polled and found that we were kicked */ + grpc_pollset_kick_consume(&state); + + grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(&state); + + grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); +} + +static void test_non_poll_kick() { + /* Kick before entering poll */ + grpc_pollset_kick_state state; + int fd; + + grpc_pollset_kick_init(&state); + + grpc_pollset_kick_kick(&state); + fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&state); + GPR_ASSERT(fd < 0); + grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + grpc_test_init(argc, argv); + + grpc_pollset_kick_global_init(); + + test_allocation(); + test_basic_kick(); + test_non_poll_kick(); + test_non_kick(); + + grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c b/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c index 5d05ab5bc4..ebfc2a2a9a 100644 --- a/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c +++ b/test/core/statistics/hash_table_test.c @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ static void free_data(void* data) { gpr_free(data); } static void test_create_table(void) { /* Create table with uint64 key type */ census_ht* ht = NULL; - census_ht_option ht_options = {CENSUS_HT_UINT64, 1999, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}; + census_ht_option ht_options = {CENSUS_HT_UINT64, 1999, NULL, + NULL, NULL, NULL}; ht = census_ht_create(&ht_options); GPR_ASSERT(ht != NULL); GPR_ASSERT(census_ht_get_size(ht) == 0); @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ static void test_table_with_int_key(void) { /* Test that there is no memory leak when keys and values are owned by table. */ static void test_value_and_key_deleter(void) { - census_ht_option opt = {CENSUS_HT_POINTER, 7, &hash64, &cmp_str_keys, - &free_data, &free_data}; + census_ht_option opt = {CENSUS_HT_POINTER, 7, &hash64, + &cmp_str_keys, &free_data, &free_data}; census_ht* ht = census_ht_create(&opt); census_ht_key key; char* val = NULL; @@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ static void test_simple_add_and_erase(void) { } static void test_insertion_and_deletion_with_high_collision_rate(void) { - census_ht_option opt = {CENSUS_HT_POINTER, 13, &force_collision, - &cmp_str_keys, NULL, NULL}; + census_ht_option opt = {CENSUS_HT_POINTER, 13, &force_collision, + &cmp_str_keys, NULL, NULL}; census_ht* ht = census_ht_create(&opt); char key_str[1000][10]; gpr_uint64 val = 0; @@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ static void test_insertion_and_deletion_with_high_collision_rate(void) { } static void test_table_with_string_key(void) { - census_ht_option opt = {CENSUS_HT_POINTER, 7, &hash64, &cmp_str_keys, NULL, - NULL}; + census_ht_option opt = {CENSUS_HT_POINTER, 7, &hash64, + &cmp_str_keys, NULL, NULL}; census_ht* ht = census_ht_create(&opt); - const char* keys[] = {"k1", "a", "000", "apple", - "banana_a_long_long_long_banana", "%$", "111", "foo", - "b"}; + const char* keys[] = {"k1", "a", "000", + "apple", "banana_a_long_long_long_banana", "%$", + "111", "foo", "b"}; const int vals[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int i = 0; GPR_ASSERT(ht != NULL); diff --git a/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c b/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c index e1b9d0d035..5360d7c6c3 100644 --- a/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c +++ b/test/core/surface/completion_queue_benchmark.c @@ -53,23 +53,23 @@ static void producer_thread(void *arg) { test_thread_options *opt = arg; int i; - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); GPR_ASSERT(gpr_event_wait(opt->start, gpr_inf_future)); for (i = 0; i < opt->iterations; i++) { grpc_cq_begin_op(opt->cc, NULL, GRPC_WRITE_ACCEPTED); - grpc_cq_end_write_accepted(opt->cc, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1, NULL, NULL, NULL, - GRPC_OP_OK); + grpc_cq_end_write_accepted(opt->cc, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1, NULL, NULL, + NULL, GRPC_OP_OK); } - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); } static void consumer_thread(void *arg) { test_thread_options *opt = arg; grpc_event *ev; - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); GPR_ASSERT(gpr_event_wait(opt->start, gpr_inf_future)); for (;;) { @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static void consumer_thread(void *arg) { case GRPC_WRITE_ACCEPTED: break; case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); return; default: gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid event received: %d", ev->type); @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ double ops_per_second(int consumers, int producers, int iterations) { /* start the benchmark */ t_start = gpr_now(); - gpr_event_set(&start, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&start, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); /* wait for producers to finish */ for (i = 0; i < producers; i++) { diff --git a/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c b/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c index 71f9cc2291..4bbe9cc96f 100644 --- a/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c +++ b/test/core/surface/completion_queue_test.c @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ static void producer_thread(void *arg) { int i; gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "producer %d started", opt->id); - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); GPR_ASSERT(gpr_event_wait(opt->phase1, ten_seconds_time())); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "producer %d phase 1", opt->id); @@ -291,18 +291,18 @@ static void producer_thread(void *arg) { } gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "producer %d phase 1 done", opt->id); - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_phase1_done, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_phase1_done, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); GPR_ASSERT(gpr_event_wait(opt->phase2, ten_seconds_time())); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "producer %d phase 2", opt->id); for (i = 0; i < TEST_THREAD_EVENTS; i++) { - grpc_cq_end_write_accepted(opt->cc, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1, NULL, NULL, NULL, - GRPC_OP_OK); + grpc_cq_end_write_accepted(opt->cc, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1, NULL, NULL, + NULL, GRPC_OP_OK); opt->events_triggered++; } gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "producer %d phase 2 done", opt->id); - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); } static void consumer_thread(void *arg) { @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ static void consumer_thread(void *arg) { grpc_event *ev; gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "consumer %d started", opt->id); - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_started, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); GPR_ASSERT(gpr_event_wait(opt->phase1, ten_seconds_time())); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "consumer %d phase 1", opt->id); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "consumer %d phase 1 done", opt->id); - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_phase1_done, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_phase1_done, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); GPR_ASSERT(gpr_event_wait(opt->phase2, ten_seconds_time())); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "consumer %d phase 2", opt->id); @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ static void consumer_thread(void *arg) { break; case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "consumer %d phase 2 done", opt->id); - gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&opt->on_finished, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); grpc_event_finish(ev); return; default: @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static void test_threading(int producers, int consumers) { /* start phase1: producers will pre-declare all operations they will complete */ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "start phase 1"); - gpr_event_set(&phase1, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&phase1, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "wait phase 1"); for (i = 0; i < producers + consumers; i++) { @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ static void test_threading(int producers, int consumers) { /* start phase2: operations will complete, and consumers will consume them */ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "start phase 2"); - gpr_event_set(&phase2, (void *)(gpr_intptr)1); + gpr_event_set(&phase2, (void *)(gpr_intptr) 1); /* in parallel, we shutdown the completion channel - all events should still be consumed */ diff --git a/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c b/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c index 9b4446f7f8..30cd63ca67 100644 --- a/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c +++ b/test/core/transport/chttp2/stream_map_test.c @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static void test_basic_add_find(size_t n) { grpc_chttp2_stream_map_init(&map, 8); GPR_ASSERT(0 == grpc_chttp2_stream_map_size(&map)); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { - grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&map, i, (void *)(gpr_uintptr)i); + grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&map, i, (void *)(gpr_uintptr) i); } GPR_ASSERT(n == grpc_chttp2_stream_map_size(&map)); GPR_ASSERT(NULL == grpc_chttp2_stream_map_find(&map, 0)); @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ static void test_delete_evens_sweep(size_t n) { grpc_chttp2_stream_map_init(&map, 8); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { - grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&map, i, (void *)(gpr_uintptr)i); + grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&map, i, (void *)(gpr_uintptr) i); } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ static void test_delete_evens_incremental(size_t n) { grpc_chttp2_stream_map_init(&map, 8); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { - grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&map, i, (void *)(gpr_uintptr)i); + grpc_chttp2_stream_map_add(&map, i, (void *)(gpr_uintptr) i); if ((i & 1) == 0) { grpc_chttp2_stream_map_delete(&map, i); } diff --git a/test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c b/test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c index 340b2d53b9..46bfc1f533 100644 --- a/test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c +++ b/test/core/util/grpc_profiler.c @@ -33,6 +33,22 @@ #include "test/core/util/grpc_profiler.h" -void grpc_profiler_start(const char *filename) {} +#if GRPC_HAVE_PERFTOOLS +#include <gperftools/profiler.h> + +void grpc_profiler_start(const char *filename) { ProfilerStart(filename); } + +void grpc_profiler_stop() { ProfilerStop(); } +#else +#include <grpc/support/log.h> + +void grpc_profiler_start(const char *filename) { + gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, + "You do not have google-perftools installed, profiling is disabled"); + gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, + "To install on ubuntu: sudo apt-get install google-perftools " + "libgoogle-perftools-dev"); +} void grpc_profiler_stop(void) {} +#endif diff --git a/tools/buildgen/build-cleaner.py b/tools/buildgen/build-cleaner.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..f9307360c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/buildgen/build-cleaner.py @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# produces cleaner build.json files + +import collections +import json +import os +import sys + +TEST = (os.environ.get('TEST', 'false') == 'true') + +_TOP_LEVEL_KEYS = ['settings', 'filegroups', 'libs', 'targets'] +_VERSION_KEYS = ['major', 'minor', 'micro', 'build'] +_ELEM_KEYS = [ + 'name', + 'build', + 'language', + 'public_headers', + 'headers', + 'src', + 'deps'] + +def rebuild_as_ordered_dict(indict, special_keys): + outdict = collections.OrderedDict() + for key in special_keys: + if key in indict: + outdict[key] = indict[key] + for key in sorted(indict.keys()): + if key in special_keys: continue + outdict[key] = indict[key] + return outdict + +def clean_elem(indict): + for name in ['public_headers', 'headers', 'src']: + if name not in indict: continue + inlist = indict[name] + protos = set(x for x in inlist if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == '.proto') + others = set(x for x in inlist if x not in protos) + indict[name] = sorted(protos) + sorted(others) + return rebuild_as_ordered_dict(indict, _ELEM_KEYS) + +for filename in sys.argv[1:]: + with open(filename) as f: + js = json.load(f) + js = rebuild_as_ordered_dict(js, _TOP_LEVEL_KEYS) + js['settings']['version'] = rebuild_as_ordered_dict( + js['settings']['version'], _VERSION_KEYS) + for grp in ['filegroups', 'libs', 'targets']: + if grp not in js: continue + js[grp] = sorted([clean_elem(x) for x in js[grp]], + key=lambda x: (x.get('language', '_'), x['name'])) + output = json.dumps(js, indent = 2) + # massage out trailing whitespace + lines = [] + for line in output.splitlines(): + lines.append(line.rstrip() + '\n') + output = ''.join(lines) + if TEST: + with open(filename) as f: + assert f.read() == output + else: + with open(filename, 'w') as f: + f.write(output) + diff --git a/tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh b/tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh index 42b161388a..2e0636fcbe 100755 --- a/tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh +++ b/tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #!/bin/bash -set -x +set -e if [ "x$TEST" == "x" ] ; then TEST=false @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ for dir in . ; do data=`for i in $json_files; do echo -n "-d $i "; done` if [ $TEST == true ] ; then actual_out=$out - out=`mktemp` + out=`mktemp /tmp/gentXXXXXX` fi $mako_renderer $plugins $data -o $out $file if [ $TEST == true ] ; then diff --git a/tools/clang-format/clang-format-all.sh b/tools/clang-format/clang-format-all.sh index c9caea0d61..62228b0b01 100755 --- a/tools/clang-format/clang-format-all.sh +++ b/tools/clang-format/clang-format-all.sh @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ #!/bin/bash -set -ex +set -e +source $(dirname $0)/config.sh cd $(dirname $0)/../.. for dir in src test include do - find $dir -name '*.c' -or -name '*.cc' -or -name '*.h' | xargs clang-format -i + find $dir -name '*.c' -or -name '*.cc' -or -name '*.h' | xargs $CLANG_FORMAT -i done diff --git a/tools/clang-format/config.sh b/tools/clang-format/config.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3adf2678e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/clang-format/config.sh @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-3.5 + +set -ex + +if not hash $CLANG_FORMAT 2>/dev/null; then + echo "$CLANG_FORMAT is needed but not installed" + echo "perhaps try:" + echo " sudo apt-get install $CLANG_FORMAT" + exit 1 +fi + diff --git a/tools/run_tests/build_php.sh b/tools/run_tests/build_php.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..6841656bdb --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/run_tests/build_php.sh @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -ex + +# change to grpc repo root +cd $(dirname $0)/../.. + +root=`pwd` +export GRPC_LIB_SUBDIR=libs/opt + +# make the libraries +make -j static_c + +# build php +cd src/php + +cd ext/grpc +phpize +./configure --enable-grpc=$root +make + diff --git a/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py b/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py index e8c121456a..15c523731b 100755 --- a/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py +++ b/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ import argparse import glob import itertools +import json import multiprocessing import os import sys import time import jobset -import simplejson import watch_dirs @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class SimpleConfig(object): def __init__(self, config): self.build_config = config self.maxjobs = 32 * multiprocessing.cpu_count() + self.allow_hashing = (config != 'gcov') def run_command(self, binary): return [binary] @@ -32,11 +33,48 @@ class ValgrindConfig(object): self.build_config = config self.tool = tool self.maxjobs = 4 * multiprocessing.cpu_count() + self.allow_hashing = False def run_command(self, binary): return ['valgrind', binary, '--tool=%s' % self.tool] +class CLanguage(object): + + def __init__(self, make_target, test_lang): + self.allow_hashing = True + self.make_target = make_target + with open('tools/run_tests/tests.json') as f: + js = json.load(f) + self.binaries = [tgt['name'] + for tgt in js + if tgt['language'] == test_lang] + + def test_binaries(self, config): + return ['bins/%s/%s' % (config, binary) for binary in self.binaries] + + def make_targets(self): + return ['buildtests_%s' % self.make_target] + + def build_steps(self): + return [] + + +class PhpLanguage(object): + + def __init__(self): + self.allow_hashing = False + + def test_binaries(self, config): + return ['src/php/bin/run_tests.sh'] + + def make_targets(self): + return [] + + def build_steps(self): + return [['tools/run_tests/build_php.sh']] + + # different configurations we can run under _CONFIGS = { 'dbg': SimpleConfig('dbg'), @@ -51,9 +89,10 @@ _CONFIGS = { _DEFAULT = ['dbg', 'opt'] -_LANGUAGE_TEST_TARGETS = { - 'c++': 'buildtests_cxx', - 'c': 'buildtests_c', +_LANGUAGES = { + 'c++': CLanguage('cxx', 'c++'), + 'c': CLanguage('c', 'c'), + 'php': PhpLanguage() } # parse command line @@ -62,7 +101,6 @@ argp.add_argument('-c', '--config', choices=['all'] + sorted(_CONFIGS.keys()), nargs='+', default=_DEFAULT) -argp.add_argument('-t', '--test-filter', nargs='*', default=['*']) argp.add_argument('-n', '--runs_per_test', default=1, type=int) argp.add_argument('-f', '--forever', default=False, @@ -73,9 +111,9 @@ argp.add_argument('--newline_on_success', action='store_const', const=True) argp.add_argument('-l', '--language', - choices=sorted(_LANGUAGE_TEST_TARGETS.keys()), + choices=sorted(_LANGUAGES.keys()), nargs='+', - default=sorted(_LANGUAGE_TEST_TARGETS.keys())) + default=sorted(_LANGUAGES.keys())) args = argp.parse_args() # grab config @@ -84,8 +122,18 @@ run_configs = set(_CONFIGS[cfg] _CONFIGS.iterkeys() if x == 'all' else [x] for x in args.config)) build_configs = set(cfg.build_config for cfg in run_configs) -make_targets = set(_LANGUAGE_TEST_TARGETS[x] for x in args.language) -filters = args.test_filter + +make_targets = [] +languages = set(_LANGUAGES[l] for l in args.language) +build_steps = [['make', + '-j', '%d' % (multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1), + 'CONFIG=%s' % cfg] + list(set( + itertools.chain.from_iterable(l.make_targets() + for l in languages))) + for cfg in build_configs] + list( + itertools.chain.from_iterable(l.build_steps() + for l in languages)) + runs_per_test = args.runs_per_test forever = args.forever @@ -116,48 +164,41 @@ class TestCache(object): def save(self): with open('.run_tests_cache', 'w') as f: - f.write(simplejson.dumps(self.dump())) + f.write(json.dumps(self.dump())) def maybe_load(self): if os.path.exists('.run_tests_cache'): with open('.run_tests_cache') as f: - self.parse(simplejson.loads(f.read())) + self.parse(json.loads(f.read())) def _build_and_run(check_cancelled, newline_on_success, cache): """Do one pass of building & running tests.""" # build latest, sharing cpu between the various makes - if not jobset.run( - (['make', - '-j', '%d' % (multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1), - 'CONFIG=%s' % cfg] + list(make_targets) - for cfg in build_configs), - check_cancelled, maxjobs=1): + if not jobset.run(build_steps): return 1 # run all the tests - if not jobset.run( - itertools.ifilter( - lambda x: x is not None, ( - config.run_command(x) - for config in run_configs - for filt in filters - for x in itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat( - glob.glob('bins/%s/%s_test' % ( - config.build_config, filt)), - runs_per_test)))), - check_cancelled, - newline_on_success=newline_on_success, - maxjobs=min(c.maxjobs for c in run_configs), - cache=cache): + one_run = dict( + (' '.join(config.run_command(x)), config.run_command(x)) + for config in run_configs + for language in args.language + for x in _LANGUAGES[language].test_binaries(config.build_config) + ).values() + all_runs = itertools.chain.from_iterable( + itertools.repeat(one_run, runs_per_test)) + if not jobset.run(all_runs, check_cancelled, + newline_on_success=newline_on_success, + maxjobs=min(c.maxjobs for c in run_configs), + cache=cache): return 2 return 0 -test_cache = (None if runs_per_test != 1 - or 'gcov' in build_configs - or 'valgrind' in build_configs +test_cache = (None + if not all(x.allow_hashing + for x in itertools.chain(languages, run_configs)) else TestCache()) if test_cache: test_cache.maybe_load() @@ -177,6 +218,7 @@ if forever: 'All tests are now passing properly', do_newline=True) jobset.message('IDLE', 'No change detected') + if test_cache: test_cache.save() while not have_files_changed(): time.sleep(1) else: @@ -187,5 +229,5 @@ else: jobset.message('SUCCESS', 'All tests passed', do_newline=True) else: jobset.message('FAILED', 'Some tests failed', do_newline=True) - test_cache.save() + if test_cache: test_cache.save() sys.exit(result) diff --git a/tools/run_tests/tests.json b/tools/run_tests/tests.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec838649e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/run_tests/tests.json @@ -0,0 +1,805 @@ + + +[ + { + "language": "c", + "name": "alarm_heap_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "alarm_list_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "alarm_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "alpn_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "bin_encoder_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_hash_table_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_statistics_multiple_writers_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_statistics_performance_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_statistics_quick_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_statistics_small_log_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_stub_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "census_window_stats_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_status_conversion_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_stream_encoder_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_stream_map_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_transport_end2end_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "dualstack_socket_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "echo_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "fd_posix_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "fling_stream_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "fling_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_cancellable_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_cmdline_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_histogram_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_host_port_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_log_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_slice_buffer_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_slice_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_string_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_sync_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_thd_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_time_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "gpr_useful_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_base64_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_channel_stack_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_completion_queue_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_credentials_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_json_token_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "grpc_stream_op_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "hpack_parser_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "hpack_table_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "httpcli_format_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "httpcli_parser_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "httpcli_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "lame_client_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "message_compress_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "metadata_buffer_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "murmur_hash_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "no_server_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "poll_kick_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "resolve_address_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "secure_endpoint_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "sockaddr_utils_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "tcp_client_posix_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "tcp_posix_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "tcp_server_posix_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "time_averaged_stats_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "time_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "timeout_encoding_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "transport_metadata_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", + "name": "channel_arguments_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", + "name": "credentials_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", + "name": "end2end_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", + "name": "status_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", + "name": "sync_client_async_server_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", + "name": "thread_pool_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test" 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"chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": 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"c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test" + 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"chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test" + }, + { + "language": "c", + "name": "chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test" + } +] + diff --git a/vsprojects/vs2013/build_and_run_tests.bat b/vsprojects/vs2013/build_and_run_tests.bat index 3e36dcf600..77000739bb 100644 --- a/vsprojects/vs2013/build_and_run_tests.bat +++ b/vsprojects/vs2013/build_and_run_tests.bat @@ -17,22 +17,6 @@ echo Running test gpr_cancellable_test test_bin\gpr_cancellable_test.exe || echo TEST FAILED: gpr_cancellable_test && exit /b echo( -echo Building test gpr_log_test -cl.exe /c /I..\.. /I..\..\include /nologo /ZI /W3 /WX- /sdl /D WIN32 /D _LIB /D _USE_32BIT_TIME_T /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Gd /TC /analyze- /Fo:test_bin\ ..\..\test\core\support\log_test.c -link.exe /OUT:"test_bin\gpr_log_test.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X86 Debug\gpr_test_util.lib Debug\gpr.lib test_bin\log_test.obj -echo( -echo Running test gpr_log_test -test_bin\gpr_log_test.exe || echo TEST FAILED: gpr_log_test && exit /b -echo( - -echo Building test gpr_useful_test -cl.exe /c /I..\.. /I..\..\include /nologo /ZI /W3 /WX- /sdl /D WIN32 /D _LIB /D _USE_32BIT_TIME_T /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Gd /TC /analyze- /Fo:test_bin\ ..\..\test\core\support\useful_test.c -link.exe /OUT:"test_bin\gpr_useful_test.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X86 Debug\gpr_test_util.lib Debug\gpr.lib test_bin\useful_test.obj -echo( -echo Running test gpr_useful_test -test_bin\gpr_useful_test.exe || echo TEST FAILED: gpr_useful_test && exit /b -echo( - echo Building test gpr_cmdline_test cl.exe /c /I..\.. /I..\..\include /nologo /ZI /W3 /WX- /sdl /D WIN32 /D _LIB /D _USE_32BIT_TIME_T /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Gd /TC /analyze- /Fo:test_bin\ ..\..\test\core\support\cmdline_test.c link.exe /OUT:"test_bin\gpr_cmdline_test.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X86 Debug\gpr_test_util.lib Debug\gpr.lib test_bin\cmdline_test.obj @@ -57,6 +41,14 @@ echo Running test gpr_host_port_test test_bin\gpr_host_port_test.exe || echo TEST FAILED: gpr_host_port_test && exit /b echo( +echo Building test gpr_log_test +cl.exe /c /I..\.. /I..\..\include /nologo /ZI /W3 /WX- /sdl /D WIN32 /D _LIB /D _USE_32BIT_TIME_T /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Gd /TC /analyze- /Fo:test_bin\ ..\..\test\core\support\log_test.c +link.exe /OUT:"test_bin\gpr_log_test.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X86 Debug\gpr_test_util.lib Debug\gpr.lib test_bin\log_test.obj +echo( +echo Running test gpr_log_test +test_bin\gpr_log_test.exe || echo TEST FAILED: gpr_log_test && exit /b +echo( + echo Building test gpr_slice_buffer_test cl.exe /c /I..\.. /I..\..\include /nologo /ZI /W3 /WX- /sdl /D WIN32 /D _LIB /D _USE_32BIT_TIME_T /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Gd /TC /analyze- /Fo:test_bin\ 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"grpc_test_util", "grpc_test_util.vcxproj", "{17BCAFC0-5FDC-4C94-AEB9-95F3E220614B}" -EndProject Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "zlibvc", "third_party\zlibvc.vcxproj", "{8FD826F8-3739-44E6-8CC8-997122E53B8D}" EndProject Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "third_party", "third_party", "{DD51818F-0BCA-4035-9E5B-F28A9F87DED4}" @@ -33,22 +33,22 @@ Global {B23D3D1A-9438-4EDA-BEB6-9A0A03D17792}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 {B23D3D1A-9438-4EDA-BEB6-9A0A03D17792}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 {B23D3D1A-9438-4EDA-BEB6-9A0A03D17792}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {29D16885-7228-4C31-81ED-5F9187C7F2A9}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 - {29D16885-7228-4C31-81ED-5F9187C7F2A9}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 - {29D16885-7228-4C31-81ED-5F9187C7F2A9}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {29D16885-7228-4C31-81ED-5F9187C7F2A9}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {46CEDFFF-9692-456A-AA24-38B5D6BCF4C5}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = 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Debug|Win32 {17BCAFC0-5FDC-4C94-AEB9-95F3E220614B}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 {17BCAFC0-5FDC-4C94-AEB9-95F3E220614B}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {46CEDFFF-9692-456A-AA24-38B5D6BCF4C5}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {46CEDFFF-9692-456A-AA24-38B5D6BCF4C5}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {46CEDFFF-9692-456A-AA24-38B5D6BCF4C5}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {46CEDFFF-9692-456A-AA24-38B5D6BCF4C5}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 {8FD826F8-3739-44E6-8CC8-997122E53B8D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 {8FD826F8-3739-44E6-8CC8-997122E53B8D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 {8FD826F8-3739-44E6-8CC8-997122E53B8D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 diff --git a/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.vcxproj b/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.vcxproj index 9f3ec8c597..05a9966c0e 100644 --- a/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.vcxproj +++ b/vsprojects/vs2013/grpc.vcxproj @@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ <ClInclude Include="..\..\src\core\iomgr\iomgr_internal.h" /> <ClInclude 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