diff options
9 files changed, 505 insertions, 1 deletions
index 8b68c0d2b1..9a0c41977f 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,44 @@
-workspace(name = "com_github_grpc_grpc")
load("//bazel:grpc_deps.bzl", "grpc_deps", "grpc_test_only_deps")
+ name="cython",
+ sha256="d68138a2381afbdd0876c3cb2a22389043fa01c4badede1228ee073032b07a27",
+ urls=[
+ "https://github.com/cython/cython/archive/c2b80d87658a8525ce091cbe146cb7eaa29fed5c.tar.gz",
+ ],
+ strip_prefix="cython-c2b80d87658a8525ce091cbe146cb7eaa29fed5c",
+ build_file="//third_party:cython.BUILD",
+load("//third_party/py:python_configure.bzl", "python_configure")
+ name="io_bazel_rules_python",
+ remote="https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python.git",
+ commit="8b5d0683a7d878b28fffe464779c8a53659fc645",
+load("@io_bazel_rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_repositories", "pip_import")
+ name="grpc_python_dependencies",
+ requirements="//:requirements.bazel.txt",
+load("@grpc_python_dependencies//:requirements.bzl", "pip_install")
+ name="org_pubref_rules_protobuf",
+ remote="https://github.com/pubref/rules_protobuf",
+ tag="v0.8.2",
+load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//python:rules.bzl", "py_proto_repositories")
diff --git a/bazel/cython_library.bzl b/bazel/cython_library.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48b41d74e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bazel/cython_library.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"""Custom rules for gRPC Python"""
+# Adapted with modifications from
+# tensorflow/tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config.bzl
+# Native Bazel rules don't exist yet to compile Cython code, but rules have
+# been written at cython/cython and tensorflow/tensorflow. We branch from
+# Tensorflow's version as it is more actively maintained and works for gRPC
+# Python's needs.
+def pyx_library(name, deps=[], py_deps=[], srcs=[], **kwargs):
+ """Compiles a group of .pyx / .pxd / .py files.
+ First runs Cython to create .cpp files for each input .pyx or .py + .pxd
+ pair. Then builds a shared object for each, passing "deps" to each cc_binary
+ rule (includes Python headers by default). Finally, creates a py_library rule
+ with the shared objects and any pure Python "srcs", with py_deps as its
+ dependencies; the shared objects can be imported like normal Python files.
+ Args:
+ name: Name for the rule.
+ deps: C/C++ dependencies of the Cython (e.g. Numpy headers).
+ py_deps: Pure Python dependencies of the final library.
+ srcs: .py, .pyx, or .pxd files to either compile or pass through.
+ **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments passed to the py_library.
+ """
+ # First filter out files that should be run compiled vs. passed through.
+ py_srcs = []
+ pyx_srcs = []
+ pxd_srcs = []
+ for src in srcs:
+ if src.endswith(".pyx") or (src.endswith(".py") and
+ src[:-3] + ".pxd" in srcs):
+ pyx_srcs.append(src)
+ elif src.endswith(".py"):
+ py_srcs.append(src)
+ else:
+ pxd_srcs.append(src)
+ if src.endswith("__init__.py"):
+ pxd_srcs.append(src)
+ # Invoke cython to produce the shared object libraries.
+ for filename in pyx_srcs:
+ native.genrule(
+ name=filename + "_cython_translation",
+ srcs=[filename],
+ outs=[filename.split(".")[0] + ".cpp"],
+ # Optionally use PYTHON_BIN_PATH on Linux platforms so that python 3
+ # works. Windows has issues with cython_binary so skip PYTHON_BIN_PATH.
+ cmd=
+ "PYTHONHASHSEED=0 $(location @cython//:cython_binary) --cplus $(SRCS) --output-file $(OUTS)",
+ tools=["@cython//:cython_binary"] + pxd_srcs,
+ )
+ shared_objects = []
+ for src in pyx_srcs:
+ stem = src.split(".")[0]
+ shared_object_name = stem + ".so"
+ native.cc_binary(
+ name=shared_object_name,
+ srcs=[stem + ".cpp"],
+ deps=deps + ["@local_config_python//:python_headers"],
+ linkshared=1,
+ )
+ shared_objects.append(shared_object_name)
+ # Now create a py_library with these shared objects as data.
+ native.py_library(
+ name=name,
+ srcs=py_srcs,
+ deps=py_deps,
+ srcs_version="PY2AND3",
+ data=shared_objects,
+ **kwargs)
diff --git a/requirements.bazel.txt b/requirements.bazel.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16f31f9e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.bazel.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# GRPC Python setup requirements
diff --git a/third_party/BUILD b/third_party/BUILD
index f06c5e9c67..5ec919dc48 100644
--- a/third_party/BUILD
+++ b/third_party/BUILD
@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ exports_files([
+ "cython.BUILD",
diff --git a/third_party/cython.BUILD b/third_party/cython.BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce9283e2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/cython.BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Adapted with modifications from tensorflow/third_party/cython.BUILD
+ name="cython_lib",
+ srcs=glob(
+ ["Cython/**/*.py"],
+ exclude=[
+ "**/Tests/*.py",
+ ],
+ ) + ["cython.py"],
+ data=glob([
+ "Cython/**/*.pyx",
+ "Cython/Utility/*.*",
+ "Cython/Includes/**/*.pxd",
+ ]),
+ srcs_version="PY2AND3",
+ visibility=["//visibility:public"],
+# May not be named "cython", since that conflicts with Cython/ on OSX
+ name="cython_binary",
+ srcs=["cython.py"],
+ main="cython.py",
+ srcs_version="PY2AND3",
+ visibility=["//visibility:public"],
+ deps=["cython_lib"],
diff --git a/third_party/py/BUILD b/third_party/py/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/py/BUILD
diff --git a/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl b/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2283c573bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Adapted with modifications from tensorflow/third_party/py/
+# To build Python C/C++ extension on Windows, we need to link to python import library pythonXY.lib
+# See https://docs.python.org/3/extending/windows.html
+ name="python_lib",
+ interface_library=select({
+ ":windows": ":python_import_lib",
+ # A placeholder for Unix platforms which makes --no_build happy.
+ "//conditions:default": "not-existing.lib",
+ }),
+ system_provided=1,
+ name="python_headers",
+ hdrs=[":python_include"],
+ deps=select({
+ ":windows": [":python_lib"],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ }),
+ includes=["python_include"],
+ name="windows",
+ values={"cpu": "x64_windows"},
+ visibility=["//visibility:public"],
diff --git a/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl b/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ba1e07049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Adapted with modifications from tensorflow/third_party/py/
+"""Repository rule for Python autoconfiguration.
+`python_configure` depends on the following environment variables:
+ * `PYTHON_BIN_PATH`: location of python binary.
+ * `PYTHON_LIB_PATH`: Location of python libraries.
+def _tpl(repository_ctx, tpl, substitutions={}, out=None):
+ if not out:
+ out = tpl
+ repository_ctx.template(out, Label("//third_party/py:%s.tpl" % tpl),
+ substitutions)
+def _fail(msg):
+ """Output failure message when auto configuration fails."""
+ red = "\033[0;31m"
+ no_color = "\033[0m"
+ fail("%sPython Configuration Error:%s %s\n" % (red, no_color, msg))
+def _is_windows(repository_ctx):
+ """Returns true if the host operating system is windows."""
+ os_name = repository_ctx.os.name.lower()
+ return os_name.find("windows") != -1
+def _execute(repository_ctx,
+ cmdline,
+ error_msg=None,
+ error_details=None,
+ empty_stdout_fine=False):
+ """Executes an arbitrary shell command.
+ Args:
+ repository_ctx: the repository_ctx object
+ cmdline: list of strings, the command to execute
+ error_msg: string, a summary of the error if the command fails
+ error_details: string, details about the error or steps to fix it
+ empty_stdout_fine: bool, if True, an empty stdout result is fine, otherwise
+ it's an error
+ Return:
+ the result of repository_ctx.execute(cmdline)
+ """
+ result = repository_ctx.execute(cmdline)
+ if result.stderr or not (empty_stdout_fine or result.stdout):
+ _fail("\n".join([
+ error_msg.strip() if error_msg else "Repository command failed",
+ result.stderr.strip(), error_details if error_details else ""
+ ]))
+ else:
+ return result
+def _read_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir):
+ """Returns a string with all files in a directory.
+ Finds all files inside a directory, traversing subfolders and following
+ symlinks. The returned string contains the full path of all files
+ separated by line breaks.
+ """
+ if _is_windows(repository_ctx):
+ src_dir = src_dir.replace("/", "\\")
+ find_result = _execute(
+ repository_ctx,
+ ["cmd.exe", "/c", "dir", src_dir, "/b", "/s", "/a-d"],
+ empty_stdout_fine=True)
+ # src_files will be used in genrule.outs where the paths must
+ # use forward slashes.
+ return find_result.stdout.replace("\\", "/")
+ else:
+ find_result = _execute(
+ repository_ctx, ["find", src_dir, "-follow", "-type", "f"],
+ empty_stdout_fine=True)
+ return find_result.stdout
+def _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, command, outs):
+ """Returns a string with a genrule.
+ Genrule executes the given command and produces the given outputs.
+ """
+ return ('genrule(\n' + ' name = "' + genrule_name + '",\n' +
+ ' outs = [\n' + outs + '\n ],\n' + ' cmd = """\n' +
+ command + '\n """,\n' + ')\n')
+def _normalize_path(path):
+ """Returns a path with '/' and remove the trailing slash."""
+ path = path.replace("\\", "/")
+ if path[-1] == "/":
+ path = path[:-1]
+ return path
+def _symlink_genrule_for_dir(repository_ctx,
+ src_dir,
+ dest_dir,
+ genrule_name,
+ src_files=[],
+ dest_files=[]):
+ """Returns a genrule to symlink(or copy if on Windows) a set of files.
+ If src_dir is passed, files will be read from the given directory; otherwise
+ we assume files are in src_files and dest_files
+ """
+ if src_dir != None:
+ src_dir = _normalize_path(src_dir)
+ dest_dir = _normalize_path(dest_dir)
+ files = '\n'.join(
+ sorted(_read_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir).splitlines()))
+ # Create a list with the src_dir stripped to use for outputs.
+ dest_files = files.replace(src_dir, '').splitlines()
+ src_files = files.splitlines()
+ command = []
+ outs = []
+ for i in range(len(dest_files)):
+ if dest_files[i] != "":
+ # If we have only one file to link we do not want to use the dest_dir, as
+ # $(@D) will include the full path to the file.
+ dest = '$(@D)/' + dest_dir + dest_files[i] if len(
+ dest_files) != 1 else '$(@D)/' + dest_files[i]
+ # On Windows, symlink is not supported, so we just copy all the files.
+ cmd = 'cp -f' if _is_windows(repository_ctx) else 'ln -s'
+ command.append(cmd + ' "%s" "%s"' % (src_files[i], dest))
+ outs.append(' "' + dest_dir + dest_files[i] + '",')
+ return _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, " && ".join(command),
+ "\n".join(outs))
+def _get_python_bin(repository_ctx):
+ """Gets the python bin path."""
+ python_bin = repository_ctx.os.environ.get(_PYTHON_BIN_PATH)
+ if python_bin != None:
+ return python_bin
+ python_bin_path = repository_ctx.which("python")
+ if python_bin_path != None:
+ return str(python_bin_path)
+ _fail("Cannot find python in PATH, please make sure " +
+ "python is installed and add its directory in PATH, or --define " +
+ "%s='/something/else'.\nPATH=%s" %
+ (_PYTHON_BIN_PATH, repository_ctx.os.environ.get("PATH", "")))
+def _get_bash_bin(repository_ctx):
+ """Gets the bash bin path."""
+ bash_bin = repository_ctx.os.environ.get(_BAZEL_SH)
+ if bash_bin != None:
+ return bash_bin
+ else:
+ bash_bin_path = repository_ctx.which("bash")
+ if bash_bin_path != None:
+ return str(bash_bin_path)
+ else:
+ _fail(
+ "Cannot find bash in PATH, please make sure " +
+ "bash is installed and add its directory in PATH, or --define "
+ + "%s='/path/to/bash'.\nPATH=%s" %
+ (_BAZEL_SH, repository_ctx.os.environ.get("PATH", "")))
+def _get_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_bin):
+ """Gets the python lib path."""
+ python_lib = repository_ctx.os.environ.get(_PYTHON_LIB_PATH)
+ if python_lib != None:
+ return python_lib
+ print_lib = (
+ "<<END\n" + "from __future__ import print_function\n" +
+ "import site\n" + "import os\n" + "\n" + "try:\n" +
+ " input = raw_input\n" + "except NameError:\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" +
+ "python_paths = []\n" + "if os.getenv('PYTHONPATH') is not None:\n" +
+ " python_paths = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH').split(':')\n" + "try:\n" +
+ " library_paths = site.getsitepackages()\n" +
+ "except AttributeError:\n" +
+ " from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib\n" +
+ " library_paths = [get_python_lib()]\n" +
+ "all_paths = set(python_paths + library_paths)\n" + "paths = []\n" +
+ "for path in all_paths:\n" + " if os.path.isdir(path):\n" +
+ " paths.append(path)\n" + "if len(paths) >=1:\n" +
+ " print(paths[0])\n" + "END")
+ cmd = '%s - %s' % (python_bin, print_lib)
+ result = repository_ctx.execute([_get_bash_bin(repository_ctx), "-c", cmd])
+ return result.stdout.strip('\n')
+def _check_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_lib):
+ """Checks the python lib path."""
+ cmd = 'test -d "%s" -a -x "%s"' % (python_lib, python_lib)
+ result = repository_ctx.execute([_get_bash_bin(repository_ctx), "-c", cmd])
+ if result.return_code == 1:
+ _fail("Invalid python library path: %s" % python_lib)
+def _check_python_bin(repository_ctx, python_bin):
+ """Checks the python bin path."""
+ cmd = '[[ -x "%s" ]] && [[ ! -d "%s" ]]' % (python_bin, python_bin)
+ result = repository_ctx.execute([_get_bash_bin(repository_ctx), "-c", cmd])
+ if result.return_code == 1:
+ _fail("--define %s='%s' is not executable. Is it the python binary?" %
+ (_PYTHON_BIN_PATH, python_bin))
+def _get_python_include(repository_ctx, python_bin):
+ """Gets the python include path."""
+ result = _execute(
+ repository_ctx, [
+ python_bin, "-c", 'from __future__ import print_function;' +
+ 'from distutils import sysconfig;' +
+ 'print(sysconfig.get_python_inc())'
+ ],
+ error_msg="Problem getting python include path.",
+ error_details=(
+ "Is the Python binary path set up right? " + "(See ./configure or "
+ + _PYTHON_BIN_PATH + ".) " + "Is distutils installed?"))
+ return result.stdout.splitlines()[0]
+def _get_python_import_lib_name(repository_ctx, python_bin):
+ """Get Python import library name (pythonXY.lib) on Windows."""
+ result = _execute(
+ repository_ctx, [
+ python_bin, "-c",
+ 'import sys;' + 'print("python" + str(sys.version_info[0]) + ' +
+ ' str(sys.version_info[1]) + ".lib")'
+ ],
+ error_msg="Problem getting python import library.",
+ error_details=("Is the Python binary path set up right? " +
+ "(See ./configure or " + _PYTHON_BIN_PATH + ".) "))
+ return result.stdout.splitlines()[0]
+def _create_local_python_repository(repository_ctx):
+ """Creates the repository containing files set up to build with Python."""
+ python_bin = _get_python_bin(repository_ctx)
+ _check_python_bin(repository_ctx, python_bin)
+ python_lib = _get_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_bin)
+ _check_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_lib)
+ python_include = _get_python_include(repository_ctx, python_bin)
+ python_include_rule = _symlink_genrule_for_dir(
+ repository_ctx, python_include, 'python_include', 'python_include')
+ python_import_lib_genrule = ""
+ # To build Python C/C++ extension on Windows, we need to link to python import library pythonXY.lib
+ # See https://docs.python.org/3/extending/windows.html
+ if _is_windows(repository_ctx):
+ python_include = _normalize_path(python_include)
+ python_import_lib_name = _get_python_import_lib_name(
+ repository_ctx, python_bin)
+ python_import_lib_src = python_include.rsplit(
+ '/', 1)[0] + "/libs/" + python_import_lib_name
+ python_import_lib_genrule = _symlink_genrule_for_dir(
+ repository_ctx, None, '', 'python_import_lib',
+ [python_import_lib_src], [python_import_lib_name])
+ _tpl(
+ repository_ctx, "BUILD", {
+ "%{PYTHON_INCLUDE_GENRULE}": python_include_rule,
+ "%{PYTHON_IMPORT_LIB_GENRULE}": python_import_lib_genrule,
+ })
+def _create_remote_python_repository(repository_ctx, remote_config_repo):
+ """Creates pointers to a remotely configured repo set up to build with Python.
+ """
+ _tpl(repository_ctx, "remote.BUILD", {
+ "%{REMOTE_PYTHON_REPO}": remote_config_repo,
+ }, "BUILD")
+def _python_autoconf_impl(repository_ctx):
+ """Implementation of the python_autoconf repository rule."""
+ if _PYTHON_CONFIG_REPO in repository_ctx.os.environ:
+ _create_remote_python_repository(
+ repository_ctx, repository_ctx.os.environ[_PYTHON_CONFIG_REPO])
+ else:
+ _create_local_python_repository(repository_ctx)
+python_configure = repository_rule(
+ implementation=_python_autoconf_impl,
+ environ=[
+ ],
+"""Detects and configures the local Python.
+Add the following to your WORKSPACE FILE:
+python_configure(name = "local_config_python")
+ name: A unique name for this workspace rule.
diff --git a/third_party/py/remote.BUILD.tpl b/third_party/py/remote.BUILD.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bfe1f0bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/py/remote.BUILD.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Adapted with modifications from tensorflow/third_party/py/
+ name="python_headers",
+ actual="%{REMOTE_PYTHON_REPO}:python_headers",