path: root/third_party/nanopb/tests/options
diff options
authorGravatar Nicolas "Pixel" Noble <pixel@nobis-crew.org>2016-09-23 06:28:04 +0200
committerGravatar Nicolas "Pixel" Noble <pixel@nobis-crew.org>2016-09-23 06:28:04 +0200
commit39937f73760b7cfc6be763d4b7e91b934df23fbe (patch)
tree11c90e51d1c93c82ab267b947cffff7eda0afbc4 /third_party/nanopb/tests/options
parentfe456e5b487717c25bde88f97c9029185130a2b9 (diff)
Putting nanopb files into third_party without being a submodule.
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nanopb/tests/options')
3 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/SConscript b/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/SConscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89a00fa5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/SConscript
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Test that the generator options work as expected.
+env.Match(['options.pb.h', 'options.expected'])
diff --git a/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/options.expected b/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/options.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63ba0fd892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/options.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+char filesize\[20\];
+char msgsize\[30\];
+char fieldsize\[40\];
+pb_callback_t int32_callback;
+\sEnumValue1 = 1
+} pb_packed my_packed_struct;
+! skipped_field
+! SkippedMessage
+#define PB_MSG_103 Message3
+#define PB_MSG_104 Message4
+#define PB_MSG_105 Message5
+\s+PB_MSG\(103,[0-9]*,Message3\) \\
+\s+PB_MSG\(104,-1,Message4\) \\
+\s+PB_MSG\(105,[0-9]*,Message5\) \\
+#define Message5_msgid 105
diff --git a/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/options.proto b/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/options.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa722b526d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nanopb/tests/options/options.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* Test nanopb option parsing.
+ * options.expected lists the patterns that are searched for in the output.
+ */
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "nanopb.proto";
+// File level options
+option (nanopb_fileopt).max_size = 20;
+message Message1
+ required string filesize = 1;
+// Message level options
+message Message2
+ option (nanopb_msgopt).max_size = 30;
+ required string msgsize = 1;
+// Field level options
+message Message3
+ option (nanopb_msgopt).msgid = 103;
+ required string fieldsize = 1 [(nanopb).max_size = 40];
+// Forced callback field
+message Message4
+ option (nanopb_msgopt).msgid = 104;
+ required int32 int32_callback = 1 [(nanopb).type = FT_CALLBACK];
+// Short enum names
+enum Enum1
+ option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+ EnumValue1 = 1;
+ EnumValue2 = 2;
+message EnumTest
+ required Enum1 field = 1 [default = EnumValue2];
+// Short enum names inside message
+message Message5
+ option (nanopb_msgopt).msgid = 105;
+ enum Enum2
+ {
+ option (nanopb_enumopt).long_names = false;
+ EnumValue1 = 1;
+ }
+ required Enum2 field = 1 [default = EnumValue1];
+// Packed structure
+message my_packed_struct
+ option (nanopb_msgopt).packed_struct = true;
+ optional int32 myfield = 1;
+// Message with ignored field
+message Message6
+ required int32 field1 = 1;
+ optional int32 skipped_field = 2 [(nanopb).type = FT_IGNORE];
+// Message that is skipped
+message SkippedMessage
+ option (nanopb_msgopt).skip_message = true;
+ required int32 foo = 1;
+// Message with oneof field
+message OneofMessage
+ oneof foo {
+ int32 bar = 1;
+ }