path: root/test/cpp
diff options
authorGravatar Craig Tiller <ctiller@google.com>2016-12-15 07:12:39 -0800
committerGravatar Craig Tiller <ctiller@google.com>2016-12-15 07:12:39 -0800
commit6997c3473b0e152b00cb5696cf5717e5adb37cb6 (patch)
tree4ebf7846b52372b9992e662ed59be7e1e17fefba /test/cpp
parentf748b0ab77521bf962196e0d3aa2fdb3bf4d10af (diff)
parent6a1976d5170f50b90df199366beee7c49e77a125 (diff)
Merge github.com:grpc/grpc into slice_with_exec_ctx
Diffstat (limited to 'test/cpp')
2 files changed, 179 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc
index a3da5682dc..b9900ca1b7 100644
--- a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc
@@ -86,11 +86,12 @@ class GrpcTool {
// callback);
// bool PrintTypeId(int argc, const char** argv, GrpcToolOutputCallback
// callback);
- // bool ParseMessage(int argc, const char** argv, GrpcToolOutputCallback
- // callback);
- // bool ToText(int argc, const char** argv, GrpcToolOutputCallback callback);
- // bool ToBinary(int argc, const char** argv, GrpcToolOutputCallback
- // callback);
+ bool ParseMessage(int argc, const char** argv, const CliCredentials& cred,
+ GrpcToolOutputCallback callback);
+ bool ToText(int argc, const char** argv, const CliCredentials& cred,
+ GrpcToolOutputCallback callback);
+ bool ToBinary(int argc, const char** argv, const CliCredentials& cred,
+ GrpcToolOutputCallback callback);
void SetPrintCommandMode(int exit_status) {
print_command_usage_ = true;
@@ -173,9 +174,9 @@ const Command ops[] = {
{"list", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ListServices), 1, 3},
{"call", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::CallMethod), 2, 3},
{"type", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::PrintType), 2, 2},
- // {"parse", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ParseMessage), 2, 3},
- // {"totext", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ToText), 2, 3},
- // {"tobinary", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ToBinary), 2, 3},
+ {"parse", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ParseMessage), 2, 3},
+ {"totext", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ToText), 2, 3},
+ {"tobinary", BindWith5Args(&GrpcTool::ToBinary), 2, 3},
void Usage(const grpc::string& msg) {
@@ -185,9 +186,9 @@ void Usage(const grpc::string& msg) {
" grpc_cli ls ... ; List services\n"
" grpc_cli call ... ; Call method\n"
" grpc_cli type ... ; Print type\n"
- // " grpc_cli parse ... ; Parse message\n"
- // " grpc_cli totext ... ; Convert binary message to text\n"
- // " grpc_cli tobinary ... ; Convert text message to binary\n"
+ " grpc_cli parse ... ; Parse message\n"
+ " grpc_cli totext ... ; Convert binary message to text\n"
+ " grpc_cli tobinary ... ; Convert text message to binary\n"
" grpc_cli help ... ; Print this message, or per-command usage\n"
@@ -496,5 +497,122 @@ bool GrpcTool::CallMethod(int argc, const char** argv,
return callback(output_ss.str());
+bool GrpcTool::ParseMessage(int argc, const char** argv,
+ const CliCredentials& cred,
+ GrpcToolOutputCallback callback) {
+ CommandUsage(
+ "Parse message\n"
+ " grpc_cli parse <address> <type> [<message>]\n"
+ " <address> ; host:port\n"
+ " <type> ; Protocol buffer type name\n"
+ " <message> ; Text protobuffer (overrides --infile)\n"
+ " --protofiles ; Comma separated proto files used as a"
+ " fallback when parsing request/response\n"
+ " --proto_path ; The search path of proto files, valid"
+ " only when --protofiles is given\n"
+ " --infile ; Input filename (defaults to stdin)\n"
+ " --outfile ; Output filename (defaults to stdout)\n"
+ " --binary_input ; Input in binary format\n"
+ " --binary_output ; Output in binary format\n" +
+ cred.GetCredentialUsage());
+ std::stringstream output_ss;
+ grpc::string message_text;
+ grpc::string server_address(argv[0]);
+ grpc::string type_name(argv[1]);
+ std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::ProtoFileParser> parser;
+ grpc::string serialized_request_proto;
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ message_text = argv[2];
+ if (!FLAGS_infile.empty()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "warning: message given in argv, ignoring --infile.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::stringstream input_stream;
+ if (FLAGS_infile.empty()) {
+ if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "reading request message from stdin...\n");
+ }
+ input_stream << std::cin.rdbuf();
+ } else {
+ std::ifstream input_file(FLAGS_infile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+ input_stream << input_file.rdbuf();
+ input_file.close();
+ }
+ message_text = input_stream.str();
+ }
+ if (!FLAGS_binary_input || !FLAGS_binary_output) {
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel =
+ grpc::CreateChannel(server_address, cred.GetCredentials());
+ parser.reset(
+ new grpc::testing::ProtoFileParser(FLAGS_remotedb ? channel : nullptr,
+ FLAGS_proto_path, FLAGS_protofiles));
+ if (parser->HasError()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (FLAGS_binary_input) {
+ serialized_request_proto = message_text;
+ } else {
+ serialized_request_proto =
+ parser->GetSerializedProtoFromMessageType(type_name, message_text);
+ if (parser->HasError()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (FLAGS_binary_output) {
+ output_ss << serialized_request_proto;
+ } else {
+ grpc::string output_text = parser->GetTextFormatFromMessageType(
+ type_name, serialized_request_proto);
+ if (parser->HasError()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ output_ss << output_text << std::endl;
+ }
+ return callback(output_ss.str());
+bool GrpcTool::ToText(int argc, const char** argv, const CliCredentials& cred,
+ GrpcToolOutputCallback callback) {
+ CommandUsage(
+ "Convert binary message to text\n"
+ " grpc_cli totext <protofiles> <type>\n"
+ " <protofiles> ; Comma separated list of proto files\n"
+ " <type> ; Protocol buffer type name\n"
+ " --proto_path ; The search path of proto files\n"
+ " --infile ; Input filename (defaults to stdin)\n"
+ " --outfile ; Output filename (defaults to stdout)\n");
+ FLAGS_protofiles = argv[0];
+ FLAGS_remotedb = false;
+ FLAGS_binary_input = true;
+ FLAGS_binary_output = false;
+ return ParseMessage(argc, argv, cred, callback);
+bool GrpcTool::ToBinary(int argc, const char** argv, const CliCredentials& cred,
+ GrpcToolOutputCallback callback) {
+ CommandUsage(
+ "Convert text message to binary\n"
+ " grpc_cli tobinary <protofiles> <type> [<message>]\n"
+ " <protofiles> ; Comma separated list of proto files\n"
+ " <type> ; Protocol buffer type name\n"
+ " --proto_path ; The search path of proto files\n"
+ " --infile ; Input filename (defaults to stdin)\n"
+ " --outfile ; Output filename (defaults to stdout)\n");
+ FLAGS_protofiles = argv[0];
+ FLAGS_remotedb = false;
+ FLAGS_binary_input = false;
+ FLAGS_binary_output = true;
+ return ParseMessage(argc, argv, cred, callback);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc
diff --git a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc
index 1ff8172306..33ce611a60 100644
--- a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc
@@ -86,9 +86,18 @@ using grpc::testing::EchoResponse;
" rpc Echo(grpc.testing.EchoRequest) returns (grpc.testing.EchoResponse) " \
+ "message: \"echo\"\n" \
+ "param {\n" \
+ " host: \"localhost\"\n" \
+ " peer: \"peer\"\n" \
+ "}\n\n"
namespace grpc {
namespace testing {
namespace {
@@ -338,6 +347,47 @@ TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, CallCommand) {
+TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, ParseCommand) {
+ // Test input "grpc_cli parse localhost:<port> grpc.testing.EchoResponse
+ std::stringstream output_stream;
+ std::stringstream binary_output_stream;
+ const grpc::string server_address = SetUpServer();
+ const char* argv[] = {"grpc_cli", "parse", server_address.c_str(),
+ "grpc.testing.EchoResponse", ECHO_RESPONSE_MESSAGE};
+ FLAGS_binary_input = false;
+ FLAGS_binary_output = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(0 == GrpcToolMainLib(ArraySize(argv), argv, TestCliCredentials(),
+ std::bind(PrintStream, &output_stream,
+ std::placeholders::_1)));
+ // Expected output: ECHO_RESPONSE_MESSAGE
+ EXPECT_TRUE(0 == strcmp(output_stream.str().c_str(), ECHO_RESPONSE_MESSAGE));
+ // Parse text message to binary message and then parse it back to text message
+ output_stream.str(grpc::string());
+ output_stream.clear();
+ FLAGS_binary_output = true;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(0 == GrpcToolMainLib(ArraySize(argv), argv, TestCliCredentials(),
+ std::bind(PrintStream, &output_stream,
+ std::placeholders::_1)));
+ grpc::string binary_data = output_stream.str();
+ output_stream.str(grpc::string());
+ output_stream.clear();
+ argv[4] = binary_data.c_str();
+ FLAGS_binary_input = true;
+ FLAGS_binary_output = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(0 == GrpcToolMainLib(5, argv, TestCliCredentials(),
+ std::bind(PrintStream, &output_stream,
+ std::placeholders::_1)));
+ // Expected output: ECHO_RESPONSE_MESSAGE
+ EXPECT_TRUE(0 == strcmp(output_stream.str().c_str(), ECHO_RESPONSE_MESSAGE));
+ ShutdownServer();
TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, TooFewArguments) {
// Test input "grpc_cli call Echo"
std::stringstream output_stream;