path: root/templates/package.xml.template
diff options
authorGravatar Stanley Cheung <stanleycheung@google.com>2016-02-13 00:03:02 -0800
committerGravatar Stanley Cheung <stanleycheung@google.com>2016-02-23 22:26:44 -0800
commit5adb71fb9add555ac161ebf745e5ac104fe3f847 (patch)
tree4c6748761c1fa6200756cca631d65bdfcb87fe7c /templates/package.xml.template
parentc95bfefa5ecd38fdbb8d3a14d425cf5cd7337fe6 (diff)
php: simplify installation
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/package.xml.template')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/package.xml.template b/templates/package.xml.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..455b002e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/package.xml.template
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+%YAML 1.2
+--- |
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <package packagerversion="1.9.5" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
+ <name>grpc</name>
+ <channel>pecl.php.net</channel>
+ <summary>A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.</summary>
+ <description>Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) provide a useful abstraction for building distributed applications and services. The libraries in this repository provide a concrete implementation of the gRPC protocol, layered over HTTP/2. These libraries enable communication between clients and servers using any combination of the supported languages.</description>
+ <lead>
+ <name>Stanley Cheung</name>
+ <user>stanleycheung</user>
+ <email>grpc-packages@google.com</email>
+ <active>yes</active>
+ </lead>
+ <%! from time import strftime %><date>${"%Y-%m-%d" | strftime}</date>
+ <time>16:06:07</time>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.8.0</release>
+ <api>0.8.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>beta</release>
+ <api>beta</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ - Simplify gRPC PHP installation #4517
+ </notes>
+ <contents>
+ <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
+ <file baseinstalldir="/" name="config.m4" role="src" />
+ <file baseinstalldir="/" name="src/php/ext/grpc/CREDITS" role="src" />
+ <file baseinstalldir="/" name="src/php/ext/grpc/LICENSE" role="src" />
+ <file baseinstalldir="/" name="src/php/ext/grpc/README.md" role="src" />
+ % for source in php_config_m4.src + php_config_m4.headers:
+ <file baseinstalldir="/" name="${source}" role="src" />
+ % endfor
+ % for lib in libs:
+ % if lib.name in php_config_m4.get('deps', []):
+ % for source in lib.get('public_headers', []) + lib.headers + lib.src:
+ <file baseinstalldir="/" name="${source}" role="src" />
+ % endfor
+ % endif
+ % endfor
+ </dir>
+ </contents>
+ <dependencies>
+ <required>
+ <php>
+ <min>5.5.0</min>
+ </php>
+ <pearinstaller>
+ <min>1.4.0</min>
+ </pearinstaller>
+ </required>
+ </dependencies>
+ <providesextension>grpc</providesextension>
+ <extsrcrelease />
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.5.0</release>
+ <api>0.5.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>alpha</release>
+ <api>alpha</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>2015-06-16</date>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ First alpha release
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.5.1</release>
+ <api>0.5.1</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>alpha</release>
+ <api>alpha</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>2015-07-09</date>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ Update to wrap gRPC C Core version 0.10.0
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.6.0</release>
+ <api>0.6.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>beta</release>
+ <api>beta</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>2015-09-24</date>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ - support per message compression disable
+ - expose per-call host override option
+ - expose connectivity API
+ - expose channel target and call peer
+ - add user-agent
+ - update to wrap gRPC C core library beta version 0.11.0
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.6.1</release>
+ <api>0.6.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>beta</release>
+ <api>beta</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>2015-10-21</date>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ - fixed undefined constant fatal error when run with apache/nginx #2275
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.7.0</release>
+ <api>0.7.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>beta</release>
+ <api>beta</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>2016-01-13</date>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ - Breaking change to Credentials class (removed) #3765
+ - Replaced by ChannelCredentials and CallCredentials class #3765
+ - New plugin based metadata auth API #4394
+ - Explicit ChannelCredentials::createInsecure() call
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>0.8.0</release>
+ <api>0.8.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>beta</release>
+ <api>beta</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>${"%Y-%m-%d" | strftime}</date>
+ <license>BSD</license>
+ <notes>
+ - Simplify gRPC PHP installation #4517
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
+ </package>