path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar murgatroid99 <mlumish@google.com>2015-07-07 17:44:46 -0700
committerGravatar murgatroid99 <mlumish@google.com>2015-07-07 17:44:46 -0700
commit0b90c1e5e80cf8ad75dd7cdd3f341389686ceb1d (patch)
treebc94c6cc863dd3554e344531873c80a744a87708 /src
parent51dbf904348a226f954ad48e861b28290b8bd674 (diff)
Fixed ruby local build fallback case
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb
index 59fa87f8c0..105689627b 100644
--- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb
@@ -54,45 +54,6 @@ LIB_DIRS = [
-def crash(msg)
- print(" extconf failure: #{msg}\n")
- exit 1
-def build_local_c(grpc_lib_dir, root, config)
- grpc_already_built = File.exist?(File.join(grpc_lib_dir, 'libgrpc.a'))
- system("make -C #{root} static_c CONFIG=#{config}") unless grpc_already_built
-def local_fallback(msg)
- # Check to see if GRPC_ROOT is defined or available
- grpc_root = ENV['GRPC_ROOT']
- if grpc_root.nil?
- r = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../..'))
- grpc_root = r if File.exist?(File.join(r, 'include/grpc/grpc.h'))
- end
- # Stop if there is still no grpc_root
- crash(msg) if grpc_root.nil?
- grpc_config = ENV['GRPC_CONFIG'] || 'opt'
- if ENV.key?('GRPC_LIB_DIR')
- grpc_lib_dir = File.join(grpc_root, ENV['GRPC_LIB_DIR'])
- else
- grpc_lib_dir = File.join(File.join(grpc_root, 'libs'), grpc_config)
- end
- build_local_c(grpc_lib_dir, grpc_root, grpc_config)
- HEADER_DIRS.unshift File.join(grpc_root, 'include')
- LIB_DIRS.unshift grpc_lib_dir
- dir_config('grpc', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS)
- have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy')
- create_makefile('grpc/grpc')
- exit 0
-dir_config('grpc', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS)
$CFLAGS << ' -Wno-implicit-function-declaration '
$CFLAGS << ' -Wno-pointer-sign '
$CFLAGS << ' -Wno-return-type '
@@ -105,12 +66,39 @@ if grpc_pkg_config
$CFLAGS << ' ' + `pkg-config --static --cflags grpc`.strip + ' '
$LDFLAGS << ' ' + `pkg-config --static --libs grpc`.strip + ' '
- $LDFLAGS << ' -lgrpc -lgpr -lz -ldl'
+ dir_config('grpc', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS)
+ raise "libdl not found" unless have_library('dl', 'dlopen')
+ raise "zlib not found" unless have_library('z', 'inflate')
+ begin
+ raise "Fail" unless have_library('gpr', 'gpr_now')
+ raise "Fail" unless have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy')
+ rescue
+ # Check to see if GRPC_ROOT is defined or available
+ grpc_root = ENV['GRPC_ROOT']
+ if grpc_root.nil?
+ r = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../..'))
+ grpc_root = r if File.exist?(File.join(r, 'include/grpc/grpc.h'))
+ end
+ # Stop if there is still no grpc_root
+ exit 1 if grpc_root.nil?
+ grpc_config = ENV['GRPC_CONFIG'] || 'opt'
+ if ENV.key?('GRPC_LIB_DIR')
+ grpc_lib_dir = File.join(grpc_root, ENV['GRPC_LIB_DIR'])
+ else
+ grpc_lib_dir = File.join(File.join(grpc_root, 'libs'), grpc_config)
+ end
+ unless File.exist?(File.join(grpc_lib_dir, 'libgrpc.a'))
+ print "Building internal gRPC\n"
+ system("make -C #{root} static_c CONFIG=#{config}")
+ end
+ $CFLAGS << ' -I' + File.join(grpc_root, 'include')
+ $LDFLAGS << ' -L' + grpc_lib_dir
+ raise "gpr not found" unless have_library('gpr', 'gpr_now')
+ raise "grpc not found" unless have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy')
+ end
-local_fallback('need gpr lib') unless have_library('gpr', 'gpr_now')
-unless have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy')
- local_fallback('need grpc lib')
-have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy')