diff options
authorGravatar Muxi Yan <mxyan@google.com>2018-11-18 22:47:35 -0800
committerGravatar Muxi Yan <mxyan@google.com>2018-11-18 22:47:35 -0800
commitf0cbcde73195b8e17130538c3479d4c0e3bcd2a2 (patch)
parent87abab45c99ab4b40718557cbc1c25dcd7f5a418 (diff)
New channel pool design
9 files changed, 573 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall+ChannelArg.m b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall+ChannelArg.m
index 971c2803e2..703cff63bb 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall+ChannelArg.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall+ChannelArg.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+ (void)closeOpenConnections {
- [GRPCChannelPool closeOpenConnections];
+ [[GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance] closeOpenConnections];
+ (void)setDefaultCompressMethod:(GRPCCompressAlgorithm)algorithm forhost:(nonnull NSString *)host {
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall.m b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall.m
index 19de004cbc..6f4b1647a5 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/GRPCCall.m
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ const char *kCFStreamVarName = "grpc_cfstream";
requestsWriter:(GRXWriter *)requestWriter
callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
// Purposely using pointer rather than length ([host length] == 0) for backwards compatibility.
- NSAssert(host && path, @"Neither host nor path can be nil.");
+ NSAssert(host != nil && path != nil, @"Neither host nor path can be nil.");
NSAssert(safety <= GRPCCallSafetyCacheableRequest,
@"Invalid call safety value.");
NSAssert(requestWriter.state == GRXWriterStateNotStarted,
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.h b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.h
index 4dbe0c276c..de6d1bf4a2 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.h
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.h
@@ -61,47 +61,19 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
+ (nullable instancetype) new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- * Create a channel with remote \a host and signature \a channelConfigurations. Destroy delay is
- * defaulted to 30 seconds.
- */
-- (nullable instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:
- (GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration;
- * Create a channel with remote \a host, signature \a channelConfigurations, and destroy delay of
- * \a destroyDelay.
+ * Create a channel with remote \a host and signature \a channelConfigurations.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:
(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration
- destroyDelay:(NSTimeInterval)destroyDelay
- * Create a grpc core call object from this channel. The channel's refcount is added by 1. If no
- * call is created, NULL is returned, and if the reason is because the channel is already
- * disconnected, \a disconnected is set to YES. When the returned call is unreffed, the caller is
- * obligated to call \a unref method once. \a disconnected may be null.
+ * Create a grpc core call object (grpc_call) from this channel. If no call is created, NULL is
+ * returned.
- (nullable grpc_call *)unmanagedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
- callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions
- disconnected:(nullable BOOL *)disconnected;
- * Unref the channel when a call is done. It also decreases the channel's refcount. If the refcount
- * of the channel decreases to 0, the channel is destroyed after the destroy delay.
- */
-- (void)unref;
- * Force the channel to be disconnected and destroyed.
- */
-- (void)disconnect;
- * Return whether the channel is already disconnected.
- */
-@property(readonly) BOOL disconnected;
+ callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions;
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.m b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.m
index 0220141db0..81e53d48e3 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.m
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
#import <GRPCClient/GRPCCall+Cronet.h>
#import <GRPCClient/GRPCCallOptions.h>
-/** When all calls of a channel are destroyed, destroy the channel after this much seconds. */
-static const NSTimeInterval kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay = 30;
@implementation GRPCChannelConfiguration
- (instancetype)initWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
@@ -178,43 +175,18 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay = 30;
@implementation GRPCChannel {
GRPCChannelConfiguration *_configuration;
- dispatch_queue_t _dispatchQueue;
grpc_channel *_unmanagedChannel;
- NSTimeInterval _destroyDelay;
- NSUInteger _refcount;
- NSDate *_lastDispatch;
-@synthesize disconnected = _disconnected;
-- (instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:
- (GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration {
- return [self initWithChannelConfiguration:channelConfiguration
- destroyDelay:kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay];
- (instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:
- (GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration
- destroyDelay:(NSTimeInterval)destroyDelay {
+ (GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration {
NSAssert(channelConfiguration != nil,
@"channelConfiguration must not be empty.");
- NSAssert(destroyDelay > 0, @"destroyDelay must be greater than 0.");
if (channelConfiguration == nil) return nil;
- if (destroyDelay <= 0) return nil;
if ((self = [super init])) {
_configuration = [channelConfiguration copy];
- if (@available(iOS 8.0, macOS 10.10, *)) {
- _dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create(
- dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT, 0));
- } else {
- {
- _dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create(NULL, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
- }
// Create gRPC core channel object.
NSString *host = channelConfiguration.host;
NSAssert(host.length != 0, @"host cannot be nil");
@@ -233,119 +205,54 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay = 30;
NSLog(@"Unable to create channel.");
return nil;
- _destroyDelay = destroyDelay;
- _disconnected = NO;
return self;
- (grpc_call *)unmanagedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
- callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions
- disconnected:(BOOL *)disconnected {
+ callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
NSAssert(path.length > 0, @"path must not be empty.");
NSAssert(queue != nil, @"completionQueue must not be empty.");
NSAssert(callOptions != nil, @"callOptions must not be empty.");
- if (path.length == 0) return nil;
- if (queue == nil) return nil;
- if (callOptions == nil) return nil;
- __block BOOL isDisconnected = NO;
- __block grpc_call *call = NULL;
- dispatch_sync(_dispatchQueue, ^{
- if (self->_disconnected) {
- isDisconnected = YES;
- } else {
- NSAssert(self->_unmanagedChannel != NULL,
- @"Channel should have valid unmanaged channel.");
- if (self->_unmanagedChannel == NULL) return;
- NSString *serverAuthority =
- callOptions.transportType == GRPCTransportTypeCronet ? nil : callOptions.serverAuthority;
- NSTimeInterval timeout = callOptions.timeout;
- NSAssert(timeout >= 0, @"Invalid timeout");
- if (timeout < 0) return;
- grpc_slice host_slice = grpc_empty_slice();
- if (serverAuthority) {
- host_slice = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(serverAuthority.UTF8String);
- }
- grpc_slice path_slice = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(path.UTF8String);
- gpr_timespec deadline_ms =
- timeout == 0
- ? gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME)
- : gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC),
- gpr_time_from_millis((int64_t)(timeout * 1000), GPR_TIMESPAN));
- call = grpc_channel_create_call(self->_unmanagedChannel, NULL, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS,
- queue.unmanagedQueue, path_slice,
- serverAuthority ? &host_slice : NULL, deadline_ms, NULL);
- if (serverAuthority) {
- grpc_slice_unref(host_slice);
- }
- grpc_slice_unref(path_slice);
- if (call == NULL) {
- NSLog(@"Unable to create call.");
- } else {
- // Ref the channel;
- [self ref];
- }
+ if (path.length == 0) return NULL;
+ if (queue == nil) return NULL;
+ if (callOptions == nil) return NULL;
+ grpc_call *call = NULL;
+ @synchronized(self) {
+ NSAssert(_unmanagedChannel != NULL,
+ @"Channel should have valid unmanaged channel.");
+ if (_unmanagedChannel == NULL) return NULL;
+ NSString *serverAuthority =
+ callOptions.transportType == GRPCTransportTypeCronet ? nil : callOptions.serverAuthority;
+ NSTimeInterval timeout = callOptions.timeout;
+ NSAssert(timeout >= 0, @"Invalid timeout");
+ if (timeout < 0) return NULL;
+ grpc_slice host_slice = grpc_empty_slice();
+ if (serverAuthority) {
+ host_slice = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(serverAuthority.UTF8String);
- });
- if (disconnected != nil) {
- *disconnected = isDisconnected;
- }
- return call;
-// This function should be called on _dispatchQueue.
-- (void)ref {
- _refcount++;
- if (_refcount == 1 && _lastDispatch != nil) {
- _lastDispatch = nil;
- }
-- (void)unref {
- dispatch_async(_dispatchQueue, ^{
- NSAssert(self->_refcount > 0, @"Illegal reference count.");
- if (self->_refcount == 0) {
- NSLog(@"Illegal reference count.");
- return;
+ grpc_slice path_slice = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(path.UTF8String);
+ gpr_timespec deadline_ms =
+ timeout == 0
+ ? gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME)
+ : gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC),
+ gpr_time_from_millis((int64_t)(timeout * 1000), GPR_TIMESPAN));
+ call = grpc_channel_create_call(_unmanagedChannel, NULL, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS,
+ queue.unmanagedQueue, path_slice,
+ serverAuthority ? &host_slice : NULL, deadline_ms, NULL);
+ if (serverAuthority) {
+ grpc_slice_unref(host_slice);
- self->_refcount--;
- if (self->_refcount == 0 && !self->_disconnected) {
- // Start timer.
- dispatch_time_t delay =
- dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)self->_destroyDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC);
- NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
- self->_lastDispatch = now;
- dispatch_after(delay, self->_dispatchQueue, ^{
- // Timed disconnection.
- if (!self->_disconnected && self->_lastDispatch == now) {
- grpc_channel_destroy(self->_unmanagedChannel);
- self->_unmanagedChannel = NULL;
- self->_disconnected = YES;
- }
- });
+ grpc_slice_unref(path_slice);
+ NSAssert(call != nil, @"Unable to create call.");
+ if (call == NULL) {
+ NSLog(@"Unable to create call.");
- });
-- (void)disconnect {
- dispatch_async(_dispatchQueue, ^{
- if (!self->_disconnected) {
- grpc_channel_destroy(self->_unmanagedChannel);
- self->_unmanagedChannel = nil;
- self->_disconnected = YES;
- }
- });
-- (BOOL)disconnected {
- __block BOOL disconnected;
- dispatch_sync(_dispatchQueue, ^{
- disconnected = self->_disconnected;
- });
- return disconnected;
+ }
+ return call;
- (void)dealloc {
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.h b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.h
index 48779c4449..887bd5f89f 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.h
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.h
@@ -27,7 +27,53 @@
+@protocol GRPCChannel;
@class GRPCChannel;
+@class GRPCChannelPool;
+@class GRPCCompletionQueue;
+@class GRPCChannelConfiguration;
+ * Channel proxy that can be retained and automatically reestablish connection when the channel is
+ * disconnected.
+ */
+@interface GRPCPooledChannel : NSObject
+ * Initialize with an actual channel object \a channel and a reference to the channel pool.
+ */
+- (nullable instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration
+ channelPool:(GRPCChannelPool *)channelPool;
+ * Create a grpc core call object (grpc_call) from this channel. If channel is disconnected, get a
+ * new channel object from the channel pool.
+ */
+- (nullable grpc_call *)unmanagedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
+ completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
+ callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions;
+ * Return ownership and destroy the grpc_call object created by
+ * \a unmanagedCallWithPath:completionQueue:callOptions: and decrease channel refcount. If refcount
+ * of the channel becomes 0, return the channel object to channel pool.
+ */
+- (void)unrefUnmanagedCall:(grpc_call *)unmanagedCall;
+ * Force the channel to disconnect immediately.
+ */
+- (void)disconnect;
+// The following methods and properties are for test only
+ * Return the pointer to the real channel wrapped by the proxy.
+ */
+@property(atomic, readonly) GRPCChannel *wrappedChannel;
* Manage the pool of connected channels. When a channel is no longer referenced by any call,
@@ -36,37 +82,41 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
@interface GRPCChannelPool : NSObject
- * Get the singleton instance
+ * Get the global channel pool.
+ (nullable instancetype)sharedInstance;
- * Return a channel with a particular configuration. If the channel does not exist, execute \a
- * createChannel then add it in the pool. If the channel exists, increase its reference count.
+ * Return a channel with a particular configuration. The channel may be a cached channel.
-- (GRPCChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions;
+- (GRPCPooledChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions;
* This method is deprecated.
* Destroy all open channels and close their connections.
-+ (void)closeOpenConnections;
+- (void)closeOpenConnections;
// Test-only methods below
- * Return a channel with a special destroy delay. If \a destroyDelay is 0, use the default destroy
- * delay.
+ * Get an instance of pool isolated from the global shared pool. This method is for test only.
+ * Global pool should be used in production.
+ */
+- (nullable instancetype)init;
+ * Simulate a network transition event and destroy all channels. This method is for internal and
+ * test only.
-- (GRPCChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host
- callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions
- destroyDelay:(NSTimeInterval)destroyDelay;
+- (void)disconnectAllChannels;
- * Simulate a network transition event and destroy all channels.
+ * Set the destroy delay of channels. A channel should be destroyed if it stayed idle (no active
+ * call on it) for this period of time. This property is for test only.
-- (void)destroyAllChannels;
+@property(atomic) NSTimeInterval destroyDelay;
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.m b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.m
index 5e2e9bcfeb..92dd4c86ae 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.m
@@ -37,8 +37,150 @@ extern const char *kCFStreamVarName;
static GRPCChannelPool *gChannelPool;
static dispatch_once_t gInitChannelPool;
+/** When all calls of a channel are destroyed, destroy the channel after this much seconds. */
+static const NSTimeInterval kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay = 30;
+@interface GRPCChannelPool()
+- (GRPCChannel *)refChannelWithConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)configuration;
+- (void)unrefChannelWithConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)configuration;
+@implementation GRPCPooledChannel {
+ __weak GRPCChannelPool *_channelPool;
+ GRPCChannelConfiguration *_channelConfiguration;
+ NSMutableSet *_unmanagedCalls;
+@synthesize wrappedChannel = _wrappedChannel;
+- (instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration
+ channelPool:(GRPCChannelPool *)channelPool {
+ NSAssert(channelConfiguration != nil, @"channelConfiguration cannot be empty.");
+ NSAssert(channelPool != nil, @"channelPool cannot be empty.");
+ if (channelPool == nil || channelConfiguration == nil) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ _channelPool = channelPool;
+ _channelConfiguration = channelConfiguration;
+ _unmanagedCalls = [NSMutableSet set];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (grpc_call *)unmanagedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
+ completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
+ callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
+ NSAssert(path.length > 0, @"path must not be empty.");
+ NSAssert(queue != nil, @"completionQueue must not be empty.");
+ NSAssert(callOptions, @"callOptions must not be empty.");
+ if (path.length == 0 || queue == nil || callOptions == nil) return NULL;
+ grpc_call *call = NULL;
+ @synchronized(self) {
+ if (_wrappedChannel == nil) {
+ __strong GRPCChannelPool *strongPool = _channelPool;
+ if (strongPool) {
+ _wrappedChannel = [strongPool refChannelWithConfiguration:_channelConfiguration];
+ }
+ NSAssert(_wrappedChannel != nil, @"Unable to get a raw channel for proxy.");
+ }
+ call = [_wrappedChannel unmanagedCallWithPath:path completionQueue:queue callOptions:callOptions];
+ if (call != NULL) {
+ [_unmanagedCalls addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:call]];
+ }
+ }
+ return call;
+- (void)unrefUnmanagedCall:(grpc_call *)unmanagedCall {
+ if (unmanagedCall == nil) return;
+ grpc_call_unref(unmanagedCall);
+ BOOL timedDestroy = NO;
+ @synchronized(self) {
+ if ([_unmanagedCalls containsObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:unmanagedCall]]) {
+ [_unmanagedCalls removeObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:unmanagedCall]];
+ if ([_unmanagedCalls count] == 0) {
+ timedDestroy = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (timedDestroy) {
+ [self timedDestroy];
+ }
+- (void)disconnect {
+ @synchronized(self) {
+ _wrappedChannel = nil;
+ [_unmanagedCalls removeAllObjects];
+ }
+- (GRPCChannel *)wrappedChannel {
+ GRPCChannel *channel = nil;
+ @synchronized (self) {
+ channel = _wrappedChannel;
+ }
+ return channel;
+- (void)timedDestroy {
+ __strong GRPCChannelPool *pool = nil;
+ @synchronized(self) {
+ // Check if we still want to destroy the channel.
+ if ([_unmanagedCalls count] == 0) {
+ pool = _channelPool;
+ _wrappedChannel = nil;
+ }
+ }
+ [pool unrefChannelWithConfiguration:_channelConfiguration];
+ * A convenience value type for cached channel.
+ */
+@interface GRPCChannelRecord : NSObject <NSCopying>
+/** Pointer to the raw channel. May be nil when the channel has been destroyed. */
+@property GRPCChannel *channel;
+/** Channel proxy corresponding to this channel configuration. */
+@property GRPCPooledChannel *proxy;
+/** Last time when a timed destroy is initiated on the channel. */
+@property NSDate *timedDestroyDate;
+/** Reference count of the proxy to the channel. */
+@property NSUInteger refcount;
+@implementation GRPCChannelRecord
+- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
+ GRPCChannelRecord *newRecord = [[GRPCChannelRecord allocWithZone:zone] init];
+ newRecord.channel = _channel;
+ newRecord.proxy = _proxy;
+ newRecord.timedDestroyDate = _timedDestroyDate;
+ newRecord.refcount = _refcount;
+ return newRecord;
@implementation GRPCChannelPool {
- NSMutableDictionary<GRPCChannelConfiguration *, GRPCChannel *> *_channelPool;
+ NSMutableDictionary<GRPCChannelConfiguration *, GRPCChannelRecord *> *_channelPool;
+ dispatch_queue_t _dispatchQueue;
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
@@ -52,6 +194,18 @@ static dispatch_once_t gInitChannelPool;
- (instancetype)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_channelPool = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ if (@available(iOS 8.0, macOS 10.10, *)) {
+ _dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create(
+ dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT, 0));
+ } else {
+ {
+ _dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create(NULL, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
+ }
+ _destroyDelay = kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay;
// Connectivity monitor is not required for CFStream
char *enableCFStream = getenv(kCFStreamVarName);
@@ -62,51 +216,106 @@ static dispatch_once_t gInitChannelPool;
return self;
-- (GRPCChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
- return [self channelWithHost:host callOptions:callOptions destroyDelay:0];
-- (GRPCChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host
- callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions
- destroyDelay:(NSTimeInterval)destroyDelay {
+- (GRPCPooledChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
NSAssert(host.length > 0, @"Host must not be empty.");
NSAssert(callOptions != nil, @"callOptions must not be empty.");
if (host.length == 0) return nil;
if (callOptions == nil) return nil;
- GRPCChannel *channel;
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channelProxy = nil;
GRPCChannelConfiguration *configuration =
[[GRPCChannelConfiguration alloc] initWithHost:host callOptions:callOptions];
@synchronized(self) {
- channel = _channelPool[configuration];
- if (channel == nil || channel.disconnected) {
- if (destroyDelay == 0) {
- channel = [[GRPCChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration];
- } else {
- channel = [[GRPCChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration
- destroyDelay:destroyDelay];
- }
- _channelPool[configuration] = channel;
+ GRPCChannelRecord *record = _channelPool[configuration];
+ if (record == nil) {
+ record = [[GRPCChannelRecord alloc] init];
+ record.proxy = [[GRPCPooledChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration
+ channelPool:self];
+ record.timedDestroyDate = nil;
+ _channelPool[configuration] = record;
+ channelProxy = record.proxy;
+ } else {
+ channelProxy = record.proxy;
- return channel;
+ return channelProxy;
-+ (void)closeOpenConnections {
- [[GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance] destroyAllChannels];
+- (void)closeOpenConnections {
+ [self disconnectAllChannels];
-- (void)destroyAllChannels {
- @synchronized(self) {
- for (id key in _channelPool) {
- [_channelPool[key] disconnect];
+- (GRPCChannel *)refChannelWithConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)configuration {
+ GRPCChannel *ret = nil;
+ @synchronized (self) {
+ NSAssert(configuration != nil, @"configuration cannot be empty.");
+ if (configuration == nil) return nil;
+ GRPCChannelRecord *record = _channelPool[configuration];
+ NSAssert(record != nil, @"No record corresponding to a proxy.");
+ if (record == nil) return nil;
+ if (record.channel == nil) {
+ // Channel is already destroyed;
+ record.channel = [[GRPCChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration];
+ record.timedDestroyDate = nil;
+ record.refcount = 1;
+ ret = record.channel;
+ } else {
+ ret = record.channel;
+ record.timedDestroyDate = nil;
+ record.refcount++;
- _channelPool = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ return ret;
+- (void)unrefChannelWithConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)configuration {
+ @synchronized (self) {
+ GRPCChannelRecord *record = _channelPool[configuration];
+ NSAssert(record != nil, @"No record corresponding to a proxy.");
+ if (record == nil) return;
+ NSAssert(record.refcount > 0, @"Inconsistent channel refcount.");
+ if (record.refcount > 0) {
+ record.refcount--;
+ if (record.refcount == 0) {
+ NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
+ record.timedDestroyDate = now;
+ dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(_destroyDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC)),
+ _dispatchQueue,
+ ^{
+ @synchronized (self) {
+ if (now == record.timedDestroyDate) {
+ // Destroy the raw channel and reset related records.
+ record.timedDestroyDate = nil;
+ record.refcount = 0;
+ record.channel = nil;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- (void)disconnectAllChannels {
+ NSMutableSet<GRPCPooledChannel *> *proxySet = [NSMutableSet set];
+ @synchronized (self) {
+ [_channelPool enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(GRPCChannelConfiguration * _Nonnull key, GRPCChannelRecord * _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
+ obj.channel = nil;
+ obj.timedDestroyDate = nil;
+ obj.refcount = 0;
+ [proxySet addObject:obj.proxy];
+ }];
+ }
+ // Disconnect proxies
+ [proxySet enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(GRPCPooledChannel * _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
+ [obj disconnect];
+ }];
- (void)connectivityChange:(NSNotification *)note {
- [self destroyAllChannels];
+ [self disconnectAllChannels];
- (void)dealloc {
diff --git a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCWrappedCall.m b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCWrappedCall.m
index ae7f07f119..5c402250cc 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCWrappedCall.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/GRPCWrappedCall.m
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
@implementation GRPCWrappedCall {
GRPCCompletionQueue *_queue;
- GRPCChannel *_channel;
+ GRPCPooledChannel *_channel;
grpc_call *_call;
@@ -257,21 +257,15 @@
// consuming too many threads and having contention of multiple calls in a single completion
// queue. Currently we use a singleton queue.
_queue = [GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue];
- BOOL disconnected = NO;
- do {
- _channel = [[GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance] channelWithHost:host callOptions:callOptions];
- if (_channel == nil) {
- NSAssert(_channel != nil, @"Failed to get a channel for the host.");
- NSLog(@"Failed to get a channel for the host.");
- return nil;
- }
- _call = [_channel unmanagedCallWithPath:path
- completionQueue:_queue
- callOptions:callOptions
- disconnected:&disconnected];
- // Try create another channel if the current channel is disconnected (due to idleness or
- // connectivity monitor disconnection).
- } while (_call == NULL && disconnected);
+ _channel = [[GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance] channelWithHost:host callOptions:callOptions];
+ if (_channel == nil) {
+ NSAssert(_channel != nil, @"Failed to get a channel for the host.");
+ NSLog(@"Failed to get a channel for the host.");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ _call = [_channel unmanagedCallWithPath:path
+ completionQueue:_queue
+ callOptions:callOptions];
if (_call == nil) {
NSAssert(_channel != nil, @"Failed to get a channel for the host.");
NSLog(@"Failed to create a call.");
@@ -326,10 +320,7 @@
- (void)dealloc {
- if (_call) {
- grpc_call_unref(_call);
- }
- [_channel unref];
+ [_channel unrefUnmanagedCall:_call];
_channel = nil;
diff --git a/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelPoolTest.m b/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelPoolTest.m
index b85e62feb5..51819b12c2 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelPoolTest.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelPoolTest.m
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#define TEST_TIMEOUT 32
NSString *kDummyHost = @"dummy.host";
+NSString *kDummyHost2 = @"dummy.host.2";
+NSString *kDummyPath = @"/dummy/path";
@interface ChannelPoolTest : XCTestCase
@@ -36,94 +38,156 @@ NSString *kDummyHost = @"dummy.host";
-- (void)testChannelPooling {
- NSString *kDummyHost = @"dummy.host";
- NSString *kDummyHost2 = @"dummy.host2";
+- (void)testCreateChannelAndCall {
+ GRPCChannelPool *pool = [[GRPCChannelPool alloc] init];
+ GRPCCallOptions *options = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssertNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ GRPCCompletionQueue *cq = [GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue];
+ grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssert(call != NULL);
+ XCTAssertNotNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call];
+ XCTAssertNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
- GRPCMutableCallOptions *options1 = [[GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc] init];
+- (void)testCacheChannel {
+ GRPCChannelPool *pool = [[GRPCChannelPool alloc] init];
+ GRPCCallOptions *options1 = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
GRPCCallOptions *options2 = [options1 copy];
- GRPCMutableCallOptions *options3 = [options2 mutableCopy];
+ GRPCMutableCallOptions *options3 = [options1 mutableCopy];
options3.transportType = GRPCTransportTypeInsecure;
- GRPCChannelPool *pool = [GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance];
- GRPCChannel *channel1 = [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options1];
- GRPCChannel *channel2 = [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options2];
- GRPCChannel *channel3 = [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost2 callOptions:options1];
- GRPCChannel *channel4 = [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options3];
- XCTAssertEqual(channel1, channel2);
- XCTAssertNotEqual(channel1, channel3);
- XCTAssertNotEqual(channel1, channel4);
- XCTAssertNotEqual(channel3, channel4);
-- (void)testDestroyAllChannels {
- NSString *kDummyHost = @"dummy.host";
- GRPCMutableCallOptions *options = [[GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc] init];
- GRPCChannelPool *pool = [GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance];
- GRPCChannel *channel = [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options];
- grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:nil];
- [pool destroyAllChannels];
- XCTAssertTrue(channel.disconnected);
- GRPCChannel *channel2 = [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options];
- XCTAssertNotEqual(channel, channel2);
- grpc_call_unref(call);
+ GRPCCompletionQueue *cq = [GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel1 = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options1];
+ grpc_call *call1 = [channel1 unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options1];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel2 = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options2];
+ grpc_call *call2 = [channel2 unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options2];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel3 = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options3];
+ grpc_call *call3 = [channel3 unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options3];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel4 = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost2
+ callOptions:options1];
+ grpc_call *call4 = [channel4 unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options1];
+ XCTAssertEqual(channel1.wrappedChannel, channel2.wrappedChannel);
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(channel1.wrappedChannel, channel3.wrappedChannel);
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(channel1.wrappedChannel, channel4.wrappedChannel);
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(channel3.wrappedChannel, channel4.wrappedChannel);
+ [channel1 unrefUnmanagedCall:call1];
+ [channel2 unrefUnmanagedCall:call2];
+ [channel3 unrefUnmanagedCall:call3];
+ [channel4 unrefUnmanagedCall:call4];
-- (void)testGetChannelBeforeChannelTimedDisconnection {
- NSString *kDummyHost = @"dummy.host";
- const NSTimeInterval kDestroyDelay = 1;
- GRPCMutableCallOptions *options = [[GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc] init];
- GRPCChannelPool *pool = [GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance];
- GRPCChannel *channel =
- [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options destroyDelay:kDestroyDelay];
- grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:nil];
- grpc_call_unref(call);
- [channel unref];
- // Test that we can still get the channel at this time
- GRPCChannel *channel2 =
- [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options destroyDelay:kDestroyDelay];
- XCTAssertEqual(channel, channel2);
- call = [channel2 unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:nil];
- // Test that after the destroy delay, the channel is still alive
+- (void)testTimedDestroyChannel {
+ const NSTimeInterval kDestroyDelay = 1.0;
+ GRPCChannelPool *pool = [[GRPCChannelPool alloc] init];
+ pool.destroyDelay = kDestroyDelay;
+ GRPCCallOptions *options = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options];
+ GRPCCompletionQueue *cq = [GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue];
+ grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq callOptions:options];
+ GRPCChannel *wrappedChannel = channel.wrappedChannel;
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call];
+ // Confirm channel is not destroyed at this time
+ call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssertEqual(wrappedChannel, channel.wrappedChannel);
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call];
sleep(kDestroyDelay + 1);
- XCTAssertFalse(channel.disconnected);
+ // Confirm channel is new at this time
+ call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(wrappedChannel, channel.wrappedChannel);
+ // Confirm the new channel can create call
+ call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssert(call != NULL);
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call];
-- (void)testGetChannelAfterChannelTimedDisconnection {
- NSString *kDummyHost = @"dummy.host";
- const NSTimeInterval kDestroyDelay = 1;
- GRPCMutableCallOptions *options = [[GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc] init];
- GRPCChannelPool *pool = [GRPCChannelPool sharedInstance];
- GRPCChannel *channel =
- [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options destroyDelay:kDestroyDelay];
- grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:nil];
- grpc_call_unref(call);
- [channel unref];
- sleep(kDestroyDelay + 1);
+- (void)testPoolDisconnection {
+ GRPCChannelPool *pool = [[GRPCChannelPool alloc] init];
+ GRPCCallOptions *options = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options];
+ GRPCCompletionQueue *cq = [GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue];
+ grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ GRPCChannel *wrappedChannel = channel.wrappedChannel;
+ // Test a new channel is created by requesting a channel from pool
+ [pool disconnectAllChannels];
+ channel = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options];
+ call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(wrappedChannel, channel.wrappedChannel);
+ wrappedChannel = channel.wrappedChannel;
+ // Test a new channel is created by requesting a new call from the previous proxy
+ [pool disconnectAllChannels];
+ grpc_call *call2 = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(channel.wrappedChannel, wrappedChannel);
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call];
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call2];
- // Test that we get new channel to the same host and with the same callOptions
- GRPCChannel *channel2 =
- [pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost callOptions:options destroyDelay:kDestroyDelay];
- XCTAssertNotEqual(channel, channel2);
+- (void)testUnrefCallFromStaleChannel {
+ GRPCChannelPool *pool = [[GRPCChannelPool alloc] init];
+ GRPCCallOptions *options = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
+ GRPCPooledChannel *channel = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options];
+ GRPCCompletionQueue *cq = [GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue];
+ grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ [pool disconnectAllChannels];
+ channel = (GRPCPooledChannel *)[pool channelWithHost:kDummyHost
+ callOptions:options];
+ grpc_call *call2 = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:kDummyPath
+ completionQueue:cq
+ callOptions:options];
+ // Test unref the call of a stale channel will not cause the current channel going into timed
+ // destroy state
+ XCTAssertNotNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ GRPCChannel *wrappedChannel = channel.wrappedChannel;
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
+ XCTAssertEqual(wrappedChannel, channel.wrappedChannel);
+ // Test unref the call of the current channel will cause the channel going into timed destroy
+ // state
+ [channel unrefUnmanagedCall:call2];
+ XCTAssertNil(channel.wrappedChannel);
diff --git a/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelTests.m b/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelTests.m
index 5daafcdf3f..212db2f653 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelTests.m
+++ b/src/objective-c/tests/ChannelTests/ChannelTests.m
@@ -20,65 +20,93 @@
#import "../../GRPCClient/GRPCCallOptions.h"
#import "../../GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannel.h"
+#import "../../GRPCClient/private/GRPCChannelPool.h"
#import "../../GRPCClient/private/GRPCCompletionQueue.h"
-@interface ChannelTests : XCTestCase
+#define TEST_TIMEOUT 8
+@interface GRPCChannelFake : NSObject
+- (instancetype)initWithCreateExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)createExpectation
+ unrefExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)unrefExpectation;
+- (nullable grpc_call *)unmanagedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
+ completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
+ callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions;
+- (void)unrefUnmanagedCall:(grpc_call *)unmanagedCall;
-@implementation ChannelTests
+@implementation GRPCChannelFake {
+ __weak XCTestExpectation *_createExpectation;
+ __weak XCTestExpectation *_unrefExpectation;
+ long _grpcCallCounter;
-+ (void)setUp {
- grpc_init();
+- (nullable instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration {
+ return nil;
-- (void)testTimedDisconnection {
- NSString *const kHost = @"grpc-test.sandbox.googleapis.com";
- const NSTimeInterval kDestroyDelay = 1;
- GRPCCallOptions *options = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
- GRPCChannelConfiguration *configuration =
- [[GRPCChannelConfiguration alloc] initWithHost:kHost callOptions:options];
- GRPCChannel *channel =
- [[GRPCChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration destroyDelay:kDestroyDelay];
- BOOL disconnected;
- grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:&disconnected];
- XCTAssertFalse(disconnected);
- grpc_call_unref(call);
- [channel unref];
- XCTAssertFalse(channel.disconnected, @"Channel is pre-maturely disconnected.");
- sleep(kDestroyDelay + 1);
- XCTAssertTrue(channel.disconnected, @"Channel is not disconnected after delay.");
- // Check another call creation returns null and indicates disconnected.
- call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:&disconnected];
- XCTAssert(call == NULL);
- XCTAssertTrue(disconnected);
+- (instancetype)initWithCreateExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)createExpectation
+ unrefExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)unrefExpectation {
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ _createExpectation = createExpectation;
+ _unrefExpectation = unrefExpectation;
+ _grpcCallCounter = 0;
+ }
+ return self;
-- (void)testForceDisconnection {
- NSString *const kHost = @"grpc-test.sandbox.googleapis.com";
- const NSTimeInterval kDestroyDelay = 1;
- GRPCCallOptions *options = [[GRPCCallOptions alloc] init];
- GRPCChannelConfiguration *configuration =
- [[GRPCChannelConfiguration alloc] initWithHost:kHost callOptions:options];
- GRPCChannel *channel =
- [[GRPCChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration destroyDelay:kDestroyDelay];
- grpc_call *call = [channel unmanagedCallWithPath:@"dummy.path"
- completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
- callOptions:options
- disconnected:nil];
- grpc_call_unref(call);
- [channel disconnect];
- XCTAssertTrue(channel.disconnected, @"Channel is not disconnected.");
- // Test calling another unref here will not crash
- [channel unref];
+- (nullable grpc_call *)unmanagedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
+ completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
+ callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
+ if (_createExpectation) [_createExpectation fulfill];
+ return (grpc_call *)(++_grpcCallCounter);
+- (void)unrefUnmanagedCall:(grpc_call *)unmanagedCall {
+ if (_unrefExpectation) [_unrefExpectation fulfill];
+@interface GRPCChannelPoolFake : NSObject
+- (instancetype)initWithDelayedDestroyExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)delayedDestroyExpectation;
+- (GRPCChannel *)rawChannelWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions;
+- (void)delayedDestroyChannel;
+@implementation GRPCChannelPoolFake {
+ __weak XCTestExpectation *_delayedDestroyExpectation;
+- (instancetype)initWithDelayedDestroyExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)delayedDestroyExpectation {
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ _delayedDestroyExpectation = delayedDestroyExpectation;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)delayedDestroyChannel {
+ if (_delayedDestroyExpectation) [_delayedDestroyExpectation fulfill];
+@end */
+@interface ChannelTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation ChannelTests
++ (void)setUp {
+ grpc_init();