diff options
authorGravatar Jorge Canizales <jcanizales@google.com>2015-06-03 23:07:41 -0700
committerGravatar Jorge Canizales <jcanizales@google.com>2015-06-04 13:59:00 -0700
commite37a41cf664399bf3db5c73c3dc16f0b8ba37d9a (patch)
parent9f95dcdc9a4766455c9be35837baeba55c464d07 (diff)
Generate RouteGuide code on pod install
8 files changed, 26 insertions, 628 deletions
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbobjc.h b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbobjc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6efaec7f02..0000000000
--- a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbobjc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
-// source: route_guide.proto
-#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h"
-#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc-gen-objc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer sources.
-@class RGDFeature;
-@class RGDPoint;
-@class RGDRectangle;
-@class RGDRouteNote;
-@class RGDRouteSummary;
-#pragma mark - RGDRouteGuideRoot
-@interface RGDRouteGuideRoot : GPBRootObject
-#pragma mark - RGDPoint
-typedef GPB_ENUM(RGDPoint_FieldNumber) {
- RGDPoint_FieldNumber_Latitude = 1,
- RGDPoint_FieldNumber_Longitude = 2,
-// Points are represented as latitude-longitude pairs in the E7 representation
-// (degrees multiplied by 10**7 and rounded to the nearest integer).
-// Latitudes should be in the range +/- 90 degrees and longitude should be in
-// the range +/- 180 degrees (inclusive).
-@interface RGDPoint : GPBMessage
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t latitude;
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t longitude;
-#pragma mark - RGDRectangle
-typedef GPB_ENUM(RGDRectangle_FieldNumber) {
- RGDRectangle_FieldNumber_Lo = 1,
- RGDRectangle_FieldNumber_Hi = 2,
-// A latitude-longitude rectangle, represented as two diagonally opposite
-// points "lo" and "hi".
-@interface RGDRectangle : GPBMessage
-// One corner of the rectangle.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasLo;
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) RGDPoint *lo;
-// The other corner of the rectangle.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasHi;
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) RGDPoint *hi;
-#pragma mark - RGDFeature
-typedef GPB_ENUM(RGDFeature_FieldNumber) {
- RGDFeature_FieldNumber_Name = 1,
- RGDFeature_FieldNumber_Location = 2,
-// A feature names something at a given point.
-// If a feature could not be named, the name is empty.
-@interface RGDFeature : GPBMessage
-// The name of the feature.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *name;
-// The point where the feature is detected.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasLocation;
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) RGDPoint *location;
-#pragma mark - RGDRouteNote
-typedef GPB_ENUM(RGDRouteNote_FieldNumber) {
- RGDRouteNote_FieldNumber_Location = 1,
- RGDRouteNote_FieldNumber_Message = 2,
-// A RouteNote is a message sent while at a given point.
-@interface RGDRouteNote : GPBMessage
-// The location from which the message is sent.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasLocation;
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) RGDPoint *location;
-// The message to be sent.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *message;
-#pragma mark - RGDRouteSummary
-typedef GPB_ENUM(RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber) {
- RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_PointCount = 1,
- RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_FeatureCount = 2,
- RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_Distance = 3,
- RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_ElapsedTime = 4,
-// A RouteSummary is received in response to a RecordRoute rpc.
-// It contains the number of individual points received, the number of
-// detected features, and the total distance covered as the cumulative sum of
-// the distance between each point.
-@interface RGDRouteSummary : GPBMessage
-// The number of points received.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t pointCount;
-// The number of known features passed while traversing the route.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t featureCount;
-// The distance covered in metres.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t distance;
-// The duration of the traversal in seconds.
-@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t elapsedTime;
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbobjc.m b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbobjc.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f291a61c..0000000000
--- a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbobjc.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
-// source: route_guide.proto
-#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h"
-#import "RouteGuide.pbobjc.h"
-#pragma mark - RGDRouteGuideRoot
-@implementation RGDRouteGuideRoot
-static GPBFileDescriptor *RGDRouteGuideRoot_FileDescriptor(void) {
- // This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry
- // about thread safety of the singleton.
- static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
- if (!descriptor) {
- descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"grpc.example.routeguide"
- syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3];
- }
- return descriptor;
-#pragma mark - RGDPoint
-@implementation RGDPoint
-@dynamic latitude;
-@dynamic longitude;
-typedef struct RGDPoint_Storage {
- uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
- int32_t latitude;
- int32_t longitude;
-} RGDPoint_Storage;
-// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
-// in +initialize for each subclass.
-+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
- static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
- if (!descriptor) {
- static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
- {
- .name = "latitude",
- .number = RGDPoint_FieldNumber_Latitude,
- .hasIndex = 0,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeInt32,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDPoint_Storage, latitude),
- .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "longitude",
- .number = RGDPoint_FieldNumber_Longitude,
- .hasIndex = 1,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeInt32,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDPoint_Storage, longitude),
- .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- };
- descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[RGDPoint class]
- rootClass:[RGDRouteGuideRoot class]
- file:RGDRouteGuideRoot_FileDescriptor()
- fields:fields
- fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
- oneofs:NULL
- oneofCount:0
- enums:NULL
- enumCount:0
- ranges:NULL
- rangeCount:0
- storageSize:sizeof(RGDPoint_Storage)
- wireFormat:NO];
- }
- return descriptor;
-#pragma mark - RGDRectangle
-@implementation RGDRectangle
-@dynamic hasLo, lo;
-@dynamic hasHi, hi;
-typedef struct RGDRectangle_Storage {
- uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
- RGDPoint *lo;
- RGDPoint *hi;
-} RGDRectangle_Storage;
-// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
-// in +initialize for each subclass.
-+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
- static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
- if (!descriptor) {
- static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
- {
- .name = "lo",
- .number = RGDRectangle_FieldNumber_Lo,
- .hasIndex = 0,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeMessage,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRectangle_Storage, lo),
- .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
- .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(RGDPoint),
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "hi",
- .number = RGDRectangle_FieldNumber_Hi,
- .hasIndex = 1,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeMessage,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRectangle_Storage, hi),
- .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
- .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(RGDPoint),
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- };
- descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[RGDRectangle class]
- rootClass:[RGDRouteGuideRoot class]
- file:RGDRouteGuideRoot_FileDescriptor()
- fields:fields
- fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
- oneofs:NULL
- oneofCount:0
- enums:NULL
- enumCount:0
- ranges:NULL
- rangeCount:0
- storageSize:sizeof(RGDRectangle_Storage)
- wireFormat:NO];
- }
- return descriptor;
-#pragma mark - RGDFeature
-@implementation RGDFeature
-@dynamic name;
-@dynamic hasLocation, location;
-typedef struct RGDFeature_Storage {
- uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
- NSString *name;
- RGDPoint *location;
-} RGDFeature_Storage;
-// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
-// in +initialize for each subclass.
-+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
- static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
- if (!descriptor) {
- static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
- {
- .name = "name",
- .number = RGDFeature_FieldNumber_Name,
- .hasIndex = 0,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeString,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDFeature_Storage, name),
- .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "location",
- .number = RGDFeature_FieldNumber_Location,
- .hasIndex = 1,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeMessage,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDFeature_Storage, location),
- .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
- .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(RGDPoint),
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- };
- descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[RGDFeature class]
- rootClass:[RGDRouteGuideRoot class]
- file:RGDRouteGuideRoot_FileDescriptor()
- fields:fields
- fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
- oneofs:NULL
- oneofCount:0
- enums:NULL
- enumCount:0
- ranges:NULL
- rangeCount:0
- storageSize:sizeof(RGDFeature_Storage)
- wireFormat:NO];
- }
- return descriptor;
-#pragma mark - RGDRouteNote
-@implementation RGDRouteNote
-@dynamic hasLocation, location;
-@dynamic message;
-typedef struct RGDRouteNote_Storage {
- uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
- RGDPoint *location;
- NSString *message;
-} RGDRouteNote_Storage;
-// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
-// in +initialize for each subclass.
-+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
- static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
- if (!descriptor) {
- static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
- {
- .name = "location",
- .number = RGDRouteNote_FieldNumber_Location,
- .hasIndex = 0,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeMessage,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRouteNote_Storage, location),
- .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
- .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(RGDPoint),
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "message",
- .number = RGDRouteNote_FieldNumber_Message,
- .hasIndex = 1,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeString,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRouteNote_Storage, message),
- .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- };
- descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[RGDRouteNote class]
- rootClass:[RGDRouteGuideRoot class]
- file:RGDRouteGuideRoot_FileDescriptor()
- fields:fields
- fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
- oneofs:NULL
- oneofCount:0
- enums:NULL
- enumCount:0
- ranges:NULL
- rangeCount:0
- storageSize:sizeof(RGDRouteNote_Storage)
- wireFormat:NO];
- }
- return descriptor;
-#pragma mark - RGDRouteSummary
-@implementation RGDRouteSummary
-@dynamic pointCount;
-@dynamic featureCount;
-@dynamic distance;
-@dynamic elapsedTime;
-typedef struct RGDRouteSummary_Storage {
- uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
- int32_t pointCount;
- int32_t featureCount;
- int32_t distance;
- int32_t elapsedTime;
-} RGDRouteSummary_Storage;
-// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
-// in +initialize for each subclass.
-+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
- static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
- if (!descriptor) {
- static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
- {
- .name = "pointCount",
- .number = RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_PointCount,
- .hasIndex = 0,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeInt32,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRouteSummary_Storage, pointCount),
- .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "featureCount",
- .number = RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_FeatureCount,
- .hasIndex = 1,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeInt32,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRouteSummary_Storage, featureCount),
- .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "distance",
- .number = RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_Distance,
- .hasIndex = 2,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeInt32,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRouteSummary_Storage, distance),
- .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- {
- .name = "elapsedTime",
- .number = RGDRouteSummary_FieldNumber_ElapsedTime,
- .hasIndex = 3,
- .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
- .type = GPBTypeInt32,
- .offset = offsetof(RGDRouteSummary_Storage, elapsedTime),
- .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
- .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
- .fieldOptions = NULL,
- },
- };
- descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[RGDRouteSummary class]
- rootClass:[RGDRouteGuideRoot class]
- file:RGDRouteGuideRoot_FileDescriptor()
- fields:fields
- fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
- oneofs:NULL
- oneofCount:0
- enums:NULL
- enumCount:0
- ranges:NULL
- rangeCount:0
- storageSize:sizeof(RGDRouteSummary_Storage)
- wireFormat:NO];
- }
- return descriptor;
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbrpc.h b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbrpc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e60865d98..0000000000
--- a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbrpc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#import "RouteGuide.pbobjc.h"
-#import <gRPC/ProtoService.h>
-@protocol GRXWriteable;
-@protocol GRXWriter;
-@protocol RGDRouteGuide <NSObject>
-#pragma mark GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature)
-- (void)getFeatureWithRequest:(RGDPoint *)request handler:(void(^)(RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler;
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToGetFeatureWithRequest:(RGDPoint *)request handler:(void(^)(RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler;
-#pragma mark ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature)
-- (void)listFeaturesWithRequest:(RGDRectangle *)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler;
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToListFeaturesWithRequest:(RGDRectangle *)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler;
-#pragma mark RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary)
-- (void)recordRouteWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(RGDRouteSummary *response, NSError *error))handler;
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToRecordRouteWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(RGDRouteSummary *response, NSError *error))handler;
-#pragma mark RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote)
-- (void)routeChatWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDRouteNote *response, NSError *error))handler;
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToRouteChatWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDRouteNote *response, NSError *error))handler;
-// Basic service implementation, over gRPC, that only does marshalling and parsing.
-@interface RGDRouteGuide : ProtoService<RGDRouteGuide>
-- (instancetype)initWithHost:(NSString *)host NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbrpc.m b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbrpc.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca3dc6768..0000000000
--- a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.pbrpc.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#import "RouteGuide.pbrpc.h"
-#import <gRPC/GRXWriteable.h>
-#import <gRPC/GRXWriter+Immediate.h>
-#import <gRPC/ProtoRPC.h>
-static NSString *const kPackageName = @"grpc.example.routeguide";
-static NSString *const kServiceName = @"RouteGuide";
-@implementation RGDRouteGuide
-// Designated initializer
-- (instancetype)initWithHost:(NSString *)host {
- return (self = [super initWithHost:host packageName:kPackageName serviceName:kServiceName]);
-// Override superclass initializer to disallow different package and service names.
-- (instancetype)initWithHost:(NSString *)host
- packageName:(NSString *)packageName
- serviceName:(NSString *)serviceName {
- return [self initWithHost:host];
-#pragma mark GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature)
-- (void)getFeatureWithRequest:(RGDPoint *)request handler:(void(^)(RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler{
- [[self RPCToGetFeatureWithRequest:request handler:handler] start];
-// Returns a not-yet-started RPC object.
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToGetFeatureWithRequest:(RGDPoint *)request handler:(void(^)(RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler{
- return [self RPCToMethod:@"GetFeature"
- requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:request]
- responseClass:[RGDFeature class]
- responsesWriteable:[GRXWriteable writeableWithSingleValueHandler:handler]];
-#pragma mark ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature)
-- (void)listFeaturesWithRequest:(RGDRectangle *)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler{
- [[self RPCToListFeaturesWithRequest:request handler:handler] start];
-// Returns a not-yet-started RPC object.
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToListFeaturesWithRequest:(RGDRectangle *)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDFeature *response, NSError *error))handler{
- return [self RPCToMethod:@"ListFeatures"
- requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:request]
- responseClass:[RGDFeature class]
- responsesWriteable:[GRXWriteable writeableWithStreamHandler:handler]];
-#pragma mark RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary)
-- (void)recordRouteWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(RGDRouteSummary *response, NSError *error))handler{
- [[self RPCToRecordRouteWithRequestsWriter:request handler:handler] start];
-// Returns a not-yet-started RPC object.
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToRecordRouteWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(RGDRouteSummary *response, NSError *error))handler{
- return [self RPCToMethod:@"RecordRoute"
- requestsWriter:request
- responseClass:[RGDRouteSummary class]
- responsesWriteable:[GRXWriteable writeableWithSingleValueHandler:handler]];
-#pragma mark RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote)
-- (void)routeChatWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDRouteNote *response, NSError *error))handler{
- [[self RPCToRouteChatWithRequestsWriter:request handler:handler] start];
-// Returns a not-yet-started RPC object.
-- (ProtoRPC *)RPCToRouteChatWithRequestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)request handler:(void(^)(BOOL done, RGDRouteNote *response, NSError *error))handler{
- return [self RPCToMethod:@"RouteChat"
- requestsWriter:request
- responseClass:[RGDRouteNote class]
- responsesWriteable:[GRXWriteable writeableWithStreamHandler:handler]];
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.podspec b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.podspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9df8e2337d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/RouteGuide.podspec
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Pod::Spec.new do |s|
+ s.name = "RouteGuide"
+ s.version = "0.0.1"
+ s.license = "New BSD"
+ s.ios.deployment_target = "6.0"
+ s.osx.deployment_target = "10.8"
+ # Run protoc with the Objective-C and gRPC plugins to generate protocol messages and gRPC clients.
+ s.prepare_command = "protoc --objc_out=. --objcgrpc_out=. *.proto"
+ s.subspec "Messages" do |ms|
+ ms.source_files = "*.pbobjc.{h,m}"
+ ms.requires_arc = false
+ ms.dependency "Protobuf", "~> 3.0.0-alpha-3"
+ end
+ s.subspec "Services" do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "*.pbrpc.{h,m}"
+ ss.requires_arc = true
+ ss.dependency "gRPC", "~> 0.5"
+ ss.dependency "#{s.name}/Messages"
+ end
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/Route_guide.podspec b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/Route_guide.podspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 803cdae545..0000000000
--- a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/Route_guide.podspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Pod::Spec.new do |s|
- s.name = 'Route_guide'
- s.version = '0.0.1'
- s.summary = 'Protobuf library generated from route_guide.proto'
- s.license = 'New BSD'
- s.ios.deployment_target = '6.0'
- s.osx.deployment_target = '10.8'
- s.subspec 'Messages' do |ms|
- ms.source_files = '*.pbobjc.{h,m}'
- ms.requires_arc = false
- ms.dependency 'Protobuf', '~> 3.0.0-alpha-3'
- end
- s.subspec 'Services' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = '*.pbrpc.{h,m}'
- ss.requires_arc = true
- ss.dependency 'gRPC', '~> 0.5'
- ss.dependency 'Route_guide/Messages'
- end
diff --git a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/route_guide.proto b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/route_guide.proto
index 16dce26a2b..dace1a5d26 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/route_guide.proto
+++ b/src/objective-c/generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient/route_guide.proto
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
syntax = "proto3";
-package grpc.example.routeguide;
+package examples;
option objc_class_prefix = "RGD";
diff --git a/src/objective-c/tests/Podfile b/src/objective-c/tests/Podfile
index 598e1595e8..026868db12 100644
--- a/src/objective-c/tests/Podfile
+++ b/src/objective-c/tests/Podfile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'gRPC', :path => "../../.."
pod 'RemoteTest', :path => "../generated_libraries/RemoteTestClient"
-pod 'Route_guide', :path => "../generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient"
+pod 'RouteGuide', :path => "../generated_libraries/RouteGuideClient"
link_with 'AllTests'