diff options
authorGravatar murgatroid99 <michael.lumish@gmail.com>2015-01-21 10:40:39 -0800
committerGravatar murgatroid99 <michael.lumish@gmail.com>2015-01-21 10:40:39 -0800
commit9e14ead3f64a34faef39ba7ff5bfb1d198f3f4bd (patch)
parente1613dcd318f2b0240cea199d434dfeae05c5043 (diff)
parent6a3880b0f138a7e357f648826c69bc1b0d692cfa (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:google/grpc
6 files changed, 164 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index 651e1296ba..4b3f13fa55 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -1,57 +1,5 @@
Language: Cpp
-# BasedOnStyle: Google
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-AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All
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-CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
-ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ]
-SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
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+BasedOnStyle: Google
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index a9b0b58aa6..98c20f5898 100644
@@ -1,83 +1,142 @@
+These instructions only cover building grpc C and C++ libraries under
+typical unix systems. If you need more information, please try grpc's
+wiki pages:
-grpc has few external dependencies. If needed, they are present in the
-third_party directory, if you have cloned the github repository recursively.
-If you didn't clone recursively, you can still get them later by running the
-following command:
+ https://github.com/google/grpc/wiki
-$ git submodule update --init
-Note that the Makefile makes it much easier for you to compile from sources
-if you were to clone recursively our git repository.
+* If you are in a hurry *
+A typical unix installation won't require any more steps than running:
-grpc core currently depends on zlib and OpenSSL 1.0.2beta3.
+ $ make
+ # make install
-grpc++'s tests depends on protobuf 3.0.0, gtests and gflags.
+You don't need anything else than GNU Make and gcc. Under a Debian or
+Ubuntu system, this should boil down to the following package:
+ # apt-get install build-essential
-Secure HTTP2 requires to have the TLS extension ALPN (see rfc 7301 and
-http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/ section 3.3). Our HTTP2 implementation
-relies on OpenSSL's implementation. OpenSSL 1.0.2beta3 is the first version
-of OpenSSL that has ALPN support, and this explains our dependency on it.
-Note that the Makefile supports compiling only the unsecure elements of grpc,
-and if you do not have OpenSSL and do not want it, you can still proceed
-with installing only the elements you require. However, it is recommended
-to encrypt your network traffic, therefore we urge you to not use the unsecure
-version of grpc if possible.
+* More detailled instructions *
+Setting up dependencies
+Dependencies to compile the libraries
-If you have all the dependencies in the third_party subfolder, you should
-simply be able to go ahead and run "make" to compile grpc. The other targets
-that you might find interesting are "buildtests" and "test".
+grpc libraries have few external dependencies. If you need to compile and
+install them, they are present in the third_party directory if you have
+cloned the github repository recursively. If you didn't clone recursively,
+you can still get them later by running the following command:
-If you didn't clone from git, and thus are unable to get the required
-dependencies, you can manually download and unpack the necessary packages,
-and let the Makefile build them itself.
+ $ git submodule update --init
-You may also install the dependencies yourself, from the sources, or from
-your distribution's package manager.
+Note that the Makefile makes it much easier for you to compile from sources
+if you were to clone recursively our git repository: it will automatically
+compile zlib and OpenSSL, which are core requirements for grpc. Note this
+creates grpc libraries that will have zlib and OpenSSL built-in inside of them,
+which significantly increases the libraries' size.
+In order to decrease that size, you can manually install zlib and OpenSSL on
+your system, so that the Makefile can use them instead.
+Under a Debian or Ubuntu system, one can acquire the development package
+for zlib this way:
-The only development package needed for grpc is zlib.
-The development packages needed for grpc++'s tests are gtests, and gflags.
+ # apt-get install zlib1g-dev
To the best of our knowledge, no distribution has an OpenSSL package that
supports ALPN yet, so you would still have to depend on installing from source
-for that particular dependency.
+for that particular dependency if you want to reduce the libraries' size.
The recommended version of OpenSSL that provides ALPN support is available
at this URL:
-If you want to let the Makefile build them automatically for you, please
-extract them in the third_party folder. You will need to rename the extracted
-folder the following way:
- openssl-1.0.2-beta3 --> openssl
+Dependencies to compile and run the tests
+Compiling and running grpc plain-C tests dont't require any more dependency.
+Compiling and running grpc C++ tests depend on protobuf 3.0.0, gtest and
+gflags. Although gflags and protobuf are provided in third_party, you will
+need to manually install these dependencies on your system to run these tests.
+Under a Debian or Ubuntu system, you can install the gtests and gflags packages
+using apt-get:
+ # apt-get install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev
+However, protobuf 3.0.0 isn't in a debian package yet: you'll need to compile
+and install it from the sources in the third_party. Note that if you already
+have the protobuf and protoc packages installed on your system, they will most
+likely interfere, and you'll need to uninstall them first.
+Compiling and installing protobuf 3.0.0 requires a few more dependencies in
+itself, notably the autoconf suite, curl, and unzip. If you have apt-get, you
+can install these dependencies this way:
+ # apt-get install unzip curl autotools-dev
+Then, you can build and install protobuf 3.0.0:
+ $ cd third_party/protobuf
+ $ ./configure
+ $ make
+ # make install
+ # ldconfig
+A word on OpenSSL
+Secure HTTP2 requires to have the TLS extension ALPN (see rfc 7301 and
+http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/ section 3.3). Our HTTP2 implementation
+relies on OpenSSL's implementation. OpenSSL 1.0.2beta3 is the first version
+of OpenSSL that has ALPN support, and this explains our dependency on it.
+Note that the Makefile supports compiling only the unsecure elements of grpc,
+and if you do not have OpenSSL and do not want it, you can still proceed
+with installing only the elements you require. However, it is recommended
+to encrypt your network traffic, therefore we urge you to not use the unsecure
+version of grpc if possible.
+If you have all the dependencies mentioned above, you should simply be able
+to go ahead and run "make" to compile grpc's C and C++ libraries:
+ $ make
-At the moment, C++ tests aren't fully available yet. If you want to run tests
-on the C core of grpc, you can do the following:
+To build and run the tests, you can run the command:
+ $ make test
+If you want to be able to run them in parallel, and get better output, you can
+also use the python tool we have written:
-$ make buildtests_c
-$ make test_c
+ $ ./tools/run_tests/run_tests.py
-Once everything is compiled, you should be able to install grpc and grpc++
+Once everything is compiled, you should be able to install grpc C and C++
libraries and headers:
-$ sudo make install
+ # make install
diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c
index d16e49e459..9f85b6137a 100644
--- a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c
+++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
/* This implementation is based on a freelist of pipes. */
typedef struct grpc_kick_pipe_info {
int pipe_read_fd;
int pipe_write_fd;
@@ -50,14 +53,16 @@ typedef struct grpc_kick_pipe_info {
} grpc_kick_pipe_info;
static grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_freelist = NULL;
+static int pipe_freelist_count = 0;
static gpr_mu pipe_freelist_mu;
-static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe() {
+static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe(void) {
grpc_kick_pipe_info *info;
if (pipe_freelist != NULL) {
info = pipe_freelist;
pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next;
+ --pipe_freelist_count;
} else {
int pipefd[2];
/* TODO(klempner): Make this nonfatal */
@@ -73,11 +78,26 @@ static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe() {
return info;
+static void destroy_pipe(void) {
+ /* assumes pipe_freelist_mu is held */
+ grpc_kick_pipe_info *current = pipe_freelist;
+ pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next;
+ pipe_freelist_count--;
+ close(current->pipe_read_fd);
+ close(current->pipe_write_fd);
+ gpr_free(current);
static void free_pipe(grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_info) {
- /* TODO(klempner): Start closing pipes if the free list gets too large */
pipe_info->next = pipe_freelist;
pipe_freelist = pipe_info;
+ pipe_freelist_count++;
+ if (pipe_freelist_count > GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES) {
+ while (pipe_freelist_count > GRPC_PIPE_LOW_WATERMARK) {
+ destroy_pipe();
+ }
+ }
@@ -88,11 +108,7 @@ void grpc_pollset_kick_global_init() {
void grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy() {
while (pipe_freelist != NULL) {
- grpc_kick_pipe_info *current = pipe_freelist;
- pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next;
- close(current->pipe_read_fd);
- close(current->pipe_write_fd);
- gpr_free(current);
+ destroy_pipe();
diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb
index 0ce10d9e30..0ea7f376be 100755
--- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ class PingPongPlayer
@msg_sizes.each do |m|
req_size, resp_size = m
req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(req_size)),
- response_type: COMPRESSABLE,
+ response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: resp_size)])
yield req
resp = @queue.pop
- assert_equal(PayloadType.lookup(COMPRESSABLE), resp.payload.type,
+ assert_equal(:COMPRESSABLE, resp.payload.type,
'payload type is wrong')
assert_equal(resp_size, resp.payload.body.length,
'payload body #{i} has the wrong length')
@@ -149,11 +149,13 @@ class NamedTests
def large_unary
req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159
- payload = Payload.new(type: COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))
- req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: COMPRESSABLE,
+ payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))
+ req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
response_size: wanted_response_size,
payload: payload)
resp = @stub.unary_call(req)
+ assert_equal(:COMPRESSABLE, resp.payload.type,
+ 'large_unary: payload had the wrong type')
assert_equal(wanted_response_size, resp.payload.body.length,
'large_unary: payload had the wrong length')
assert_equal(nulls(wanted_response_size), resp.payload.body,
@@ -185,12 +187,12 @@ class NamedTests
def server_streaming
msg_sizes = [31_415, 9, 2653, 58_979]
response_spec = msg_sizes.map { |s| ResponseParameters.new(size: s) }
- req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(response_type: COMPRESSABLE,
+ req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE,
response_parameters: response_spec)
resps = @stub.streaming_output_call(req)
resps.each_with_index do |r, i|
assert i < msg_sizes.length, 'too many responses'
- assert_equal(PayloadType.lookup(COMPRESSABLE), r.payload.type,
+ assert_equal(:COMPRESSABLE, r.payload.type,
'payload type is wrong')
assert_equal(msg_sizes[i], r.payload.body.length,
'payload body #{i} has the wrong length')
@@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ def parse_options
- %w(server_host, server_port, test_case).each do |arg|
+ %w(server_host server_port test_case).each do |arg|
if options[arg].nil?
fail(OptionParser::MissingArgument, "please specify --#{arg}")
diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb
index 9273dcdf91..1a08eb97df 100755
--- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class TestTarget < Grpc::Testing::TestService::Service
def unary_call(simple_req, _call)
req_size = simple_req.response_size
- SimpleResponse.new(payload: Payload.new(type: COMPRESSABLE,
+ SimpleResponse.new(payload: Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE,
body: nulls(req_size)))
diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c
index 9f0d0f38b3..c30a7b9ee0 100644
--- a/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c
+++ b/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c
@@ -33,16 +33,17 @@
#include "src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h"
+#include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include "test/core/util/test_config.h"
-static void test_allocation() {
+static void test_allocation(void) {
grpc_pollset_kick_state state;
-static void test_non_kick() {
+static void test_non_kick(void) {
grpc_pollset_kick_state state;
int fd;
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ static void test_non_kick() {
-static void test_basic_kick() {
+static void test_basic_kick(void) {
/* Kicked during poll */
grpc_pollset_kick_state state;
int fd;
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ static void test_basic_kick() {
-static void test_non_poll_kick() {
+static void test_non_poll_kick(void) {
/* Kick before entering poll */
grpc_pollset_kick_state state;
int fd;
@@ -86,6 +87,26 @@ static void test_non_poll_kick() {
+static void test_over_free(void) {
+ /* Check high watermark pipe free logic */
+ int i;
+ struct grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state =
+ gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_pollset_kick_state) * GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES);
+ for (i = 0; i < GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES; ++i) {
+ int fd;
+ grpc_pollset_kick_init(&kick_state[i]);
+ fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&kick_state[i]);
+ GPR_ASSERT(fd >= 0);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES; ++i) {
+ grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(&kick_state[i]);
+ grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&kick_state[i]);
+ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
grpc_test_init(argc, argv);
@@ -95,6 +116,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ test_over_free();
return 0;