diff options
authorGravatar Craig Tiller <ctiller@google.com>2017-10-10 22:10:16 -0700
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-10-10 22:10:16 -0700
commit441a14fd43f6033714a5022667e1591967947bb5 (patch)
parentfb607b34db35fee6b245cb1d61a1e863539e7534 (diff)
parent703d298521247a91a4b146ed21bafd7066969948 (diff)
Merge pull request #12856 from ctiller/qps_failya
Cleanup write path, fix some bugs
6 files changed, 459 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/internal.h b/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/internal.h
index b51854fcf8..5d27bb8d67 100644
--- a/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/internal.h
+++ b/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/internal.h
@@ -657,8 +657,8 @@ bool grpc_chttp2_list_add_writable_stream(grpc_chttp2_transport *t,
returns non-zero if there was a stream available */
bool grpc_chttp2_list_pop_writable_stream(grpc_chttp2_transport *t,
grpc_chttp2_stream **s);
-bool grpc_chttp2_list_remove_writable_stream(
- grpc_chttp2_transport *t, grpc_chttp2_stream *s) GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT;
+bool grpc_chttp2_list_remove_writable_stream(grpc_chttp2_transport *t,
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *s);
bool grpc_chttp2_list_add_writing_stream(grpc_chttp2_transport *t,
grpc_chttp2_stream *s);
diff --git a/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/writing.cc b/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/writing.cc
index 4134890f3f..25c1a5ef05 100644
--- a/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/writing.cc
+++ b/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/writing.cc
@@ -174,343 +174,451 @@ static bool is_default_initial_metadata(grpc_metadata_batch *initial_metadata) {
return initial_metadata->list.default_count == initial_metadata->list.count;
-grpc_chttp2_begin_write_result grpc_chttp2_begin_write(
- grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_chttp2_transport *t) {
- grpc_chttp2_stream *s;
- /* stats histogram counters: we increment these throughout this function,
- and at the end publish to the central stats histograms */
- int flow_control_writes = 0;
- int initial_metadata_writes = 0;
- int trailing_metadata_writes = 0;
- int message_writes = 0;
+namespace {
+class StreamWriteContext;
+class WriteContext {
+ public:
+ WriteContext(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_chttp2_transport *t) : t_(t) {
+ GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("grpc_chttp2_begin_write", 0);
+ }
+ // TODO(ctiller): make this the destructor
+ void FlushStats(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ exec_ctx, initial_metadata_writes_);
+ GRPC_STATS_INC_HTTP2_SEND_MESSAGE_PER_WRITE(exec_ctx, message_writes_);
+ exec_ctx, trailing_metadata_writes_);
+ GRPC_STATS_INC_HTTP2_SEND_FLOWCTL_PER_WRITE(exec_ctx, flow_control_writes_);
+ }
- GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("grpc_chttp2_begin_write", 0);
+ void FlushSettings(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ if (t_->dirtied_local_settings && !t_->sent_local_settings) {
+ grpc_slice_buffer_add(
+ &t_->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_settings_create(
+ t_->settings[GRPC_SENT_SETTINGS],
+ t_->settings[GRPC_LOCAL_SETTINGS],
+ t_->force_send_settings, GRPC_CHTTP2_NUM_SETTINGS));
+ t_->force_send_settings = false;
+ t_->dirtied_local_settings = false;
+ t_->sent_local_settings = true;
+ }
+ }
- if (t->dirtied_local_settings && !t->sent_local_settings) {
- grpc_slice_buffer_add(
- &t->outbuf,
- grpc_chttp2_settings_create(
- t->settings[GRPC_SENT_SETTINGS], t->settings[GRPC_LOCAL_SETTINGS],
- t->force_send_settings, GRPC_CHTTP2_NUM_SETTINGS));
- t->force_send_settings = 0;
- t->dirtied_local_settings = 0;
- t->sent_local_settings = 1;
+ void FlushQueuedBuffers(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ /* simple writes are queued to qbuf, and flushed here */
+ grpc_slice_buffer_move_into(&t_->qbuf, &t_->outbuf);
+ GPR_ASSERT(t_->qbuf.count == 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->ping_ack_count; i++) {
- grpc_slice_buffer_add(&t->outbuf,
- grpc_chttp2_ping_create(1, t->ping_acks[i]));
+ void FlushWindowUpdates(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ uint32_t transport_announce =
+ grpc_chttp2_flowctl_maybe_send_transport_update(&t_->flow_control,
+ t_->outbuf.count > 0);
+ if (transport_announce) {
+ grpc_transport_one_way_stats throwaway_stats;
+ grpc_slice_buffer_add(
+ &t_->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_window_update_create(0, transport_announce,
+ &throwaway_stats));
+ ResetPingRecvClock();
+ }
- t->ping_ack_count = 0;
- /* simple writes are queued to qbuf, and flushed here */
- grpc_slice_buffer_move_into(&t->qbuf, &t->outbuf);
- GPR_ASSERT(t->qbuf.count == 0);
+ void FlushPingAcks() {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t_->ping_ack_count; i++) {
+ grpc_slice_buffer_add(&t_->outbuf,
+ grpc_chttp2_ping_create(true, t_->ping_acks[i]));
+ }
+ t_->ping_ack_count = 0;
+ }
- grpc_chttp2_hpack_compressor_set_max_table_size(
- &t->hpack_compressor,
+ void EnactHpackSettings(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ grpc_chttp2_hpack_compressor_set_max_table_size(
+ &t_->hpack_compressor,
+ t_->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
+ }
- if (t->flow_control.remote_window > 0) {
- while (grpc_chttp2_list_pop_stalled_by_transport(t, &s)) {
- if (!t->closed && grpc_chttp2_list_add_writable_stream(t, s)) {
- stream_ref_if_not_destroyed(&s->refcount->refs);
+ void UpdateStreamsNoLongerStalled() {
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *s;
+ while (grpc_chttp2_list_pop_stalled_by_transport(t_, &s)) {
+ if (!t_->closed && grpc_chttp2_list_add_writable_stream(t_, s)) {
+ if (!stream_ref_if_not_destroyed(&s->refcount->refs)) {
+ grpc_chttp2_list_remove_writable_stream(t_, s);
+ }
- grpc_chttp2_begin_write_result result = {false, false, false};
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *NextStream() {
+ if (t_->outbuf.length > target_write_size(t_)) {
+ result_.partial = true;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
- /* for each grpc_chttp2_stream that's become writable, frame it's data
- (according to available window sizes) and add to the output buffer */
- while (true) {
- if (t->outbuf.length > target_write_size(t)) {
- result.partial = true;
- break;
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *s;
+ if (!grpc_chttp2_list_pop_writable_stream(t_, &s)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ void ResetPingRecvClock() {
+ if (!t_->is_client) {
+ t_->ping_recv_state.last_ping_recv_time = GRPC_MILLIS_INF_PAST;
+ t_->ping_recv_state.ping_strikes = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void IncInitialMetadataWrites() { ++initial_metadata_writes_; }
+ void IncWindowUpdateWrites() { ++flow_control_writes_; }
+ void IncMessageWrites() { ++message_writes_; }
+ void IncTrailingMetadataWrites() { ++trailing_metadata_writes_; }
+ void NoteScheduledResults() { result_.early_results_scheduled = true; }
+ grpc_chttp2_transport *transport() const { return t_; }
+ grpc_chttp2_begin_write_result Result() {
+ result_.writing = t_->outbuf.count > 0;
+ return result_;
+ }
+ private:
+ grpc_chttp2_transport *const t_;
+ /* stats histogram counters: we increment these throughout this function,
+ and at the end publish to the central stats histograms */
+ int flow_control_writes_ = 0;
+ int initial_metadata_writes_ = 0;
+ int trailing_metadata_writes_ = 0;
+ int message_writes_ = 0;
+ grpc_chttp2_begin_write_result result_ = {false, false, false};
+class DataSendContext {
+ public:
+ DataSendContext(WriteContext *write_context, grpc_chttp2_transport *t,
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *s)
+ : write_context_(write_context),
+ t_(t),
+ s_(s),
+ sending_bytes_before_(s_->sending_bytes) {}
+ uint32_t stream_remote_window() const {
+ return (uint32_t)GPR_MAX(
+ 0, s_->flow_control.remote_window_delta +
+ (int64_t)t_->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
+ }
+ uint32_t max_outgoing() const {
+ return (uint32_t)GPR_MIN(
+ GPR_MIN(stream_remote_window(), t_->flow_control.remote_window));
+ }
+ bool AnyOutgoing() const { return max_outgoing() != 0; }
+ void FlushCompressedBytes() {
+ uint32_t send_bytes =
+ (uint32_t)GPR_MIN(max_outgoing(), s_->compressed_data_buffer.length);
+ bool is_last_data_frame =
+ (send_bytes == s_->compressed_data_buffer.length &&
+ s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length == 0 &&
+ s_->fetching_send_message == NULL);
+ if (is_last_data_frame && s_->send_trailing_metadata != NULL &&
+ s_->stream_compression_ctx != NULL) {
+ if (!grpc_stream_compress(s_->stream_compression_ctx,
+ &s_->flow_controlled_buffer,
+ &s_->compressed_data_buffer, NULL, MAX_SIZE_T,
+ gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Stream compression failed.");
+ }
+ grpc_stream_compression_context_destroy(s_->stream_compression_ctx);
+ s_->stream_compression_ctx = NULL;
+ /* After finish, bytes in s->compressed_data_buffer may be
+ * more than max_outgoing. Start another round of the current
+ * while loop so that send_bytes and is_last_data_frame are
+ * recalculated. */
+ return;
+ }
+ is_last_frame_ = is_last_data_frame && s_->send_trailing_metadata != NULL &&
+ grpc_metadata_batch_is_empty(s_->send_trailing_metadata);
+ grpc_chttp2_encode_data(s_->id, &s_->compressed_data_buffer, send_bytes,
+ is_last_frame_, &s_->stats.outgoing, &t_->outbuf);
+ grpc_chttp2_flowctl_sent_data(&t_->flow_control, &s_->flow_control,
+ send_bytes);
+ if (s_->compressed_data_buffer.length == 0) {
+ s_->sending_bytes += s_->uncompressed_data_size;
+ }
- if (!grpc_chttp2_list_pop_writable_stream(t, &s)) {
- break;
+ void CompressMoreBytes() {
+ if (s_->stream_compression_ctx == NULL) {
+ s_->stream_compression_ctx =
+ grpc_stream_compression_context_create(s_->stream_compression_method);
+ }
+ s_->uncompressed_data_size = s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length;
+ if (!grpc_stream_compress(s_->stream_compression_ctx,
+ &s_->flow_controlled_buffer,
+ &s_->compressed_data_buffer, NULL, MAX_SIZE_T,
+ gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Stream compression failed.");
+ }
+ bool is_last_frame() const { return is_last_frame_; }
- bool sent_initial_metadata = s->sent_initial_metadata;
- bool now_writing = false;
+ void CallCallbacks(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ if (update_list(exec_ctx, t_, s_,
+ (int64_t)(s_->sending_bytes - sending_bytes_before_),
+ &s_->on_flow_controlled_cbs,
+ &s_->flow_controlled_bytes_flowed, GRPC_ERROR_NONE)) {
+ write_context_->NoteScheduledResults();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ WriteContext *write_context_;
+ grpc_chttp2_transport *t_;
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *s_;
+ const size_t sending_bytes_before_;
+ bool is_last_frame_ = false;
+class StreamWriteContext {
+ public:
+ StreamWriteContext(WriteContext *write_context, grpc_chttp2_stream *s)
+ : write_context_(write_context), t_(write_context->transport()), s_(s) {
- gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "W:%p %s[%d] im-(sent,send)=(%d,%d) announce=%d", t,
- t->is_client ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", s->id,
- sent_initial_metadata, s->send_initial_metadata != NULL,
+ gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "W:%p %s[%d] im-(sent,send)=(%d,%d) announce=%d", t_,
+ t_->is_client ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", s->id,
+ s->sent_initial_metadata, s->send_initial_metadata != NULL,
(int)(s->flow_control.local_window_delta -
+ }
- grpc_mdelem *extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata[2];
- size_t num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata = 0;
+ void FlushInitialMetadata(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
/* send initial metadata if it's available */
- if (!sent_initial_metadata && s->send_initial_metadata != NULL) {
- // We skip this on the server side if there is no custom initial
- // metadata, there are no messages to send, and we are also sending
- // trailing metadata. This results in a Trailers-Only response,
- // which is required for retries, as per:
- // https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A6-client-retries.md#when-retries-are-valid
- if (t->is_client || s->fetching_send_message != NULL ||
- s->flow_controlled_buffer.length != 0 ||
- s->send_trailing_metadata == NULL ||
- !is_default_initial_metadata(s->send_initial_metadata)) {
- grpc_encode_header_options hopt = {
- s->id, // stream_id
- false, // is_eof
- t->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
- 0, // use_true_binary_metadata
- t->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
- [GRPC_CHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE], // max_frame_size
- &s->stats.outgoing // stats
- };
- grpc_chttp2_encode_header(exec_ctx, &t->hpack_compressor, NULL, 0,
- s->send_initial_metadata, &hopt, &t->outbuf);
- now_writing = true;
- if (!t->is_client) {
- t->ping_recv_state.last_ping_recv_time = GRPC_MILLIS_INF_PAST;
- t->ping_recv_state.ping_strikes = 0;
- }
- initial_metadata_writes++;
- } else {
- gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "not sending initial_metadata (Trailers-Only)"));
- // When sending Trailers-Only, we need to move the :status and
- // content-type headers to the trailers.
- if (s->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.status != NULL) {
- extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata
- [num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata++] =
- &s->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.status->md;
- }
- if (s->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.content_type != NULL) {
- extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata
- [num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata++] =
- &s->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.content_type->md;
- }
- trailing_metadata_writes++;
- }
- s->send_initial_metadata = NULL;
- s->sent_initial_metadata = true;
- sent_initial_metadata = true;
- result.early_results_scheduled = true;
- grpc_chttp2_complete_closure_step(
- exec_ctx, t, s, &s->send_initial_metadata_finished, GRPC_ERROR_NONE,
- "send_initial_metadata_finished");
+ if (s_->sent_initial_metadata) return;
+ if (s_->send_initial_metadata == nullptr) return;
+ // We skip this on the server side if there is no custom initial
+ // metadata, there are no messages to send, and we are also sending
+ // trailing metadata. This results in a Trailers-Only response,
+ // which is required for retries, as per:
+ // https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A6-client-retries.md#when-retries-are-valid
+ if (!t_->is_client && s_->fetching_send_message == nullptr &&
+ s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length == 0 &&
+ s_->compressed_data_buffer.length == 0 &&
+ s_->send_trailing_metadata != nullptr &&
+ is_default_initial_metadata(s_->send_initial_metadata)) {
+ ConvertInitialMetadataToTrailingMetadata();
+ } else {
+ grpc_encode_header_options hopt = {
+ s_->id, // stream_id
+ false, // is_eof
+ t_->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
+ 0, // use_true_binary_metadata
+ t_->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
+ [GRPC_CHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE], // max_frame_size
+ &s_->stats.outgoing // stats
+ };
+ grpc_chttp2_encode_header(exec_ctx, &t_->hpack_compressor, NULL, 0,
+ s_->send_initial_metadata, &hopt, &t_->outbuf);
+ write_context_->ResetPingRecvClock();
+ write_context_->IncInitialMetadataWrites();
+ s_->send_initial_metadata = NULL;
+ s_->sent_initial_metadata = true;
+ write_context_->NoteScheduledResults();
+ grpc_chttp2_complete_closure_step(
+ exec_ctx, t_, s_, &s_->send_initial_metadata_finished, GRPC_ERROR_NONE,
+ "send_initial_metadata_finished");
+ }
+ void FlushWindowUpdates(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
/* send any window updates */
uint32_t stream_announce = grpc_chttp2_flowctl_maybe_send_stream_update(
- &t->flow_control, &s->flow_control);
- if (stream_announce > 0) {
- grpc_slice_buffer_add(
- &t->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_window_update_create(s->id, stream_announce,
- &s->stats.outgoing));
- if (!t->is_client) {
- t->ping_recv_state.last_ping_recv_time = GRPC_MILLIS_INF_PAST;
- t->ping_recv_state.ping_strikes = 0;
+ &t_->flow_control, &s_->flow_control);
+ if (stream_announce == 0) return;
+ grpc_slice_buffer_add(
+ &t_->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_window_update_create(s_->id, stream_announce,
+ &s_->stats.outgoing));
+ write_context_->ResetPingRecvClock();
+ write_context_->IncWindowUpdateWrites();
+ }
+ void FlushData(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ if (!s_->sent_initial_metadata) return;
+ if (s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length == 0 &&
+ s_->compressed_data_buffer.length == 0) {
+ return; // early out: nothing to do
+ }
+ DataSendContext data_send_context(write_context_, t_, s_);
+ if (!data_send_context.AnyOutgoing()) {
+ if (t_->flow_control.remote_window == 0) {
+ report_stall(t_, s_, "transport");
+ grpc_chttp2_list_add_stalled_by_transport(t_, s_);
+ } else if (data_send_context.stream_remote_window() == 0) {
+ report_stall(t_, s_, "stream");
+ grpc_chttp2_list_add_stalled_by_stream(t_, s_);
- flow_control_writes++;
+ return; // early out: nothing to do
- if (sent_initial_metadata) {
- /* send any body bytes, if allowed by flow control */
- if (s->flow_controlled_buffer.length > 0 ||
- s->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) {
- uint32_t stream_remote_window = (uint32_t)GPR_MAX(
- 0,
- s->flow_control.remote_window_delta +
- (int64_t)t->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
- uint32_t max_outgoing = (uint32_t)GPR_MIN(
- t->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
- GPR_MIN(stream_remote_window, t->flow_control.remote_window));
- if (max_outgoing > 0) {
- bool is_last_data_frame = false;
- bool is_last_frame = false;
- size_t sending_bytes_before = s->sending_bytes;
- while ((s->flow_controlled_buffer.length > 0 ||
- s->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) &&
- max_outgoing > 0) {
- if (s->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) {
- uint32_t send_bytes = (uint32_t)GPR_MIN(
- max_outgoing, s->compressed_data_buffer.length);
- is_last_data_frame =
- (send_bytes == s->compressed_data_buffer.length &&
- s->flow_controlled_buffer.length == 0 &&
- s->fetching_send_message == NULL);
- if (is_last_data_frame && s->send_trailing_metadata != NULL &&
- s->stream_compression_ctx != NULL) {
- if (!grpc_stream_compress(
- s->stream_compression_ctx, &s->flow_controlled_buffer,
- &s->compressed_data_buffer, NULL, MAX_SIZE_T,
- gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Stream compression failed.");
- }
- grpc_stream_compression_context_destroy(
- s->stream_compression_ctx);
- s->stream_compression_ctx = NULL;
- /* After finish, bytes in s->compressed_data_buffer may be
- * more than max_outgoing. Start another round of the current
- * while loop so that send_bytes and is_last_data_frame are
- * recalculated. */
- continue;
- }
- is_last_frame =
- is_last_data_frame && s->send_trailing_metadata != NULL &&
- grpc_metadata_batch_is_empty(s->send_trailing_metadata);
- grpc_chttp2_encode_data(s->id, &s->compressed_data_buffer,
- send_bytes, is_last_frame,
- &s->stats.outgoing, &t->outbuf);
- grpc_chttp2_flowctl_sent_data(&t->flow_control, &s->flow_control,
- send_bytes);
- max_outgoing -= send_bytes;
- if (s->compressed_data_buffer.length == 0) {
- s->sending_bytes += s->uncompressed_data_size;
- }
- } else {
- if (s->stream_compression_ctx == NULL) {
- s->stream_compression_ctx =
- grpc_stream_compression_context_create(
- s->stream_compression_method);
- }
- s->uncompressed_data_size = s->flow_controlled_buffer.length;
- if (!grpc_stream_compress(
- s->stream_compression_ctx, &s->flow_controlled_buffer,
- &s->compressed_data_buffer, NULL, MAX_SIZE_T,
- gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Stream compression failed.");
- }
- }
- }
- if (!t->is_client) {
- t->ping_recv_state.last_ping_recv_time = 0;
- t->ping_recv_state.ping_strikes = 0;
- }
- if (is_last_frame) {
- s->send_trailing_metadata = NULL;
- s->sent_trailing_metadata = true;
- if (!t->is_client && !s->read_closed) {
- grpc_slice_buffer_add(&t->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_rst_stream_create(
- &s->stats.outgoing));
- }
- grpc_chttp2_mark_stream_closed(exec_ctx, t, s, !t->is_client, 1,
- }
- result.early_results_scheduled |=
- update_list(exec_ctx, t, s,
- (int64_t)(s->sending_bytes - sending_bytes_before),
- &s->on_flow_controlled_cbs,
- &s->flow_controlled_bytes_flowed, GRPC_ERROR_NONE);
- now_writing = true;
- if (s->flow_controlled_buffer.length > 0 ||
- s->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) {
- GRPC_CHTTP2_STREAM_REF(s, "chttp2_writing:fork");
- grpc_chttp2_list_add_writable_stream(t, s);
- }
- message_writes++;
- } else if (t->flow_control.remote_window == 0) {
- report_stall(t, s, "transport");
- grpc_chttp2_list_add_stalled_by_transport(t, s);
- now_writing = true;
- } else if (stream_remote_window == 0) {
- report_stall(t, s, "stream");
- grpc_chttp2_list_add_stalled_by_stream(t, s);
- now_writing = true;
- }
+ while ((s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length > 0 ||
+ s_->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) &&
+ data_send_context.max_outgoing() > 0) {
+ if (s_->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) {
+ data_send_context.FlushCompressedBytes();
+ } else {
+ data_send_context.CompressMoreBytes();
- if (s->send_trailing_metadata != NULL &&
- s->fetching_send_message == NULL &&
- s->flow_controlled_buffer.length == 0 &&
- s->compressed_data_buffer.length == 0) {
- GRPC_CHTTP2_IF_TRACING(gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "sending trailing_metadata"));
- if (grpc_metadata_batch_is_empty(s->send_trailing_metadata)) {
- grpc_chttp2_encode_data(s->id, &s->flow_controlled_buffer, 0, true,
- &s->stats.outgoing, &t->outbuf);
- } else {
- grpc_encode_header_options hopt = {
- s->id, true,
- t->settings
+ }
+ write_context_->ResetPingRecvClock();
+ if (data_send_context.is_last_frame()) {
+ SentLastFrame(exec_ctx);
+ }
+ data_send_context.CallCallbacks(exec_ctx);
+ stream_became_writable_ = true;
+ if (s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length > 0 ||
+ s_->compressed_data_buffer.length > 0) {
+ GRPC_CHTTP2_STREAM_REF(s_, "chttp2_writing:fork");
+ grpc_chttp2_list_add_writable_stream(t_, s_);
+ }
+ write_context_->IncMessageWrites();
+ }
+ void FlushTrailingMetadata(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ if (!s_->sent_initial_metadata) return;
+ if (s_->send_trailing_metadata == NULL) return;
+ if (s_->fetching_send_message != NULL) return;
+ if (s_->flow_controlled_buffer.length != 0) return;
+ if (s_->compressed_data_buffer.length != 0) return;
+ GRPC_CHTTP2_IF_TRACING(gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "sending trailing_metadata"));
+ if (grpc_metadata_batch_is_empty(s_->send_trailing_metadata)) {
+ grpc_chttp2_encode_data(s_->id, &s_->flow_controlled_buffer, 0, true,
+ &s_->stats.outgoing, &t_->outbuf);
+ } else {
+ grpc_encode_header_options hopt = {
+ s_->id, true,
+ t_->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
- 0,
- t->settings[GRPC_PEER_SETTINGS]
- &s->stats.outgoing};
- grpc_chttp2_encode_header(exec_ctx, &t->hpack_compressor,
- extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata,
- num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata,
- s->send_trailing_metadata, &hopt,
- &t->outbuf);
- trailing_metadata_writes++;
- }
- s->send_trailing_metadata = NULL;
- s->sent_trailing_metadata = true;
- if (!t->is_client) {
- t->ping_recv_state.last_ping_recv_time = GRPC_MILLIS_INF_PAST;
- t->ping_recv_state.ping_strikes = 0;
- }
- if (!t->is_client && !s->read_closed) {
- grpc_slice_buffer_add(
- &t->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_rst_stream_create(
- s->id, GRPC_HTTP2_NO_ERROR, &s->stats.outgoing));
- }
- grpc_chttp2_mark_stream_closed(exec_ctx, t, s, !t->is_client, 1,
- now_writing = true;
- result.early_results_scheduled = true;
- grpc_chttp2_complete_closure_step(
- exec_ctx, t, s, &s->send_trailing_metadata_finished,
- GRPC_ERROR_NONE, "send_trailing_metadata_finished");
- }
+ 0,
+ &s_->stats.outgoing};
+ grpc_chttp2_encode_header(exec_ctx, &t_->hpack_compressor,
+ extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_,
+ num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_,
+ s_->send_trailing_metadata, &hopt, &t_->outbuf);
+ }
+ write_context_->IncTrailingMetadataWrites();
+ write_context_->ResetPingRecvClock();
+ SentLastFrame(exec_ctx);
+ write_context_->NoteScheduledResults();
+ grpc_chttp2_complete_closure_step(
+ exec_ctx, t_, s_, &s_->send_trailing_metadata_finished, GRPC_ERROR_NONE,
+ "send_trailing_metadata_finished");
+ }
+ bool stream_became_writable() { return stream_became_writable_; }
+ private:
+ void ConvertInitialMetadataToTrailingMetadata() {
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "not sending initial_metadata (Trailers-Only)"));
+ // When sending Trailers-Only, we need to move the :status and
+ // content-type headers to the trailers.
+ if (s_->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.status != NULL) {
+ extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_
+ [num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_++] =
+ &s_->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.status->md;
+ if (s_->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.content_type != NULL) {
+ extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_
+ [num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_++] =
+ &s_->send_initial_metadata->idx.named.content_type->md;
+ }
+ }
+ void SentLastFrame(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) {
+ s_->send_trailing_metadata = NULL;
+ s_->sent_trailing_metadata = true;
+ if (!t_->is_client && !s_->read_closed) {
+ grpc_slice_buffer_add(
+ &t_->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_rst_stream_create(
+ s_->id, GRPC_HTTP2_NO_ERROR, &s_->stats.outgoing));
+ }
+ grpc_chttp2_mark_stream_closed(exec_ctx, t_, s_, !t_->is_client, true,
+ }
- if (now_writing) {
- exec_ctx, initial_metadata_writes);
- GRPC_STATS_INC_HTTP2_SEND_MESSAGE_PER_WRITE(exec_ctx, message_writes);
- exec_ctx, trailing_metadata_writes);
- flow_control_writes);
+ WriteContext *const write_context_;
+ grpc_chttp2_transport *const t_;
+ grpc_chttp2_stream *const s_;
+ bool stream_became_writable_ = false;
+ grpc_mdelem *extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_[2];
+ size_t num_extra_headers_for_trailing_metadata_ = 0;
+} // namespace
+grpc_chttp2_begin_write_result grpc_chttp2_begin_write(
+ grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_chttp2_transport *t) {
+ WriteContext ctx(exec_ctx, t);
+ ctx.FlushSettings(exec_ctx);
+ ctx.FlushPingAcks();
+ ctx.FlushQueuedBuffers(exec_ctx);
+ ctx.EnactHpackSettings(exec_ctx);
+ if (t->flow_control.remote_window > 0) {
+ ctx.UpdateStreamsNoLongerStalled();
+ }
+ /* for each grpc_chttp2_stream that's become writable, frame it's data
+ (according to available window sizes) and add to the output buffer */
+ while (grpc_chttp2_stream *s = ctx.NextStream()) {
+ StreamWriteContext stream_ctx(&ctx, s);
+ stream_ctx.FlushInitialMetadata(exec_ctx);
+ stream_ctx.FlushWindowUpdates(exec_ctx);
+ stream_ctx.FlushData(exec_ctx);
+ stream_ctx.FlushTrailingMetadata(exec_ctx);
+ if (stream_ctx.stream_became_writable()) {
if (!grpc_chttp2_list_add_writing_stream(t, s)) {
/* already in writing list: drop ref */
GRPC_CHTTP2_STREAM_UNREF(exec_ctx, s, "chttp2_writing:already_writing");
+ } else {
+ /* ref will be dropped at end of write */
} else {
GRPC_CHTTP2_STREAM_UNREF(exec_ctx, s, "chttp2_writing:no_write");
- maybe_initiate_ping(exec_ctx, t);
+ ctx.FlushWindowUpdates(exec_ctx);
- uint32_t transport_announce = grpc_chttp2_flowctl_maybe_send_transport_update(
- &t->flow_control, t->outbuf.count > 0);
- if (transport_announce) {
- grpc_transport_one_way_stats throwaway_stats;
- grpc_slice_buffer_add(
- &t->outbuf, grpc_chttp2_window_update_create(0, transport_announce,
- &throwaway_stats));
- if (!t->is_client) {
- t->ping_recv_state.last_ping_recv_time = GRPC_MILLIS_INF_PAST;
- t->ping_recv_state.ping_strikes = 0;
- }
- }
+ maybe_initiate_ping(exec_ctx, t);
GPR_TIMER_END("grpc_chttp2_begin_write", 0);
- result.writing = t->outbuf.count > 0;
- return result;
+ return ctx.Result();
void grpc_chttp2_end_write(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_chttp2_transport *t,
diff --git a/test/cpp/qps/client.h b/test/cpp/qps/client.h
index 7fbaf63492..abf755b393 100644
--- a/test/cpp/qps/client.h
+++ b/test/cpp/qps/client.h
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ class Client {
virtual void DestroyMultithreading() = 0;
+ virtual void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) = 0;
virtual bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* histogram, size_t thread_idx) = 0;
void SetupLoadTest(const ClientConfig& config, size_t num_threads) {
@@ -299,13 +300,18 @@ class Client {
Thread& operator=(const Thread&);
void ThreadFunc() {
+ int wait_loop = 0;
while (!gpr_event_wait(
- gpr_time_from_seconds(1, GPR_TIMESPAN)))) {
- gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Waiting for benchmark to start");
+ gpr_time_from_seconds(20, GPR_TIMESPAN)))) {
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "%" PRIdPTR ": Waiting for benchmark to start (%d)",
+ idx_, wait_loop);
+ wait_loop++;
+ client_->InitThreadFunc(idx_);
for (;;) {
// run the loop body
HistogramEntry entry;
@@ -380,6 +386,13 @@ class ClientImpl : public Client {
config.server_targets(i % config.server_targets_size()), config,
create_stub_, i);
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> connecting_threads;
+ for (auto& c : channels_) {
+ connecting_threads.emplace_back(c.WaitForReady());
+ }
+ for (auto& t : connecting_threads) {
+ t->join();
+ }
ClientRequestCreator<RequestType> create_req(&request_,
@@ -414,14 +427,19 @@ class ClientImpl : public Client {
std::shared_ptr<CallCredentials>(), args);
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Connecting to %s", target.c_str());
- GPR_ASSERT(channel_->WaitForConnected(
- gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME),
- gpr_time_from_seconds(300, GPR_TIMESPAN))));
stub_ = create_stub(channel_);
Channel* get_channel() { return channel_.get(); }
StubType* get_stub() { return stub_.get(); }
+ std::unique_ptr<std::thread> WaitForReady() {
+ return std::unique_ptr<std::thread>(new std::thread([this]() {
+ GPR_ASSERT(channel_->WaitForConnected(
+ gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME),
+ gpr_time_from_seconds(10, GPR_TIMESPAN))));
+ }));
+ }
void set_channel_args(const ClientConfig& config, ChannelArguments* args) {
for (auto channel_arg : config.channel_args()) {
diff --git a/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc b/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
index f5807da81e..9ed4e0b355 100644
--- a/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/qps/client_async.cc
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ class AsyncClient : public ClientImpl<StubType, RequestType> {
this->EndThreads(); // this needed for resolution
+ void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) override final {}
bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* entry, size_t thread_idx) override final {
void* got_tag;
bool ok;
diff --git a/test/cpp/qps/client_sync.cc b/test/cpp/qps/client_sync.cc
index 5d212f1acc..94554a46b2 100644
--- a/test/cpp/qps/client_sync.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/qps/client_sync.cc
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ class SynchronousUnaryClient final : public SynchronousClient {
~SynchronousUnaryClient() {}
+ void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) override {}
bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* entry, size_t thread_idx) override {
if (!WaitToIssue(thread_idx)) {
return true;
@@ -174,13 +176,7 @@ class SynchronousStreamingPingPongClient final
grpc::ClientReaderWriter<SimpleRequest, SimpleResponse>> {
SynchronousStreamingPingPongClient(const ClientConfig& config)
- : SynchronousStreamingClient(config) {
- for (size_t thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < num_threads_; thread_idx++) {
- auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
- stream_[thread_idx] = stub->StreamingCall(&context_[thread_idx]);
- messages_issued_[thread_idx] = 0;
- }
- }
+ : SynchronousStreamingClient(config) {}
~SynchronousStreamingPingPongClient() {
std::vector<std::thread> cleanup_threads;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads_; i++) {
@@ -196,6 +192,12 @@ class SynchronousStreamingPingPongClient final
+ void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) override {
+ auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
+ stream_[thread_idx] = stub->StreamingCall(&context_[thread_idx]);
+ messages_issued_[thread_idx] = 0;
+ }
bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* entry, size_t thread_idx) override {
if (!WaitToIssue(thread_idx)) {
return true;
@@ -228,14 +230,7 @@ class SynchronousStreamingFromClientClient final
: public SynchronousStreamingClient<grpc::ClientWriter<SimpleRequest>> {
SynchronousStreamingFromClientClient(const ClientConfig& config)
- : SynchronousStreamingClient(config), last_issue_(num_threads_) {
- for (size_t thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < num_threads_; thread_idx++) {
- auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
- stream_[thread_idx] = stub->StreamingFromClient(&context_[thread_idx],
- &responses_[thread_idx]);
- last_issue_[thread_idx] = UsageTimer::Now();
- }
- }
+ : SynchronousStreamingClient(config), last_issue_(num_threads_) {}
~SynchronousStreamingFromClientClient() {
std::vector<std::thread> cleanup_threads;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads_; i++) {
@@ -251,6 +246,13 @@ class SynchronousStreamingFromClientClient final
+ void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) override {
+ auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
+ stream_[thread_idx] = stub->StreamingFromClient(&context_[thread_idx],
+ &responses_[thread_idx]);
+ last_issue_[thread_idx] = UsageTimer::Now();
+ }
bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* entry, size_t thread_idx) override {
// Figure out how to make histogram sensible if this is rate-paced
if (!WaitToIssue(thread_idx)) {
@@ -279,13 +281,12 @@ class SynchronousStreamingFromServerClient final
: public SynchronousStreamingClient<grpc::ClientReader<SimpleResponse>> {
SynchronousStreamingFromServerClient(const ClientConfig& config)
- : SynchronousStreamingClient(config), last_recv_(num_threads_) {
- for (size_t thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < num_threads_; thread_idx++) {
- auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
- stream_[thread_idx] =
- stub->StreamingFromServer(&context_[thread_idx], request_);
- last_recv_[thread_idx] = UsageTimer::Now();
- }
+ : SynchronousStreamingClient(config), last_recv_(num_threads_) {}
+ void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) override {
+ auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
+ stream_[thread_idx] =
+ stub->StreamingFromServer(&context_[thread_idx], request_);
+ last_recv_[thread_idx] = UsageTimer::Now();
bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* entry, size_t thread_idx) override {
GPR_TIMER_SCOPE("SynchronousStreamingFromServerClient::ThreadFunc", 0);
@@ -311,12 +312,7 @@ class SynchronousStreamingBothWaysClient final
grpc::ClientReaderWriter<SimpleRequest, SimpleResponse>> {
SynchronousStreamingBothWaysClient(const ClientConfig& config)
- : SynchronousStreamingClient(config) {
- for (size_t thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < num_threads_; thread_idx++) {
- auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
- stream_[thread_idx] = stub->StreamingBothWays(&context_[thread_idx]);
- }
- }
+ : SynchronousStreamingClient(config) {}
~SynchronousStreamingBothWaysClient() {
std::vector<std::thread> cleanup_threads;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads_; i++) {
@@ -332,6 +328,10 @@ class SynchronousStreamingBothWaysClient final
+ void InitThreadFunc(size_t thread_idx) override {
+ auto* stub = channels_[thread_idx % channels_.size()].get_stub();
+ stream_[thread_idx] = stub->StreamingBothWays(&context_[thread_idx]);
+ }
bool ThreadFunc(HistogramEntry* entry, size_t thread_idx) override {
// TODO (vjpai): Do this
return true;
diff --git a/tools/run_tests/python_utils/jobset.py b/tools/run_tests/python_utils/jobset.py
index d523095e70..658b814d81 100755
--- a/tools/run_tests/python_utils/jobset.py
+++ b/tools/run_tests/python_utils/jobset.py
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class Jobset(object):
if current_cpu_cost + spec.cpu_cost <= self._maxjobs:
if len(self._running) < self._maxjobs_cpu_agnostic:
- self.reap()
+ self.reap(spec.shortname, spec.cpu_cost)
if self.cancelled(): return False
job = Job(spec,
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class Jobset(object):
self.resultset[job.GetSpec().shortname] = []
return True
- def reap(self):
+ def reap(self, waiting_for=None, waiting_for_cost=None):
"""Collect the dead jobs."""
while self._running:
dead = set()
@@ -452,8 +452,12 @@ class Jobset(object):
sofar = now - self._start_time
remaining = sofar / self._completed * (self._remaining + len(self._running))
rstr = 'ETA %.1f sec; %s' % (remaining, rstr)
- message('WAITING', '%s%d jobs running, %d complete, %d failed' % (
- rstr, len(self._running), self._completed, self._failures))
+ if waiting_for is not None:
+ wstr = ' next: %s @ %.2f cpu' % (waiting_for, waiting_for_cost)
+ else:
+ wstr = ''
+ message('WAITING', '%s%d jobs running, %d complete, %d failed (load %.2f)%s' % (
+ rstr, len(self._running), self._completed, self._failures, self.cpu_cost(), wstr))
if platform_string() == 'windows':