path: root/.pylintrc-tests
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authorGravatar kpayson64 <kpayson@google.com>2018-05-11 12:20:11 -0700
committerGravatar kpayson64 <kpayson@google.com>2018-05-11 12:20:11 -0700
commit4fad281ce8affe27fb7428f264d2c3b9dfc45f2f (patch)
treeca96c9efd69afec56aa2e5fe072a9f758247d0a3 /.pylintrc-tests
parentec445cc2bb270ed4acb1c710c3533fca14a50019 (diff)
parent61fdb46ac456027c79841949272ec540f66d2317 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into fork_exec_ctx_check
Diffstat (limited to '.pylintrc-tests')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.pylintrc-tests b/.pylintrc-tests
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b358b2c4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pylintrc-tests
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# TODO(https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/1345): How does the inspection
+# not include "unused_" and "ignored_" by default?
+# NOTE(nathaniel): Not particularly attached to this value; it just seems to
+# be what works for us at the moment (excepting the dead-code-walking Beta
+# API).
+# NOTE(nathaniel): We are big fans of "TODO(<issue link>): " and
+# "NOTE(<username or issue link>): ". We do not allow "TODO:",
+# "TODO(<username>):", "FIXME:", or anything else.
+ # These suppressions are specific to tests:
+ #
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): investigate
+ # each of the following one by one and consider eliminating
+ # the suppression category.
+ # Eventually, the hope is to eliminate the .pylintrc-tests
+ # altogether and rely on .pylintrc for everything.
+ pointless-statement,
+ no-member,
+ no-self-use,
+ attribute-defined-outside-init,
+ unused-argument,
+ unused-variable,
+ unused-import,
+ redefined-builtin,
+ too-many-public-methods,
+ too-many-locals,
+ redefined-variable-type,
+ redefined-outer-name,
+ ungrouped-imports,
+ too-many-branches,
+ too-many-arguments,
+ too-many-format-args,
+ too-many-return-statements,
+ too-many-statements,
+ line-too-long,
+ wrong-import-position,
+ wrong-import-order,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/59#issuecomment-283774279):
+ # Enable cyclic-import after a 1.7-or-later pylint release that
+ # recognizes our disable=cyclic-import suppressions.
+ cyclic-import,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/8622): Enable this after the
+ # Beta API is removed.
+ duplicate-code,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): Doesn't seem to
+ # understand enum and concurrent.futures; look into this later with the
+ # latest pylint version.
+ import-error,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): Enable this one.
+ # Should take a little configuration but not much.
+ invalid-name,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): This doesn't seem to
+ # work for now? Try with a later pylint?
+ locally-disabled,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): What even is this? *Enabling* an inspection results
+ # in a warning? How does that encourage more analysis and coverage?
+ locally-enabled,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): We don't write doc strings for most private code
+ # elements.
+ missing-docstring,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): In numeric comparisons it is better to have the
+ # lesser (or lesser-or-equal-to) quantity on the left when the
+ # expression is true than it is to worry about which is an identifier
+ # and which a literal value.
+ misplaced-comparison-constant,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): Our completely abstract interface classes don't have
+ # constructors.
+ no-init,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): Doesn't yet play
+ # nicely with some of our code being implemented in Cython. Maybe in a
+ # later version?
+ no-name-in-module,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): Suppress these where
+ # the odd shape of the authentication portion of the API forces them on
+ # us and enable everywhere else.
+ protected-access,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): Pylint and I will probably never agree on this.
+ too-few-public-methods,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): Pylint and I wil probably never agree on this for
+ # private classes. For public classes maybe?
+ too-many-instance-attributes,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): Some of our modules have a lot of lines... of
+ # specification and documentation. Maybe if this were
+ # lines-of-code-based we would use it.
+ too-many-lines,
+ # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/261): Maybe we could have
+ # this one if we extracted just a few more helper functions...
+ too-many-nested-blocks,
+ # NOTE(nathaniel): I have disputed the premise of this inspection from
+ # the beginning and will continue to do so until it goes away for good.
+ useless-else-on-loop,