path: root/UnitTesting/GTMNSObject+BindingUnitTesting.h
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diff --git a/UnitTesting/GTMNSObject+BindingUnitTesting.h b/UnitTesting/GTMNSObject+BindingUnitTesting.h
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+++ b/UnitTesting/GTMNSObject+BindingUnitTesting.h
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+// GTMNSObject+BindingUnitTesting.h
+// Utilities for doing advanced unittesting with object bindings.
+// Copyright 2006-2008 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+// of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+// Utility functions for GTMTestExposedBindings Macro. Don't use it directly
+// but use the macro below instead
+BOOL GTMDoExposedBindingsFunctionCorrectly(NSObject *object,
+ NSArray **errors);
+// Tests the setters and getters for exposed bindings
+// For objects that expose bindings, this tests them for you, saving you from
+// having to write a whole pile of set/get test code if you add binding support.
+// You will need to implement valueClassForBinding: for your bindings,
+// and you may possibly want to implement unitTestExposedBindingsToIgnore
+// and unitTestExposedBindingsTestValues. See descriptions of those
+// methods below for details.
+// Implemented as a macro to match the rest of the SenTest macros.
+// Args:
+// a1: The object to be checked.
+// description: A format string as in the printf() function.
+// Can be nil or an empty string but must be present.
+// ...: A variable number of arguments to the format string. Can be absent.
+#define GTMTestExposedBindings(a1, description, ...) \
+do { \
+ NSObject *a1Object = (a1); \
+ NSArray *errors = nil; \
+ BOOL isGood = GTMDoExposedBindingsFunctionCorrectly(a1Object, &errors); \
+ if (!isGood) { \
+ NSEnumerator *errorEnum = [errors objectEnumerator]; \
+ NSString *failString; \
+ while ((failString = [errorEnum nextObject])) { \
+ if (description) { \
+ STFail(@"%@: %@", failString, STComposeString(description, ##__VA_ARGS__)); \
+ } else { \
+ STFail(@"%@", failString); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+@interface NSObject (GTMBindingUnitTestingAdditions)
+// Allows you to ignore certain bindings when running GTMTestExposedBindings
+// If you have bindings you want to ignore, add them to the array returned
+// by this method. The standard way to implement this would be:
+// - (NSMutableArray*)unitTestExposedBindingsToIgnore {
+// NSMutableArray *array = [super unitTestExposedBindingsToIgnore];
+// [array addObject:@"bindingToIgnore1"];
+// ...
+// return array;
+// }
+// The NSObject implementation by default will ignore NSFontBoldBinding,
+// NSFontFamilyNameBinding, NSFontItalicBinding, NSFontNameBinding and
+// NSFontSizeBinding if your exposed bindings contains NSFontBinding because
+// the NSFont*Bindings are NOT KVC/KVO compliant.
+- (NSMutableArray*)gtm_unitTestExposedBindingsToIgnore;
+// Allows you to set up test values for your different bindings.
+// if you have certain values you want to test against your bindings, add
+// them to the dictionary returned by this method. The dictionary is a "value" key
+// and an "expected return" object.
+// The standard way to implement this would be:
+// - (NSMutableDictionary*)gtm_unitTestExposedBindingsTestValues:(NSString*)binding {
+// NSMutableDictionary *dict = [super unitTestExposedBindingsTestValues:binding];
+// if ([binding isEqualToString:@"myBinding"]) {
+// [dict setObject:[[[MySpecialBindingValueSet alloc] init] autorelease]
+// forKey:[[[MySpecialBindingValueGet alloc] init] autorelease]];
+// ...
+// else if ([binding isEqualToString:@"myBinding2"]) {
+// ...
+// }
+// return array;
+// }
+// The NSObject implementation handles many of the default bindings, and
+// gives you a reasonable set of test values to start.
+// See the implementation for the current list of bindings, and values that we
+// set for those bindings.
+- (NSMutableDictionary*)gtm_unitTestExposedBindingsTestValues:(NSString*)binding;
+// A special version of isEqualTo to test whether two binding values are equal
+// by default it calls directly to isEqualTo: but can be overridden for special
+// cases (like NSImages) where the standard isEqualTo: isn't sufficient.
+- (BOOL)gtm_unitTestIsEqualTo:(id)value;