path: root/Foundation/GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'Foundation/GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest.m b/Foundation/GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest.m
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--- a/Foundation/GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest.m
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-// GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest.m
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
-// of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-#import "GTMSenTestCase.h"
-#import "GTMProgressMonitorInputStream.h"
-#import "GTMUnitTestDevLog.h"
-#import "GTMSystemVersion.h"
-@interface GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest : GTMTestCase
-@interface TestStreamMonitor : NSObject {
- @private
- NSMutableArray *reportedDeliverySizesArray_;
- NSMutableSet *reportedTotalSizesSet_;
-- (NSArray *)reportedSizes;
-- (NSSet *)reportedTotals;
-- (void)inputStream:(GTMProgressMonitorInputStream *)stream
- hasDeliveredBytes:(unsigned long long)numRead
- ofTotalBytes:(unsigned long long)total;
-@implementation GTMProgressMonitorInputStreamTest
-static const unsigned long long kSourceDataByteCount = (10000*10);
-- (void)testInit {
- // bad inputs
- // init
- STAssertNil([[GTMProgressMonitorInputStream alloc] init], nil);
- STAssertNil([[GTMProgressMonitorInputStream alloc] initWithStream:nil length:0], nil);
- STAssertNil([[GTMProgressMonitorInputStream alloc] initWithData:nil], nil);
- STAssertNil([[GTMProgressMonitorInputStream alloc] initWithFileAtPath:nil], nil);
- // class helpers
- STAssertNil([GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithStream:nil length:0], nil);
- STAssertNil([GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithData:nil], nil);
- STAssertNil([GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:nil], nil);
- // some data for next round
- NSData *data = [@"some data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- STAssertNotNil(data, nil);
- GTMProgressMonitorInputStream *monStream;
- // good inputs
- NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithData:data];
- STAssertNotNil(inputStream, nil);
- monStream =
- [GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithStream:inputStream
- length:[data length]];
- STAssertNotNil(monStream, nil);
- monStream = [GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithData:data];
- STAssertNotNil(monStream, nil);
- monStream =
- [GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:@"/etc/services"];
- STAssertNotNil(monStream, nil);
-- (void)testMonitorAccessors {
- NSData *data = [@"some data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- STAssertNotNil(data, nil);
- GTMProgressMonitorInputStream *monStream =
- [GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithData:data];
- STAssertNotNil(monStream, nil);
- TestStreamMonitor *monitor = [[[TestStreamMonitor alloc] init] autorelease];
- STAssertNotNil(monitor, nil);
- SEL monSel = @selector(inputStream:hasDeliveredBytes:ofTotalBytes:);
- [monStream setMonitorDelegate:monitor selector:monSel];
- STAssertEquals([monStream monitorDelegate], monitor, nil);
- STAssertEquals([monStream monitorSelector], monSel, nil);
- [monStream setMonitorSource:data];
- STAssertEquals([monStream monitorSource], data, nil);
-- (void)testInputStreamAccessors {
- GTMProgressMonitorInputStream *monStream =
- [GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:@"/etc/services"];
- STAssertNotNil(monStream, nil);
- // delegate
- [monStream setDelegate:self];
- STAssertEquals([monStream delegate], self, nil);
- [monStream setDelegate:nil];
- STAssertNil([monStream delegate], nil);
- if (![GTMSystemVersion isBuildEqualTo:kGTMSystemBuild10_6_0_WWDC]) {
- // error (we get unknown error before we open things)
- // This was changed on SnowLeopard.
- // rdar://689714 Calling streamError on unopened stream no longer returns
- // error
- // was filed to check this behaviour.
- NSError *err = [monStream streamError];
- STAssertEqualObjects([err domain], @"NSUnknownErrorDomain", nil);
- }
- // status and properties
- // pre open
- STAssertEquals([monStream streamStatus],
- (NSStreamStatus)NSStreamStatusNotOpen, nil);
- [monStream open];
- // post open
- STAssertEquals([monStream streamStatus],
- (NSStreamStatus)NSStreamStatusOpen, nil);
- STAssertEqualObjects([monStream propertyForKey:NSStreamFileCurrentOffsetKey],
- [NSNumber numberWithInt:0], nil);
- // read some
- uint8_t buf[8];
- long bytesRead = [monStream read:buf maxLength:sizeof(buf)];
- STAssertGreaterThanOrEqual(bytesRead, (long)sizeof(buf), nil);
- // post read
- STAssertEqualObjects([monStream propertyForKey:NSStreamFileCurrentOffsetKey],
- [NSNumber numberWithLong:bytesRead], nil);
- [monStream close];
- // post close
- STAssertEquals([monStream streamStatus],
- (NSStreamStatus)NSStreamStatusClosed, nil);
-- (void)testProgressMessagesViaRead {
- // make a big data buffer (sourceData)
- NSMutableData *sourceData =
- [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:kSourceDataByteCount];
- for (int idx = 0; idx < 10000; idx++) {
- [sourceData appendBytes:"0123456789" length:10];
- }
- STAssertEquals([sourceData length], (NSUInteger)kSourceDataByteCount, nil);
- // make a buffer to hold the data as read from the stream, and an array
- // to hold the size of each read
- NSMutableData *resultData = [NSMutableData data];
- NSMutableArray *deliverySizesArray = [NSMutableArray array];
- TestStreamMonitor *monitor = [[[TestStreamMonitor alloc] init] autorelease];
- STAssertNotNil(monitor, nil);
- // create the stream; set self as the monitor
- GTMProgressMonitorInputStream* monStream =
- [GTMProgressMonitorInputStream inputStreamWithData:sourceData];
- [monStream setMonitorDelegate:monitor
- selector:@selector(inputStream:hasDeliveredBytes:ofTotalBytes:)];
- [monStream open];
- // we'll read random-sized chunks of data from our stream, adding the chunk
- // size to deliverySizesArray and the data itself to resultData
- srandomdev();
- NSUInteger bytesReadSoFar = 0;
- uint8_t readBuffer[2048];
- while (1) {
- NSStreamStatus status = [monStream streamStatus];
- if (bytesReadSoFar < kSourceDataByteCount) {
- STAssertTrue([monStream hasBytesAvailable], nil);
- STAssertEquals(status, (NSStreamStatus)NSStreamStatusOpen, nil);
- } else {
- STAssertFalse([monStream hasBytesAvailable], nil);
- STAssertEquals(status, (NSStreamStatus)NSStreamStatusAtEnd, nil);
- }
- // read a random block size between 1 and 2048 bytes
- NSUInteger bytesToRead = (random() % sizeof(readBuffer)) + 1;
- NSInteger bytesRead = [monStream read:readBuffer maxLength:bytesToRead];
- // done?
- if (bytesRead <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- // save the data we just read, and the size of the read
- [resultData appendBytes:readBuffer length:bytesRead];
- bytesReadSoFar += bytesRead;
- NSNumber *bytesReadSoFarNumber =
- [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(unsigned long long)bytesReadSoFar];
- [deliverySizesArray addObject:bytesReadSoFarNumber];
- }
- [monStream close];
- // compare deliverySizesArray to the array built by our callback, and
- // resultData to the sourceData
- STAssertEqualObjects(deliverySizesArray, [monitor reportedSizes],
- @"unexpected size deliveries");
- NSNumber *sourceNumber =
- [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:kSourceDataByteCount];
- STAssertEqualObjects([NSSet setWithObject:sourceNumber],
- [monitor reportedTotals],
- @"unexpected total sizes");
- // STAssertEqualObjects on the actual NSDatas is hanging when they are unequal
- // here so I'll just assert True
- STAssertTrue([sourceData isEqualToData:resultData],
- @"unexpected data read");
-@implementation TestStreamMonitor
-- (id)init {
- self = [super init];
- if (self) {
- reportedDeliverySizesArray_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- reportedTotalSizesSet_ = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
- }
- return self;
-- (void) dealloc {
- [reportedDeliverySizesArray_ release];
- [reportedTotalSizesSet_ release];
- [super dealloc];
-- (NSArray *)reportedSizes {
- return reportedDeliverySizesArray_;
-- (NSSet *)reportedTotals {
- return reportedTotalSizesSet_;
-- (void)inputStream:(GTMProgressMonitorInputStream *)stream
- hasDeliveredBytes:(unsigned long long)numRead
- ofTotalBytes:(unsigned long long)total {
- // add the number read so far to the array
- [reportedDeliverySizesArray_ addObject:
- [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:numRead]];
- [reportedTotalSizesSet_ addObject:
- [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:total]];