path: root/Foundation/GTMAbstractDOListener.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'Foundation/GTMAbstractDOListener.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMAbstractDOListener.m b/Foundation/GTMAbstractDOListener.m
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index 4ac69bd..0000000
--- a/Foundation/GTMAbstractDOListener.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-// GTMAbstractDOListener.m
-// Copyright 2006-2009 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
-// of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-#import "GTMAbstractDOListener.h"
-#import "GTMSystemVersion.h"
-#import <mach/mach_init.h>
-// Hack workaround suggested by DTS for the DO deadlock bug. Basically, this
-// class intercepts the delegate role for DO's receive port (which is an
-// NSMachPort). When -handlePortMessage: is called, it verifies that the send
-// and receive ports are not nil, then forwards the message on to the original
-// delegate. If the ports are nil, then the resulting NSConnection would
-// eventually cause us to deadlock. In this case, it simply ignores the
-// message. This is only need on Tiger.
-@interface GTMReceivePortDelegate : NSObject {
- GTM_WEAK id delegate_;
-- (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate;
-- (void)handlePortMessage:(NSPortMessage *)message;
-@interface GTMAbstractDOListener (PrivateMethods)
-- (BOOL)startListening;
-- (void)stopListening;
-// Returns a description of the port based on the type of port.
-- (NSString *)portDescription;
-// Uses the GTMReceivePortDelegate hack (see comments above) if we're on Tiger.
-- (void)hackaroundTigerDOWedgeBug:(NSConnection *)conn;
-// Static global set that holds a pointer to all instances of
-// GTMAbstractDOListener subclasses.
-static NSMutableSet *gAllListeners = nil;
-@implementation GTMAbstractDOListener
-+ (void)initialize {
- if (self == [GTMAbstractDOListener class]) {
- // We create the set using CFSetCreateMutable because we don't
- // want to retain things in this set. If we retained things in the
- // set we would never be able to dealloc ourselves because we
- // add "self" to this set in it's init routine would cause an
- // extra retain to be added to it.
- gAllListeners = (NSMutableSet*)CFSetCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL);
- }
-+ (NSArray *)allListeners {
- // We return an NSArray instead of an NSSet here because NSArrays look nicer
- // when displayed as %@
- NSArray *allListeners = nil;
- @synchronized (gAllListeners) {
- allListeners = [gAllListeners allObjects];
- }
- return allListeners;
-- (id)init {
- return [self initWithRegisteredName:nil protocol:NULL];
-- (id)initWithRegisteredName:(NSString *)name protocol:(Protocol *)proto {
- return [self initWithRegisteredName:name
- protocol:proto
- port:[NSMachPort port]];
-- (id)initWithRegisteredName:(NSString *)name
- protocol:(Protocol *)proto
- port:(NSPort *)port {
- self = [super init];
- if (!self) {
- return nil;
- }
- if ((!proto) || (!port) || (!name)) {
- if (!proto) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Failed to create a listener, a protocol must be specified");
- }
- if (!port) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Failed to create a listener, a port must be specified");
- }
- if (!name) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Failed to create a listener, a name must be specified");
- }
- [self release];
- return nil;
- }
- registeredName_ = [name copy];
- protocol_ = proto; // Can't retain protocols
- port_ = [port retain];
- requestTimeout_ = -1;
- replyTimeout_ = -1;
- heartRate_ = (NSTimeInterval)10.0;
- _GTMDevAssert(gAllListeners, @"gAllListeners is not nil");
- @synchronized (gAllListeners) {
- [gAllListeners addObject:self];
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc {
- _GTMDevAssert(gAllListeners, @"gAllListeners is not nil");
- @synchronized (gAllListeners) {
- [gAllListeners removeObject:self];
- }
- [receivePortDelegate_ release];
- [self shutdown];
- [port_ release];
- [registeredName_ release];
- [super dealloc];
-#pragma mark Getters and Setters
-- (NSString *)registeredName {
- return registeredName_;
-- (void)setRegisteredName:(NSString *)name {
- if (!name) {
- return;
- }
- [registeredName_ autorelease];
- registeredName_ = [name copy];
-- (NSTimeInterval)requestTimeout {
- return requestTimeout_;
-- (void)setRequestTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout {
- requestTimeout_ = timeout;
-- (NSTimeInterval)replyTimeout {
- return replyTimeout_;
-- (void)setReplyTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout {
- replyTimeout_ = timeout;
-- (void)setThreadHeartRate:(NSTimeInterval)heartRate {
- heartRate_ = heartRate;
-- (NSTimeInterval)ThreadHeartRate {
- return heartRate_;
-- (NSConnection *)connection {
- return connection_;
-- (NSString *)description {
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@<%p> { name=\"%@\", %@ }",
- [self class], self, registeredName_, [self portDescription]];
-#pragma mark "Run" methods
-- (BOOL)runInCurrentThread {
- return [self startListening];
-- (void)runInNewThreadWithErrorTarget:(id)errObject
- selector:(SEL)selector
- withObjectArgument:(id)argument {
- NSInvocation *invocation = nil;
- _GTMDevAssert(((errObject != nil && selector != NULL) ||
- (!errObject && !selector)), @"errObject and selector must "
- @"both be nil or not nil");
- // create an invocation we can use if things fail
- if (errObject) {
- NSMethodSignature *signature =
- [errObject methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
- invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
- [invocation setSelector:selector];
- [invocation setTarget:errObject];
- // If the selector they passed in takes an arg (i.e., it has at least one
- // colon in the selector name), then set the first user-specified arg to be
- // the |argument| they specified. The first two args are self and _cmd.
- if ([signature numberOfArguments] > 2) {
- [invocation setArgument:&argument atIndex:2];
- }
- [invocation retainArguments];
- }
- shouldShutdown_ = NO;
- [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadMain:)
- toTarget:self
- withObject:invocation];
-- (void)shutdown {
- // If we're not running in a new thread (then we're running in the "current"
- // thread), tear down the NSConnection here. If we are running in a new
- // thread we just set the shouldShutdown_ flag, and the thread will teardown
- // the NSConnection itself.
- if (!isRunningInNewThread_) {
- [self stopListening];
- } else {
- shouldShutdown_ = YES;
- }
-@implementation GTMAbstractDOListener (PrivateMethods)
-- (BOOL)startListening {
- BOOL result = NO;
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- _GTMDevAssert(!connection_, @"Connection_ should not be set. Was this "
- @"listener already started? %@", self);
- connection_ = [[NSConnection alloc] initWithReceivePort:port_ sendPort:nil];
- NSProtocolChecker *checker =
- [NSProtocolChecker protocolCheckerWithTarget:self
- protocol:protocol_];
- if (requestTimeout_ >= 0) {
- [connection_ setRequestTimeout:requestTimeout_];
- }
- if (replyTimeout_ >= 0) {
- [connection_ setReplyTimeout:replyTimeout_];
- }
- // Set the connection's root object to be the protocol checker so that only
- // methods listed in the protocol_ are available via DO.
- [connection_ setRootObject:checker];
- // Allow subclasses to be the connection delegate
- [connection_ setDelegate:self];
- // Because of radar 5493309 we need to do this. [NSConnection registeredName:]
- // returns NO when the connection is created using an NSSocketPort under
- // Leopard.
- //
- // The recommendation from Apple was to use the command:
- // [NSConnection registerName:withNameServer:].
- NSPortNameServer *server;
- if ([port_ isKindOfClass:[NSSocketPort class]]) {
- server = [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance];
- } else {
- server = [NSPortNameServer systemDefaultPortNameServer];
- }
- BOOL registered = [connection_ registerName:registeredName_
- withNameServer:server];
- if (registeredName_ && registered) {
- [self hackaroundTigerDOWedgeBug:connection_];
- result = YES;
- _GTMDevLog(@"listening on %@ with name '%@'", [self portDescription],
- registeredName_);
- } else {
- _GTMDevLog(@"failed to register %@ with %@", connection_, registeredName_);
- }
- // we're good, so call the overrideable initializer
- if (result) {
- // Call the virtual "runIn*" initializer
- result = [self doRunInitialization];
- } else {
- [connection_ invalidate];
- [connection_ release];
- connection_ = nil;
- }
- [pool drain];
- return result;
-- (void)stopListening {
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- [connection_ invalidate];
- [connection_ release];
- connection_ = nil;
- [pool drain];
-- (NSString *)portDescription {
- NSString *portDescription;
- if ([port_ isKindOfClass:[NSMachPort class]]) {
- portDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"mach_port=%#x",
- [(NSMachPort *)port_ machPort]];
- } else {
- portDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"port=%@",
- [port_ description]];
- }
- return portDescription;
-- (void)hackaroundTigerDOWedgeBug:(NSConnection *)conn {
- if ([GTMSystemVersion isTiger]) {
- NSPort *receivePort = [conn receivePort];
- if ([receivePort isKindOfClass:[NSMachPort class]]) {
- id portDelegate = [receivePort delegate];
- receivePortDelegate_ =
- [[GTMReceivePortDelegate alloc] initWithDelegate:portDelegate];
- [receivePort setDelegate:receivePortDelegate_];
- }
- }
-@implementation GTMAbstractDOListener (GTMAbstractDOListenerSubclassMethods)
-- (BOOL)doRunInitialization {
- return YES;
-// -threadMain:
-- (void)threadMain:(NSInvocation *)failureCallback {
- isRunningInNewThread_ = YES;
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- // register
- if ([self startListening]) {
- // spin
- for (;;) { // Run forever
- // check if we were asked to shutdown
- if (shouldShutdown_) {
- break;
- }
- NSAutoreleasePool *localPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- // Wrap our runloop in case we get an exception from DO
- @try {
- NSDate *waitDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:heartRate_];
- [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:waitDate];
- } @catch (id e) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Listener '%@' caught exception: %@", registeredName_, e);
- }
- [localPool drain];
- }
- } else {
- // failed, if we had something to invoke, call it on the main thread
- if (failureCallback) {
- [failureCallback performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(invoke)
- withObject:nil
- waitUntilDone:NO];
- }
- }
- [self stopListening];
- [pool drain];
- isRunningInNewThread_ = NO;
-@implementation GTMReceivePortDelegate
-- (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate {
- if ((self = [super init])) {
- delegate_ = delegate; // delegates aren't retained
- }
- return self;
-- (void)handlePortMessage:(NSPortMessage *)message {
- NSPort *receivePort = [message receivePort];
- NSPort *sendPort = [message sendPort];
- // If we don't have a sensible send or receive port, just act like
- // the message never arrived. Otherwise, hand it off to the original
- // delegate (which is the NSMachPort itself).
- if (receivePort == nil || sendPort == nil || [receivePort isEqual:sendPort]) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Dropping port message destined for itself to avoid DO wedge.");
- } else {
- // Uncomment for super-duper verbose DO message forward logging
- // _GTMDevLog(@"--> Forwarding message %@ to delegate %@",
- // message, delegate_);
- [delegate_ handlePortMessage:message];
- }
- // If processing the message caused us to drop no longer being the delegate,
- // set us back. Due to interactions between NSConnection and NSMachPort,
- // it's possible for the NSMachPort's delegate to get set back to its
- // original value. If that happens, we set it back to the value we want.
- if ([delegate_ delegate] != self) {
- if ([delegate_ delegate] == delegate_) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Restoring DO delegate to %@", self);
- [delegate_ setDelegate:self];
- } else {
- _GTMDevLog(@"GMReceivePortDelegate replaced with %@",
- [delegate_ delegate]);
- }
- }