path: root/AppKit/GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'AppKit/GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AppKit/GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m b/AppKit/GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m
index 94bb637..6c1ae78 100644
--- a/AppKit/GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m
+++ b/AppKit/GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m
@@ -265,6 +265,83 @@ static BOOL IsRightAnchored(NSView *view);
++ (CGFloat)sizeToFitFixedHeightTextField:(NSTextField *)textField {
+ return [self sizeToFitFixedHeightTextField:textField minWidth:(CGFloat)0];
++ (CGFloat)sizeToFitFixedHeightTextField:(NSTextField *)textField
+ minWidth:(NSUInteger)minWidth {
+ NSRect initialRect = [textField frame];
+ NSCell *cell = [textField cell];
+ NSSize titleSize = [cell titleRectForBounds:initialRect].size;
+ // Find linebreak point, and keep trying them until we're under the height
+ // requested.
+ NSString *str = [textField stringValue];
+ CFStringTokenizerRef tokenizer =
+ CFStringTokenizerCreate(NULL,
+ (CFStringRef)str,
+ CFRangeMake(0, [str length]),
+ kCFStringTokenizerUnitLineBreak,
+ NULL);
+ if (!tokenizer) {
+ _GTMDevAssert(tokenizer, @"failed to get a tokenizer");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ NSCell *workerCell = [cell copy];
+ NSCharacterSet *whiteSpaceSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet];
+ // Loop trying line break points until the height fits.
+ while (1) {
+ CFStringTokenizerTokenType tokenType =
+ CFStringTokenizerAdvanceToNextToken(tokenizer);
+ if (tokenType == kCFStringTokenizerTokenNone) {
+ // Reached the end without ever find a good width, how?
+ _GTMDevAssert(0, @"Failed to find a good size?!");
+ [textField sizeToFit];
+ break;
+ }
+ CFRange tokenRange = CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentTokenRange(tokenizer);
+ NSRange subStringRange =
+ NSMakeRange(0, tokenRange.location + tokenRange.length);
+ NSString *subString = [str substringWithRange:subStringRange];
+ subString = [subString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whiteSpaceSet];
+ // Find how wide the cell would be for this sub string.
+ [workerCell setStringValue:subString];
+ CGFloat testWidth = [workerCell cellSize].width;
+ // Find the overall size if wrapped to this width.
+ NSRect sizeRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, testWidth, CGFLOAT_MAX);
+ NSSize newSize = [cell cellSizeForBounds:sizeRect];
+ if (newSize.height <= titleSize.height) {
+ [textField setFrameSize:newSize];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CFRelease(tokenizer);
+ NSSize fixedSize = [textField frame].size;
+ NSSize finalSize = NSMakeSize(fixedSize.width, NSHeight(initialRect));
+ // Enforce the minWidth
+ if (minWidth > fixedSize.width) {
+ finalSize.width = minWidth;
+ }
+ if (!NSEqualSizes(fixedSize, finalSize)) {
+ [textField setFrameSize:finalSize];
+ }
+ // Return how much things changed
+ return NSWidth(initialRect) - finalSize.width;
+ (void)resizeWindowWithoutAutoResizingSubViews:(NSWindow*)window
delta:(NSSize)delta {
NSView *contentView = [window contentView];