path: root/AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.m')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.m b/AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.m
index 0e7344c..ec266a2 100644
--- a/AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.m
+++ b/AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.m
@@ -34,54 +34,167 @@
return self;
+- (void)drawTextGradientPart:(NSAttributedString *)attributedString
+ titleRect:(NSRect)titleRect
+ backgroundRect:(NSRect)backgroundRect
+ clipRect:(NSRect)clipRect
+ mask:(NSGradient *)mask
+ fadeToRight:(BOOL)fadeToRight {
+ // Draw the gradient part with a transparency layer. This makes the text look
+ // suboptimal, but since it fades out, that's ok.
+ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
+ [NSBezierPath clipRect:clipRect];
+ CGContextRef context = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
+ CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(context,
+ NSRectToCGRect(clipRect), 0);
+ if ([self drawsBackground]) {
+ [[self backgroundColor] set];
+ NSRectFillUsingOperation([self titleRectForBounds:backgroundRect],
+ NSCompositeSourceOver);
+ }
+ [attributedString drawInRect:titleRect];
+ NSPoint startPoint;
+ NSPoint endPoint;
+ if (fadeToRight) {
+ startPoint = clipRect.origin;
+ endPoint = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(clipRect), NSMinY(clipRect));
+ } else {
+ startPoint = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(clipRect), NSMinY(clipRect));
+ endPoint = clipRect.origin;
+ }
+ // Draw the gradient mask
+ CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeDestinationIn);
+ [mask drawFromPoint:startPoint
+ toPoint:endPoint
+ options:fadeToRight ? NSGradientDrawsBeforeStartingLocation :
+ NSGradientDrawsAfterEndingLocation];
+ CGContextEndTransparencyLayer(context);
+ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
- NSSize size = [[self attributedStringValue] size];
+ NSRect titleRect = [self titleRectForBounds:cellFrame];
+ // For some reason the title rect is too far to the left.
+ titleRect.origin.x += 2;
+ titleRect.size.width -= 2;
+ NSAttributedString *attributedString = [self attributedStringValue];
+ NSSize size = [attributedString size];
// Don't complicate drawing unless we need to clip
- if (size.width <= NSWidth(cellFrame)) {
+ if (size.width <= NSWidth(titleRect)) {
[super drawInteriorWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
+ // Clip the string by drawing it to the left by |offsetX|.
+ CGFloat offsetX = 0;
+ switch (truncateMode_) {
+ case GTMFadeTruncatingTail:
+ break;
+ case GTMFadeTruncatingHead:
+ offsetX = size.width - titleRect.size.width;
+ break;
+ case GTMFadeTruncatingHeadAndTail: {
+ if (desiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead_ > 0) {
+ NSAttributedString *clippedHeadString =
+ [attributedString attributedSubstringFromRange:
+ NSMakeRange(0, desiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead_)];
+ NSSize clippedHeadSize = [clippedHeadString size];
+ // Clip the desired portion from the beginning of the string.
+ offsetX = clippedHeadSize.width;
+ CGFloat delta = size.width - titleRect.size.width;
+ if (offsetX > delta)
+ offsetX = delta;
+ } else {
+ // Center the string and clip equal portions of the head and tail.
+ offsetX = round((size.width - titleRect.size.width) / 2.0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ NSRect offsetTitleRect = titleRect;
+ offsetTitleRect.origin.x -= offsetX;
+ offsetTitleRect.size.width += offsetX;
+ BOOL isTruncatingHead = offsetX > 0;
+ BOOL isTruncatingTail = (size.width - titleRect.size.width) > offsetX;
// Gradient is about twice our line height long
- CGFloat gradientWidth = MIN(size.height * 2, NSWidth(cellFrame) / 4);
+ CGFloat gradientWidth = MIN(size.height * 2, round(NSWidth(cellFrame) / 4));
+ NSRect solidPart = cellFrame;
+ NSRect headGradientPart = NSZeroRect;
+ NSRect tailGradientPart = NSZeroRect;
+ if (isTruncatingHead)
+ NSDivideRect(solidPart, &headGradientPart, &solidPart,
+ gradientWidth, NSMinXEdge);
+ if (isTruncatingTail)
+ NSDivideRect(solidPart, &tailGradientPart, &solidPart,
+ gradientWidth, NSMaxXEdge);
- NSRect solidPart, gradientPart;
- NSDivideRect(cellFrame, &gradientPart, &solidPart, gradientWidth, NSMaxXEdge);
// Draw non-gradient part without transparency layer, as light text on a dark
// background looks bad with a gradient layer.
+ NSRect backgroundRect = [self drawingRectForBounds:cellFrame];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
[NSBezierPath clipRect:solidPart];
- [super drawInteriorWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
+ if ([self drawsBackground]) {
+ [[self backgroundColor] set];
+ NSRectFillUsingOperation(backgroundRect, NSCompositeSourceOver);
+ }
+ // We draw the text ourselves because [super drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]
+ // doesn't draw correctly if the cell draws its own background.
+ [attributedString drawInRect:offsetTitleRect];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
- // Draw the gradient part with a transparency layer. This makes the text look
- // suboptimal, but since it fades out, that's ok.
- [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
- [NSBezierPath clipRect:gradientPart];
- CGContextRef context = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
- CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(context,
- NSRectToCGRect(gradientPart), 0);
- [super drawInteriorWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
+ NSColor *startColor = [self textColor];;
+ NSColor *endColor = [startColor colorWithAlphaComponent:0.0];
+ NSGradient *mask = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:startColor
+ endingColor:endColor];
- // TODO(alcor): switch this to GTMLinearRGBShading if we ever need on 10.4
- NSColor *color = [self textColor];
- NSColor *alphaColor = [color colorWithAlphaComponent:0.0];
- NSGradient *mask = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:color
- endingColor:alphaColor];
+ if (isTruncatingHead)
+ [self drawTextGradientPart:attributedString
+ titleRect:offsetTitleRect
+ backgroundRect:backgroundRect
+ clipRect:headGradientPart
+ mask:mask
+ fadeToRight:NO];
+ if (isTruncatingTail)
+ [self drawTextGradientPart:attributedString
+ titleRect:offsetTitleRect
+ backgroundRect:backgroundRect
+ clipRect:tailGradientPart
+ mask:mask
+ fadeToRight:YES];
- // Draw the gradient mask
- CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeDestinationIn);
- [mask drawFromPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(cellFrame) - gradientWidth,
- NSMinY(cellFrame))
- toPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(cellFrame),
- NSMinY(cellFrame))
- options:NSGradientDrawsBeforeStartingLocation];
[mask release];
- CGContextEndTransparencyLayer(context);
- [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
+- (void)setTruncateMode:(GTMFadeTruncateMode)mode {
+ if (truncateMode_ != mode) {
+ truncateMode_ = mode;
+ [[self controlView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+ }
+- (GTMFadeTruncateMode)truncateMode {
+ return truncateMode_;
+- (void)setDesiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead:(NSUInteger)length {
+ if (desiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead_ != length) {
+ desiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead_ = length;
+ [[self controlView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+ }
+- (NSUInteger)desiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead {
+ return desiredCharactersToTruncateFromHead_;