path: root/UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m
diff options
authorGravatar thomasvl <thomasvl@7dc7ac4e-7543-0410-b95c-c1676fc8e2a3>2008-06-13 19:21:50 +0000
committerGravatar thomasvl <thomasvl@7dc7ac4e-7543-0410-b95c-c1676fc8e2a3>2008-06-13 19:21:50 +0000
commitc53ec5520e39096e0804ce8d89a21378c0904481 (patch)
treed36a0055b59b1376d86c4ba4a01f9c479c2101a7 /UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m
parent80d493da05c8d461d74bfaa919ffc487be03ffe6 (diff)
Landing a log of AppleScript/AppleEvent support code.
Landing GTMHTTPServer as a simple server but mainly for use in unittesting. _GTMCompileAssert for doing compile time assertions to GTMDefines.h Lots of improvments for UnitTesting, Dave's gonna put up a wiki page shortly with the full details of what can be done.
Diffstat (limited to 'UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m b/UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m
index 981c48b..2a0a70d 100644
--- a/UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m
+++ b/UnitTesting/GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain.m
@@ -20,166 +20,11 @@
#error GTMIPhoneUnitTestMain for iPhone only
-#import <objc/runtime.h>
-#import <stdio.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
-#import "GTMSenTestCase.h"
-// Used for sorting methods below
-static int MethodSort(const void *a, const void *b) {
- const char *nameA = sel_getName(method_getName(*(Method*)a));
- const char *nameB = sel_getName(method_getName(*(Method*)b));
- return strcmp(nameA, nameB);
-@interface UIApplication (iPhoneUnitTestAdditions)
-// "Private" method that we need
-- (void)terminate;
-@interface GTMIPhoneUnitTestDelegate : NSObject
-@implementation GTMIPhoneUnitTestDelegate
-// Return YES if class is subclass (1 or more generations) of SenTestCase
-- (BOOL)isTestFixture:(Class)aClass {
- BOOL iscase = NO;
- Class testCaseClass = [SenTestCase class];
- Class superclass;
- for (superclass = aClass;
- !iscase && superclass;
- superclass = class_getSuperclass(superclass)) {
- iscase = superclass == testCaseClass ? YES : NO;
- }
- return iscase;
-// Log an error out to console in a way that Xcode will recognize it.
-- (void)printError:(NSString *)error {
- if ([error rangeOfString:@"error:"].location == NSNotFound) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", [error UTF8String]);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [error UTF8String]);
- }
- fflush(stderr);
-// Run through all the registered classes and run test methods on any
-// that are subclasses of SenTestCase.
-- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
- int count = objc_getClassList(NULL, 0);
- Class *classes = (Class*)malloc(sizeof(Class) * count);
- _GTMDevAssert(classes, @"Couldn't allocate class list");
- objc_getClassList(classes, count);
- int suiteSuccesses = 0;
- int suiteFailures = 0;
- int suiteTotal = 0;
- NSString *suiteName = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
- NSDate *suiteStartDate = [NSDate date];
- NSString *suiteStartString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Suite '%@' started at %@\n",
- suiteName, suiteStartDate];
- fprintf(stderr, [suiteStartString UTF8String]);
- fflush(stderr);
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- Class currClass = classes[i];
- if ([self isTestFixture:currClass]) {
- NSDate *fixtureStartDate = [NSDate date];
- NSString *fixtureName = NSStringFromClass(currClass);
- NSString *fixtureStartString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Suite '%@' started at %@\n",
- fixtureName, fixtureStartDate];
- int fixtureSuccesses = 0;
- int fixtureFailures = 0;
- int fixtureTotal = 0;
- fprintf(stderr, [fixtureStartString UTF8String]);
- fflush(stderr);
- id testcase = [[currClass alloc] init];
- _GTMDevAssert(testcase, @"Unable to instantiate Test Suite: '%@'\n",
- fixtureName);
- unsigned int methodCount;
- Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(currClass, &methodCount);
- // Sort our methods so they are called in Alphabetical order just
- // because we can.
- qsort(methods, methodCount, sizeof(Method), MethodSort);
- for (j = 0; j < methodCount; ++j) {
- Method currMethod = methods[j];
- SEL sel = method_getName(currMethod);
- const char *name = sel_getName(sel);
- // If it starts with test, run it.
- if (strstr(name, "test") == name) {
- fixtureTotal += 1;
- NSDate *caseStartDate = [NSDate date];
- BOOL failed = NO;
- @try {
- // Wrap things in autorelease pools because they may
- // have an STMacro in their dealloc which may get called
- // when the pool is cleaned up
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- @try {
- [testcase setUp];
- @try {
- [testcase performSelector:sel];
- } @catch (NSException *exception) {
- failed = YES;
- [self printError:[exception reason]];
- }
- [testcase tearDown];
- } @catch (NSException *exception) {
- failed = YES;
- [self printError:[exception reason]];
- }
- [pool release];
- } @catch (NSException *exception) {
- failed = YES;
- [self printError:[exception reason]];
- }
- if (failed) {
- fixtureFailures += 1;
- } else {
- fixtureSuccesses += 1;
- }
- NSTimeInterval caseEndTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:caseStartDate];
- NSString *caseEndString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Case '-[%@ %s]' %s (%0.3f seconds).\n",
- fixtureName, name,
- failed ? "failed" : "passed", caseEndTime];
- fprintf(stderr, [caseEndString UTF8String]);
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- }
- if (methods) {
- free(methods);
- }
- [testcase release];
- NSDate *fixtureEndDate = [NSDate date];
- NSTimeInterval fixtureEndTime = [fixtureEndDate timeIntervalSinceDate:fixtureStartDate];
- NSString *fixtureEndString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Suite '%@' finished at %@.\n"
- "Executed %d tests, with %d failures (%d unexpected) in %0.3f seconds\n",
- fixtureName, fixtureEndDate, fixtureTotal,
- fixtureFailures, fixtureFailures, fixtureEndTime];
- fprintf(stderr, [fixtureEndString UTF8String]);
- fflush(stderr);
- suiteTotal += fixtureTotal;
- suiteSuccesses += fixtureSuccesses;
- suiteFailures += fixtureFailures;
- }
- }
- NSDate *suiteEndDate = [NSDate date];
- NSTimeInterval suiteEndTime = [suiteEndDate timeIntervalSinceDate:suiteStartDate];
- NSString *suiteEndString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Suite '%@' finished at %@.\n"
- "Executed %d tests, with %d failures (%d unexpected) in %0.3f seconds\n",
- suiteName, suiteEndDate, suiteTotal,
- suiteFailures, suiteFailures, suiteEndTime];
- fprintf(stderr, [suiteEndString UTF8String]);
- fflush(stderr);
- // Using private call to end our tests
- [[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminate];
+// Creates an application that runs all tests from classes extending
+// SenTestCase, outputs results and test run time, and terminates right
+// afterwards.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, @"GTMIPhoneUnitTestDelegate");