path: root/Foundation
diff options
authorGravatar gtm.daemon <gtm.daemon@7dc7ac4e-7543-0410-b95c-c1676fc8e2a3>2010-01-15 23:01:01 +0000
committerGravatar gtm.daemon <gtm.daemon@7dc7ac4e-7543-0410-b95c-c1676fc8e2a3>2010-01-15 23:01:01 +0000
commit2bb0d1179cb0fe86385eaf087f9a924d1802910f (patch)
treed216356f43945142a277bcd06b7a290e8743e2b7 /Foundation
parentb2fa9805eb63d5daa1dd8fab1edf0c85fb7ebfc0 (diff)
[Author: iwade]
Added GTMStringEncoding which is a generic base 2-128 encoder/decoder with support for custom character maps. R=thomasvl APPROVED=thomasvl DELTA=723 (723 added, 0 deleted, 0 changed)
Diffstat (limited to 'Foundation')
5 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMBase64.h b/Foundation/GTMBase64.h
index 169b1c3..8a3b919 100644
--- a/Foundation/GTMBase64.h
+++ b/Foundation/GTMBase64.h
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
// the License.
+// WARNING: This class provides a subset of the functionality available in
+// GTMStringEncoding and may go away in the future.
+// Please consider using GTMStringEncoding instead.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GTMDefines.h"
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMNSData+Hex.h b/Foundation/GTMNSData+Hex.h
index b1e668d..ed21f17 100644
--- a/Foundation/GTMNSData+Hex.h
+++ b/Foundation/GTMNSData+Hex.h
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
// the License.
+// WARNING: This class provides a subset of the functionality available in
+// GTMStringEncoding and may go away in the future.
+// Please consider using GTMStringEncoding instead.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
/// Helpers for dealing w/ hex encoded strings.
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMStringEncoding.h b/Foundation/GTMStringEncoding.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b74f2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Foundation/GTMStringEncoding.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// GTMStringEncoding.h
+// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+// of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import "GTMDefines.h"
+// A generic class for arbitrary base-2 to 128 string encoding and decoding.
+@interface GTMStringEncoding : NSObject {
+ @private
+ NSData *charMapData_;
+ char *charMap_;
+ int reverseCharMap_[128];
+ int shift_;
+ int mask_;
+ BOOL doPad_;
+ char paddingChar_;
+ int padLen_;
+// Create a new, autoreleased GTMStringEncoding object with a standard encoding.
++ (id)binaryStringEncoding;
++ (id)hexStringEncoding;
++ (id)rfc4648Base32StringEncoding;
++ (id)rfc4648Base32HexStringEncoding;
++ (id)crockfordBase32StringEncoding;
++ (id)rfc4648Base64StringEncoding;
++ (id)rfc4648Base64WebsafeStringEncoding;
+// Create a new, autoreleased GTMStringEncoding object with the given string,
+// as described below.
++ (id)stringEncodingWithString:(NSString *)string;
+// Initialize a new GTMStringEncoding object with the string.
+// The length of the string must be a power of 2, at least 2 and at most 128.
+// Only 7-bit ASCII characters are permitted in the string.
+// These characters are the canonical set emitted during encoding.
+// If the characters have alternatives (e.g. case, easily transposed) then use
+// addDecodeSynonyms: to configure them.
+- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string;
+// Add decoding synonyms as specified in the synonyms argument.
+// It should be a sequence of one previously reverse mapped character,
+// followed by one or more non-reverse mapped character synonyms.
+// Only 7-bit ASCII characters are permitted in the string.
+// e.g. If a GTMStringEncoder object has already been initialised with a set
+// of characters excluding I, L and O (to avoid confusion with digits) and you
+// want to accept them as digits you can call addDecodeSynonyms:@"0oO1iIlL".
+- (void)addDecodeSynonyms:(NSString *)synonyms;
+// A sequence of characters to ignore if they occur during encoding.
+// Only 7-bit ASCII characters are permitted in the string.
+- (void)ignoreCharacters:(NSString *)chars;
+// Indicates whether padding is performed during encoding.
+- (BOOL)doPad;
+- (void)setDoPad:(BOOL)doPad;
+// Sets the padding character to use during encoding.
+- (void)setPaddingChar:(char)c;
+// Encode a raw binary buffer to a 7-bit ASCII string.
+- (NSString *)encode:(NSData *)data;
+- (NSString *)encodeString:(NSString *)string;
+// Decode a 7-bit ASCII string to a raw binary buffer.
+- (NSData *)decode:(NSString *)string;
+- (NSString *)stringByDecoding:(NSString *)string;
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMStringEncoding.m b/Foundation/GTMStringEncoding.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee92ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Foundation/GTMStringEncoding.m
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// GTMStringEncoding.m
+// Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+// of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+#import "GTMStringEncoding.h"
+enum {
+ kUnknownChar = -1,
+ kPaddingChar = -2,
+ kIgnoreChar = -3
+@implementation GTMStringEncoding
++ (id)binaryStringEncoding {
+ return [self stringEncodingWithString:@"01"];
++ (id)hexStringEncoding {
+ GTMStringEncoding *ret = [self stringEncodingWithString:
+ @"0123456789ABCDEF"];
+ [ret addDecodeSynonyms:@"AaBbCcDdEeFf"];
+ return ret;
++ (id)rfc4648Base32StringEncoding {
+ GTMStringEncoding *ret = [self stringEncodingWithString:
+ [ret setPaddingChar:'='];
+ [ret setDoPad:YES];
+ return ret;
++ (id)rfc4648Base32HexStringEncoding {
+ GTMStringEncoding *ret = [self stringEncodingWithString:
+ [ret setPaddingChar:'='];
+ [ret setDoPad:YES];
+ return ret;
++ (id)crockfordBase32StringEncoding {
+ GTMStringEncoding *ret = [self stringEncodingWithString:
+ [ret addDecodeSynonyms:
+ @"0oO1iIlLAaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhJjKkMmNnPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz"];
+ return ret;
++ (id)rfc4648Base64StringEncoding {
+ GTMStringEncoding *ret = [self stringEncodingWithString:
+ @"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"];
+ [ret setPaddingChar:'='];
+ [ret setDoPad:YES];
+ return ret;
++ (id)rfc4648Base64WebsafeStringEncoding {
+ GTMStringEncoding *ret = [self stringEncodingWithString:
+ @"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"];
+ [ret setPaddingChar:'='];
+ [ret setDoPad:YES];
+ return ret;
+GTM_INLINE int lcm(int a, int b) {
+ for (int aa = a, bb = b;;) {
+ if (aa == bb)
+ return aa;
+ else if (aa < bb)
+ aa += a;
+ else
+ bb += b;
+ }
++ (id)stringEncodingWithString:(NSString *)string {
+ return [[[self alloc] initWithString:string] autorelease];
+- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string {
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ charMapData_ = [[string dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] retain];
+ if (!charMapData_) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to convert string to ASCII");
+ [self release];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ charMap_ = (char *)[charMapData_ bytes];
+ NSUInteger length = [charMapData_ length];
+ if (length < 2 || length > 128 || length & (length - 1)) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Length not a power of 2 between 2 and 128");
+ [self release];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ memset(reverseCharMap_, kUnknownChar, sizeof(reverseCharMap_));
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (reverseCharMap_[(int)charMap_[i]] != kUnknownChar) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Duplicate character at pos %d", i);
+ [self release];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ reverseCharMap_[(int)charMap_[i]] = i;
+ }
+ for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < length; i <<= 1)
+ shift_++;
+ mask_ = (1 << shift_) - 1;
+ padLen_ = lcm(8, shift_) / shift_;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc {
+ [charMapData_ release];
+ [super dealloc];
+- (NSString *)description {
+ // TODO(iwade) track synonyms
+ return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Base%d StringEncoder: %@>",
+ 1 << shift_, charMapData_];
+- (void)addDecodeSynonyms:(NSString *)synonyms {
+ char *buf = (char *)[synonyms cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ int val = kUnknownChar;
+ while (*buf) {
+ int c = *buf++;
+ if (reverseCharMap_[c] == kUnknownChar) {
+ reverseCharMap_[c] = val;
+ } else {
+ val = reverseCharMap_[c];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)ignoreCharacters:(NSString *)chars {
+ char *buf = (char *)[chars cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ while (*buf) {
+ int c = *buf++;
+ _GTMDevAssert(reverseCharMap_[c] == kUnknownChar,
+ @"Character already mapped");
+ reverseCharMap_[c] = kIgnoreChar;
+ }
+- (BOOL)doPad {
+ return doPad_;
+- (void)setDoPad:(BOOL)doPad {
+ doPad_ = doPad;
+- (void)setPaddingChar:(char)c {
+ paddingChar_ = c;
+ reverseCharMap_[(int)c] = kPaddingChar;
+- (NSString *)encode:(NSData *)inData {
+ NSUInteger inLen = [inData length];
+ if (inLen <= 0) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Empty input");
+ return @"";
+ }
+ unsigned char *inBuf = (unsigned char *)[inData bytes];
+ NSUInteger inPos = 0;
+ NSUInteger outLen = (inLen * 8 + shift_ - 1) / shift_;
+ if (doPad_) {
+ outLen = ((outLen + padLen_ - 1) / padLen_) * padLen_;
+ }
+ NSMutableData *outData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:outLen];
+ unsigned char *outBuf = (unsigned char *)[outData mutableBytes];
+ NSUInteger outPos = 0;
+ int buffer = inBuf[inPos++];
+ int bitsLeft = 8;
+ while (bitsLeft > 0 || inPos < inLen) {
+ if (bitsLeft < shift_) {
+ if (inPos < inLen) {
+ buffer <<= 8;
+ buffer |= (inBuf[inPos++] & 0xff);
+ bitsLeft += 8;
+ } else {
+ int pad = shift_ - bitsLeft;
+ buffer <<= pad;
+ bitsLeft += pad;
+ }
+ }
+ int idx = (buffer >> (bitsLeft - shift_)) & mask_;
+ bitsLeft -= shift_;
+ outBuf[outPos++] = charMap_[idx];
+ }
+ if (doPad_) {
+ while (outPos < outLen)
+ outBuf[outPos++] = paddingChar_;
+ }
+ _GTMDevAssert(outPos == outLen, @"Underflowed output buffer");
+ [outData setLength:outPos];
+ return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:outData
+ encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] autorelease];
+- (NSString *)encodeString:(NSString *)inString {
+ return [self encode:[inString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
+- (NSData *)decode:(NSString *)inString {
+ char *inBuf = (char *)[inString cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ if (!inBuf) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"unable to convert buffer to ASCII");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ NSUInteger inLen = strlen(inBuf);
+ NSUInteger outLen = inLen * shift_ / 8;
+ NSMutableData *outData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:outLen];
+ unsigned char *outBuf = (unsigned char *)[outData mutableBytes];
+ NSUInteger outPos = 0;
+ int buffer = 0;
+ int bitsLeft = 0;
+ BOOL expectPad = NO;
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < inLen; i++) {
+ int val = reverseCharMap_[(int)inBuf[i]];
+ switch (val) {
+ case kIgnoreChar:
+ break;
+ case kPaddingChar:
+ expectPad = YES;
+ break;
+ case kUnknownChar:
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Unexpected data in input pos %d", i);
+ return nil;
+ default:
+ if (expectPad) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Expected further padding characters");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ buffer <<= shift_;
+ buffer |= val & mask_;
+ bitsLeft += shift_;
+ if (bitsLeft >= 8) {
+ outBuf[outPos++] = buffer >> (bitsLeft - 8);
+ bitsLeft -= 8;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bitsLeft && buffer & ((1 << bitsLeft) - 1)) {
+ _GTMDevLog(@"Incomplete trailing data");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ // Shorten buffer if needed due to padding chars
+ _GTMDevAssert(outPos <= outLen, @"Overflowed buffer");
+ [outData setLength:outPos];
+ return outData;
+- (NSString *)stringByDecoding:(NSString *)inString {
+ NSData *ret = [self decode:inString];
+ return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:ret
+ encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMStringEncodingTest.m b/Foundation/GTMStringEncodingTest.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82b7492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Foundation/GTMStringEncodingTest.m
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+// GTMStringEncodingTest.m
+// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+// of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+#import "GTMSenTestCase.h"
+#import "GTMStringEncoding.h"
+#import "GTMUnitTestDevLog.h"
+@interface GTMStringEncodingTest : GTMTestCase
+@implementation GTMStringEncodingTest
+// Empty inputs should result in empty outputs.
+- (void)testEmptyInputs {
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding stringEncodingWithString:@"01"];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:[NSData data]], @"", nil);
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder encodeString:@""], @"", nil);
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:@""], [NSData data], nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder stringByDecoding:@""], @"", nil);
+// Invalid inputs should result in nil outputs.
+- (void)testInvalidInputs {
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding stringEncodingWithString:@"01"];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"unable to convert buffer to ASCII"];
+ STAssertNil([coder decode:nil], nil);
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Unexpected data in input pos 0"];
+ STAssertNil([coder decode:@"banana"], nil);
+// Ignored inputs should be silently ignored.
+- (void)testIgnoreChars {
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding stringEncodingWithString:@"01"];
+ [coder ignoreCharacters:@" \n-"];
+ char aa = 0xaa;
+ NSData *aaData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&aa length:sizeof(aa)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:@"10101010"], aaData, nil);
+ // Inputs with ignored characters
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:@"1010 1010"], aaData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:@"1010-1010"], aaData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:@"1010\n1010"], aaData, nil);
+ // Invalid inputs
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Unexpected data in input pos 4"];
+ STAssertNil([coder decode:@"1010+1010"], nil);
+#define ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, decoded, encoded) do { \
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encodeString:decoded], encoded, nil); \
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder stringByDecoding:encoded], decoded, nil); \
+} while (0)
+- (void)testBinary {
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding binaryStringEncoding];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"f", @"01100110");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fo", @"0110011001101111");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foo", @"011001100110111101101111");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foob", @"011001100110111101101111"
+ "01100010");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fooba", @"011001100110111101101111"
+ "0110001001100001");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foobar", @"011001100110111101101111"
+ "011000100110000101110010");
+ // All values, generated with:
+ // perl -le 'print unpack "B*", join("", map chr, 0..255)'
+ NSString *allValues = @""
+ "0000000000000001000000100000001100000100000001010000011000000111000010000000"
+ "1001000010100000101100001100000011010000111000001111000100000001000100010010"
+ "0001001100010100000101010001011000010111000110000001100100011010000110110001"
+ "1100000111010001111000011111001000000010000100100010001000110010010000100101"
+ "0010011000100111001010000010100100101010001010110010110000101101001011100010"
+ "1111001100000011000100110010001100110011010000110101001101100011011100111000"
+ "0011100100111010001110110011110000111101001111100011111101000000010000010100"
+ "0010010000110100010001000101010001100100011101001000010010010100101001001011"
+ "0100110001001101010011100100111101010000010100010101001001010011010101000101"
+ "0101010101100101011101011000010110010101101001011011010111000101110101011110"
+ "0101111101100000011000010110001001100011011001000110010101100110011001110110"
+ "1000011010010110101001101011011011000110110101101110011011110111000001110001"
+ "0111001001110011011101000111010101110110011101110111100001111001011110100111"
+ "1011011111000111110101111110011111111000000010000001100000101000001110000100"
+ "1000010110000110100001111000100010001001100010101000101110001100100011011000"
+ "1110100011111001000010010001100100101001001110010100100101011001011010010111"
+ "1001100010011001100110101001101110011100100111011001111010011111101000001010"
+ "0001101000101010001110100100101001011010011010100111101010001010100110101010"
+ "1010101110101100101011011010111010101111101100001011000110110010101100111011"
+ "0100101101011011011010110111101110001011100110111010101110111011110010111101"
+ "1011111010111111110000001100000111000010110000111100010011000101110001101100"
+ "0111110010001100100111001010110010111100110011001101110011101100111111010000"
+ "1101000111010010110100111101010011010101110101101101011111011000110110011101"
+ "1010110110111101110011011101110111101101111111100000111000011110001011100011"
+ "1110010011100101111001101110011111101000111010011110101011101011111011001110"
+ "1101111011101110111111110000111100011111001011110011111101001111010111110110"
+ "111101111111100011111001111110101111101111111100111111011111111011111111";
+ char allValuesBytes[256];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sizeof(allValuesBytes); i++)
+ allValuesBytes[i] = i;
+ NSData *allValuesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&allValuesBytes
+ length:sizeof(allValuesBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:allValues], allValuesData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:allValuesData], allValues, nil);
+- (void)testBase64 {
+ // RFC4648 test vectors
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding rfc4648Base64StringEncoding];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"f", @"Zg==");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fo", @"Zm8=");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foo", @"Zm9v");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foob", @"Zm9vYg==");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fooba", @"Zm9vYmE=");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foobar", @"Zm9vYmFy");
+ // All values, generated with:
+ // python -c 'import base64; print base64.b64encode("".join([chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)]))'
+ NSString *allValues = @""
+ "cnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn+AgYKDhIWGh4iJiouMjY6PkJGSk5SVlpeYmZqbnJ2en6ChoqOkpaanqKmq"
+ "q6ytrq+wsbKztLW2t7i5uru8vb6/wMHCw8TFxsfIycrLzM3Oz9DR0tPU1dbX2Nna29zd3t/g4eLj"
+ "5OXm5+jp6uvs7e7v8PHy8/T19vf4+fr7/P3+/w==";
+ char allValuesBytes[256];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sizeof(allValuesBytes); i++)
+ allValuesBytes[i] = i;
+ NSData *allValuesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&allValuesBytes
+ length:sizeof(allValuesBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:allValues], allValuesData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:allValuesData], allValues, nil);
+- (void)testBase64Websafe {
+ // RFC4648 test vectors
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder =
+ [GTMStringEncoding rfc4648Base64WebsafeStringEncoding];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"f", @"Zg==");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fo", @"Zm8=");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foo", @"Zm9v");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foob", @"Zm9vYg==");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fooba", @"Zm9vYmE=");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foobar", @"Zm9vYmFy");
+ // All values, generated with:
+ // python -c 'import base64; print base64.urlsafe_b64encode("".join([chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)]))'
+ NSString *allValues = @""
+ "cnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn-AgYKDhIWGh4iJiouMjY6PkJGSk5SVlpeYmZqbnJ2en6ChoqOkpaanqKmq"
+ "q6ytrq-wsbKztLW2t7i5uru8vb6_wMHCw8TFxsfIycrLzM3Oz9DR0tPU1dbX2Nna29zd3t_g4eLj"
+ "5OXm5-jp6uvs7e7v8PHy8_T19vf4-fr7_P3-_w==";
+ char allValuesBytes[256];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sizeof(allValuesBytes); i++)
+ allValuesBytes[i] = i;
+ NSData *allValuesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&allValuesBytes
+ length:sizeof(allValuesBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:allValues], allValuesData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:allValuesData], allValues, nil);
+- (void)testBase32 {
+ // RFC4648 test vectors
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding rfc4648Base32StringEncoding];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"f", @"MY======");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fo", @"MZXQ====");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foo", @"MZXW6===");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foobar", @"MZXW6YTBOI======");
+ // All values, generated with:
+ // python -c 'import base64; print base64.b32encode("".join([chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)]))'
+ NSString *allValues = @""
+ "33XP6DY7F47U6X3PP6HZ7L57Z7P674======";
+ char allValuesBytes[256];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sizeof(allValuesBytes); i++)
+ allValuesBytes[i] = i;
+ NSData *allValuesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&allValuesBytes
+ length:sizeof(allValuesBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:allValues], allValuesData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:allValuesData], allValues, nil);
+- (void)testBase32Hex {
+ // RFC4648 test vectors
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding rfc4648Base32HexStringEncoding];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"f", @"CO======");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fo", @"CPNG====");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foo", @"CPNMU===");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foobar", @"CPNMUOJ1E8======");
+ // All values, generated with:
+ // python -c 'import base64; print base64.b32encode("".join([chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)]))' | tr A-Z2-7 0-9A-V
+ NSString *allValues = @""
+ "000G40O40K30E209185GO38E1S8124GJ2GAHC5OO34D1M70T3OFI08924CI2A9H750KIKAPC5KN2"
+ char allValuesBytes[256];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sizeof(allValuesBytes); i++)
+ allValuesBytes[i] = i;
+ NSData *allValuesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&allValuesBytes
+ length:sizeof(allValuesBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:allValues], allValuesData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:allValuesData], allValues, nil);
+- (void)testHex {
+ // RFC4648 test vectors
+ GTMStringEncoding *coder = [GTMStringEncoding hexStringEncoding];
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Empty input"];
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"f", @"66");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fo", @"666F");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foo", @"666F6F");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foob", @"666F6F62");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"fooba", @"666F6F6261");
+ ASSERT_ENCODE_DECODE_STRING(coder, @"foobar", @"666F6F626172");
+ // All Values, generated with:
+ // python -c 'import binascii; print binascii.b2a_hex("".join([chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)])).upper()'
+ NSString *allValues = @""
+ "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F202122232425"
+ "262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B"
+ "4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071"
+ "72737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F9091929394959697"
+ char allValuesBytes[256];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sizeof(allValuesBytes); i++)
+ allValuesBytes[i] = i;
+ NSData *allValuesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&allValuesBytes
+ length:sizeof(allValuesBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:allValues], allValuesData, nil);
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:allValuesData], allValues, nil);
+ // Lower case
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:[allValues lowercaseString]],
+ allValuesData, nil);
+ // Extra tests from GTMNSData+HexTest.m
+ NSString *testString = @"1C2F0032F40123456789ABCDEF";
+ char testBytes[] = { 0x1c, 0x2f, 0x00, 0x32, 0xf4, 0x01, 0x23,
+ 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef };
+ NSData *testData = [NSData dataWithBytes:testBytes length:sizeof(testBytes)];
+ STAssertEqualStrings([coder encode:testData], testString, nil);
+ STAssertEqualObjects([coder decode:testString], testData, nil);
+ // Invalid inputs
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Incomplete trailing data"];
+ STAssertNil([coder decode:@"1c2f003"], nil);
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Unexpected data in input pos 7"];
+ STAssertNil([coder decode:@"1c2f00ft"], nil);
+ [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectString:@"Unexpected data in input pos 4"];
+ STAssertNil([coder decode:@"abcd<C3><A9>f"], nil);