path: root/Foundation/GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m
diff options
authorGravatar dmaclach <dmaclach@google.com>2016-10-07 12:10:23 -0400
committerGravatar Thomas Van Lenten <thomasvl@google.com>2016-10-07 12:21:06 -0400
commit42124b3691197c3c4f52f069775fa0390a8ff942 (patch)
treeebd373d398ea64b45bdc1d196fa0a2c5f57cabfd /Foundation/GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m
parent57eeab4193210df8ab0c81e9d3f1ee1ad3e24492 (diff)
First cut at pruning things/updating things.
Remove a bunch of code that Google stopped using/maintaining rather than trying to update it it. Some would be hard to update, some actually has system provided replacements; others are patterns that just don't seem as common now. Prune out the code related to macOS <= 10.5, start pruning some of the really old iOS support also. Get the projects mostly limping again with modern Xcodes so tests can be run. If someone ends up on this commit via history for something they still find as useful, feel free to do a pull request to bring the snippet of code back to life and update it for current SDKs.
Diffstat (limited to 'Foundation/GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 662 deletions
diff --git a/Foundation/GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m b/Foundation/GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 850de58..0000000
--- a/Foundation/GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-// GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
-// of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-#import "GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.h"
-#import "GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor+Foundation.h"
-#import "GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor+Handler.h"
-#import "GTMFourCharCode.h"
-#import "GTMMethodCheck.h"
-// Keys for passing AppleScript calls from other threads to the main thread
-// and back through gtm_internalExecuteAppleEvent:
-static NSString *const GTMNSAppleScriptEventKey = @"GTMNSAppleScriptEvent";
-static NSString *const GTMNSAppleScriptResultKey = @"GTMNSAppleScriptResult";
-static NSString *const GTMNSAppleScriptErrorKey = @"GTMNSAppleScriptError";
-// Error keys that we may return in the error dictionary on top of the standard
-// NSAppleScriptError* keys.
-NSString const* GTMNSAppleScriptErrorPartialResult
- = @"GTMNSAppleScriptErrorPartialResult";
-NSString const* GTMNSAppleScriptErrorOffendingObject
- = @"GTMNSAppleScriptErrorOffendingObject";
-NSString const* GTMNSAppleScriptErrorExpectedType
- = @"GTMNSAppleScriptErrorExpectedType";
-// Some private methods that we need to call
-@interface NSAppleScript (NSPrivate)
-+ (ComponentInstance)_defaultScriptingComponent;
-- (OSAID) _compiledScriptID;
-- (id)_initWithData:(NSData*)data error:(NSDictionary**)error;
-- (id)_initWithScriptIDNoCopy:(OSAID)osaID;
-@interface NSMethodSignature (NSPrivate)
-+ (id)signatureWithObjCTypes:(const char *)fp8;
-// Our own private interfaces.
-@interface NSAppleScript (GTMAppleScriptHandlerAdditionsPrivate)
-// Return an descriptor for a property. Properties are only supposed to be
-// of type NSString or GTMFourCharCode. GTMFourCharCode's need special handling
-// as they must be turned into NSAppleEventDescriptors of typeProperty.
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:(id)property;
-// Return an NSAppleEventDescriptor for a given property.
-// |property| must be kind of class GTMFourCharCode
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:(id)property;
-// Utility routine for extracting multiple values in scripts and their
-// parents.
-- (NSSet*)gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:(SEL)selector;
-// Utility routine for extracting the handlers for a specific script without
-// referring to parent scripts.
-- (NSSet*)gtm_scriptHandlers;
-// Utility routine for extracting the properties for a specific script without
-// referring to parent scripts.
-- (NSSet*)gtm_scriptProperties;
-// Handles creating an NSAppleEventDescriptor from an OSAID
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)descForScriptID:(OSAID)scriptID
- component:(ComponentInstance)component;
-// Utility methods for converting between real and generic OSAIDs.
-- (OSAID)gtm_genericID:(OSAID)osaID forComponent:(ComponentInstance)component;
-- (OSAID)gtm_realIDAndComponent:(ComponentInstance*)component;
-- (void)gtm_internalExecuteAppleEvent:(NSMutableDictionary *)data;
-- (NSDictionary *)gtm_errorDictionaryFromOSStatus:(OSStatus)status
- component:(ComponentInstance)component;
-// Private methods for dealing with Scripts/Events and NSAppleEventDescriptors
-@interface NSAppleEventDescriptor (GTMAppleEventDescriptorScriptAdditions)
-// Return an NSAppleScript for a desc of typeScript. This will create a new
-// Applescript that is a copy of the script that you want.
-// Returns nil on failure.
-- (NSAppleScript*)gtm_scriptValue;
-// Return an NSAppleScript for a desc of typeGTMOSAID. This will not copy the
-// script, but will create an NSAppleScript wrapping the script represented
-// by the OSAID.
-// Returns nil on failure.
-- (NSAppleScript*)gtm_osaIDValue;
-// Return a NSString with [eventClass][eventID] for typeEvent 'evnt'
-- (NSString*)gtm_eventValue;
-@implementation NSAppleScript(GTMAppleScriptHandlerAdditions)
-GTM_METHOD_CHECK(NSAppleEventDescriptor, gtm_descriptorWithPositionalHandler:parametersArray:);
-GTM_METHOD_CHECK(NSAppleEventDescriptor, gtm_descriptorWithLabeledHandler:labels:parameters:count:);
-GTM_METHOD_CHECK(NSAppleEventDescriptor, gtm_registerSelector:forTypes:count:);
-+ (void)load {
- DescType types[] = {
- typeScript
- };
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(gtm_scriptValue)
- forTypes:types
- count:sizeof(types)/sizeof(DescType)];
- DescType types2[] = {
- 'evnt' // No type code for this one
- };
- [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(gtm_eventValue)
- forTypes:types2
- count:sizeof(types2)/sizeof(DescType)];
- DescType types3[] = {
- };
- [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(gtm_osaIDValue)
- forTypes:types3
- count:sizeof(types3)/sizeof(DescType)];
- [pool drain];
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor *)gtm_executeAppleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event
- error:(NSDictionary **)error {
- NSMutableDictionary *data = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
- event, GTMNSAppleScriptEventKey, nil];
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(gtm_internalExecuteAppleEvent:)
- withObject:data
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- if (error) {
- *error = [data objectForKey:GTMNSAppleScriptErrorKey];
- }
- return [data objectForKey:GTMNSAppleScriptResultKey];
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_executePositionalHandler:(NSString*)handler
- parameters:(NSArray*)params
- error:(NSDictionary**)error {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *event
- = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithPositionalHandler:handler
- parametersArray:params];
- return [self gtm_executeAppleEvent:event error:error];
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_executeLabeledHandler:(NSString*)handler
- labels:(AEKeyword*)labels
- parameters:(id*)params
- count:(NSUInteger)count
- error:(NSDictionary **)error {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *event
- = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithLabeledHandler:handler
- labels:labels
- parameters:params
- count:count];
- return [self gtm_executeAppleEvent:event error:error];
-- (NSSet*)gtm_handlers {
- return [self gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:@selector(gtm_scriptHandlers)];
-- (NSSet*)gtm_properties {
- return [self gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:@selector(gtm_scriptProperties)];
-// Set a value for a property by type (eg pASTopLevelScript)
-- (BOOL)gtm_setValue:(id)value
- forPropertyEnum:(DescType)property
- addingDefinition:(BOOL)adding {
- GTMFourCharCode *fcc
- = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:property];
- return [self gtm_setValue:value forProperty:fcc addingDefinition:adding];
-- (BOOL)gtm_setValue:(id)value
- forProperty:(id)property
- addingDefinition:(BOOL)adding{
- OSAError error = paramErr;
- BOOL wasGood = NO;
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *propertyName
- = [self gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:property];
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [value gtm_appleEventDescriptor];
- if (propertyName && desc) {
- NSAppleScript *script = self;
- OSAID valueID = kOSANullScript;
- ComponentInstance component = NULL;
- OSAID scriptID = [script gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- error = OSACoerceFromDesc(component,
- [desc aeDesc],
- kOSAModeNull,
- &valueID);
- if (error == noErr) {
- error = OSASetProperty(component,
- adding ? kOSAModeNull : kOSAModeDontDefine,
- scriptID,
- [propertyName aeDesc],
- valueID);
- if (error == noErr) {
- wasGood = YES;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!wasGood) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to setValue:%@ forProperty:%@ from %@ (%d)",
- value, property, self, (int)error);
- }
- return wasGood;
-- (id)gtm_valueForProperty:(id)property {
- return [[self gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:property] gtm_objectValue];
-- (id)gtm_valueForPropertyEnum:(DescType)property {
- GTMFourCharCode *fcc = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:property];
- return [self gtm_valueForProperty:fcc];
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_appleEventDescriptor {
- ComponentInstance component;
- OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- AEDesc result = { typeNull, NULL };
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil;
- OSAError error = OSACoerceToDesc(component,
- osaID,
- typeScript,
- kOSAModeNull,
- &result);
- if (error == noErr) {
- desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&result]
- autorelease];
- } else {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to coerce script %ld", (long)error);
- }
- return desc;
-- (BOOL)gtm_hasOpenDocumentsHandler {
- ComponentInstance component = NULL;
- OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- long value = 0;
- OSAError error = OSAGetScriptInfo(component,
- osaID,
- kASHasOpenHandler,
- &value);
- if (error) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get script info about open handler %ld", (long)error);
- value = 0;
- }
- return value != 0;
-- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
- NSMethodSignature *signature = [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
- if (!signature) {
- NSMutableString *types = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"@@:"];
- NSString *selName = NSStringFromSelector(aSelector);
- NSArray *selArray = [selName componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];
- NSUInteger count = [selArray count];
- for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < count; i++) {
- [types appendString:@"@"];
- }
- signature = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:[types UTF8String]];
- }
- return signature;
-- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation {
- SEL sel = [invocation selector];
- NSMutableString *handlerName
- = [NSMutableString stringWithString:NSStringFromSelector(sel)];
- NSUInteger handlerOrigLength = [handlerName length];
- [handlerName replaceOccurrencesOfString:@":"
- withString:@""
- options:0
- range:NSMakeRange(0,handlerOrigLength)];
- NSUInteger argCount = handlerOrigLength - [handlerName length];
- NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:argCount];
- for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) {
- id arg;
- // +2 to ignore _sel and _cmd
- [invocation getArgument:&arg atIndex:i + 2];
- [args addObject:arg];
- }
- NSDictionary *error = nil;
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [self gtm_executePositionalHandler:handlerName
- parameters:args
- error:&error];
- if ([[invocation methodSignature] methodReturnLength] > 0) {
- id returnValue = [desc gtm_objectValue];
- [invocation setReturnValue:&returnValue];
- }
-@implementation NSAppleScript (GTMAppleScriptHandlerAdditionsPrivate)
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:(id)property {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *propDesc = nil;
- if ([property isKindOfClass:[GTMFourCharCode class]]) {
- propDesc = [property gtm_appleEventDescriptorOfType:typeProperty];
- } else if ([property isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- propDesc = [property gtm_appleEventDescriptor];
- }
- return propDesc;
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:(id)property {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- OSAError error = paramErr;
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil;
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *propertyName
- = [self gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:property];
- if (propertyName) {
- ComponentInstance component = NULL;
- OSAID scriptID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- OSAID valueID = kOSANullScript;
- error = OSAGetProperty(component,
- kOSAModeNull,
- scriptID,
- [propertyName aeDesc],
- &valueID);
- if (error == noErr) {
- desc = [self descForScriptID:valueID component:component];
- }
- }
- if (error) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get valueForProperty:%@ from %@ (%d)",
- property, self, (int)error);
- }
- return desc;
-- (NSSet*)gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:(SEL)selector {
- NSMutableSet *resultSet = [NSMutableSet set];
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *scriptDesc = [self gtm_appleEventDescriptor];
- NSMutableSet *scriptDescsWeveSeen = [NSMutableSet set];
- GTMFourCharCode *fcc = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:pASParent];
- Class appleScriptClass = [NSAppleScript class];
- while (scriptDesc) {
- NSAppleScript *script = [scriptDesc gtm_objectValue];
- if ([script isKindOfClass:appleScriptClass]) {
- NSData *data = [scriptDesc data];
- if (!data || [scriptDescsWeveSeen containsObject:data]) {
- break;
- } else {
- [scriptDescsWeveSeen addObject:data];
- }
- NSSet *newSet = [script performSelector:selector];
- [resultSet unionSet:newSet];
- scriptDesc = [script gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:fcc];
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return resultSet;
-- (NSSet*)gtm_scriptHandlers {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- AEDescList names = { typeNull, NULL };
- NSArray *array = nil;
- ComponentInstance component = NULL;
- OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- OSAError error = OSAGetHandlerNames(component, kOSAModeNull, osaID, &names);
- if (error == noErr) {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc
- = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&names]
- autorelease];
- array = [desc gtm_objectValue];
- }
- if (error != noErr) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Error getting handlers: %d", (int)error); // COV_NF_LINE
- }
- return [NSSet setWithArray:array];
-- (NSSet*)gtm_scriptProperties {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- AEDescList names = { typeNull, NULL };
- NSArray *array = nil;
- ComponentInstance component = NULL;
- OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- OSAError error = OSAGetPropertyNames(component, kOSAModeNull, osaID, &names);
- if (error == noErr) {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc
- = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&names]
- autorelease];
- array = [desc gtm_objectValue];
- }
- if (error != noErr) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Error getting properties: %d", (int)error); // COV_NF_LINE
- }
- return [NSSet setWithArray:array];
-- (OSAID)gtm_genericID:(OSAID)osaID forComponent:(ComponentInstance)component {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- ComponentInstance genericComponent = [NSAppleScript _defaultScriptingComponent];
- OSAID exactID = osaID;
- OSAError error = OSARealToGenericID(genericComponent, &exactID, component);
- if (error != noErr) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get real id script: %@ %d", self, (int)error); // COV_NF_LINE
- exactID = kOSANullScript; // COV_NF_LINE
- }
- return exactID;
-- (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)descForScriptID:(OSAID)osaID
- component:(ComponentInstance)component {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil;
- // If we have a script, return a typeGTMOSAID, otherwise convert it to
- // it's default AEDesc using OSACoerceToDesc with typeWildCard.
- long value = 0;
- OSAError err = noErr;
- if (osaID == 0) {
- desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor nullDescriptor];
- } else {
- err = OSAGetScriptInfo(component,
- osaID,
- kOSAScriptBestType,
- &value);
- if (err == noErr) {
- if (value == typeScript) {
- osaID = [self gtm_genericID:osaID forComponent:component];
- desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithDescriptorType:typeGTMOSAID
- bytes:&osaID
- length:sizeof(osaID)];
- } else {
- AEDesc aeDesc;
- err = OSACoerceToDesc(component,
- osaID,
- typeWildCard,
- kOSAModeNull,
- &aeDesc);
- if (err == noErr) {
- desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc]
- initWithAEDescNoCopy:&aeDesc] autorelease];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (err != noErr) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to create desc for id:%lu (%ld)", (unsigned long)osaID, (long)err); // COV_NF_LINE
- }
- return desc;
-- (OSAID)gtm_realIDAndComponent:(ComponentInstance*)component {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- if (![self isCompiled]) {
- NSDictionary *error;
- if (![self compileAndReturnError:&error]) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to compile script: %@ %@", self, error);
- return kOSANullScript;
- }
- }
- OSAID genericID = [self _compiledScriptID];
- ComponentInstance genericComponent = [NSAppleScript _defaultScriptingComponent];
- OSAError error = OSAGenericToRealID(genericComponent, &genericID, component);
- if (error != noErr) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get real id script: %@ %d", self, (int)error); // COV_NF_LINE
- genericID = kOSANullScript; // COV_NF_LINE
- }
- return genericID;
-- (void)gtm_internalExecuteAppleEvent:(NSMutableDictionary *)data {
- _GTMDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread], @"Requires main thread.");
- NSDictionary *error = nil;
- if (![self isCompiled]) {
- [self compileAndReturnError:&error];
- }
- if (!error) {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil;
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *event = [data objectForKey:GTMNSAppleScriptEventKey];
- ComponentInstance component = NULL;
- OSAID scriptID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component];
- OSAID valueID;
- OSAError err = OSAExecuteEvent(component, [event aeDesc], scriptID,
- kOSAModeNull, &valueID);
- if (err == noErr) {
- // descForScriptID:component: is what sets this apart from the
- // standard executeAppleEvent:error: in that it handles
- // taking script results and turning them into AEDescs of typeGTMOSAID
- // instead of typeScript.
- desc = [self descForScriptID:valueID component:component];
- if (desc) {
- [data setObject:desc forKey:GTMNSAppleScriptResultKey];
- }
- } else {
- error = [self gtm_errorDictionaryFromOSStatus:err component:component];
- }
- }
- if (error) {
- [data setObject:error forKey:GTMNSAppleScriptErrorKey];
- }
-- (NSDictionary *)gtm_errorDictionaryFromOSStatus:(OSStatus)status
- component:(ComponentInstance)component {
- NSMutableDictionary *error = nil;
- if (status == errOSAScriptError) {
- error = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- struct {
- OSType selector;
- DescType desiredType;
- SEL extractor;
- id key;
- } errMap[] = {
- {
- kOSAErrorNumber,
- typeSInt16,
- @selector(gtm_numberValue),
- NSAppleScriptErrorNumber
- },
- {
- kOSAErrorMessage,
- typeText,
- @selector(stringValue),
- NSAppleScriptErrorMessage
- },
- {
- kOSAErrorBriefMessage,
- typeText,
- @selector(stringValue),
- NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage
- },
- { kOSAErrorApp,
- typeText,
- @selector(stringValue),
- NSAppleScriptErrorAppName
- },
- { kOSAErrorRange,
- typeOSAErrorRange,
- @selector(gtm_OSAErrorRangeValue),
- NSAppleScriptErrorRange
- },
- {
- kOSAErrorPartialResult,
- typeBest,
- @selector(gtm_objectValue),
- GTMNSAppleScriptErrorPartialResult
- },
- {
- kOSAErrorOffendingObject,
- typeBest,
- @selector(gtm_objectValue),
- GTMNSAppleScriptErrorOffendingObject
- },
- {
- kOSAErrorExpectedType,
- typeType,
- @selector(gtm_fourCharCodeValue),
- GTMNSAppleScriptErrorExpectedType
- },
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(errMap) / sizeof(errMap[0]); ++i) {
- AEDesc errorResult = { typeNull, NULL };
- OSStatus err = OSAScriptError(component,
- errMap[i].selector,
- errMap[i].desiredType,
- &errorResult);
- if (err == noErr) {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc]
- initWithAEDescNoCopy:&errorResult] autorelease];
- id value = [desc performSelector:errMap[i].extractor];
- if (value) {
- [error setObject:value forKey:errMap[i].key];
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (status != noErr) {
- // Unknown error. Do our best to give the user something good.
- NSNumber *errNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:status];
- error
- = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errNum
- forKey:NSAppleScriptErrorNumber];
- NSString *briefMessage
- = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:GetMacOSStatusErrorString(status)];
- if (briefMessage) {
- [error setValue:briefMessage forKey:NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage];
- }
- NSString *message
- = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:GetMacOSStatusCommentString(status)];
- if (message) {
- [error setValue:message forKey:NSAppleScriptErrorMessage];
- }
- }
- return error;
-@implementation NSAppleEventDescriptor (GMAppleEventDescriptorScriptAdditions)
-- (NSAppleScript*)gtm_scriptValue {
- NSDictionary *error;
- NSAppleScript *script = [[[NSAppleScript alloc] _initWithData:[self data]
- error:&error] autorelease];
- if (!script) {
- _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to create script: %@", error); // COV_NF_LINE
- }
- return script;
-- (NSAppleScript*)gtm_osaIDValue {
- _GTMDevAssert([[self data] length] == sizeof(OSAID), nil);
- OSAID osaID = *(const OSAID*)[[self data] bytes];
- return [[[NSAppleScript alloc] _initWithScriptIDNoCopy:osaID] autorelease];
-- (NSString*)gtm_eventValue {
- struct AEEventRecordStruct {
- AEEventClass eventClass;
- AEEventID eventID;
- };
- NSData *data = [self data];
- const struct AEEventRecordStruct *record
- = (const struct AEEventRecordStruct*)[data bytes];
- NSString *eClass = [GTMFourCharCode stringWithFourCharCode:record->eventClass];
- NSString *eID = [GTMFourCharCode stringWithFourCharCode:record->eventID];
- return [eClass stringByAppendingString:eID];
-@implementation NSAppleEventDescriptor (GTMAppleEventDescriptorOSAAdditions)
-- (id)gtm_OSAErrorRangeValue {
- id value = nil;
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *start = [self descriptorForKeyword:keyOSASourceStart];
- if (start) {
- NSAppleEventDescriptor *end = [self descriptorForKeyword:keyOSASourceEnd];
- if (end) {
- NSRange range = NSMakeRange([start int32Value], [end int32Value]);
- value = [NSValue valueWithRange:range];
- }
- }
- return value;