path: root/test.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/test.hs b/test.hs
index 1eac942b1..528f78063 100644
--- a/test.hs
+++ b/test.hs
@@ -105,12 +105,7 @@ blackbox = TestLabel "blackbox" $ TestList
test_init :: Test
test_init = "git-annex init" ~: TestCase $ innewrepo $ do
git_annex "init" ["-q", reponame] @? "init failed"
- e <- doesFileExist annexlog
- e @? (annexlog ++ " not created")
- c <- readFile annexlog
- reponame `isInfixOf` c @? annexlog ++ " does not contain repo name"
- annexlog = ".git-annex/uuid.log"
reponame = "test repo"
test_add :: Test
@@ -609,26 +604,9 @@ checklocationlog f expected = do
r <- annexeval $ Backend.lookupFile f
case r of
Just (k, _) -> do
- uuids <- annexeval $ do
- g <- Annex.gitRepo
- LocationLog.keyLocations g k
+ uuids <- annexeval $ LocationLog.keyLocations k
assertEqual ("bad content in location log for " ++ f ++ " key " ++ (show k) ++ " uuid " ++ thisuuid)
expected (thisuuid `elem` uuids)
- -- Location log files should always be checked
- -- into git, and any modifications staged for
- -- commit. This is a regression test, as some
- -- commands forgot to.
- (fs, ufs) <- annexeval $ do
- g <- Annex.gitRepo
- let lf = LocationLog.logFile g k
- fs <- liftIO $ Git.inRepo g [lf]
- ufs <- liftIO $ Git.changedUnstagedFiles g [lf]
- return (fs, ufs)
- when (null fs) $
- assertFailure $ f ++ " logfile not added to git repo"
- when (not $ null ufs) $
- assertFailure $ f ++ " logfile changes not staged"
_ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " failed to look up key"
inlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion