path: root/templates/configurators
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/configurators')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/templates/configurators/adddrive.hamlet b/templates/configurators/adddrive.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 948c9f1ee..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/adddrive.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Adding a removable drive
- <p>
- Clone this repository to a USB drive, memory stick, or other #
- removable media. Whenever the removable drive is plugged in, its
- content will be synced with the content of this repository.
- <p>
- $if (null writabledrives)
- <div .span6 .alert .alert-error .alert-block>
- $if (null removabledrives)
- <h4 .alert-heading>
- No removable drives found
- Please make sure you have a removable drive plugged in and mounted.
- $else
- <h4 .alert-heading>
- No usable removable drives found
- Seems you cannot write to any of the removable drives that are #
- currently mounted. Try plugging in a removable drive that you can #
- write to, or correcting the write permissions.
- <p>
- <a .btn .btn-primary href="@{AddDriveR}">
- Rescan for removable drives
- $else
- <form enctype=#{enctype}>
- <fieldset>
- ^{form}
- ^{authtoken}
- <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#clonemodal').modal('show');">Use this drive</button> #
- <a .btn href="@{AddDriveR}">
- Rescan for removable drives
-<div .modal .fade #clonemodal>
- <div .modal-header>
- <h3>
- Cloning to drive
- <div .modal-body>
- <p>
- Cloning the repository to the drive. This may take a few minutes; #
- do not remove the drive.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/ b/templates/configurators/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea55ae12..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Adding a repository
- <p>
- <a href="">
- #
- is a well-respected cloud storage provider. Its rsync repositories are #
- supported very well by git-annex. #
- <a href="">
- pricing details
- <p>
- $case status
- $of UnusableServer msg
- <div .alert .alert-error>
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> #{msg}
- $of _
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> #
- All your data will be synced to the repository, so make #
- sure it has enough available space. Your data will be encrypted before #
- it is sent to
- <p>
- When you sign up for a account, you receive an #
- email from them with a host name and a username. Fill that #
- information in below. You also likely don't want to use your whole #
- repository for git-annex alone, so git-annex will use a #
- subdirectory of it, as configured below.
- <p>
- <form .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}>
- <fieldset>
- ^{form}
- ^{authtoken}
- <div .form-actions>
- <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#testmodal').modal('show');">
- Use this repository
-<div .modal .fade #testmodal>
- <div .modal-header>
- <h3>
- Making repository ...
- <div .modal-body>
- <p>
- Setting up your repository. This could take a minute.
- <p>
- You may be prompted for your ssh password.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/enabledirectory.hamlet b/templates/configurators/enabledirectory.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 03da311c5..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/enabledirectory.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Enabling #{description}
- <p>
- Where is this repository located?
- <p>
- <a .btn href="@{AddDriveR}">
- On a removable drive
- <a .btn href="@{RepositoriesR}">
- Cancel
diff --git a/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet b/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index c1642b061..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 ##{ident} .hero-unit>
- $maybe reldir <- relDir webapp
- <h2>
- git-annex is watching over your files in <small><tt>#{reldir}</tt></small>
- <p>
- It will automatically notice changes, and keep files in sync between #
- $if notenough
- repositories on your devices ...
- <h2>
- But no other repositories are set up yet.
- <a .btn .btn-primary .btn-large href="@{RepositoriesR}">Add another repository</a>
- $else
- $if barelyenough
- <span .badge .badge-warning>#{numrepos}</span>
- $else
- <span .badge .badge-success>#{numrepos}</span>
- \ repositories and devices:
- <table .table .table-striped .table-condensed>
- <tbody>
- $forall (num, name, _) <- repolist
- <tr>
- <td>
- #{num}
- <td>
- #{name}
- <a .btn .btn-primary .btn-large href="@{RepositoriesR}">Add another repository</a>
- <p>
- Or just sit back, watch the magic, and get on with using your files.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/main.hamlet b/templates/configurators/main.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index b0fdcc282..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/main.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9>
- <div .row-fluid>
- <div .span4>
- <h3>
- <a href="@{RepositoriesR}">
- Manage repositories
- <p>
- Distribute the files in this repository to other devices, #
- make backups, and more, by adding repositories.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/newrepository.hamlet b/templates/configurators/newrepository.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index d2bdad9b9..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/newrepository.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Add another repository
- <p>
- The form below will make a separate repository, that is not synced #
- with your existing repository. You can use the new repository for #
- different sorts of files, that are synced and shared with other #
- devices and users.
- <p>
- <form .form-inline enctype=#{enctype}>
- ^{form}
- <p>
- <i .icon-asterisk></i> #
- Do you want to add another repository that is kept in sync with #
- the current one? If so, <a href="@{RepositoriesR}">go here</a>.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/newrepository/first.hamlet b/templates/configurators/newrepository/first.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b1fa72b..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/newrepository/first.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Welcome to git-annex!
- <p>
- There's just one thing to do before you can start using the power #
- and convenience of git-annex.
- <h2>
- Create a git-annex repository
- <p>
- Files in this repository will managed by git-annex, #
- and kept in sync with your repositories on other devices.
- <p>
- <form .form-inline enctype=#{enctype}>
- ^{form}
diff --git a/templates/configurators/newrepository/form.hamlet b/templates/configurators/newrepository/form.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c2405be6..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/newrepository/form.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- <div .input-prepend .input-append>
- <span .add-on>
- <i .icon-folder-open></i>
- ^{fvInput pathView}
- <button type=submit .btn .btn-primary>
- Make Repository
-$if err
- <div .alert .alert-error>
- #{errmsg}
diff --git a/templates/configurators/pairing/disabled.hamlet b/templates/configurators/pairing/disabled.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index c946aacc4..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/pairing/disabled.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Pairing not supported
- <p>
- This build of git-annex does not support pairing. Sorry!
diff --git a/templates/configurators/pairing/inprogress.hamlet b/templates/configurators/pairing/inprogress.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index da783a764..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/pairing/inprogress.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Pairing in progress ..
- $if T.null secret
- <p>
- You do not need to leave this page open; pairing will finish #
- automatically.
- $else
- <p>
- Now you should either go tell the owner of the computer you want to pair #
- with the secret phrase you selected ("#{secret}"), or go enter it into #
- the computer you want to pair with.
- <p>
- You do not need to leave this page open; pairing will finish automatically #
- as soon as the secret phrase is entered into the other computer.
- <p>
- If you're not seeing a pair request on the other computer, try moving #
- it to the same switch or wireless network as this one.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/pairing/prompt.hamlet b/templates/configurators/pairing/prompt.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d27b1837..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/pairing/prompt.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Pairing with a local computer
- <p>
- $if start
- Pair with a computer on your local network (or VPN), and the #
- two git annex repositories will be combined into one, with changes #
- kept in sync between them.
- $else
- Pairing with #{username}@#{hostname} will combine the two git annex #
- repositories into one, with changes kept in sync between them.
- <p>
- $if start
- For security, enter a secret phrase. This same secret phrase will #
- also need to be entered on the computer you're pairing with. #
- It will be used to verify you're pairing with the right computer.
- $else
- $if sameusername
- For security, you need to enter the same secret phrase that was #
- entered on #{hostname} when the pairing was started.
- $else
- For security, a secret phrase has been selected, which you need #
- to enter here to finish the pairing. If you don't know the #
- phrase, go ask #{username} ...
- $if badphrase
- <div .alert .alert-error>
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> #{problem}
- <p>
- <form .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}>
- <fieldset>
- ^{form}
- ^{authtoken}
- <div .form-actions>
- <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit>
- $if start
- Start pairing
- $else
- Finish pairing
- <div .alert .alert-info>
- $if start
- <p>
- A good secret phrase is reasonably long. You'll only #
- type it a few times. Only letters and numbers matter; #
- punctuation and white space is ignored.
- <p>
- A quotation is one good choice, something like: #
- "#{sampleQuote}"
- $else
- Only letters and numbers matter; punctuation and spaces are #
- ignored.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet b/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 8411ce350..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9>
- <h2>
- Your repositories
- <table .table .table-condensed>
- <tbody>
- $forall (num, name, needsenabled) <- repolist
- <tr>
- <td>
- #{num}
- <td>
- $if isJust needsenabled
- <i>#{name}
- $else
- #{name}
- <td>
- $maybe enable <- needsenabled
- <i>not enabled here #
- &rarr; #
- <a href="@{enable}">
- enable
- <div .row-fluid>
- <div .span6>
- <h2>
- Add more repositories
- <h3>
- <a href="@{AddDriveR}">
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i> Removable drive
- <p>
- Clone this repository to a USB drive, memory stick, or other #
- removable media.
- <p>
- For offline archiving, backups, or to #
- <a href="">SneakerNet</a> #
- between computers.
- <h3>
- <a href="@{StartPairR}">
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i> Local computer
- <p>
- Pair with a local computer to automatically keep files in sync #
- between computers on your local network.
- <p>
- For easy sharing with family and friends, or between your devices.
- <h3>
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i> Phone
- <p>
- Save photos and recordings from your phone.
- <p>
- Send selected files to your phone.
- <div .span6>
- <h2>
- Store your data in the cloud
- <h3>
- <a href="@{AddRsyncNetR}">
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i>
- <p>
- Works very well with git-annex.
- <h3>
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i> Amazon S3
- <p>
- Good choice for professional storage quality and low prices.
- <h3>
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i>
- <p>
- Provides free cloud storage for small amounts of data.
- <h3>
- <a href="@{AddSshR}">
- <i .icon-plus-sign></i> Remote server
- <p>
- Set up a repository on a remote server using #
- <tt>ssh</tt>, to build your own personal cloud.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/ssh/add.hamlet b/templates/configurators/ssh/add.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index c2336a169..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/ssh/add.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Adding a remote server using ssh
- <p>
- You can use nearly any server that has ssh and rsync. For example, you #
- could use a <a href="">Linode</a> or another VPS, or #
- an account on a friend's server.
- <p>
- $case status
- $of UnusableServer msg
- <div .alert .alert-error>
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> #{msg}
- $of _
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> Do keep in mind that all your data #
- will be synced to the server, so make sure it has enough available #
- disk space and bandwidth, and that you trust it with your data.
- <p>
- <form .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}>
- <fieldset>
- ^{form}
- ^{authtoken}
- <div .form-actions>
- <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#testmodal').modal('show');">
- Check this server
-<div .modal .fade #testmodal>
- <div .modal-header>
- <h3>
- Testing server ...
- <div .modal-body>
- <p>
- Checking ssh connection to the server. This could take a minute.
- <p>
- You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/ssh/confirm.hamlet b/templates/configurators/ssh/confirm.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index f82335ceb..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/ssh/confirm.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Ready to add remote server
- <div .row-fluid>
- <div .span8>
- <p>
- The server #{sshHostName sshdata} has been verified to be usable.
- $if not (rsyncOnly sshdata)
- <p>
- You have two options for how to use the server.
- <p>
- <a .btn .btn-primary href="@{MakeSshGitR sshdata}" onclick="$('#setupmodal').modal('show');">
- Use a git repository on the server
- <br>
- All your data will be uploaded to the server. If you set up other #
- devices to use the same server, they will all be kept in sync, #
- using the server as a central hub. #
- <p>
- <a .btn .btn-primary href="@{MakeSshRsyncR sshdata}" onclick="$('#setupmodal').modal('show');">
- Use an encrypted rsync repository on the server
- <br>
- The contents of your files will be stored, fully encrypted, on the #
- server. The server will not store other information about your #
- git repository.
- <div .span4>
- $if needsPubKey sshdata
- <div .alert .alert-info>
- <i .icon-info-sign></i> #
- A ssh key will be installed on the server, allowing git-annex to #
- access it securely without a password.
-<div .modal .fade #setupmodal>
- <div .modal-header>
- <h3>
- Making repository ...
- <div .modal-body>
- <p>
- Setting up repository on the remote server. This could take a minute.
- $if needsPubKey sshdata
- <p>
- You will be prompted once more for your ssh password. A ssh key #
- is being installed on the server, allowing git-annex to access it #
- securely without a password.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/ssh/enable.hamlet b/templates/configurators/ssh/enable.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e35e481b..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/ssh/enable.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Enabling #{description}
- <p>
- Another repository uses this server, but the server is not #
- yet enabled for use here. The first step to enable it is to check if it's #
- usable here.
- <p>
- <p>
- <form .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}>
- <fieldset>
- <div .form-actions>
- <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#testmodal').modal('show');">
- Check this server
- $case status
- $of UnusableServer msg
- <div .alert .alert-error>
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> #{msg}
- $of _
- ^{form}
- ^{authtoken}
-<div .modal .fade #testmodal>
- <div .modal-header>
- <h3>
- Testing server ...
- <div .modal-body>
- <p>
- Checking ssh connection to the server. This could take a minute.
- <p>
- You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.
diff --git a/templates/configurators/ssh/error.hamlet b/templates/configurators/ssh/error.hamlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 05d2de412..000000000
--- a/templates/configurators/ssh/error.hamlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- <i .icon-warning-sign></i> Failed to make repository
- <p>
- Something went wrong setting up the repository on the remote server.
- <p>
- Transcript: #{msg}
- <p>
- <a .btn .btn-primary href="#">
- Retry