path: root/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod_hack-TH.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod_hack-TH.patch')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod_hack-TH.patch b/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod_hack-TH.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eedc7df15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod_hack-TH.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+From e3d1ead4f02c2c45e64a1ccad5b461cc6fdabbd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: dummy <>
+Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 18:48:56 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] hack for TH
+ Yesod.hs | 19 ++++++++++++--
+ Yesod/Default/Util.hs | 69 ++-------------------------------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Yesod.hs b/Yesod.hs
+index b367144..fbe309c 100644
+--- a/Yesod.hs
++++ b/Yesod.hs
+@@ -5,9 +5,24 @@ module Yesod
+ ( -- * Re-exports from yesod-core
+ module Yesod.Core
+ , module Yesod.Form
+- , module Yesod.Persist
++ , insertBy
++ , replace
++ , deleteBy
++ , delete
++ , insert
++ , Key
+ ) where
+ import Yesod.Core
+ import Yesod.Form
+-import Yesod.Persist
++-- These symbols are usually imported from persistent,
++-- But it is not built on Android. Still export them
++-- just so that hiding them will work.
++data Key = DummyKey
++insertBy = undefined
++replace = undefined
++deleteBy = undefined
++delete = undefined
++insert = undefined
+diff --git a/Yesod/Default/Util.hs b/Yesod/Default/Util.hs
+index a10358e..0547424 100644
+--- a/Yesod/Default/Util.hs
++++ b/Yesod/Default/Util.hs
+@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
+ module Yesod.Default.Util
+ ( addStaticContentExternal
+ , globFile
+- , widgetFileNoReload
+- , widgetFileReload
++ --, widgetFileNoReload
++ --, widgetFileReload
+ , TemplateLanguage (..)
+- , defaultTemplateLanguages
+ , WidgetFileSettings
+ , wfsLanguages
+ , wfsHamletSettings
+@@ -20,9 +19,6 @@ import Yesod.Core -- purposely using complete import so that Haddock will see ad
+ import Control.Monad (when, unless)
+ import System.Directory (doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing)
+ import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+-import Text.Lucius (luciusFile, luciusFileReload)
+-import Text.Julius (juliusFile, juliusFileReload)
+-import Text.Cassius (cassiusFile, cassiusFileReload)
+ import Text.Hamlet (HamletSettings, defaultHamletSettings)
+ import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+ import Data.Default (Default (def))
+@@ -69,68 +65,7 @@ data TemplateLanguage = TemplateLanguage
+ , tlReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
+ }
+-defaultTemplateLanguages :: HamletSettings -> [TemplateLanguage]
+-defaultTemplateLanguages hset =
+- [ TemplateLanguage False "hamlet" whamletFile' whamletFile'
+- , TemplateLanguage True "cassius" cassiusFile cassiusFileReload
+- , TemplateLanguage True "julius" juliusFile juliusFileReload
+- , TemplateLanguage True "lucius" luciusFile luciusFileReload
+- ]
+- where
+- whamletFile' = whamletFileWithSettings hset
+ data WidgetFileSettings = WidgetFileSettings
+ { wfsLanguages :: HamletSettings -> [TemplateLanguage]
+ , wfsHamletSettings :: HamletSettings
+ }
+-instance Default WidgetFileSettings where
+- def = WidgetFileSettings defaultTemplateLanguages defaultHamletSettings
+-widgetFileNoReload :: WidgetFileSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
+-widgetFileNoReload wfs x = combine "widgetFileNoReload" x False $ wfsLanguages wfs $ wfsHamletSettings wfs
+-widgetFileReload :: WidgetFileSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
+-widgetFileReload wfs x = combine "widgetFileReload" x True $ wfsLanguages wfs $ wfsHamletSettings wfs
+-combine :: String -> String -> Bool -> [TemplateLanguage] -> Q Exp
+-combine func file isReload tls = do
+- mexps <- qmexps
+- case catMaybes mexps of
+- [] -> error $ concat
+- [ "Called "
+- , func
+- , " on "
+- , show file
+- , ", but no template were found."
+- ]
+- exps -> return $ DoE $ map NoBindS exps
+- where
+- qmexps :: Q [Maybe Exp]
+- qmexps = mapM go tls
+- go :: TemplateLanguage -> Q (Maybe Exp)
+- go tl = whenExists file (tlRequiresToWidget tl) (tlExtension tl) ((if isReload then tlReload else tlNoReload) tl)
+-whenExists :: String
+- -> Bool -- ^ requires toWidget wrap
+- -> String -> (FilePath -> Q Exp) -> Q (Maybe Exp)
+-whenExists = warnUnlessExists False
+-warnUnlessExists :: Bool
+- -> String
+- -> Bool -- ^ requires toWidget wrap
+- -> String -> (FilePath -> Q Exp) -> Q (Maybe Exp)
+-warnUnlessExists shouldWarn x wrap glob f = do
+- let fn = globFile glob x
+- e <- qRunIO $ doesFileExist fn
+- when (shouldWarn && not e) $ qRunIO $ putStrLn $ "widget file not found: " ++ fn
+- if e
+- then do
+- ex <- f fn
+- if wrap
+- then do
+- tw <- [|toWidget|]
+- return $ Just $ tw `AppE` ex
+- else return $ Just ex
+- else return Nothing