path: root/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod-static_remove-TH.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod-static_remove-TH.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 597 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod-static_remove-TH.patch b/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod-static_remove-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 425edc017..000000000
--- a/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/yesod-static_remove-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-From ad0166a6e537021c9f5a1e01cde4b7c520edcf3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:10:59 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
- Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs | 64 -----------
- Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs | 102 +----------------
- Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs | 41 -------
- Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs | 14 ---
- Yesod/Static.hs | 224 +------------------------------------
- 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 433 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs
-index e819630..a564d4b 100644
---- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic.hs
-@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic (
- -- * Subsite
- EmbeddedStatic
- , embeddedResourceR
-- , mkEmbeddedStatic
- , embedStaticContent
- -- * Generators
-@@ -91,69 +90,6 @@ instance Yesod master => YesodSubDispatch EmbeddedStatic (HandlerT master IO) wh
- ("widget":_) -> staticApp (widgetSettings site) req
- _ -> return $ responseLBS status404 [] "Not Found"
---- | Create the haskell variable for the link to the entry
--mkRoute :: ComputedEntry -> Q [Dec]
--mkRoute (ComputedEntry { cHaskellName = Nothing }) = return []
--mkRoute (c@ComputedEntry { cHaskellName = Just name }) = do
-- routeType <- [t| Route EmbeddedStatic |]
-- link <- [| $(cLink c) |]
-- return [ SigD name routeType
-- , ValD (VarP name) (NormalB link) []
-- ]
---- | Creates an 'EmbeddedStatic' by running, at compile time, a list of generators.
---- Each generator produces a list of entries to embed into the executable.
---- This template haskell splice creates a variable binding holding the resulting
---- 'EmbeddedStatic' and in addition creates variable bindings for all the routes
---- produced by the generators. For example, if a directory called static has
---- the following contents:
---- * js/jquery.js
---- * css/bootstrap.css
---- * img/logo.png
---- then a call to
---- > #ifdef DEVELOPMENT
---- > #define DEV_BOOL True
---- > #else
---- > #define DEV_BOOL False
---- > #endif
---- > mkEmbeddedStatic DEV_BOOL "myStatic" [embedDir "static"]
---- will produce variables
---- > myStatic :: EmbeddedStatic
---- > js_jquery_js :: Route EmbeddedStatic
---- > css_bootstrap_css :: Route EmbeddedStatic
---- > img_logo_png :: Route EmbeddedStatic
--mkEmbeddedStatic :: Bool -- ^ development?
-- -> String -- ^ variable name for the created 'EmbeddedStatic'
-- -> [Generator] -- ^ the generators (see "Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Generators")
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkEmbeddedStatic dev esName gen = do
-- entries <- concat <$> sequence gen
-- computed <- runIO $ mapM (if dev then devEmbed else prodEmbed) entries
-- let settings = Static.mkSettings $ return $ map cStEntry computed
-- devExtra = listE $ catMaybes $ map ebDevelExtraFiles entries
-- ioRef = [| unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty |]
-- -- build the embedded static
-- esType <- [t| EmbeddedStatic |]
-- esCreate <- if dev
-- then [| EmbeddedStatic (develApp $settings $devExtra) $ioRef |]
-- else [| EmbeddedStatic (staticApp $! $settings) $ioRef |]
-- let es = [ SigD (mkName esName) esType
-- , ValD (VarP $ mkName esName) (NormalB esCreate) []
-- ]
-- routes <- mapM mkRoute computed
-- return $ es ++ concat routes
- -- | Use this for 'addStaticContent' to have the widget static content be served by
- -- the embedded static subsite. For example,
-diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs
-index e83785d..bc35359 100644
---- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Generators.hs
-@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
- module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Generators (
- -- * Generators
- Location
-- , embedFile
-- , embedFileAt
-- , embedDir
-- , embedDirAt
-- , concatFiles
-- , concatFilesWith
-+ --, embedFile
-+ --, embedFileAt
-+ --, embedDir
-+ --, embedDirAt
-+ --, concatFiles
-+ --, concatFilesWith
- -- * Compression options for 'concatFilesWith'
- , jasmine
-@@ -50,28 +50,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Types
---- | Embed a single file. Equivalent to passing the same string twice to 'embedFileAt'.
--embedFile :: FilePath -> Generator
--embedFile f = embedFileAt f f
---- | Embed a single file at a given location within the static subsite and generate a
---- route variable based on the location via 'pathToName'. The @FilePath@ must be a relative
---- path to the directory in which you run @cabal build@. During development, the file located
---- at this filepath will be reloaded on every request. When compiling for production, the contents
---- of the file will be embedded into the executable and so the file does not need to be
---- distributed along with the executable.
--embedFileAt :: Location -> FilePath -> Generator
--embedFileAt loc f = do
-- let mime = defaultMimeLookup $ T.pack f
-- let entry = def {
-- ebHaskellName = Just $ pathToName loc
-- , ebLocation = loc
-- , ebMimeType = mime
-- , ebProductionContent = BL.readFile f
-- , ebDevelReload = [| BL.readFile $(litE $ stringL f) |]
-- }
-- return [entry]
- -- | List all files recursively in a directory
- getRecursiveContents :: Location -- ^ The directory to search
- -> FilePath -- ^ The prefix to add to the filenames
-@@ -88,74 +66,6 @@ getRecursiveContents prefix topdir = do
- else return [(loc, path)]
- return (concat paths)
---- | Embed all files in a directory into the static subsite.
---- Equivalent to passing the empty string as the location to 'embedDirAt',
---- so the directory path itself is not part of the resource locations (and so
---- also not part of the generated route variable names).
--embedDir :: FilePath -> Generator
--embedDir = embedDirAt ""
---- | Embed all files in a directory to a given location within the static subsite.
---- The directory tree rooted at the 'FilePath' (which must be relative to the directory in
---- which you run @cabal build@) is embedded into the static subsite at the given
---- location. Also, route variables will be created based on the final location
---- of each file. For example, if a directory \"static\" contains the files
---- * css/bootstrap.css
---- * js/jquery.js
---- * js/bootstrap.js
---- then @embedDirAt \"somefolder\" \"static\"@ will
---- * Make the file @static\/css\/bootstrap.css@ available at the location
---- @somefolder\/css\/bootstrap.css@ within the static subsite and similarly
---- for the other two files.
---- * Create variables @somefolder_css_bootstrap_css@, @somefolder_js_jquery_js@,
---- @somefolder_js_bootstrap_js@ all of type @Route EmbeddedStatic@.
---- * During development, the files will be reloaded on every request. During
---- production, the contents of all files will be embedded into the executable.
---- * During development, files that are added to the directory while the server
---- is running will not be detected. You need to recompile the module which
---- contains the call to @mkEmbeddedStatic@. This will also generate new route
---- variables for the new files.
--embedDirAt :: Location -> FilePath -> Generator
--embedDirAt loc dir = do
-- files <- runIO $ getRecursiveContents loc dir
-- concat <$> mapM (uncurry embedFileAt) files
---- | Concatinate a list of files and embed it at the location. Equivalent to passing @return@ to
---- 'concatFilesWith'.
--concatFiles :: Location -> [FilePath] -> Generator
--concatFiles loc files = concatFilesWith loc return files
---- | Concatinate a list of files into a single 'BL.ByteString', run the resulting content through the given
---- function, embed it at the given location, and create a haskell variable name for the route based on
---- the location.
---- The processing function is only run when compiling for production, and the processing function is
---- executed at compile time. During development, on every request the files listed are reloaded,
---- concatenated, and served as a single resource at the given location without being processed.
--concatFilesWith :: Location -> (BL.ByteString -> IO BL.ByteString) -> [FilePath] -> Generator
--concatFilesWith loc process files = do
-- let load = do putStrLn $ "Creating " ++ loc
-- BL.concat <$> mapM BL.readFile files >>= process
-- expFiles = listE $ map (litE . stringL) files
-- expCt = [| BL.concat <$> mapM BL.readFile $expFiles |]
-- mime = defaultMimeLookup $ T.pack loc
-- return [def { ebHaskellName = Just $ pathToName loc
-- , ebLocation = loc
-- , ebMimeType = mime
-- , ebProductionContent = load
-- , ebDevelReload = expCt
-- }]
- -- | Convienient rexport of 'minifym' with a type signature to work with 'concatFilesWith'.
- jasmine :: BL.ByteString -> IO BL.ByteString
- jasmine ct = return $ either (const ct) id $ minifym ct
-diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs
-index 0882c16..6f61a0f 100644
---- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Internal.hs
-@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
- module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Internal (
- EmbeddedStatic(..)
- , Route(..)
-- , ComputedEntry(..)
-- , devEmbed
-- , prodEmbed
- , develApp
- , AddStaticContent
- , staticContentHelper
-@@ -68,44 +65,6 @@ instance ParseRoute EmbeddedStatic where
- parseRoute (["widget",h], _) = Just $ EmbeddedWidgetR h
- parseRoute _ = Nothing
---- | At compile time, one of these is created for every 'Entry' created by
---- the generators. The cLink is a template haskell expression of type @Route EmbeddedStatic@.
--data ComputedEntry = ComputedEntry {
-- cHaskellName :: Maybe Name -- ^ Optional haskell name to create a variable for the route
-- , cStEntry :: Static.EmbeddableEntry -- ^ The entry to be embedded into the executable
-- , cLink :: ExpQ -- ^ The route for this entry
--mkStr :: String -> ExpQ
--mkStr = litE . stringL
---- | Create a 'ComputedEntry' for development mode, reloading the content on every request.
--devEmbed :: Entry -> IO ComputedEntry
--devEmbed e = return computed
-- where
-- st = Static.EmbeddableEntry {
-- Static.eLocation = "res/" `T.append` T.pack (ebLocation e)
-- , Static.eMimeType = ebMimeType e
-- , Static.eContent = Right [| $(ebDevelReload e) >>= \c ->
-- return (T.pack (base64md5 c), c) |]
-- }
-- link = [| EmbeddedResourceR (T.splitOn (T.pack "/") $ T.pack $(mkStr $ ebLocation e)) [] |]
-- computed = ComputedEntry (ebHaskellName e) st link
---- | Create a 'ComputedEntry' for production mode, hashing and embedding the content into the executable.
--prodEmbed :: Entry -> IO ComputedEntry
--prodEmbed e = do
-- ct <- ebProductionContent e
-- let hash = base64md5 ct
-- link = [| EmbeddedResourceR (T.splitOn (T.pack "/") $ T.pack $(mkStr $ ebLocation e))
-- [(T.pack "etag", T.pack $(mkStr hash))] |]
-- st = Static.EmbeddableEntry {
-- Static.eLocation = "res/" `T.append` T.pack (ebLocation e)
-- , Static.eMimeType = ebMimeType e
-- , Static.eContent = Left (T.pack hash, ct)
-- }
-- return $ ComputedEntry (ebHaskellName e) st link
- tryExtraDevelFiles :: [[T.Text] -> IO (Maybe (MimeType, BL.ByteString))] -> Application
- tryExtraDevelFiles [] _ = return $ responseLBS status404 [] ""
- tryExtraDevelFiles (f:fs) r = do
-diff --git a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs
-index 5cbd662..d3e514f 100644
---- a/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/EmbeddedStatic/Types.hs
-@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
- module Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Types(
- Location
-- , Generator
- -- ** Entry
- , Entry
- , ebHaskellName
-@@ -52,16 +51,3 @@ data Entry = Entry {
- -- taking as input the list of path pieces and optionally returning a mime type
- -- and content.
- }
---- | When using 'def', you must fill in at least 'ebLocation'.
--instance Default Entry where
-- def = Entry { ebHaskellName = Nothing
-- , ebLocation = "xxxx"
-- , ebMimeType = "application/octet-stream"
-- , ebProductionContent = return BL.empty
-- , ebDevelReload = [| return BL.empty |]
-- , ebDevelExtraFiles = Nothing
-- }
---- | An embedded generator is executed at compile time to produce the entries to embed.
--type Generator = Q [Entry]
-diff --git a/Yesod/Static.hs b/Yesod/Static.hs
-index ef27f1b..5795f45 100644
---- a/Yesod/Static.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/Static.hs
-@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ module Yesod.Static
- , staticDevel
- -- * Combining CSS/JS
- -- $combining
-- , combineStylesheets'
-- , combineScripts'
-+ --, combineStylesheets'
-+ --, combineScripts'
- -- ** Settings
- , CombineSettings
- , csStaticDir
-@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ module Yesod.Static
- , csJsPreProcess
- , csCombinedFolder
- -- * Template Haskell helpers
-- , staticFiles
-- , staticFilesList
-- , publicFiles
-+ --, staticFiles
-+ --, staticFilesList
-+ --, publicFiles
- -- * Hashing
- , base64md5
- -- * Embed
-- , embed
-+ --, embed
- #ifdef TEST_EXPORT
- , getFileListPieces
- #endif
-@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
- import qualified Prelude
- import System.Directory
- import Control.Monad
--import Data.FileEmbed (embedDir)
- import Yesod.Core
- import Yesod.Core.Types
-@@ -135,21 +134,6 @@ staticDevel dir = do
- hashLookup <- cachedETagLookupDevel dir
- return $ Static $ webAppSettingsWithLookup (F.decodeString dir) hashLookup
---- | Produce a 'Static' based on embedding all of the static files' contents in the
---- executable at compile time.
---- You should use "Yesod.EmbeddedStatic" instead, it is much more powerful.
---- Nota Bene: if you replace the scaffolded 'static' call in Settings/StaticFiles.hs
---- you will need to change the scaffolded addStaticContent. Otherwise, some of your
---- assets will be 404'ed. This is because by default yesod will generate compile those
---- assets to @static/tmp@ which for 'static' is fine since they are served out of the
---- directory itself. With embedded static, that will not work.
---- You can easily change @addStaticContent@ to @\_ _ _ -> return Nothing@ as a workaround.
---- This will cause yesod to embed those assets into the generated HTML file itself.
--embed :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q Exp
--embed fp = [|Static (embeddedSettings $(embedDir fp))|]
- instance RenderRoute Static where
- -- | A route on the static subsite (see also 'staticFiles').
- --
-@@ -214,59 +198,6 @@ getFileListPieces = flip evalStateT M.empty . flip go id
- put $ M.insert s s m
- return s
---- | Template Haskell function that automatically creates routes
---- for all of your static files.
---- For example, if you used
---- > staticFiles "static/"
---- and you had files @\"static\/style.css\"@ and
---- @\"static\/js\/script.js\"@, then the following top-level
---- definitions would be created:
---- > style_css = StaticRoute ["style.css"] []
---- > js_script_js = StaticRoute ["js/script.js"] []
---- Note that dots (@.@), dashes (@-@) and slashes (@\/@) are
---- replaced by underscores (@\_@) to create valid Haskell
---- identifiers.
--staticFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
--staticFiles dir = mkStaticFiles dir
---- | Same as 'staticFiles', but takes an explicit list of files
---- to create identifiers for. The files path given are relative
---- to the static folder. For example, to create routes for the
---- files @\"static\/js\/jquery.js\"@ and
---- @\"static\/css\/normalize.css\"@, you would use:
---- > staticFilesList \"static\" [\"js\/jquery.js\", \"css\/normalize.css\"]
---- This can be useful when you have a very large number of static
---- files, but only need to refer to a few of them from Haskell.
--staticFilesList :: Prelude.FilePath -> [Prelude.FilePath] -> Q [Dec]
--staticFilesList dir fs =
-- mkStaticFilesList dir (map split fs) "StaticRoute" True
-- where
-- split :: Prelude.FilePath -> [String]
-- split [] = []
-- split x =
-- let (a, b) = break (== '/') x
-- in a : split (drop 1 b)
---- | Same as 'staticFiles', but doesn't append an ETag to the
---- query string.
---- Using 'publicFiles' will speed up the compilation, since there
---- won't be any need for hashing files during compile-time.
---- However, since the ETag ceases to be part of the URL, the
---- 'Static' subsite won't be able to set the expire date too far
---- on the future. Browsers still will be able to cache the
---- contents, however they'll need send a request to the server to
---- see if their copy is up-to-date.
--publicFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
--publicFiles dir = mkStaticFiles' dir "StaticRoute" False
- mkHashMap :: Prelude.FilePath -> IO (M.Map F.FilePath S8.ByteString)
- mkHashMap dir = do
-@@ -309,53 +240,6 @@ cachedETagLookup dir = do
- etags <- mkHashMap dir
- return $ (\f -> return $ M.lookup f etags)
--mkStaticFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
--mkStaticFiles fp = mkStaticFiles' fp "StaticRoute" True
--mkStaticFiles' :: Prelude.FilePath -- ^ static directory
-- -> String -- ^ route constructor "StaticRoute"
-- -> Bool -- ^ append checksum query parameter
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkStaticFiles' fp routeConName makeHash = do
-- fs <- qRunIO $ getFileListPieces fp
-- mkStaticFilesList fp fs routeConName makeHash
-- :: Prelude.FilePath -- ^ static directory
-- -> [[String]] -- ^ list of files to create identifiers for
-- -> String -- ^ route constructor "StaticRoute"
-- -> Bool -- ^ append checksum query parameter
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkStaticFilesList fp fs routeConName makeHash = do
-- concat `fmap` mapM mkRoute fs
-- where
-- replace' c
-- | 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = c
-- | 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = c
-- | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = c
-- | otherwise = '_'
-- mkRoute f = do
-- let name' = intercalate "_" $ map (map replace') f
-- routeName = mkName $
-- case () of
-- ()
-- | null name' -> error "null-named file"
-- | isDigit (head name') -> '_' : name'
-- | isLower (head name') -> name'
-- | otherwise -> '_' : name'
-- f' <- [|map pack $(TH.lift f)|]
-- let route = mkName routeConName
-- pack' <- [|pack|]
-- qs <- if makeHash
-- then do hash <- qRunIO $ base64md5File $ pathFromRawPieces fp f
-- [|[(pack "etag", pack $(TH.lift hash))]|]
-- else return $ ListE []
-- return
-- [ SigD routeName $ ConT route
-- , FunD routeName
-- [ Clause [] (NormalB $ (ConE route) `AppE` f' `AppE` qs) []
-- ]
-- ]
- base64md5File :: Prelude.FilePath -> IO String
- base64md5File = fmap (base64 . encode) . hashFile
-@@ -379,55 +263,6 @@ base64 = map tr
- tr '/' = '_'
- tr c = c
---- $combining
---- A common scenario on a site is the desire to include many external CSS and
---- Javascript files on every page. Doing so via the Widget functionality in
---- Yesod will work, but would also mean that the same content will be
---- downloaded many times. A better approach would be to combine all of these
---- files together into a single static file and serve that as a static resource
---- for every page. That resource can be cached on the client, and bandwidth
---- usage reduced.
---- This could be done as a manual process, but that becomes tedious. Instead,
---- you can use some Template Haskell code which will combine these files into a
---- single static file at compile time.
--data CombineType = JS | CSS
--combineStatics' :: CombineType
-- -> CombineSettings
-- -> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
-- -> Q Exp
--combineStatics' combineType CombineSettings {..} routes = do
-- texts <- qRunIO $ runResourceT $ mapM_ yield fps $$ awaitForever readUTFFile =$ consume
-- ltext <- qRunIO $ preProcess $ TL.fromChunks texts
-- bs <- qRunIO $ postProcess fps $ TLE.encodeUtf8 ltext
-- let hash' = base64md5 bs
-- suffix = csCombinedFolder </> F.decodeString hash' <.> extension
-- fp = csStaticDir </> suffix
-- qRunIO $ do
-- createTree $ fp
-- L.writeFile (F.encodeString fp) bs
-- let pieces = map T.unpack $ T.splitOn "/" $ either id id $ F.toText suffix
-- [|StaticRoute (map pack pieces) []|]
-- where
-- fps :: [F.FilePath]
-- fps = map toFP routes
-- toFP (StaticRoute pieces _) = csStaticDir </> F.concat (map F.fromText pieces)
-- readUTFFile fp = sourceFile (F.encodeString fp) =$= CT.decode CT.utf8
-- postProcess =
-- case combineType of
-- JS -> csJsPostProcess
-- CSS -> csCssPostProcess
-- preProcess =
-- case combineType of
-- JS -> csJsPreProcess
-- CSS -> csCssPreProcess
-- extension =
-- case combineType of
-- JS -> "js"
-- CSS -> "css"
- -- | Data type for holding all settings for combining files.
- --
-@@ -504,50 +339,3 @@ instance Default CombineSettings where
- errorIntro :: [FilePath] -> [Char] -> [Char]
- errorIntro fps s = "Error minifying " ++ show fps ++ ": " ++ s
--liftRoutes :: [Route Static] -> Q Exp
--liftRoutes =
-- fmap ListE . mapM go
-- where
-- go :: Route Static -> Q Exp
-- go (StaticRoute x y) = [|StaticRoute $(liftTexts x) $(liftPairs y)|]
-- liftTexts = fmap ListE . mapM liftT
-- liftT t = [|pack $(TH.lift $ T.unpack t)|]
-- liftPairs = fmap ListE . mapM liftPair
-- liftPair (x, y) = [|($(liftT x), $(liftT y))|]
---- | Combine multiple CSS files together. Common usage would be:
---- >>> combineStylesheets' development def 'StaticR [style1_css, style2_css]
---- Where @development@ is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in
---- development or production mode.
---- Since 1.2.0
--combineStylesheets' :: Bool -- ^ development? if so, perform no combining
-- -> CombineSettings
-- -> Name -- ^ Static route constructor name, e.g. \'StaticR
-- -> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
-- -> Q Exp
--combineStylesheets' development cs con routes
-- | development = [| mapM_ (addStylesheet . $(return $ ConE con)) $(liftRoutes routes) |]
-- | otherwise = [| addStylesheet $ $(return $ ConE con) $(combineStatics' CSS cs routes) |]
---- | Combine multiple JS files together. Common usage would be:
---- >>> combineScripts' development def 'StaticR [script1_js, script2_js]
---- Where @development@ is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in
---- development or production mode.
---- Since 1.2.0
--combineScripts' :: Bool -- ^ development? if so, perform no combining
-- -> CombineSettings
-- -> Name -- ^ Static route constructor name, e.g. \'StaticR
-- -> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
-- -> Q Exp
--combineScripts' development cs con routes
-- | development = [| mapM_ (addScript . $(return $ ConE con)) $(liftRoutes routes) |]
-- | otherwise = [| addScript $ $(return $ ConE con) $(combineStatics' JS cs routes) |]